Yaser Birjas – Patience Against Persecution

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The history of the MBIA is discussed, including the use of the prophet sallaru alaihi wa sallam to tell stories and provide visual understanding. The negative impact of the media on Muslims is emphasized, including the need for forgiveness and showing patience. The importance of showing faith in justice is also emphasized, and the use of tools like the internet is discussed. The message is to show forgiveness and show faith in justice, rather than rushing to cover up past.
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Summa Ahmedabad.
We're still reading from the chapter of a
Sabr, patience, from read us salihin, hadith number
36. This now is a very special hadith
because the prophet sallallahu alaihi wa sallam speaking
about the history of the MBIA.
Those are very short,
very short, But it tells us or give
us a window on the life of the
prophets and the MBIA from before.
Abdullah Mas'udhi says, I can still recall as
if I am seeing the messenger of Allah,
sallallahu alaihi wa sallam, resembling one of the
in the, from the past.
Like Abdullah Mas'ud, he is telling the story.
And in order for him to,
make those who who listen, the listeners,
to, feel assured about authenticity,
the the story says, like, I can even
still remember when he was saying it.
Like, I remember seeing him. As you can
say, like, I remember those moments. You know
when you sometimes you wanna tell some something
happened, and you can still remember
even how the the the sky looked like
and how the the event look, how the
room was, and how he was speaking, where
he was sitting. You're given these tiny little
in order for you to give the listeners
that visual understanding and put them in the
place where the story happened.
So here, Abdullah ibn Masaru alaihi wa'an, he's
putting it in the place when the story
happened. He goes, I can still remember seeing
the prophet, salallahu alaihi wa sallam, saying this.
When he was speaking about a prophet from
the past, alaihi salatu was salam,
What happened to this prophet?
He said, this prophet, alayhis salatu wassalam,
whose people,
scoured him and shed his blood.
Like, they kept beating him.
They went after. They were beating him until
he start bleeding.
Now what do you expect, Ajima? Why was
why was this happening again? Why were they,
beating him?
Because he was given the dua, right?
And what was his dua anyway?
His dua is to Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala,
which is something these people they knew it'd
be a threat to their culture, their tradition.
The tradition most likely was corrupt.
Lot of corruption,
a lot of,
yes, subhanallah, a lot of sins,
probably maybe oppression,
people they just advantage take advantage of one
another. All the kind of stuff that we
see in our society today.
That's why a lot of people today, they
they don't they don't like
to for Islam to prevail. They don't like
the Muslims really to to to prevail. Why
is that? Because they know. When the Muslims
come over and they take over, what's gonna
happen? There's no sort of alcoholic, ma'am.
You shut down all their, filthy businesses that
takes advantage of women and other people.
No river, no interest, and this society is
based on all of this.
Entertainment, basically. And unfortunately, some Muslims countries today,
they realize, you know what, if you want
to make money, that's what people pay money
for. So they themselves, they start selling unfortunately
their values
just for the sake of that money. And
here this prophet, alaihis salatu wasalam,
he's being persecuted because of his mission and
his dua.
And I'm telling you this because
if the mbiah,
they suffer this from their people.
Who are we?
Yeah. To come and say, well, no. No.
No. I'm not gonna risk myself
and We live in a society that the
more likely, if you start calling to Allah
in a way, of course, obviously that people
start feeling threatened by your dawah is gonna
take my customers, gonna take my people, my
support, my voters. God knows what's gonna happen.
So here, the prophet sallallahu alaihi wa sallam
is saying about this prophet, alaihi wa sallam,
who was beaten until he stopped bleeding.
What was he saying? And that's where the
message is.
And this prophet was wiping wiping blood off
his face.
What does that mean
him? He was really bleeding.
It wasn't like one drop or 2. No.
He was bleeding. Like, they really cut him.
And he was taking basically wipe wiping that
blood off his face, alaihis salatu wa salam.
And instead of making dua against them,
he says,
He says, you Allah,
forgive my people because they certainly
do not know.
Like they have no idea what they're doing,
and they have no idea what they're missing.
SubhanAllah, instead of cursing them and making dua
against them,
he says, you Allah forgive them because they
don't know. Now here's the thing,
are you even allowed to seek to seek
forgiveness for the non believers?
No. Not necessarily, no. But what you can
ask for them today?
He died. So why was the prophet says
forgive them? Some of the they say, he
meant by that,
you Allah
cause them to be forgiven their sins. How
is that?
He died.
Forgive them their sins means what?
You Allah,
guide them
so they can be forgiven what they're going
Because they know nothing.
So if someone makes a du'a for this
for the non believer during their lifetime, you
Allah forgive him.
With the intention, you Allah cause them what
gives them forgiveness,
then that is okay.
And you can say that. Or you can
just simply say, you Allah, guide their heart,
you Allah,
to forgive their sins.
But that's a long statement, so forgive them
with the intention. You Allah guide them so
they can be forgiven.
So what's what do we get if they're
if they're guided anyway?
So the ulama, they say, what's better? To
make dua against the oppressors
or to make dua for them? So it
Generally speaking,
if you make dua for their guidance,
who benefits from it?
Everybody, especially if they are people authority.
If you make dua for their guidance and
they will they become guided, everybody will benefit
from their from that. But if you make
dua for their destruction,
and they get destroyed, who benefits from that?
You might say everybody.
But if the system itself is still corrupt,
what's gonna happen if he dies?
Someone else takes over
and continue the exact same mission. And we're
back again to square 1.
But are you allowed to make dua against
the oppressors? The answer is yes.
You can make the dua against the oppressor,
but depends. It's case by case. If someone,
for example,
made one mistake, 2 mistakes, few mistakes here
and there, you make dua for their guidance.
But if someone, you know, to be evil,
and in this case, just gonna, oh, you
Allah, take him, you Allah, from this world.
You Allah, as as, the prophet made dua
against some of the tribes
in in, in the Arabian Peninsula because they've
they've killed
and they betrayed 70 of the kafad of
the Quran.
And the prophet made dua for a month
some they say. He kept making dua against
these people until Allah
revealed to him
It's not for you if Allah's gonna if
he's gonna punish them, if Allah's gonna forgive
So therefore, the prophet start making dua against
it. But, again, when we say it's case
by case,
but it's allowed. However, the dua for the
is better. But the message from this hadith
over here is to show patience against persecution
for the for the sake of your deen.
some people,
they go to prison for what? For crimes,
they've committed personal crimes, and they were persevere
in patience, God knows for how many years.
Other people they're not willing to risk for
their faith and their iman to stand for
And that's why Imam Ahmad
when he was in prison
because of his, position for the, the finish
of the Quran, the book of
which was at the time considered a political
stance against
the officials official position of the Khalifa at
the time.
So he was put in prison,
And there he was beaten,
about actually to be beaten.
You could tell that it was he wasn't
comfortable in that place because in that prison
back then, it's not like today everything organized,
you have, you know,
maximum security and you have, low risk and
this and that. Everybody's together in that dungeon.
Right? So Imam Ahmed was uncomfortable in that
He wasn't comfortable with that. Alam,
he's never been seen
outside his way between the measure and his
house, And Sarilao, right now, he's in prison
with drunken people and this and that and
all these kind of people.
he was
seen being worried. So one of those people
who've been there in prison for drinking,
he goes, yeah, imam.
He goes, yeah, imam.
He goes, look, listen to me. So don't
worry about it. So it's only 1 or
2 lashes, and then you even forget what
happens after that.
Like just the first two. If you can
go go through the first two lashes, you'll
be fine after that.
So I swear like he gave me some
Like if a if a drunken can handle
being beaten regularly,
on his back because of the I mean,
me, for the sake of Allah, I'm not
gonna handle this because Allah subhae gave me
some courage.
And, and another example, when he was on
the way to prison as he was on
the back of the camel,
he said he was stopped by a guy,
stopped him on the way. He goes,
listen to me Ababdulillah.
He goes, look, the whole ummah is waiting
for you.
He goes, don't let us down. Like the
whole ummah depends on you,
but don't let us down. Because subhanallah, he
gave me the weight of the whole Ummah
to carry in their model.
So, yeah, my dear brothers and sisters, may
Allah protect us all from this situation.
But there is no really guarantee
in this life of ours, whether it's a
Muslim country or non Muslim country, God knows.
Just being a Muslim,
not just being any Muslim, Muslim who's actively
who's actively trying to spread the din of
Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala, it seems to be
That is a it's a hazardous in this
society. Whether you're in a Muslim country or
non Muslim country, Because they know. The Deen
of Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala living by the
way of Allah
will be a threat to their lifestyle,
and that's why they don't like it.
So Allah knows what we put in in
our life, but we don't wanna rush of
course any, put ourselves in the face of
danger. However, if Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala happens
to anybody, you have the example of the
well. May Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala protect us
from the real Ibrahim. Allahu'ala.
Any questions, Jema?
Yes, sir.
So basically saying, is it given by just
perfecting your your character and your and your
manners, living by Islam yourself? So that when
people ask, they know it's because you're Muslim.
Right? Is that a form of dua? Absolutely.
And that is as a matter of fact,
it's one of the best forms of dua.
When people
recognize you because of your akhlaq and your
manners and when they know that these are
coming from your deed. However, is that sufficient?
Not anymore.
So right now, we have the Internet, we
have many ways of spreading the din of
Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala.
Use every way possible to spread the