Yaser Birjas – Sins To Fall Away Just As A Tree Sheds Its Leaves

Yaser Birjas
AI: Summary © The speaker discusses the use of the hadith in various religious topics, including the belief that pain is a reward for those who suffer from it. They also mention the use of the symbol "has been bliss" in the hadith to describe the process of experiencing pain and the potential for a new season. The speaker emphasizes the importance of not overthinking one's faith and the need to renew it.
AI: Transcript ©
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Enjoy the weather.

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I hope no one has no one has

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any hail damage,

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because I've seen some people send messages asking

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about roofers, so I don't know what's happening.

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Do you guys remember last night's hadith?

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Anyone still remembers last night's hadith?

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know that Isha is late and is close

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to bedtime, yani,

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So doesn't mean that we're really really, you

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know, bedtime story for you, Ajamal.

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There's nothing afflicts the believer,

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whether it's something physical or something emotional, something,

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internal or external,

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afflicted by himself or because of other people.

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Any kind of pain that we go through,

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you get reward for it. If you what?

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Endure that with patience.

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If you don't endure that with patience. Now

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how does it look like? How do those

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sins then you can fall off you with

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with such a thing? The prophet gave a

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beautiful metaphor

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in this hadith. The people said, he gave

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a beautiful metaphor in this hadith, and that

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is hadith number 38 in the other sali.

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Mas'ud Abdullah ibn Mas'ud Abdullah ibn Mas'ud says,

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I visited the prophet

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when he was suffering fever, when he was

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ill. It was basically he was ill. He

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didn't say fever, but he said,

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which means he actually was ill.

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Says, oh messenger of Allah, you seem that

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you're suffering greatly.

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You suffer greatly. How did how did Abdul

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Mas'udnik recognize that?

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It seems that he saw the prophet sallallahu

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alaihi wa sallam, he's going through pain

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that is more than than the usual average

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person. I mean, when one of us for

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Allah protect you all, go through fever for

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example, suffer cold.

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How do you feel about it, jama?

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SubhanAllah. When you start feeling that your nose

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is stuffy, you feel that your nose is

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bigger than your head sometimes.

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And your eyes becomes water and itchy, you

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can't even breathe. You feel that you're breathing

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from a needle's hole, and you wake up

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the whole household

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just because, you know, you're sick.

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The prophet sallallahu alaihi wa sallam,

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he had double that pain,

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and he had to endure double that suffering

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sallallahu alaihi wa sallam.

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He says I suffer as much as 2

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I I suffer double what you guys will

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He said, I replied, that Abdul Ahmed was

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saying. I replied,

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that was so and so then,

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you, you got double the reward, you Rasoolullah.

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Is that because you got double the reward?

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Says, yes, indeed it's because of that. And

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then he added

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Because now,

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when you if you stop there,

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what does it mean for us right now?

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It feels like the prophet is getting double

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their reward. Right? Okay. What about why can't

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we then go to the same pain to

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get double their reward as well too? Like,

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why can't we then get the same?

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Right? So the prophet

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to kinda like,

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yeah, and ease our hearts on this matter.

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He said, salallahu alaihi wa sallam qal. However,

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he says,

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He says, however, no Muslim is afflicted by

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a harm, be it the the the pricking

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of a thorn or something more painful than

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that. But Allah

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thereby causes his sins to fall away

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just as a tree sheds its leaves.

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What does that mean?

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When the when the when the tree sheds

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the leaves, what does that mean?

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It's gonna revive. Right?

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It's gonna come and grow again, inshallah,

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and have fresh season,

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fresh start, you know, fresh mashallah, nice blossoming

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flowers and leaves and so on. There's always

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hope in that. Right?

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Similarly, he says it's like, you know, that

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the sins will fall off just like

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the the the the leaves will fall off

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the tree.

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Sometimes we see this vector cutting so much

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and then suddenly it's bare completely.

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And when you think that it's dead, what

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happens after that?

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the new season comes and all of a

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sudden it's

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green again.

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So the same thing with the believer,

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Sometimes we carry so much load, unfortunately,

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and we feel that this is it. We're

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And then all of this just falls off

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by the grace of Allah

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and it blossoming again.

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So all of this is a cycle, but

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the prophet has given us this visual sight.

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And obviously, when you see the leaves, when

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they die, they fall off. As long as

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they're green, they're beautiful.

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But when,

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we start

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falling into the sin,

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these leaves starts dying.

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But alhamdulillah,

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they fall off. And you green fresh ones

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come back again, inshallah.

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And that's how the prophet

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gave it that visual description of what we

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talked about last night.

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When the sins are going away, just like

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you see the leaves are falling off, alhamdulillah,

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they do so. And how often do they

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fall off the tree of Jema'ah?

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Almost all the time, right? Almost all the

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time, seasonally, right?

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And we have a lot of seasons, alhamdulillah,

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that can give us the opportunity to start

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fresh. Like what?

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Ramadan to Ramadan, Hajj to Al Hajj, umrah

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to umrah,

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even Friday to Friday, subhanAllah. And even salawat,

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the 5 daily prayers.

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Lot of good opportunities

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that will help you make all these leaves,

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you know, fall off and new one come

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out inshallah to be green and lush.

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So make sure make sure to renew your

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faith, renew your tawba, and always return back

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to Allah Subhanahu wa ta'ala. Even when you

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go through some difficulty,

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just endure that with patience that may Allah

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Subhanahu wa ta'ala reward you for the virginity

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for those

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Any questions, Jima?

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Is there any difference

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versus dunya hardships?

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Well, the prophet

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did not make any difference

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as long as you go through difficulty. However,

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enduring matters of the akhirah is greater than

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the matters of the dunya,

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because the matters of the dunya and this

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is just a personal thing. But for the

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akhirah, it's for the sake of Allah subhanahu

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wa ta'ala, and definitely it's much more rewarding.

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So make sure to endure both, though. Both.

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May Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala protect us from

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I was waiting for someone to ask the

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question, Jema. What if someone, Masha'allah, has evergreen

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Well, these are no. These are righteous people,

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Tabarakallah. These are still in Jannah.

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But is there anybody in this dunya will

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be ever green as Imam?

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I mean,

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we can't. We're human beings. So there's really

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no one just always any green. There has

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to be some time when those leaves should

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be actually coming down. May Allah protect us

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from the sin.

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