Yasir Qadhi – The Next Generation

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The Light House program aims to teach graduates about modern issues, including balancing faith with political and moral issues. The program is a youth-operated program designed for graduates from age ranges of 20-30, and offers resources for those who may not be able to afford it. The importance of protecting one's youthful energy and pursuing opportunities for the future is emphasized. The transcript describes struggles with "overzutacy" and "overzutacy", as well as experiences where a teenage man named " sa'ad and overhears the name " sa'ad." The segment also touches on "overzutacy" and "overzutacy", as well as "monk and monk."
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Before our announcement and khatira today, obviously first
and foremost we thank Allah subhanahu wa ta
'ala for the news of the ceasefire, alhamdulillah,
alhamdulillah, alhamdulillah, allahu akbar, we thank Allah for
this good news, we hope inshallah that much
good will come out of it and inshallah
I'll speak more about this later on, obviously
the news is absolutely fresh so we're still
waiting to see this reality, but inshallah our
sharia teaches us to be optimistic and to
and to have good thoughts and aspirations, so
we pray that inshallah this is something positive
for our brothers and sisters in Gaza.
The announcement today, many of you saw our
email that there's a new announcement or program
beginning, alhamdulillah, you know our youth have been
demanding, asking, demanding, pleading, wanting a special program
and so what EPIC is now doing, alhamdulillah,
we are launching something that we've called the
Lighthouse and this is going to be a
youth-run and youth-operated program, it's going
to be semi-independent and it is in
charge by our own local EPIC youth and
inshallah ta'ala we'll be having a series
of programs, I will be beginning a class
with our youth every single Tuesday inshallah ta
'ala, that's why we change the khatira from
Tuesday to Wednesday and so from Maghrib to
Isha, the youth inshallah ta'ala will be
having a special lecture with myself inshallah and
we're going to be discussing modern issues, we're
going to be discussing issues of what it
means to be a Muslim in the modern
world, issues such as balancing your faith with
the current climate, with the social and the
political and the moral issues going on, issues
such as the need for religion, how we
know Islam to be true, so modern issues
that our next generation, our young professionals are
facing, the youth have requested, the young professionals
have requested me to make a very clear
plea that this is meant for them, so
please our elders closer to my age inshallah,
you have me on Wednesday inshallah ta'ala,
so this is meant for the young professionals
in the college, now what is the cut
-off age, I don't know, but basically it's
a self-identification, I don't know what it
is going to be, but it is really
meant for the next generation inshallah, so every
single Tuesday we will be having that lecture
inshallah ta'ala and other projects will happen
based upon that, so there was a comment
inshallah we'll hear about other projects, based upon
that my khatira will be quite linked to
this particular announcement and that is the role
of the youth in the seerah, the role
of the youth and the Prophet ﷺ's relationship
with the young, the next generation, what can
we learn from the Qur'an, from the
sunnah, from the seerah about the Prophet ﷺ's
interaction with the next generation, the Qur'an
itself mentions certain things that indicate that the
young generation has something the elders do not
have, they have a zeal, they have a
passion, they have high aspirations that are generally
not found once you get to an older
age and that could be for good and
it could be for bad, so for example
when it comes to good Allah ﷻ mentions
that Ibrahim ﷺ he stood up and he
preached tawheed and he destroyed the idols and
the people they said there's this young lad
that's mentioning the gods, Allah described him with
the adjective of that youthfulness because when you're
young you're idealistic and you have passion, likewise
in another positive surah al-kahf Allah says
they were a group of young men who
believed in their lord there were young men
they believed in their lord and we increase
their hidayah, so when you are young you're
full of energy it is very possible you
can do what the elders cannot do and
on the flip side there is a reference
to that youthful passion being misused and abused
for example in the qawm of the Prophet
ﷺ, who was the one who destroyed the
camel, Allah says that there was a gang
of nine these were corrupt youth these were
gangs that you know when you have the
the youth that are you know not good
people so Allah mentions there was nine of
them and they were they were always causing
chaos in the city so they're the ones
this mafia this gang they said we're going
to take on you know this challenge of
harming the she-camel so Allah mentions that
so youth can be good and positive and
it can be negative as well and the
importance of youth and the importance of that
age is especially mentioned in that beautiful hadith
of the Prophet ﷺ in which he said
five are the questions every person will be
asked and one of them on your youth
and what did you do with your youth
it is so important that it gets its
own question Allah will ask every one of
us those of you that are beyond the
stage of youth remember if you haven't been
good in your youth you have to make
up for it because it is one of
the five questions and those of you that
are still at that age of being in
your young vitality realize there's extra responsibility you
will not get this opportunity again those of
you that are teenagers in your in your
20s realize right now you're answering this question
what question Allah azza wa jal will ask
you وَعَنْ شَبَابِهِ فِي مَا أَفْنَىٰ On his
youth what did he spend his youth on
how did he take advantage of that vital
energy and in another hadith in Sahih Bukhari
and Muslim our Prophet ﷺ said seven are
the people they will be sheltered on the
day there is no shelter other than the
shelter of Allah and one of those seven
شَابٌ نَشَأَ فِي عِبَادَةِ اللَّهِ a young boy
a young man or a young woman who
was raised up in their youthful era when
they're they were pious in their youthful era
once again those of you that are young
you can get advantage of something we cannot
do anymore those of you that are in
your youthful years listen to me carefully you
have the opportunity that we no longer have
what is that opportunity Allah azza wa jal
will shelter you on the day of judgment
if you were maintaining your piety in your
youth in your youthful years your teenage years
your 20s if you can maintain piety if
you can avoid the major sins if you
can be regular in your prayer if you
can be a positive role model then you
are guaranteed on the day of judgment to
be under the shade of Allah subhanahu wa
ta'ala and that's why our Prophet ﷺ
understood this and he prioritized the youth do
you know when you look at the early
converts to Islam a bulk of them were
from what we would call the youth a
bulk of those early converts they were young
men and women the list is so long
beginning obviously with Ali he was not even
a teenager when he embraced Islam Zaid ibn
Haritha was a young teenager Ammar ibn Yasir
was probably 14-15 years old Sa'd ibn
Abi Waqas was 17 years old when he
embraced Islam he became the Asherah Mubasherah Sa'd
ibn Abi Waqas was 17 and he was
the first person to shoot a bow and
an arrow for the sake of Allah subhanahu
wa ta'ala Talha ibn Ubaidillah another of
the he embraced Islam at the age of
18 another great Sahabi Zubayr ibn al-Awwam
was 18 years old the Hawari of the
Prophet ﷺ was 18 years old Abdullah ibn
Mas'ud r.a embraced Islam at the
age of 16 or 17 ibn Mas'ud
that great companion the one who became the
icon of the Ummah he became a Muslim
at the age of 16-17 the first
person to be tortured in front of the
Kaaba the first person to recite the Quran
loudly in front of the Kaaba in Mecca
ibn Mas'ud embraced Islam at the age
of 17 another early youth convert Ja'far
ibn Abi Talib the one who spoke to
the Najashi do you know when he spoke
to the Najashi he was 21-22 years
old can you imagine at the age of
21-22 and you are speaking to the
king of Abyssinia and you're negotiating on behalf
of the Ummah that's Ja'far ibn Abi
Talib another of the youth who embraced Islam
played a vital role the famous Al-Arqam
ibn Abi Al-Arqam the one whose house
the Prophet ﷺ used as a base do
you know when he converted to Islam he
was barely 14 years old and the reason
why they chose his house because as a
youth nobody would think he inherited his house
nobody would think his house would be used
for a base of Muslims so they used
his house and he converted at the age
of 14 Al-Arqam ibn Abi Al-Arqam
and even Umar ibn Khattab many people don't
know this he was in his 20s mid
to maybe 26-27 when he converted to
Islam a young professional he was in his
20s when he converted to Islam the point
is the youth played a vital role the
new generation that vital era it played it
played an important role in the formation of
Islam and our Prophet ﷺ recognized the talents
of the youth the passion of the youth
he recognized the potential of the youth and
that's why from amongst the youth he would
regularly choose people who could do that which
the elders could not do he had no
problems giving massive responsibilities to the next generation
and this is something that we in our
generation have a problem with we all know
this we the elders never want to give
the youth a chance we the elders keep
every power to ourselves the Prophet ﷺ he
wouldn't give it to everybody but he would
see amongst the next generation who is there
and he would then give them massive responsibilities
you want some examples so many from the
seerah the first ambassador the first da'i
the first preacher that the Prophet ﷺ chose
to go preach when he was still alive
he chose Mus'ad ibn Umair to go
to Medina to Yathrib and to preach Islam
the first person to be a da'i
appointed the first if you like wa'id
and preacher was somebody in his early 20s
Mus'ad ibn Umair and he was so
successful his da'wah converted one third of
the people of Medina subhanallah Allah blessed him
he converted a third of the people of
Medina and he was a young man when
he did so another young man that the
Prophet ﷺ appointed an amazing appointment here is
Attab ibn Asid or Usaid depending on how
you say it Attab ibn Asid he was
a cousin of Uthman ibn Affan when the
Prophet ﷺ conquered Mecca he had to go
to Hunayn he had to go to Ta
'if somebody had to be left in charge
of Mecca he chose a cousin of Uthman
who was 21 years old to become the
governor and the prayer leader in Mecca what
he had liberated and when he returned from
Ta'if he said to Attab you remain
here and I will go back to Medina
he appointed Attab 21 years old as the
first governor so in the history of Islam
the first Muslim governor of Mecca was 21
years old and he remained governor until the
Prophet ﷺ passed away in the time of
the Khulafa Rashidun they continued using him so
he was the one who became the khatib
of the prayer leader of Mecca the imam
of Mecca and the governor of Mecca at
what age 21 years old can you imagine
and this again the Prophet ﷺ himself appointed
another another famous companion Sa'd ibn Abi Waqqas
in the battle of Uhud was again chosen
even though he was relatively young and he
technically should not have been allowed to go
but he insisted and he said I can
do it Ya Rasulullah so he was allowed
to go and participate also we have multiple
incidents in the in which the Prophet ﷺ
took aside the youth he advised them privately
or he gave them specific nasiha sometimes for
example he took Ibn Abbas aside and he
said Ya Ghulam oh young boy I'm going
to teach you some advice listen to it
carefully Ya Ghulam oh young boy I'm going
to teach you something he would advise Anas
ibn Malik and he would constantly give him
specific advice he gave a lecture once and
he specifically said to the youth Ya Ma'shara
Shabab oh young men amongst you you should
get married as soon as you can don't
go into the haram left and right he
gave specific advice for the youth making sure
that they remained firm upon their deen he
would also give dispensations for the younger of
the generation in the battle of khandaq it's
an interesting story that right before the battle
of khandaq began it so happened that one
of the young men he had gotten married
right before the battle of khandaq and of
course nobody knows the attack is going to
happen and so when the battle of khandaq
begins everybody has to be on the front
of the city you know guarding the city
so this young man comes Ya Rasulullah I'm
a newlywed and my wife is all alone
at home do you give me permission to
go back and spend the nights with her
out of all of the sahaba everybody's in
the front line but he's a young man
newlyweds you know that's the so the Prophet
ﷺ said yes you may go every night
go back but he said make sure because
you're in corner of the city there's between
the the wall and between between the uh
the line of defense and between the house
you're going to walk through many uh difficult
areas he said be careful the Banu Quraidah
don't attack you so I command you you
must be fully armed when you walk between
the front and to your house but you
may go and stay at your house literally
the Prophet ﷺ understands okay he needs to
go home he's a newlywed khalas so he
would go home every night because he was
a young man who had just gotten married
the the rahmah that the Prophet ﷺ had
for uh somebody that had just gotten married
also we have the the famous incident Zahi
Bukhari Malik ibn Huwairith says that in the
ninth year of the hijrah the Prophet ﷺ
held the delegation years you know the the
tribes would come and he held a we
would call it a summer camp I'm using
the word here where he trained us for
20 or 21 days every day he would
come and teach us Quran teach us what
we need to know but he saw that
we were agitated because we were a group
of shabaab that the Malik is saying we
were a group of young men and we
were getting agitated and so he asked us
about our families listen to this and he
saw how much we missed our families how
much we missed our families then Malik said
وَكَانَ رَسُولَ اللَّهِ ﷺ رَحِيمًا رَؤُوفًا حَلِيمًا the
Prophet ﷺ was super tender and compassionate and
soft and when he saw we were missing
our families he said to us go return
to your families and teach them what I
have taught you this hadith is in Bukhari
and Muslim a group of young men in
summer camp you know they're attending with the
Prophet ﷺ but after a week after 10
days after 20 days you know they want
to go back home and they didn't say
anything but the Prophet ﷺ saw that you
know they're getting agitated so he said he
asked us about our families in our response
he could tell that we're missing our families
and so he next day he came to
us he goes go back and return to
your families and what I have taught you
go teach them as well subhanallah just the
compassion that he had that knowing that you
know the youth are not there they want
to be back home but not let them
go back 20 days is more than enough
also in the seerah we learn the compassion
the tenderness the Prophet ﷺ had because when
you're young sometimes you might you know ask
or say something that is not the most
appropriate in the famous incident in Bukhari and
Muslim well known a young bedouin you know
a shab a bedouin comes and you know
the bedouins didn't have manners they didn't know
how to speak properly and he enters into
the masjid imagine everybody's sitting here and from
the back of the masjid he says ya
rasulallah give me permission to fornicate with a
woman I don't want to get married I
want in front of everybody he said this
Sahih Bukhari hadith says the sahaba began raising
their voices you know uh saying things how
can you say this and they were they
were raising their voices in protest and anger
the processor motioned to them just be quiet
said come close to me so this young
man walks through the whole crowd sits in
front of the prophet ﷺ notice no harshness
no anger and the processor said would you
like strange men to fornicate with your mother
and he said no of course not would
you like with your aunt no of course
not would you like with your sister that
men go and use her like a plaything
no of course not so too other people
don't like that their mothers their sisters their
daughters be played with as well and then
he put his hand on the chest of
this young man and he said Allahumma fir
dhanbahu wa tahhir qalbahu wa hassin farjahu he
made dua for him oh Allah purify his
heart forgive his sin protect forgive his sins
protect his private part and that dua the
young man stood up and the sahabi says
there was nothing more despicable to him than
zina he hated it because he the processor
taught him in a compassionate manner and made
dua for him subhanallah this is a young
man coming with an awkward question i ask
you by Allah if a young man comes
with an awkward question now a young man
comes and asks a question we think is
blasphemous astaghfirullah how dare you you have to
allow question answer you have to be allowing
that space for them to express themselves by
the way that's the goal of our class
on Tuesday it's a safe space as you
guys like to call it inshallah we're gonna
allow open discussion and whatnot over there inshallah
you have to allow this because a young
man needs to be able to express and
find out and the way to respond to
a young man is not the same as
the way you respond to a shaykh or
somebody who understands what he's talking about we
learned this from the seerah of the prophet
sallallahu alayhi wasallam and of course a funny
anecdote as well anas ibn malik was probably
eight nine years old at the time anas
ibn malik he was the khadim of the
prophet he said one day the prophet sent
me to do some chores some tasks so
i went outside irritated and i found a
bunch of boys playing they also played maybe
not soccer but they played something back then
so i began playing with them and i
forgot about the chore next thing i know
somebody's picking me up from my ears like
picking me up from my ears and i
looked around and it was the prophet sallallahu
alayhi wasallam laughing at me and he said
oh anas what happened to my chore what
happened to my task and he said how
did ya rasulullah yes ya rasulullah i'm gonna
go do it right now and he went
and he did it the prophet sallallahu alayhi
wasallam let it go laughing at him it's
like he's a kid you can't expect perfection
from a child right you find that tenderness
that compassion and there's that famous incident it's
a little bit complicated but a child had
lost a pet right and the child was
very sad it was maybe five year old
a child had a pet bird you know
just a parrot bird or something and the
prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam you know cheered him
up in front of the public he saw
the child you know sad and whatnot the
child would bring his pet to the masjid
the child would bring the pet bird to
the masjid who amongst us can bring a
pet bird to the masjid now and one
day the prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam saw that
the child is sad and the bird is
not there so he figured out immediately that
you know the child is sad so in
front of everybody to lift up the the
child's spirits right so he you know teased
that not teases in the right way but
he he made a a statement that's going
to make the child remember and be happy
and proud that the prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam
remembered me right like he teased the name
of the child and made the the child
happy in this regard the point is that
he's monitoring he's making sure the children feel
a part of the masjid feel a part
of that community and we said our prophet
sallallahu alayhi wasallam was gentle in correcting the
youth i forgot one example which is very
very relevant subhanallah again it's an awkward thing
but this is from the seerah sahih bukhari
as well and ibn hisham that al-fadl
ibn abbas uh the prophet was doing hajj
and al-fadl was with him and a
young lady comes and al-fadl was a
young man and a young lady comes asking
a fiqh question and the rawi the report
says that and she was a young beautiful
lady and al-fadl began staring at her
staring at her like he's a young man
he's not married he's staring at her and
the prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam sees al-fadl
staring subhanallah look at the adab of the
prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam he put his hand
on the beard of fadl and he gently
turned the face somewhere else that's it no
harshness no yelling and screaming no teaching him
with an adab that he's never gonna forget
literally put his hand and said go turn
that way that's it he got the message
right there was no yelling no screaming there's
a way to teach the youth with gentleness
and compassion that you have to expect from
somebody like the prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam also
the prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam realized the youth
have potential that the elders do not have
hadith sahih bukhari that he called zayd ibn
thabit zayd ibn there's two zays both of
them are youth zayd ibn haritha in mecca
and he was of course the quote-unquote
adopted son remember that story of the process
and this is zayd ibn thabit in medina
both of them were youth zayd ibn thabit
was a young boy he accepted islam at
the age of 11 and he had memorized
more than 15 surahs before the process and
migrated in fact it is said he memorized
all of surah yusuf and he recited it
to the process him as a young boy
at the age of 11 the process him
heard him recite surah yusuf so zayd ibn
thabit the process called him he was maybe
15 16 years old and he said to
zayd that i need a scribe i need
a secretary who will specialize in hebrew in
in hebria so that i can write letters
to the tribes of yathrib that are in
medina that are yahudi so i want you
to learn hebrew i want you to learn
the language so that i can write letters
and get from their scribes i don't want
to use the scribe amongst them i don't
know what they're going to do mistranslate i
need somebody from my own who understands the
language so zayd said i learned hebrew in
15 days 15 days full time i learned
to read and write hebrew by the way
uh zayd had grown up in medina so
he spoke some basic hebrew but he learned
reading and writing and he learned fluency in
15 days what old man can do this
right this is the vibrancy of the youth
and the process and realize this so he
chooses the young man in to do something
that an older person is not able to
uh do and he also understood that sometimes
young people take their overzealousness a bit too
far the famous hadith you're all aware of
in sahih bukhari as well that uh a
group of young men came to our mother
aisha and they said describe the ibadah of
the prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam and when she
described his ibadah they said we can do
more than this he is rasulullah allah has
forgiven him we have to do more than
this and so they made a promise amongst
themselves we're going to pray tahajjud without ever
going to sleep for the rest of our
lives and we're going to not marry any
women and we're going to so they made
lots of conditions on themselves and this is
one of the things we find that sometimes
youth yes they have good energy but the
energy becomes zealous overzealous fanatical this is very
common as well that you have all spectrums
amongst youth that youth yes if their energy
is tapped into with wisdom if their energy
is tapped into for misuse and abuse and
sometimes their energy is tapped into for overzealousness
for fundamentalism for ideas that are not good
we see this as well we find this
over here as well when the prophet heard
that these youth were thinking they could do
more than him he called all of the
people and he didn't point them out and
he goes why do some people say this
and this don't you realize i am and
i am i have the most taqwa and
i have the most ilm and i fast
and i break my fast and i sleep
and i pray tahajjud and i marry women
this is my sunnah whoever leaves my sunnah
has left my way so the youth can
potentially also take that energy and go beyond
what they need to and the prophet understood
this but the youth can also do bravery
what the elders cannot do in a famous
incident that took place when the munafiqun were
just rising up umayyad ibn sa'ad it's
a famous story in the seerah umayyad ibn
sa'ad who was probably 12 13 at
the time umayyad ibn sa'ad had been
raised up by his uncle who was also
his stepfather so his uncle married his mother
and so his uncle raised him so he
loved him immensely like a father but he
didn't know his uncle was one of the
leaders of the hypocrites when they embraced islam
outwardly umayyad really embraced islam his uncle did
not embrace islam his uncle was a munafiq
umayyad did not know this long story short
that his uncle i cannot repeat it because
it's very vulgar astaghfirullah but he uttered vulgarities
against the prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam there
is no this is kufr to denigrate to
put down the prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam
to make fun of him to use vulgar
words about the prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam
you have crossed the red line there is
no excuse for this and umayyad was shocked
because now he realized my uncle is not
a muslim he's pretending to my stepfather my
the person who i love is not a
muslim he confronted his own stepfather his uncle
and he said i must inform the prophet
sallallahu alayhi wa sallam about this you are
a munafiq i heard you say this because
he said it in a gathering of hypocrites
and all of them are laughing he joked
against the prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam he
joked about the and the whole gathering is
laughing and they thought what's umayyad gonna do
this is a hypocrite gathering umayyad immediately crying
tears because his heart is broken he goes
to the prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam and
he says ya rasulullah i heard my stepfather
my uncle say and he said exactly what
his uncle said and the prophet sallallahu alayhi
wa sallam called the sahaba because this is
a red line if this is too much
then he called the uncle and the uncle
said ya rasulullah he's just a kid he's
just a boy he's just a shab he
doesn't know what he is saying and many
of the other sahaba said ya rasulullah he's
the uncle is a senior you know he's
a respected person in our community this is
just a shab we don't have to obey
him we don't have to listen to him
and then the uncle swore by allah i
swear by allah that he's lying i didn't
say this and umayyad is crying because he's
a 12 13 year old and he says
ya allah show who is the liar and
who is the one telling the truth ya
allah you show who is the liar who
is the one telling the truth the prophet
did not say anything he's between the two
he didn't just side with the older person
just because he's older he did not take
into account this as a young man i'm
going to dismiss no even though some of
the other people in the audience said he's
a young man don't worry what he's saying
no the prophet is listening listening and while
this is going on immediately the prophet closes
his eyes means wahi is coming jibreel comes
down at that point in time and allah
revealed surat at-tawbah they
swore by allah they did
not say but they said and they committed
kufr after their iman and so the prophet
praised umayyad and he said allah has validated
your story against his and then the punishment
and whatnot was done my point is the
prophet did not take umayyad's youth as a
disadvantage just because you're a young man i
cannot listen to you no he understood that
sometimes the young person has more bravery and
more honesty than an older person and that
is why one of the last things that
he did as you're all aware one of
the last things that he did is that
he appointed who did he appoint to be
the final leader who can tell me usama
ibn zayd and how old was usama when
he made that appointment 17 years old and
many of the senior sahaba were and they're
allowed to do this like you know yeah
it's it's not it's not you know wrong
to question politely they're not rejecting it's okay
to you know raise concerns and so that
mumbling begins amongst them which is understandable he's
only 17 and by the way where was
usama being sent he was being sent against
the roman empire can you imagine the most
you know important ghazwa the most important battle
that is going to take place and he
puts usama in charge and he says to
the sahaba this was his last public khutbah
before he fell ill before he when he
fell ill he gave other khutbahs but this
was the last khutbah before he fell ill
and he was irritated at this and he
goes you you did not like the leadership
of his father before him and you criticize
his father and now you criticize his leadership
as well and so he refused to change
the leadership of usama and that's why when
abu bakr as-siddiq took charge even umar
bin khattab said okay let's change usama he
says no i cannot change what the prophet
sasam himself you know requested and he made
sure usama was the one in charge of
that expedition and it was that expedition that
paved the way to eventually conquer baytul maqdis
can you imagine it was the first of
many expeditions it was that expedition that was
the first domino that eventually caused the muslims
to conquer baytul maqdis and we can go
on and on and on the point is
the seerah clearly demonstrates the prophet sasam paid
special attention to the next generation and he
took them into account and took their feelings
into account and he was the murabbi gave
them the tarbiyah that they required so my
advice to myself and the elders learn from
the seerah of the prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam
and my advice to the youth here take
the role models of the sahaba as your
role models you can accomplish a lot frankly
you have the potential inshallah to accomplish more
than the elders because you have the energy
the enthusiasm the passion that we do not
have so make dua to allah learn from
the wisdom of the elders but then take
that passion and channel it to something good
may allah subhanahu wa ta'ala allow us
to see our youth rise up and take
on the banner of islam may allah subhanahu
wa ta'ala protect our next generation and
cause them to carry the torch of islam
for many many generations to come may allah
subhanahu wa ta'ala cause all of our
families to be righteous to be protected their
children and their progeny after us after them
and to allow the kalima to continue all
the way until the day of judgment foreign