Yaser Birjas – The Hadith Of Abu Sufyan And Hercules

Yaser Birjas
AI: Summary ©
The speaker discusses the story of the prophet Muhammad salallahu alaihi wa sallam, which involved a caravan being sent to Yemen during peace talks with the Hercules. The story involves a man named bossy who had a dream of becoming a Muslim and being safe, but found some Arabs who did not believe in Islam. The speaker describes the situation where bossy asked them questions about their kinship and commandments, and they discuss the uproar in the court. The conversation then shifts to a discussion between two Christian leaders about their faith and how it can enhance their credibility.
AI: Transcript ©
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Being truthful

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and truthfulness.

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Hadith number 56, which is a very famous

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hadith. It's a long hadith in Sal Bukhari

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and Muslim,

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but he just took one part of it.

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We can explain a little bit of it,

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insha Allahu Ta'ala. The hadith is known as

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hadith Abu Sufyan in

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his meeting with the Hercules when he went

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to Hashem.

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So just to give you the we read

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the hadith and we explained the story insha'Allah.

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So Abu Sufyan,

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in the story with with Hercules, he says,

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In the discussion with him, the Hercules, he

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asked him,

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he asked Abu Sufyan

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about the teachings of the prophet Muhammad salallahu

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alaihi wa sallam. What exactly does he teach

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Abu Sufyan says, I said,

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You worship Allah alone and no one else

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with him, subhanahu wa ta'ala.

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And leave aside what your forefathers have said

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about worshiping other than Allah.

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He orders us to pray,

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and being truthful,

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chastity and modesty,

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and strengthen the ties of their kinship. Rur

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Bukhari Muslim.

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So that's the story of the Imam al

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Bukhari, rahimullah, I mean,

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An Nawawi, he chose to put it in

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this hadith.

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The story behind it because if you remember

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when the prophet sallallahu alaihi wasallam, he signed

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a treaty between

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him in Medina and the people of Mecca.

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So the Meccans,

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they took advantage of that treaty because they've

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been exhausted financially throughout the years of the

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So they were they were never able to

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recover from that in the trade towards Assam.

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They were able to go to Yemen,

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so they have half of their trade being

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cut off completely.

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The trade during the the the summertime to

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go to Assam.

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So now they took advantage of that, and

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now it's time for them to recover and

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try their best. So they had a huge

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led by the chief of Makkah himself Abu

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and they went to a sham.

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During the same time, the prophet sallallahu alaihi

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wasallam also took advantage of that peace treaty,

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and he started sending his invitations to the

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leaders of the world to Islam.

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So he sent a letter to the Hercules

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in Isham, the one in Egypt, in Yemen,

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in Persia.

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So he sent to the major,

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areas around him, invite him to Allah subhanahu

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wa ta'ala.

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It coincided that at the time of the

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arrival of the letter of the prophet

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to the Hercules in Hashem,

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Abu Sufyan was coming in there with his

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caravan around that same time.

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So what was in the letter the prophet

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said to Hercules?

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The prophet

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said, bismillah rahmanirrahim

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in the name of Allah

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says, Muhammad

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the the king of the of the Romans.

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You become Muslim,

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and you will be safe.

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Allah will give you double the reward for

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being a Muslim and for also being faithful,

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because he was known to be a religious

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He was famous to be a religious man

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on his own, of course, Yani Way. And

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he used to read in the book, like

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he's looking for these signs and looking for

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the sign of the return of of the

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the final prophet. He believed in that stuff.

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So when this arrived, the letter, he was

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surprised and shocked. Like, he knew the prophet

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was gonna be coming out, but he never

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thought it was gonna be from the Arab.

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So he

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asked, I had in my dream, because he

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had in his dream

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that the king the king he said the

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king of the circumcised

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will take his kingdom away from him.

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And he thought they were the Jewish people.

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But then he said to the people, he

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says, could you ask if these are Arabs?

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They do that? And they went in the

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marketplace, found some Arabs, said, hey man, come

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over here.

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So they they they checked him and they

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said, yeah, they do circumcise.

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So he said, find me somebody who knows

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this man who sent me this letter.

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So they asked around,

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and they told him that they kept telling

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him, this is the closest

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family kin that you can find, and it

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all went to Abu Sufyan.

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This is his kinship.

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So they brought up Abu Sufyan. Abu Sufyan

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for the first time, he's shocked

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that the king of the area is calling

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So he came with the with the group

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from the from, from Quraish,

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and as they arrived in the court,

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the king was sitting there, and you can

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imagine now the the the the sight and

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the scene around Abu Sufyan.

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He looked at the king and all the

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guards and all the generals and all the

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bishops, and you can imagine now.

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So Abu Sufyan, he asked him through the

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translation. He said, tell him who is the

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closest person to him in terms of kinship?

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They said he said, that would be me,

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Abu Sufyan. He said, okay. Come forward.

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And he sent everybody else behind him. And

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he asked the people behind him, he says,

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I'm gonna ask this man a few question

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about this man who claims to be a

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If he tells a lie, I need you

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to tell me. Otherwise,

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you'll all be liable for this. So Abu

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Sufyan, he said, I swear to god, I

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was prepared to give every possible lie every

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lie possible about Muhammad the moment,

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except I felt ashamed.

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I will be ashamed if I would lie

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about him, that the people will say that

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I was lying.

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So, subhanAllah,

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a non believer,

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a protest,

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and he hates lying.

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Imagine some Muslims today somehow lying. It's just

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like a way to get out of

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whatever. They think it's okay for them.

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And here, this non believing man, he says,

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no. No. No. I'm not gonna lie.

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Like, what a shame to a a lie

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to be attributed to someone like Abu Sufyan.

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So he asked him a few questions.

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How do you know this man? How close

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is he to you? Did he ever call

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for this kingdom before? Did he happen from

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any his ancestors, anybody who was a king

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that he maybe is calling his, you know,

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for the kingdom of his ancestors. So he

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asked him many questions.

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And among the question that he asked,

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is these questions. He says, what is he

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exactly ordering you to do? What what are

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his commandments?

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And that was the answer of Abusufyan.

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He said,

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well, he call he's calling us to worship

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Allah, 1 one god alone, and not associate

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any partners with him. He command us to

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pray to God. He command us to be

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truthful to God and to people. He asked

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us to be modest and stay just, and

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he asked us to maintain the ties of

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it was a long discussion, and at the

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end of the the Hercules, he explained to

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why he asked all these questions.

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So he told him, you know, I asked

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you who follows him. He said the the

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Arad, I mean, the the poor people. He

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said that's the the true followers of the

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of the prophets,

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the poor usually. I ask you if they

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live his faith. He said no one lives

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his faith after, you know, they believe. So

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this is exactly when the sweetness of faith

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enters their heart. And I asked about this,

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I asked about that, I asked about that.

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Then he said to him,

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if what you saw what you said to

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me is true,

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what you said is true,

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is one day, he is gonna tie he's

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gonna take and occupy

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this the the spot this this this actually

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the space under my feet. Like, he's gonna

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take this land.

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And suddenly, he's Abu Sufyan, he said, suddenly

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an uproar

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in the court. They start arguing among themselves,

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and then they just kinda tried taking us

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out of the court there and just

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as we're working outside of the palace, looking

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at each other.

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And Abu Sufyan, he was so shocked,

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And he told his his people, he says,

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look what happens here.

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The king of the blondies, he said. The

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king of the blondies is so scared of

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Like, to this to this level, Mohammed's kingdom

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has become so strong. He's basically saying,

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even the king of Banil Asfar, the yellow

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people, the blond as they call them, they're

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like the king of the blond is so

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scared of him.

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And then he said, I knew since then

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that the time was coming.

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Imam al Bukhayr

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continuing the story afterwards from his own accord,

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he says,

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and this king afterwards, he wanted to test

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the people around him

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and the strength of their faith.

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So he calls the closest amongst them to

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him. And he started negotiating with them, telling

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them what do you guys think?

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Shouldn't we listen to him and follow this

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this prophet?

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I mean, if we do, we gain both,

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the reward of this world and also

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the reward for the hereafter.

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But his people didn't even wanna entertain the

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idea, and they start running towards the gates

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saying that, you know what? This is blasphemy.

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But they found all the gates to be

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locked and closed. He said, come over here.

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I was just testing the strength of your

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faith. Now that you are, I'm okay with

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that too. And then Imam Bukar kept saying

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that as the Muslims are advancing into the

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north, this king started retreating, retreating, retreating until

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were expelled completely from the Levant, Asham, into

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Turkey, more than Turkey and even beyond.

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And then he said that was the last

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thing we've heard from this king.

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As if Imam Abu Ghayr

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commented with Imam Abu Hajar on the commentary

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of the hadith, he says,

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kindly Imam Abu Khair Islam. Like, as if

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Imam Abu Khaira was hoping

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that those words of,

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the king

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were indication

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that he believed before he died.

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But Allahu Ta'ala, we have no confirmation

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of that. The point from the story here,

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he said was so and he commands you

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to be truthful. So my dear brothers and

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being truthful as you can see,

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subhanAllah, it's a quality

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that even even,

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the non believers recognize the value of being

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And here we're talking about conversation between someone

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who worships

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the the idols,

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another who,

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we are a Christian,

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and they both

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understood the value of being truthful.

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And, of course, in in Islam,

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enhances that as well too.

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Making that being truthful to Allah first and

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before anything is more important than anything else,

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and then being truthful to the people. So

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make sure whatever that you say, it should

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be true

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Any questions?

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