Yasir Qadhi – Lives Of The Sahaba 08 – Abu Bakr al-Siddiq – PT 08

Yasir Qadhi

This talk takes us through the political and military conquests of Abu Bakr Siddique RA and the reasons behind these battles which were fought for expansion of Iraq and As Sham.

How did the Sahaba ensure that masses accept Islam? Shaykh Yasir Qadhi enlists for us the beautiful ways in which this was achieved.

The selfless acts of encouraging the masses to accept Islam is beautifully illustrated citing the conversation that transpired between Rabi Ibn Amir and the Persian king Rustum, which briefly summarized, was for the sole purpose of negating false religions, banishing idolatry and submitting oneself to the life in the Hereafter.

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AI: Summary ©

The history and potential of Islam have been discussed, including its role in converting people and its use of incentives to convert. The speaker emphasizes the importance of love and engagement in converting individuals to Islam and finding a way to see the reality of Islam. The spread of Islam and the Church of the beforehand have also been discussed, as well as the history of the Church's message of peace, which is not a threat but rather a war against the pre-existing Empire. The history and potential of Islam have been emphasized, along with its use of incentives to convert people.

AI: Summary ©

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			Bismillah R Rahman r Rahim al hamdu Lillahi Rabbil alameen wa Salatu was Salam ala Sayyidina
Muhammad in while early he will be a Jemaine Marburg. So since we are resuming after a almost three
months, two and a half months gap and also there are some new faces and also some of you asked for
this, we have to do a quick refresher before we move on. So inshallah, half of today will be
refresher and then the other half we will inshallah to either move on and I hope to finish inshallah
with the other workers, so this khilafah inshallah, by next Wednesday inshallah, we hope to finish
that maybe we'll delay it for one more week, depending on how many details I go into. But we will be
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			done with the LFO bucket inshallah very soon. So, we'll begin with a quick refresher, we were
talking about abubaker. So the for the lava Tada. And, and we began with a brief history of the life
and times and a lot of abubaker also deal. Now, we went over a number of controversies, and I want
everybody to just be aware of these controversies. of the simplest controversies of the first
controversies we talked about is the Hinata obaku has to do, was it something that the process that
I'm commanded the Sahaba to do? Or was it something that he, the Sahaba, chose to do we talked about
this controversy? Who could remember what was the conclusion that was reached? Was this a command?
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			Or was this something that happened amongst the Sahaba
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			amongst the Sahaba, without any precedent, without any basis?
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			There were a lot of insinuations, this is what we had agreed upon, there were a lot of insinuations,
a lot of hints, but the Prophet system never explicitly commanded the Sahaba to choose a worker. So
they have to be the, the next halifa and of those evidences that are mentioned that a worker has to
do was supposed to be the next halifa or what Who can tell me what are some of the evidence is found
in this one that these are very important theological concepts By the way, because this this is what
differentiates us from the other.
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			He the number one evidence the number one evidence is that one of the processes realized he was
about to pass away, he insisted that workers should lead the salah and that is not a trivial matter
at all. It indicates that the successorship will be after him to avocados Cydia what else was there?
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			What else was there
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			other evidences?
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			closing the doors except for the doors of Abu Bakar. Okay, all of the doors leading to the masjid
other than the robocall valid point, what else was there?
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			So out of the blessings Abubakar has, this is more of a blessings that woke us to death was the one
who migrated with the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and other there are other evidences as
well. For example, premonitions and dreams, for example, or multiple hotdogs or a dream, or sorry,
the process of soldering with with and he saw in it a luboc aroma. And he said, I saw myself pulling
from the well. Then abubaker came after me and he pulled and there was some weakness. Then Omar came
after me and he pulled and it was a massive flood or buckets. So these are evidences that indicate
that obachan acidic would take over after the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam. However, there
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			doesn't seem to be an explicit command. Why is why do we say there was no explicit command? Why do
we say this? We concluded this this is the conclusion. Some of them are by the way said there was a
command Why do we say there wasn't a command?
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			This is this is a wisdom. But what is the evidence that we have? That there was no explicit command
from the Prophet system?
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			Exactly because some of the Sahaba were debating amongst themselves, who would be the halifa and the
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			wanted. Sad, even rabada. And even amongst the Maha Joon Abubakar himself said choose a mobile
hottub or
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			And you're saying
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			I would never mind even now.
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			I know nothing. That's gonna come later on. Okay. The point being that both the onslaught and the
Mahajan had a discussion. Now is it possible that they're having a discussion and there's an
explicit headache that nobody brings?
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			Oh, I heard the process that I'm saying I will but could you be the thief after me? No. So
therefore, clearly abubaker Cydia was hinted at, but there was no explicit command from the Prophet
sallallahu alayhi wasallam and this is the standard position of mainstream Sunni Islam. Now we also
went over the briefly the biography bucket of Steve, What is his name? Everybody should have
memorized his name.
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			Abdullah ibn
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			Abu Hafez his name
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			so I will confess his name
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			is his father's name, hoffa says cornea. What is his father's name?
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			Abdullah Ibn earthman of Abu hanifa His name is earthman Okay, so Abu Bakar His name is Abdullah and
his father's name is Earth man. And he is more commonly known Abu Bakar even abacha hoffa, okay,
this is his common titles name, but his actual name birth name is Abdullah Ibn earthman. And
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			Abu Bakr so they are the Allahu taala and was of course from the tribe of the whorish. And he was
from the sub tribe of the blue team, the sub tribal development team, so he was attacking me. So he
was not to Hashimi the the orange had at least 10 sub tribes, and the tamie tribe was one of the
smaller ones. And it was not one of the more prestigious of the whorish. So the Hashem the
hashemites, the middle of the Dow The, the volume of zoom, these were the big names, and the team is
and the bundle ID which was on top is from ceramidase bundle ID. And a worker is Bhanu team and
earthman is
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			Ben has been all my years the same thing. He's the omega omega, and omega is fine. And of course it
is Hashimoto, the alojado is mine. So you should know these things with these are simple facts, you
should all know them. That whole bucket of sodium is from the team, the blue team, and Ahmad is the
bundle ID and rathmann is you can say oh we it's fine. Even though they don't typically the shows
was always fine. Okay, here's some of the oma he had what was to become the oma yet client we can
say that is their earthmen. And because it's mine, and while we are we're first cousins are as mine,
and while we were first cousins, and so Maui is the founder of the Omega dynasty, and that's why, by
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			the way, between the Obama years and the eyelids, they call them the IDs of the bundle hashemites
political movement, there was some tension for the first 200 years of Islam. In any case, so abakada
Sudhir is born in the same tribe. And one of the things that he was known for in early Islam was his
knowledge of genealogy. This is really what his speciality was, he knew the tribes and he knew their
histories. And that is why multiple times the prophets of the law why the who was selling them would
take benefit from his knowledge. Is there something in the air by the way, there seems to be some
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			some smoke or something. I hope nothing is burning because I'm the word.
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			Oh, that talcum powder is in there. Okay. Yeah, it's something getting some type of allergic
reaction levels as this spray, okay, because I'm getting some type of reaction to that. No problem.
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			I will vaca said it was known for his knowledge of genealogy he had memorize the histories, and who
can quote me even one incident there's multiple who can quote me one incident and the lifetime of
Abu Bakar that demonstrates this knowledge one thing there's
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			we didn't do we didn't mention this. You're bringing something else. This is genius. This is not
genealogy anyway. But we didn't mention the story. But what is an
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			I can't hear you what
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			not Medina choccolocco not Medina when the people came to Makkah.
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			The Prophet sallallahu Sallam would ask Abu Bakar Who are these people every time they would come?
So the the in the times of Hajj the prophets or some would be accompanied by a vocalist and he would
ask them which is tribe is this and obaku recognize them and tell them this is so and so. And then
he would give them the background he would give him the background information. Guys as if you've
never heard this before went into so many details. Like I see. Don't you remember some coming back?
That's why I'm doing this otherwise you have forgotten everything right.
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			Oh, note keeper. You do not even know how many times I have been told to give sellouts to you from
across the world. When you go back to Memphis give the nose keeper Sam's Okay. I will give ceramiche
I even forgotten how many people are just because they all know he takes notes but he doesn't answer
your questions. So that's why I did it. So Walker said it was known for his knowledge of genealogy
and lineage. And also he was known for his work and he was the closest to the prophet SAW sent him
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			In a cloud, and in friendship, and that's why they were the closest, our book got us to death has
two titles, one of them we all know, acidic. And the other one is. The other one is
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			that this is cornea. This is known as an axial olatuja. And asked for an idea. This was his name and
jelly as well, that was the title and jelly. And as for us, we know this was given to him, because
what incident
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			there is our marriage, most of you know this the Islamic marriage that he immediately believed in
the Prophet salallahu idea he was setting them and he was given the title of us a deal. And that is
also why the Prophet has himself called him a sodium. So the title of the deal occurs in a Hadith,
the prophet Mohammed Hassan himself called Abu Bakar as the deal, or the one who is faithful and
believes and will welcome to so how many children does he have? And how many times was he married?
This is the bulk of biographical information. We went over it many times. I don't expect you to
remember this, these details, but at least you should know some of them.
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			Okay, very good. And with help from how many women
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			for the first of them was cotulla, who never embraced Islam, and most likely she died, even maybe
even before the coming of Islam. And he divorced her Anjali. So she never
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			Well, we don't know whether she embraced Islam or not. But there's no mention of her. So we assume
she died or she had had no knowledge of Islam. And from patella he had his eldest child, and that is
Abdullah Abdullah Abdullah, he plays a role in
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			in the history of the Prophet sallallahu, Alayhi, wasallam. And
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			Abdullah as well as the one who brought Arusha to Medina, in the hedgerow. Okay, so he was the one
Abdullah who was the one who took his young sister out on the hedgerow. Okay, because Abu Bakar had
already gone with the process and who's gonna bring out Isha, so her eldest brother, Abdullah, and
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			Allah who died and he passed away, right after the death of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam,
and he does not have that much mentioned in the books of Sierra looks like he was a very sickly
character. He had some sicknesses and whatnot. He doesn't play a very prominent role, and he passed
away after the death of the prophet SAW Selim, Abdullah had a full sister.
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			Everybody knows Asma Abdullah had a full sister and that is a smart and of course a smart many
stories are mentioned about her inshallah, someday in our series will eventually get to a smart and
have a whole episode on a smart, his second wife was a middleman, and all middleman was the mother
of Arusha, rhodiola Juana and it's just full brother of the right man. Okay, so you have Abdullah
and a smart from the first wife, then you have and by the admin going over this because you really
need to know this type of basic stuff, who are his children, they each one of them plays a role in
this era, by and large, so I wish I had a full brother Abdul Rahman, okay, so I shall die man have
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			one mother and that is a middleman. And a middleman is the one who's mentioned in the story of the
slander. ombudsman is the one who's mentioned that the process of visited so she is a central role
in Medina, and she has many incidents in this era of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam
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			that the third wife vaca Sylvia, was a smart Vinci remains the famous Sahabi who was married to
three of the Sahaba one after the other, and that is Jafar and then Abu Bakar. And then Ali and she
had children from all three of them. So a smart been two roommates was the Sahabi that married
multiple Sahaba each one of them died basically a Shaheed so her husband Jaffa died, except for Baka
he died. And then Ali also died. So she married multiple times. And she gave birth in all of these
marriages. So she has so Abubakar and Ali rhodiola, who and whom they have children that are
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			you understand the same mother. Right? They have children that are brothers. Can you imagine that?
The group that says there's problems between aboubaker and an adult, the level and home? How do you
explain this simple fact, there doesn't seem to be much issue there. In any case. So with a smart
Binti roommates with a Smeb into roommates, abubaker had his son, Mohammed, his son, Mohammed, and
Mohammed even abubaker
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			was only a baby when the process of him passed away. So he's not considered a Sahabi. Because a
Sahabi is the one who saw the profitsystem and has a memory of it, even if he's not bothered, by the
way, even if he's not bothered. So NSM mnemonic most likely passed the process and passed away and
he when he's still a child, meaning not badly, most likely, still everybody considers him as a hobby
because for five years from the age of six till 11 or something he was in the middle of the
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			A little while you're sitting in a bus as well, he had not reached boodle. Even a bus was also a
young child, meaning 13 years old, 12 years old, yet he is considered of the greatest of the Sahaba.
But Mohammed in a bit of a bucket, he was one year old. So a one year old child does not get the
status of Sahabi. So Mohammed Abu Bakar was not considered to be is not considered to be amongst the
Sahaba. And because Abu Bakr passed away, and he's barely how old would he be when ovoca passes
away? 333 years old. So who raised Mohammed, Abu Bakar
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			Ali ibn Abu Talib raised Mohammed Abu Bakar. Why? Because as Matt married Ali, and so Mohammed, even
Abu Bakar goes to the house of Allah, and added all the love and love to Mohammed like a son.
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			And we didn't, we're not going to get into this. But Mohammed Abu Bakar was a part of the group that
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			was problematic with her as a man. And as might've been a fan looked at him and said, if your father
were here, he would not be happy with you. Meaning he entered the room at the very last minute, he
entered Earth man's room, and he was with that group. And earthman said, Tim, if your father were
here, he would not be happy with you. And he felt so embarrassed and ashamed. He left the room. So
he was not a part of the deed. But he was with the group that committed it when they entered in upon
the room he was sympathetic to the adversaries of of man, but he didn't actually participate in that
final deed. And then the final wife of Abu Bakar, is heavy bourbon cottage, and she was the only one
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			from the onslaught of the other three from the Horace. So she was from the unsought and she gave
birth. She gave birth to omega boom after the death of a worker. So workers so they passed away. And
Habiba did not even know she was pregnant. And then she became pregnant. And she gave birth to a
daughter after Abubakar acidic and that is omega film. And we had mentioned that a worker has one of
the unique things in Islam, that all of his family embraced Islam, his mother, his father, his
children, all of the family, and this is almost unheard of amongst the Sahaba that the parents and
the children, all of them embrace Islam. His whole family was a family of Islam. It is there is
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			hardly any other Sahabi and I can't think of any and other scholars say there this didn't happen
that a person converted and his parents and all of his children in Makkah, this the before the
hijra, this did not happen. And of course, he has also many other blessings as well. He has four
generations of companions. So Abdullah disobeyed the son of a smart, the son of a walker, the son of
a vocal hoffa. So Abdullah bin Zubaydah is the son of a smile. And a smile is the son of a worker,
and is the son of a vocal hoffa. And they're also happy. So you have four generations of Sahaba in
one household. And that, again, is
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			pretty much unheard of it is an exceptional scenario. And of course, a workers blessings go on and
on. And I mentioned at least 10 or 15 of them, and we don't have time to get into all of those
blessings. But the blessings of ibaka, so dif are second to none. And it is enough of a blessing
that Allah mentions him in the Koran with a proper pronoun. And Allah calls him the companion, and
no other Sahabi has been called Sahabi. Except aboubaker is the only sahibi healer.
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			So exclusivity has been given to a worker that level that the Oran calls him so heavy, and solar
tober is the Eau de Asahi LA Times and when he said to his companion, do not worry and do not be
scared. And this is enough of a blessing for Abu Bakar. Also there and I mentioned at least a dozen
incidents about our workers, and about his bravery and the fact that he participated in each and
every law as well as the fact that he defended the process from almost until he died. Like we talked
about the incident that he was beaten up all of this, the fact that there's hardly any narration,
except that we find a bucket in it to the process of Abu Bakar. The Prophet says Amanda Walker
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			visited the process of no Bukka walk the process of Abu Bakar always with him. There's hardly any
incident in the Sierra, except that Abu Bakr Siddiq has a central role in it. And this is why of
course the Sahaba instantaneously understood that workers should be the one in charge. Now, we
mentioned some controversies. I'm not going to go into all of those details, but just as a
refresher, and this is one of the reasons why I said I will not go into
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			Too much detail in the lives of the Sahaba. Because when you get to the lives of those habba, you do
not have the same sanctity and holiness that you have with the Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa
sallam, the Sahaba were humans. And sometimes they might have done things that were not absolutely
perfect, even though we respect all of them, and don't impugn their character or their knees. But
this doesn't mean that they were infallible. This doesn't mean that they were sinless. This doesn't
mean they couldn't commit mistakes. So we speak good of them. But it gets difficult for the lay
Muslim to hear some of these stories, and then not have some bad doubts. And that's why it's best to
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			simply avoid these things without going into too much detail. Nonetheless, certain things do need to
be mentioned, even if in passing, and especially in light of the fact that there are two main
strands of Islam that differ over these issues to a great deal. And I mentioned, two major
controversies that you should be aware of, and I went into some detail, not as much as some of you
would have liked, but some detail, the first of them was the issue of our little the Allahu anhu,
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			delaying or not giving the oath of allegiance for a period of time. And I went into a lot of detail
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			the story. And one opinion says that he delayed for six months. And another opinion says that he
gave it in the beginning. But then people began to doubt he gave it so he gave it again, after six
months, there are two opinions out there, whichever opinion you follow, clearly, in the end, he gave
his oath of allegiance. And I had mentioned that, even if it is the first version, there's nothing
wrong with that. But because there's nothing wrong with desiring high enough for a good reason. And
I've never thought of it does seem that he felt that he deserved it. And to be honest, he has some
valid points. And that's why he eventually got it. And so he felt that he deserves that he left at
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			this time, and a workers visited him in his house, we talked about that incident. And he went
without any protection without anybody else. And even Bob said, oh, we're gonna so don't go by
yourself. Not that he was worried about physical harm. But you know, you get persuaded to say
things, or you get pressured to do things. This was Mr. was worried about this. And I will look at
us to the extent of going through the house of the family of the process of him. And he had a very
emotional one on one. Well, it wasn't one on one, because the bundle Hashem were there, all over the
bundle Hashem, and I will look at a study. And this is recorded in the books of history. And he
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			began crying, and he said, verily, the family of the Prophet system is more beloved to me than my
own family. The family of the process is more beloved to me than my own family. But and then he went
in, he explained himself that this is not a matter of loving the found this number, it's a matter of
what is best for the oma. And basically, he was basically saying to me, that you are not ready yet.
This is not your time yet. And this is exactly what we believe as well, that he was indeed greatly
qualified, but not when he's right now 30 years old, give him some time. And when I didn't know you
thought it became of age of maturity of not that he wasn't mature 30. But still, you cannot compare
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			60 with 30, being a 30 year old, even in any country, any land, how you know, 30 year old becomes
the the President 30 is very unheard of, it's very when you have people that are far more
experienced in life. So buckless basically said, it's not a matter of we don't love you, of course,
we love you. And so when this was said, and whatnot, I'll even Have you thought of the next day then
gave the day out in public, and there was a ceremony in public now, this version of events, no
doubt, it's not something that many people hear about from our tradition. But it does seem to be the
more correct one. And I said this that I hinted at it last time, and I'll say explicitly now. And it
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			seems that this tension from the very beginning is what led to the two splits in Islam. This tension
is not coming out of thin air. It existed from the very beginning of time, and it existed even
amongst themselves, but they themselves managed to overcome it. And they cooperated together. And
they didn't have any problem in their hearts. And for the rest of our workers. khilafah almost 11
months later, Earth man rhodiola one is the most loyal servant, the most dedicated commander, he is
the governor, everything is there. So those feelings might have been there. But the true leader, the
true nobility of it is demonstrated in that whatever what he thought was best for the oma is best to
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			cooperate. And so we see this over and over again. So this is the first controversy I mentioned. And
the second controversy, which is still used to this day, is the controversy over the issue of Fedak
over the issue of the inheritance of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam. And one of the reasons
why this is so important, even to this day, amongst the other group, is that it is symbolic of the
legacy and heritage of the Prophet system who gets it
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			is not just the issue of money.
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			is the issue of its symbolic. So the processor left behind fadak.
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			Certainly Islam says who gets further who got it in the end, guys?
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			the people,
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			the people got it. So the legacy of the process of them is inherited by all.
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			We are all sharing that legacy. Right. But of course, for the other strand of Islam who should have
gotten it the other way. So meaning what the power, the politics, the claim for authority, who
should get it in suddenly Islam, the whole Sunni oma basically, their own ama, they're the ones who
inherit the Prophet system. But in the other version of Islam, one family, one person, so further is
not just about money. It's about symbolizing the legacy, who gets to inherit the legacy, interpret
the legacy to take power to do Tafseer. To to derive, is not just money anymore. So for us, it is
all Unum, anybody, you if you dedicated 50 years, 30 years of your life, you have the right to now
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			talk about Oran sooner to see to become an alum, right. Whereas for the other strand of Islam, that
type of heritage is not just a person, it has to be the family of the Prophet. So sentiment, in
particular one person, and that is a divinely appointed person. So fadak becomes more than just
about money and whatnot. And of course, we talked about this inside out. And it is very clear. And
we have many, many a hadith. In fact, even Ali euphotic has some Hadith to this regard that the
prophets Do not leave behind inheritance, that they are that they give it all to the poor. And so
one of the workers, so they deprived the debate of the inheritance, he also deprived his own
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			daughter, our issue of the inheritance because if Walton was not going to inherit, Ai, she's not
going to inherit. And that's a very simple point to realize that he wasn't doing this out of
istockphoto, or any type of hostility, it was what he thought was the was the film. And, of course,
the emotional issue here was there tension between Fatima and I will go to Serbia for the Allahu
anhu match mine. And we talked about this, that there does seem to have been some tension. But it
was resolved on the deathbed of Fatima. And we have mentioned explicit narrations that Obama could
have visited her on her deathbed. And he begged her to basically get rid of this. And then
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			Hamdulillah, everything was fine at the end of her life. And so this is something that we had
mentioned, and it is very clear. And of course, I'll do the last one as well, after this as well,
things became better for him. And so the death of Ultima six months after the six months after the
prophet SAW, Selim also opened up the door for a lead or the loved one as well to reconcile more
with Albuquerque. Because there was some tensions when she was alive with when, when this
conversation took place, and she passed away, then it opened the door for it as well, too. And
that's when he gave the beta. That's when he gave the beta. That's when the the the the tension was
00:28:15 --> 00:28:15
00:28:16 --> 00:29:00
			We went into a lot of detail about the wars, I've read about the wars over it. And I went into all
of the Crusader by Al Khattab and sajha and all of the ridiculous things between the two of them,
and other wars. And this is really what Obama said, This is primarily known for and we'll go We'll
just skip over all of that, no need to get over all of that again. But abubaker City is known for
two primary things. Number one, is the Wars of Red Dead, and the words of red that what did they
accomplish? they accomplished consolidating the Muslim ummah. They accomplished the lack of
fragmentation that Allah saved Islam through Abu Bakar acidic when the Omar was about to fracture up
00:29:00 --> 00:29:13
			so it's like he collected all of the pieces of the jigsaw puzzle back and he put them together. This
is the the greatest and the first thing that he did. And then the second thing that he did in his
Khalifa that is an extremely great importance is
00:29:14 --> 00:29:59
			Jamal Oran Jamal Quran, he was the one who gathered the Quran, and it was a blessing from Allah
subhanho wa Taala that I would look at us to do felt that this was necessary to do because because
of his wise precautions, to this day Alhamdulillah the oma has been saved from the fitna of every
other oma without exception. Every nation every religion has multiple variations of its holy book,
without exception. The Catholics, the Protestants, which version with how many books are there, the
same goes for every religion and hamdulillah we are the only oma, it doesn't matter what sector you
are, it doesn't matter what belief system you have, even the more bizarre sector
00:30:00 --> 00:30:42
			of Islam, they still follow the same Quran, and they have no variations whatsoever in it. And we
will attribute this to the protection of Allah subhana wa Taala. And then the efforts of Abu Bakar
is so deep, and I went over in a lot of detail, the version of the version of says that the
compilation of a worker, and then the compilation of Earth might have been a fan, which was based on
a vocalist, literally, I will buckers must have was brought again. And they copied it, and they sent
it out across the lands. So quite literally, the Koran was compiled within a year and a half of the
death of the Prophet. So saddam when every single major Sahabi was still alive, including aboubaker,
00:30:42 --> 00:31:16
			when every half that is known, was still alive, obey even cab and live now and even Masaru. They're
all alive and they're all healthy and they're all reciting the Quran. And it is unparalleled in the
history of any other religion, that its holy book was compiled, literally, in the lifetime of the
people who were alive when it came down. And this is again, of the greatest monopoly or the
blessings of abubaker. So do okay. Now we move on to the prelude of next week, I'm not going to go
into the final aspect, I'm just going to pre loot it.
00:31:19 --> 00:32:02
			And that is the issues of the political and military conquests. We're not going to talk about those
ones today. We'll just introduce it. We're gonna get into it next week, inshallah huhtala. So
because the deal was only halifa, for barely two years in something, okay, he did not have much
time. And of those two years and a few months. In fact, more than half of it was spent in the Wars
of more than half of America. So diffs khilafah was spent in the words of the reader. So there was
very little time to think about broadening Islam beyond that scope. However, in the last year of his
life, that was when when the war is over it they were finished. And holiday Walid has basically
00:32:02 --> 00:32:51
			dealt with all of the most had done. Now a worker decided to expand the Muslim Ummah, and he
concentrated on two areas. And the victories began in his lifetime, and they reached the pinnacle,
and the lifetime of Ramadan will hottub. And in the lifetime of Earth, man, it just continued down.
So the domino effect had begun. A worker said it was the one who began the domino, we saw the big
boost in the time of Morocco and Morocco. The real big massive victories in Morocco top was not even
a fan is riding the wave. It just continues the first six years, then it stops. And Alito, the lawn
stops, why does it stop because of the internal fitna? Okay, so for
00:32:52 --> 00:33:40
			12 years, expansion pretty much stopped 10 to 12 years. Then, in the time of the Romanians, it began
to expand in only pockets here and there, but those pockets slowly continue to trickle until they
eventually reached from Andalusia from Spain, all the way to China. This happened in the time of the
early oma yet, and then it simply seized call us it fizzled out. And the oma pretty much remained as
it is, from the time of the roommates up until now, other than small expansions and pockets here and
there, their most recent one being Bosnia and Herzegovina and the Ottoman Empire in the 1830s. This
is barely less than 200 years ago, when the Ottomans basically entered in and conquered a small part
00:33:40 --> 00:33:49
			of Europe. And because of this bots, Bosnia and Herzegovina, as we know are now majority Muslim
lands otherwise, and of course, we lost a few lands and the lucea What else do we lose?
00:33:51 --> 00:33:52
			What else do we lose?
00:33:54 --> 00:34:16
			That was that was Lord that we never really controlled it per se, Sicily, Cyprus. These are small,
small areas that we lost Sicily, the island 250 years to this day, if you go to Sicily, I have not
been but I always want to go if you go to Sicily, they say there are still the fortress is built by
the Muslims still over there. And their coins.
00:34:17 --> 00:34:56
			They have coins from that timeframe that clearly are in Arabic, and much of their civilization and
culture owes itself to the influence of the Arabs, even their language, their version of Italian
they speak there was much more Arabic heritage in it because for 250 years, they were controlled by
the Muslims. So the point being, by and large, the big expansions occurred in the time of Roma
little hotdog, and then the early hominids, the buses hardly did anything in terms of expansion.
They did a lot internally, but expansion, hardly anything. And also the other drum loops and
whatnot. By and large, there was internal stuff. In any case back to ours. Topic abubaker is
00:34:56 --> 00:35:00
			concentrated on two regions. And those are
00:35:00 --> 00:35:37
			Iraq and Sham, Iraq and sham. These are the two regions that he concentrated on. Now, today, what
I'm going to talk about, I'm not gonna talk about the battles right now, because that will be in
Charlotte next. And also, by the way, I will not go over each and every battle because this is not
the zero, we just want to overall talk about what happened the one or two famous vitals and
incidents and move on. And frankly, it does get very boring very fast if I started with every battle
and the numbers here, and there is not something that the average Muslim is interested in. But I
want to talk about a very, very controversial topic today. And that deals with who can guess what
00:35:37 --> 00:35:39
			are we talking about these conquests? What is the topic?
00:35:41 --> 00:35:46
			We're at Karbala he did, he was here. So to our lecture, you can find it online.
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			Karbala takes place in the time of way after this, not a worker. So the the reasons for these wars,
00:35:57 --> 00:36:10
			the reasons for these wars, because there's a huge controversy amongst modern Muslims, about the
expansion of the hereafter.
00:36:12 --> 00:36:22
			And a lot of times what we have been taught, or have heard, people say is that these expansions were
defensive in nature,
00:36:23 --> 00:37:18
			that these expansions were defensive that the Shetty does not allow an offensive war. This is the
claim that is given. And this is a claim that is simply false and incorrect. And we do ourselves a
disservice by pretending otherwise, by now all of you are familiar with the fact that I don't beat
around the bush and I'm not an apologetic. I call the spade a spade. And I believe honesty is the
best policy, the claim that there's no such thing as offensive jihad. And that the Muslims are of
early Islam, never engaged in conquests, is a claim that is simply not backed up by any shred of
evidence. In fact, the opposite is true. And that is an undeniable fact, which is why nobody pre
00:37:18 --> 00:37:32
			modernity ever said this. This is a very modern notion that is now being backed projected onto early
Islam. Now, the other side of the coin, which is the people who don't like us, they say, you guys
spread Islam by the sword.
00:37:34 --> 00:37:44
			And that's the other extreme. So in the next 20 minutes, inshallah will kind of give you the middle.
What is the truth of the matter? Was Islam spread by the sword?
00:37:45 --> 00:38:27
			Or is it all defensive and lovey dovey and whatnot? What is the real, you know, everything, we're
just we had to fight. That's why went and fought. What is the reality? Well, the fact of the matter
is that in the lifetime of the Prophet sallallahu sallam, we can say, without being apologetic at
all, that pretty much most of the battles were battles that were defensive in nature. That's very
clear. You don't I mean, you don't have to be apologetic at all, look at the situation, who was
persecuting Him, who kicked him out of their lands, who was the one, so it's very clear that butter
and offered an exam were very necessary. And even the conquest of Makkah, like it had to be done. If
00:38:27 --> 00:39:12
			you had to survive, you can't just let them keep on attacking you. So in the spirit of the
processor, we can say that very clearly, most of the battles were necessary, and were defensive to
gain the rights of the Muslims back. However, it is also true to say that not all such battles can
easily be put into this category, some battles, especially some suraiya. And remember, sadovaya was
the expeditions the processor did not participate in, he sent others out. Many of the saraya,
especially in ninth and 10th, is Islam. There was no dire need, there's no threat at all, going to
the fringes of Oman, for example, right. Going to the other side of Bahrain, for example. It's not
00:39:12 --> 00:39:15
			as if there was an immediate threat and some of those suraiya
00:39:16 --> 00:39:58
			and especially we talked about the Battle of to book, The Battle of Tupac remains a big question
mark amongst Syrah specialists. Why? Why was one of the largest armies ever sent up north? For what?
And in reality, it seems one of the strongest reasons is to show the powers up north, that Muslims
meant business and that they are going to attack which is why Obama said he took the initiative to
attack followed the same route when he went to attack when he went to tech Sham, same route of the
book, and he went from there onwards. So the process was basically setting the precedent for them.
Now, whatever is the case about the time of the process of them, there is simply no denying that the
00:39:58 --> 00:39:59
			Hoda Ross, you don't
00:40:00 --> 00:40:41
			The Romanians engaged in offensive conquests of other lands. The sassanid Empire did not pose any
immediate threat. They were not attacking the Muslims at all. In fact, as we, as we will study, when
the Muslims attacked this acid Empire, rule Stone said, What do you guys doing here? Why are you
attacking us? I mean, we're not bothering you. What are you doing over here? Remember, that was the
famous, we'll get to the composition today and next time as well. And the Romans as well, couldn't
care less about the Arabs. Remember, we said this from the very beginning, both the Romans and the
Persians or I should say, the Byzantine Empire and the sassanid Empire, as the more precise term,
00:40:42 --> 00:41:02
			they were minding their own business fighting each other. And they were not fighting the Arabs at
the time, because they didn't see any strategic advantage in controlling the Arabs, the Arabs were
not a civilization that offered anything to them. And they didn't care about oil back then. Right,
unlike now, so there was no reason for them to invade.
00:41:04 --> 00:41:49
			If they had wanted to invade, there could have been no stopping them before the coming of Islam. But
there was no reason for them. Now that Islam has concrete and is solidified, there was still no
immediate reason for them to admit there's no threat at all. And yet a robot could have sent armies
of 10s of 1000s of people, and everyone will have followed suit. And the same goes, when Bob sent us
into Egypt, Egypt was not sending any army into Arabia, and our house with 4000. People said, Give
me 4000 people, I will give you Alexandria, which was the capital of that region, I'll give you I'll
give you Alexandria, why what was Alexandria doing to the Muslims? Nothing. So the claim that all of
00:41:49 --> 00:42:17
			this is a defensive battle, frankly, it's not proven by anything. And it's goes against common
sense. Why would you send 10s of 1000s of people when there's no threat at all? And the fact of the
matter therefore, there is simply no denying this. And the same goes, by the way, even for our lands
of India of sin. Macron why would the Okay, it's true that a pirate or a small mini Lord basically
irritated some of the Muslim you know,
00:42:18 --> 00:42:42
			traders, there's no doubt, but you don't send an army to attack because of a trade dispute. Think
about it. You don't send an entire naval expedition to conquer land, which is what happened in
Sindh. they conquered land. And they established the oma years established an extension of the Omega
dynasty over there. And that was the beginning of Milton. Milton was the earliest
00:42:44 --> 00:43:35
			Islamic land, macaron and Multan, these areas were the earliest Islamic lands from the time of the
Sahaba. Some of the Sahaba were alive at this time when Motown was was conquered. What for you're
going to establish a mini dynasty over there for what? So clearly, there's not just a defensive
Jihad going on here. There's no denying that the early Muslims wanted political conquest. Now, is
that problematic? Should we try to explain it away? All we need to do is contextualize. All we need
to do is contextualize, contextualize? Firstly, everyone did it without exception. Every superpower
at the time was attacking every other power. That's how those powers survived. It was the law of the
00:43:35 --> 00:44:13
			time. In fact, it was the law up until medieval Europe, where look at Roman and look at France and
England, for example. I mean, if you ever study their history, all you do is memorize one battle
after another after another after another, keep on they're fighting each other. Up until modern
times. They're they're fighting over culture and cuisine, and language and whatnot. Still, physical
conflict, military conflict was a part of life. And there were regions of the world that switched
hands, literally dozens of times between competing powers. Damascus is one example. When he wrote
under the Persians, then it's under the Romans, it's under the Persians under the Romans, and the
00:44:13 --> 00:44:55
			border between the sassanid Empire and the Byzantine Empire was never established. They're always
fighting one another. And Damascus is like kind of in the middle. So you had times when the Persians
controlled Damascus, then you had times most of the time, Romans controlled Damascus. And the same
goes for so many other small cities as well. So this was a timeframe where everybody is attacking
everybody. It's a fact of life. Why should the Muslims be any different as well? There's no denying
that of the goals of early Islam was indeed to spread the political power of Islam, in fact, is not
that the goal of every civilization, why were the Romans fighting everybody else? Why did Alexander
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			Why did Alexander in ancient times go and conquer everybody else? That's how
00:45:00 --> 00:45:47
			civilizations flourished. There's nothing strange about early Islam doing the same. And in our
times, by the way, perhaps it is true that the major superpowers technically don't want to, or I
shouldn't put it that way. They technically give the impression they're not invading other lands and
countries without provocation. But okay, suppose ignore all of the military conflict. Doesn't every
nation in our time strive its best to get the most political clout and economic clout and military
might then other nations. This is what nations do. This is exactly what every civilization does. And
in our times, they might choose other tactics, many of which are unethical, the IMF, for example,
00:45:47 --> 00:46:24
			right? The superpowers of our times they use the International Monetary Fund, for example, or
they'll use the United Nations. But in essence, in essence, each country and civilization strives to
get the most power for itself, including the one we're living, especially the one we're living in.
This is a fact of life that is historically undeniable. So why should we sugarcoat for our own
tradition as well? Yes, early Islam wanted political dominion. And guess what? They got it? They got
it. They they put their eyes on the prize, and they indeed, got it. A third reason we will mention
here and this gets a little controversial is the issue of conversion.
00:46:25 --> 00:46:35
			conversion. Did these early Muslims want to convert the people that they're conquering? Give me an
honest response. What do you guys think?
00:46:37 --> 00:46:45
			So they would not want them to convert? Where are you from? A ethnically? You are from missiles?
What What were your ancestors?
00:46:46 --> 00:46:54
			before when Islam came? What were they? Cops? So when the Sahaba entered your land, you think they
wanted your ancestor to remain cops?
00:46:57 --> 00:47:12
			That wasn't my question. That was not my question. My question was, and this one being I'm being a
little bit pressing here, because I need the correct answer. Because we're living at a time in place
where giving these politically correct answers is politically incorrect.
00:47:13 --> 00:47:24
			We have to be frank and firm. And when we do so, we will actually be able to win arguments. Did the
Sahaba want their conquered peoples to convert?
00:47:27 --> 00:48:12
			That's not answering the question. Did they want them to convert? Sure, exactly. Exactly. That's the
point. Did they want them to convert? Sure they did. Was that a motivational factor? Yak jazak,
Allahu halen. That's what I wanted to hear. This is the reality. If it wasn't a motivational factor.
My ancestors worshipped cows, they would still I would still be worshiping cows. If they hadn't
come, your ancestors worship to cross. And if it weren't for the blessings of Allah through these
conquests, probably you would also be worshipping across now. Do you understand this? We should stop
sugarcoating. That's the reality. They came not just for political power, yes. For political power,
00:48:12 --> 00:48:55
			yes, for economic power, but as well, they did want to people to convert. Now we get to the second
question, which is what you are trying to get out, right? But I want to get the difficult out of the
way. Did they force people to convert that question, we can handle an essay without being
apologetic? Because that is a fact? No, they didn't force people to convert. They did not force
people to convert. And in fact, they knew that it was not a part of their religion, to force people
to convert. It is because they did not force people to convert that to this day, the lands that were
under the Mughal Empire, majority of them are still Hindu, the lands that we're under the Muslims of
00:48:55 --> 00:49:26
			Egypt, when the Muslims entered Egypt, literally 99.999999% were Coptic Christians. Right. This is a
documented historical fact, that has been there. Lots of research has been done on this by looking
at the registrar's of names, Christian names versus Muslim names, and plenty of research has been
done. And we noticed and we find that in Egypt, for example, over the course of the last, especially
the first 12 centuries of concrete, not the last 200 years.
00:49:28 --> 00:49:36
			Not since the British came when the British came colonialization that changed everything. But up
until the era of Napoleon, when did Napoleon enter Egypt?
00:49:37 --> 00:49:56
			1798 1790 he entered Egypt, up until the era of colonization, which is relatively recent 1790 is
after America was founded. Okay? That's when colonial colonialism begins with Napoleon invading
Egypt. This is the beginning of European colonization of Islamic lands up until that point in time
00:49:57 --> 00:49:59
			the conversion rate from copper
00:50:00 --> 00:50:52
			to Christianity to Islam never spiked at one time from zero to 100. Rather, we see from the conquest
of Islam up until Napoleon slowly, the numbers just continue to increase until they kind of peter
out at 90%, which is what Egypt is now. 90% Muslim 10% Coptic To this day, Egypt, which was 100%
Coptic, one out of every 10 Egyptians is still a Coptic? Why? Because there really was freedom of
religion. There really was not, not the types of freedom that exists in the modern West, there's no
doubt about it, let's not again sugarcoat not the types of freedoms, but there was the freedom to be
a Coptic Christian to worship, to practice the laws of Coptic Christianity to do the rituals to pass
00:50:52 --> 00:51:29
			it down to your children, you could remain Coptic, and that therefore, one out of every 10 Egyptians
to this day remained Coptic. Okay, so never in the history of Islam, and this is not being
apologetic. This is the truth was a sword waved in the face of somebody and he was told, convert or
die. That didn't happen. But did the Sahaba and the early Muslims desire their subjects to convert
while law? He they did? Of course they did. Wouldn't you desire other people to convert? Now you're
ruling them? Wouldn't you give them incentives to convert? That's what the Sharia does, by the way.
00:51:30 --> 00:51:46
			That's what the shady does. The shady it gives you incentives. If you don't convert, you have to pay
extra tax, you have certain restrictions, you have this, you have that. But you're allowed to live
your life, according to your faith. So
00:51:47 --> 00:52:02
			one of the goal of invading these lands was indeed to convert the people, but not by force
households in multiple ways, first and foremost, simply by interacting with the Muslims.
00:52:04 --> 00:52:06
			Now, if Islam is the truth,
00:52:08 --> 00:52:23
			and we all believe it is the truth, yet the bulk of humanity suppose there's no internet, pre pre
social media, let's go back 100 years. So the tribes of Africa, the the jungles of Tibet and
whatnot, how are these people going to be exposed to Islam?
00:52:26 --> 00:53:08
			By interaction, and what better way of interaction then the civilization of Islam trickles out and
spreads, which is what early Islam did. And what better way to see the reality of Islam than to see
the fruits of an Islamic civilization. You live under an Islamic civilization, you see what it can
offer you, you see its dominance, you see his heritage, you compare it with the people before and
the people you think might come afterwards. And then guess what? You're like, Man, this makes a lot
of sense. I like it. I want to convert. And that is why my ancestors and your ancestors converted.
Nobody put a sword on their throats. They at some point in my history in your history, somebody will
00:53:08 --> 00:53:44
			I know it's my great great grandfather, if I know exactly for gender. I don't know about you if you
know or not. But I know exactly exactly how many generations ago, somebody was a Hindu and they
converted to Islam. They decided of their own freewill. Nobody forced them to do that. Interacting
with the Muslims of India living under the doorknobs of luck. No, they realize, Oh, you know what,
this is a good religion. I want to embrace it, your ancestors as well, how would that have happened?
Unless the Sahaba and tap your own and the oma years invaded these lands and allowed Islam to
flourish so that people could see this? is Islam? Correct. So let's not sugarcoat it. One of the
00:53:44 --> 00:54:27
			reasons of invasion was indeed, conversion by seeing the lived experiences. And yes, and I've said
this before, as well, by even offering incentives. Because when you're so sure that something is
good, you know, people do this all the time to their products, when they're selling their products,
right, they'll give you an incentive to buy it, because they know that their product is so good.
Once you're used to it and you like it, call us, you're gonna keep on getting more. So if we as
Muslims believe this, why are we surprised then that the Sharia is so confident that people will
accept it, that it gives them perks and incentives, which it does, it does give perks and incentives
00:54:27 --> 00:54:53
			for you to accept the faith? because it knows once you do so, for whatever reason, suppose you do it
out of greed. You want more money, so your taxes are lifted? Because they will be lifted, right? If
you again, I don't sugarcoat if you're a non Muslim, you had two pages you in the hill up and above
the times and whatnot. Somebody was greedy. So you know what, I don't want to pay this jizya I'm
just going to convert because I want more money in my pocket. What's going to happen
00:54:55 --> 00:54:59
			in time, if not him Then who? The children for sure.
00:55:00 --> 00:55:35
			Which is exactly what happened. Correct. Which is exactly what happened that in time, and we see
this all the time I've given this example many times, converts, we see them to this day. Many times
number one reason people convert now it's not because of money. We don't got any money to offer you
them. But it's what it's love. It's love. It's like they fall in love and they want to get married.
Okay, so they convert because of love, then what happens? Usually they become more Islamic than the
real spouse and then their spouse comes running. I don't know what happened to my wife, man, she's
fanatic would not do somethings hamdulillah Okay, this one happens. Okay. That's the reality of so
00:55:35 --> 00:56:10
			what has just happened over here? Truth has one over. Truth has one over. We're so confident in the
truth of Islam. Yella, go ahead. You want to be greedy for the money, okay, you use your incentive,
but we know eventually is gonna is going to come inside of you. So, yes, it is true that one of the
reasons for invasion was also conversion but not direct, indirect. And by the way, this is also a
fact that needs to be mentioned. There were hola and there were dynasties that discouraged,
discouraged conversion.
00:56:11 --> 00:57:03
			And some of the oma yet Hoda made conversion very difficult, which is one of the reasons why the I
busted revolution took place because there was discrimination. They didn't want you to convert, why
would they not want you to convert taxes, taxes, they wanted more taxes. And so they put hurdles in
conversion. And that's one of the reasons why the melotti them a while they are the non Arab
converts. They joined the bundle. Hashemite revolt Dally that either we revolt against the oma yet.
Okay, so this is another reason. And then, one final point that we'll mention here, we have the
explicit testimony of one of the Sahaba rebury of an army, when he stood in front of Rustom, the
00:57:03 --> 00:57:44
			general governor of the sassanid Empire, the primary General, he wasn't the halifa he wasn't the
ruler, he was the general, the primary general, the military genius of the sassanid Empire. And
we'll talk about him next week a little bit as well. When Libya even Ahmed was standing in front of
Jerusalem in the palace of wisdom in that luxurious palace, the ruins of which still stand to this
day at testify to this day, they start those massive, beautiful pillars and whatnot, one of the
architectural Wonders of the Ancient World, you know, the the, the Persians would build massive
structures, and liberty is asked by Rustom Why are you invading us? What are you doing here? Go back
00:57:44 --> 00:57:47
			to your lands. What are you doing here? And Gregory said what?
00:57:48 --> 00:58:29
			That famous line you should all memorize that famous line that really said that Allah has sent us
ludicrously bad military budgetary bad. ILA about that Europe billary. But Allah has sent us so that
we take mankind from worshipping others of mankind to worshiping the Lord of mankind, woman, Jody
Diani, Illa idol in Islam, and from the tyranny of all false religions, to the justice and truth of
Islam. Woman Luca dunya. eliciting arciero and from the confines of this world to the beauty of the
next now, ribbit. His motivation is what?
00:58:30 --> 00:58:53
			spreading Islam the power? How can you deny this? It's in his testimony standing in front of the
Persian General, why have you come here? We have commonly known a bad memory budgetary bad, either a
bad at or below a bad memorize this simple to Sahaba themselves are telling you their motivation. It
wasn't money. Yes.
00:58:54 --> 00:59:37
			The all my years, and some of them their prime motivation was economic. But there's nothing wrong
with that civilizations need that as well. The Sahaba their primary motivation was what they
understood. This is the way to spread Islam, not by waving the sword in front of the necks of
people, but by showing Islam as a civilization by ruling as a dominant military and political force
that people see this is Islam. And then they choose to embrace it, which is exactly what happened in
the history of humanity in the history of the oma, all of us. Look, we have people from Africa, from
India, Pakistan, from Egypt, from Timbuktu from where how all of our ancestors had other faiths. All
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			of us where did this Islam come from? It's because Islam spread as a dominant political force. This
is offensive. This is not defensive. This is offensive. And we thank Allah for that offensive. We
thank Allah for that. And that is why Islam spread the way that it is. Now the final point here and
by the way, so this whole point of
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			Spreading what you think is the truth? Why are we so embarrassed about this? When this is exactly
what our own country and every other military superpower in our world does today? They go fighting
for what?
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			oil? Okay, well, for all this, but what do they say they fight for? democracy sarcolemma, right?
human rights for the right of women to not wear the bulcock we're gonna go innovative understand. I
mean, literally, that's what they said, right? To give the make women liberate women, so that they
don't have to wear the burqa. Now, they're so confident in their values, they're willing to go to
war, and they proudly boast. We're invading to spread democracy to bomb democracy into them. We're
going to show them what human rights is by our 20 tonne bombs, Okay, tell us by throwing tons of
bombs, they're going to show them human rights. But they're confident enough to say this, and their
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			people swallow it up that yes, this is where we're going. So why should we be embarrassed that our
classical heritage, we're not talking about modern times, we're talking about the whole of our
Russian and our classical heritage, they as well felt this much confidence, if not more, so, we have
the truth. And we're spreading the truth. So this is what happens. Right? Now, here is where the big
question comes. And that is, Does this mean that we have to resurrect that understanding? That's why
a lot of Muslims now, especially in light of ISIS, and then all of these weird groups, that's why a
lot of Muslims now they're like, worried to even say what I just said. Because it's very easy to
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			take snippets of what I just said, which is what fox news will do anyway, and put it online and say,
oh, radical preacher and whatnot. That's understandable. It's understandable. Okay. Which is why we
also have to make a very simple and clear disclaimer. We're talking about the past. And we're
talking about the whole of Russia, and the Romanians and the spread of Islam and the seventh
century. Do we have to resurrect those ideas in our times and follow some of those same notions?
Well, ISIS thinks so. But what percentage does ISIS represent of the oma, where are the rest of the
ruler of our oma? As we all know, the bulk of the Roma, the vast majority, in fact, the ruler Mark
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			period, because ISIS does not have either does not have it. Pretty much all of them of all stripes,
from deobandis, to one to as Hades to celebrate the bulk of the oma basically, they all understand
that we're living in different times. That there's no United Nations. There's peace treaties,
there's borders, there were no borders in medieval Christianity, forget medieval Islam. There were
no borders in Europe up until you know the Treaty of Westphalia and was a 16. You should know the 16
was your daughter asker. The history expert 16 something Treaty of Westphalia, the Treaty of
Westphalia is when nation states were born. This is before this time, there were no borders, no
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			boundaries. Look, again at France and England always attacking one another world war one is what
codified some boundaries, and then even then we're constantly redrawing the map. Before 16 1700s.
There were no border states. So things have changed. And pretty much everybody that's anybody says,
nowadays, the concept of offensive Jihad
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			does not make sense. Nowadays, we don't have to resurrect this thing. There's no need to do this.
And this is the fatwa, Chef qaradawi his latest latest book, and in all likelihood, his last one is
already what 85 years old. May Allah give him a long life. But Chef corbeau his latest book, Magnum,
magnificent, huge volumes, the film of jihad is called physical jihad. And he wrote it in a post 911
world. He wrote it because of all of these groups acquired and whatnot. This is before ISIS came
along, and it was a refutation of this. So his book, thick volumes of jihad, in it are sections
about the united nations are sections about borders. And he basically says what all of them are
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			saying that in our times, with these treaties with these international boundaries, it is actually in
everybody's interest that peace reigns in the world. We shouldn't be attacking and fighting and
doing offensive jihad. And it goes these days, the Jihad now is not of the sword. It is of the pen
and the intellect and the mind and social media, whatnot. So this is mainstream Sunni. Therefore,
what we have said about Islamic history, there's no need to sugarcoat it. It is as it is, and we
think a lot that that's what happened, but we do not have to resurrect it in our times. We do not
have to bring back on offensive Jihad and offensive Jihad has many conditions. The first of them is
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			Amid khilafah as the first condition, then you have many others. And we all know that really there
is no legitimate collapse on our times. So the bottom line, there is no need for us to be apologetic
to try to sugarcoat the past. Yes indeed abubaker so therefore the Allahu anhu, intended to wage war
against the sassanids and the Byzantine Empire because he wanted to spread Islamic laws,
civilizations, values and yes, the religion and he succeeded in doing that. And that was the
beginning of much bigger success to happen and in sha Allah. With that we will stop for today and
next Wednesday inshallah, I will begin summarizing the main battles that occurred and perhaps even
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			finish If not, it will be the Wednesday after that.