Yaser Birjas – The Expiation Of The Believer’S Sins On Account Of His Patience

Yaser Birjas
AI: Summary © The speakers discuss the importance of patient patience in rewarding individuals for their hard work and effort, especially as physical pain can cause worry and fear of the future. They emphasize the importance of remaining patient and staying quiet to attain a reward for pain and frustration, avoiding negative emotions, and being aware of one's emotions. The speakers stress the need for patience and understanding the meaning of pain, avoiding negative emotions, and staying aware of one's emotions.
AI: Transcript ©
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How much suffering a person should go through

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before they get rewarded.

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Does it have to be a great suffering

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or anything?

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Let's see what the prophet

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says. But that's still talking about patience. Right?

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How and when you get patience, reward for

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how much of that pain that person should

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go through before they get rewarded for their

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patience? Hadith number 37 in in

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the book of patients.

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In this hadith, Abu Saidu Khudr Radlan Abu

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reported that the messenger of Allah, sallallahu alaihi

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wa sallam, said,

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never a believer is stricken with a discomfort

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and illness,

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or worrying,

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or even the the the pricking of a

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thorn, but Allah, subhanahu wa ta'ala, will experience

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his sins or her sins on account of

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his patience.

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How generous Allah, subhanahu wa ta'ala, with us.

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That Allah aza wa that is so merciful,

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so raheem, so compassionate.

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He doesn't want you to go through any

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kind of pain, any degree of pain

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without being rewarded for it.

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Any degree of pain.

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And here, the hadith speaks about

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physical pain, emotional pain,

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worrying about the past, the future,

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all of that stuff. He said,

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is what? It's fatigue, which means what?

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What you do for daily basis. Right?

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Whether you're doing something as exercise

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or you're just

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minding your own business, doing your stuff at

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home, or working, or moving things. And

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so even while you're doing what you're supposed

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to do, you're still getting reward for that.

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Even carrying things that hurt your back, hurt

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your arm, you know, makes you feel,

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tired, you get reward for that.

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You're getting reward even for doing your daily

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That's one thing. 2nd, qal,

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wallah wasab.

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What is

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Fatigue can sometimes lead toward to illness.

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So the prophet said, even when you're sick,

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you're getting reward for getting sick.

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Like, you know, when you start having headache,

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ache, when your body start aching, getting fever,

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all of these moments are also

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opportunity for the sins to be forgiven.

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If you endure that with patience, that's what

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our point is.

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What kind of whatever. What kind of illness

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we're talking about? Any kind of illness.

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Any kind of illness.

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So you now talk about physical pain.

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Now he says,

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And he says, no ham, which means ham

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is usually

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is worrying about the future.

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is actually feeling sad or grieving grieving over

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the past.

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you're worrying about the market.

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You're worried about the new school year. Summer

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is coming. Where we're gonna what we're gonna

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do, how this is happening. You're worrying about

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that stuff. Or even worrying about what's happened

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to our brothers and sisters make it easy

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for them.

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You sit down there and watching the news

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and you start feeling worried about that situation,

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and you worry for the living, then you

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worry for the children,

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Subhanallah, may Allah reward you for having that

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concern for your brothers and sisters,

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and make it easier than You Rabbi Alamin.

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Even that, you're getting reward for

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Wala Hazan, thinking about something happened to you

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in the past.

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Something you did and you regret.

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A pain that you endured and you're still

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thinking about it. All that stuff from the

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past, you're still getting reward for just grieving

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over what happened in the past.

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He says not right now. Not even and

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ada is basically

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caused by others.

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now you're getting pain caused by other people.

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Someone hurt

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you, whether it's physical hurt or emotional hurt.

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Now that pain, you cause it yourself.

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is when you start thinking too much about

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something and suddenly just kinda like dawns on

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you completely

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and shuts you down.

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Like there's not the mental grief right now,

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mental kind of an anxiety.

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So that's now you're causing to yourself. But

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the other is called by other people.

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So even for these things, subhanAllah,

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with patience,

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you're still getting reward.

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Even if you're if you're,

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you know, if you're stuck with the with

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thorn, with a bee,

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hitting, you know, your toes and and the

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and the table, the coffee table's a foot,

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whatever that is. Anything of that nature, the

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prophet says, even that level

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of pain,

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if you endure that with patience,

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you shall get the reward for that.

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Now what does it mean to say being

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patient to Jamal?

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Remember when we talked about patient, the level

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the minimum degree of patience. What is that

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That means

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to not to say anything wrong or do

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anything wrong,

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on the account of this event that happens

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to you.

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So if you stay quiet,

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even even if you don't like it, you

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don't have to accept it. But as long

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as you don't say anything about it, because

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you know this is coming from Allah Subhanahu

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Wa Ta'ala,

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you're gonna get your reward for patience. What's

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better than patience is what?

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Satisfaction, contentment in the heart.

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What's better than that? Gratitude, shukr of Allah

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even in the face of these hardships and

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So what do we learn from this hadith

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here? What we learn from this hadith, in

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order for you to get the reward for

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all these pains, occasions

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of pain that we go through,

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You have to endure that with patients.

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Which means

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if you don't,

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are you gonna get the reward for it?

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Like, if you, for example, hit your elbow

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in the corner of of the of the

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room or the door or whatever,

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and then you start seeing the stars

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in the middle of the day, and you

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start cursing and cussing. And then it says.

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Did you get the reward for patience?

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You didn't cause you just lost it. Right?

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If same thing, if someone

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going through some fear for for something or

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worry about something in the future.

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instead of doing this with patients,

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they're going all over the place complaining about

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what's happening in their lives, telling everybody.

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So now they they they lost it. They

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didn't do that with patients. Are they gonna

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get their word for that? The answer is

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no. So making sure in order for it

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to do to get their word for it,

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you need to make sure that you endure

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that that pain with patience, of course.

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it doesn't mean that you cannot complain to

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other people who can help you, but we

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we have talked about the meaning of patience.

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We talked about the meaning actually of rida

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and acceptance, and I hope inshallah will keep

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that in our mind because this life was

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designed to be a difficult jaman. As Allah

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subhanahu wa ta'ala

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says, You've been cured with what? In a

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state of kabad, which means always mukabbah, always

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from one,

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chore to another, from one effort to other

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one. So you're gonna always be trying to

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do your best, and that's that's why we

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need to always remind ourselves to be patient

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and being patient and patient. May Allah

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give us that patience.

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Hope us among those who reach the level

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of gratitude.

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Any question you might?

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So anyone get to work for what?

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If someone is stressing, keep stressing.

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Do they get a word for that? Of

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course. As long as they don't curse or

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curse or say something bad about what they're

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going through.

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Yeah. It's okay to stress. There's no doubt

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about it. Even, Yaqub alayhi salam in the

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mashq bati wazni Allah, I only

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disclose my my sorrow and grief to Allah

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subhanahu wa ta'ala. And even he lost his

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This is actually not just being unstressed.

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It's called like almost like depression.

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And subhanallah, he just lost his sight.

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And that's why he he gained his sight

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back again with the excitement that he got

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from knowing that his son to because of

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whom he lost his sight, subhanAllah, is still

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there and is coming soon.

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Go ahead. Is is is Rida higher or?

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Which one is higher, Ajamal? Rida or or

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Do you guys remember?

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We said shukr is higher

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because first of all, you have facing

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calamity and and inflections.

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The is complaining too much. That's bad. And

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then you have patience. Being quiet, not being

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happy with it though. That's good. That's the

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bare minimum required from you. Then you have

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a rilla. So I'm being quiet, but my

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heart as well, I'm okay with it. You

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know, I know it's from Allah, so I'm

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accepting it.

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But being grateful,

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even in the face of calamity,

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alhamdulillah, Allah remembered me to test me among

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all these people.

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Now that's that's a another different level of

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course. Yeah.

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