Yaser Birjas – Work Hard To Keep Your Hard Work With You In Your Grave

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The importance of having good deeds is discussed in a book on alayson alay effort, emphasizing the need to put effort into one's good deeds and forgive mistakes and mistakes. The resurrection day is also highlighted, emphasizing the importance of waking up for the day and focusing on individual deeds. The need to prioritize one's investment and hard work is emphasized, along with the importance of waking up for the day to strive for good deeds.
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As-salamu alaykum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuhu.
Alhamdulillahi rabbil alameen wa salallahu wa sallam wa
baraka nabiyyina wa muhammadin wa ala alihi wa
sahbihi wa sallam wa tasliman kathira thumma amma
Imam al-Nabi rahimahullah ta'ala fi kitab
al-Mujahidah, the book on, chapter on al
-Mujahidah, Struggling and Striving for the Sake of
Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala and the Cause
of Allah azza wa jal, hadith number 104,
In this
the Messenger of Allah, salallahu alayhi wa sallam,
said, Three things follow a dead body, members
of his family, his possessions, and his deeds.
Two of them return and one will remain
with him.
His family and his possessions return, his deeds
remain with him.
Rahul Bukhari Muslim.
So this hadith, the Prophet, salallahu alayhi wa
sallam, has mentioned right now what you could
consider the reward or the immediate reward you
get for al-Mujahidah.
What's the point of you striving for the
sake of Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala and
the Cause of Allah azza wa jal?
What is the point of you resisting temptations,
following good deeds, even though they're lofty and
high and difficult to acquire and accomplish, but
I still, I want to wake up at
night, I want to fast Mondays and Thursdays,
I want to put myself to fatigue for
the sake of Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala.
What's the point of all of that?
He says, the immediate return for this happens
when you leave this world.
The immediate return happens when you leave this
What is it?
He says, when people die, naturally, three things
go with them to the cemetery.
You'll have your family walk with you, your
friends, your loved ones, everybody goes with you
to the funeral.
And then obviously they bring, maybe they drive
your car, perhaps, right?
And maybe some other things that you own
come with you.
So, and then your good deeds as well
Those two visible things go back home.
When the funeral is over, they drive your
car back again to the house.
And then the only thing that is left
for you in the grave is your good
So the reason why this hadith in this
chapter, Imam Nawaz is telling us over here,
what do you want to have down there
in your grave with you in that moment?
What do you want to have?
How much do you would like to have
with you?
Like, of all these things that you strive
for in this dunya, which one would be
worth it to strive for?
Is it the possessions that goes back home
when they're done burying you?
Is it the family that you put all
your investment in them, and they're still going
to leave you when they bury you?
Or is it what is worth it is
that you put your investment in that which
stays with you?
And what's the essence of having your good
deeds in the grave?
In another hadith, the Prophet ﷺ mentioned that
when a person is buried, then there is
that sense of wahshah.
Wahshah means estrangement.
Like, imagine when you're in a weird place
for the first time, and you start looking
around, you feel this kind of awkwardness, and
then you start feeling lonely, and you say,
my God, what am I going to do
It doesn't matter how fancy the place is.
When you feel out of place, it's weird.
Imagine when it's dark and you don't even
see anything, and it's a very, very scary
moment, subhanAllah.
And then suddenly, the Prophet ﷺ says, this
person comes to you with this beautiful smile,
shiny face.
And then this person comes and tells you,
abshir, abshir, I'm bringing you good news.
Rejoice, I'm bringing good news.
So the person says, Who are you?
May Allah ﷻ give you the good news.
He says, I am your good deeds.
Allah ﷻ put all your good deeds to
impersonate an individual that will come to you
in that moment.
And part of what your good deeds will
do, will accompany you in the grave, like
giving you company until the day of resurrection.
Imagine when you have somebody in a moment
like this as a man, speaking to you,
talking to them.
What kind of conversation you had with your
good deeds?
Allah ﷻ, I don't know.
You better make sure that you have enough
to make your good deeds come to you
in that moment.
So here's the thing, the meaning of it
is that people that strive and they struggle
to make big family, rich family, smart, well
-educated, successful in this dunya, other people, they
put their investment in matters of houses, cars,
fancy watches, whatever that is.
All these things would not come to you,
into the grave.
So you better put your mujahidah and your
hard work into what is worth it.
May Allah ﷻ make us among those who
listen to the speech and for the best
of it, Ya Rabbil Alameen.
And make us among those who put their
effort in that which is meaningful in the
dunya and in the akhira.
We ask Allah ﷻ to accept from us
our best deeds, Ya Rabbil Alameen.
And forgive us our shortcomings and our sins.
Any questions?
So the question is, when you're in the
grave and you have this, alhamdulillah, hopefully, inshallah,
the good company of your good deeds, and
then the resurrection day comes.
We know that resurrection day has multiple stations.
And it's scary as well, too.
So when we are resurrected, are we going
to remember we had good company in the
grave so it makes us feel better?
Alhamdulillah, I had good company, which means I
did well.
So I don't have to worry so much,
you know, on the day of resurrection.
Are we going to be able to remember
The answer is honestly, Allah ﷻ.
What we know is most likely no.
Why is that?
Because the Prophet ﷺ said, when we are
resurrected, we're resurrected like what?
The way we were born.
Everybody, the way they were born.
You know, you have nothing and so on.
And everybody is concerned about what?
What's coming.
It doesn't matter what passed.
What's coming right now.
So even Aisha ﷺ, when she heard the
Prophet ﷺ saying that people will be resurrected,
yani naked, the way they were when they
were born, قالت يا رسول الله وينظروا بعضهم
إلى بعض Like, are they going to look
at each other?
Like, she was so shy, even in that
قالت يا عائشة الأمر أكبر من ذلك Like,
what are you talking about?
That day is way, way more than I
could think of.
Like, everybody will be so concerned of what's
They don't have to worry about these things.
No one even dares to look.
And even if they do, they don't even
notice anything anymore.
Because the situation is definitely very, very serious.
والله أعلم.
That has to be in groups, you mean?
Working for a cause.
No, look.
The Arabic word is المجاهدة.
The English translation, striving in the cause of
Allah ﷻ.
It's really off from the translation.
So المجاهدة مجاهرة النفس.
مجاهرة الشيطان.
مجاهرة المجتمع, the society.
So مجاهرة means putting the effort against temptations,
against sins, and also in adhering to the
commandments of Allah ﷻ.
On an individual level and group level as
well too.
So you individually, you have مجاهرة every single
To wake up for Fajr is مجاهرة.
To sleep early so you can wake up
for Tahajjud is مجاهرة.
Fasting is مجاهرة.
All of this is مجاهرة on an individual
Also, الأمر المعروف.
نهاء المنكر.
Which means facing the people, going with a
That's مجاهرة.
الجهاد في سبيل الله.
As well as مجاهرة.
All of this is concerned with مجاهرة.
Overall, we're talking about striving for the cause
of Allah ﷻ.
والله أعلم.
So there will be spread of the harshness
of the Day of Judgment, but everybody's going
to be going out worrying.
All of this, everybody's going to be worrying,
including الصالحين الأنبياء.
So remember when everybody is waiting for the
account to begin, and then they go to
You know, Adam, أنت أبو البشر.
You're the first man.
Ask Allah ﷻ for us, you know, to
help us start the day.
And Adam says, Me?
Allah ﷻ commanded me not to eat from
the tree, and I did.
نفسي نفسي.
Leave me alone.
I have my own worries to take care
So even the أنبياء would be worrying in
that moment.
But when will they be, إن شاء الله
تعالى, in good standing?
Once they cross the bridge, خلاص.
Once they cross the bridge over جهنم, you'll
be fine, إن شاء الله تعالى.
والله أعلم.
سبحانك اللهم وبحمدك أشهد أن لا أنت أستغفرك
وأتوب إليك.
السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته.