Yaser Birjas – The Rules Of Winter And Cold Weather

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Various speakers discuss the importance of fear and the guide of Muhammad to achieve success, as well as the season of joy and pleasure and the use of "we" meaning for time and attention during the night. They stress the importance of finding peace and volatility in life and finding comfort in the experience of the second season. The success of fasting during extreme weather conditions and the importance of praying at home for one's health and family are also discussed.
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And He created from them a wife, and
He spread from them many men and women.
And fear Allah, who is the Bestower of
Mercy to the Prophets.
Verily, Allah is Ever Watching over you.
O you who have been commanded to fear
Allah, say a firm word.
Your deeds will be made right, and your
sins will be forgiven.
And whoever obeys Allah and His Messenger, he
has certainly attained a great success.
O servants of Allah, know that the best
speech is the speech of Allah, the Exalted.
And the best guide is the guide of
Muhammad, peace and blessings be upon him.
And the worst of affairs are its events,
and every event is a creation, and every
creation is a misguidance.
وَكُلَّ أَضَلَأَتِن فِي النَّارِ ثُمَّ مَا بَعْدُ عِبَادَ
اللَّهِ My dear brothers and sisters, as we
now experience in this cold front here in
this area, which is unusual to the area
that we live in.
But then we reflect on this from Allah
subhanahu wa ta'ala's hikmah and wisdom.
Why would we need that?
When we are in the summer, we always
look for the winter.
But the moment the winter starts, we start
looking back again to the summer.
The alteration of the day and the night
is part of Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala's
That if everything stays as is, even if
spring stays forever, people, they would wish to
have something different.
And Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala is teaching
us lessons, after lessons, after lessons, that this
life was going to always come to an
And subhanallah, the moment of joy and pleasure,
they are joyful, and we find pleasure in
them because they're not perpetual.
Because if they stay forever, you're probably going
to miss something else different besides that.
But because you know it's going to come
to an end, so you start wishing for
something a bit different.
And here Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala is
giving us lessons from this beautiful season of
the cold weather, and the snow, and the
And as we experience that, we need to
understand, what could I get out of this
beautiful season right now?
What can I find in this beautiful season?
You see the Prophet ﷺ, and some say
it was actually the words of Umar ibn
Khattab, radiyallahu ta'ala wa rada, اغتنم الغنيمة
الباردة He says that make sure that you
take benefit from this cool and cold spoil.
Talking about war spoils and war booties.
And why is that?
What does that mean even?
It's basically, you know, you don't have to
put much effort really in getting so much
reward in this season.
Brothers and sisters, Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala
designed the day for us to toil in
and work so hard, and go out and
earn for a living, and struggle to provide
for ourselves and our families and be successful
in this dunya and in the akhira.
And the night was made for us to
find, as Allah described, second, which means what?
Peace and tranquility.
Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala commands us during
the day to get out.
So you go out and you travel through
the land, and sometimes you have to travel
outside of your own hometown for what?
For the rizq.
For the provision He prescribed for you subhanahu
wa ta'ala.
But then when you come back home, Allah
described home to be what?
So you can find second therein for them,
which means peace and tranquility.
So the night is for your peace and
The home is for your peace and tranquility.
And Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala made the
purpose of us finding, you know, comfort with
one another, with your spouse and with your
house and your family.
He says, وَمِنْ آيَاتِيَنْ خَلَقَ لَكُمْ وَلَا نَبُسِكُمْ
أَزْوَاجِ لِتَسْكُنُوا إِلَيْهَا Among His signs that He
created for you, for amongst yourselves, your spouses,
you find peace and tranquility with them.
Brothers and sisters, people go out during the
traditional times, obviously.
It was easy for them to go out
in the summer.
So what do they use the winter for?
To find that second.
This is the time for you to reflect,
to re-energize, to find yourself and find
your purpose and reconnect with Allah subhanahu wa
ta'ala so that when the beautiful season
and the sunny season come out, you're ready
for it.
You're well energized.
Unfortunately that beautiful second that Allah promised to
find in the house during the night and
also with your spouse has been interrupted so
much in our modern time because of technology.
So our time at night shrunk.
In the winter, from maybe 8-10 hours
to became only 3-4 hours.
Why is that?
Because we spend most of our time awake
doing something different away from the purpose of
the night.
Same thing, you're also supposed to go and
get some sleep but you don't.
The night begins past midnight these days.
Doesn't matter when the sun sets so that
you lose the purpose of this.
The second, the peace and tranquility Allah promised
subhanahu wa ta'ala for you and even
with your family, with your spouse.
It's very ironic, very interesting that subhanallah the
request and the demand on counseling is usually
higher in the winter than in the summer
time because in the winter time people spend
more time with each other and they have
to interact with one another at home but
in the summer they're away from each other
traveling and going somewhere else and doing other
things subhanallah but why is this happening?
Because we're not using what the night and
that season was made for.
We're not using our homes for a second
we don't use the night for a second
and peace and tranquility we're not using our
relationship to find that peace and tranquility we're
missing many of these opportunities.
Brothers and sisters Umm Abu Khattab says make
sure to take advantage of this very cool
spoil, a moment that you can find so
much time to re-energize in this dunya
and hopefully for the akhira as well.
So what do we benefit from this?
How can we do this?
Look again, the night is long mashallah so
you have plenty of time to do fine
let's say last minute assignment that you need
to submit and do and so on but
then you go to get some sleep and
you wake up before fajr even you would
wake up before fajr and you feel refreshed
don't let the shaytan deceive you he says
it's too early still it's 5 o'clock,
yeah but there's about an hour and a
half until fajr time why don't you use
this for the time that you always wanted
to spend to memorize the Quran that's your
chance the time when you always wanted to
wake up for ibadah and do tahajjud this
is your moment right now the time when
you wanted to write something and just kinda
do something useful and just spend that just
quiet private time between you even with yourself
there is a time for it when you
go and you sleep early you'll get that,
especially in the winter time also it is
considered a cool spoil, why?
because alhamdulillah by the time you wake up
for fajr and you start your day, you're
breaking your fast if you fast that day
maghrib is still, alhamdulillah rabbim a reasonable time,
and the weather is reasonable you don't get
thirsty, you don't even get hungry by the
time you start feeling that is already time
to break your fast and you will break
your fast at maghrib you still have plenty
of time for the night as well too
there is so much you can benefit from
this time and from this season my dear
brothers and sisters, make sure to use that
the prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam in the
hadith qal assawmu fis shitaa al ghanimatul balida
in sunnatul miri the prophet says, fasting in
the winter time this is the cool spoil
Umar radiyallahu anhu he says ightanimul ghanimatul balida
take advantage of this beautiful cool spoil, the
whole month the whole season, the winter season
is for you to do a lot of
good deeds and the prophet sallallahu alayhi wa
sallam emphasizes on fasting during this time, so
do that do Mondays and Thursdays you know
what, I always wanted to try to fast
Siyam Dawood the best type of fasting, which
is every other day to alternate, here is
your chance the days are short and you
can do every other day until the month
of Ramadan perhaps even which is not too
far from today, subhanallah so get the advantage
of this season my dear brothers and sisters
also, from the rules of the winter time
ibadah sometimes gets a little bit harder yes,
the night is mashaAllah longer, so you get
enough time to sleep, but guess what, waking
up for fajr becomes even more difficult, why?
get used to the warmth under your mashaAllah
your blanket, you feel the comfort and now
you have to break away from this comfort,
you have to get up and it's cold
probably maybe the heater was not on and
when you try to go and make wudu,
you struggle with the cold water but believe
it or not the more you endure these
hardships, the better it is the more reward
for you there inshaAllah as the prophet he
mentioned to us in this, when he was
asked about he said, shall I guide you
to that which erases your sins and elevates
your ranks, they said of course ya Rasulallah,
and he mentioned a few things one of
them he says that you go and you
make wudu thoroughly, even though it's hard and
not easy enduring the hardship making wudu even
though it's not easy, you still want to
make perfect ibadah and perfect wudu same thing
would come to take in your shower and
he says and come to the masjid frequently
these are many things among the few things
the prophet mentioned that will erase the sins
and raise your ranks and subhanAllah, the winter
time is this opportunity right now a third
thing I would suggest my dear brothers and
sisters here is that to remember other people
one of the best ibadah the best act
of worship is jabrul khawater, like when you
mend the broken hearts the broken affairs of
other people around you, and the prophet also
mentioned and Allah will be there for you
to help you as long as you help
other people when you put yourself on the
service of others Allah will be there to
serve you and help you that's what he
said now it's time when we look around,
not everybody even in our communities not everybody
has enough money to pay for their bills
they are very very frugal when it comes
to turning the heater on or off because
they don't have that money to pay for
$500 or $300 or $200 in the winter
season right now make sure to remember these
people not everybody has the access to warm
meal in a cold weather whether they have
apartments, homes they work or even actually homeless
in the streets remember them and above all,
don't forget about our brothers and sisters in
Gaza we enjoy the roof over our heads
that covers us and protects us from the
snow protects us from this cold weather from
the freezing rain that comes you know what's
happening to them in Gaza how many stories
we heard about kids dying out of the
cold weather freezing to death you hear about
it but you never really believe that could
happen and now it's reality and nobody is
moving anything many many people are more concerned
about what's happening in Los Angeles than what's
happening in Gaza all these months unfortunately you
make sure as you enjoy the warmth of
your house the warm meal that you're going
to be eating you remember those who are
less fortunate and do something about it whether
by giving awareness talking about it doing something,
whatever that you can just don't miss the
opportunity to make this part of your good
deeds in this season brothers and sisters part
of it as well is not to forget
about the masajid yes there are certain circumstances
we're going to ask you to pray at
home as the prophet s.a.w. he
recommends during extreme weather pray at home pray
in your houses but alhamdulillah just because it's
cold it doesn't mean you shouldn't be coming
to the masjid we don't want to keep
the masjid empty we need to always be
there inshallah so that during easy time numbers
of the people in the masjid will increase
inshallah Allah s.w.t says maintain these
prayers and the middle one in particular some
they say al-asr some they say al
-fajr but maintain that and don't forget to
stand for the sake of Allah s.w
.t in full devotions brothers and sisters this
season, season of blessing yes some of us
just see the wet socks in their shoes
or even the hardship leaving the house or
not being able to do what they wanted
to do because of that and others they
see golden opportunities for them in the dunya
and the akhira make sure to be among
those who see the best of it inshallah
Allah s.w.t says and I ask
Allah's forgiveness for me and you and for
the Muslims, so ask His forgiveness He is
the most Forgiving and Merciful Alhamdulillah
Rabbil Alameen and peace and blessings be upon
our Prophet Muhammad and upon his family and
companions many greetings my dear brothers and sisters
usually in these extreme conditions Allah s.w
.t gave us which means there will be
a lot of concessions that even if you
are unable to come to the masjid praying
at home you will get your full reward
for it inshallah without feeling guilty about it
it is also recommended for the imam usually
when they come into the masjid to pray
during those extreme conditions to combine between the
salawat but not with jumah salat it is
recommended for families inshallah to again to increase
their ibadah and making sure to return back
to Allah s.w.t especially during the
night so if you can make sure to
wake up an hour before fajr you have
plenty of time to sleep during the night
make sure to do that and do some
dua probably your dua will be the main
factor in changing someone's life whether it is
in your personal family your own personal life
or somebody else away from you make sure
to take advantage of this season may Allah
s.w.t bless you and protect all
your families ya Allah ...