Yaser Birjas – Remembering Srebrenica, During Genocide In Gaza

Yaser Birjas
AI: Summary ©
The conversation discusses the current events and political situation in Bosnia, including the downfall of previous events and current political situation. The Bosnian conflict has caused unrest and chaos, with people moving from one region to another and causing chaos. The speakers emphasize the importance of remaining in a "weird" situation and not giving up on one's values, while also reminding people of the consequences of the conflict and urge peace.
AI: Transcript ©
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It actually was, I would say. It was

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July 11th.

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July 11th has, a special, memory in the

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history of the Muslim Ummah

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and myself as well too, actually.

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And I don't know how many of you

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really know when it comes to that date,

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what do we usually commemorate on that day,

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July 11th? Anyone knows?

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The the the the genocide that happened in

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Srebrenica in Bosnia

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back in 1995.

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And subhanAllah, as we commemorate this event

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that the Muslim ummah is feel horrible about,

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the failure of the global community and the

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international community to help the vulnerable and the

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weak in a moment

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of despair.

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As we think that this was the end

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of it,

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Finally, the world has, you know, woke up

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to be there, stand there for justice, and

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help the needy, and help the destitute, and

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so on.

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Unfortunately, we're going we're living right now another

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genocide in Gaza in Palestine.

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Another genocide that's it's

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many, many falls worse.

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Unfortunately, that was happened in,

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in celebrating tests. Usually actually,

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when every, every year July comes by,

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I can't escape the memories of, of of

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Serebnitsa because, alhamdulillah, I lived there in Bosnia

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for 4 years. And I was blessed and

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privileged really of serving some of the refugees

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from Serebinitsa.

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But this year, it's it's hard. It's hard

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to think about what happened in Bosnia

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without observing what's happening right now

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in Gaza.

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Like we sometimes we reflect on what happened

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in Bosnia and we say, if I was

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there, if I lived during that time, if

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I was,

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strong or or conscious of what's going on,

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I would have done more. I would have

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done different things. I would have showed my

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We always wish if I was, I would

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prevent this from happening.

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Well, we're already witnessing

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another genocide.

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We're witnessing another cerebral need, called Gaza this

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time. And since then, unfortunately, not so many

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are actively doing much or more than what

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they really can do. Alhamdulillah.

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Everybody's doing to their capacity,

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But we can do more.

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We can we can put more pressure. There's

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something else that we could do. But why

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is what's happened to the Ummah? I wanna

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talk to you about what happened in Shaykh

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B'Nitzel specifically,

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and then so we can see why the

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Ummah is so weak today.

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So for those who don't know the history,

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Bosnia used to be part of,

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a confederacy of that time called Yugoslavia.

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Some of you probably long enough to remember

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Yugoslavia as a country.

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But when the USSR or the Soviet Union

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there was no more,

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east camp that supports these

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socialist and communist states. So slowly and gradually

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start falling apart.

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And the Confederacy of Yugoslavia started falling apart

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as well too. Starting with Slovenia,

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4 months, you know, into the struggle, then

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they were they were given independence.

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And then the Kerouac, Croatia wanted to also

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seek independence, the same thing too. But when

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the Muslims, they wanted to leave,

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they were prevented from doing that. Why?

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Long history.

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But to summarize it, the Croatian believe that

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this land belongs to them. The Serbs belong

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believe that it belongs to them. The Serbs,

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Christian Orthodox or Orthodox Christians,

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which is from the Eastern church, supported by,

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the Eastern church, particularly in Russia, which is

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why they got actually so much support from

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them. Croatia were Catholics, and they get the

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support from Europe

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So everybody was fighting for taking this territory

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and not allowing the Muslims to have an

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independent state.

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Now Bosnia has a a Muslim majority in

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terms of population,

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but it's divided to different different,

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So there's the the the Muslim territory, there's

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Croatian territory, the Serbian territory. Eventually,

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during the the the attempt to seek independence,

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the Serbs prevented that. The Croatian got into

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it as well too, and the Muslims now

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are left on their own to defend themselves.

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So that war erupted,

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in the early 19 nineties

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and continued

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the 1995,

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96, you could say. So 95 to be

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So during that time, obviously, it was back

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and forth

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the Bosnians now became on the offense and

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they start gaining more territory,

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was one particular region in the central region

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of Bosnia near an area called Tuzla.

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So that's where the eastern basically territory over

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was Srebrenica was.

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Srebrenica was

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more into closer to the Serbian territory.

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And as a result,

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it was like an enclave,

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in a hostile region.

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And many, many people from the area, they

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will start escaping there as refugees. Why? Because

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it was protected

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by UN forces led by

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the Dutch, or Holland, actually, the Netherlands. So

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there were,

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the UN forces protecting this area, and it

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was declared by the United Nations

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as a safe haven for the refugees.

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So thousands of people

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went into that area.

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And, of course, now since the the Serbian,

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forces, they realized they're losing the war in

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that time at least, or losing losing a

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lot of territories,

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They wanted to keep, a bargaining chip. So

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kind of like grabbing one area

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to negotiate another area, so we can kind

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of have a settlement

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where they can have so much power in

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their hands. SubhanAllah.

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And as a result of that, the Serbian

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went into Srebrenica

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even though there was there was a Netherlands

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United Nations,

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for protection

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under so much pressure,

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they gave up and they gave in and

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allowed the serfs to get into that area.

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So now you talk about thousands of refugees

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in there, men, women, and children. Supposed to

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be a safe place.

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They separate the men from the women,

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and they took any boys and men

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or any boys of specific age and men,

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they took them aside,

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and they separated, of course, the the the

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women from them. Unfortunately, they,

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they took the boys and the men

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to take them different camps, but, of course,

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they never arrived anywhere else because they were

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massacred in the mountains for many days. Systematic,

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basically, killing, and there were a lot of,

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mass graves,

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in the in that area, in that territory.

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Now all of this, of course, there was

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a a huge failure, let's say, from, the

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the global community to to help and support

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and strengthen the United Nations forces to keep

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that a safe haven and not being,

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Yani, broken into.

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And some, they said there was a conspiracy,

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so that at least they give them the

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advantage in order for them to negotiate

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what what what eventually became, as we know

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today, Bosnia today. So Bosnia

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has a specific political system,

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that is sanctioned and protected by European,

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supervisors or these observers, you could say.

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And now, unfortunately,

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recently, this agreement

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almost came to an expiration date.

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And as a result,

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the the service trying to withdraw out of

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that agreement.

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So basically, bringing the area back again to

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a volatile situation.

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And Allah knows what could happen in the

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But the fact is that

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people were watching or the whole world was

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watching these brothers and sisters being massacred

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in cold blood for days and no one

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came to the rescue,

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it reminds us of what's happened there in

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Thousands of people have been pushed from the

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into the the central area of Gaza and

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then the south, and even the south is

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not safe anymore.

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So they're always always in a state of

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as refugees,

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going north, then going south and south, going

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escaping death in every way possible.

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And I guess you guys all have seen

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the news, and you've seen also the reports

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that's coming out that the the directive that

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the soldiers

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and IDF they're getting from their military is

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to do what?

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An open game.

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Shooting just for pleasure. There is no objective

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just to kill a civilian, kill innocent people.

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So literally,

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they gave them free rein

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to to kill as they wish, and there

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is no objective but to exterminate,

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and it's clearly a definition of genocide.

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They would like to call it, ethnic cleansing,

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but it's not cleansing in in this situation.

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This is genocide.

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That's what really happened in Gaza and unfortunately

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happened before, but because of the weakness of

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the where is this weakness coming from? See,

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it's not secret because in harissa oban, the

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prophet sallallahu alaihi wasallam, he told us and

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he predicted

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what would happen in the future of the

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ummah when the ummah becomes too much attached

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to the dunya.

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So the time is coming

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very close

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when the whole nations, all the world

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will be gathering

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will be gathering around you, like taking pieces

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from you,

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just like the people when they gather on

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their food plate.

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So when they come around their dish and

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they start eating from the side

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until they kinda empty everything. So, like, ever

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taking a piece from you.

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And the sahabit of the prophet

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is that gonna be because we're not gonna

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be that many? Like, they are more than

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us? He goes, no. No.

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You're gonna be many.

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But you shall be your value will be

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just like the foam on the surface of

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the water.

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Like, there is no value for you. It's

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still the scum on the surface of the

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Why? He says

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And Allah will remove the fear of you,

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the respect for you from the hearts of

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your enemies. And

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and throw Alwahin into your

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heart. What what is that?

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The love for this world

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and the the,

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hating to die or leaving this world.

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And the, they looked into this in many

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different ways, and many of them says that,

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look, this is all because

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when we start favoring this dunya and living

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for this dunya and building for this dunya,

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you have so much to lose.

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So no one likes to leave this place.

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I mean, when you build it and you

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keep building it so high and building it

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so fancy and building it so sophisticated,

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no one likes to depart from what they

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really own of this matter of this dunya.

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But if you just stay

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in this dunya and nothing really to lose

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if you leave this world, and the only

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thing that you lose is the the the

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Ibadah and the word for Allah subhanahu wa'anahu

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and the pleasure of Allah

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So that's different.

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It's easy to sacrifice

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and, subhanAllah,

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look at the difference between the Muslim world,

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especially in rich countries, masha'Allah,

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and our brothers and sisters in Gaza.

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What do they have any? What is left

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for them?

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And you're still

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seeing them bravely stand in front of cameras

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and saying we have Allah, azza wa Jal,

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with us.

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are you pleased?

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Take from us as you wish.

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I mean,

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they lost everything literally, But that's the thing.

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They had a very humble life to begin

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with. Many of them at least, I would

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But many of us, oh, alhamdulillah, Allah bless

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them with so much. But we start kind

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of, like, losing our Yani sense of, direction.

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Instead of focusing on the akhirah and using

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all the blessings of the zunyah to please

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Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala.

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That's when alwahann falls into our heart. We

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start loving what we have,

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and we hate to lose it. And as

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a result, we hate to to put the

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right sacrifice and and stand for justice, and

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because we're gonna lose our business, we're gonna

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lose our name, we're gonna be exposed, you

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know, on on on social media.

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There's so much at stake for many, many

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and therefore, they're afraid to lose their contract.

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They lose their sponsorship, losing this, losing that.

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So they just keep quiet, and they never

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stand for justice.

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It's because of this situation like this that

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we see things like like Srebrenica happens and

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Gaza and Allah knows what else could happen

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in the future.

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And it's a it's a a reminder for

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you and I

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that it's a wake up call really that,

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you know, we need to make sure that

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this dunya is not in our heart.

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It's in our hand. And if we do

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that, you will always be in control of

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it. And, will Allah, you feel nobody but

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Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala. You stand for justice.

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You say, was that which is true? And

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you go out and you be vocal about

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it. And if it needs, you reach out

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to those who are responsible, and you hold

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them accountable for it. You will do everything

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in your power to bring justice to the

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weak and the vulnerable and those who deserve

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to be to stand for.

00:13:02 --> 00:13:05

But our attachment to the dunya makes us

00:13:05 --> 00:13:06


00:13:07 --> 00:13:08

I I don't wanna lose this. I'll lose

00:13:08 --> 00:13:11

my family, my kids, this and that. So

00:13:11 --> 00:13:13

make sure to remove this dunya from your

00:13:13 --> 00:13:15

heart and put it in your hand and

00:13:15 --> 00:13:16

put your trust in Allah

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because there is so much that needs to

00:13:19 --> 00:13:21

be done to stop this genocide.

00:13:22 --> 00:13:23

And the clock is ticking,

00:13:24 --> 00:13:26

And and and as of how there's no,

00:13:27 --> 00:13:29

our brothers and sisters, the situation is so

00:13:29 --> 00:13:31

dire. I can't even describe it. I can't

00:13:31 --> 00:13:33

even start to begin to to. I'm getting

00:13:33 --> 00:13:35

distressed of how I'm just thinking about it

00:13:35 --> 00:13:37

even and even trying to say where to

00:13:37 --> 00:13:39

start, where to begin because there is so

00:13:39 --> 00:13:40

much happening there

00:13:41 --> 00:13:43

that it's overwhelming, and they want they want

00:13:43 --> 00:13:46

to flood you with all these events until

00:13:46 --> 00:13:47

you become paralyzed.

00:13:48 --> 00:13:49

And you start feeling I can't do anything

00:13:49 --> 00:13:51

for them. This is it. I'll leave it

00:13:51 --> 00:13:53

to Allah, Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala. Yes. There's more

00:13:53 --> 00:13:54

we can do, inshallah,

00:13:55 --> 00:13:55


00:13:55 --> 00:13:58

go back again and think about it and

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ask. If Allah blessed you with wealth, what

00:14:00 --> 00:14:02

can you do about this? If Allah will

00:14:02 --> 00:14:04

bless you with influence, what can you how

00:14:04 --> 00:14:05

can you use this in the right direction?

00:14:05 --> 00:14:07

If you have if you have business, if

00:14:07 --> 00:14:09

you have partners, if you have a voice,

00:14:09 --> 00:14:11

whatever that you can, there is so much

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we could do, inshallah, to bring justice

00:14:14 --> 00:14:15

to our brothers and sisters in Gaza. And

00:14:15 --> 00:14:18

in the process as well, of course, bring

00:14:18 --> 00:14:20

awareness to what's happened in Bosnia so this

00:14:20 --> 00:14:22

would never repeat again anywhere

00:14:23 --> 00:14:24

in the world. May Allah

00:14:24 --> 00:14:25

protect our brothers

00:14:27 --> 00:14:28

in Bosnia.

00:14:29 --> 00:14:31

May Allah, subhanahu wa ta'ala, to protect our

00:14:31 --> 00:14:32

brothers and sisters in in Bosnia.

00:14:32 --> 00:14:34

We ask Allah to have mercy rahman those

00:14:34 --> 00:14:35

who pass in Arabic.

00:14:36 --> 00:14:37

We ask Allah

00:14:38 --> 00:14:40

to protect our brothers in Gaza, You Rabbi

00:14:40 --> 00:14:42

Al Amin. And all those are those who

00:14:42 --> 00:14:44

are oppressed around the world, You Rabbi, we

00:14:44 --> 00:14:46

ask you for protection, You Rabbi Alamin.

00:14:46 --> 00:14:48

Aliveat their suffering, You're Ahmad, You're Rahim. You

00:14:48 --> 00:14:49

Allah. We ask you to bring peace and

00:14:49 --> 00:14:52

tranquility in their life, You Allah. And be

00:14:52 --> 00:14:54

there for them, You Rabbi Alamin. Only you

00:14:54 --> 00:14:56

who can help them, you UHman. We ask

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you to realize this to help them and

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support them, you Allah, you Rabbi Alameen, alhamdulillah.

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