Yasir Qadhi – You Value The Knowledge You Struggle For
![Yasir Qadhi](https://artwork.muslimcentral.com/yasir-qadhi-150x150.jpg)
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The speakers discuss the difficulty of obtaining library access for Islamic books and the historical context of the book's use in various fields. They provide examples of how a Muslim had access to their hard drive and how they can download multiple sets of the book online. The conversation also touches on a recent gathering in cities in Afghanistan where a Muslim claimed to have killed a woman and claimed to have had a calf. The transcript describes a legal case involving a woman who claimed to have only one unit in Afghanistan and the importance of the Hadith's judgment in settling cases. The speakers emphasize the importance of learning to absorb knowledge and not just getting it into your own pocket, and offer a reward for those who do so.
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many Mina, most Nene, perhaps many of you are not aware, but there has been so much effort to catalogue and to upload classical Islamic books so that they're on hard drives or even accessible, you can even download them for free. And within a few hours, if you really wanted to, you could download no exaggeration more than 50 60,000 volumes. And it is very easy for the average Muslim, to have a library on his hard drive that the majority of our Obama did not have. I repeat that because it is a factual statement. And I speak as somebody who has an hamdullah good library, and I have seen many good libraries, the ability to download PDFs, to download obscure books, to download
encyclopedias of Islamic you know, knowledge, whether it's in language and linguistics, whether it's an arrow, whether it is in a film, whether it is in history, whether it is in any discipline, the average Muslim can download onto his hard drive, fill his hard drive with libraries, PDFs, that is larger than the average scholar maybe even larger than most Adama in all of Islamic history.
And yet, what is the results of our knowledge versus their knowledge? What is the baraka that we have versus what they had? And that really brings about a pause and a contemplation. Why is it that they might have had less access, like, let me give you a simple example, Hadith, right? Books of Hadith, you can now have on your library, over 200 books of Hadith. Most of these books, even the advanced scholars might not really be have access to them. 100 years ago, they weren't printed, they weren't available. But now any printing somebody will PDF, scan it, and it's available online. And yet, obviously, the burqa that we have is less than that of the classical scholars. Why many reasons
can be given. But I'll just give you one simple reality.
What you get for free, you don't appreciate it. And what you have to exert to get you value it. That's one of the main reasons what you have to struggle to obtain, you will value that and what is handed to you on a silver platter, what you can download, right click Delete or right click download and just keep on downloading, downloading downloading. How will you value and appreciate that the way that you might have had to obtain it 100 years ago, 1000 years ago, and one of the most beautiful examples of our tradition, which actually Imam Al Bukhari mentions in his famous book has Slovenia, and it's in the chapter heading, the chapter heading of traveling for the sake of
knowledge, and he has in that chapter heading, and Jabba Dibner Abdullah traveled for one month to obtain one Hadith. This is in Sahara Behati. However, Imam Al Bukhari did not tell us which Hadith and he didn't tell us the story. Why? Because in its chain, there's somebody that makes this hadith Hassan rather than say, an imam Rouhani said, I want to have only sahih Hadith. So this is great B plus. And his book is great a plus, right? It's an authentic hadith, but it didn't reach his level. So he mentioned it in the chapter heading. And in his other book, which is called the other but move forward. He then told us the whole story, he told us the same story he referenced in his Sofia
chapter heading. And he tells us that Java did not Abdullah in Medina. He remembered a gathering in which the prophets have said something. And he realized that the people in that gathering had all died. By the way, Java was a young teenager when the process Adam came to Medina. So he lived a long life cannot compare to any overcurrent over the law, when we're in their 60s, in Medina, Jabba Abdullah, who was you know, maybe 19 years old, 17 years old, so he lived much longer than so he lived to the time of the middle Sahaba basically, after the time of the law, the law one, so he thought of that gathering, and he goes of that gathering, everybody has died, except one Sahabi His
name is Abdullah bin. Oh, nice. And Java wasn't sure about the wordings of that hadith. Now he was present in that gathering, right? But there is no Sahih Bukhari that he can look up right. There is no other but more fraud. He is the sahabi and he's thinking, thinking and he goes I have to
Go and get that hadith just to make sure of the wording. And so he purchased a camel. The narration goes he didn't have one unit we didn't travel he lived in Medina. He was a Madani lived in born and raised in Medina on Saudi. He purchased a camel in order to do this journey. And he traveled one month to Damascus because that's where I'm gonna live in to an ace was and he got to the city and there is no hotel there is no five star in he asked where's the Lebanon he is told that house knocks on the door servant comes out says it's time for sleep just tell him that job is here. So he said was Java Java dimmed Abdullah Abdullah been known as was clueless sleeping, he comes out and he goes
Wallah, he I thought every Java developer Abdullah in the world other than you What are you doing in Damascus? How are you in Damascus? They hugged each other they cried everything. And he goes, I have come here he's still in his clothes of the travel. He has. He's still literally I have come here to hear from you a hadith that no one alive remembers other than me and you're they're all gone. The only people alive or me and you everybody else has gone. Do you remember the Hadith of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam regarding the Malema on the day of judgment regarding if somebody has an accusation against another somebody owes something to another and that day of judgment, what's going
to happen? And Abdullah Ibnu and they said yes indeed, the prophets have said to us and this is the Hadith that is narrated in Hadith other than before it is narrated in Muslim Muhammad It is narrated in Al Hakim and others and so authentic it this is the Hadith that Buhari references in his chapter heading. Yes, indeed. The prophets have said to us that ALLAH SubhanA wa Tada will resurrect mankind, rotten, naked, and horrorland uncircumcised and Bahama and the sahabi said, Dr. Rasulillah. What does boom mean? They didn't know it's a very obscure word. He said boho means they won't have any money with them. They're going to be without any no bags, nothing. Nothing. And then Allah azza
wa jal will say under medical under the yarn, I am the King and I am the ultimate judge. Nobody from the people of Jana shall enter Jannah and someone from the people of * has a claim against him. Even Jana, you're not gonna get to. And the guys that Johanna me, but you did something wrong. You took his money. You stole you back by Did you hurt him? You did something that's one. And Allah is saying I am the ultimate King, and I am the ultimate judge. No one shall pass through this day without judgment being final, even a person of Jana Lamborghini Jannetty and yet hotel Jana, nobody shall from nobody from the people of Jana will enter Jana, and somebody from Jahannam has won most
of them a 1k course and k one court case against him, until that is resolved. And vice versa. Nobody from Jahannam shall enter Jahannam and he has something against the person of Jana. And the Hadith says Allah will speak to mankind with a voice that everybody shall hear. Yes, man or woman bowed, cumbersome, oh man caught up the one who is far shall hear like the one who is near this is going to be Allah's judgment. This is the beginning of judgment. And the Sahaba said, O Messenger of Allah, you just said that mankind will be without baggage so they don't have any money. So how then will cases be settled in the court of Allah? You know, when the case is settled? You somebody gets a
fine, somebody gets a penalty, how will the cases be settled? And our Prophet system said Bill has no it was say, with good and bad deeds. Now, the Hadith itself was worthy of a whole talk, but I want to go back to my point and then the trouble with this will conclude, I want to go back to my point. Simple question. How, by the way, Jabba took his camel and returned back to Medina the same day he didn't even he didn't have a place to stay. There is no it was a different time and place he literally returned. One month, one month, two months journey for one Hadith. Now simple question to all of you.
How much do you think jobs are the Allahu Taala and valued that hadith?
How do how conscious Do you think job it was? That I'd better not hurt somebody's feelings? I better not do any harm to somebody. I better not have any issue that on the Day of Judgment after answer to Allah for you see, I just narrated this hadith. You can download it and read it a million times so many books, Java or the Allah one traveled two months for this one Hadith, the impact of that hadith on his life, me and you we cannot even imagine it. How conscious he must have been the law.
I've styled that would have come from that one Hadith, I can download Buhari and I have 9000 Hadith that is the most authentic. But the impact is nothing like those who traveled for the sake of Hadith, or even those who studied with the scholars or even those who took it. The famous incidentally my mother, my mother, because more the first book of Hadith, he was the first book that was meant to be, you know, not published, there's no publishing house, but the first book that was meant to be disseminated amongst the people, right, and people would come. And Imam Malik would basically have batches of students batch one would come and write the whole water from him and then
batch to batch three. So that's how you would do it. There is no printing press, you're not going to buy it from the house, you will come to the masjid of the Prophet Salah Salem, you will sit in the gathering of Imam Malik and you will write your own copy of the Morata beginning to end 1500 Hadith you're gonna write it down beginning to end in your own handwriting, right? Compare this to download a PDF right now you can go home and download 10 different versions of the motha in 10 minutes. You can download 10 Different printings in 10 minutes, right? In those days, you have to go and sit and right now, Imam Malik. After one batch finished he famously he looked at one student very happy he
had his book, he's gonna get it signed that ijazah is going to happen. Now he has his motto, right? The student had traveled from Allah knows where he sat for two months in the masjid of the Prophet system. That's why my mother would teach and now he has his laptop. Right? And Mr. Malik smiled, and he said, How will you ever appreciate this book? It took me 40 years to compile. And here you are, in a few weeks have your copy.
Now Subhanallah This is back then what do you think of me and you who is going to download 10 different versions of water and we just have them stored on our hard drive. You see, this is one of the reasons one, there are others. One of the reasons why the earlier scholars there Baraka have entered their lifestyles. You see, knowledge isn't just by narrations, knowledge isn't just by memorization, it's the impact that it has. It's your lifestyle that changes your iman, your taqwa your water, your attachment to Allah is going to have an impact. And therefore, even if a little bit of knowledge influences you massively, it is more beneficial than a large amount of knowledge not
benefiting you that much. And that's what we see in the scholars in the Sahaba in the tub, your own in the early generations, that knowledge, they valued it, and it impacted them and they absorbed it and then their lifestyles changed as a result of this. And these days Subhanallah it is the reality this is our test from Allah, you know, even Allah He I tell you and I and I'm one of those that is guilty of this YouTube and the access of lectures, right 1000s of lectures online, you don't value them anymore. And I'll speak from my own experience where I'm going on on when I was in my early 20s There was no YouTube there was no even English publications were so few. And I really valued really
valued any bit of knowledge I could find in the English I couldn't speak read Arabic And Houston I didn't wasn't you know, scholars student of knowledge or just an English whatever English publication, whatever series of knowledge that I could get. It was something I really valued it because we didn't have access, there was nothing and you listen and you write notes and you pay attention. If a scholar would travel through Houston, we would go to his ala carte because again, there is no YouTube there is no access, but now Subhanallah so much knowledge and it's beneficial. There is no not denying that. But because it's everywhere because it's proliferating.
You don't have the same value as the scholars of our past. So in any case, the point here was very simple. Appreciate what we have, and try our best to obtain quality rather than quantity. try our best to the influence even by little bit of knowledge rather than just acquire, acquire and not to have that influence. We ask Allah azza wa jal for knowledge that is beneficial. We ask Allah azza wa jal for knowledge that impacts us. We ask Allah Azza for knowledge that absorbed into the heart and we seek refuge in Allah from knowledge that does not benefit us We seek refuge from Allah from knowledge that will be an evidence against us on the Day of Judgment. We ask Allah for Ilma Nafion
for Ramadan saw the hundreds of Kabbalah and inshallah will continue later with cinematic moments valuable