Yasir Qadhi – Is It Mandatory To Re-Establish A Caliphate

Yasir Qadhi
AI: Summary © The speaker discusses the importance of global leadership and political leadership for Muslims. They also mention a quote from the prophet that leads to a war of faith. The speaker believes that the world is waiting for a global leadership and that it is likely to not materialize until the end of the century. They also mention a book called the Manar al Munif Yeah, which is considered a false statement.
AI: Transcript ©
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The technical term would be it is

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for you?

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I'm asking you. Okay.

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It it would be,

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what is it exactly that is far? Establishing

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an imam in different areas,

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is, of course, a far. The prophet sallallahu

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alaihi wa sallam

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Whoever dies without having pledged an allegiance to

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an imam, he will die in a state

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of jahiliyah,

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which means that

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you should not basically be

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promoting anarchy

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or rebelling against the legitimate authority

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or, Muslims should not ignore the importance of,

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you know, and and hierarchy, political hierarchy.

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is it a

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must to have

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a singular global

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for Muslims?

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I think that

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it is a fard

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to work towards unity

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and to actualize

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of that unity,

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whatever it is that can be actualized

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given the sociopolitical

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of the different times.

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I let me let me be clear with

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you here. I would not have any faith

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if we never had a Khalifa

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until the day of judgment.

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It would not cause me any faith crisis.

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It would not cause me any this, like,

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about my faith.

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There is a particular hadith that people quote

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I grew up quoting this hadith. I grew

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up believing in this wholeheartedly.

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The known hadith is reported by Ahmed from

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an Omani Brebashir

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in which Khudaifa

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conveyed from the prophet

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that he said

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so the prophet

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said that that you will have the prophet

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with among you for as long as Allah

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wills and Allah

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will then raise it or remove it when

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he wills. And then there will be a

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on the prophetic method.

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For as long as allah wills and then

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allah will raise it when he wills and

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then there will

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be a kingship a reign of oppressive kingship.

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For as long as Allah wills and and

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Allah will raise it and then there will

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be a reign of compulsive kingship.

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Mhmm. And then in Mulkil Jabri.

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Mhmm. And then there will be Khalafah Alamin

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Hajjil Abouwah.

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Then there will be Khalafah,

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on the prophetic message. Mhmm. On the prophetic

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were certain

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and that is basically the problem of,

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the problem of lack of knowledge.

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We were certain that this meant that we

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are waiting for

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on the prophetic method. Growing up I was

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when I was 17 I had given my

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first jummah when I was 17 and it

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was about the Hakimai.

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No that was your first jummah. Yes definitely

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like overconfidence

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that I

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have regretted afterwards.

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But anyway,

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so so I was certain that this is

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this would be this is we are expecting

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this. Mhmm. And it would have caused me

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faith crisis then,

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to have been told that,

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no this may never

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You know a singular global leadership, political leadership

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for all Muslims

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may never materialize

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this hadith

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meant to me and and other end end

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times hadith or traditions

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meant to me that this is what we're

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waiting for

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and and we were also certain that it

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would not be the first Khalifa. Sometimes we

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thought that it may be. Sometimes we thought,

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the the the then we came to learn

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that no. It's likely not going he's not

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going to be the first Khalifa.

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our understanding of the end of times,

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traditions also was was pretty

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strict and, to a great deal, literalist.

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And I am a scripturalist.

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You know? So some people that would be

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unkind to me would say literalist, but I

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believe I'm a scripturalist.

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So I don't, be that the importance of

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those reports, but I have,

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like, a a little bit more flexible understanding

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of them. That is not,

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say, in metaphorical,

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but, I am someone who subscribes to contextual

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language theory,

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and I I have a little bit more

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flexible understanding of those reports. Now this particular

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hadith this particular hadith,

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this is how I would look at this

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particular hadith that that would be basically,

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presented to Muslim youth to tell them

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that you must believe

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in this,

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as you believe in,

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you know,

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Allah being,

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for instance,

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above his throne, or you must believe in

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this as you believe in

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the day of judgment

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being true,

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you know, and,

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and the angels and and and all of

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that stuff. I don't believe so anymore

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for several reasons. One of them,

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to begin with,

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being a scripturalist,

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I believe

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in what Imam Shatabir Rahimahullah said that

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which means that the rank of the sunnah

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is subsequent to the Quran, is not equal

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to the Quran. It's subsequent to the Quran

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in consideration.

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The the of Nuna.

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The the sunnah of Noonah. Sunnah is speculative,

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mostly speculative,

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and certainty is with the Quran, not the

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sunnah. And this is. It's nothing. It's just

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not your Shahu Tabi. This is the default

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of those who live here. But

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certainty is not with the Sunnah. Shahu Tabi

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himself says that certainty applies to the Sunnah

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to the collective body of the sunnah, not

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individual hadith, not individual hadith.

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So you may say that you belong to

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a Hanbali tradition, and I do.

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That does not mean at all that we

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don't have basically the concept of textual textual

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or the the concept of critiquing the mutton

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of the Hadith,

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not only the Isnad. So we recognize

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that the, you know, is not needs to

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be critiqued but the also needs to be

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There is there is a particular book by

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called the Manar al Munif Yeah.

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Which would translate to

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the lofty

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concerning the authentic and the weak.

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In in which he says

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there is a report from the prophet,

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you know, in which the prophet was reported

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to have said reported to have said,

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it's a sign on his truthfulness.

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So Rebav Nukayim

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says despite the fact that

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some have authenticated the chain of narration

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this the observable

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contradicts the hadith. The observable reality contradicts the

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It's a very sensitive topic, Sheikh. And of

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course, we this this quotation,

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it causes consternation amongst many who don't even

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know this is from our own usul. Many

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even salafis or ahadith.

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The the the notion of using aql

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and common sense to look at an isnaad.

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And Ibn Al Qayyah mentions this for multiple

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examples, and this is not the only one.

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That when something is observably,

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patently false, right, then if you find some

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solitary chain that it it even if some

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people might think that the chain is authentic,

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observed reality is going to be more important

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than a one knee chain. Right? And this

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is something that, again, I also brought up

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a number of my lectures,

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with regards to especially eschatology. Because this is

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another issue I wanted to mention. And that

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is it's understandable

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that especially at a young age, we all

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went through that. Eschatology

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and and and,

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science that the day of judgment, they they

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they occupy or preoccupy

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a type of obsession

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that actually perhaps even is not as useful

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as other sciences and disciplines. And we've been

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all been through that phase here.

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