Yasir Khan – Jummah Khutbah New Year Resolution Power of Duaa

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The importance of prioritizing one's life is discussed in the Quran, with emphasis on fulfilling the New Year resolution and the need to live in a materialistic world. The speaker emphasizes the importance of gaining confidence in a relationship with Allah and learning to be a good person, as well as the need for small small things to be asked for and the importance of asking for every single need and not just asking for everything. The speaker gives advice on gaining confidence in a relationship with Allah, including subhan calculations and dubok, and mentions a former worker's injuries and the use of dubok for du creator's actions.
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he tells us about something very important.
And I want to speak about this because
as the new year starts,
everybody is thinking about
what is going to be different in their
And when we try to look at what
should be in our life, we prioritize
based on
what is the most important
to what is the least significant.
And so we see
look at their
holistic life and say, Okay, this is what
I'm going to be focusing on most.
Even in our deen,
our deen
every aspect of our life.
But certain aspects of our deen,
the prophet
emphasized them so much.
That you realize that subhanallah
this is
all that's there.
You see for instance,
when you go for Hajj, it's a very
important farida
that every single
believer is supposed to
When the prophet salallahu alayhi wasallam was talking
about Hajj, he said,
Al Arafa.
Right? He al Hajj. That Arafa is Hajj.
Showing us that the significance of Arafah is
so much that it is Hajj.
the prophet salallahu alaihi wa sallam makes a
statement about something else.
And that is du'a.
He says, a dua who will Ibadah?
That Ibadah
Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala tells us that we
have no purpose. None of us have any
purpose but for his
ins and the jinn are created for the
of Allah
Now when being created for the
worship of Allah
the prophet
tells what is
And he tells us a du'a,
that supplication,
asking Allah,
talking to Allah, begging Allah that is Ibadah.
So it tells us the importance of this
And it's very important for us to realize
because unfortunately
we lose track of what are the priorities
in our life.
And I want to make sure that we
bring this back
to its original essence.
Where the prophet sallallahu alaihi wa sallam is
giving it this much importance
that we give it this importance as well.
And so for two main reasons why I
chose this topic,
number 1
is that because this should be our New
Year resolution that
how can I worship Allah
How can I be closer to Allah
How can this one very simple
one very simple action that the prophet
told us about,
how can I bring this in my life
and let it change
every aspect of my life?
And I will let you know how it
will change.
The second reason is that, you see the
Muslim Ummah has been going through a turmoil.
Seeing our brothers, our sisters,
seeing them in
the pains and seeing them in the torture.
And we are making dua and sometimes it
seems like where is it going? And sometimes
a person may start to doubt and think
is my duas even taking place?
And slowly slowly
we stop and we stop and we stop.
You guys may experience that in the beginning
when the situation in Gaza got bad, everybody's
making dua, and everybody's turning to Allah, and
we're having qunut in the masjid. And as
time goes on and on and on, and
we just slowly stop.
And so the purpose of the the khutbah
again also is to come back
to our yaqeen
and dua and to realize
that this is the most important
whatever you want to call it, the most
important thing that we have, that we hold.
And just because we are not seeing
apparent results of it, does not mean that
we should abandon it.
It still means that we should keep it.
We should still act upon it. We should
ask Allah
like the Prophet
said. Right?
That you guys are asking Allah
You have this firm
conviction, this faith that yes most definitely my
dua is being answered.
Yes most definitely Allah
is hearing
me. Yes it's not just going to waste.
Right? So this is something that we must
that holds extremely
a lot of significance
and we will realize not only to the
sunnah of the prophet
but even when we examine
the Quran and when we examine
the lives of all of the anbiya,
This is the one thing that we see
a common theme throughout the Quran
from Adam
When Adam
and Hawa
when they're told to leave Jannah and be
in the world,
what are they doing?
It's making dua.
Nuh alaihis salam making dua. Ibrahim alaihis salam
making dua.
Musa alaihis salam making dua.
Every single prophet that came,
the one thing that we see is that
they never gave up their faith in dua.
They always stood and they knew that this
was something that we could not abandon. And
subhanAllah when you look in hindsight,
when you look back,
Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala was waiting for the
right time.
Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala helped everyone of them
or no?
When you look at all of these prophets,
can we say today that they were successful
or no?
Can we say today
that their enemies were destroyed or no?
Their duas were answered.
Their enemies were eradicated.
But it took time.
It took time and it was the right
time and once it came, it was done.
We see today that yes, that was the
case but at that time when the person
is going through the pain,
when the person is going through that agony
and that temporary stage,
they think that wow, this is never going
to end. When is the help of Allah
is the help of Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala?
And we are rushing it. We are rushing
it. But that is our fault.
That is our weakness.
That we are trying to rush what Allah
subhanahu wa ta'ala is telling us. Just wait.
That's why Imam al Shafi rahimahullah
he says in his poetry very beautifully,
Do you look down upon dua?
Almost like you're looking you're you're you're making
fun of it.
And what do you know that what has
Dua actually achieved?
What has Dua actually made?
It is the arrow of the night.
It does not go wrong.
But it has its right timing.
It's right timing and it hits the precise
That is what dua is. Unfortunately
the ummah
we are con we live in a materialistic
And so we continuously
the power
of material.
We see the power of military.
We see the power of money. We see
the power of intellect.
We see the power of planning. All of
these things are asbaab. And by no means
am I saying that we should reduce our
efforts in asbaab.
But the one thing that we have that
other people do not have is our yaqeen
on Allah and knowing that this
siham that we have,
this arrow that we have, the sam that
we have,
it does not go wrong.
It just has its timing. And when the
right time comes, Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala will
show us. And for that, we all we
have to do is just go back.
Go back to our history
and we will see that every time the
hit the mark right on the dot.
It was just a matter of time. So
today I want everybody to gain confidence back.
To gain confidence in their relationship with Allah.
To gain confidence that, Yes, Allah is listening.
is a samir.
He's the one who hears. Allah
is al kabeer.
He's the one who is informed. He knows
about what situation we're in.
That's why the Prophet sallallahu alaihi wa sallam
told us, A dua of a believer never
goes to waste.
Never goes to waste. When you make dua,
one of the three things will happen.
Your dua will either be accepted right away
or there was some type of calamity or
some type of difficulty
that was coming your way. But because of
your dua, Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala removed that
from you.
And the third is that if Allah subhanahu
wa ta'ala does not accept it right away
or accept it at a time when it's
good for you or Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala
does not remove something that was hitting your
way, it's going to be given to you
in the hereafter.
And wallahi in the hereafter, everybody's going to
wish that, You Allah, I wish none of
my duas were accepted so that today I
could have gotten what I'm getting.
That's what we are going to be wishing
So don't ever think even for a single
moment that your dua has gone to waste.
In fact, a dua is something that must
be part of every single step of your
And it does not matter how bad it
know that Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala is listening
and know how to make dua. When you
look at the dua of the prophets,
when you look at the dua of the
prophet salallahu alaihi wa sallam, you realize that
it was not the same dua that you
and I make today.
The dua that you and I make today
is, You Allah give me this, give me
this, give me this, give me this.
That's not the dua that they made. The
dua that they made was that they rose
their hands
and they glorified
And they say,
Allah. And they're praising Allah, praising Allah, praising
Allah. And at the end, they would make
one small request.
And the request would be related to, You
just give me Your mercy.
Not just small small things, You Allah, I
want $3,500,000
by the middle of this month.
These were not the type of duas.
Praise Allah. And ask for something greater. And
the greater you could ask for what is
the hereafter.
Yes, you could ask for dunyaabi needs as
well. Your worldly needs as well. Ask as
much as you can. In fact the prophet
one time he told the sahaba, he said,
Ask Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala as much as
you guys can.
Right? And one of the companions
he said,
Should we, like, keep asking for more and
Yes, and
has even more.
This shows us the difference between
asking insan
and asking the khalib.
Asking mahlooq and asking the khalib. When you
ask a person in this world,
you go to him once and you ask
If you're lucky he might say okay.
You'll go to him the second time and
he's gonna be like, Didn't I just help
you yesterday?
You go to him again and he's gonna
be like, Get out of here. And the
4th time he definitely labeled you as a
majoon, as a crazy person in his book.
And so he won't even you know, he
won't even entertain you.
But with Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala,
the more you go, the happier he gets.
The more you beg,
the more he showers.
That is the difference that we should understand.
In fact, Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala in one
hadith, it comes
He has so much higher
that he cannot
have you go
empty handed.
See somebody sometimes somebody might come your way
and somebody might tell you, hey, give me
some money and you feel embarrassed a little
bit to let this guy, he's asking for
a dollar and you might you know that
little bit of Haya with Allah subhanahu wa
It's the utmost level of Haya that does
not matter what you ask Him. He feels
that Haya. He feels that, you know, that
reluctant, that embarrassment that He can let you
go just empty handed. So He won't let
you go empty handed.
He will definitely give you something. You'll say,
Okay here take this.
So this is the approach that we should
go to dua with. The first thing is
To know
that what I have this firm faith
Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala will give it to
me. You cannot just make dua, okay let
me ask let me throw 100 arrows and
one will hit.
No. If you're going to ask Allah,
you should ask knowing that this dua of
is definitely accepted. You should have the space.
The second thing you should have is to
know that doesn't matter how many times you
ask Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala,
He will give to you. And the third
thing is
keep asking for the smallest to the biggest
Don't be just stingy in the dua.
Don't just say, You Allah just forgive me
and nobody else.
No. Ask dua for everyone.
Ask dua for the whole entire Ummah.
This is who we are. We are 1
Ummah, 1 body.
That's why the prophet
told us that if one part
of the body is aching, the whole entire
body is aching.
And so as one ummah, we come together
and we ask Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala for
every single need of ours. You have resolutions
in this world.
New Year resolution. Yes, you might go and
sign up for the gym and you might
do this, you might do that. Okay, first
of all write those resolutions
and make dua for each one of them.
After you make dua for each one of
them then tell yourself
what are those things that you're going to
be making dua for on daily basis.
And the third thing I want you guys
to understand
is how do we ask Allah Subhanahu wa
Do we just ask him, You Allah give
me give me give me give me?
Or do we learn the etiquettes of dua?
The etiquettes of dua The first thing is
that you humble yourself.
You glorify
Allah Subhanahu wa ta'ala.
You empty out to Allah. 1st you bring
about Iyalla.
I am no one to be asking.
I should be the last person over here
at your door.
These are all my sins you Allah.
But I'm asking you because you're the greatest.
You are the forgiver.
You are the giver.
You are the and you keep going and
praising Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala.
And after that send salawat on the prophet
salawahu alayhi wa sallam. When you send 1
salah upon the prophet, Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala
will send 10
upon you and that is mercy coming your
way. You think of Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala
is sending
mercy your way, He will not accept your
And that after that you start to ask
Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala not saying to Allah,
You Allah, you've done this to me and
you've done this to me.
When Ayub alaihis salam was in the most
difficult stage of his life,
such difficulty
that his body parts were decaying little by
little. His
people kicked him
out. His children, they left him and he
had nobody at this point. When his wife
went out to go and work for people
to get some money, Ayyub alaihis salam is
like, What have I come to? And when
he's in this difficult situation,
what dua when his wife asked him, why
don't you make dua?
Why don't you make dua? What is his
answer? Allah
kept me in Afiyah,
kept me in ease for 8 years.
And now just a small little calamity comes
on me. And subhanallah, you look at it
today, it's not not a small calamity.
A person whose body is decaying, who's kicked
out by these people, who has no means
now to get where he's getting his sustenance.
I mean, it's just
kids left him. If you look at it
today, you'll be like, wow. That is desperation.
That is devastation.
But over there, look at Ayub alaihi salam's
etiquettes of dua.
What is he saying? He's not saying, You
You made me sick. You Allah You're making
me go through this. Yes You Allah
some bad has come upon
me. You Allah some grief has afflicted me.
You Allah some grief, some bad has afflicted
And You are the Most Merciful. This is
how he is asking.
Ibrahim alaihis salam when he's making the dua,
When I am sick Allah is the one
who's giving the cure. He's not saying that,
Oh when Allah Subhanahu wa ta'ala, When you
make me sick then you No.
He's putting the fault, the difficulty, the calamity
making that return to himself
or to something else but not saying, You
Allah you did this and you did that
to me.
Similarly when the prophet salallahu alaihi wa sallam,
subhanAllah, when he was returning,
when he was returning back from Ta'if,
And this is such a difficult position that
the prophet salallahu alaihi wa sallam is in
right now.
How is he? He is SubhanAllah.
The one person who protected him, stood with
him was his uncle, just passed away.
The person who he found comfort in
was his wife, just passed away.
The Quraysh all got together to plan against
him. Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala has ordered him
to go and give this risala,
this message of Islam.
Nobody's accepting.
He's giving dawah for years years years and
he goes to Ta'if. And the people not
just start to kick him out but start
to throw stones at him. And at this
any of us would sit down and start
But what does the prophet sallallahu alaihi wa
sallam do? Allahumma innni ashku ilaykaduafakahuwati.
You Allah I'm complaining to you of my
Not blaming Allah.
Not saying, You Allah, why this and why
Allahumma innniashkulaykadu
I'm complaining to you You Allah of my
That is the etiquette of du'a.
So we learn from all of these that
this is something we should not
look down upon. You know, last story I
will mention. Imam Ahmad ibnhambalarrahimahullah.
A great scholar.
One of the 4 fuqaha whose madhab is
still alive today.
He was
a great scholar even in his time. People
always wanted to meet him, everything.
One day,
he went all the way to Sham from
And he's over there
in the masjid.
The Mu'azdil comes, he tells him He said,
We have to lock up the masjid, you
have to get out.
he doesn't know who Imam Ahmad is. Otherwise
he would have honored him.
He didn't know. So he basically tells him
you have to get out and basically pulls
him out of the masjid.
There's a person, a baker, he's seeing all
of this from far.
And he sees all of this and he
and he's like, I saw that you got
taken out of the masjid. I have a
I'm making some bread, you can stay here
tonight if you wish.
He takes Imam Muhammad to his bakery.
Now the baker is making bread, and as
he's making the bread with every single minute
of his, he sings, SubhanAllah,
Allahu Akbar.
Imam Muhammad asked him, he said,
SubhanAllah, how long have you been doing this
for? He said, For as long as I
could remember.
He said, Do you see some
some something different, something special because of the
zikr that you're doing all your life? He
said, Yes.
He said, What is that?
He said,
has accepted every single dua of mine because
of this.
Every single dua of mine, except one.
And that dua is, I asked Allah, You
Allah, you allow me to meet Imam Ahmed
one day.
And Imam Ahmed started to have tears in
his eyes. He said,
Allah has come to you with Ahmed. Allah
has dragged Imam Ahmed from Baghdad, brought him
to Sham, kicked him out of the Masjid,
made you see it, made you come right
to your feet.
So the last point that I want to
make is that if we are life is
then you will see how your dua will
get accepted.
If your rizq is halal,
if you're getting halal rizq, you're remembering Allah
Subhanahu wa Ta'ala, you're in the service of
other people and you're always doing that. Wallahi
I tell you Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala will
most certainly
accept your dua. May Allah
allow us to understand
the importance of dua and allow us to
really take the benefit from this action that
the Prophet
emphasized so much.