Yaser Birjas – Jannah Is The Compensation For Patiently Losing Sight

Yaser Birjas
AI: Summary © The speaker discusses the importance of the gifts of sight and guidance in the Islam of Islam. They emphasize the importance of the gift of sight for individuals and how it is a gift that is difficult to navigate through in old age. The speaker also discusses the loss of sight and the need for patient guidance and practice of patience.
AI: Transcript ©
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We're still studying the chapter of our sober

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patients from Radha Salihin.

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And hadith number 34.

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Mamun Nuhr

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bringing a hadith in regards to one of

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you could say calamities

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or catastrophes that could happen to anybody.

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And how should people react to it and

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what do they get if they do so?

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And that is in regard to the gift

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of sight.

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The gift of sight.

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In this hadith, the Messenger of Allah sallallahu

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alaihi wa sallam said,

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when I afflict my slave in his 2

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dear things,

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like his most beloved two things, and he

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means by that his eyes, his sight.

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And and he endures patiently.

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I shall compensate him for them

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with Jannah,

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So what does it mean here? So prophet

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If I test somebody in regards to their

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2 dearest things or 2 beloved things and

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I mean by that the site.

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Why is that so important, Jema'ah? It's one

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of the greatest gifts when Allah Subhanahu Wa

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he spoke about the creation of Adam or

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the creation at least of mankind. After all,

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Jesus Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala

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It is He who had created you and

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He brought you out from the wombs of

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their mothers, no nothing.

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And Then he said, and he gave you

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the gift of sight, the gift of hearing

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actually, the gift of sight, and also comprehension.

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Mean understanding through these tools and instruments.

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So as you can see here, Allah subhanahu

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wa ta'ala mentioned sight as one of the

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And when Allah speaking about people who have

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guidance, he says what? He says what?

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That they see. Right? And those who don't

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have guidance

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as if they don't see, they've been blind.

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Like, they will not see anything even though

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they have sight.

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They have they have eyes, but they see

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nothing with it. So it's a it's a

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great gift

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losing it is a great loss. And even

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when it comes to guidance, Allah

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spoke about the people who turn away from

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the gift from the gift of guidance. What

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are all about them?

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Those who turn away from Allah

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guidance in this dunya, they have a constrained

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on the day of judgement they will be

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blind, they won't they won't see. And And

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they will say,

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My Lord, why am I, blind when I

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used to see in this dunya?

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Because we have given you we've given you

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the all the evidences and the proofs and

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the ayat to see guidance through it but

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you you chose not to. So therefore we're

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gonna forget about you.

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So the gift of sight is very important

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here. And here, Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala says

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that if Allah

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if Allah tested somebody

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by losing losing their sight.

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Because of what? Many reasons.

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Could be because of disease, because of illness,

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could be old age,

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cataract at some point and so on. And

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back then,

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even subhanallah, as simple as a cataract surgery

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was a big deal. They didn't have that

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luxury of doing it back in the days.

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So many people would lose their sight even

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though it's probably preventable.

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But they lose their sight. When we say

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lose their sight, we know that

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blindness is not at one degree.

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And some would have 90% blindness, some have

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70% blindness, like different categories. But the point

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is unable to see.

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And if a person is unable to see,

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what does that mean in jamaah?

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It's difficult to navigate in this life, subhanAllah.

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Hard, especially if they were able to see.

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I mean, there's difference between somebody

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born like this

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and someone develops that in old age.

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When, alhamdulill, you have the luxury of waking

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up and not worry about anything. You walk

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straight to the bathroom, you go to the

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kitchen, you get your food, you go here,

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you go there, they have no problem with

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But then at some point in your life,

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you have to be guided by somebody. Someone

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had to hold you and to show you

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the way. And you have to relearn

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live like that.

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So you have to depend on your, on

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your, of course, physical touch to navigate through

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your life and so. So it's difficult, there's

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not always difficult.

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So people might when they when they lose

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their sight, they might lose their mind with

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They're unable to to, to navigate in this

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life. So the prophet says here, whoever been

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tested with that and they show and they

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exercise patience, he said, salallahu alaihi wasalam,

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and say he remained patient.

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Meaning he didn't say anything wrong. He didn't

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object to Allah's

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He was he was taken as well.

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I will compensate

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him for them

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with Jannah.

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this is from the sign of iman.

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And in this society, those who don't have

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faith or iman, don't believe in the akhirah,

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They see this life to be the only

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They don't have that kind of connection with

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these things.

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So if they if something they lose from

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this dunya, they probably lose their their everything

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with it. And for them, that's the whole

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So therefore, they might even hurt themselves as

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a result of that. But here as a

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for them,

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Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala chose to take, you

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know, those beautiful

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two things from me, the sight.

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To Allah belongs everything. And they remain patient

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and they ask Allah to compensate them with

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Jannah. So they exercise

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patience. And there are many, many people from

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the Sahaba who

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reportedly they in old age, they lost their

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sight as well too, in old age. One

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of them is Asma'a Bintu Bakr Siddiqui Allahu

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When she was very old, she passed a

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100 years old actually,

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and her son, Abdullah ibn Zubayr,

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was killed by the tyrant Al Hajjaj. He

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was crucified in the entrance of Mecca.

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Then at some point she

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she was asked to go and and go

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there and she was blind at that time.

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And she stood there even though she couldn't

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see him. But she would say: Isn't it

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that time for this knight

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to step down from his right?

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eventually they buried him afterwards. The idea is

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that test could be for anybody.

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Could be for the righteous

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and the non righteous.

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And if someone now is tested with that,

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doesn't mean I cannot I cannot

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defend myself or I cannot go to the

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doctor to see if I can,

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remove this illness. No, we're not saying that.

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Feel free to go and and fight that

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with the Qadr of wellness.

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It's okay to do that. But if there

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was no repair to it,

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protect all of your side, But if that's

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the case, then our patience

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will be the thing that we need to

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exercise. May Allah

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protect our side for

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us and keep us all safe. Any

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