Yasir Qadhi – Seerah – 75 Recap & Battle of Dhat Al Salasil

Yasir Qadhi

Shaykh Yasir Qadhi now moves on to to discuss the Battle of Dhat Al Salasil. But before that he also indulges in a quick recap of the entire Seerah completed uptil now.

He touches base on different topics ranging from the early life in Mecca, the atrocities the new Muslims faced in Mecca at the hands of the pagans, the self imposed exile meted out by the Prophet ﷺ and the Muslims on themselves in order to relieve their torture and troubles in Mecca, the various battles fought in the light of Islam such as Badr, Uhud, Ahzab, Mu’tah and many more.

The climax of the Seerah is the Conquest of Mecca and here, the Shaykh divulges details on the smaller expeditions that preluded this conquest. Among them was the Ghazwa of Dhat Al Salasil that took place in Jumada Al Thani, 8H against the tribe of Kuda’a who had helped the Ghassanids during the battle of Mu’tah. This battle was asked by the Prophet ﷺ to be led by Amr ibn Al As alongside 300 men. This ghazwa is called so because of its name which is also the name of a pond that was Dhat Al Salasil.

An incident transpired between Amr and Abu Ubaidah. What was it and why did it happen? How did it get resolved. Get your doubts answered by Shaykh Yasir Qadhi. We also get acquainted with the man named Muhalim ibn Juthaama who was a man of hateful character. How did he die? What do we learn from his death? Listen intently to find out.


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AI: Summary ©

The conversation discusses the history of the Prophet sallam, including the fall of the United States and the return of the Roman Empire to the Muslims. The speakers emphasize the importance of protecting Muslims from attacks and achieving success in life through leadership and loyalty to the community. They also mention a video about a race between humans and creature, but do not provide further context.

AI: Summary ©

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			smilla rahmanir rahim al hamdu Lillahi Rabbil alameen wa sallahu wa sallam I'd say that Mohammed in
wider he will be as main and after our pause and break for a few weeks, we're now resuming our
series of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and we begin with a brief recap because in this
recap, we will, shall refresh our memories and move on to the next step, which is the conquest of
Mecca. We are now in the eighth year of the Hydra and the Prophet sallallahu Sallam is 61 years old
now. He's 61 years old, Mashallah we have covered the entire theater up until this stage, and our
Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam is now nearing the pinnacle, really, of his career. And that is
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			the conquest of Mecca. Of course, in Mecca for 40 years, he has lived amongst his own people. for 40
years, we talked about how they respected him, how they loved him more than anyone else in their
community. And every single indication was that he would become the next leader, or at least if not
the leader, then amongst the elite and amongst the nobleman, but when our Prophet system began
preaching a new belief system, other than their own, and he began preaching equality amongst all
people, and he began preaching in the worship of a law, they became his worst enemies. They rejected
him merely because of a new belief system. And they fabricated against him lies that they knew were
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			lies, they accused him of being mad, they accused him of being crazy. They accused him of being a
magician, they accused him of being a fanciful poet. Now, it's very interesting here, they never
accused him of being power hungry, nor did they accuse him of being insincere. Because even though
they could accuse him of being crazy, they could not accuse him of wanting power. And even in this,
we notice the fact how sincere he was that nobody accused him of being insincere. Nobody said you
want this for money for power for greed. They made ridiculous accusations he must have gone crazy
was the main one, because that's the only explanation they could give to what he was saying. And
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			because they could not harm him personally, after all, he was the grandson of Abdulmutallab, and
every single law that they had protected the one of blood, this was their culture. This was their
mannerisms, whoever his blood is holy, whoever's blood is not holy, but you know, yeah, and the
noble, noble blood has to be protected. And nobody could possibly harm a hair on his head
physically, because of the fact he is the son of Abdullah, the grandson of other metallic, the elite
of the Banu Hashim. So they took out their anger on the week, they killed so many of the early
Muslims so Mejia and Yasser. they persecuted Bilal, eventually, when they couldn't harm him
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			physically, they boycotted. And they said, we're not going to sell you anything, which means even
food and water. How can you live when nobody's going to sell you food and water? How can you live
when nobody's going to sell you clothes? So what did our process have them do and I will Polly was
with them in this regard. out of anger and out of disgust, they left Makkah, and they self imposed
exile onto themselves. Eventually, this also led to the emigration to Abyssinia, their hatred, their
filthy tactics continue to increase until finally they began to physically harm our Prophet
sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, either through altercations or trying to choke him in public as they
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			did, or throwing an animal carcass onto him. And in the very final years, one who live died of Ebola
have went to an even lower level. And initially, he would follow him around everywhere. And
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			anytime he spoke to a gathering, anytime he gave a lecture, to the
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			tribes, the projects that had come, Abu lahab would call out from behind, and they would say Don't
listen to him. He is my nephew. And I can vouch that he is gone senile, he is crazy. He's a poet.
He's this. He's that and will like imagine the scenario, how painful it must be. Somebody is
literally waiting outside your house. He's your uncle, and he's waiting to follow you. Wherever you
go. Imagine how much hurt our Prophet sallallahu Sallam would have been until finally, when a hula
have got so irritated. He withdrew his protection. And he basically said, You are no longer a part
of the clan. And he disowned the brainwash. You just told somebody of the brainwash him and he said,
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			I'm not going to help you out. And this was when he went to thought if he tried to get protection
from the tribe of Turkey if he was rejected from Fife, as we know, and then when he came back,
nobody could offer him support until finally multimorbid id was there.
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			Who gave him
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			that support until eventually, in the very last year, when push came to shove, the orange finally
decided to do the unthinkable after 13 years of preaching, they decided to finally do the
unthinkable and that is to kill him. And this was unheard of in the Arab tribes, that they would
gather together to assassinate one of their own. This went against every law that all the Arabs held
sacred, especially in the harem. And by the kurush. And from the Banu Hashim, like all of these
sins, made it even bigger, and they all agreed to commit this vile deed. And that was one as we
know, the digital occurred of our Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and he left the land of his
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			birth and the land of his ancestors in the land of his people. And in fact, the land of his great,
great, great grandfather's is mine, and Ibrahim, who had immigrated there with her job. And he said
to me, he said, he spoke to the city and he said, You are the most beloved of all cities to me. And
we're it not for the fact that my people have expelled me from you, I would never have left you.
This is how we felt about MCC. And even in Medina, the chorus did not leave him alone. Even in
Medina, they continued their persecution. And in Medina, a number of battles took place. And we went
over all of these battles in great detail, and the first and really the biggest of them, and this
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			battle truly was the biggest victory after the conquest of Makkah. And that is the Battle of whether
the Battle of butter is really the biggest victory in the whole Islamic era, the Cyril era except
for the conquest itself, that in the Battle of whether Allah subhana wa tada truly demonstrated the
the truthfulness of a prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and in it each and every senior leader
who participated from the kurush were decimated and killed or taken prisoner of war. And truly, this
was a huge victory. The Quraysh never recovered from butter. The corporation never fully recovered
from the loss of butter. Their stalwarts their, their their noble ski ons. If you're like, me and
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			Robbie shaver in Monrovia, oma Yerevan, Khalid Abu Jahan, himself allows all of these major figures,
every one of them died. It was a blow that, in fact, if you look at it, the courage never truly
recovered from it. In orchard, the orange realized that even if they sent their entire city to
Medina, it would not eliminate Islam, because never had the courage fought unified in a battle until
offered. So all of the Quraysh send their sons they send their army, and they realize that no Medina
is still protected. And the Battle of hunda they realized if they send the entire Arabia, still
Allah will protect Medina, because in hunda, what happened, as we said, was something that had never
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			happened in the history of the Arabs, and that is, they unified different tribes on the basis of
theology, not on the basis of tribalism. For the first time, the pagans united with other pagans,
and they forgot all of their past wars, they forgot all of their previous issues, and the United
merely to fight against hate and to fight against Islam. And they sent an army the likes of which
the Muslims could never fight. No, no matter how much they had, they couldn't fight all of Arabia,
but Allah subhana wa, tada protected them. And finally, after being so demoralized, they were forced
to acknowledge the superiority of the Muslims in the Treaty of Arabia, even though they tried to
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			save face by stalling the oma for one year. But the reality was the Treaty of Arabia acknowledge
that now the Muslims are a dominant force. And we have to agree to conditions with them. And each
and every one of those conditions, as we said, flipped against them in the long run. And, of course,
the main condition of peace, it worked against the aurash the very fact that they had to ask and sue
for peace, and it worked against them, it shows the superiority of the Muslims, that in that
timeframe, the two years of peace, so much good happened on the political front, on the moral front
on the number of converts front, so much good happen, that really it's just the beginning of the
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			end, and the end of the voracious insight. When the Muslims finally have that peace that they needed
from the kurush. What they did was they eliminated all other threats. They eliminated all other
threats. And the most significant threat in central Arabia was the highlights the most significant
threat in central Arabia, the largest unified power that had weapons and money were the people of
labor. They didn't have the most quantity, the most quantity were in other tribes, but they had what
the Arab tribes did not have, they had
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			fortresses and the Arabs did not have fortresses, and they had money and money can buy you power.
And so the largest not the largest sorry, the most well fortified encampment, and the wealthiest
power that could oppose the Muslims were the people of Haifa. So after the Treaty of Arabia,
immediately within a month or two, the profitsystem sets his eyes on Khyber. So again, all of this
it is as if maca is the prize and everything is happening to get to the prize. From the Battle of
button onwards everything is being done to eventually get to Mecca. Of course, I forgot to mention
that even symbolically as soon as the digital occurs. Symbolically, the Qibla is changed back to
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			Mecca, that your back has turned to Mecca when you had to leave. But now you will face MK five times
a day, in fact more than five times a day to pray. So even the symbolism within the first year that
the crypto was not changed in Makkah itself. But after the hedgerow the Qibla is changed. There's a
clear symbolism here that Allah subhana wa tada says, but not a topological wsmr file and only a
nickel Tibetan Toba for one language, aka Turn your face towards muster that how long you had to
turn your back to leave it, but turn your face to measure that head on. And we said this is a
symbolism here that you will eventually get back, as we had said to him the Treaty of per day BIA.
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			So in this peace treaty, the Muslims realized or the Profit System and particularly need to realize
realized that he needed to eliminate all other threats. So the eyes were set on high bar. And with
the elimination of high bar, not only was the only serious threat in the hijas eliminated, but the
Muslims acquired more wealth than they had ever acquired in their lives. And they acquired all the
weaponry of labor, because one of the conditions of hybrid was give us all your weapons, all of the
weapons of the people of hiber came into the hands of the Muslims and weapons are difficult to
obtain. In those days, weapons are not easy. And the people have never had very good weapons because
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			obviously they have the money to purchase them. And not only did they get weapons, they also got
constant income. How do they get constant income from labor?
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			The crops right without having to lift a finger. Right. As Omar said, we never any aid to our field
basically until after Labor, right? We're always hungry, meaning it's a metaphor here. Like we're
always suffering from poverty until hiber. So with hyper comes financial stability, financial
security, with hyper comes weapons, with haber comes the final elimination of a threat internally in
Arabia, and with the loss of labor. This is the final demoralization for the quarter Ah, there is no
other power. Now. They've tried. They've tried or heard. They've tried all of Arabia, at least the
pagan side, the only hope that might have been left where the who the labor, and they to have been
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			eliminated, who then is going to fight who then will do anything. So you can imagine the
demoralization. Imagine being an MCC at the time, the city must have been at least two thirds empty
by now. Imagine houses would now be empty. The Sunnah deed or the the nobleman of Porsche are now
gone one after the other. More than half the people have converted and gone to Medina, even the city
is now somewhat empty. Can you imagine how the chorus will be feeling now seeing the process and
rise in power more and more one victory after another. And again, it is as if the entire series is
leading up to the events of the conquest of Mecca. And so after hyper, we talked about in the last
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			few lessons that were before we took our break, we talked about the Battle of mortar, and the Battle
of mortar, the Battle of mortar. It was not, as we said, a victory in the military sense. It wasn't
a pure win in the military sense. However, it was a victory in another sense, not only because the
process of said it was a victory, but most importantly, it was a sense of morale boost to the
Muslims, that they took on the mightiest superpower in the world. And that's the Roman Empire.
Because this is the only time we said so many times. The only time the Muslims fought the Romans in
the life of the process was mortar. It never occurred after this. And they didn't win, but they
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			definitely did not lose. And the fact that over 95% of the army can come back intact, untouched.
This was a huge victory. They stood up to the mightiest superpower and they came back pretty much
unscathed. Yes, some major losses. Jaffer died in Rwanda died, right they died. Yes, all the major
losses, big losses, but the bulk of the army came back and what do you think now the morale there is
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			message being sent send us the Romans will even take them on, you can't even harm us. And that is
why our processing them said that this is a Fattah. This is a victory, even though it wasn't the
military victory, it was a morale victory. It was a victory and PR was a victory that the Arabs had
never fought the Romans, there is no fight. You know, all of us know in our legendary, you know,
knowledge that we have of the Roman century men and the Roman armor and the Roman tactics. And all
of this is true. Why were the Romans the superpowers because they had the better everything. The
better men, the stronger men, the better equipment, the better horses, the better tactics of other
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			generals. The Arabs didn't fight the Romans, the Arabs were subservient to the Romans. They didn't
ever take on the Romans and fight. Well guess what? The pagans didn't take on the Romans and fight
them Muslims did. And the Muslims came out the victors in the sense as we explain what do we mean by
this, that the Romans were not able to harm them, and they came back 95% or more than 85% unscathed.
And so what do you think the morale would have been amongst the kurush now that even the Romans were
not able to eliminate and all of this is a PR campaign that Allah subhanho wa Taala is blessing the
Muslims with because indeed, any more than half the battle is perception. More than half the battle
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			is perception. It is the morale on your side, and the demoralization on the other side.
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			And that is why our Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam when the people criticized the returners
from Battle of mortar, and they said, You are deserters, you are for our own, you are deserters, our
thought process, and what did he say? No, they are not for our own, they are our own, they will go
back and fight again. And have the first fights they did was the conquest of Makkah. It is as if
they came back from Malta, and the process of saying No, they haven't run away, they have a bigger
and more important battle to fight. And that will be the conquest of Mecca. And this as we said, the
main or one of the main points of what we can say, one of the main points of Moore's Law was the PR
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			victory for the Muslims, that truly the Muslims are now taking on a superpower. And they're coming
out somewhat the victors they're not being harmed when they take on the superpower. In addition to
all of these political victories, the Muslims in the last two years have won on the moral front and
on the quantity front. As we said, more people embraced Islam in these two years, then had embraced
Islam since the beginning of the Dawa. 20 years, or 18 years versus two years, more people embraced
Islam in these two years of the Treaty of Arabia. Because the Treaty of Westphalia was only active
for two years before the conquest of Makkah. Literally two years, more people embraced Islam than
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			had embraced Islam in basically the previous, you know, 10 years or so. And this clearly
demonstrates again, that the spreading of Islam primarily was not done through the sword it was done
through interaction and through people mixing with the Muslims. So the purpose of summarizing all of
this it is as if every single episode of the Sierra is leading up to the climax and there is no
doubt will la hit that the climax of the Sierra is the conquest of Mecca. Everything after the
conquest is just footnotes, really, everything after the conquest, okay, the Battle of the book and
her lane and it's just basically, you know, finishing off basically, but the ultimate, if you like,
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			climax of the Sierra is the return of the process of them to Mecca, coming back to the very city
that expelled him out. And it was really the final Domino to fall once MK is in the hands of the
Muslims, and they already have central Arabia, and they already have northern Arabia, Hamas, the
peripheries must fall, because really this is they have the bulk of the country. They have the bulk
of the land of the Arabs. What is left, the small peripheries are Oman, and Bahrain and Qatar and
Yemen. These are small principalities, and they are not centers, they are not leaders of
civilization, they are not they are following the center. And if they have the Muslims have the
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			center, the rest is going to simply fall. And that is exactly what happened. So the conquest of
Makkah truly is the climax of the theater of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam. And the rest of
the incidents that occurred after our like footnotes to the ending of this climax, and before we
actually began the incidence of the conquest, and because we're giving such a thorough sera class,
we have to mention just one or two incidents that occurred in the few months between the Battle of
Malta and the month of Ramadan of the ether of the hippo where the conquest of Mecca began. And we
began with a large work and like all of these small, lesser water The city is like all of these
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			small expeditions. What is really beneficial for us who are beginners of this car is not the
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			medical side of the battle. But the incidents that occurred in these battles and the benefits we can
derive from them. If you notice, when we mentioned the smaller battles, it's not about the politics
of which tribe did they conquer and what but rather small things happen in the in the in this in the
battle. And these small stories have moral benefits for us are they have theological benefits, or
they have fifth benefits for us. So we'll begin with the most significant of these minor battles.
None of these are major, and that is called the buzzword of that to set us in the buzzword of that
to sell acid.
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			And the buzzword of that to celestial for the advanced students of history should not be confused
for the other battle, which is called the Battle of that two celestial, which, which was the
downfall of the Roman Empire. Sorry, the Persian Empire, excuse me, that's, that's called the Battle
of that two selasa or two battles, one in the Sierra, and one in the rain of football. So don't get
confused. Some people get confused with this. They're both called that to sell acid but for
different reasons. And this one is called as Isaiah or SETI Yeah, because it took place in the life
of the prophets of the law while he was setting them. And the other one is called the just the
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			Battle of that to Saracen, there's no has what we're studying there. And the the Battle of that to
sell acid, which isn't the time of Omar was the battle that was the downfall of yours, the job of
the sassanid Empire, highly dependent on one side, and loose term and yes, on the other side, and
that was the end of the sassanid Empire. And that's why it's so important. But that's beyond the
scope of this era. Let's not get confused with that. For us. We're interested in what happened in
the lifetime of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. And the reason why the names are the same,
is for two different reasons. There's no similarity. This has what is called a buzz word that is
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			colossal because there's a pond called Sal acid, and it took place close to the pond. Right? Sal
acid was the name of the pond. The other battle, which is the battle that took place in the reign of
Rama little hot top, it is called celestial because the prisoners were all tied up in chains, and
sellers in means chains. And the Muslims have so many prisoners, so they call them the hoods will
have basically lots of prisoners that to sell acid. So there are two different reasons why it is
called that to sell acid. In any case, I'm just saying this because if you hear that to sell acid,
usually it's about the battle and not the city. Yeah, because the city is relatively small. So don't
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			get confused. Like, oh, I studied that the seller said no, you studied the city. Yeah. Not the
famous battle of that to sell acid that took place in normal double hotdogs time. So what is the
city that we're interested in? It took place a few weeks after mortar, a few weeks after mortar and
therefore it would be around jumada Ola or jumada Sunny of the eighth year of the Hydra jumada route
or Gemma the signing of the eighth year of the hedgerow and it was against one of the relatively
large tribes that was up north and that was the tribe of Koba. Now, the tribe of goldar, was not as
North as the tribe of Lausanne, who is the tribe of Lausanne, who could remind me
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			the word
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			the Christian Arabs, up north, the allies of the Romans, and this is one of the furthest tribes up
north, there's one of the furthest tribes up north. In fact, their territory is almost touching
modern Jordan basically way up there. So this is way up north, and that that tribe was the tribe
that the processor attacked and mortar, okay, that was the tribe of more in the water who wanted to
attract other standards. The tribe of Buddha was not that much north, it was between Lausanne and
Medina and also it was
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			north east as well, not full north, a little bit north east. And so it's not that far away, compared
to Lausanne. And the tribe of Allah had aided the scientists in the Battle of mortar. They had
helped the scientists in the Battle of mortar, and therefore this was a response to that aiding this
was a response to that aid. And the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam called Ahmedabad allows to
him he would have been asked narrates the story in the first person and he says,
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			The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam called for me and commanded me to wear my garments, and my
armor and come to him. So I did that. And when I came to him, he was doing.
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			He looked at me up and down. Sorry, I didn't know that he looked at me up and down, trying to assess
me basically. And then he said, I wish to appoint you a leader of an army. I wish to appoint you as
a leader of the army. And Allah will protect you and give you much less aneema.
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			Allah will protect you and give you much vanilla and I am optimistic for you that you will get much
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			So ahmednagar says yes
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			Rasul Allah or messenger of Allah. I did not accept Islam in order to become wealthy.
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			Rather I accepted Islam to be a Muslim. In other words for the sake of Islam and to be with you we
are a pseudo Allah.
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			So Allah says I didn't accept to start to be wealthy now what is the point here? So we see here I'm
gonna ask it is as if he feels a little bit hurt that Yasuda you're offering me money. Now remember,
when did I would accept Islam.
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			He just accepted Islam right now. He's a brand new Muslim, barely two months, three months old,
literally brand new Muslim. And remember, I'm going to pronounce his from one of the nobility of the
kurush. His father allows so many verses of the Quran against his father at us, and also been one
and he has died off has died. So I'm is of noble birth. And he has been raised very luxuriously. And
Allah blessed him to be the last convert before the conquest of Mecca of the last three batches,
right? The last three Sahaba, highly rewarded with mighty Metallica and I'm living in a house, the
three all converted the very last converts. So this is armor. And armor is a brand new Muslim. So
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			the process and tells him I want to send you on an expedition, and I'm optimistic you'll get a lot
of money on it. So he feels a bit like maybe insulted or hurt. He had a sutala I didn't accept Islam
for for money. And we basically we think I came here for money. I accepted Islam because I want to
be a Muslim. And I want to be close to you, your rasulillah.
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			And this shows us obviously his loss to Allah. And it shows us His love for the Prophet Joseph is a
genuine Muslim. And by the way, I'm living analysis, the one that he was the one who he said that I
the way that the process of will look at me, I would think that I am the most beloved to him. So I
went and I asked him, you know, Sula, who is the most beloved person too, so he said, Arusha so that
I said, No, no, I meant amongst men. So he said, her father, then he said, I kept on asking, and he
kept on mentioning, and by name was not on the list that list. So I stopped asking theory that my
name might never come, right. So the point here is that I'm a being one of the last converts, yet
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			because of the nature of the Profit System, armour felt the most beloved, because it was the nature
of the process to make everybody feel so much love coming from him. And yet armour was not on the
elite list of the first 10 or so the first five or so. So we just let it be and didn't ask any more.
This is how we have lost and we see his philosophy here. And by the way, we have to mention the
Subhana Allah
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			house. Later on, he got involved in the political turmoil. And on the side of it, he did this on the
side and while he did that, you know, in the fit and he has a role to play, and because of this,
some of the other sects and some modern historians, they kind of give him a bad rap. And they say
this and they say that about him. But of course, we have said many, many times throughout the Sera,
lectures, it is a point of theology for us to respect the Sahaba and especially somebody like
armour, who is showing how much he loves, love his messenger. And we say whatever amber did later on
in his life, he was sincere in his wish he had, and Allah azza wa jal will reward him for what he
00:28:30 --> 00:28:46
			was writing and forgive him for what he was wrong. And we don't say anything bad about any of the
Sahaba especially one who converted before the conquest. And Allah says in the Quran, law, yes, the
women, cumin and falcom in public for table cartel, like our mudaraba terminology, no.
00:28:48 --> 00:29:30
			They are not the same those who embraced Islam before the conquest and those who fought before the
conquest. These people are higher in the eyes of Allah than those who accepted after and accepted
Islam and fought before the conquest. Now the process of descending on a fighting expedition, so by
the testimony of the Quran, people like Ahmed who are at a higher level than those who converted
after the conquest and therefore here we have this loss coming from Yasuda law. I didn't accept
Islam in order to be rich. I accepted Islam because I wanted to be Muslim and I love you I wanted to
be with you. So our prophets of Salaam said yeah, I'm
00:29:32 --> 00:29:34
			near ml model solid logic.
00:29:36 --> 00:29:38
			And this is a very beautiful phrase that
00:29:39 --> 00:29:57
			should give us comfort when we go about earning our sustenance from Allah subhana wa Tada. The
process of told them Yama, Nirmal masala, Raja Sala. Oh Rama, how beautiful is pure money for the
righteous man.
00:29:58 --> 00:29:59
			How beautiful or how good
00:30:00 --> 00:30:41
			Nearby means how good it is, how beautiful is pure money for a righteous man. And this hadith shows
us that for the one who will use the money, in a good manner, there is nothing wrong to be eager for
money itself. In other words, when I would have felt insulted, the prophet system corrected his
misunderstanding. And he said, there's nothing wrong with wanting money, and with having money, as
long as the man is righteous and the money is pure. So he gave two conditions as mother solid, so
you cannot get her on money.
00:30:42 --> 00:30:50
			And our Roger solid, so the man has to be good as well. And therefore from this Hadith, we derive
00:30:51 --> 00:31:39
			having money, earning money wanting money, in and of itself is not wrong. As long as the money that
you acquire is pure, and that you feel you will use it to please Allah subhanho wa Taala. And in
fact, how true it is that people of wealth can accomplish so much that people that don't have wealth
cannot do. People of wealth can help in manners that the people without wealth cannot do. And and no
doubt money is one of the biggest tests that Allah has left us with. As our Prophet system said, the
test that Allah has given to my oma is the test of money fitna to Almighty almal. But the test can
be passed with flying colors, and you can fail miserably. The believer is not somebody who shies
00:31:39 --> 00:32:09
			away from the test, he asks Allah to make him pass the test. The believer is not somebody who says I
don't want I don't want money. No, Oh Allah grant be righteous money and allow me to spend it in a
good manner. This is the dog we should make a will la Aloma new silica, this NYC and Hello, Eva, I
want lists last year, I want a lot of this, that is head out that is pure, and that I spent for your
sake. And here are processes was telling me there's nothing wrong with wanting money, as long as you
are righteous. So armor
00:32:10 --> 00:32:11
			was given 300 men.
00:32:13 --> 00:32:57
			And he was told to basically surprise attack the tribe of law, the tribe of law. And it's very
interesting that Ahmed was given a position of leadership, even though he was only three months old,
three months meaning Muslim, because you judge her Islam like this, he's literally three months in
this into Islam. And perhaps perhaps, our Prophet system is wanting to test him wanting to see the
future potential. And this is kind of demonstrated that when it comes to him, he gazes at him up and
down. This is what the Hadith says that he looked at him up and down. And when when a person usually
does this, you're trying to assess and the Prophet says, I'm wanting to test his character and judge
00:32:57 --> 00:33:36
			whether he is worthy of bigger and, and and you know, more tasks than this. And this is in fact,
the, the the the role of a true leader is that you give and not just a leader, not just a leader in
the political sense, even us with our children, us in our workforces we test people with a little
bit, see if they pass them, we give them a bigger one. And this is our profit system, testing our
mode with not a major battle. He didn't hand him, you know, the conquest of Makkah. He handed him
that to sell acid, which is a relatively Yeah, not one of the big ones. 300 people under his command
and armor went with these 300. And even if armor was a new Muslim, he was not a new military
00:33:36 --> 00:33:50
			general. He had the upbringing of a soldier. His father was the chieftain, he has been trained like
harder than others there are as we as we had said, harder than our close friends and have a similar
age. So they're relatively on the younger side now.
00:33:51 --> 00:34:32
			I would venture I'll have to look at about venture in their late 20s at this stage. So I would have
done Alice's given this leadership, and he is told to go to LA, and it was in the middle of winter.
It was in the winter when this incident occurred. So he traveled only at night. He did not travel in
the daytime, in order to make sure that the enemy didn't hear of His coming. And at night, even
though it was freezing cold. He refused to allow the army to light a fire throughout the entire
trip. So much so that they complained and they grumbled and hammer said to them if you light a fire,
I will push you into it. No fires to be lit. And when they eventually returned, they complained to
00:34:32 --> 00:35:00
			the process of them that Yasuda he refused to allow us to light a fire. And Ahmed explained this and
when they returned back and he said almost and drove a lot. Our quantity was limited 300 people
compared to the massive tribe of cola, and I didn't want the tribe to see how small we were. We
traveled only in the dark. And we basically hid ourselves from them. I didn't want anybody to see
how small our tribe or our quantity was. So he took that
00:35:00 --> 00:35:45
			very harsh precautions, and he eventually got to the outskirts of the tribal law. And he then
realized that 300 was not enough for an attack. So he withdrew, and he sent a message to the
prophets of Salaam, we need more men 300 is not enough. So the Prophet says, and he sent
reinforcement of 200 to make it 500. And in this 200 reinforcement, we're abubaker and Homer and
other major companions, and in charge of this reinforcement was the famous companion aboard VEDA and
we have no GA, our beta one of the elite of the Sahaba. As we know one of the 10, one of the big of
the Sahaba. Our VEDA Amidon JIRA is told to be the commander of this reinforcement, and the process
00:35:45 --> 00:36:05
			themselves to abort a beta. When you get to your companion, meaning armor, make sure the two of you
agree and do not disagree. Whatever you do, make sure you agree and don't disagree. When the
reinforcements arrived, it was time for the sada and one of the accommo was called abort obey that
goes forward to lead.
00:36:07 --> 00:36:10
			Now the leader of the Salah is the leader of the army.
00:36:11 --> 00:36:53
			It's not like in our times when anybody is just becomes No, and that the Imam of the Salah was the
Imam of the Muslims, and in early Islam as well, in early Islam as well, it was the halifa, who
always led the Salah, and who gave the whole tapas, there was the symbolism that the Imam is the
leader in every sense, and not just for Salah. And that symbolism was there for early Islam. The
omega qualify gave their own hospice, the Omega qualified they gave their whole to us and they let
the Salah it was only later on with the decline of the oma that even the hollyford then basically
was not even qualified to the host by any of our times physical as refugee for ruler gives us.
00:36:55 --> 00:36:58
			But the point being that our VEDA went forward
00:36:59 --> 00:37:06
			armor said no, you are reinforcements. I am the leader.
00:37:08 --> 00:37:13
			And some tension broke out. Because in the end of the day aboard obey that is
00:37:14 --> 00:37:18
			senior in every sense, in terms of
00:37:20 --> 00:38:13
			Islam in terms of Quran in terms of everything. I mean, really hammer is three months old, right?
But ama said no. I asked for reinforcements. Right? You're in charge of the reinforcements. But I'm
in charge of the army. And some of the Sahaba on the side of aborto VEDA said that Abu Zubaydah is
our mirror. And you might be the Emir of those people, the 300. But our VEDA is our Amir. And some
tensions broke out and about obey that then agreed to step down and said, Yeah, the prophet system
said to me, the last thing that he said, make sure the two of you agree and do not disagree. So even
if you will disobey me, I will not disobey you. So that we can end up agreeing, if you're not going
00:38:13 --> 00:38:49
			to listen to me that Okay, I think I should be the leader halus, I will not deny that I will step
down and you can become the and you can and I will obey you. And therefore he allowed me to lead the
Salah, and that, therefore to lead the army after him because I've always had assumed that he would
be the leader now, right now that he is there, he's a senior one he should take over, did not an
admiral insisted that he would be and so aboard obey, they gave that position up and he allowed
honor to be the leader. Now this incident. And again, this is why we discuss these that the selasa
that is a lesson for us at this basic level. We don't know about Koba, we don't know where they
00:38:49 --> 00:39:03
			were, I'm talking about at this basic level, the advanced scholars know this. But for us in this
messenger there is just a tribe and another. These incidents are what we derive benefits and lessons
from and one of the things that we saw this incident one of the things we can derive from it is
00:39:05 --> 00:39:41
			the Sahaba are humans, we have to break this image of the Sahaba being superhuman, the Sahaba are
humans. And as humans, they battle the same emotions that we battle and there are tensions that I
will obey the fields I am more qualified than you. And Allah says know the process and put me in
charge. And in in a sense, both of them are right and what they're saying correct, right. But even
though they are humans, they are the best of generations of humans. And therefore, the role model
that we gain is to look at how they resolve this conflict and tension.
00:39:42 --> 00:39:50
			That upper Aveda agreed to basically step down, and this he stepped on his own ego.
00:39:51 --> 00:39:59
			Who amongst us well, I imagine this this man is a new Muslim three months he's younger than him by
at least a decade. aborto bayda has been at Bowden at Ohio. He has
00:40:00 --> 00:40:39
			been an early Muslim. He's one of the attendees This is that he's done so much. And quite literally
a younger, much younger man who's a brand new Muslim, and there's no doubt the quantity of Quran
he's memorized, how much could you memorize, there is no doubt his devour, there's no doubt his
fifth cannot be compared yet. And in the end of the day, and you wrote the Allahu anhu, but he was
the son of his father. And that lineage really has in its in this is a reality, this is not meant to
be stuck for lust or for anything negative, but they had in their blood power. And it's natural that
when you have the power, you act as if you have the power, it's natural. There's nothing wrong with
00:40:39 --> 00:41:15
			this right? sons of kings and queens and whatnot, even when the kingdom goes away, they still act
royal, isn't this the case right To this day, you know, the dynasties that are gone, you know, their
descendants and exiles still call themselves Royal Highness and Royal this and that, and they act
like this right? The dynasty is a no longer exists of all of the Muslim and non Muslim lands to this
day, they have the blood of royalty in them. Now armour had that upbringing and he has it in him and
this is why he became the politician that he became, and they control the loved one. We don't say
this in a negative way. So he insisted I am the leader. And I will obey the steps on his own ego,
00:41:15 --> 00:42:01
			swallowed his own pride and will lie This shows that aboard obey that was the better of the two any
man and taqwa we do not deny this, with all respect to our abode obey there was the senior, but
because he was the senior, what is that? What did he do? He sacrificed his personal ego for the sake
of what? unity and will lie what a lesson for us. What a lesson for us. This is true leadership.
This is true leadership to step down for the sake of unity in the community. And he said, okay, even
if you're not going to follow me, then in order not to disobey Rasulullah, I will follow you. So I
said, No, right. That's what you call a man. And that's what you call leadership. Our processes told
00:42:01 --> 00:42:43
			us to agree, well, one of us has to compromise if you're not going to compromise. Basically, I will
compromise for the sake of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and therefore, we benefit here.
Again, as we said, the true leadership is not necessarily about actually being in charge. true
leadership is sacrificing for the community. Also, we gained another interesting point here, that in
the army of Abu Zubaydah was people like Abu Bakar and Omar. And by unanimous consensus, no more are
better than above obey them in bed in terms of taqwa in terms of seniority in terms of ranking, yet
a Buddha is put in charge. And this shows us that to be put in charge, you don't have to be the
00:42:43 --> 00:42:45
			single most mythical person.
00:42:46 --> 00:42:50
			It's okay to put somebody in charge. And he's not the single best person.
00:42:51 --> 00:42:58
			And the technical term is ama was one muffled holy Island founded, which means the leadership of the
one who's
00:43:00 --> 00:43:03
			not as good over the one who is better than him.
00:43:04 --> 00:43:43
			And this is one of the differences between us and between some of the Shiri groups that they say
that Imam or their leader has to be the best person in the whole world. And we say that's impossible
and historically not the case. And there are many instances to demonstrate. It is okay for a leader
not to be the very best person, he can be muffled and the one beneath him his father, because our
VEDA is not the best competitor worker, yet he is the one in charge over a worker. One could also
say that perhaps aboard weather was put in charge because of military reasons. To have the most
demand is not necessarily the most qualified in every aspect. You can be majority. But that doesn't
00:43:43 --> 00:44:24
			mean you're the best tactician. You're the best military planner, and perhaps a board way that was
put in for these reasons in any case, so I will obey the agrees to step down, our motor takes
charge, and armor coordinates an attack against the tribe of law, we don't have any real details,
because there was no major battle. When the tribal law I saw 500 people attacking them complete
surprise, they basically dropped everything and fled, and they ran. And so therefore, the Muslims
did not conquer the entire tribe. But the because it was too large, the tribal law was too large.
But it was a victory in the sense that the message was sent, don't mess with us. And fear was put in
00:44:24 --> 00:44:39
			the hearts of law. And as the process and predicted much of aneema was conquered. Obviously, when
the tribe leaves, there's so much property so much possessions left behind in fulfillment of what
the prophet sallallahu Sallam had said. So there was no major
00:44:40 --> 00:44:52
			casualties. It was basically a major victory financially and no major casualties for the Muslims
exactly as the profitsystem said, You shall be safe and Allah will give you much more booty and
that's exactly what happened.
00:44:54 --> 00:45:00
			Now in the books of Hadith, we find an incident here that Amma narrates and we don't expect
00:45:00 --> 00:45:21
			When it happened, but it's a fifth incident, and it happened in this as well. And it's an
embarrassing incident of armor, but he's not embarrassed to mention it to us because there's much
filth in it. And he says that on one of the nights of that to selasa, I had a *. I woke up
in the state of Geneva, right on one of the nights of that to set ourselves, I became Juniper. And
00:45:22 --> 00:46:03
			they're in the middle of the desert. It is freezing cold, it's the wintertime. And amber said, I was
worried if I take a hose soon, I will perish, kill myself in this cold weather to take my clothes
off and to, you know, take a bath. And the desert cold, by the way, is very different. The desert
cold, it's it's a very different type of cold. The wind is Bermuda, I have only experienced it a few
times and will lie. It's different type. I've lived in Connecticut, which is very cold in its own
way. But that cold is the cold of the snow. And it's cold. But the desert cold. I don't know how to
explain it. But they say like hits the bones, it gets to the bones. And it really does. It's a very
00:46:03 --> 00:46:15
			different type of cold. And they're in the middle of the desert, no protection. And armor says I got
worried if I take a bath, it will basically freeze to death or all perish. So I did tell your mom.
00:46:17 --> 00:46:22
			And I led fudger with my companions, because he's the man
00:46:23 --> 00:46:46
			when we return the complaint to the process them so they already have a long list of complaints
about Amber. He did this. He did that he did this he did that. Right. One of the things they said
was that our lead us in the state of Java, this is what they told the process of them. He prayed in
the state of job and he was our email. So the process and called him and said did you lead them in
the state of Geneva? Now this shows us whenever you hear information,
00:46:47 --> 00:46:48
00:46:49 --> 00:47:02
			verify. There's always two sides of the story. Right? So they complained and from their perspective,
they have water, they got plenty of water. Armor refuses to take a bath. And he insists on leading
them and
00:47:04 --> 00:47:46
			so they're very angry. And they go and complain to the processor. So he calls him he says yeah,
hammer oscillator beat him on the job. Is it true that you let them answer that and you're in the
state of Geneva? And so I've said that almost and drove a law. I heard a law say meaning I read it
no Khurana heard a law say that oh you believe laptops to the physical analog analog converter Hema,
do not kill yourselves for Verily Allah is very merciful to you. And I was worried that if I took a
bath, I would end up killing myself. So therefore I did tell your mom and I didn't take a bath. And
so Allah says, For the heck interviews awesome. Whatever your question, he laughed at my explanation
00:47:46 --> 00:48:14
			and didn't say anything to rebuke me. And this is a fifth incident. It's not a major theological
point. But it shows us many things. And this took place. Sorry, he mentioned clearly, in one of the
night I said this in the one of the nights of that to sell acid. He said this, so that's why I'm
mentioning it here. This is in the books of Hadeeth. And he says in one of the nights of that to
sell acid, you know this happened to me. Now, this shows us many things. Firstly,
00:48:16 --> 00:48:33
			Tom takes the place of listen by unanimous consensus to your mom takes the place of Listen, not just
will do. Secondly, it is allowed to perform to your mom, even while water is present if there's a
legitimate reason.
00:48:34 --> 00:48:36
			Now, before this point in time,
00:48:37 --> 00:49:21
			the only time the Sahaba had performed their moon was when they didn't have water. And we have the
hadith of Ahmad and the valley and others incidents took place they didn't have water and they
performed a mo This is the first time in the Sierra while the process is alive, that the Sahaba have
water, or at least one Sahabi has water and he refuses to use the water and he does them
intentionally leaving the water. That's why this is an interesting point to write. And this shows us
therefore that tianmu can be performed in the presence of water. If there is a legitimate reason,
what is a legitimate reason there are two that generally are mentioned in the books of filth. Number
00:49:21 --> 00:49:53
			one is the armours scenario. It's freezing cold. And you know you are in that circumstances that it
would really be harmful to perform water you die of pneumonia, whatever else. or number two, they
say if you have a skin ailment that the water cannot touch it, right. These are the two main reasons
that are given that you have a surplus of water. We're not talking about you only have a bottle and
that's you have to drink it we're not talking about no you have water, but you cannot use it. So the
shows you're allowed to do tm. This incident also demonstrates for us that
00:49:54 --> 00:50:00
			the Sahaba derived Islamic laws through their own reasons
00:50:01 --> 00:50:03
			Even when the process of his life
00:50:04 --> 00:50:09
			in other words, they did he had, even when the process of his life
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			and he had has always been how you derive Islamic laws that are not explicit.
00:50:17 --> 00:50:21
			This also shows us that the one who does stay at home
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			is not in any way diminished in his capability to become the Imam. So if there are two people, one
of them has will do, and the other one does stay at home, we will not care in deciding who's the
Imam, whether the person did real will do or not. It doesn't matter. The both of them are considered
to be equivalent and equal. And we will look at whose Koran is better and who's more qualified to be
the man. So the fact that our detainment did not disqualify him from being a mom, when the rest of
the Sahaba are doing will do. Right. We also gain over here
00:50:59 --> 00:51:02
			that he had are deriving Islamic laws
00:51:05 --> 00:51:50
			takes into account real life situations and scenarios. And by this I mean that here we have our
faced with the text and that text. So let me read the text I'm talking about that when you are job,
take a bath. This is an explicit command. Yet armor understands that look, this command has to have
certain leeway in the circumstance I'm in. He's not what we would say a die hard, literalist. I have
to apply the verse even if I'm going to die. And he understands that, look, this verse cannot
possibly be applicable to me right now. Because it will lead to my destruction and death. And there
is a verse in the Quran that can be used to justify my reinterpreting the verse of my ADA, so as not
00:51:50 --> 00:51:56
			to cause my destruction and death. Is that clear? Right? In other words, let me phrase it even more
00:51:57 --> 00:52:37
			there is always there has always been and there always will be a tension between those who are ultra
literalist on one side detect says it end of story, versus those who say, look, maybe the text needs
to be understood, in light of the circumstance we're in. And this tension has been from the time of
the Sahaba, some of the Sahaba were more literal. And some of them were more open to like, Well,
okay, that is the text. But sometimes we need to see when we can apply it. And of course, this
tension exists in our times, and much more extreme than it existed amongst the Sahaba. And there's
no easy solution in this regard. And no doubt our religion takes into account our situation
00:52:37 --> 00:53:22
			scenario, and we are required to be faithful to the text. And balancing the two is always a delicate
act. There's no easy solution. But I just wanted to point out here is amo. And he knows the
commandment of a lot about doing bajada. And yet he understands Look, this can't possibly apply
right now because of a real situation or scenario that he is in. In any case, this is the the Battle
of that two, colossal, what was the effect of this battle. This battle, effectively conquered the
North, at least from a PR perspective, not militarily, either north or north. When I say North, I
mean what northern Arabia, Northern Arabia was never a threat after this. The Hassan is have been
00:53:22 --> 00:54:01
			terrified after mortar. Right, they will go once more to to book the Battle of to book to the actual
Romans and the Romans never showed up as we will get to that point in time. And after this battle,
really northern Arabia, by and large, has become safe, there will there is no major threat from
Northern Arabia. And in fact, a number of tribes accepted Islam. And there is an alliance formed in
northern Arabia. And one final incident that occurred not in that to Selassie but in one of the
smaller battles that took place right before the conquest of Makkah, and no need to mention tribe
names and whatnot, because honestly, there's very little benefit for us and confusing you with all
00:54:01 --> 00:54:18
			of this type of stuff. But just one incident occurred in one of the other battles, not that to sell
acid in which Allah revealed a verse in the Quran. So it's interesting to read this verse in context
of this incident, and that is that in a very small expedition, the profitsystem sent a small group
of Sahaba to attack
00:54:20 --> 00:54:36
			one of the tribes that was threatening the Muslims. And they passed by a person by the name of Ahmed
imminent ultimate lsj. ignorant of the bot as Jerry and Amir was a secret Muslim, ie his tribe was
not a Muslim, he had converted.
00:54:37 --> 00:54:45
			And so when he saw the Muslims, he became happy and he said, A Salam aleykum Selam Aleykum is the
sign of being a Muslim.
00:54:47 --> 00:54:59
			And in the contingent of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, there was a man who had a personal
problem with Ahmed from the days of jelenia. And he had a vendetta from the days of Jehovah.
00:55:00 --> 00:55:25
			what it is we don't know. But there's lots of petty things with it. And his name was Mohammed Lim,
Lim, in due time, a very complicated name, Maha Lim evangelism. So Mohammed Lim, the rest of the
Sahaba when he said of Santa Monica, this is a sign of Islam. So they welcomed him, they put their
arms down everything. Mohammed Lim refused to accept his Islam. And he said, You are not a Muslim.
And he single handedly attacked him and killed him
00:55:27 --> 00:56:13
			and took his belongings as more booty basically, with the pretext what was his point? Of course,
nobody knew what is his heart until Allah revealed it. But he said he's just saying this. He's not a
real Muslim. He's just pretending to be a Muslim. And when the news reached the prophets of Salaam,
Allah revealed in the Quran Surah Nisa, verse 94, sort of the Nyssa verse 94 that Yeah, you're
letting me know that Oh, you who believe either but often feasibility law he if you are traveling in
the way of a law firm gabbiano verify. What are the who lunamon Elkhart Lake Como Salama less than
Mina and do not say to the one who says Salaam to you, you are not a believer. tableta hoonah iRobot
00:56:13 --> 00:57:01
			hated dunya because you want some money of this world. So Allah expose the Nia of Maha Lim, Allah
expose the Nia in this verse in the Quran. You're not doing this for a man, you're doing this
because you had a vendetta and you wanted his belongings. And interesting thing happened here is
that this murder because it is a murder, it led to a huge dispute between the two tribes, obviously,
the tribe and the tribe have a huge dispute. And eventually the both accept Islam. And after the
Battle of her name, they both come to the process of the chieftains, and they demand that this
murder be resolved. The murder of Ahmed and the both of them are very angry in this regard. And it
00:57:01 --> 00:57:43
			causes a lot of tension and the process of has to calm them down. We'll get to the story when we get
to it. And I will quiz you then and I'm sure every one of you will forget but I'll quiz you then
when we get to it about this incident and the process of how to calm the both of them down and he
agreed to pay 100 camels on his behalf on his own behalf. Because in the end of the day, he's the
leader and he sent 100 right so he has to take responsibility. So he calmed them down. He gave 100
camels and the tribe of Mohali Mohan Lim Mohan Lim, the tribal hallym said to the process of them,
Why don't you ask Allah to forgive him. And one of the very few times in his life the process and
00:57:43 --> 00:58:24
			refused. He refused, because of his character because of what was in his heart. And it is said that
after he said this, within a few days, we'll help him died in his heart mentions destroyed that we
after a few days will help him died. And when his tribesmen buried him the next morning, they found
him on top of the ground with his face down. So they dug another hole and they buried him again. The
next morning, again, the same thing. They did it again the next morning again. Then the tribe
basically put him between they found the valley basically, and they left his body in the valley and
they went on the top and they just threw stones to cover up his body while he's not actually buried.
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			Right. So they just threw stones to just cover up the body. And the Prophet sallallahu Sallam said
something very profound. He said, verily, the earth covers up people worse than him. His crime
wasn't the worst. The earth covers are people worse than him. But a law wanted to warn you through
him by showing you the sanctity of life between you.
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			This is a beautiful, beautiful point.
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			The earth covers up people worse than Mohammed. Mohammed didn't do the biggest crime in humanity.
But Allah wanted to teach you a lesson. the sanctity of human life, that you are just saying, oh,
he's not a Muslim, and Allah knows what was in your heart. And you just wanted your vendetta and you
wanted the money. And this is one of the few times when the process of did not even ask Allah to
forgive because of any for sure and he had told him about his internal character about Muslim. These
are the major incidents before the thing that leads to the conquest of Makkah. And the time is up
and I don't want to start the few incidents that are the one incident that leads to the actual
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			conquest inshallah. Next Wednesday, we will begin the actual conquest of Makkah, and we will take
probably around two or three weeks Baden Allahu taala