Yaser Birjas – The Mujahada Against Temptations

Yaser Birjas
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AI: Summary ©

The story of Islam covers various aspects, including the meaning of "amsmith" and obstacles for achieving goals. The difficulty of waking up in winter weather and the use of wafting in the military and political fields are highlighted. The importance of staying warm in the cold and resisting evil behavior is emphasized, along with the use of decrees and sickness to protect against it.

AI: Summary ©

00:00:05 --> 00:00:06
			We're still reading from the book of Al
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			-Mujahidah, Struggling for the Cause of Allah, subhanahu
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			wa ta'ala.
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			Umriyad al-Saliheen, Imam al-Nabawi rahimahullah wa
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			ta'ala, brings hadith number 101.
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			101, qal, wa'an Abi Hurairat radiallahu anhu,
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			anna Rasulallah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam qal.
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			Hujibat al-naru bil shahawat, wa hujibat al
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			-jannatu bil makarih, hayth muttafakun alayhim.
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			Wa fil wa'id Muslim, huffat, which means
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			the same thing.
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			So the meaning of the translation here, the
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			messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam says,
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			qal, the hellfire is surrounded with all kinds
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			of desires and passions.
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			And jannah, paradise, is surrounded with all adversities
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			and hardships and difficulties basically.
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			Rawahu al-Bukhari wa Muslim.
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			What does that mean?
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			How is that related to al-Mujahidah, ya
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			How is that related to the struggle for
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			the sake of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam?
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			I mean, what it means is that if
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			you're going to be going to jannah, you're
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			going to have a rosy path to jannah,
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			Is it true, ya jama'a?
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			That jannah is a rosy path?
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			Absolutely not.
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			There are a lot of obstacles you have
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			to jump over and go underneath and so
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			many things that you have to struggle in
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			order to get to al-jannah.
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			Huffat al-jannah bil-makarah, jannah was surrounded
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			with hardships and difficulties.
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			Makarah, the word makarah means dislikes, things that
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			you don't naturally desire to do.
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			Like how many of us would really, really
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			desire to wake up in the middle of
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			the night when it's freezing cold and you're
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			in the warmth of your blanket, masha'Allah,
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			to go and wash your hands and your
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			face with cold water?
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			Alhamdulillah, if I were a true worshipper, yeah,
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			I would do that.
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			I have no problem with this, right?
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			But for somebody, ya'ni, allahu ghafoor rahim,
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			khalas, I'll wake up al-dhuhr insha'Allah
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			It's not easy, it's not easy.
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			And Allah mentioned that clearly in the Qur
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			'an, when it comes to get into al
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			-jannah, it's not going to be easy.
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			Even in terms of ibtila'at, alif, la,
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			mim, ma, hasib, an, nas, wa, yutruk, wa,
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			ya, qul, wa, ya, qul, wa, ya, qul,
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			wa, ya, qul, wa, ya, qul, wa, ya,
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			qul, wa, ya, qul, wa, ya, qul,
00:02:36 --> 00:02:44
			wa, ya, qul, wa, ya, qul, wa, ya,
00:02:44 --> 00:02:48
			qul, wa, ya, qul, wa, ya, qul, wa,
00:02:48 --> 00:02:59
			ya, qul, wa, ya, qul, wa, ya,
00:02:59 --> 00:03:13
			qul, wa, ya, qul, wa, ya, qul, wa,
00:03:15 --> 00:03:17
			ya, qul, wa, ya, qul, wa, ya, qul,
00:03:17 --> 00:03:17
			ya, qul, wa, ya, qul, wa, ya, qul,
00:03:17 --> 00:03:17
			wa, ya, qul, wa, ya, qul, wa, ya,
00:03:17 --> 00:03:20
			qul, wa, ya, qul, wa, ya, qul, wa,
00:03:20 --> 00:03:31
			ya, qul, wa,
00:03:31 --> 00:03:42
			ya, qul, wa,
00:03:42 --> 00:03:45
			ya, qul, wa, ya, qul, wa, ya, qul,
00:03:46 --> 00:03:47
			wa, ya, qul, wa, ya, qul, wa, ya,
00:03:47 --> 00:03:47
			qul, wa, ya, qul, wa, ya, qul, wa,
00:03:47 --> 00:03:47
			ya, qul, wa, ya, qul, wa, ya, qul,
00:03:47 --> 00:03:47
			wa, ya, qul, wa, ya, qul, wa, ya,
00:03:47 --> 00:03:47
			qul, wa, ya, qul, wa, ya, qul, wa,
00:03:47 --> 00:03:47
			ya, qul, wa, ya, qul, wa, ya, qul,
00:03:47 --> 00:03:47
			wa, ya, qul, wa, ya, qul, wa, ya,
00:03:47 --> 00:03:47
			qul, wa, ya, qul, wa, ya, qul, wa,
00:03:47 --> 00:03:47
			ya, qul, wa, ya, qul, wa, ya, qul,
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			wa, ya, qul, wa, ya, qul,
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			wa, ya, qul, wa,
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			ya, qul, wa, ya, qul, wa, ya, qul,
00:04:17 --> 00:04:17
			wa, ya, qul, wa, ya, qul, wa, ya,
00:04:17 --> 00:04:17
			qul, wa, ya, qul, wa, ya, qul, wa,
00:04:17 --> 00:04:17
			ya, qul, wa, ya, qul, wa, ya, qul,
00:04:17 --> 00:04:17
			wa, ya, qul, wa, ya, qul, wa, ya,
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			qul, wa, ya, qul, wa, ya, qul, wa,
00:04:17 --> 00:04:18
			ya, qul, wa, ya, qul, wa, ya, qul,
00:04:18 --> 00:04:18
			wa, ya, qul, wa, ya, qul, wa, ya,
00:04:18 --> 00:04:18
			qul, wa, ya, qul, wa, ya, qul, wa,
00:04:18 --> 00:04:18
			ya, qul, wa, ya, qul, wa, ya, qul,
00:04:18 --> 00:04:18
			wa, ya, qul, wa, ya, qul, wa, ya,
00:04:18 --> 00:04:19
			qul, wa They were mentioned clearly in the
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			Quran and the Sunnah of the Prophet Sallallahu
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			alaihi wa sallam.
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			And I need as a believer to try
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			my best to resist falling into these desires
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			and shahwat.
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			As shahwat, if you look at the desires,
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			they're on the lower level, right?
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			Spirituality is in the upper level.
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			So if you would like to reach the
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			level of angels, you're going to have to
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			ascend up.
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			You go up.
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			Going up goes against what, Ijma'ah?
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			Gravity, right?
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			But if you want to go with desires,
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			they're below.
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			They're lower level, right?
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			So what do you need to do to
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			get to the desires?
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			Just let go.
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			Let go of all these restrictions, all these
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			morals, all these akhlaaq and manners, and you
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			find yourself just sinking and immersing yourself in
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			the whole thing.
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			So you need to resist the ma'asiyah,
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			the sin, and also resist in performing the
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			ibadah to do it perfectly.
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			The third level of mujahada, qal as-sabru
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			ala aqdarillah.
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			To exercise patience in the face of the
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			qadr of Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala, which
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			means the decree.
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			The decree of what?
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			The decree of sickness, the decree of destruction,
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			the decree of fire.
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			And I have no control over it.
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			But I need to exercise the utmost level
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			of patience in the face of all these
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			That's part of the mujahada, and this hadith
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			speaks about these two things.
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			That you resist when it comes to staying
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			away from the shahwat that leads to jahannam.
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			And also you resist by keeping steadfast on
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			the path that leads to jannah.
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			Even though it's hard and difficult, but you
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			still need to do that.
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			May Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala make us
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			firm on the path to jannah, ya rabbal
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			And protect us from the path that leads
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			to jahannam.
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			Wallahu a'lam.
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			Any questions?
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			All right.
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			Guys, keep in mind that tonight is going
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			to be cold, freezing cold.
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			Temperature is going to drop.