Yaser Birjas – The True Power Of Patience

Yaser Birjas
AI: Summary ©
The speaker discusses the concept of power and how it is not just a response to physical pain, but also a need for strong and powerful presence. He gives examples of people pressured into being strong and powerful, leading to negative behavior and unnecessary anger. He emphasizes the importance of forgiveness and being decisive in retaliation, and warns of the power of control and quiet behavior. He also discusses the importance of forgiveness and being patient in unexpected events.
AI: Transcript ©
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So how many of you guys here can

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claim and say they never get angry? Raise

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your hand if you don't get angry.

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Any angels?

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So we all get angry. Right?

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We all get angry.

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Is that an expression of power?

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When you get angry, is that an expression

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of power? Like when it the more the

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angrier you are, the more powerful you will

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become. Right? Is that what it is?

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That's a,

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nonsense. It's a false

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perception of power and energy, really, Annie. So

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let's hear what the prophets how the prophet

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defined the meaning of power over here.

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Hadith number 45,

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In this hadith, the messenger of Allah sallallahu

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alaihi wa sallam said, the strong man is

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not the 1 who is good at wrestling,

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but the strong man is the 1 who

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controls himself in a fit of rage.

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Now how many

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of us could say or would say

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because of a fit of rage,

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they lost control

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and they said things they regret for the

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rest of their lives.

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They did things that they regret for the

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rest of their lives.

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Things happen that they wish they've never actually

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did, or they wish that they had

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more control of themselves and so on. Probably

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all of us.

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We're all guilty of that. You're human being

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after all. Why so? Because being angry being

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angry is a natural instinct.

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As a matter of fact, it's a survival

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instinct because when you get angry, it's more

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like a self defense mechanism.

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There's, something to protect. You're being overprotective

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right now. So being angry in itself, there

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is nothing wrong with it. As a matter

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of fact, I'll give you permission to get

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angry as much as you want.

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Get angry as much as you want.

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Because even the prophet, sallallahu alaihi wasallam, there

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are many hadith reported in which he was

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angry, sallallahu alaihi wasallam. His first would turn

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red, and we speak he speaks, you know,

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passionately and powerful. He was angry.

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So being angry, we can't control that.

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Things happen around us that would upset us,

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like the prophet

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got upset.

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But acting angrily,

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now that's a choice you make.

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A decision you take and a behavior that

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you will be held accountable for.

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So you can never say I did this

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because I was angry, or I said this

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because, well, I was angry.

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Worse than that, if you blame it on

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someone else, like say,

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why did you divorce your wife? She made

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me angry, so I I just threw the

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divorce word on her.

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Wow. What a strong man you are,

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You can use this as an excuse.

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Why did you throw this at him? Oh,

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he he upsets me. He just made me

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angry just like I did this. So now

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we're blaming our behavior on other people. That's

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absolutely bizarre. It's unacceptable.

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So therefore, you have to differentiate between being

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angry, and I give you permission to be

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angry. If something is upsetting, you should be

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But then how you behave, how do you

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use that energy, that's a different story.

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So the

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a praiseworthy

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anger, and there's a a praise of course,

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you're kind of like, also reproachable,

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The praiseworthy 1 is the 1 when you

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when your anger is for something legit and

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it's for the sake of Allah subhanahu wa

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ta'ala particularly.

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And it's not, of course, praiseworthy.

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If that anger is for something trivial

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or some of the stuff for Allah even

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haram, and worse than that, if you if

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it leads to person behaving a way that

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is completely offensive

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and absolutely wrong.

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So it's okay to be angry for the

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right reason. However, like we said, that anger

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is an emotion. The way you express it,

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that's what makes it good or bad.

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So here the prophet, sallallahu alaihi wasallam, teaching

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us a great lesson.

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He goes, look.

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Being strong and powerful is not about really

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It's not about being powerful and pinning people

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down on the ground.

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Many people can do that.

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But a true mighty person

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is the 1 who can control himself or

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himself when they're in a fit of rage.

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Why is that? Because when you are angry,

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you're now going through excessive emotion,

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And when you go in that excessive emotion,

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what happens to our rationale?

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It goes down.

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It's not even goes offline.

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So that's why when people speak in such

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an excessive,

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they sound they sound ridiculous,

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and you could just tell them, like, what's

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wrong with you? Why are you talking like

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this? None of your business.

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You know, when you when when you yell

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at your kids

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and say, well, why are you yelling? You

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say, I'm not yelling. Right?

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So you're still yelling.

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It doesn't make any sense because in that

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moment, if we motion you, Rachel is actually

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completely down here. And the prophet the prophet

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sallallahu alaihi wa sallam is teaching us a

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very valuable lesson.

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Someone in a situation like this and they

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still can stay cool

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in what they say and they calculate what

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they do, that is the really good the

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really meaning of power.

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That you don't control you don't control of

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what you say and what you do in

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a moment of rage, that is an absolute

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meaning of power.

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Why is that? Because if someone provokes you,

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someone provokes you to get angry,

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what is expected of you to do?

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What do guys expect you to do? If

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provoked you to be angry, what is the

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expectation that you respond with what?

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With anger.

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So if you get angry for someone making

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you angry, is that something impressive?

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No. That's expected. But what is something that

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is very impressive? If someone provokes you to

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be angry, and instead of being angry, what

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do you do? You keep your cool.

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That's when people come to say, like, I

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don't know how you do that, man.

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What do you got these,

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you know, still nerves that you have? How

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do you do this?

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Because controlling yourself in a moment like this

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is very powerful. And that's what the prophet

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Sallam is referring to here is when he

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that it's not about winning, you know, battles

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against people.

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It's really about winning battles against yourself and

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your shaitan.

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That is the real power. When you control

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what you say, what you do in a

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moment when others, they lose it, that is

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the true meaning of power.

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May Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala make some of

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those listen to the speech and for the

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best of the job.

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Any question?

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So when you keep your calm, he says

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sometimes when you keep your cool and you

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keep calm, people take this for granted.

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That is true. Well, here's the thing,

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if you keep your cool because you have

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nothing else to do, that's weakness.

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But if you keep your cool even though

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you're capable of being angry and take control

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and even fight back, that is power.

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And when you do that, you're doing it

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for whom?

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For the sake of Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala.

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So I'm I'm not doing them to please

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people, I'm doing it because

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Allah commands me to do so. However,

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do I have the the the the right

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to retaliate if someone wrongs me? Absolutely.

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You have the right to retaliate.

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But the prophet, Allah subhanahu wa'am, the Quran,

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recommends was for us that you do Ihsan,

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which means to forgive, for go, and move

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on. That's better for you in the dunya

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and the.

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So, yeah, it's a case by case scenario.

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If you see that being too nice and

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too cool and too kind, people now take

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advantage of that. Are you allowed to now

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express a moment of

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decisiveness? I don't wanna say anger, but being

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decisive. Yeah. The prophet did that.

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Like 1 time, the prophet was making a

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tawaf around the Kaaba

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in Mecca.

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And the people of Quraysh, the elite of

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Quraysh were sitting somewhere there. And as the

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prophet was making tawaf coming near them, they

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insulting him.

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They're speaking about him and insulting him.

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First time, he kept his cool, he kept

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going with his tawaf.

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2nd time, he did that.

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3rd time, again, they do the same thing.

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So he stops his tawaf. He goes straight

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to the group of people over there. And

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he stands right before him and he goes,

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Yeah. Listen to me people of Quraysh. I

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swear to you I can make a I

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can make a bloodbath over here right now.

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Like I can finish you, all of you.

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Now who is speaking that Ajamal?

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This cool man

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But in the Arabic we say

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of the rage of the most forbidden person

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when he gets angry.

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Because that person is being calm and quiet,

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not because he's unable to retaliate or get

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angry. No. He's just keeping cool because you're

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not deserving of his anger.

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But if they get angry, you get out

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of their way

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because they're gonna be very serious. Same thing

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the prophet,

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when they captured the,

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the prisoners of war and after the battle

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of Badr.

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And they were asked to ransom themselves, so

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the families in Mecca used to send many

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of their treasures to ransom their family and,

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and, and release them from captivity.

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So 1 of these people forgot his name,

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Abu Ma'am, I forgot his name. But eventually,

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this man,

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he claimed to the prophet, miyam Muhammad, I'm

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a poor person. I don't have anybody. I

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have no no strong tribe to protect me

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in Mecca, and I don't have any money

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really to my family will have will send

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nothing to so could you please leave me?

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I have daughters in Mecca left behind. No

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1 else to care for them. Please be

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kind and let go of me.

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So the prophet,

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he says, you promised me 1 thing.

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Because whatever that is, I'll give it to

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you. He goes, if you go, never ever

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come back to fight against me. Never come

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back to fight.

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He goes, you have my word. I will

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never come back to fight you. And the

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prophet let

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go of him. After the battle of Badr

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of Ahud, when the Sahaba of the land,

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they lost many, many casualties,

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And the prophet says that the next day,

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he ordered the Sahaba

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to go to try to, go after that

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caravan, try to catch them and fight again.

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But these people were way ahead. However, they

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were able to capture 1 of the people

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who was falling behind. Who was that person?

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That same guy from last year.

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And the prophet sees

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and he he goes, and he says, yeah,

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Muhammad, you know, please

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have mercy on me. I'm so weak. My

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daughter's blah blah. And the prophet told him,

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he says, didn't didn't you promise me last

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year that you're not gonna come to fight

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against me?

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He goes, yes. I'm so sorry. Please apologize.

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You know, I'm sorry. The prophet says, kill

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him. Just finish him.

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And the man was shocked. He goes, yeah,

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What about my daughters? The prophet says,

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Like, I don't care.

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I gave him my word. You broke it.

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He says I will never let you go

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back to Mecca wiping over your your cheeks

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saying, I fooled Muhammad twice.

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It's not gonna happen.

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So, yeah,

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being kind and being patient

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doesn't mean it's weakness.

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Being quiet

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against foolish people,

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you know, that doesn't mean you're being you're

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being weak. That's really being wise

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and being smart. But again, I'm telling

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you, the quiet person, if if, if there

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is their limit and they explode,

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beware of their wrath.

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