The end of World War One marks the loss of all four largest empires, with the German Empire cutting in half and the British Empire destroyed. The American Empire was destroyed and the Turks were still under the British, while the British promised to capture Jerusalem and the French were also conquering other parts of the Middle East. The fall of the US led to the fall of the Empire and the US-US-italian conflict, leading to political and cultural negotiations and potential political involvement. The history and success of the Turks during the conflict, including the Gallipoli campaign, were also discussed, while the rise of H centers during the conflict and the potential impact of these events on future events were also highlighted.
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smilla rahmanir rahim al hamdu Lillahi Rabbil alameen wa salatu salam ala Sayyidina Muhammad in
wider rd, he was like a big mine on my bed. We are now beginning the year 2014. And the fact of the
matter is that many of us are quite unaware of what happened 100 years ago 1914 1914 marks the
beginning of a series of changes that would profoundly impact Europe and especially the Middle East.
And to be very simplistic before 1914, the British Empire ruled over a quarter of the entire world
in a land that they claimed the sun never set in. Before 1914. America by and large was not yet a
world power. It was just beginning its ascent into world politics. And it was almost completely
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overshadowed by Europe before 1914 the Muslim world while no doubt having suffered a lot of
calamities, and not as politically strong as it had once been, nonetheless, still had a unified
caliphate. And despite the advent of colonialism, the Brits had invaded, the Germans had invaded,
the French had invaded. Despite all of the colonialism. Still, there was a sense of a global oma and
there was still some light at the end of the tunnel, there was still a ray of hope. All of this was
going to change in 1914 onwards, in 1914, the one event that is basically assumed to be the catalyst
of World War One is the assassination of the Archduke Franz Ferdinand. Now we're going to have to a
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little bit of European history, because it is intrinsic, you cannot understand World War One without
a little bit of European history. Believe you me, I will try my best to minimize the European side.
But we need to understand some European history in order for it to play into role its role in the
Middle East, and the Archduke that was assassinated, he was the heir. He was the Royal Prince, if
you like to the austro Hungarian Empire, which was one of the largest empires at the time, it no
longer exists. It has been fractured into eight, nine different countries in our times, Austria and
Hungary and whatnot, there was an empire called the austro Hungarian Empire, and the Archduke, the
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heir to the throne, is assassinated by a group of Serbians in Sarajevo. And this ignited
nationalistic and ethnic tensions that had been simmering in Europe for many decades. And it sparked
fires that would eventually lead to what was called at the time the Great War, it will it was not
called World War One because there was no World War Two. At the time, it was called the Great War.
Only when World War Two began did they call the first one world war one, then they call the second
war, World War Two. World War One or the Great War was the largest global military conflict that
humanity had ever seen up until that point in time, with over 70 million soldiers participating.
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These are staggering figures. 70 million people on the battlefield fighting, these are the fighters,
not the countries, the countries, obviously, if you include them, that's literally more than half of
all most of the world's population, and around 10 million people died in the battles of World War
One. It was also the first time that modern technology was used with such savagery. It was the first
time that chemical weapons were invented was the first time that you had airplanes basically using
guns and firing bombs from airplanes. This didn't happen until World War One. And this basically led
to the development of munitions and more and more dangerous explosives. The war lasted for years.
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And at the end of the Great War in 1918, the largest empires of the world, or I should say four of
the largest empires of the world cease to exist. And the largest empire, England was cut in half.
The effects of World War One were truly devastating. Four of the largest empires in the world were
completely decimated. The first of them the German Empire, it became a small country called Germany,
it used to be a large Empire with the dynasty. The second of them the Russian Empire, once again,
this was a large Empire with a dynasty, then it became a smaller country, the third of them the
austro Hungarian Empire, this was completely decimated. It didn't even remain austro Hungarian it
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was actually split up into a number of smaller countries. And most importantly, for our lecture, the
Ottoman Empire,
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the end of World War One signal the end of all four of these empires, and also the loss of the
Ottoman Empire is really what affects us as Muslims, that that's what we're interested in. We must
realize from Europe's perspective, that's just a footnote. From Europe's perspective, all of the
problems pertaining to the Middle East and the Ottomans. This is just a footnote to the real changes
that are taking place in the West. World War One truly marks the beginning, the end of one era and
the beginning of
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Another era it is the end of Victorian England World War One is when the quintessential Victorian
England comes to an end. It is the beginning of real modernity, our modernity, and realizes well,
that World War One led to many factors, we'll talk a little bit about them, but not too much. I
mean, for example, the reparations that were put upon Germany, the circumstances in what happened in
the German Empire, led to, in the 1930s, the rise of Adolphe Hitler, the rise of Adolphe Hitler is a
direct consequence of the problems of World War One, the nationalism that overtook the German
people, and the, the the rise of this extreme nationalism. And the if you like, if you like the the
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charismatic character that was needed by Germany at the time, this couldn't have happened unless
World War One decimated Germany, and they needed this savior figure, and they saw in this
megalomaniac Hitler, they saw the Savior figure, and of course, Hitler led immediately to World War
Two. And of course, World War Two led to the power vacuum Europe was decimated after World War Two,
after two world wars, Europe seized being an international superpower, a vacuum is created, who is
sucked into that vacuum America. And so post World War Two, America becomes the only dominant
superpower, it is no exaggeration to state that pretty much every single major political issue of
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our times began being shaped directly in 1914, the superpower of our own country, America, the
breaking up of Europe, the fractionalization of the Middle East, the collapse of the Ottoman
Caliphate, the last pillar that we had, all of this begins in 1914. So in order to talk a little
bit, and this was the introduction, in order to talk a little bit about this, we need to mention a
little bit about World War One. So if you look at the map here, if you look at the map here, we're
going to set the stage for World War One, what exactly happened, that in order to make sense of the
events that led up to the collapse of the Ottoman Empire, we need to give just a very brief overview
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of the political situation in Europe and the West in the time, the primary superpower at that time
was England, America had been up until that point in time, isolationist, it does not want to get
involved in world politics. It's a very Mind your own business type of stuff. And it was only after
world war two that America comes to the superpower stage, competing with England, but a distant
second is Germany. And after Germany, we have Czarist Russia, Russia is still being ruled by
dynasties and France. And this large Empire, you see the austro Hungarian Empire, the austro
Hungarian Empire, European alliances at the time, were very messy and confusing, and definitely not
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something we're interested in. And what makes it even more confusing is that the countries that we
talked about, some of the no longer exists, such as the austro, Hungarian dynasty, and even the ones
that do exist Germany and Russia, they're not the same. Germany is now like literally one third or
one half of what it used to be Russia as well completely changed. suffice for this lecture to point
out, what we need to know is the austro Hungarian Empire is an ally of Germany. austro Hungarian
Empire is an ally of Germany. And the Serbs are allies with Russia just keep this simple point in
mind. Okay, the austro Hungarian and Germany is one block, and the Serbs and Russia are on one
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block. So when the Archduke of which Empire who can remind me austro Hungarian Empire is
assassinated by the Serbs. So this is igniting racial tensions, when the Archduke of the austro
Hungarian Empire is assassinated by a group of Serbs. This ignites tensions that are beyond the
scope of this class, but they've been stirring for many decades, and eventually austro Hungarian,
the austro, Hungarians decide that they're going to retaliate by invading Serbia, when they are
going to attack Serbia. Russia gets involved. And Germany who's an ally of Astro hunger, if we can
get the map back on because then everybody's already confused. If you just look, they're also Yep,
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leave them up. So Germany and Austria Hungary, you can consider them to be basically one force that
was the one side of the World War One. You see Russia and Serbia on the other side, basically, they
are all in yellow. That's one block if you like. So Austria, Hungary, decides to invade Serbia
because of the assassination. Germany uses this as an excuse to invade France and Switzerland and
Belgium and Netherlands. So they use this as a power grab excuse. You're going to attack from that
side. We're gonna attack from this site. And slowly but surely, every single European power is
forced into what was called the Great War. Eventually, all over the world superpowers are drawn in
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and they're organized into two camps. On the one hand, you have you look at your map, now you have
England, France, Russia, Italy, and right at the very end, America, right at the very end, America
comes in America does not come in to World War One till the very last year, America tries to stay
out, the very end comes in, we'll talk about that a little bit. As
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Well, so notice Russia right now is not the bad guys, Russia is on the side of the Allied forces.
This is the big confusing thing. Russia is different and world one versus World War Two, Russia
right now is on the side of England is on the side of Italy. So on the side of America, against to
against Germany and the austro Hungarian Empire, okay, this is basically and those are called the
Central Powers Germany and austro Hungarian Empire, the Central Powers, and then you have the Allied
forces when I say allied forces, this is the West as we know it, America, England, France, and
Russia, Russia is a part of the Allied forces. Now, the great war lasted for four years 1914 to
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1918, and was primarily fought in Europe, there was a western front in France and Germany, there was
an eastern front between Russia and the austro Hungarian empires. And that was where most of the
brutal trench warfare took place. It's not of direct concern to us. There were a number of small
skirmishes significant battles in Ottoman and Muslim lands. And it is some of these battles that we
are interested in. But before we get there, the question arises, how did the Ottomans get involved
in a very European war? What do the Ottomans have to do with Europe? Why should the Ottomans be
concerned about World War One, the Ottoman soltana at the time was so fun man made the fifth we have
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the picture of him. So fun man made the fifth and
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for quite a while if we can see the PowerPoint for quite a while. The Ottoman Sultans for at least
100 150 years had become a mere figurehead. The next Oh, I have to do that. Sorry. Okay, here we go.
The Ottoman Sultan, Mohammed, the 50 rule from 1909 to 1918. This is one of the last Ottoman
Sultans, not the last, we're going to get to the last one as well. And the Ottoman Sultan at the
beginning tried to be neutral. He said I don't want to take either side. However, one of the sad
facts of Islamic history, it's not just for the Ottomans throughout Islamic history, many times the
soupon or the halifa was a figurehead. And there were people that were controlling the Islamic
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dynasty and Islamic lands more than the Khalifa himself. And this was the case right now, when World
War One began, there was a group of people that call themselves the Young Turks. This is another
subject in history, the young turks, the Young Turks were a group of forward thinking very liberal,
basically, people that were controlling the palace and the Ottomans will bond by and large was a
figurehead. And
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to add to this, the Ottomans, head alpha had become a very weak philosopher. Europe had been mocking
the Muslims for over 150 years by calling the halifa. And by calling the Ottoman Empire, what was
the title Who can tell me
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the sick man of Europe, this was the title of the Ottomans, Europe was made the sick man of Europe,
the Ottomans are the sick man of Europe, because they are situated in Europe. And they're the sick
man, they're about to die. So the British had already predicted the death of the Ottoman caliphate.
And it would come now in World War One recently, right before World War One. The Ottomans had also
lost a large chunk of their lands, the countries of Bosnia and Herzegovina, the countries of
Albania. Additionally, colonialism was also very rampant at this time, there were the French were in
Algeria, the Italians were in another place. The Germans were in the England, of course, was in
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India, as you know, the British Raj was it was in power. So already large chunks of the oma had been
cut off. But still there was the bulk of the oma still under the Ottoman lands. Now the Ottomans
were technologically very backward. I gave a talk a year ago about the printing press to give you
one example, right, that was just one example. Technical, technologically, they had to rely on the
west, frankly, like every Muslim country, in our times does as well. Where did they import the
electronics from the gadgets? from? Where did the import engineers From where did they import major
projects from? You cannot have any Muslim country in our times, except that if there's a
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multinational project that needs to take place, they're going to send out bids to the rest of the
world, they're going to come and bid on their local projects, as you know, right? This is the
reality. Even much of the construction of Mecca and Medina is being done by German companies. If you
don't know this, I'll tell you, right. So the fact of the matter is, technologically, no Muslim land
can be completely cut off, especially in the 18th 19th 20th centuries. So the Ottomans are relying
upon Western powers for everything for a period of time in the 1800s. That Western power was England
in 1880, for reasons beyond the scope of our class England cut off so we don't want anything to do
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with you, England cut off from the Ottomans. They said get out of here. Wait, what we want nothing
to do with you. So the Ottomans turned to Germany. That was the second largest power, just like in
the 70s for most of you know, there was England and there was America and Russia. Well in the 1890s
there was England and Germany. Okay, so the Ottomans then turned to Germany and a very strong
relationship began in the 1880s between
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Germany and the Ottomans between the Kaiser eisah of Germany. His title was Kaiser. That's the title
of the German Emperor, the Kaiser of Germany and the halifa in Istanbul. And this is best
exemplified in that very romantic and famous train called the Orient Express, which even to this day
brings a sense of nostalgia or a sense of, you know, fame and whatnot, there was an Orient Express,
which was the pinnacle of decadent luxury, you could board the train in Munich, Germany, and it
would get you off in Istanbul. And as you know, the trains were the main highways and carriages at
the time. So in 1889, you have this Orient Express and you see many movies even famous black and
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white movies and books and whatnot written about the Orient Express what is the Orient Express is a
direct train line from Germany to Turkey. What does that show you strong bonds between the two just
one example of this, also the Kaiser had visited
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the Istanbul many times and the halifa has also visited Germany. And there are to this day, if you
go to Istanbul, you will find monuments built for the various kaisers that have come monuments that
show the Kaiser landed here, he was awarded this over here, so Germany and the Ottomans already have
a strong relationship before World War One. And in fact, the field of Orientalism, which is the
academic study of Islam, Orientalism is what you used to call non Muslims who study Islam.
Orientalism was strongest in Germany, and it began in Germany. I myself when I was studying at Hill,
the books you have to read when you start studying Orientalism are German books. That's why I had to
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learn German for reading, you have to study German, you cannot be a scholar of Islam in the western
sciences, except by learning to read German. And the classics that were written were written in the
1890s to 1930s in Germany, in the German language to this day, these are the classics. So Germany
has the greatest relationship with Turkey at the time. And even though in 1914, the Sultan said he's
going to remain neutral. Circumstances changed and it is said that the inner court, the young turks
maneuvered this whole time and the Grand Vizier, the parsha, the Grand Vizier whose name was Saeed
pashas, the title site Pasha, along with the Minister of War, and the Minister of War is probably
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the guiltiest culprit here. His name is Enver Pasha, so siete partion Enver Pasha, they entered into
a secret agreement with the Germans without the permission of the Sultan without the permission of
Sultan Muhammad the fifth, and they form what is called now an ottoman German alliance in August of
1914, around six months before the war, after the war began. So the movers and shakers formed a
treaty with the Kaiser, and eventually the Sorbonne had no choice but to publicly support this
alliance. So in 1914, November, the Sultan, Muhammad the fifth, for the very last time in our
history, issued a call for jihad, literally, because the halifa has the right to call for jihad. As
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you know, in Islamic law, the only person who has the right to call for offensive jihad is the
halifa. So for the very last time, up until our times in our history, in November 1914, so upon
magma to fifth proclaimed the jihad against the Allied forces, and the Allied forces are of course,
England and Italy and France and Russia and America. So, this is a public commitment and therefore
once the German once the Ottomans have been dragged in now, the Allied forces can attack the
Ottomans affairs square when you've declared jihad against us, obviously, they're going to attack
back and the Ottomans it was only a matter of time before the Ottomans would be invaded. And that is
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exactly what happened. A few months later, in April 1915, Britain and France launched a joint attack
against the Ottomans with the with the Express aim of conquering Istanbul. So for the first time,
Western powers are attacking Ottoman lands, and this became known as the Gallipoli campaign, the
Gallipoli campaign, and it was a brutal onslaught. And we have just a quick map over here. You can
see it in front of you. If you look at the map in the middle, if you look at the map in the corner,
you see Istanbul up there, right? And you see the Sea of Marmara as well. So they attacked in the
Dardanelles straits, which is lower left corner of the map, you'll see that I don't have
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unfortunately a clicker. I should have brought the pointer
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or the mouse can be seen. Nope, it can't be.
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Oh, here okay. So here is Istanbul. As you see right now, Istanbul, of course, there's the Black Sea
and the Black Sea is connected obviously to the Russian Empire. So this is a direct passage to
Russia and they have to go through the streets of Istanbul through the Sea of Marmara, down the
Dardanelles. This is called the Dardanelles and this is a
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Larger map of this small area. So the Allied forces wanted to attack what is basically this land
over here so that they could control sea access to Russia. Because if you control this is called the
Dardanelles straits, if you control the Dardanelles straits, you control the Navy of Russia. Is that
clear? Right? If you control this small point of land here, this is Gallipoli, this is Gallipoli,
and there's a famous movie in the 80s. By I forgot the very famous actor, very famous Hollywood
actor. It's called Gallipoli. 1981, I think is a very famous Hollywood movie. And it talks about
basically this invasion from their perspective. So they thought by control and they were correcting
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this by controlling these streets, they're basically going to control the Russian Navy, so they
attack full scale. Australia, New Zealand, England, they all attack the Strait of Dardanelles, here
we go again.
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And this attack proved to be a disaster for the Allied forces. They lost over 150,000 men. Now it
wasn't easy for the Ottomans, the Ottomans one it was a resounding victory for the Muslims. And it
the the Ottomans themselves they lost probably close to 150,000 people as well. It was it was an
eight month battle. But the end result was
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victory for the Ottomans and the Allied forces could not take Gallipoli to this day. The Turks take
great pride in the success of rappelling the British and French forces. It was also in this battle
that a general shot up to fame and eventually became the founder of modern Turkey. His name was
Mustafa Kemal and eventually he was called a TED talk. It was this battle the Battle of Gallipoli
that shot him to fame, it boosted his credentials, he was the commander and leader of the attack of
the call the defense, not the attack, he was defending the Ottoman Empire. And because of the
success of this battle, basically, he could ride on that success all the way to becoming the
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president of Turkey. The first president, as we'll talk about in a while. Now, sadly, even though
the Muslims did win the battle of Gallipoli that would basically be their only victory. That's the
only victory that the Muslims had really in World War One. Elsewhere, the Allied forces prevailed.
In 1915, the British invaded Iraq, and by March 1917, the Brits marched into the once grandiose
capital of the abbasids. Baghdad. Here we have a picture of the British troops entering Baghdad in
March of 1917. And they took down the Ottoman flag, and they raised in its place the British flag.
And on another front, the famous general General Allenby was appointed by the British Prime Minister
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and sent into Egypt, where General Allenby was told by the British Prime Minister, I want you to
conquer Jerusalem. By Christmas, I want you to conquer Jerusalem by Christmas, and Allenby changed
the tactics of his predecessors. He radically altered troop morale for the better, he devised a
number of tactics to help him in his quote, unquote, crusade. And the most famous tactic of Allenby
was a young, bright man by the name of t. Lawrence, also called Lawrence of Arabia, Lawrence of
Arabia, he has a whole long story. We don't have time to get into all of that. But if you watch the
movie of Lawrence of Arabia, which is a romanticized version of the events, Lawrence of Arabia is
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basically he's a, you can call them a type of spy or a type of provocateur of the British, the
British gave him 200,000 pounds a month.
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In our times, that would be a fortune imagine in 1914. To to do what to use that money to persuade
the Arabs to break away from the Ottomans and to fight the Ottomans. So it is as if they're being
paid to cause a civil war. So the Arabs are now promised as well, that you should fight against the
Ottomans. And we'll get back to this point in a while, General Allenby launched a series of
successful campaigns, Egypt was already pretty much under British control. By the time before World
War One, Egypt was already very much pro British. So from Egypt, he launches into Gaza into Jaffa.
And there he fought the German and the Ottoman forces. Eventually he reaches the holy city of
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Jerusalem. He will mark this on the ninth of December 1917. Giving the British Prime Minister his
Christmas gift that he wanted because he said I want to Jerusalem before Christmas. And we have some
video footage if that can be shown if you can put that on. retreat in General Allenby is in hot
pursuit. He wants to destroy as much of the enemy
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As he can while he has the upper hand, he knows there is plenty of fight left in the Turks. They may
be retreating, but they are not giving up.
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Instead of continuing his drive to the north, Elon returns to the east, toward the holy city of
Jerusalem. The symbolic history of that ancient city sacred to Christians, Muslims and Jews is more
important at the moment than another great victory against the Turks.
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Boy George has already told the Prime Minister take Jerusalem before Christmas.
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The religious significance is not lost on Christians among the British troops.
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For 10 Lizzy's plowed through the sand hills and raced along the coast tracks where Pharaohs war
chariots have traveled, a derelict tank lay in no man's land, within rifle shots of where Samson's
primitive weapon of the jawbone of an * had proved more deadly.
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Well, you're in some respects that it was a crusade.
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But Alan B is really sensitive about this, because he does want it to be called crusade. A lot of
his soldiers were Muslim, having his labor force. For example. He also had Indian troops. And so he
doesn't want this sort of Christian versus Muslim conflict. And he just doesn't want to call that at
all. But you couldn't help but be aware, if you were British soldier, that you were going into
Bethlehem or that you were getting closer to Jerusalem. And so even though Allenby doesn't want it
really talked about as a crusade, if some of the rank and file did think that way, and I think it
was some motivation. For some of these things pretty sold.
00:26:51 -->
On a night of rain and bitter cold, British forces attacked the holy city of Jerusalem on December
7 1917. The enemy offers strong resistance at first enemy that's 15,000 men against overwhelming
enemy numbers.
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They begin to withdraw from the city
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for centuries of Ottoman rule have come to an end.
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On December 11, General Allenby enters Jerusalem on foot. This is one of the saddest moments in
Islamic history. This is exactly when General Allenby is entering Jerusalem as a conquer. We have
this on video. This is him entering for respect for the city. He is the 34th conqueror of Jerusalem
and it's long volatile past after a campaign that has lasted 40 days and 40 nights with the loss of
18,000 men, the British soldiers have delivered a Christmas present to their nation
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in the city LNB delivers a proclamation to the crowd and dignitaries gathered. Since your city is
regarded with affection by the adherence of three of the great religions of mankind, and its soil
has become consecrated by the prayers and pilgrimages of multitudes of devout people of those three
religions for many centuries.
00:28:17 -->
Therefore, do I make it known to you that every sacred building, monument, holy spot, shrine, or
customary place of prayer, of whatsoever form of the three religions will be maintained and
protected according to the existing customs and beliefs of those two whose faith they are sacred?
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The Turks lose 25,000 men in the struggle that began October 31. They are down but not out and still
hold a strong defensive line from the Mediterranean to the Dead Sea. It goes on but we need to get
back to our slide. So where do we get?
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What do we do from current slide here? Okay. So we mentioned then that
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we mentioned then that in March 1917, the British captured, captured what, March 1917 of the dead,
Iraq in Baghdad by December 1917. They're in Jerusalem. And by October 1918, they conquer Damascus
by October 1918. They enter Syria, and they conquer the capital of the ones who made Empire. It was
only a matter of time now before the rest of the Muslim lands fall, and on November 13 1918. They
invade Istanbul, French and British forces invade Istanbul and Istanbul falls to the allies. It is
truly symbolic, in my humble opinion, that out of all of the magnificent and glorious capitals of
the Muslim lands, both dad and
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Damascus, and Istanbul, all of them, not symbolically, were literally conquered by the allies,
literally, Western troops, Allenby and two of them. Allenby wasn't in Istanbul, but Western troops
literally entered in to Damascus, and Baghdad and Istanbul. And then of course, Jerusalem, the
holiest of holy in that region. And there is no doubt in my mind that in terms of political
humiliation, this was one of the lowest points in the entire history of the oma. Perhaps the only
disaster politically that was bigger than this was
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the Mongols. Perhaps the only disaster that was perhaps more painful was the Mongols, and even that
is you can debate but definitely these two disasters, and I intend to give a lecture sometime about
the Mongol invasion. But that's really long ago, many people no longer, you know, care about this,
even though that had its impact. But this disaster well, like, Can you imagine, every single capital
of the Muslim lands physically captured by the allies, and Jerusalem, the holiest of holy, it's only
a matter of time before obviously, the end is near. And the Allied forces eventually may have made
similar conquests against Germany, and eventually Germany agrees to surrender. But before we get to
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the end and the surrendering, we need to discuss some of the tactics that the British did, and some
of the promises and treaties that they engaged in during this war to show us the reality of what
post World War One will happen. And there are three primary promises that we're interested in. There
are three primary correspondences and promises that we're interested in. Number one, the promises to
the Arabs, the British promise to the Arabs, beginning in July 1915, the British High Commissioner
of Egypt now who's the High Commissioner, high commissioner is basically higher than an ambassador.
He's like a governor who represents the British interests in that region. So he is the highest
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ranking British diplomat in the entire Middle East. And Egypt was already basically a British
protectorate by the time so the British High Commissioner in Egypt, his name is Sir Henry McMahon,
Sir Henry McMahon. He is the one who starts thinking of different tactics of sending t Lawrence as
well. Answer Henry McMahon begins a series of correspondences with the Sharif of Mecca, who is the
Sharif of Mecca we have a picture of the shooting for MK over here, should you send him an idea to
Sharif of Mecca, and the Sharif of Mecca is the 40th descendant of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi
wasallam This is a picture of somebody who is directly descendant of our prophet SAW Selim, he is
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the 14th descendant of our profits of Allahu alayhi wa sallam him and his family have been ruling
Makkah for over 700 years. 700 years, they have been the governors of Mecca, under the herbicides
under the Mamelukes under the Ottomans. They kept the Sharif clan out of respect for them because
they are after all, Sharif means.
00:33:16 -->
Say yes, Sharif means for us say it, it means ahlulbayt. Sharif means they are of the family of the
Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and they have been a local power, really, to be honest, more
than maybe like 1000 years. They have been in the in politics, basically. And they are the most
prestigious of all Arab rulers, and the only Arab ruler who might be a threat to the Ottomans.
Because after all, he should if and he's the governor of Makkah, so he's got the blood and he's got
the geography. And he's got the history and that's 1000 year history. Right? So if anybody is going
to be a unifying force, for the Muslims against their califa, you understand, divide and conquer
00:33:58 -->
here, right? If there's anybody whom the Muslims could possibly be bribed into accepting, as an
alternative Khalifa, it would be this man Sharif Hussein in it. And therefore, sir McMahon, Henry
McMahon had began a series of correspondences. And t Lawrence became a personal friend to Sharif
Hussein, a family friend, literally a family friend, he becomes on a first name basis to Sharif
Hussein and his three sons. And
00:34:28 -->
the Sharif Of course, now, Danny, yes, he is a little bit but we had mentioned in our lecture, just
because you're at elevate doesn't mean you are automatically an angel or a saint. And the sheriff
had ambitions of his own, and he had wanted to be the halifa for many years, even before World War
One, we now have records of him pre World War One sending messages to the Brits that this is pre
World War One that you know, if you want you can kind of help me and we can work something out
against the Ottomans. Right. Now the Brits at the time had no need for this man. So they just
ignored it. But now
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The idea comes up again. And the Brits basically bribe
00:35:06 -->
not just by money, but most importantly, what is the bribe that is really far more powerful than
money, its power, its power. That is the most powerful bribe, a man knows power. They promise the
sheriff that if you fight against your fellow Muslims, if you rebel against your halifa, and that is
the Ottoman Sultan, we will make you the next Calif.
00:35:32 -->
And we will give you a united Arabia, by Arabia, we don't mean Saudi Arabia, we mean the Arab lands,
Damascus, Baghdad, everything in between Syria, Lebanon, Jordan, everything, Arabia, you shall
become the halifa, of a united Arabia.
00:35:50 -->
And they continue to convince him until finally the it is now set in stone. And we have to point out
here that yes, we're angry at the foreign powers at the West at England, we're angry at the double
dealing, but in the end of the day, they used us against ourselves. In the end of the day, we have
to put the blame where also it lies. And Muslims are also guilty, just like every other party is
guilty. And we have to acknowledge the greed and the power struggles on all sides. And here we have
a copy of one of those letters. If you take a look at it on the on your slide, this is a copy. If
you look at the date, can you see the date on there? October 24 1915.
00:36:32 -->
I want you to read this that subject to the above modification Great Britain is prepared to
recognize and support the independence of the Arabs in all of the regions within the limits demanded
by the Sharif of Mecca. Notice very clear here. This is the original letter by the way, you see
Edward Henry McMahon and you see the signature, his original letter, Great Britain will guarantee
the holy places and Great Britain will give the Arabs advice and assistance. And I'm convinced this
declaration will assure you beyond all possible doubt of the sympathy of Great Britain towards the
aspiration of her friends, the Arabs, and will result in a true and lasting Alliance, the immediate
00:37:10 -->
results of which will be the expulsion of the Turks from the Arab lands, and the freeing of the Arab
people from the Turkish yoke, which so for so many years has oppressed them so heavily. So McMahon
with obviously the approval and the knowledge of the British government. They promise Sharif Hussein
ibn Ali, that if he revolts, the British will give him a united arab land, and he will be made the
next Khalifa from Iraq to Turkey to Syria to the ages. And the Arabs took this as an official
promise from England. And based on this promise, the Sharif launched a war against the Ottomans, not
against the Brits against the Ottomans. And the Brits, under the command of T Lawrence would
00:37:54 -->
literally tell the shittiest forces attack here, attack there, do this do that. And now if you watch
the movie, Lawrence of Arabia, now if you watch the movie with this background in mind, you will see
exactly this is what Lawrence does, that he's the one who has the idea. Let's attack Aqaba Let's do
this. Let's do that. Now the Brits are telling the Arabs where to attack against the Turks for their
best interest. And the primary line of attack was the railroad that connected the the the Ottoman
lands to Arabia and to Jordan, they wanted to minimize because railroad is the highway. If you cut
off the highway, you're not going to get troops, right. And so even though the Arabs were not that
00:38:32 -->
effective in terms of Army, they were effective in terms of destroying the railroad in terms of
bombing, you know, the lines and whatnot. And therefore, the Arabs took this as the promise that if
we fight against the Ottomans, we will be given our United Arabia and T Lawrence or Lawrence of
Arabia was the one who was put in charge of this Arab revolt. Now, a little bit of footnote about
Lawrence, Lawrence, his role has been sensationalized and made larger than life by an American
journalist. His name was Lowell farmers from Chicago. He was visiting the lines and he found this
British are dressed like an Arab speaking Arabic. And he kind of made it far more romantic. He's the
00:39:09 -->
one who gave him the title Lawrence of Arabia. It's a very romantic view of an Englishman fighting
for Arab independence. He basically painted in a very positive light. We cannot forget the T.
Lawrence in the end of the day is a British agent provocateur, right? We should not have much
sympathy at all for t Lawrence, even though there is no denying that Lawrence believed in his own
cause, which is Arab independence. But when Lawrence found out about the other two agreements that
we're going to mention right now, guess what? He didn't tell anything to the Arabs. And he continued
promising them that which he knew his own government had already agreed elsewhere. Is that clear? Or
00:39:50 -->
did I lose you guys? Te Lawrence figure it out? There are other agreements my government has made?
We're going to talk about them right now. But he's still continuing
00:40:00 -->
to promise to Sharif and his family, all of these promises, even though when World War One came to
an end, and the negotiation was being done, it is true. Lawrence did fight the British verbally for
an Arab independent state, but he was out ruled and outvoted. And he basically abandoned the Arab
cause in one back in died in a automobile or motorcycle accident. Perhaps he felt guilty about the
Arab cause, but there's no denying that he was a double agent, meaning that he knew exactly what his
own country had promised, and he pretended to be a friend to the Sharif. But he continued fighting
on behalf of England and telling the Sharif lies that he knew were lies. He did feel guilty, most
00:40:41 -->
likely, but so what at the end of the day, he continued doing what he did. So this is the first
backhand deal. It's called the McMahon promises or it's also called the McMahan, Hussein
correspondence. We have physical letters, I showed you one actual letter very clearly the Arabs are
promised complete independence, you will become the halifa if you fight against the present halifa.
This is the first backhand deal. The second one, which was far more sinister, was the something
called the Sykes picot agreement. And this is really the most important agreements. Now. Remember
that the McMahon letters dates back to 1915. Guess what, in 1915, the same year that the Brits are
00:41:23 -->
promising the Arabs independence, they have begun another series of negotiations, this time with the
Russians and the French. Now the Russians and the French are on their site. Right, the Russians have
the French on their site, and the Russian Foreign Minister and the British Foreign Minister and the
French Foreign Minister, they met a number of times, figuring out what is to be done if we win.
Notice degreed in 1915. They're already eyeing the price, and 1950. And they're gonna wonder how are
we going to? How are we going to slice this pie? How are we going to divide this cake amongst us?
You get the point you, right? If we win, what are we going to do? We don't want to fight in public.
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Let's hash it out right now. And so Russia demanded, they want Istanbul
00:42:11 -->
and they want the main land of Turkey. Why? Because we just said that in order to get to the ocean
you need to go through is that also Russia had a vested interest in Armenia, Armenia, and Turkey
always had a conflict between the two. And Russia was very pro Armenian. So they wanted basically,
the main Ottoman lands, if you like, and France wanted a protectorate in Lebanon, what is now Syria,
they want to chunks of Syria, and England demanded the bulk of the Arab lands, and that is basically
that is basically Iraq and trans Jordan and the Hijaz, this is what they wanted, and eventually they
agreed to this type of share. And this is called the Sykes picot agreement s y k S dash p IC OT, the
00:42:56 -->
Sykes picot agreement after the British and the French Foreign Ministers who actually negotiated the
treaty, and it was agreed upon by all three governments in utmost secrecy, and we have the original
map of the Sykes picot agreement, if you see this, that is the actual original map. And if you look
very carefully, you cannot probably see it there but you there is the signature of Sykes and Pico
right at the bottom, you see my mouse?
00:43:24 -->
How come you don't see my mouse? I don't know why you don't see my mouse. Okay. But on the bottom
right hand corner, you see the the signatures of Sykes and Pico now literally they're gathered
around a map, and they're figuring out who's gonna get the red who's going to get portion a who's
going to get portion B, and they're arguing, and they're drawing arbitrary lines here and there. And
the modern Middle East is literally being carved out and argued over on a map and a table between
the two or three of them. Each one is saying no, this me that me finally the end map is in front of
you, we still have the original map. And the only thing that comes to mind here is the Hadith of the
00:43:59 -->
Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam reported in Muslim Iman, it is only a matter of time you should
enter the Dalai Lama, it's only a matter of time before the other nations will call one another to
attack you. Just like people are called to eat from a common plate. Just like people are called to
eat from one plate, they're going to be called to attack you. They're literally debating and
negotiating, who's going to get which share of the pie, which slice of the cake goes where and
eventually they agree to these arbitrary lines. And these arbitrary lines basically form the map of
the modern Middle East to this day, and this is called the Sykes picot agreement, and it was agreed
00:44:41 -->
upon in utmost secrecy. And the irony of ironies, the the Frenchman was called Francois Georges
Pico, and the British was called sir Mark Sykes. Both of them were ignorant of the Middle East. They
had barely visited neither of them spoke Arabic there.
00:45:00 -->
Complete JSON of the situation. There are a bunch of diplomats basically, right? They don't have
first hand experience or ground knowledge of the ethnicities cultures, actual. It's literally a map
that they have not even been to. And they're arguing and debating who's going to get which portion
on an on an on a piece of paper. And this forms the basis of the modern Middle East, the Sykes picot
agreement, the most of the country's borders and whatnot. were basically drawn out here in this
secret agreement. Now. question arises if it was so secret and top secret and secret, how did it get
public? Well, brief footnote here, not quite relevant to us. In 1917, Russia had its own internal
00:45:43 -->
revolution not relevant to us, and the czars were thrown out, and the Bolsheviks came to power. So
the Tsar dynasty comes to an end, and the Bolsheviks come to power. And the Bolsheviks wanted to
expose how corrupt the czars were,
00:45:59 -->
and how bad the Czar's were. So when they discovered these documents, they immediately went public
with them.
00:46:06 -->
And the next day, New York Times heading and the Times of London heading is basically a secret
agreement between England and Russia and and whatnot, that goes against the McMahon promise that
goes against the Arabs independence, even the British public and the American public are now savvy
to what's going on. Compare this to Edward Snowden and what he's doing in our times, right. This is
the the the people leaking the secrets and whatnot. Right? It was a source of great embarrassment to
England, that here we are promising the Arabs. And as we are promising them and signing letters with
them. We're also signing letters with the Russians and with the French, but they managed to smooth
00:46:44 -->
it over, believe it or not, and will lie How naive the Muslims were. They managed to smooth it over
and lie about it and say, Oh, no, no, don't worry, we still promised you still valid and the Arabs
to the very end, believe them to the very end, right until the peace conference of 1990 was we'll
talk about shallow data in a while. Now in this agreement. England got control over Jordan and Iraq
and Philistine what is now for living in Israel, France was given the south eastern part of Turkey
and Syria. And Russia was promised Istanbul and most of central Turkey and what is today, Armenia.
This is called the Sykes Pico agreement. That's the second of the three deals we want to talk about
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the third deal. So three separate treaties going on regarding the same land, look at how double
dealing how duplicitous, how hypocritical, how backstabbing. The Brits were here, three different
agreements. While all of this is going on, guess what? 1914 talk begins in the British cabinet at
the highest levels of promising a Jewish homeland to the Zionists.
00:47:53 -->
Talk begins of now carving out a independent Jewish homeland and giving it over to design it's not
pause here who were the Zionists. The Zionists were a movement that began in the late part of the
19th century, a group of influential powerful Jews in Europe began this movement which was the call
designer they call design ism, it was called the world Zionist Federation Council. And the goal of
Zionism was the establishment of an independent Jewish homeland, preferably in Jerusalem itself. Now
this is an 1880s 1890s. They're already talking about this type of talk, and the most influential.
The most influential people in this movement were Theodor Herzl, who's basically the founder of the
00:48:36 -->
Zionist movement. And then chain Wiseman, who eventually becomes the first president of Israel
chain, Wiseman becomes the first president of Israel. Now, interestingly enough, in the beginning,
the Brits tried to promise them another land. And they said, Why don't you choose Uganda?
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In Africa, it's easier for us go to Uganda will give you Uganda have your own independent land in
Uganda. Now remember, the Brits controlled one fourth of the world at the time, the Brits controlled
much of Africa and India and all of these lands, the Far East. They're all under British control.
And many countries in Africa were British protectorates. So they wanted to give a country they felt
wouldn't be problematic. So they tried to convince them to take Uganda. And if they had said, Yes,
history would have taken a whole different turn, Israel would have been in Africa and the heart of
Uganda, there'd be Israel over there, right? But they insisted, no, we only want Jerusalem. Our eyes
00:49:29 -->
are on the price. We want Jerusalem. And eventually the British negotiated out and they agreed to
support the Zionist cause. Now, this leads to a very, very big question. Why?
00:49:43 -->
Why would England? Why would Britain want to support the Zionists? What are they gaining out of
this? And here we have a whole bunch of theories, some of which border on conspiratorial and bizarre
Allah knows best I will mention basically for reasons
00:50:00 -->
And there are more than these, I will mention for reasons that at least the first three I kind of
sympathetic to the last one I'm so so about. The first reason. And by the way, this topic of why the
Brits wanted to support designers is a very interesting topic. And as I said, you get a lot of
theories. And some of them really are conspiratorial, and I just want to dismiss those outright. The
first reason that I think is very clear, and there's no denying this, the same reason why every
single politician makes promise to members of his own congregation, his own group, and that is for
their support. You make promises to people to segments of your people, right? When a politician is
00:50:37 -->
running for office, he's gonna promise the gun holder something is gonna promise the abortions,
something's gonna promise, you know, elderly people, so it's a part of what you do as a politician,
right? You gather their support, and the Jewish population in England was relatively speaking,
powerful and wealthy. And like every political party, there's nothing sinister about this. What is a
politician? Do you want the support of those people? So the British Parliament felt the need to get
the support of Britain's Jews? That's number Reason number one. directly from this Reason number
two, one of the richest and most powerful Jews in all of England, was Chaim, Weizmann himself. And
00:51:18 -->
Chaim Weizmann in particular, was very much needed by the British. Why? Because chain Wiseman wasn't
just rich because of having some businesses and whatnot. He was in the business of producing
acetone, which was a necessary ingredient in the manufacture of bombs and explosives. And with the
advent of war, the price of acetone and the availability of acetone starts to become very, very
important. And Chaim Weizmann was a chemist, by the way, and he patented a new technique of acetone,
this is before World War, there's basically a stroke of luck, or whatever you want to call it, that
his expertise was acetone, he had a company that produced acetone, and acetone is a necessary
00:52:05 -->
ingredient in the making of bombs. And the Brits now desperately need him to increase the supply of
acetone by 1,000%. So
00:52:15 -->
it could be and he happens to be the president or the secretary of the world Zionist Federation,
right? So it could be that by promising him Jerusalem, you get him on your side. And this is a very
logical and rational reason to promise something right? And it is said that when the issue of
payments came up, how much would England give Wiseman's company? How much was would be the going
rate? He's already a multi billionaire, one of the richest men of Europe. His response was, I don't
want any money. I want Palestine.
00:52:47 -->
I don't need any money from you. I want Palestine. That's my payment. Right? And this makes sense
that why would he want any money when he himself is a very rich person. So it could be one of the
reasons they're supporting designers causes is to get Chaim Weizmann and his company to produce
acetone, which is a very reasonable explanation as well. A third cause that is given a third reason
that is given,
00:53:11 -->
was hinted at by the person that was speaking in our video, and that is the Christian connection
with Judaism, and the fulfillment of the Messianic prophecies of the second coming of Jesus. It is
bizarre for most Muslims to know this. But actually, many Christians are more pro Zionist than most
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We as Muslims, most of us are ignorant about this. Some of the Christian fundamentalist groups are
more pro Zionist, then Jewish groups. And the reason for this is because they believe that when the
Holy Land is ready, Jesus Christ will return again. And they want to expedite the process. And no
doubt they fundamentalist Christians think Jews are misguided, but they think Jews are misguided
because they haven't been updated yet. For us, they view us as being not even on the chart of
misguidance. We're not even we're not even on the chart. We're completely off the charts. Jews are
they they lost the plot because they didn't believe in Jesus. That's what they really, for us. They
00:54:15 -->
believe we are not even on the path of guidance. So there's more sympathy to Jews, obviously,
because in the end of the day, Jesus was a Jew, he came for the Jews, and they all acknowledge this.
There's more familiarity with the Jews, and we are considered to be heathens and barbarians and
following a false prophet. That's their view. And the Prime Minister of England, Lloyd George, at
the time, was an ardent evangelical Christian. And he clearly had pro Zionist and very Christian
tendencies when he wants to conquer Jerusalem and whatnot. You see yourself what you saw yourself,
his his statements and whatnot, and there's no denying that there's an element of pro Zionism coming
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out of a Christian theology. Okay, so this is Reason number three
00:55:00 -->
And again, I don't see any conspiracy here, it's pretty obvious you believe in something, you're
going to do it. The fourth reason given this is where I say Allahu Alem. It's a bit of a conspiracy.
I don't know, I don't I'll just say it. And I don't know if it's true or not, there is a theory,
you'll find it in a lot of books. But I'm not. I'm not an expert in this. So I just mentioned it.
And I'll leave it at that, that by promising Palestine to the Jews. This was a bribe, to certain
high ranking officials in the White House to try to drag America into the war as well. And this is a
theory that is given and they mentioned some names and whatnot, that this was some type of, you
00:55:40 -->
know, promise that America would also get involved. But you know, a lot of it is true or not. But
let me say one thing, and this is shocking to many of us, but it's historically true, mainstream
American Judaism was completely opposed to Zionism. For the first 40 years of Zionism.
00:56:00 -->
mainstream American Judaism 1880s 1890s it was a European phenomenon. Zionism was a complete the
European phenomenon. American Jews, by and large, scoffed at the idea of an independent Jewish
homeland. They thought this is ridiculous, we're happy where we are, you know, we're climatized. We
love America, there was no notion and they didn't understand that would cause problems and whatnot.
And mainstream Jews in America did not support Zionism, until basically Hitler and World War Two,
that's when they felt the need to have an independent Jewish homeland. And this is well documented.
This is not some type of theory. This is a known fact that mainstream American Jews were not pro
00:56:38 -->
Zionist, and whatever the reasons might be. Eventually, these discussions between European Zionist
and the British government continued until finally in August 1917, the discussion reaches the
British cabinet. Now it's going to become official should we vote or not. And very interestingly,
this is another interesting point, there was only one Jewish member of cabinet in that entire
meeting, there was only one Jewish member. And that Jewish member was the most vocal opponent to the
plan of giving Palestine to the Jews. And his name was you can write this down. Edwin Samuel
Montague mo n t Agu, Edwin Samuel Montague. And what he said was listen to this, and this is the
00:57:22 -->
only Jewish member of the cabinet. And he's one of the most vocal opponents to the plan of giving
Palestine to the Jews. What he says was, this would cause great alarm in the Muslim world would
create enemies for us when we don't have enemies. So Muslims and Jews were not enemies to one
another for the bulk of their history. And this is something that is shocking to modern Muslims and
Jews, modern Christians. The fact of the matter, Muslims and Jews got along very well, in what is
now Palestine, up until the beginnings of Zionism, Muslims and Jews did not have too much problems.
And here we have a senior member of the British Parliament who is a Jew, saying that I am worried if
00:58:06 -->
you're going to do this, you're going to cause tensions between us, you're going to cause problems
between us, and you're going to reinforce anti semitism and bigotry. Notice this is a Jew speaking
out against this saying, If you do this, we're going to get into trouble from our Muslim, if you
like neighbors and whatnot. And this more than anything shows us dear Muslims, let us not confuse
anti Zionism with anti Jewishness, we have to be very careful here. Many, many Muslims confuse the
two together.
00:58:41 -->
We are anti Zionist, we are not anti Jewish.
00:58:47 -->
We are anti Zionist, and we criticize Zionism. As for Jews, they are a helicopter. And the shade er
has and always will grant them rights that are known to all of us. And historically speaking, Jews
and Muslims always found sympathy and comfort against the Christians in the Crusades. And throughout
history. Whenever the Christians persecuted the Jews, the Jews always found safe passage in Muslim
lands. This is an undeniable historical reality. And that is why there were large groups of Jews
living in Muslim lands up until the creation of Israel. You Arabs know this. Yemeni Jews, Moroccan
Jews, Tunisian Jews around the world there's a Jewish synagogue in Cairo, which is now empty because
00:59:31 -->
of Zionism. Right? Jews flourished and Muslim lands. And historically speaking, there was not the
type of animosity that exists right now. And unfortunately, in our anger against Zionism, many
Muslims have become anti semitic and anti Jewish, and this is a problem. we criticize Zionism. And
let me tell you, from my own experiences, some of the most vocal and effective critics of Zionism
01:00:00 -->
Orange juice.
01:00:02 -->
I repeat that some of the most vocal and effective critics of Zionism, Zionism is political. Judas
Zionism is a type of racism. We have no qualms about this, you are saying that somebody who's a Jew
has the right to go to a land that he's never been in for 50 centuries. And he can take over the
property and land of somebody who's right there. This is racism and ethnic cleansing in a way, we
are opposed to Zionism. We are not opposed to the rights of Jewish people to be Jews. And our
religion has always given that we will continue to give them these rights. And here we have in in
Edwin Montague, a very good example of a Jew standing up for the rights of the Palestinians and
01:00:41 -->
saying, If you do this, you're going to get us into trouble. Well, obviously as you know, he was
outvoted. And in any case, the opposition was minimal. He was one of a handful, and the cabinet
basically allowed this to pass and immediately the British Foreign Secretary, sir author belfor,
eagerly wrote to telegram to Baron Rothschild, if you can show now on the screen. And this is the
actual telegram that was sent. This is called the Balfour Declaration. This is called the Balfour
Declaration. That is Sir Edward. That is Sir Arthur Belfer, and he wrote to telegraph to Baron
Rothschild, you have over here, Dear Lord Rothschild. I have the pleasure. This is the actual
01:01:21 -->
Balfour Declaration. Look at the date, November 2 19 1970. This is the actual telegraph that was
sent yours. Oh, here we go again. Yours, author Belfer, and it says that his Majesty's Government
views with favor the establishment in Palestine of a national home for the Jewish people, and will
use their best endeavours to facilitate the achievement of this objective. It's being clearly
understood, that nothing shall be done, which may prejudice the civil and religious rights of
existing non Jewish communities in Palestine, or the rights and political status enjoyed by Jews in
any other country. This is the Balfour Declaration dated November 2 1917. And he wrote to to Baron
01:02:08 -->
Rothschild, and the Rothschilds. I mean, another is a whole bunch of a whole tangent over here, the
Rothschilds were. Well, who is Baron Rothschild. Baron Rothschild is the highest ranking He is the
Lord. And the Lord is like, there is no equivalent in America but like he's higher than a senator.
He is the Lord. And he is the highest ranking Jewish, basically member of, you know, the British
Parliament and royalty. He is the Lord in the in the House of Lords, and he is the highest ranking
Jew in England. And so, and he's also obviously a member of the world Zionist Congress. And so
immediately sir author Belfer sends him The Telegraph. And of course, the Rothschilds is a whole
01:02:49 -->
different. There's a whole different tangent over here, the Rothschilds is, how can I even phrase
this I mean, this is a dynasty that has spanned over 350 years, a Jewish banking dynasty that has
branches to this day in Austria and England and France and Americans, Switzerland, and it is the
pioneer, one of the pioneers of worldwide banking, and their net worth in today's value. Back in the
17th 1800s, would literally be in the hundreds of billions. The Rothschild family, there is no other
equivalent in all of Europe, they transcended politics. They're so wealthy, they don't care who's in
power. These are people that are the bankers and the people of wealth in a number of European lands,
01:03:38 -->
and they are still around to this day, one of their members is founder of that famous Swiss bank is
worth $100 billion or something while the bank is worth not him. But I mean, he's the, you know, the
president of whatnot, the family is still active to this day. So this is he writes the letter to
Baron Baron Rothschild, and he basically promises him that look, you help us out and you will get
your state and Palestine, you will get your Israel now, the same land has been promised to three
people basically. Right? Well, you can say when the British promised it to themselves, they feel
they have the right to give it to the to the Jews now. So they're promising the Arabs freedom. And
01:04:11 -->
they've already negotiated with the French and German that they're going to keep Jordan and then
they've already said a part of Jordan will be given over to trans Jordan will be given over to the
Zionists. Now, the Arabs and Muslims once again found out about the Balfour Declaration because the
Balfour Declaration was not top secret. Unlike the Sykes picot agreement. The Balfour Declaration
was made public and it was publicized in the newspaper.
01:04:34 -->
Once again, the Brits convinced the Arabs that don't worry about it, we'll deal with it when the
time comes. And the Arabs basically went along, they fell for it again. That Don't worry, we trust
you. You guys are going to help us out. And they ignored the Balfour Declaration. And do realize
that when all of this began pre World War One, only 5% of Palestine had a Jew were Jews. The Jewish
population was less than five
01:05:00 -->
percent. And they are being told that you're going to get a state in modern Palestine. I mean, in
some cities, Muslims are 5%, here in America, probably in New York, where more than that, imagine if
we are told, oh, you can get all of New York, don't worry. This is literally their promises being
made. Right? all over New York is yours if you just help us out. Well, how about the rest of the
people of New York, how all of this we need to understand this is what's going to happen now. That's
exactly the tensions that are going to come this is exactly the problem. And these are the three
primary agreements that the Brits made. And it is undeniable that these agreements demonstrate the
01:05:38 -->
duplicity and the outright hypocrisy of England, and the double crossing role that they played in
promising different people different things, and in particular, how they backstabbed the Arabs and
the Muslims. Now, we need to start wrapping up what exactly happens, obviously, Germany eventually
is defeated. And Germany basically resigns or surrenders at a very infamous date at 11am. In the
11th month of the in the 11th day of the 11th month, as a famous thing that happened, it just so
happened 11am, on the 11th of November, in the year 1918. This is when World War One officially
comes to an end. And there are many results of the end of World War One to summarize some of them
01:06:21 -->
that obviously, first and foremost, there was the loss of life, in some European lands, more than
20% of the male population is gone, changes the whole dynamics. Second was the famine because when
you don't have men, you're not gonna have fields, you're not gonna have this, and the famine
probably killed, at least triple or quadruple the amount that died in the actual war. 10s of
millions of people across the globe died as a result of famine. And then when you have famine, and
you have a lack of sanitation or whatnot, then the third disaster, and this was the Spanish
influenza of 1918. And what will make you understand what is the Spanish influenza, the Spanish
01:07:02 -->
influenza was the worst plague that man has seen since the Black Death of 1320 or something. It is
estimated that up to 5% of the world's population died in the Spanish influenza, the Spanish
influenza, it's called the Spanish influenza, but it spanned the globe from America to the Far East,
people just fell sick, healthy people. And the demographics are typically between 35 to 55. Healthy
People would just start coughing blood, and, and this is by Oh, I forgot to mention, this is the
original bird flu virus, h one and one. This is the first one.
01:07:38 -->
And that's why when the bird flu virus resurrected three, four years ago, everybody panicked.
Because they didn't have a cure for the Spanish, it just stopped on its own after a good percentage
of the world just basically died. And this was the largest plague that mankind had seen. Basically,
since the, you know, Black Death, it is estimated that up to 100 million people died in the Spanish
influenza of 1918 1919 1920. On a personal note, my own great grandfather also died in 1980. And as
a young man, my own great grandfather in 1918, just fell sick started coughing, and this is in the
village of India, right middle of nowhere, and Spanish influenza 1918. So, that was the third issue
01:08:27 -->
that we're gonna talk about. So the first was basically the tragedies of the war itself. The second
was the famine. Then the third was the Spanish influenza. Obviously, World War also caused a lot of
economic and social reforms that's beyond the scope of this class. But just one look to our one
footnote here, feminism.
01:08:43 -->
Feminism, for the first time in human history, the roles of men and women were reassessed in human
history, not Muslim history. It was understood what is the role of a man and the role of a woman in
human history across the globe. Men and women have a certain understanding and relationship men are
in charge of one thing women are in charge of another has Allah says what they said the curriculum
for the man is not like the woman.
01:09:09 -->
And it is understood the woman is more of a caretaker more of a homemaker. This has historically
always been the case. Well 1918 changes all of that. It has to 120 percent of your population that
are men are gone. What's going to happen?
01:09:25 -->
Women have to go to the workforce. And women are told you have to take and for the first time and we
have many posters to this day that you have women you can do it you know that poster of a woman with
the scarf and the the you know, the quintessential feminist poster, right? That masculine look with
the muscles, you can do it right you're going to go and do it. And World War One was the first time
when women were asked to leave the sanctity of the house, the peacefulness of the house, and we're
told go and work we need you. Then obviously when they're going to do this and World War Two made it
even bigger. So the first wave of feminism began after World War One, the second wave
01:10:00 -->
Not coincidentally, after World War Two, and then we are still basically seeing this entire re
shifting of men and women. All of this comes about from World War One. But for us, we're interested
in the politics and especially the Middle Eastern, and the automatic collapse. So what happens in
1918, November, ceasefire is declared, and in 1919, the victors all gathered to divide the cake.
01:10:23 -->
The victors all come together and party for almost a year,
01:10:27 -->
meant by party, I mean, engage in meetings and dialogues. And they chose Bowery Paris, France, and
this is called the Paris Peace Conference of 1919, when the world leaders of America, England,
Italy, and France all came together if we if we can, if we can see the next slide as well. Here we
have the presidents of here you see on your slide, the President that is the president of
01:10:55 -->
Firstly, that is England, and then Italy, and then France. And then that's Woodrow Wilson, right at
the very end. On the right, Woodrow Wilson, right. This is the infamous picture. Paris, 1990, the
presidents of England, Italy, France, I should say, Paris, excuse me, in Paris, sorry, France, and
America. These are all of the four presidents and obviously, hundreds and 1000s of entourage,
ministers of every single country, for 1919, Paris became the capital of the world. delegations are
coming from all over the world, even from the small islands of whatever coming for independence,
clamoring for this, and not petitioning the African movements as well. Here in America, the African
01:11:35 -->
Americans trying to petition for independence from the whites, I mean, all over people are coming to
basically, you know, petition against, you know, other causes and whatnot. And, obviously, this
Paris Peace Conference of 1919 was when the victors agreed on how to divide all of the spoils in
front of them. And of the most important effects, although not directly relevant to us, was the
financial constraints and burdens and taxes they put on Germany. And they said that the Germans are
completely guilty, you must acknowledge that every one of you is guilty for causing World War One,
or for causing the Great War, and you have to pay back every single country, all of the damages that
01:12:16 -->
has happened. So Germany is placed with trillions of dollars of basically taxes and debt, it's
impossible to pay off, right. And the Germans knew this. And Germany has this now complex of how
they're going to do this. And obviously, in this complex in this underdog type of mentality, you
know, Adolf Hitler comes along in the 19, late 1920s, and 30s. And he gives that German pride that
they were waiting for, and that was that pride that basically caused Hitler to come to power, which
of course precipitated World War Two, which of course, precipitated the collapse of Europe as a
world power, which of course, shot America up into the superpower status that it still continues to
01:12:53 -->
enjoy to this day. It was also in this conference, that both the Arabs and the Zionists came and
argued their case in front of the Allied politicians, and Woodrow Wilson. Now, at this point in
time, America is neutral. I know that sounds bizarre for us. But once upon a time, America was not
biased towards Israel. Well, there was no Israel right now. But America is not biased towards
designers. And America actually tried to be neutral, believe it or not, what did Woodrow Wilson do
1919 he said, let us send our own independent study into the land. And let us see if it's feasible
to give the Zionists a land for themselves. And this is called the king crane commission, King dash
01:13:37 -->
crane crna, the king crane commissioned because there was two people, and they were both arabist.
They spoke fluent Arabic. They were scholars, academics, if you like.
01:13:47 -->
And they went right after this peace conference 1919 directly at the command of President Woodrow
Wilson, and they toured Syria, Palestine, Lebanon, Damascus, they went all over the Arab world. And
they literally met with Bedouins and tribal leaders and they were on the ground. Unlike Sykes Pico
in the air conditioned room with the map in front of them, they're on the ground, and they spend the
bulk of 1919, literally wandering and walking and surveying and whatnot. And they come back with a
very strongly worded resolution, or not resolution, but I mean, suggestion or whatever I mean, their
findings, if you like, where they say that any establishment of a Jewish homeland in those areas, is
01:14:27 -->
impossible. Without severely trampling the rights of the locals. It's just not possible. You can't
do it. And they suggested very strongly that the whole idea should be scrapped. This is the official
response of the king crane commission. And it is you can find this the original documents, we still
have them in the Library of Congress. You can Google them, I didn't put them on on the slide, but
you can find them the original findings are still there, and they are against establishing a Zionist
homeland. Well, what do you think happened?
01:15:00 -->
That is basically filed away. Nobody cares about that. And Woodrow Wilson, eventually other members
of his parliament and whatever Congress convince him otherwise, and the king crane commission simply
becomes a footnote in American history. It was never acted upon. However, the New York Times did
talk about the kincraig. commission. There's a whole article in 1919, New York Times about the
results of the kincraig Commission. It's amazing now, how the New York Times even has changed from
its position in 1919. to its position right now. Now, most importantly for us. Eventually, the gist
of the Sykes picot agreement was ratified and agreed to and the Paris Peace Conference, and this is
01:15:40 -->
called the Treaty of Versailles, the Treaty of Versailles. Now, what is the Treaty of recite it is
one of the treaties of the Paris Peace Conference, the Paris Peace Conference is the whole year,
many, many treaties. And the Treaty of Versailles is the most important treaty for us because it
deals with the Ottomans. There were other treaties about Europe and whatnot. That's not our business
too much in this classroom or in this lecture. We are more interested in the Treaty of Versailles.
And by and large Oh, sorry, we have a picture here. If you can show this here. Here we have a
picture of face. Oh, here we go again.
01:16:15 -->
Let me see if I can. How do I get this on the wire?
01:16:19 -->
If we do if I don't want to how do I get this larger?
01:16:25 -->
How do I get this one? justice? Because I can't show my
01:16:32 -->
this one okay. Yeah, knows. But yeah, this is face on.
01:16:37 -->
There we go again. This is Faisal the son of Sharif Hussein. And this was the best friend of Te
Lawrence. This is t Lawrence in the background. You see him in the background? Where did my cursor
go? Do you see my cursor? No. Okay, let me see this. For some reason. My cursors not working. You
see him on the left of Faisal. You see him on the left behind him. He's the only white guy wearing
the ultra wearing the Shema is the only white guy wearing the Arab headgear. Kind of smirking.
That's t Lawrence right there. Okay, so you have in the forefront, Faisal the son of the Sharif
Hussein. Right. So surely if we're saying had three sons, we're gonna talk about this fight. Saul
01:17:16 -->
was the closest friend to t. Lawrence. He was also the youngest son, and this is in Paris, this
they're standing in Paris. That's one of his slaves in the background. By the way, he brought his
slave entourage, one of his slaves in the background, his bodyguards is standing in the back, and
towards his right is his.
01:17:33 -->
One of his visitors or one of his admirals. And then you have two British people in prison. And
there's t Lawrence over there as well. So he is arguing for Arab independence. He's arguing for give
my father the caliphate. That's what you promised me. That's why he's there. Chaim Weizmann also is
there and the Zionist Federation and they're saying the Balfour Declaration You promised us, right?
So this is where the you know, what hits the you know what, right? This is where both parties are
saying You promised us You promised us? What are you going to do? And so what happened was, they
kind of sort of basically acquiesced and agreed to the Sykes picot agreement, and a portion of Syria
01:18:10 -->
came under French protector. If we can see this now, a portion of Syria became French protectorate.
And one of the first things that the French did, well, this is the French protector. This was this
was given to France, one of the first things that the French did was to quite literally create a new
country that they called Lebanon, sorry, all Lebanese brothers and sisters, but you should know your
country is very recent, and it was created by the French for,
01:18:36 -->
for the Christian Arabs. The French wanted to reward the Christian Arabs for having helped them out
in World War One. And the first thing that they did, they said, Let's divide this land into a number
of different lands. Let's give it a Sunni land, a Christian land. And either we land New Zealand,
this was the proposition is a proposition. There were different, you know, different theologies over
there. And over the first things that they successfully did, they carved out Lebanon, and they made
it for the first time in human history, a separate country. And they said, Okay, this is now for the
Maronite Christians, but obviously it didn't. It didn't turn out that way. Eventually, Lebanon
01:19:15 -->
became a multicultural land, but it was meant to be only for the Maronites. And there was also talk,
as you see on your chart of a separate deluzy state at the bottom it said it was called the juggler,
Guru state. And on the upper left, either we state right they wanted to give a separate land for the
other ways. Now, what else did the French do? The French ruled over this land for 2030 years till
World War World War Two, then the Syrians revolted and kicked the French out and then they, you
know, went their separate ways. But during French control, they wanted to find a group that could be
loyal to them against the Sunni majority. And so they came across the other ways. And the other way
01:19:56 -->
is up until that point in time had been barbarians.
01:20:00 -->
I should say they still are some of them. But up until that point in time, they had been quite
literally uneducated. When I say barbarians, I mean it uneducated, illiterate, reading, what would
if you look at history books, what were the other was known for raiding, certainly property, killing
their men and women, sometimes * and then taking their, their property, and the Sudanese were
scared of them because of their bark ferocity, they lived in the mountains, they had their own
separate land and their own separate land, meaning, you know, area and whatnot. And that was the
case, when the French came, they recruited Luis for the first time sending schools, educating them,
01:20:37 -->
and giving them a lot of military positions. Why, as we explained why they wanted a group that they
could trust against the Sudanese. And so the other ways we're civilized, if you like, by the French,
and it is not a coincidence, 30 years after the French left, that the other way now comes to power
half is elicited from the military. Had it not been for the French, that otherwise wouldn't be in
the percentage they are in the military, had it not been for the French, that otherwise would not
have that education would not be in the army would not to become generals. And so half is an asset
and now his son, Bashar Al Asad, they're a direct consequence of the frenches basically helping the
01:21:19 -->
other ways. In the 1920s onwards, this is what happened in this region, the Brits, what did the
Brits do? The Brits awarded themselves three territories, they get the lion's share, because they're
the bridge, they get whatever they want. The first land they call the trans Jordan, the first land
they call the trans Jordan, and eventually trans Jordan. In our map, it is Jordan, Palestine and
Israel. They call the trans Jordan. The second land is Iraq. They get all of Iraq and the third land
is Hijazi Arabia. So they get these three large lands and
01:21:58 -->
the Sharif of Mecca kept on clamoring you promise you promise your promise. So they decided, Okay,
you know what, you're right, we did promise. So they took his three sons.
01:22:08 -->
And in one of the most bizarre things in recent history, they literally handed each one of the sons
one of these lands yellow ticket. Now obviously when they said this, it's understood the Brits are
going to be the real puppeteers. These are figureheads, and they know it, the figureheads know it,
right. And so the eldest son of Sharif Hussein, his name was Ali. Ali was given the ages, you get
Arabia. And immediately, he called himself the king of ages. And he ruled that very long rule from
October 1924 to December 1925. Very long group, because obviously, there was another power brewing
in that region. And that is the power of the rude.
01:22:53 -->
The Saudis, who were also financed by the British unbelievably, as their financing the Sharifs,
they're also financing the answer route. And I know this is painful for some of us in the audience.
But the Hulk is the Hulk here, okay, that as they are financing them, they're also financing the
other group. Right? And it is now well known. I mean, you cannot deny this, the documents are quite
there. Right? And it's unblemished, it's real, how many groups are you financing? What are you
instigating with whom, and eventually, when as your route becomes more and more powerful, the Brits
basically absolve themselves of the Sherif Ali, administrative Hussein, and they allow us to to
01:23:33 -->
basically unify Arabia, and the answer would then call the country their own, and they say it is the
Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. And so from that point in time, that surely
family is cut off. Okay, so Ali, Sharif Hussein is cut off now. And he goes into exile he dies a
miserable death, a sad death or lonely death. and Saudi Arabia is now as you know, Saudi Arabia, the
second oldest son of Sharif, his name is Abdullah intiative. Hussein, he is given Jordan, he is
given Jordan and that is the only one of the three who Allah either has it was successful in his own
way. And he proclaimed himself the king of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan, Hashemite because he's
01:24:19 -->
Hashimi in lineage, right. And eventually, his grandson Hussein becomes the king. And Hussein was
the king from 1952 to 1999. And then he died. And currently it is Hussein son Abdullah. And so the
current King of Jordan is the great great grandson of the Sharif Hussein of Makkah.
01:24:43 -->
Clear, the current King of Jordan is the great great grandson of the very one who made the deal with
the Brits. And he's the only one that allows other has it, that they remain there. Otherwise, the
Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan has absolutely nothing to do with your
01:25:01 -->
He is from Makkah. And he is Hashimi. And the Brits literally plucked him up there and threw him
there. And he is still ruling that land to this day, him and his descendants die. That's the second
of the three. The third of the three was the youngest Faisal. And Faisal was the most friendliest at
Lawrence. And Faisal was made governor of Iraq and he immediately calls himself the king of Iraq,
Mashallah, we got three kings, three brothers, all of them wanted to be kings is king here, King
here, King there, and you can see in their blood, you see, it's in them right. By the way, I forgot
to tell you, I lead the eldest.
01:25:36 -->
He actually called himself halifa for a while. The one in Makkah, the oldest one, his father died,
and the Ottomans are no longer there. So now he says, I am the halifa. To Muslim he self appointed
himself, the halifa didn't really last for too long and the falafel never was considered to be his.
In any case, the third of the three phases of Lebanon, Hussein, he is made the governor of Iraq he
becomes the king of Iraq. And Iraq is a little bit more complicated. But the people of Iraq reject
they literally, they literally kicked him out literally, they didn't want him and they kicked him
out. The Brits installed one of his cousins and nephews, again, the Hashemite shady family, and two,
01:26:13 -->
three other you know, Kings cousins, relatives came until finally, in 1958, the Iraqi army revolted
against the visit the great grandson of the sheriff, basically one of the sheriff's and in a sad
tragedy, no doubt, although these are sad. They gathered together the entire family, men, women and
children in a room, and they shot them to death all over them the entire shitty family that was in
Baghdad at the time. And that was in 1958. And a young, a young army cadet at the time, eventually
in 1968, rises to power and his name is Saddam Hussein, just 10 years after he was in the army at
the time, he wasn't in the room. But his leaders, the people he knew were in charge of the 58
01:26:57 -->
revolution. Right? So we're not going too far back here. You see my point here. This is very recent
history. Well, what happened in Turkey,
01:27:07 -->
the Allied forces initially agreed to a treaty that was called the Treaty of Severus in 1920, which
effectively handed turkey over to the Brits, effectively, the Treasury, the politics, the police
will be given over to the Brits, but a faction of Turks rebelled against this, and that faction was
led by that dashing Gen who had become famous in the world of Gallipoli, and his name is
01:27:32 -->
well his name is not a TED talk. His name is Mustafa Kemal and Mustafa Kemal fought against the
British revolted against this treaty make a long story short, he established an independent homeland
for the Turks, one sixth of the original size of the Ottoman land, but nonetheless, an independent
Turkish state. And he called it the Republic of Turkey. And you all know that a TED talk was of the
most secular Muslims we have seen, he hated Islam with a passion as you know, and he completely
changed the entire, you know, system inside of his lands. He banned the recitation of the Quran in
Arabic, the event was given in Turkish the Salah was recited in Turkish. He banned the job he banned
01:28:13 -->
religious schools, he did so many things, and one of the acts that he did, eventually, on March 3 in
1924, he deposed the last Ottoman Calif have done Majeed the second and he sent him into exile, and
therefore, in 1924, the Ottoman Caliphate In fact, the Philadelphia of the Muslims that had been in
operation since the time of obaku, should be non stop continuously. Even the Hmong goals did not
destroy the caliphate it lived on. Even the Mongols could not get rid of the caliphate. Well, from
1914 onwards, a series of events precipitated in the Muslim world that eventually led to the
collapse of the caliphate, and from 1924 up until our time, we have not had a Caliph. Here there is
01:29:02 -->
a picture of the last Ottoman Caliph Abdul Majeed, the second
01:29:08 -->
and I chose a very interesting picture. I apologize about the picture of the lady, but that is his
daughter by the name of Khadija, and she was his last daughter. And this is a picture taken in
Paris, he went into exile in Paris, he died in 1939. I think before World War Two he died and listen
to this is very interesting point of history, very recent, in fact, their children are still alive.
Now, listen to this, the most powerful and richest Muslim ruler in the world was
01:29:43 -->
at the time was
01:29:46 -->
you should know.
01:29:49 -->
01:29:51 -->
The Indian knows. Then exam of Hyderabad huh?
01:29:57 -->
Then exam of Hyderabad
01:30:00 -->
It is estimated by modern historians that the Nizam of Hyderabad was the richest man in human
01:30:10 -->
This is what is estimated, the richest man in human history was the Nizam of Hyderabad.
01:30:18 -->
Because, obviously, I mean, he's accruing his wealth over hundreds of years. And I think they
evaluated a 200 billion or something dollars, I mean, this he owns jewels and whatnot and at that
time, the equivalent of 200 billion at that time obviously not now, he doesn't exist at the point
right. So, then Azzam of Hyderabad. Then Azzam of Hyderabad was the richest and one of the most
powerful Muslim rulers, the Ottomans had collapsed. And
01:30:46 -->
there was this feeling that we need a type of Messianic figure.
01:30:51 -->
So, what is to be done? Let us take the son of the aneurysm of either Hyderabad scene in his
Mashallah Italian suit, if you can now go back to the picture is handmade Italian suit over here.
And his name is What is his name? I forgot his name. Oh, it's under himayat le han Bahadur.
01:31:09 -->
himayat le han Bahadur, the son of the Nizam of Hyderabad, marries the youngest daughter of the
deposed Ottoman Khalifa. And that is Khadija in the background. And it is hoped that the union of
these two will bring about the madfinger if you like whether or not not the mme it, but you know,
you get the point, the Savior, right? Well,
01:31:34 -->
they had children, but their marriage ended in divorce. And those children are still alive to this
day. But they are very far from having any role in Muslim woman. Let's just put it that way. Okay.
And it didn't quite turn out the way that that they had planned. In any case, final point what
exactly happened to fall asleep and go back to the slide. last and most definitely not least what
happened to Philistine? And where and how did the modern nation state of Israel come along? Well,
for that story, I'm afraid we will have to go to part two, and we will continue this insha Allah to
Allah, this Sunday, we will continue on Sunday, inshallah you get an email around 11 o'clock or so.
01:32:18 -->
And I will have the help of Dr. Nebula and others as well in sha Allah, who won't just be me because
there's a lot of history here. So we will inshallah continue this class, and we especially want you
to bring the youngsters because by youngsters, I mean, like, above 10, nice to understand history,
because the fact of the matter is, forget the youngsters will lucky most of us.
01:32:40 -->
We don't know, we do not know, the reality of how Philistine was taken away from us. We do not know.
So what happened after World War One, and between World War One and World War Two, and all of these
different treaties and whatnot. This is a whole different lecture and talk and we have decided to be
controversial. We have decided to go full swing ahead. And I don't think there's any real
controversy because the whole point is we will give you the facts you'll be the judge this is the
reality we I'm there's no conspiracy here. We have told you what the Brits promise the Brits promise
the promise, this is the reality. Right. And now after World War One, what happened to the site's
01:33:21 -->
Pico and the Balfour Declaration and trans Jordan and Philistine in Israel, this will be the topic
of Sunday inshallah, to Allah, we will send you the flyer and maybe 11 1130 or so, don't have the
exact timing but in sha Allah, make sure you bring the youngsters in you as well make sure you come
and be prepared to basically take notes or no, because the fact of the matter is, will love the
brothers and sisters. How many of us even I, when I started studying Islam had no idea of how recent
these things were. You really think these countries are set in stone. And you never stopped to
realize how did they come about? How did the Muslim oma get divided into 60 plus countries when we
01:34:01 -->
used to have one in Africa? Where did these borders come from? We never stopped to think. Right? And
the reality is these borders are in the generation of my grandfather and your grandfather.
01:34:12 -->
You know, the last survivor of World War One died last year.
01:34:16 -->
This is recent. Last year, the last survivor was big news last year. And the children are some of
these people we discussed are still alive. I was shocked to find out that some of the children of
the Ottoman Caliphate are still alive. 1980 something years old, the last Ottoman halifa still
alive, right? This is not we're not going back to ancient history. This is our generation 100 years
ago, this began 1914 and inshallah, the next few years, I have made it my own personal agenda, to
talk about these lectures and this history and, and bring it back to the conscience of the oma
because and with this, we conclude in my humble reading of Islamic history, and I'm not an expert in
01:34:59 -->
01:35:00 -->
But I'm dabbling. As you can see, I'm not an expert, by no means but we should all know this stuff
in my humble reading of Islamic history. One of the lowest of the lows of the oma happened in 1914
onwards. Can you imagine hearing the Brits have taken Damascus, the Brits have taken Baghdad, the
Brits and the French have marched into Istanbul right to the gates of the Ottoman Khalifa, literally
surrounding the Ottoman palace. Can you imagine? Right? Can you imagine the distress hearing the
Ottoman Caliphate has been abolished? The Indians Pakistanis who wish to study your own history, the
concept of Crawford movement, Pakistan owes its existence to the feeling of depression that happened
01:35:39 -->
when the khilafah was abolished. The Hill aphromoo the Chaudhary brothers, sugar daddy and and, and
and Muhammad Ali, right, the entire Hereford movement if Bob is versifying, if BOD has poetry about
Hussein and Sharif making fun of them the shitty family, right making fun of them. What have you
done? What's the famous line? Maybe you told me you have ages in your blood but as long as your
character something like this right that you're Hejazi in your ethnicity, but what do you Where do
your actions you're betraying the woman? Right? She cuando Abhishek, who also comes in this time. So
the point is, this is very recent stuff. And the entire transformation of the oma, we can dated back
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to now. Now my point is, if we had been alive at this time will love it would be like one stab after
another. But my dear brothers and sisters, and my humble analysis, we see now a revival
Alhamdulillah that is pleasing to the hearts.
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Yes, politically painful, politically, Syria Look, the whole hotel a villa? May Allah azza wa jal
give them support and patience and overthrow this Allawi regime that has destroyed the land of the
Muslims. But that is politics. How about the people? How about the show? How about the Sahaba the
enthusiasm of them oma Alhamdulillah we see Muslims coming back to their religion. We see Muslims
wanting to study, learn, pray, we see Muslims identifying with Islam feeling Islamic. And this is
optimism that did not exist in 1918.
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So, I believe in sha Allah, that times are changing, that inshallah huhtala we can look forward to
better times in the future in our own inshallah timeframe. And that's one of the reasons why we need
to study the past so that we don't make the same mistakes in the future so that we don't have deja
vu promises and this No, we should see through the reality and learn from the mistakes of the past
and see what we are selves, the mistakes that were made, the double crossing and the internal
fighting, and inshallah we will continue this on Sunday. It's really late. Unfortunately, we don't
have time for q&a, but inshallah on Sunday we will have time for q&a. I will see you then does
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akmola head on was said on Monday.
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You'll get an email but I think our 1130 or so inshallah.