Yasir Qadhi – What is The Difference Between Qadr (Decree) & Qaḍa (Judgement) of Allah – Ask Shaykh YQ #116
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The speakers discuss the differences between the decree of Allah and the will of Allah, with the latter being in the ability to believe in other and K imports. The differences in words used in Arabic and Arabic language are explained, with "other" meaning to have power and "other" meaning to decrease something. The Sunni group discusses the meaning of Sweet and Will" in relation to the concept of creation, with "other" meaning to have power and "other" meaning to decrease something. The speakers also discuss the meaning of "other" in relation to COBOL, stating that it refers to actions taken by individuals.
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Brother Mohammed from Montreal asks, Montreal is of course, the beautiful French city of Canada, or the people are. French Canadians have been there many, many times. And they're well known for many things, including their shawarma. They say they have the best showroom in all of North America. So that's a shout out to the shore workplaces in Montreal. So rather I'm from Montreal asks that he's been doing some research about theology, and he has a very technical question. He says, What is the difference between the decree of Allah and the will of Allah, meaning the other of Allah and the Kabbalah have a lot of other and Acaba, Cava and the other he says, What is the difference between
Koba and cada
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So this is a very good and very technical question and a very interesting one. And he is basically wanting to know what are these different terms that are mentioned in the Quran and the Sunnah? Because we learned there are six pillars of eemaan. And the sixth pillar is to believe in other and kado and the Quran uses both of these terms. So for example, Allah says in the Quran in Kula Shea in Calico, now who because we have created everything with color, we have created everything with other therefore the word other is used. And in another verse, Allah says in the Quran, so magic to Allah, sama Gita, Allah codon Moosa, then you came with other omo. Sir, that mosa you came to do the same
that you came to mount tour, you came here upon Alice Carter when it was decreed and Destin, so these are terms that are other, and then we also have the term pub up. So for example, in the turn in the the verse pertaining to the Battle of Allah subhanho wa Taala says, Why don't we tell I turn left enough to fill me, the one that can be called the lava I'm gonna kind of buffer what led up to the Kaaba. Allah says to the Muslims, if you had attempted to work out a time and place to meet, if you had attempted to schedule the Battle of whether what time were place, what location, all the logistics, Allah says, you would never have agreed, but a laws called law had already decreed that
on the 17th of the second year of the age of 17, government bonds in the second year of the digital in the plains, but that the two armies would meet, they did not know Allah knew, they did not control a lot controlled, they did not set the appointment time, while hotel I left I left to fill me ad, even if you both promised and attempted to, you would not have been able to live up and you would not have agreed to when and where and how what actually are called the Allahu amaron carnamah fouda. But a lot of our came, and it was already decreed, and therefore it was inactive. So we have over here in the pour on the term called ball and the term brother and the both of them are
mentioned in the context of divine destination. Now predestination. And of course, I mean, obviously the question did not ask about predestination, but obviously it should be understood that we believe in Allah, Allah, and it is one of the six pillars of eemaan. And it is something that hamdulillah all Sunni Muslims agree upon one of the definitive characteristics of all sunova jemar is that we believe in God, which means that everything that happens happens with the knowledge of a law, the will of a law, the power of a law, the execution of a law, not to leave falls, except that a law knows and Allah wills that it will fall. It's not just a knowledge It is also the willingness of
Allah subhana wa tada that nothing happens in the dominion of a law without the permission, and also without the decree of Allah subhanho wa Taala. To claim otherwise, is to claim our Billa that God is an impotent God that God does not control his own creation. No, we believe that a law controls everything. And nothing happens in the dominion of the King of kings, except that the king not only knows it, but has given permission for it and has granted his execution and has willed that it is going to occur. All of this is mainstream, you know, believe there is no controversy at all, amongst all the Sunni groups over the primary issues of the other and the coda of Allah subhanho wa Taala.
But the question was not over the realities of other The question is, what is the difference between Kabbalah and others? Believe it or not the answer to this question the answer to this question is not simple.
It is something that has been
a bit of a controversy in a trivial sense in the sense that there's not much to gain from the difference of this. Nonetheless, you find difference of opinion. So we have for the purposes of this answer, I'll just summarize it in three different opinions and then share some thoughts. First and foremost, the first opinion is that ba ba and others are absolutely synonymous, that they are both the same thing that we don't have to worry about what each one is a technical difference, because they are synonymous. And of course, in every single language, sometimes you have multiple words to describe the same, the same concept or the same entity, and of course, these are called synonyms.
So, according to one group of scholars call da and coder are simply two words that indicate the same concept and the reason why you would have two words in the Arabic language, each word is bringing something different to the table and so, cobalt for example, the the term other, the term other means to have power over something, the term other means to decrease something and the term called law means to carry something out and also means to decree. So, either has an element of the knowledge of power, and cabal has an element of carrying something out, and the both of them have the connotation of decreeing something, okay. So, are there other means to to to make a decision and
to make a binding resolution and Kaga also means to make a decision and to make a binding resolution. So, a lot harder and a lot cut off indicate that a large surgeon has decided something and a lot is going to execute that decision and a lot will will it and Allah knows it. So, some have said it is completely synonymous therefore, that is one opinion. Another opinion says that ba ba is before other and that is that that a DA is a last word before the creation that Ally's origin knows and Allah subhanho wa Taala has written down in the doctrine my food and that is Kovach, and then when it occurs when it is manifested, that is other okay. So Oba is in the knowledge of Allah and
coda is written in the local food and Kabbalah is written, you know, in the with the with the scribes of the angels, and then when it comes into existence, it is other and this is a position that some have said is a majority position and even hedger has a modification of this in his physical body. Even hydro says that the Kaaba is a local Cooley and a Jamali as well. The Kaaba is the totality of all of a laws decisions that are pre eternal, okay, the Kabbalah is the totality the sum total, and the cutter is every single you know, miniscule issue that is then coming from the totality. So, the other is the manifestation on the daily basis of the Kava. So, anything that
happens of this of the you know, daily life occurrences, this would be the other and all of the other put together is the Kava, so this is the position of a half an urban hedgerow, which you can see is a modified second position. Basically, it means the same thing except that what he's saying is that cobalt is all of the totality of a lot of knowledge and all this allows writing down and then other is going to be that every single particular incident that takes place. So, a person is born, a person passes away, a person loses a job, a person is blessed with this a person who gets married a person and other ones in the accident that all that each one of those is the cutter and
then all of it put together will be the Cabal of Allah subhana wa Taala and of the evidence that evidences that is used by the scholars of this position is the Hadith of the Prophet sallallahu it he was selling them that nothing changes other except two are nothing changes other except two are and what is meant by other here are the actual occurrences that a sick person dying or being cured, what is going to happen, perhaps something has already been decreed nothing will change that color, except there are so again, this is one opinion now some have said the exact opposite. Some have said what we just said the second opinion was the third opinion is the exact opposite. And that is that
the powder is the pre eternal and the Cabal is the Daily Execution. So basically flip it around and you get position number three, and this is the position of many scholars including my own teacher in earth. I mean a lot more that he said when he was asked this question that what is the difference between Obama, he would say the two are synonymous when used separately. Now listen to this year, when used separately, we will think they're the same thing. But when we put them next to each other and we say oh boy, and
then each one
takes on one meaning that put together is going to be the total meaning of both sums okay? And therefore, he said, When us together order is what Allah has written in the pre eternality. And called law is the occurrence of that other is what Allah has written in pre eternity, and called ball is the manifestation or the occurrence, which is literally the exact opposite view of what even hedger said, but again, you know, this is just another opinion out there. And this is mentioned in a hadith that
cadet Allahu mccardel holiday that Allah pudiera, Allah wrote the other of all of the mythology of the creation before he created the creation by 50,000 years. So this position says that the color is the pre eternal and the Kabbalah is what is happening on a daily basis. Now, in reality, in reality, for all practical purposes, the difference is semantic. What does that mean? It means the difference does not bring about any major change the difference does not really change the understanding of COBOL. And other and the main point is that we believe in a laws knowledge, and that Allah subhanho wa Taala has written down in the local food, and also when we are in the wombs of our mothers that
Allah has written down, what is going to happen that Allah subhana wa tada has willed, when the thing is going to happen, a luz will that is going to happen, and that nothing happens without the will. And the mushiya and the errata of a lot subhanho wa Taala. Along with of course, the knowledge that we ourselves are given a type of of power and a type of mushiya that allows us to do what we are doing. In other words, and I don't want to go down the issue of the concept of other maybe another q&a. I've already spoken about this in other lectures, but people always have questions, and maybe I'll do another tangent about the issue of other. But to summarize our philosophy about color,
it's actually very straightforward. Okay, listen to this carefully.
as Muslims, for all practical purposes in the decisions that we make, we act as if we are free agents in our actions, we act as if we have free will. Yet we believe theologically that a law is in full control, and that Alon knows, and that nothing happens without the knowledge and the decree and the will of Allah subhanho wa Taala. So when it comes to actions, we live as if we have free will, we cannot blame anything. When I decide to do something. I cannot blame other unclutter my actions, we act as if we have free will. Because it's some sense we do have that. And yet, in our beliefs, and in our mind, and in our aqeedah we firmly believe that a law is radical mulk and a law is in
charge, and nothing happens without the knowledge and without the will of Allah subhana wa Tada. So that is our in a nutshell how we deal with this issue of bado. And other and in reality, the difference between the two doesn't really bring about any change in our philosophy. So for all practical purposes, we can assume that the two are synonymous. Some have said one precedes the other. And whichever position you hold, it doesn't change the fact that cobalt and powder are used in a way that is interchangeable because even if you say one precedes the other, in reality, the two are intertwined together, and the two necessitate each other even if you separate the concepts and
the meanings, and therefore for all practical purposes. We can use them as synonyms and I hope that that answers this question.