Yaser Birjas – The Status Of The Ummah Today

Yaser Birjas
AI: Summary ©
The global community has failed to support and stand for justice and vulnerable people in Bosnia, leading to the deaths of over 8,000 men and young boys under the protection of the United Nations. The need for a culture of empowerment and a culture of strength is emphasized, along with the importance of finding a path of positivity and peace. The Prophet's teachings and warning against internal weakness and the importance of spiritual strength are also discussed, along with the need for acceptance and a return to hedge and peace. The importance of taking responsibility and being prepared for the future is emphasized, along with the need to be strong and not abandon one's pleasure. The need to be prepared for the future is also emphasized, and a group of individuals will support their brothers and sisters in Sudan.
AI: Transcript ©
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The genocide that happened in Bosnia and Srebrenica

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back in 1995,

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we're still witnessing another one in front of

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our eyes in Gaza and in Palestine. May

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Allah make it easy for the brothers in

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Gaza and Al Amin.

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Brothers and sisters, if this is an example

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of anything, the example of the failure of

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the global community

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for supporting

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and standing for justice and for the vulnerable

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and the weak.

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1995, the situation in Bosnia was so dire,

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and it's in the heart of Europe. We

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expect them to make sure that they take

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care of their own, but because they're Muslims

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unfortunately were left as being prey.

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And it was supposed to be a security

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a safety shelter for the people in the

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center of in the central area of Bosnia.

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But when they were all gathered there, under

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the protection of supposedly the United Nations, there

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was a breach

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allowing the enemy to come in and massacre

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more than 8,000 plus men and young boys.

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Brothers and sisters, we look back in that

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history and we're thinking about it, saying, how

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could this possibly happen today?

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Why would even this should happen?

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And we keep reflecting and saying to ourselves,

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this should never happen again and here we

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are today,

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9 months later

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in Gaza, the onslaught is going on and

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no one is doing anything about it. There's

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a huge

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failure, not just on the ummah level, on

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the entire global community. Brothers and sisters, if

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there is anything we learn from this is

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today, as we speak, there's a huge competition,

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huge competition among nations,

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among countries, to be the dominant culture after

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the failing of the global leadership of our

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And you can see that.

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Everybody is trying to be the dominant

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country, the dominant culture, the dominant state, to

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rule over after the failing of our state

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over here.

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So there's a competition of cultures,

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who is going to be the standard for

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the world afterwards? And if anything we learn

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from this as an ummah,

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we ask ourselves, where are we?

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Truly, where are we as Muslim ummah? What's

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the status of the Muslim ummah today?

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Why can't we be those dominant

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cultures and traditions that people always found safety

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within the past?

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Subhanallah, if you look at the history of

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the Ummah, wherever we go,

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we establish higher prosperity to the people as

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well too. It's not just a matter of

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robbing them and leaving them and, you know,

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to become markets for for our goods only

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as was happening in colonialism era. It's different.

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But you ask yourself, where is the ummah

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then? What happened?

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See, hadith in Sahih Muslim Hayat Abi Ray

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when the Prophet

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he said

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that, 6 things have been given

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separate from

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what the other prophets had been given. He

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I've been given victory over my enemies

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by just the distance of a month, which

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just hearing about our presence is enough deterrent

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for people to misbehave.

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But nowadays,

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what fits our situation is hadith al Ubana

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I want to share with you hadith that

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was reported in Muslim Imam Ahmed and Surin

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Abu Dawood

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and learning from it for ourselves

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to understand the status of the ummah, what

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needs to be done.

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The Prophet said this hadith that the nations

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around you, they will just gather around you

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just like when they call upon each other

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to come and feast.

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So, when there's food they all come to

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us, they call each other, come over here.

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And the same thing is happening in our

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time today, taking opportunity for the uniqueness of

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the ummah. For

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and the Sahaba they ask,

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Are we gonna be is that because we're

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We're few in numbers?

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No. He says, no, you're going to be

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many, like never before. In terms of numbers,

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you're probably the largest.

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Unfortunately, you only become like the scum on

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the surface of the water,

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which means no value to it, nothing.

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And then the prophet says, God and Allah

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will remove the fear of you from the

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hearts of your enemies and place in your

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The desire for this dunya

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and fearing death, disliking death.

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Why? Because that means we have built so

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much in this world that we attach ourselves

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so much to this dunya that we don't

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want to leave it behind.

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Like I have so much, I've done so

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much in this life,

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I forgot too much about the akhirah probably,

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so that's why I'm feeding what's coming, because

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I don't know if I've done more here

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or more there.

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So the Prophet

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in this hadith is teaching us lessons here.

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I'm going to share with you some of

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these lessons, my dear brothers and sisters, because

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I believe personally

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in this time when everybody is looking around,

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looking for a standard of morality,

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because we have seen the hypocrisy of the

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west, of the Western civilization,

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the call for freedom, and democracy, and all

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these kinds of things.

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People start seeing with their own eyes how

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hypocritical that is, especially exposed by the situation

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in Friese and Gaza.

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We've seen that. And now everybody just don't

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believe these people anymore.

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We're looking for now a truthful path,

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somewhere we can find really peace and tranquility,

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not just for my people, for everybody in

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the world. And Rasulullah

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was sent as an example

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for this, Azzalullah says, That you Muhammad,

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you've been sent to the world nothing but

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Mercy to the world. He brought mercy with

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and we are the engines of that path.

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Brothers and sisters, our path was mentioned to

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us in the Quran.

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You're the best nation ever produced to mankind.

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How so?

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Because you enjoy good and forbid evil.

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Like the first quality that was mentioned about

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this ummah,

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that you really promote that which is right

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and good, and stay away from that which

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is wrong. You stand for justice, that's what

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it means. You bring higher to the world.

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But when we become so individualistic

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right now, thinking too much about ourselves, our

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personal gain, our personal prosperity

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a personal level, group level,

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racial levels, or even at the state level,

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that's when we get divided. And if we

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get divided, as Allah mentioned in the Quran,

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don't get divided among yourself,

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and you will fail.

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Your power will be just will dissipate and

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just leave,

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and you still have no power whatsoever. So

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you'll fail altogether.

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So what do we learn from this hadith?

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Five things I want to share with you.

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Number 1, the prophet

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is sending us a grave warning

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against internal weakness.

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He's saying this is weakness on your part,

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and he's warning us against

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And of course in response to that, he's

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also showing us the importance of our spiritual

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Like, as individuals,

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as Muslims, as individuals,

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we're suffering a lot of weakness. The amount

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of questions you get from people

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failing to understand the purpose of their life

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and the purpose of their existence

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and the need to serve

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Allah and live for the akhirah.

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Also, the greed that we have in our

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hearts and the competition happens with people for

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the matters of dunya and so on. All

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these questions just tell you, subhanAllah, what happens

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to the ummah? Where is the when it

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comes to Ithar, you know, altruism and caring

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for one another and assisting one another

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and spiritual strength in your iman, and conviction

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in your heart about Allah about the akhirah.

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You know,

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on a massive level, there is a massive

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weakness in the ummah, but

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strength in people like the people of Gaza.

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With all what they're going through, they give

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you an example of what it means to

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be a true believer.

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Losing everything, including their loved ones, and they

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still say

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we all belong to Allah

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and to him our return shall be.

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Nowadays, you lose your job, you lose your

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mind with it.

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This is it, people start freaking out.

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Where is the trust in Allah Subhanahu Wa

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Ta'ala? Where is the fact that you need

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to do your part?

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This is it. People start losing it when

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matters of dunya start affecting them. So the

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first thing the prophet is warning us against

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is that internal weakness

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and he's commanding for us

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to look for that spiritual strength. Number 2,

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the prophet is now warning us again also,

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or showing us the importance of unity as

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a group, as an ummah, the collective strength

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as an ummah, and warning us against division

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and disagreement.

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It's very obvious.

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When he said that they start calling upon

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you from different places, what does that mean?

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I mean, we see today, Allahu al Mustaan,

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people from

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places they couldn't even imagine, and they're targeting

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you as Muslims. Islamophobia

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is rising everywhere in the world in places

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that you can't even imagine, like really? You

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people? Out of all the people in the

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Because we are divided.

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There is no unity that was in the

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past. Even not too long ago when the

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Muslims were unified

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for a specific purpose such

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as Al Aqsa, the case of Philistines, and

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they were one front

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and they had some relative power, I would

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say. But today, when

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they gave up on the case and that's

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it, now it becomes very individualistic interests on

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a state level, individual level, we get divided

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completely, and that's when it becomes so easy

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to prey on. Look at the Muslim world

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today. Almost there is war in almost every

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country you can think of today,

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Subhanallah, look how divided we are because of

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that. And the Prophet warned against us because

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if you get divided and start fighting among

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how do you expect

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to be leaders in morality and center the

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path to the world? Number 3,

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the Prophet

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in this hadith, he was warning us against

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in matters of dunya and encourages

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us to be minimalist in terms

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of the dunya here.

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Now, that doesn't

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mean to abandon every halal pleasure that has

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been given to you in this life. No.

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Allah says in the Quran,

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He says, whatever Allah has bestowed upon you,

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whatever Allah has given you, seek, He says

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seek the pleasure of Allah

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for the akhirah.

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Like please Allah with this for the akhirah,

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use it to benefit you in the akhirah.

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And then he said,

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but don't forget about your share from the

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akhir, or from this dunya, from this world.

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So, yeah, think about the akhir, build for

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it, but don't forget about your life. Still,

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benefit from it in the halal way. Unfortunately,

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today it's the other way around.

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Many of us, we what we focus more

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on is this dunya, and whatever

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time that is left for us, we dedicate

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to the akhira.

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So if you ask yourself how much of

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your 24 hours truly

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you use to

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your relationship with Allah

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or even

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to bring you closer to Jannah and make

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your status, inshallah,

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versus the time that we spend to improve

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our life in this world.

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Once again, it's not haram,

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and it's not wrong to take care of

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your dunya and bring the best out of

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it, As long as you use this to

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make it better for you in the akhirah.

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That is not your purpose. So the dunya

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stays in our hand, not in our heart.

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Number 4,

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what we learned from this hadith of Prophet

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the role of leadership

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in guiding the Ummah in our time and

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warning us against

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failing in this, you're going to become a

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target exploited by the nations around you. So

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when the Prophet said that these people started

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calling everyone around

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to come and attack you,

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as if he's saying, where are your leaders?

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Where are those who really care about standing

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between you and that aggression?

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Where are they? We see what's happening in

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Gaza right now, in Palestine, in Syria, in

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which is one of the most forgotten

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crises of our time, as we're busy

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worrying about what's happening in Gaza and Palestine

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and what's happening in other places in the

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we completely

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forgot about what's happening in Sudan.

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Unfortunately, the situation in Sudan is the Muslims

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among themselves.

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That's what it said about it, and that's

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what probably maybe people they want to talk

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about it because it's embarrassing.

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It's very embarrassing.

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But that's another

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example of failure in our leadership, to be

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examples for the world. So here the prophet

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is telling us that this is the importance

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of having those leaders. But here's the thing

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my dear brothers and sisters,

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we complain about leaders, the lack of leadership,

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those leaders are actually representative of your communities,

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which means, how are we? Are we people

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of faith? Are we people of honesty and

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decency? Are we people of dunya, people with

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akhirah? Depends on who we are, we're going

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to get these leaders anyway.

00:13:04 --> 00:13:05

So you want to have better leaders?

00:13:06 --> 00:13:08

Then become better communities, better people.

00:13:08 --> 00:13:10

That's what matters over here, and the prophet

00:13:10 --> 00:13:12

has highlighted this for us, and finally, the

00:13:12 --> 00:13:13


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is encouraging us as we work, we work

00:13:16 --> 00:13:18

for the akhirah and strive in the way

00:13:18 --> 00:13:19

of Allah

00:13:19 --> 00:13:21

which means you make a stance.

00:13:22 --> 00:13:24

You take a stance as a believer for

00:13:24 --> 00:13:26

justice, for that which is right. You can't

00:13:26 --> 00:13:29

just see injustice around the world and just

00:13:29 --> 00:13:31

kind of play a blind eye on it

00:13:31 --> 00:13:33

as if it doesn't matter to me,

00:13:33 --> 00:13:35

even if it's not related to you directly.

00:13:35 --> 00:13:38

But we live as a global community. Whatever

00:13:38 --> 00:13:41

happens somewhere in the world will definitely affect

00:13:41 --> 00:13:42

us, and we're responsible for this as an

00:13:42 --> 00:13:43

Ummah as well too.

00:13:44 --> 00:13:45

So you're going to have to learn to

00:13:45 --> 00:13:46

take a stance.

00:13:47 --> 00:13:49

We've seen the young people in their encampments,

00:13:49 --> 00:13:52

in different campuses here in the country, Subhanallah,

00:13:52 --> 00:13:54

and it took us by surprise,

00:13:55 --> 00:13:57

putting adult leadership

00:13:57 --> 00:13:58

to shame,

00:13:59 --> 00:14:01

because they took the stance and they sacrificed

00:14:01 --> 00:14:04

their time and even their studies and even

00:14:04 --> 00:14:06

their career, they put it on the line

00:14:06 --> 00:14:08

because they believe in this cause.

00:14:09 --> 00:14:11

And that sort of teaches us a lesson

00:14:11 --> 00:14:14

that if everybody took a responsibility like this,

00:14:15 --> 00:14:17

they won't be left out to be targeted

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right now and being attacked and being fired

00:14:19 --> 00:14:20

and expelled from schools.

00:14:20 --> 00:14:21

If everybody

00:14:22 --> 00:14:24

took responsibility to defend these young ones at

00:14:24 --> 00:14:25

least, and you took a stance in your

00:14:25 --> 00:14:28

own position, whatever you do, whatever you work,

00:14:28 --> 00:14:28


00:14:29 --> 00:14:31

imagine how the ripple effect of all that

00:14:31 --> 00:14:32

stands for justice.

00:14:33 --> 00:14:34

We need to cooperate with one another,

00:14:36 --> 00:14:39

urging our our community to be ready and

00:14:39 --> 00:14:39


00:14:40 --> 00:14:42

Because like I said, the the future is

00:14:42 --> 00:14:43

gonna be competition.

00:14:43 --> 00:14:45

Which culture is gonna be dominant?

00:14:46 --> 00:14:49

Which path? Which way? Which court of moralities?

00:14:49 --> 00:14:50

And if Allah

00:14:52 --> 00:14:53

send the Prophet

00:14:53 --> 00:14:55

as a standard for this, then we are

00:14:55 --> 00:14:57

the agents of that standard and we should

00:14:57 --> 00:14:59

do our part. May Allah make it easy

00:14:59 --> 00:15:00

for us to follow our baalameen

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and be true to our faith and

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My dear brother, this is like I said,

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it's because of that internal weakness, that this

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00:15:26 --> 00:15:28

the lack of true leadership, and focusing on

00:15:28 --> 00:15:30

this dunya in our hearts, and not being

00:15:30 --> 00:15:33

prepared and really taking our tasks seriously to

00:15:33 --> 00:15:35

prepare ourselves individually,

00:15:36 --> 00:15:38

to be there for those who who who

00:15:38 --> 00:15:39

need us, that's why we're failing as a

00:15:39 --> 00:15:41

community and as a global community as well

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But be prepared, my dear brother, just take

00:15:44 --> 00:15:47

it seriously. As an individual, don't say there's

00:15:47 --> 00:15:48

nothing I can do. You can do more

00:15:48 --> 00:15:49

than what you think.

00:15:50 --> 00:15:52

But not just as an individual, collectively we

00:15:52 --> 00:15:54

can make a big effort inshaAllah.

00:15:55 --> 00:15:57

At least let's begin with something tonight, today,

00:15:57 --> 00:15:59

inshaAllah. After Jum'ah, we have a group that

00:15:59 --> 00:16:01

is coming to vouch for our brothers and

00:16:01 --> 00:16:02

sisters in Sudan.

00:16:03 --> 00:16:06

We think so much about Gaza right now,

00:16:06 --> 00:16:08

and of course, there's no doubt it's an

00:16:08 --> 00:16:10

urgent matter. But we don't wanna ignore the

00:16:10 --> 00:16:13

other situation that's happening around the world. So

00:16:13 --> 00:16:15

please show your support to the brothers and

00:16:15 --> 00:16:16

sisters in Sudan. May Allah make it easier

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for them

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