Yasir Khan – Weekly Seerah Session 17 April 2024

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The importance of pursuing a Jannah path even during busy times is emphasized, as it is a Madken Surah in which Allah subhanahu waGenerationala is telling the prophets of Allahu alaihi wa sallam. The speaker discusses the struggles of life and the state of Islam, emphasizing the importance of learning from the experience of tests and making the difficult and struggles of life a means of has co. The speaker also highlights the importance of making one's life a means of has co, learning from the Sira of Islam, and allowing people to make their own struggles and striving for success.
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It's a blessing of Allah
to even give us a chance to continue
be students of knowledge. As we have mentioned
that stood being a student of knowledge is
such a blessing
that whoever takes the path of seeking 'ilm,
makes the path of Jannah easy for him.
So in this life, we all have one
and that is to attain Jannah. That is
to please Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala that is
to do everything Allah wants from us.
And this path is made easy by becoming
a student of knowledge. And I understand that
for some of us, this might be just
something part time,
but the prophet tells
that fear
even if it's by a small
portion of date.
Sometimes when we give sadaqah,
we think that okay if I'm writing a
big check or I'm giving a lot
that's something that's going to save me from
But the Prophet sallallahu alaihi wasallam is telling
us that even a small portion of date
that is enough to save somebody from fire.
So similarly when it comes to as well,
yes, ideally we should spend as much time
as we can in seeking the of this
but we should seek the pleasure of Allah
even for the shortest period of time
and also
to act upon this hadith
that if you are thankful to Allah Subhanahu
Wa Ta'ala then indeed Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala
will give you more. So how do you
become thankful for
something like this? You become thankful by being
you become thankful by attending, you become thankful
by taking advantage of the small small
programs that are offered to you and when
you take advantage of those, Allah Subhanahu Wa
Ta'ala will give you a chance
to study on a more full time basis.
If not you, your children a chance to
study on a more full time basis and
this is just a start for us. So
that's how we thank Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala
that he's given us the small opportunities
to learn. As we say even the companions
of the prophet of Allah alaihi wa sallam
in the very beginning of Islam,
it wasn't that they were openly allowed to
and learn and preach Islam.
So they were doing the bare minimum.
That was their circumstances.
Their circumstances
did not allow them
to do everything
so openly and so freely.
Today, we have circumstances as well. Those circumstances
are jobs, those circumstances
are making ends meet, those circumstances
are being busy.
But within these circumstances
if we make the time Allah Subhanahu Wa
Ta'ala is going to open up everything on
That's why
That the most beloved deeds to Allah Subhanahu
Wa Ta'ala
are the consistent ones even if they are
very little.
when I was thinking, okay, we will do
a little bit of revision of what we
have done. So this way, we can be
aware of what's going to come after and
where exactly where we are. Does anybody remember
where we left off?
Ramadan has really did its job.
yeah. We basically left off right,
the journey to Habasha.
You know, the companions, they were persecuted
and they realized that we have to protect
our iman.
Prophet salallahu alaihi wasalam
wanted preservation
of nafs.
That's one of the Maqasid of deen. One
of the goals of our religion
is to preserve nafs, to preserve life. And
the prophet
salam wanted to save these companions from tortures
and from death therefore he allowed them to
go to Habashai, to go to Ethiopia and
protect their deen.
You see, SubhanAllah
sometimes when we're not in something we forget
the value of it. You know,
okay we study, we don't study, what's the
big deal? A lot of us sometimes we
get busy with different aspects of life. And
sometimes we even get busy in the work
of deen, not specifically just dunya.
But when we get our self out of
the context of the context of Quran, the
context of sunnah,
then sometimes we think we're doing but in
reality we're not really getting much.
We're not really getting much. And so it's
extremely important for us
to stay connected. I remember when we went
to South Africa,
one of the scholars we were going to
different scholars
So, he was telling he was giving us
advice and he said that one advice I
give you,
doesn't matter if you are an if you're
teaching, if you're an imam, whatever you are,
you're graduating,
doesn't matter what you are.
stay connected to some
to some reading
and revision of and
least read 12 ahadith.
Why? Because it brings you back to what
you're doing. Sometimes
you're doing so much. You think you're doing
so much but in reality there isn't too
much you're doing.
I'll give you example one time, Jamat came
from Pakistan
and doctor Salim was in that Jamat. He
was calling everybody. He said, everybody come sit
down for the talk.
And he said he gave an example.
He said that, you know, people in America,
this is the example I understand them by.
There were one time birds, the wind was
going from north to south, so the birds
were flying from north to south. Everybody
was travelling
and the bird there were certain birds that
were sitting on the on the wire or
on the branch, so they tell the birds,
where are you guys going? They said, we're
very busy, we have something very important to
do. And so, they're going from north to
south, the wind was blowing that way so
they were going that way too. After a
little bit, the wind started to blow from
south to north. Now the same exact birds,
they're going this way. The birds that are
sitting down again asked them, where are you
guys going? They said, we're very important, we
have something very important to do. He said,
This is the situation of people in America.
The wind is blowing, they're going left, the
wind is blowing, they're going right. When you
tell them what are you doing, everybody is
He said, Sometimes you just need to sit
down, relax. What are you what are you
going for? What are you doing? And so
this is actually a trick of shaitan.
For the people of deen and for the
people of duniya
that we become so busy that we actually
don't even know what we're doing.
We're just like, oh
we're doing the effort of deen.
What is the effort of deen? How do
you do the effort of deen?
Whose way are you following in doing the
effort of deen? So all of the that
we are learning and the that we are
is to bring us back to that state
that, you know what? I might be in
I might be studying Adam course, but I'm
not just going day by day.
I might be doing the effort of dawah,
I might be doing my
I might be doing all of that, but
it's not just me doing things for the
sake of doing it, but in reality,
it's done according to the sunnah and it
has a specific spirit to it.
So when I was
thinking that, okay, let's go back to see
the revised. Today, in the second raka,
and I was like,
how can you enjoy
the Surah?
How can you understand the Surah?
How can you let the Surah touch your
unless you know the context and unless you
know the Surah?
This is a Madken Surah in which Allah
subhanahu wa ta'ala is telling the prophets of
Allahu alaihi wa sallam,
we have opened up your chest.
We have put down the burden from you.
The burden that was making your back in
We have raised your
your remembrance.
And then he's telling him, he's consoling him
that it's okay if you're going through difficulty,
indeed, an easy time is going to come.
It's okay if you're going through difficulty,
indeed, an easy time is going to come.
And then he commands
them that now when you're all free,
make sure
you work hard in standing in front of
Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala.
You see,
if you're sitting
in your couch,
you're sitting on your mashallah king-size bed
and you're like tafsir karmeh,
and you're reciting the surah, and you're reciting
the tafsir of this, what are you going
to understand?
Even if you are in the path of
and you're doing this, but you don't realize
that actually this is exactly something that the
went through.
You'll be
shocked. The people who go through pain,
these ayats are alive for them. These quranic
ayats are alive through them because they understand
what the prophet salallahu alaihi wa sallam went
I remember when Moran Tali Jamisa came to
Canada, went to visit him so he had
a special gathering for some of the students
who were sitting with him, and we were
thinking he's gonna give an amazing bayan or
he's gonna talk. He just recited this surah.
And he just did the tarjama and a
little bit explanation of this and he said,
keep this surah in your mind
as you go through alim course, as you
go through the effort of deen, as you
go through different struggles of life,
you are going to need to connect yourself
to this surah, to the seerah of the
Prophet salallahu alayhi wa sallam
to recognize that there's some type of consolment
from Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala.
Allah is consoling you that you're going through
but it's okay. Allah is going to bring
the user. Allah is going to bring the
ease. Allah is going to bring the ease.
And you see, for us, all of this
doesn't make sense until we go into
what was happening in time.
We explained last time what was happening in
the time
from ridiculing the prophet
making fun of him. Every time he would
pass by, they would look at each other,
look at this guy. Start whistling.
Start doing different things like one guy he
would take the bones and he would crush
it in his hands and he would blow
it to the face of the prophet and
like, oh, Muhammad, you're saying that God is
gonna resurrect us? Okay. This bone, do something
with it.
They would look back and they're like, oh,
he's promising you
the treasures of Rome and Persia?
Go and put a rock on him. Go
and put, you know, the intestine or whatever
they can find put that on him.
These are the difficulties that he's going through.
But not just these difficulties, he's also seeing
the other people that he is so beloved,
to and they're so beloved to him, they
are also going through those tortures. You see,
one is a pain you go through yourself.
What is the pain that you see your
most beloved people going through? The pain that
you see your spouse going through, that your
child going through, your mom going through, your
dad, your siblings going through? That is a
different type of pain. And so all of
these pains
are what the prophet of Allahu alaihi wasalam
is currently going through in Makkah.
In the 5th year, in the 6th year
about this time. And this is the time
when he's going through so much difficulty that
day in and day out. The Quraysh are
all gathering for one thing.
How do we get rid of Muhammad?
How do we get rid of Islam? How
do we get rid of the muslims?
And we explained last time that it wasn't
just the enmity
of the prophets of Allah alaihi wa sallam
but they wanted to wipe out Islam.
Well, the proof of that seed, when the
companions went to Habasha, when they went to
now they're no longer
worshiping in Mecca.
So what's their problem in them going to
Ethiopia and to Habasha and worshiping over there?
Right? Was it a bother to them? Why
did they send send Anub al Asr
and the other companion to go speak to
Anad Yashir?
Because the goal
of kufr,
the goal
you know,
is what? That Islam does not remain. It's
not about you. It's not about your worship.
It's about Islam.
And so today we have to ask ourselves
the question
that what is the condition of Islam
in this country or in the world overall?
It's not about just us gathering over here,
we see men multiple lines and we feel
proud about ourselves.
We look at the condition of Islam itself
because you see
the quraysh, the kuffar of the time, they
could've easily said, okay, they're not worshiping here
anymore, we're good to go.
They did not care for that. Their goal
was to make sure that Islam is wiped
out out of the face of this earth.
And that's why they send that
look, go and
send them back.
Go and tell them to, you know, don't
host them.
And so we have to understand
that we over here are here understanding Sira
to understand the bigger picture and the world
The world view
is what?
Is that how Islam can thrive
and the opposite,
they will always be striving how Islam can
And so we have to look at ourselves,
what can we do?
We are gonna go through difficulty,
we're gonna go through torture.
The prophet
1 year,
torture. Another year, torture. Another year, torture. Not
until almost 6 years pass by,
and then Allah
shows him a little bit of, you know,
strength in Islam.
And that was the strength that came through
the Islam of Hamza
and Omar
Because after Habasha,
the Quraysh, they only
went stronger
in their
of torture and torment of the Muslims.
They just wanted to do more and more.
And one day, Abu Jahl
goes and he starts to speak in such
harsh tone to the prophet
that a slave girl is watching and her
heart is melting that man. What is happening
over here? Hamzah
he was a young strong man at the
time and he would go hunting.
And one day he went for hunting, he
was coming back.
He's still in his dress, in his guard.
He has his bow and arrow.
And as he's coming back, the slave girl
tells him, what type of are you guys?
What type of leaders are you guys?
Your nephew over there is getting tortured and
getting beaten
by Abu Jahal,
and you guys are just relaxed?
So when Hamzal
found out, he's now
furious. How the heck does he dare to
do this? Now this isn't because of Islam.
It's because Hamzah radiAllahu anhu is the uncle.
So relative. He's from the same tribe. And
so he's looking at it from that perspective
that how dare they do this to?
So Hamza Al the Imam does not get
his camel, his oars, he goes straight, tell
me where Abu Jahal is. He goes to
Abu Jahal,
and he is like, where is he? And
he grabs his bow and he hits him
with that,
and he tells them, how dare you
do this to my nephew and I'm on
his deen?
Now, Hamza
didn't really accept Islam.
He just said that because he wanted to
defend his nephew.
Now Hamza was like, I'm in a situation
here. I don't really believe in Islam.
But at the same time,
we Arabs, when we say something,
then that means we have to follow through.
So now, I said I'm Muslim,
but I'm not a Muslim so what the
heck do I do?
And so he starts to think,
please, God help me, guide me, this is
the truth, this, that. And so in the
very beginning, hamza radiallahu anhu only accepted
out of this, you know,
relationship with the Prophet salallahu alaihi wa sallam.
Out of protecting, out of this ghayrah for
the Prophet salallahu alaihi wa sallam.
But then,
Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala
his, you know, intention and that's why, subhanallah,
we have to sometimes fake it till we
make it.
Right? We have to fake it till we
make it. So sometimes, you might be like,
you know, I'm not really a student of
What am I doing sitting over here? I'm
not, you know, ready to go and give
dawah. I'm not do this. I'm no. Do
and you see Allah will
Allah will open up ways based on that
for you.
And so this was the first strength,
the first, you know, power
that the Muslim saw to which they were
able to pick up their head. And of
course, the prophet sallallahu alaihi wa sallam is
happier than ever
because this is the first person may older
person, leader person
from his tribe to accept Islam.
And of course, beloved to him, they're actually
both Hamza
and the Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam, they both
are foster brothers because they were both
right, by the same woman. So they're both
foster brothers.
And so they have a very strong relationship,
they grew up together, they played together And
so this was a big big win for
the prophet
So we see that when we start to
look at
all these 5, 6 years, the
prophet is getting tormented,
tortured, tortured, tortured, and now the the usra
The usra was all of these years, and
now the usra comes. But unfortunately, sometimes what
we have is we want
everything done so quickly.
We want the nusrah of Allah to come
right away. We want and we don't have
that patience.
So we need to basically learn here
from the seerah of the prophet
Be patient.
Be consistent.
Don't give up. Keep
trying. Whatever it may be, just know that
the ease is going to come because it
mentioned by Allah
That indeed with every difficulty there's an ease.
This life is a test for us. And
the one who went through the most, the
severest of tests is the prophet of Allah
look back in hindsight.
Did his test finish or no?
Did his difficulty finish or no?
Is he successful or no? Did Allah's help
come or no? So which proves that the
promises of Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala are true.
When the prophet sallallahu alaihi wa sallam got
the message of Islam, he said
And when he was passing away, he tells
his daughter Fatima There's
no more difficulty
after today.
So we see that even if we are
going through some type of difficulty in our
life, trust me, an end is going to
come to that. The ease from Allah subhanahu
wa ta'ala is going to come. But we
have to become smart and make our difficulties,
our hardships, our struggles,
striving, all of that for
Because the people who make their struggle, their
striving, their efforts, all of that for this
dunya, Allah will give it to them and
it's done.
If the prophet salallahu alaihi wasalam wanted this
dunya, he could've made the same effort for
dunya, struggled and tried and all of that,
but today what would have happened to all
that wealth and everything?
Right? But he made that effort for deen
and it exists till today.
And so we have to look and analyze
our life
that as far as test and struggles and
tribulations are concerned,
every single one of us,
every human goes through them.
But ask yourself,
which portion of your struggles
and your hard work
and your staying up in the night
and you overworking yourself is for deen,
and which portion of that is for the
In the moment, most of it is for
the akira
knowing that you are on the right track.
Everybody here who have gone through school, who
have gone through all of that, there's been
nights where you stayed up the whole entire
You're working you're working for something. I had
to stay up the whole night last night.
Right? Everybody stays up, there's a time.
There's a time where you went hungry. There's
a time when you had a headache.
There's a time when you were in fear.
There's a time when you were in anxiety.
There's a time when you were in stress.
But ask yourself,
how many of those were for the sake
of this deal?
Because that is your currency for the hereafter.
And so we ask Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala
to allow us to understand the Sira and
the Sunnah of the prophet sallallahu alaihi wa
sallam and allow all of our struggles and
to be utilized
as a means of hasanat in the hereafter.
And allow us to, you know, understand that
listen, we always have to have hope in
At the end, he will always come for
our help, he will always be there for
us, to never lose hope in Allah Subhanahu
Wa Ta'ala.
But, the main thing is that we look
into our life and ask ourselves,
I need to make my life such that
it's struggle, it's
hard work for this deed. InshaAllah. May Allah
subhanahu wa ta'ala give us the ability to
understand. InshaAllah. Next week, we will continue with
the story of Hamza radiAllahu anhu, and we
will also talk about the Islam of Umar
radiAllahu anhu after a few days Umar radiAllahu
also accepts Islam
and now this is changing in the phase
because now we are seeing that from this
torture and torture and torture
we're gonna go from
we're gonna go to the different thing which
is usa. So we're gonna start to go
towards that. And this doesn't mean that it's
now all golden glitter. Until the death of
the prophet
it was struggle. But at least he started
to see everything slowly slowly.