Yaser Birjas – Reward Of Holding Your Anger

Yaser Birjas
AI: Summary ©
The speaker discusses various hadiths and lessons related to anger and self-reflection, emphasizing the importance of being patient and not retaliating. They also touch on the reward of Islam in Jannah where men get rewarded for their behavior and desire, and the reward is in the dunya, where men get rewarded for their behavior and desire. The speaker emphasizes the importance of being faithful and not committing to one's behavior.
AI: Transcript ©
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Guys just get very excited right away.

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Taking selfies, exchanging phone numbers, and invite them

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for dinner right away.

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Assalamu alaikum.

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Which one is easier? Which one is easier?

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To release your anger or control it?

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Which one is easier? To control your anger?

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Or to release it? Release it. Release it

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is easier. Right? So if someone provokes you

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and makes you angry, what is the most

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common thing we do? Release it. We listen

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to them. We get angry.

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Right? Like, we fall for it.

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Someone's provoking you,

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and they want you to be angry so

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they can control you, obviously. Because when you're

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angry, you lost you lost control.

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So it's easy for us to release anger.

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So what is the reward then for not

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doing that?

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How much reward can you get

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for being able for being able to let

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go of your anger, but you control yourself?

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Let's hear from the prophet sallallahu alaihi wa

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sallam in this hadith. Hadith number 47,

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in the book of, the chapter on patience.

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In this hadith, said

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the prophet

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one who suppresses anger, is you control your

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and has the power to give effect to

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it. Meaning you are able and capable of

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letting go and

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and and and take effect to their anger.

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person will be called out by Allah

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on the day of judgment.

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This person will be called by Allah, the

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to the forefront

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of the of a creation on the day

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of resurrection,

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and he will be asked to choose

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any of the maidens of Jannah as

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he likes.

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Let's talk about this a little bit right

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First of all, manqaba Magaydan. What is? The

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in the Arabic language. Can you can you

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try to even to pronounce the word?

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Like, even the pronunciation is just like like,

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there's so much I can't like, just one

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the the sound of it, It shows how,

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like like, roaring, like someone wants to wants

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to do something serious here. So

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similar, just like looks how it sounds, like

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And same thing, like you suppress that.

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Before you start roaring with with anger, now

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you actually are like you you gonna squash

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right away.

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Can you imagine what does that mean right

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So I'll cut them. It's basically like even

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though it's something out of control. Imagine a

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out of control.

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But you're able to bring that lion to

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come down.

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This is what it means over here. Like

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you control it to this level. You suppress

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that anger, that lion that about to be

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released from inside

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you, you actually you bring it down again

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to stay calm.

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So as a result, of course, the prophet

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said, if you're able

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to let go of that anger, that's what

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it means.

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That you have the capability

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and the ability

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to release that and retaliate.

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What does that mean? If you're unable, what

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does it mean then? Doesn't matter. If you're

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unable to release that anger, that's no longer

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an anger anymore.

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That's only gonna be sadness. You know when

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someone wrongs you

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and you you have no way of retaliating,

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you can't be angry. Even if you begin

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you're angry, you can do nothing about it.

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What is that inside you? It's just sadness.

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You're angry with yourself that you're not able

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to do anything about that. Now that's weakness.

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That is weakness.

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But what the prophet is talking about over

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here is that you're able and capable of

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retaliating and take action,

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but what do you do? You don't. You

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don't actually do you're not gonna, let it

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go. You control yourself.

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And the prophet says,

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you're doing it and the law will call

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on the day of judgment. What does that

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This person

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control their anger for the sake of Allah

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That's what it means.

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Like I'm able to take that route of

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fighting them and and and talk back. And

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they said something I said 10 times, you

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know, worse than what they said. I can

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do this,

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but I choose what to do, to listen

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to Allah subhanahu's command.

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Be patient

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and calm down

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and not retaliate and not respond to them.

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The prophet

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says Allah will call this individual on the

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day of judgment.

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Like this is basically like Allah subhanahu wa

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ta'ala is highlighting

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the reward

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for their patience.

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And he says I'm gonna bring them in

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front of everybody.

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What what does that mean? That's like

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celebration. So what does it mean?

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Your gratification

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your gratification

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for being patient,

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that has been delayed on the to the

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day of judgment.

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You know, when we when we control ourselves,

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we expect an immediate reward. Right? Again, it's

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I wanna get something right now.

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And if I don't get it, it's just

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kinda like

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you get frustrated.

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But if you trust Allah, subhanahu wa ta'ala,

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he's gonna be the one to to reward

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you. You realize that this now gratification

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has been pushed and deferred and delayed to

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the day of judgment.

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Right. I believe in Allah's reward,

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and I know that I'm gonna be rewarded.

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So I trust his judgment, so I'll wait

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until then.

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Allah will call these people to celebrate their,

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you know, their patience. Your now moment of

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gratification is happening right now,

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and they will be called among them by

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Now don't tell me you don't get angry

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at Jema.

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If you don't get angry, there's nothing wrong

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with there's something wrong with you because anger

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is a natural instinct, a self defense mechanism.

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And if someone provokes you to be angry,

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you should be angry. But how you respond

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to it, that's what the * is talking

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about. You control your behavior.

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I'm angry inside, but I'm controlling my behavior.

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So that's why I hope that all of

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you will be calling day of judgment

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among everybody to celebrate inshallah.

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So what's now the reward? The prophet

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that this person will be told to choose

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from the merits of Jannah as he wishes,

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which means to be their bride.

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Now first of all, we know that's in

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and that means there are brides in Jannah,

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which means there are carnal delights in Jannah.

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That's something we know from the Quran was

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And I know that people today, they keep

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saying, you know, why? I mean, come on.

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This is an all man thing and so

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on. Look. Let's talk about these things. First

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of all, Allah

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You can't question Allah, but he's gonna be

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questioning everybody else.

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So if Allah

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chose this to be the reward, that's his

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hikmah, his wisdom

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My job is

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I will literally obey because that's Allah

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command right now.

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The second,

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why men are given this reward in Jannah

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anyway? Why? Well, there are many reasons for

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Islam is the deal of al fitra.

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Islam is the natural to the fitra. That

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really connects with your natural inclination and this

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position in it as a human being.

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And the difference between men and women is

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that if you ask a man, what is

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the highest reward they get in this dunya?

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The highest reward. The highest reward they could

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get actually in this dunya when it comes

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to pleasure of this dunya. What would it

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be? Intimacy.

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I mean, ask husbands. If your wife, she

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promised you with a beautiful evening versus a

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nice meal, what would you choose?

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You're all laughing. What does that mean in

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your mouth?

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Most of you I know they're going to

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say a beautiful evening after a nice meal.

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But let's be real.

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For men, that's the highest reward. That's in

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the dunya.

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And Islam is.

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So if that is the the the thing

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that they desire the most in this dunya,

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Allah made it also one of their rewards

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the highlights of their reward in the.

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And to be faithful and not to commit

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and even if you're able of doing that,

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you protect yourself from the fitnah, and you

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just do it in a halal way. Allah

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will reward you immensely for that as well

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The other thing,

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if if you ask men versus women, it

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will come to the reward over here. If

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you ask most husbands, say, would you like

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to be with your wife in Jannah? Most

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likely, they would say yes, I hope. Right?

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But if you ask most women, they would

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say no thank you.

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Like, I want reward in Jannah, not work

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with them.

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But may Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala, you unite

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you unite you with your spouse in goodness

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and general.

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Other thing about men and women who come

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to their reward.

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Men, when it comes to their ward, really,

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they're very focused.

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What does that mean? If you ask all

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men or almost most men to write down

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the top three things they would like to

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see in paradise, or the top 40 they

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would like to see in paradise, they're probably

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going to say the same thing.

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Ladies, on the other hand, they actually desire

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different things,

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and they're not necessarily the same thing, Which

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is why Allah, subhanahu wa ta'ala, gave the

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reward of the men as they desire the

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most and gave the women

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general reward. What does that mean? In the

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Quran, Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala says,

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Whoever do good in this dunya.

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Whoever do good in this dunya.

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Male or female.

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Male or female.

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We shall give them goodly life in this

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They shall get the reward with for the

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best of what they've done in this dunya.

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Did he mention what kind of reward? No.

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He said both will be in Jannah. Both

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will get their reward. Both will be pleased.

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And everybody will be pleased in a way

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that is pleasing to them.

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What pleases men? Different than what pleases women.

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But Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala says everybody's gonna

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be pleased.

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However, there are specific rewards for men that

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men don't necessarily take as reward for themselves.

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So Allah subhanahu wa'anhu says

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Okay. What do women get on the on

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Jannah then, for example, if they control their

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If men gonna get this as a reward

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for them to control their anger. What about

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women? What are they gonna get when they,

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control their anger? They're gonna also have total

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for men?

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I don't know that there's actually male who

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are in, especially for those who were married

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in the zenia.

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But I know that they will have a

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reward that'll be pleasing for them or to

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Allah promised

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that nobody

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will have will will have any grief or

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sorrow or sadness in Jannah.

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And everybody

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will be pleased as Allah says in the

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They will be pleased with Allah

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and Allah will be pleased with them.

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So if that's the case,

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then really there is no,

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any concern about, so why this is mentioned

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to the men, this is not mentioned to

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the women. Again, their reward is different.

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And because is saying the prophet says this

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in the hadith over here, is only highlighting

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what Allah subhanahu wa'ala already promised in the

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Quran as well. May Allah's fine, make those

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who listen to the speech and follow the

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best of it, You Rabbil Alamin. Wallahi. Any

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