Yasir Qadhi – Abu Lahab Paradox, Are Protests Haram, Can Women Shave their Heads Q&A #9
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The speaker discusses the controversy surrounding President Trump's statement of opinion and the history of his statement. They also touch on the topic of alcoholism and the need for people to drink. The speakers emphasize the importance of being careful with political events and not raising people above their level. They also discuss the afterlife of shaving women and the use of photo shooters in the past.
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Bismillah Alhamdulillah wa salatu salam ala Rasulillah who either early he will be here woman, voila, Mubarak. Today we have three questions inshallah Tada, the first of them.
Somebody said that, my friend and I were discussing the case of Abu Lahab. And that, How could Allah subhanaw taala ask him to believe, when a part of that belief was that he cannot believe? Because the Quran mentions he is going to jahannam so is this not a contradiction? Does the question
did you understand the question?
I can rephrase was Abu Lahab required to believe in Islam? If no, how come? If yes, how could he believe when a part of that belief is that he's not going to believe but to the Ebola happened with an animal because of Allah revealed the Quran, the only
two people amongst the era of the prophets as I mentioned by name and the whole Quran, there's only two people mentioned by name. In the time of the process, we're not talking about Farah owner Musa Ibrahim in the time of the Prophet Sall Allahu alayhi wa sallam. There are two individuals mentioned by name in the Quran. The first of them are Bula Hepta Berta Avila hub, the second of them. Fela Mercado ze da minha. Ouattara is eight. So, this person is saying that how can a Buddha hub be expected to believe when a part of that belief is that he's not going to believe? And so he's asking, Is this not an impossibility or contradiction? Now, we begin by stating that
sometimes some questions are of detriment to our own Eman. And they opened up a Pandora's box and discussion and back and forth paedo, a call that is of no benefit whatsoever. Not every question is beneficial. Not every answer is something that we can grasp and understand. And that is why in the Quran, Allah says, Yeah, you're Latina, I'm an AU latas a Shia and took della compter. So come, are you believe do not ask questions that if you found out about them, or you got deeper into them, it might actually cause you doubt and harm. And the context here some people misunderstand this verse. Allah is never saying Don't ask questions about how ramen halal, we must know our deen. If you have
to do something. It's your job to ask a shekel Mufti? Is this haram or halal? Allah is saying, Don't ask questions that are of no value. And when you find out about them, they might actually hurt or harm you. And the context explains to us why this verse and I'll just briefly go into this tangent that one day the President had asked me any question you want, ask him any question. So one of the new converts one of the Bedouins was visiting Medina, he stood up and he asked a very foolish question. And he said, Yeah, rasool Allah, tell me about my father is he in Jannah, or Jahannam is passed away. And the man's father was an idol worshiper. So the Prophet system said, your father is
in jahannam. So the man became very hurt at this, then Allah say, Why did you ask the question? Why did you ask because not useful to you to know what happens is Allah is gone, you are not going to benefit to know. So this verse is used, when the question at hand when the answer is not going to benefit us at all. And it is possible that this question of Abu Lahab is in this realm. Also, there is an interesting Hadith of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam as well. And that is that my own Ma, he said, my own mo will be upon good, my alma will be upon good, as long as they don't believe in astrology, the new Doom, and as long as they don't ask about the fate of the children of pagans,
what's going to happen to the children who died? Will they go to agenda? Will they go to Johanna? And this is another common question that we get. Now, interestingly enough, this question of the children of the non Muslims actually, I will get there one day, Inshallah, and I'll tell you, believe it or not, there are 10 opinions amongst our dilemma. The President said, don't ask our odema have 10 opinions, and we'll go over all of them. But here's the point. Why did he say, Don't ask about the children of pagans?
Our scholars say, because the answer is of no practical value to us. What do we gain? How is it going to affect us? So it's as if our Prophet sallallahu I sent him a saying my own mo will be upon good as long as they don't go splitting hairs as long as they don't go into such issues that are of no value to them. This is perhaps the gist of the Hadith. So with this disclaimer, and perhaps this question, Ebola hub is amongst them. We will then actually attempt to answer the question after this disclaimer. And I will say that you and your friend are not the first people in the OMA to think of this controversy. Maybe you would like to think that but no great aroma there.
theologians have thought of this from the beginning of time. And this question actually comes under an aspect of theology. That is a very, very advanced aspect of theology. It is called the issue of a cliff Bimala you talk and that translates as can Allah obligate on an individual, something that the individual is not capable of doing a tech leaf means Allah has put a burden muda you talk that the person has no talk or no power to do, and this is a classical controversy, and you have all of the schools of Islam the mortality, like I said, this is not allowed. I would have said that a Sharia law. Killarney, they said, This is something that Allah is capable of doing, and others have given
their positions. Even Taymiyah has a very interesting response. And it is the one that I will conclude this question with, he said, a Catholic because this is a Bula hubristically, Boomer, I will talk this is an example that they mentioned as well, because Abu Lahab is being told to believe, and a part of his belief is that he will not believe, right, or Gula hub is commanded to believe and a part of that belief, he will not believe it's an oxymoron. So this is the classic example given to a tech leaf, whomever you talk, even to me, it says, putting a burden on somebody that that person cannot do is divided into two categories, the first of them cannot happen. And the
second of them can happen. The first of them is when Allah tells someone to do something that the person is physically incapable of doing. And he said, Allah says in the Quran, Allah you can live long enough sun Illa Musa, Allah will never do this, and Allah has never done it. And even Tamia gives the example that to say to a person he can, you should fly, Allah is saying you should fly, this is impossible. And Allah will not ever put a command of something that is impossible locally for long enough sun Illa was another example is somebody who is, let's say, has a paralysis or disease or somebody cannot walk and Allah says you must walk, No, Allah is not going to tell him to
do that. The second example, or the second category, is to require somebody to do something that the person is not capable of doing, because the person is doing the opposite at the same time. So for example, to tell the kaffir to believe, and the kaffir is a catheter, so he's not believing, and Allah knows that the catheter will remain a catheter. But that's not impossible for the kafir to become a believer. Rather, the catheter is being told to do something that the catheter is capable of doing. But he's not going to do because he is busy with the opposite of iman, and that is Cofer. So technically, it's not impossible in the linguistic sense, it is possible, but it is going to be
an impossibility because that Kaffir in the knowledge of Allah will forever remain a Kaffir. And so even though ALLAH is commanding him to accept Iman, and to be a Muslim, still, the person will not do that in the knowledge of Allah. And so one could say the kaffir is being told to do something he will not do, but it is not an impossibility. The CAFR can do this. And this is the response to that we can be given that yes, in one sense of Buddha was commanded to believe in Allah subhanaw taala. In another sense, Allah knew he would never believe. And so some have argued that this verse is actually a miracle. Because if Abu Lahab had publicly proclaimed Iman, it would have thrown a
spanner in the work, it would have been a big confusion now what to be done. And so some have argued this is in fact a mortgages from Allah, that Allah is telling Ebola hub, that you're going to go to jahannam and Ebola hub has five years, 10 years he's living and he never challenges this. And this is a valid interpretation as well or a valid claim to me. So in the end of the day, we say that Allah will never tell a human to do that which is impossible for the human to do. But Allah azza wa jal will burden a person with something the person might choose not to do, and that no, he cannot blame anybody. You cannot blame a lie. You can only blame himself. Abu Lahab refused to accept
Islam. And so Allah predicted you will be in now your slap now and that Allah and that is
not a contradiction. It is not something that is putting the impossible on on any human being. So to conclude, Allah azza wa jal will never burden somebody with more physically that is impossible for the person to do. That is the first question. The second question rather interesting. Somebody said, Give me a long fatwa from another share. And the gist of it was as follows the share you recently participated in a protest against Modi's visit you all know Modi, the the Prime Minister of India, and I commented in a positive manner to in a gathering that I was in that Yanni he praised me for whatever
But then somebody showed me a fatwa from Chef so and so I'm not going to mention the name. And the fatwa was that participating in protests is haram, and that it is an Islamic for a person to participate in protests. So now I'm confused. What is the response to this J S? So this is the question that there is a very famous chef,
one of the grand chefs of any another country, very well known in that movement. And he basically said that Muslims should not participate in protest, it is haram, and therefore, he's saying it as a sin. Now, I took on this question, because they can look, I get bombarded with a lot of questions, I have to choose questions that I feel are more beneficial than just the question themselves. So the previous one, I felt it opened up a door of interesting aspects of the ology, this one opens up an interesting aspect of methodology. And this is as follows. One of the positions that I have been advocating for many, many years, is, Muslims in any community should always take their fatwa from
scholars who live in their own communities. This is something I've been advocating ever since I have studied overseas, and I saw with my own eyes, how culture plays a role on knowledge, because we're all human beings, all of us even the greatest even the greatest alum is in the end of the day, a human who is impacted by his or her culture. And if you just want to see this, I can give you so many examples from my own life, seeing how various aroma have interpreted various things. This is not disrespectful to those aroma at all. On the contrary, it is humanizing them. And it is respecting our local clergy and Rudaba. So, and there are many examples, perhaps the most cliched
one perhaps the most classic one is that of Ibn Taymiyyah and the Mongol invaders. So the Mongols, as you know, the Mongols, as you know, they had nominally accepted Islam, they claim to be Muslim, or they've been Tamia did not view them as being any mainstream Muslims, because their beliefs were very bizarre, but they said we are Muslims. And we you know, the famous story is very famous story that the Mongols invaded Damascus. And you know, they they took over aspects of the city, and they were very far from Islam. And as you know, they were soldiers, so they're going to be looting and plundering and * what soldiers do. So even Tammy and his students passed by a group of Mongol
soldiers who were lying there drinking alcohol semi drunk, they were lying in their couches and whatnot on the street and went and they were just drinking Hummer in public in a Muslim land. I mean, this is one car. And of course, people drank alcohol back then, but there is some higher go do it quietly. Don't get drunk in the streets. Here. These soldiers were publicly with bottles and liquor and whatnot and drinking in the streets. What have you been Tamia students set out to be let's go and advise them to fear Allah and give up alcohol.
Ibn Taymiyyah said, No, let them drink. Let them drink, let them go get more drunk.
The students has stopped for Allah. These are Muslims, they claim to be Muslim. How can you allow this moon curve to be public? Now let me pause here. Imagine if anybody had said
share. So and so in a faraway land we have an alum who publicly allows other Muslims to drink alcohol. What is the verdict on that item? You see, it's so easy to take a scenario, cut and paste and go feed it to a Mufti 5000 miles away. The same Mufti who claims to be evident to me as followers would have even told me as I moved the ball mobile car for whatever he would have said you would have this is common. That's the way when you feed the chef, half an image, what do you think is going to happen? Even Tamia said let these people drink and get drunk. And the famous response to show the students had wide had been to me, I said, these people, if they are sober, they plunder,
steal, *, kill other people. Whereas when they're drunk, they're just lying on the streets harming nobody but themselves between the two. It is better that they stay drunk and only harm themselves. See, this is what you call contextual fix. This is what you call taking into account the circumstance. And by the way, I'm not teaching anything new. This is standard fifth every 40 that is worth his knowledge or fifth knows this that you need to undress me okay you mentioned giving a fatwa half of giving a fatwa is to know the context of the fatwa half of giving the fatwa is to know the context of the people are giving the fatwa amongst right. And it is a huge problem that I have
seen firsthand in any any person who studies sees this, it is a problem when you outsource your knowledge to a Mufti on another continent. It is a huge problem, because the circumstances are different. And so you will import something that is not applicable in the environment you are in. It is
is a problem for us to ask. And frankly, it is a problem for the Mufti to even respond. That's why if anybody comes to me and ask a question about another land, I say, go to the ships of your own land. Don't come to me. I'm not a person who knows your situation that will. So this great alum of this great land, gave a fatwa that is very famous that he said It is haram. By the way, Subhan Allah Haram is such a big word. You know what, how it means haram means you're going to be punished potentially, that Allah will punish you. And I have to say as well, sometimes it's so common for people to for people to use this word as if it means nothing haram itself should come with a warning
label only use in extreme cases haram means you are saying that Allah will potentially throw somebody in Jannah and punish somebody by what evidence do you say the protests are haram? You read his fatwa. And he gives very generic evidences of them is that the ruler should not be Hooroo should not be opposed and this and that very generic fatawa. And here it Subhanallah again, you just wonder of the things he says, By the way, I'm not inventing this. This is in his federal, he says that protests are a form of chaos, and protests are unbecoming the dignity of a Muslim. This is what he says, protests, you are shouting in the streets. It is unbecoming the dignity of a Muslim to go and
participate in a protest. So he brings forth a lot of various things comes together with a fatwa. And he says it is haram in any part of the globe to do a any protests. And again, with respect to the personality of this of this share, I say that I'm not speaking about his culture, even though by the way we get to the deeper issue of a fatwa that is very politically convenient for the kingdoms and the kings and the rulers of those lands. And that's a whole different topic that we're not going to get into. But see human beings are human beings, and are either biller to biller but never may be careful when a fatwa is given by an authority. And anyway, you get the point here, there's a self
serving issue. One needs to be careful look at the spectrum of positions even from that society. Generally speaking, the establishment gives one fatwa. And those outside the establishment give another fatwa, you got to scratch your head and wonder what's going on here. So be a little bit more critical. And this is why Subhanallah it is sad the reality we live in. But that's one of the reasons why our alumni of the past, they were very careful where their income came from his because they didn't want anybody to doubt their fatawa and their knowledge. And unfortunately, things have changed. And it's a very sad reality. But our classical ulama our early Roma, generally speaking,
they did not want to work for a government that would impede their fatawa and that's why the greatest aroma Imam and no we Abu Hanifa was offered the position by the Khalifa of Rouhani refused I'm not going to be the call the under you I don't want to be that he didn't want his any his his knowledge to be impugned your mama Buhari was offered a government, you know, salary, none of them wanted, they did not like this, because they were worried. And it's not just a matter of maybe your own knifes gets involved, maybe you don't even know. And it's subconscious. So my point is just take this with a grain of salt and say that look, let's just be fair and say, Okay, this is one opinion
with one chef. But that doesn't necessarily apply in any other context. In this culture that we live in, in American culture. Protests means something very different than this shares culture. In fact, what a protest does, it draws public attention, people who are unaware of a problem, they become aware of a problem, people who are unaware of how severe an issue is that is brought to their attention. And all you need to do is look at some of the effects that protests have had in recent history of the most important cataclysmic changes that have taken place is the civil rights movement, the entire country and the laws of the country changed. The whole country changed. And the
laws changed based on what beginning with what public protests in Birmingham, Alabama, right when the dogs were sent out, when fire hoses were used. People saw this as inhumane. People who are on the fence, were no longer on the fence, right? Politicians realize we cannot continue this way. So protests played a primary role in changing the psyche of a culture. If they had sat home and said, Oh, whatever protests are haram, you think anything would have happened? We will lie. Sometimes you just wonder not just this so many things, even not necessarily movements. We necessarily agree with feminism and the feminist movement. All of these changes began with the protests and the right to
whatever they wanted to do. It was protest other things other movements and strands, which we don't necessarily agree with. Again, it was protest that caused that change to happen. Even political changes.
And the British occupation of India, as we all know, peaceful protests led by Gandhi and also by Jinnah, because at that time remember Jenner and Gandhi were they they did cooperate and collaborate to some level in these in these protests. And as you know, the whole the whole notion of free India or free, throwing the yoke of colonialism off, right? The nonviolent protests of Gandhi beginning with the Salt March, you know, back in what 1928, whatever it was. So my point is that, it literally changed the course of history. If somebody had told, you know, the Muslims of India and Hindus, if it was haram to say that let the British do whatever they want Subhanallah you just wonder, that's a
cultural fatwa. It's not a factor from Allah and His messenger. It's a fatwa that okay, in best case scenario, we say it's culturally relevant. In worst case scenario, we say there might be other anyway, so let's not be too explicit about that. My point being, there is nothing explicit in the Quran and Sunnah that Allah says, Do not engage in protests. Come on. There's nothing like this. On the contrary, if you look at Islamic history, and you read Islamic history, you actually find protests even did occur in many times in Islamic history, especially when things became too difficult for people to bear a number of times Islamic history when the price of basic food and
drink became too much there were protests on the street. Another famous example, when Jerusalem was captured by the Crusaders, and the Khalifa did nothing in Baghdad, the Muslims went to the streets and the Muslims protested, unfortunately became violent because they destroyed some of the property of the Khalifa. But attention was drawn like how can you sit in your palace? How can you do this and the Crusaders have taken over Jerusalem? So the point is that even in classical history, in fact, some Obama have even said and I don't disagree with this, by the way, even though I don't necessarily agree but I don't disagree. Some aroma even said that I should have the Allahu anha
Antalya hands up Radi Allahu Anhu. What did they do when they gathered people and they exited from Medina to draw to draw attention to the killer is of Earth man and the fact that they're still roaming the streets. Because, again, the whole issue of the Battle of the Camel, remember, the Battle of the Camel was not intended to be a battle.
It should not be a Lohana did not leave with a sword. She left with a crowd. And the point was to protest that how can you not capture the patella or the murders of ideal the alojado. And I know the Oh sorry, I recommend and Ali had his own brother Johanna had his own views on what was the point of 10s of 1000s of people coming and gathering more and more momentum and crowd. In the beginning. It was not intended to be a war. It was intended as what it was a type of protest. And I see this to be something that is very much an acceptable interpretation. So the bottom line is that my dear dear brothers and sisters, contextualize your ruler, don't raise me or any item above already, I'm not
calling myself an atom. I'm a student of knowledge but don't raise any of us above our level. We're all human beings, all of us. And if a share that you respect immensely gives a fatwa that Allah had, that's a shame. Look at other scholars as well. Don't become one, don't do it yourself. But look at the community of Rolla and especially look at Obama who are living in your lands, understanding your pros and cons. And honestly, I don't know of any alum who is effective in this land, who is saying that protests are haram. I mean, honestly, it's nonsensical to say this, and the protests that we covered, and we did it in Houston, it was covered by international media. A lot of Americans are
clueless, that people are angry at Modi people are angry at Kashmir. You know this a lot of people are clueless. I participated. We participated the Houston Chronicle, CNN, many mainstream media, they said, Oh 10,000 people are protesting Modi and look at them. They're Muslim, they're Hindu, they're Sikh. They're all coming together. Why interviewing people, Kashmir, Kashmir, Kashmir, what has happened? non Muslims who have no clue. They're now being made aware. And this is the beginning of change. Now, to be brutally honest, I'm not saying protests are the end all and beall. On the contrary, protests are one small thing that we should do. I am not a big fan of making this the main
part of Islam. And that's why that's not my forte. That's not what I really want to do. It's not something I'm so eager about. But at the same time, it is one thing that we can do, and I did not have any problem going and if need be, I will go again. Now. What's the bottom line? Protests are not intrinsically Haram are they necessarily permissible or Mr. Hub it's a case by case scenario. And in all likelihood, even in these case by case scenarios, you're going to find a spectrum. You're going to find some aroma who say in this case is positive some aroma they say oh, in this case is negative. Listen to the aroma
Have a local region and see what they say. In North America. Generally speaking, we have the law on our side. I'm not speaking about Egypt or Syria and Hindsight is 2020. I'm not speaking. I'm talking to North America, when the founding fathers of this country kick the British out. They bitterly resented the fact that the British prohibited them from complaining against the king. Okay. They bitterly protested that, how come we cannot even petition our grievances? Because the king had said you can't even protest on the street. That is why in the Constitution, they enshrined the right of the people to protest against the government context, the Founding Fathers had a context. Everybody
has a context right? The Founding Fathers felt of this country, they felt this isn't fair. We can't even petition the government for change. So when they founded the constitution of this country, in the articles of the Constitution, as all of us in this audience should know, they have that the government can never can never ban. The protests in totality, the max the government can do is to regulate where and what not but the peaceful protest, it is enshrined in our Constitution. So for any share of another land or country where the king's royal decree says you should not protest and he gives a fatwa protests are haram, please spare me. That's one land in this country. No such
photos should ever exist. Now whether a particular protest is better or not case by case, but the default protests are MOBA. Neither are they why'd you know? Are they haram? And Allah knows best final question briefly quickly. And yes, I did. By the way, all of these questions are real. I'm not inventing any questions, people actually email me. Somebody thinks no, these are people that asked me. So this question, I got the email, and I will read it as is meaning changing slightly, but so sister emails me says that she does not have a husband, she is single, and she is not getting married, or I'm assuming she's past the age of marriage or older whatnot. She is saying the question
is as follows that,
am I allowed to shave my hair off? But I will wear a hijab, don't worry. So she wants to shave her hair? And she's saying, is this permissible or not for a lady to shave her very quick question Is this okay? The issue comes this is an area where we have an explicit Hadith. And there are a number of traditions in this regard of them as Hadith in Sahih Bukhari, our Prophet salallahu Alaihe. Salam, very afraid himself, but it means I don't want anything to do with this with this freed himself from two types of ladies. Number one, the lady who wills the dead willing the dead is something that insha Allah is not really practiced that much anymore, even to some cultures still do
it. Wailing is when somebody dies. So ladies, in particular, raise their voices and chant certain things in a rhythmic fashion. How are we going to live who will take care of us? This is a type of wailing that was prohibited as for crying and as for expressing grief, this is all Khaled wielding as a specific type of crying that especially incorporates haram phrases in it. So the prophets or some said, have nothing to do with the lady who does this. And the lady who shaves her head off, because that was something that the priestesses of older and the ladies of JD did. So this is one Hadith, the other Hadith and Timothy, the prophet system forbade a lady to shave her head this is
explicit. So this is now because of this. Most of them adopt him say that it is haram. Unless obviously, there's always an exception for what medical, there's always the Sharia always comes any cancer, something of this nature, obviously, no scholar says that is haram. In that case, obviously. But the default, one group of scholars and this is the majority says It is haram because the hadith is explicit. And a smaller group of scholars, I believe the shaft right whether or not they said that the default is that it is mcru for the one who is single, as for the one who is married, then it is going to be unconditionally mcru, but the one who is single, and so their reasoning as follows
that this is something Allah has blessed the beauty of a lady with and so if she is married, then she should beautify herself, her husband, but they said if she's not married, then they're ill. Then the strength of the Hadith goes down in her case. And so if she wishes to do it, then it is not haram but she's simply mcru It's better to avoid both madhhab say, it's better not to do it. The afterlife, is it haram or is it mcru as well there are a number of narrations from our stabby rune into the taboo not from the Prophet system. But these are early scholars who said Allah has honored women with long hair and men with beards. So the point being this is something that Allah has
honored so then why should we ruin that honor with so the default we should say and I say to the sister, no, you should not do so. However, it is authentically narrated that our mother I
issue of the Allahu anha after the era of our Prophet SAW Selim, she cut her hair to her shoulder length and that was something that was atypical the outcomes of that time would have very long care. And it is authentically narrated that when basically there is you know the understanding of the process and is no longer there. So then she would cut her hair and she made it small. So from this we can gather that cutting the hair even to a short extent is something that is completely permissible and it is something between the husband and wife that however she wishes to change your model her hair as long as shaving is not done unless it is for a medicinal purpose. As for other
types of hair, and I've gotten a lot of questions about you know, the eyebrows and why I show that as a separate question, but for this question. The default is that no she should not be encouraged to completely shave the hair but she may trim it if she wishes and with that inshallah I will conclude for today, tomorrow we will have our part two of the life of the borders of after Isha cinema.