Special Khuṭbah for Our Young Brothers & Sisters
Yasir Qadhi – Ibrahim as As a Teenager
![Yasir Qadhi](https://artwork.muslimcentral.com/yasir-qadhi-150x150.jpg)
AI: Summary ©
The speaker discusses the importance of showing faith in Islam and not wasting time in pursuit of personal growth. They emphasize the need for a strong faith and the potential negative impact of living in a timeframe that is not useful for one's growth. The importance of remaining true to Islam, respecting others, maintaining politeness, and remaining humble is emphasized. The speaker also emphasizes the importance of showing faith in Islam and not wasting time in pursuing personal growth.
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hamdulillah All praise is due to Allah To Him belongs all power, glory and majesty. He is worshiped to the heavens on Earth and in the land and upon the sea. He made the heavens and adornment and synchronize the sun and moon in perfect harmony. And he decorated the earth with mountains and fields and oceans and greenery. He created man in the best of forms, endowing him with sight, hearing and rationality. And before them, he created the jinn from a smokeless, substance unseen and fiery. He sent down his speech as a guidance, send reminder and cure and to grant a certainty. And he revealed to us a sacred law that we cherish and hold on to firmly. He promised those who follow
His guidance that they shall flourish and be eternally happy. But he also threatened those who are arrogant and reject, they shall face punishment for eternity. So we praise the Lord, the Lord of the Throne that will Jalali world economy. And we send Sadat and Salah upon our Master Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam the mucky and the Hashimi as to what follows Allah
azzawajal reminds us to be conscious of him when he says in the Quran Yeah, you Hello Dina Armando tapachula how to potty? Wonder Templeton illa Anta Muslim moon, do your brothers and sisters. Hardly any prophet in the Quran has been praised the way that the Prophet Ibrahim alayhis salam is praised. In fact, the Prophet Ibrahim alayhis salam, he is made a role model, even for our own Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, our own Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was told in the Quran that you have a noble and exemplary conduct to follow in the Prophet Ibrahim alayhis salam, and a man came to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and he said yeah hiral Berea Oh, best of all of
mankind, and he is the best of all of mankind, but out of humility out of modesty, he said, No, that was my father Ibrahim, and the two of them are the best of mankind. The both of them are the hollywell of Allah azza wa jal, only two people in the history of mankind have been chosen to be Holly and Holly means the close friend. Helene means the confidant, and only two people have been chosen and conferred the title khaleel, the Prophet Ibrahim and our Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, we are all familiar with the stories of the Prophet Ibrahim alayhis salam. But today, I wanted to concentrate on one particular story. And that is the famous story of him
confronting his people, destroying the idols, challenging idolatry of him taking on the culture and customs of his own people and facing threat and punishment. And I want to choose this story, because it's all occurred when Ibrahim alayhis salam was a mere teenager, when he was not yet a prophet, the story of him challenging his people of destroying the idols of facing the persecution of being thrown into the fire. All of this occurred, and our scholars say he was maybe 1415 years old, Some even say 13 years old, and he was not yet a prophet. He had not yet become a prophet, he was going to become a prophet. This is laying the foundations. But this story is a beautiful story for us to
show us what to real movement, even as a teenager is worthy to be accomplishing. And so in today's brief,
I'm going to derive five lessons, five characteristics that I want all of us and especially our younger brothers and sisters, to memorize from this beautiful story of Ibrahim, first and foremost, first and foremost, Ibrahim alayhis salam demonstrated an inquisitiveness and a curiosity and an intelligence that sets him apart from the people of his time and place. Even as a child. He's wondering, why am I here? Who created me? What is the purpose of life, even as a young teenager, he is rejecting the false religion of his people. And he is recognizing that idolatry is false. This stone this rock is not my Creator, I'm not going to bow my head down to superstition to myth to
culture, no. And Ibrahim alayhis salam, as a young teenager, his intelligence and the purity of his soul, it leads him to conclude there must be one God and that God is worthy of worship. At this stage. No revelation had come gibreel hadn't inspired him with any Koran or any war, hey, I should say Ibrahim alayhis salaam, with his own intelligence in mind that Allah blessed him with rejected the culture of his people. And this shows us the Muslim child, the Muslim teenager is an intelligent teenager. The Muslim teenager is an intelligent, inquisitive, curious teenager, he doesn't just go with the flow. He doesn't just go with everything that his people are doing. No, he rises up above
the challenges of his time. And he thinks critically, and he engages with his people. And he uses the brains and intelligence that Allah has given him. Just because his his clover, doing something didn't make it right. Just because everybody around him was saying worship the gods worship the idols, Ibrahim knew this can't be right. And his purity of soul and his intelligence led him to conclude there must be only one creator, all perfect, all powerful above this idolatry. He cannot be depicted in shape or form. And yet he is still his presence is clear in all the signs that we see around us. So Ibrahim alayhis salam, he went to the Beatles as a young child, he's all alone in the
temple. And Allah says for all Alia, to him for Allah Allah Kowloon monokuma Tom to own he's challenging these gods as a 13 year old and he's going to the tools bulls.
And he's poking the gods. Are you a god? Are you worthy of worship? Why aren't you saying anything? And then he realizes These aren't the gods. And so he destroys all of them, as we know, except to that one. So the point is the first lesson that we learn, the Muslim child is an intelligent child, the Muslim teenager thinks critically and does not just go with the flow, just because your culture is doing something doesn't make it right. The second point that we learn is that Ibrahim alayhis salam, he had the courage to stand up and reject the false hood of his nation. He spoke out against the evils of idolatry, despite the fact that he was all alone, not only in his community, but
frankly, in the entire world. I mean, you need to understand there was no Muslim on Earth at the time, there was no prophet prophetic message that was being spread. Ibrahim alayhis salam was the first in a long line of prophets, the prophets before him, their messages had gone. There was no living message. There was no living oma. So Ibrahim alayhis salam had the courage to stand up and reject the false hood of his nation. Despite the fact that he did not have any support in this world. He wanted to show his people the truth of that being one God. And so he himself broke the idols knowing full well that everybody would blame him knowing that he's left his fingerprints,
literally and metaphorically, he has been questioning for weeks, his people know that he's challenging the gods. He made an excuse to not go to their festival. He was the only person he has no alibi. He was the only person in the city when they're outside celebrating, everybody knows it's him. And so when they come back, and they're angry, hauled woman father her there, Dr. Lee had, you know, who has done this to our gods, that people say, although semia and fatten. There's some teenager going around here. This is in the Quran. There's some teenager going around here talking about these gods, they say his name is Ibrahim. And so they call him and this is where we see the
courage. Can you imagine a 13 year old and the entire town is shouting and yelling at him, the king, the nobleman, his own father, every single uncle, an adult in the community, and he has no support or comfort at this stage. He's not even a prophet at this stage. jobaline has not communicated with him. But he knows that these gods are false gods he knows it. So he stands up with the courage and conviction that can only come in a strong amount in Allah subhana wa Tada. And he says, How could I have done it? Here's the one still standing The largest of them the axes around his neck. Ask him Surely if he's a God, He can speak to you. Surely if he's worthy of worship, he's going to respond
back? How can you worship an entity that is deaf, dumb and blind? How can you worship an entity that you carve yourselves? Look at the wit, look at the intelligence, look at the bravery, look at the courage. And so dear Muslims? What I want to remind you from this second point, what mind you from the second point is that next time you feel isolated? Next time you think that you have peer pressure around you next time you think, oh, I don't have the bravery and courage. Think of Ibrahim alayhis salam, think of Ibrahim alayhis salaam, when your friends come and entice you to do something when the people around you, you're worried they're going to make fun of you. Remember,
there were teenagers before you who also faced a lot more persecution than me and you would ever face. And they stood up to that challenge. And they rejected that peer pressure. So the second thing that we learned from Ibrahim alayhis salam is courage. And it's to stand on the truth, even if you're all alone. The third lesson we learned from the Brahim Allah His Salam is that his Eman was so strong, that he was willing to face the consequences and to sacrifice everything for the sake of his principles for the sake of the truth for the sake of Allah subhanho wa Taala. Remember, he was not yet a prophet. And when his people came to him, and they said to him, if you don't stop this, if
you don't admit you're guilty, if you don't apologize, we're going to kill you, literally kill you. And they said, if we give you one chance, say you did it, say you're sorry and come back to worshipping or false gods. This stage Ibrahim has two choices. Either I revert to the idolatry of my nation, and I go back and humiliate myself in front of a false god or I stand firm upon my principles and face whatever might come. He did not know that would be a miracle coming. He did not know God would come in at that stage. He did not know this. Yet he stood firm upon his principles, and you know what brothers and sisters, anybody who firmly believes in some
think there's got to be some sacrifice. You know, there are people out there. They're strict vegans, right? They think they're not they're not allowed to eat meat, that's their version. That's their ethics, and they sacrifice food and they sacrifice maybe even lunch. If that's the only option, they will go hungry rather than sacrifice their principles. I asked you buy a lot my younger brothers and sisters, should we not be more capable of sacrificing for the sake of our Lord? Should we not be willing to sacrifice like Ibrahim sacrificed face the consequences come what may? When there's a principle of our religion that is being violated and we are being asked to do the harem? We should
stand up as much as is reasonable. I'm not asking for miracles, Allah azza wa jal blesses whoever he chooses. And if we are forced, we ask Allah for forgiveness. But don't just cave in at the very getgo. Don't just cave in when the going gets tough. Try to resist, show that bravery and courage and sacrifice. And realize brothers and sisters, that when we stand up for the sake of Allah subhanho wa Taala. And when we sacrifice for the cause of Allah, Allah azzawajal will bless us. And this leads me to my fourth point, we talked about courage, we now move on to the work cool in a law, trust in Allah. Because Ibrahim alayhis salam made dua to Allah to protect him. He wasn't a prophet
at this stage. But he knew that there is a creator that can hear that is all powerful. He knew that there is a large xojo he didn't know all of the details of the shadier. But he had full certainty that my Lord loves me and cares about me in Nehemiah, Robbie, my Lord is with me, he had that certainty that Allah azza wa jal will hear him. And so he makes to our to Allah for protection. And he says, as our Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam told us what he said, has to be a law who are near a man who will kill
the whole armies of him rude or surrounding him. They've dug a pit, they had him tied to a post for three days, he was tied to that post, the pit is being dug, more and more fuel is being thrown in. And it is being made hotter and hotter and hotter. Why? Because they don't really want to kill the child, they want to threaten him. So for three days, he's tied to the post. And he sees this fire becoming more and more fiery burning hearts. And they keep on telling him, reject, reject, reject, go back to Dollar Tree, and Ibrahim alayhis salam keeps on saying has to be a law who will kill Allah is sufficient for me and he'll take care of me, Allah is sufficient. I don't need the armies
of this number rude. I don't need anybody. If I have Allah, Allah will take care of everything. And he didn't know what would happen. But when he put his trust in a law, and they finally had no option, but to go through with the threat, because what are they gonna do? He's not recanting, they're gonna have to show the people that you don't get away with, with making fun of our gods. And so they eventually threw him in. And it was at that stage according to our scholars, that he became the Prophet when he put his trust in Allah. And when he was thrown into the fire, that is when God came down and God and said hold now Yeah, now to Cooney burden was Salam and Allah Ibrahim gibreel
said to the fire by the permission of Allah, that oh fire, become a source of coolness and a comfort for Ibrahim. So the very fire he was thrown into became a garden. Can you imagine it became a beautiful garden, he strolling through the garden, there is no fire there because Allah can do anything he wants. And he walks out of the garden slash fire and the whole town, the king, everybody is shocked because they realize they witnessed a miracle and they have no power over him. We learn from this my fourth point, dear brothers and sisters, is that put your trust in Allah. Make dua to Allah, constantly worship Allah have a connection with Allah, there is no age limit, you don't need
to be 18 years old to start your job. You don't need to be 21 to begin your license to worship Allah. On the contrary, we worship Allah as soon as we're able to do so yes, it becomes obligatory at the age of puberty, no doubt about that. But even before as a young child, we can worship Allah as Ibrahim did, and that worship will bring about fruits and benefits. And when we turn to Allah with sincerity with tawakkol, with a class, when we put our trust in Allah, then indeed, miracles can occur. Now, I'm not saying a miracle will necessarily occur every single time. Sometimes you're in a tough situation, you turn to a law, and what you ask for doesn't happen. But you know what, and
I will guarantee you this because it is the guarantee of our religion. You might not see a miracle, you might not get what you actually asked for. But if you turn to Allah and are sincere, then whatever happens will be for your benefit in the long run, even if you don't see it industry.
term, whatever happens it will be for your benefit. And you will come out a victor in the long run, maybe not today, maybe not tomorrow but you will see that whatever happened to me back then it turned out for the best and I am who I am because I turn to Allah and Allah subhana wa tada guided me to be where I am today. And who knows, sometimes, yes, miracles still happen. Yes, we certainly believe this. And Allah azza wa jal continues to do miracles that we see. And remember, there are many miracles that we do not see. And there are many miracles we take for granted, life itself is a miracle. So the point being the fourth point here, you're never too young to worship Allah. You're
never too young to make dua to Allah. You're never too young to put your trust in Allah subhana wa to Allah and whoever turns to Allah and puts his trust in Allah and is sincere for the sake of Allah shall always come out a winner no matter what happens to him in this world. The final point for our hotel, and one of the main beautiful lessons from the incident of Ibrahim alayhis salam is that Ibrahim alayhis salaam was surrounded by hostility and anger, vengeance and threats. Talk about hate, that's what you call hate. Yes, I know that we are now in a situation of Islamophobia. People say things about our religion, a lot of things happening in the world that really hurts us. And
well, I hate that's, that's difficult. But let's be real here. Nobody's threatening to throw us into a fire that's been blazing for three days. We're not tied to a steak and a post seeing the fire in front of us for three days. Our own fathers and mothers are not threatening to kill us if we worship false gods like Ibrahim's Father, you do know this right? Abraham's father said to him, the LM 10 tehila are German knuck. If you don't stop in this newfangled religion of yours, I personally I'm going to stone you to death. You talk about hate, that's what hate is over there. You want to see Islamophobia. Islamophobia in the time of Ibrahim alayhis salaam, yet still, how did Ibrahim
respond? Did he respond to hatred with hatred? Did he respond to vulgarity with vulgarity, to meanness with meanness? On the contrary, we see in Ibrahim alayhis salam, a role model of love and compassion and beautiful o'clock look at how he speaks to his father. Yeah, but yeah, but yeah, but he My dear father, don't worship this. My dear father, don't do this. My dear father don't obey shavon Yeah, but he keeps on saying this. And when his father said, I'm going to kill you, what is Ibrahim saved by the Salah when la casa astell Fiddler karabi May Allah is Peace be upon you, I will continue asking Allah to forgive you.
In response to being threatened to be killed, Ibrahim smiles and says I'll still make dua to Allah for you. Subhan Allah. This is where we learn prophetic manners. The way we're going to win the hearts and minds of the people is not through anger, foul language being mean and nasty. That's not the way we're going to win. No, we're going to win through our good manners through our luck. And it's gonna be a long term win, because in the short term, people are gonna laugh and move on. But in the long term, they're going to remember a wow, we made fun of that kid, but he maintained his dignity. We said such nasty things to him, but you know what he showed us what it means to be a
believer in God. That's what you call godliness. You have to think of the long term and do not respond to hatred with hatred. Do not respond to meanness and nastiness with vulgarity and pettiness. No, always respond to the best of your ability, with good luck with positive manners with perfect adapt and manners. And we learn this from the story of Ibrahim alayhis salam, and especially when it comes to our own elders from within our own community. Sometimes an uncle might say something nasty to you. Sometimes even your mother or mother is too strict with you. Okay, maybe sometimes they're wrong, and you have the right to be irritated, and you have the right to feel
angry. But you do not have the right to be vulgar and nasty. Control your anger and speak with wisdom and gentleness, you have the right to negotiate with your parents. But always remember the story of Ibrahim alayhis salam, if Ibrahim couldn't even say off to his father and his father wants to kill him. If you brought him did not say any vulgarity or bad word or shout or yell and his father's thrown him out literally thrown him out of the house. Literally. He's kicked him out and said get out of here and you have to wander the earth as you know, this is Brian right as a teenager, a 13 year old kid, 14 year old he's kicked out because he's worshipping Allah. And what
does he say as he turns and he leaves his father Salaam when adek cellfood Allah karabi whatever your mother and father My mother and father are doing, they're not threatening to
kill you because you're worshipping Allah. Learn from Ibrahim alayhis salam, even if they're wrong about something, treat them with gentleness in the tongue and negotiate with others and manners and that will work much better than being mean or nasty. So these are five lessons that we learn from the story of Ibrahim alayhis salaam. As a young teenager, first and foremost, being intelligent and critically thinking for the sake of Allah, the Muslim child is no fool the Muslim child is not stupid. The Muslim child is intelligent and thinking secondly, being courageous for your faith, standing up for what you believe in. Thirdly, sacrificing for the sake of your principles. Yes, you
have to sacrifice that was that's what principles mean. Fourthly, trusting and worshiping Allah making dua to Allah having a connection with the law. And lastly, consistently maintaining politeness and good manners. These are some of the many lessons we can learn from the story of Abraham it has said I'm metallized azza wa jal bless me and you within through the Quran, and may He make us of those who is vs. They understand and applies halal and haram throughout our lifespan. as scholars forgiveness, US will ask him for his or her food and the Rockman
hamdulillah All praise is due to Allah, the One and the unique. It is here alone that we worship, and it is His blessings that we seek. He is the Lord of the oppressed, and he answers the call of the week. Dear brothers and sisters, dear younger brothers and sisters, I speak to the youth in the audience.
Every one of us, we reminisce and we wish we were your age.
Everyone in their 30s 40s 50s 60s 70s 80s. They think back when they were teenagers, they think about can they say Oh how I wish I could be given that chance again, how I wish I could go back and live those years again. Now I know you at your stage, are not very happy at these years. And you have a long list of complaints, many of which are valid. And yet Mark my words, my younger brothers and sisters, a time will come when you too will remain us. And when you too will wish How I wish I could go back to my young days. Do you know why? Because never in your life will you have the amount of energy that you do right now, the zeal that you do right now the passion that you do right now,
the commitment, the ideals, this is the time to plan, this is the time to dream about the future, this is the time to grasp the biggest opportunities given to you, then life sets in and older and older. And as you grow older, you become more feeble and weak and things happen. So this is the age and the opportunity that if you take advantage of it, then there's no stopping your limits. If you take advantage of your youth, have your energy and your zeal at this stage of your life of the powers of your memory of your physical strength that Allah has given you, then there is no limits to how far you can go. And Allah will bless you in those endeavors. But if you waste these years, in
doing that, which is of no benefit in this world or the next, then there's no returning back to these years, you only have one opportunity to be a teenager. So only one timeframe. That's it. And once it's gone, it's gone. So the wise person and Ibrahim was wise and you to ensure they're going to be wise, the wise person appreciates, I have this great opportunity, I don't have to work my parents take care of my needs, there's food and drink in the in the fridge, I don't have to do any of that I have time I have energy, I have the best brain I'll ever have in terms of memory. So I'm going to study and I'm going to memorize and I'm going to be religious, I'm going to understand and
I'm not going to waste my time whoever does this, then the doors will be opened and they shall go far in life. But if these years are not spent in that which is useful, then there is never any substitution you cannot come back and be 15 all over again or 17 all over again. And that's why this timeframe is such a beautiful timeframe. And it also has the potential to be a negative influence as well. You know, the the people of the home side they're the one who killed the she camel, right? Allah says there were a bunch of teenagers, what kind of in Medina kids then there was nine gangsters gang members, and they're the ones who they were doing evil all the time, and they decided
to kill the she camel and then what happened happened. So if people waste this timeframe, they have the opportunity to go astray. Watch your friends, be careful, don't hang around people that are misguiding you calling you to sin because the people have saw that those nine gangster members that's what happened to them. And instead of following them follow the people of the cave oz herbal calf in South Africa have Allah says in the Quran, that in the home fit here to an AMA noburo by him. They were a group of young men who were pious and by
leaved in a law. So be around good company. And because of that good company, they saved one another, they save one another by the permission of Allah subhanho wa Taala. Choose your company with wisdom and choose your friends with intelligence, be like the people of the cave. And don't be like the young men of the people of solder. And also dear brothers and sisters, never forget that Hadith of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam that is meant for every one of you, young men and women, my young brothers and sisters, how I wish I could go back and relive my days in light of this hadith. Our Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, seven are the fortunate people, seven he
counted them, that will be sheltered under the shelter of Allah on the day of judgment when there is no shelter other than Allah shelter. And one of those seven, he said was Shah Boone Nasha of Riba Tila, a young boy or girl sharp, you're at the prime of your youth from 15 to 25, as a sharp young boy or girl, a young boy or girl who conditioned himself to be a worshipper of a law during that phase of his life. You have the opportunity at this stage that I don't have an almost all of us have gone, that stage is gone of our lives, you have the opportunity to be of the elite of the Select of the nobility on the Day of Judgment, by making sure that it's this stage of your life. You maintain
your Salah, Your Worship, you avoid the major sins, you display an interest in the religion of a law, you're eager to learn about the religion of Allah. If you worship Allah properly in this stage, then the rest of your life is much easier, much easier. But if you are misguided now and you lay the foundations of misguidance now, well then the future only Allah knows. So here's an opportunity do your young brothers and sisters to seize seize the moment that's what they say right? Carpe Diem, seize the moment seize it for good. seize it for the sake of Allah subhana wa tada and plant your seeds for the future. Dear young brothers and sisters, I speak to you as your older brother in
Islam. Allah He we're very proud of you, Allah, He, we're very proud of you. You have done an immense amount of work, an immense amount of sacrifices. We cannot imagine the world you live in. I speak as somebody born and raised in America, but I grew up in the 70s and 80s. I don't know how you maintain the strength and courage you do in the face of all of these new gadgets and iPhones and internet and internet and all of this yet still, you're maintaining your Salah, you're coming to the masjid, you're doing good in your schools. inshallah, yes, we could all do better, nobody's perfect. But overall, I want to give you the message that we are very, very proud of all that you have done.
And we put our trust in a law and then in you that you will rise up to the challenge because you know what, my dear brothers and sisters, you are the future of Islam, you right here, you're going to take the banner from me and others of my age and generation, you will have to because we have no other alternative, you are our future and the future of this oma, we are investing everything in you. Because we have no other investment to make. And there is no investment more precious to us than all of you sitting here you are our primary investment. And we put our trust in Allah and then in you, and we have full confidence that insha Allah to Allah, you're going to rise up to the
challenges of your generation, you're going to take the banner of La ilaha illa Allah and the flag of this religion, you're going to hold on to it with firmness, and you're going to maintain it for many, many, many generations to come. We're here for you. We're here to help you as much as we can, and we're here to support you. But in the end, you also have to play a role, you're gonna have to step up to the plate, you're gonna have to step up to the plate, and that stepping up to the plate. It doesn't begin when you're 21 No, it begins right here. And now whether you're five years old, whether you're 15 years old, you're gonna have to step up to the plate right now and you're gonna
have to show us but more importantly show Allah subhana wa tada that you're worthy of carrying that banner and taking that flag of La ilaha illAllah Muhammad Rasulullah we know you can do it, we're going to keep on nudging you that's our job. We're gonna be a little bit of a nuisance and irritants in the background. That's what we're supposed to do. But in the end of the day, we do have confidence that you can do it with the help of Allah subhana wa tada and we're all here for you. I want you to know that may Allah subhana wa tada bless all of us, and especially our youth with the love of Islam and the love of the Koran and the love of salah and make dua to Allah subhanho wa
Taala that he makes us and our children and progeny after us of those who established the salah and who read the Koran and who gives us a cap We ask Allah subhana wa Taala to protect us and our children through the Kadima of La ilaha illAllah Muhammad Rasul Allah, we ask Allah subhana wa Allah to bless us with the Koran and through the Quran. We ask Allah subhana wa tada to allow our children and grandchildren after them to imbibe
calima and to practice the sooner and to be a part of this religion and oma and we seek refuge in Allah, from the evils of shavonne from the mis guidances of our culture and evil friends, we ask Allah azzawajal to protect our children from all bad manners and all bad luck and all bad friends. And we ask Allah Georgia to guide us and our children to the best of manners and the best of our club and the best of all of mates. We ask Allah subhanho wa Taala that he causes us to live as Muslims and to die as Muslims and our children to live as Muslims and to die as Muslims. Brothers and sisters in Islam. Allah subhana wa tada has commanded us to send our Salat and Salam upon the
Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam when he says in the law homologue Kuru saloon Allah nebby you heard in amanu sallu alayhi wa sallam with us Nima Allahumma salli wa sallim wa barik or anderem Abdi Costa Rica Mohammed was early he was happy as Marian regards the law in the law to Allah your mobile idly with a sunny winter I do corba wire and I will tell you about the years ago when I looked into the Quran or the Corolla. I was curious. What are the cruel Laurita Akbar? Optimus Allah
Yeah, man.
He can