Yaser Birjas – Work Hard Because Jannah And Jahannam Are So Close

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The physical appearance of a person is a close-k somehow, and good deeds are rewarded. consistency in behavior and behavior are important, and individuals should be sincere in their deeds to receive reward. protecting everyone from bad deeds and practicing good deeds in public settings is crucial.
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الحمد لله رب العالمين صلى الله وسلم وبركه
نبينا محمد وعلى آله وصحبه وسلم وتسليمًا كثيرًا
ثمًا مابعد May Allah سبحانه وتعالى make you
from the people of Al-Jannah يا رب
العالمين How close is Jannah to you?
Who knows يا جماعة?
Almost How close is Jannah to you?
Is it close or too far?
What do you guys think?
Close or far يا جماعة?
Close Okay, how close?
Very close right?
But how close?
Can you even imagine that?
Okay, what about Jahannam?
May Allah protect you from Jahannam يا رب
العالمين How close is Jahannam to people?
Is it too close or far?
How close is it?
Let's hear it from the Prophet صلى الله
وسلم From the Master صلى الله وسلم Let's
see what he's teaching us صلى الله وسلم
About how close Jannah and Jahannam to people
In hadith number 105 In Riyadh al-Saliheen
The book of Al-Mujahidah On the struggling
and striving for the cause of Allah عز
و جل قال عن عبد الله بمسعود رضي
الله عنه قال رسول الله صلى الله عليه
وسلم الجنة أقرب إلى أحدكم من شراك نعله
الجنة أقرب إلى أحدكم من شراك نعله والنار
مثل ذلك رواه البخاري He said صلى الله
وسلم Jannah, Paradise Is nearer to anyone of
you than your shoelace And so is the
Hellfire May Allah protect us from Jahannam What
does that even mean?
When he says It's closer than your shoelace
How close is your shoelace from you?
How close is it to your foot?
Is there any gap?
Unless you're wearing 10 sizes bigger But if
you're wearing the right size Your shoelace is
It's touching your skin Most likely It's right
there That's what it means So why would
the Prophet use this as an example anyway?
Because that was the Arab culture That's the
thing that they recognized And part of their
expressions When they say something too close to
you It's closer than your shoelace to you
Like the foot where you're wearing your shoes
There's not even distance Between you and what
you're wearing So it's that close So the
Prophet said that Jannah is close to people
It's even closer than the shoelace is close
to your foot And also the example why
That the shoelace was mentioned Because how do
people reach destinations in Jannah?
How is that?
To walk By foot right?
You walk So it's that close to you
That close By the foot that you take
in order for you to get to Jannah
And Jahannam is as well too This is
also as close as well This is how
close that can be That's a very dangerous
statement in Jannah But what does that mean?
What the Prophet is telling us When it
comes to the subject of Mujahidah The subject
of Mujahidah Keep in mind That you can
get to Jannah With Mujahidah right?
But does it have to be great deeds?
Like does it have to be some grand
Good deeds to get you to Jannah?
Not necessarily The hadith is telling us Sometimes
little deeds Small little deeds But very good
Very sincere Can get you where?
Way beyond We were just covering this in
the class This past Wednesday How the deeds
are multiplied Based on what?
Sometimes The good deeds are multiplied In terms
of reward because of what?
Number one The quality of your Islam The
quality of your Islam So if your Islam
is good So the good deeds that you
do are multiplied As a result of that
Number two, your sincerity The quality of your
sincerity How sincere you are The more you
are sincere Obviously the reward will be multiplied
even more The same thing He says also
sometimes It's the type of good deed That
you're doing Some good deeds are higher than
others in terms of the reward So that
also can multiply The reward for using it
Also sometimes It's the timing for it Some
good deeds in certain times Are higher in
reward than others So eventually there are many
reasons why good deeds will be multiplied Sometimes
A small good deed Can be better than
a lot of good deeds Like what?
The Prophet says in the hadith He said
One single dirham Which means one dollar Surpasses
the reward Of 100,000 dollars Wow I
mean when you give 100,000 dollars That's
a lot of money How many people can
give 100,000 On a regular basis or
even once in their lifetime Perhaps Very few
But sometimes The reward for giving one dollar
Is way higher than 100,000 How so?
The one who gave a dollar Or a
dirham He has only two dirhams So when
he gave a dollar How much did he
Half of his wealth Half of his money
And the one who gave a hundred He
says He has a lot of money He
took from the side of his wealth And
just gave it for charity Without even counting
And it came out to be 100,000
So 100,000 to millions Maybe billions It's
nothing So that dollar can be actually way
higher So what does that mean?
Don't always undermine Undervalue little good deeds Don't
you ever do that Like for example You
come to the masjid And you look around
Should I sit down Or should I pray
What's wrong with you You still have five
minutes You can make two rak'ah They're
just two rak'ah Those two rak'ah
If you've done them with sincerity And with
valuing the meaning of Tahiyyat al-Masjid Before
you sit down Valuing the sunnah of the
Prophet That intention can make those two rak
'ah Better than tahajjud for 100 years Probably
of your lifetime Because again the intention has
a lot to do with that Same thing
You go out and you give Charity Not
knowing the impact of that charity But Allah
subhanahu wa ta'ala would know You think
I mean how much is it going to
benefit Here you go, I have five dollars
Take it Those five dollars might save a
life And Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala says
Saving one life Like saving the entire humanity
So do not belittle Don't belittle the good
deeds No matter how little they are And
when the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam Was
asked Which of the good deeds are the
best What did he say The most consistent
Even if it was Little So it doesn't
matter how grand, how big it is But
how consistent that is They say consistency Sometimes
is not just in quantity It's also in
what In quality Like you're always sincere You're
always conscious of your Ibadah It doesn't become
automated It's always conscious of your Ibadah So
that's in regard to The good deed that
will bring you to Jannah This is how
close Jannah can be to people With little
good deed that you can afford doing You
can do grand things Another thing The Prophet
sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said That the heaviest
thing in the scale Is your good manners
Now that doesn't require much from you Other
than just being nice and kind And smile
in the face of people And be forgiving
and being tolerant and so on And you
get subhallah the heaviest thing in the scale
Saying subhallah That is also heaviest In the
scale as well too So little things can
bring you great deeds And bring you closer
to Jannah Similarly Some people sometimes look at
some sins And they unfortunately They do not
see the gravity Of what they do So
they belittle The harm that their sins Are
causing to themselves and to other people Thinking
it's okay Like sometimes you hear somebody Backbiting
someone And he says You cannot say this
And she says to her sister Please don't
speak like this in front of me That's
backbiting We shouldn't be speaking about people like
this What is the answer you get from
many many people in that moment What do
they say Astaghfirullah may Allah forgive me Jazakallah
khair thank you for reminding me I wish
But most people what do they say The
shaytan comes in, blow into their ego And
their arrogance kicks off What do they say
I can say it in his face Yeah
right That's the common thing people say I
don't care I can say it in his
face Okay just shut up and say it
in his face next time Stop backbiting them
Those little things The prophet sallallahu alayhi wa
sallam mentioned about people They're getting punishment in
their grave For what They're being punished in
their grave For something They did not consider
to be great Like what One of them
didn't clean himself Well after using the bathroom
I repeat Did not clean himself Well after
using the bathroom You say like wow that's
a big deal Indeed it's a big deal
It's a big deal The prophet says Like
tahara Purity and purification Is half of our
faith So yeah it's a big deal And
this person uses the bathroom doesn't clean himself
Very well She uses the bathroom she doesn't
clean herself very well And by the way
I hope parents Please teach your children to
do that To clean themselves Especially after using
the bathroom As well here in public places
like in the masjid Don't make a big
mess and leave Clean it as if you
want someone when you come in It's clean
for you as well too So that's something
people they don't really take seriously But it
causes punishment In their grave The other one
the prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said He
keeps you know taking the namima Tailbearing going
around circulating the gossip All over the place
And you think it's not a big deal
Yes wallah it is a big deal So
brothers and sisters Do not belittle things Just
because you don't see the gravity of it
It doesn't mean it's not considered something major
Aisha she said And other sahaba they said
The next generation after the sahaba They said
to them They
said They said that you guys are doing
things You're doing things And you think of
it so lightly Like it's very light Just
like a hair lock nothing We used to
consider that At the time of the prophet
sallallahu alayhi wa sallam Some of the major
things Like this is how people They see
the gravity of the sin Depending on the
taqwa of the iman The quality of Islam
and sincerity and so on So it's a
very serious matter So that's why the prophet
sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said Jannah and Jahannam
can be so close Closer to people than
their own shoelaces Therefore make sure To stay
away from the things that Brings to Jahannam
And need to strive and to do mujahada
To keep yourself clear And also inshallah increase
your ta'a and your ibadah May Allah
subhanahu wa ta'ala Purify our hearts And
keep us always Closer and approaching Jannah Any
Yes Yes No
True So again we request That you guys
whenever Your children hopefully you teach them at
home To use the bathroom properly So when
they come to the masjid inshallah They do
it right Also for the adults obviously And
when you come to the masjid or a
public place Make sure to keep the place
clean Better than when you used it When
you first actually came in That is wallahi
part of our deen To protect each other
And ourselves because tahara in general Is half
of our faith May Allah keep us all
purified Subhanakallah wa bihamdik ashara lant astaghfirullah Assalamualaikum
warahmatullahi wabarakatuh