Yaser Birjas – Hope And Fear Are The Path Of Steadfastness

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The importance of excellence, steadiness, and a good deeds in achieving success is stressed, along with the need for practice and discipline. The rule of Has fe'ah (the belief in the rule of temp favorite) is emphasized, and the importance of balancing work and satisfaction is emphasized. The use of the rule for parents and children is encouraged, and the importance of practicing the rule for personal growth is emphasized. The speaker emphasizes the need for passion and faith in achieving success, balancing work and satisfaction, and protecting property through the rule of Has fe'ah.
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Alhamdulillah Rabbil Alameen, salallahu wa sallam wa baraka
anabina muhammadin wa ala alihi wa sahbihi wa
sallam, tasliman kathira thimman min ba'd.
Mim minna wa rahimahu allahu ta'ala fi
kitabil istiqama.
The chapter on uprightness and steadfastness, hadith number
86, qal, wa an abi hurairat radhiyallahu wa
tar'anhu wa arda, qala rasulullahi salallahu alaihi
wa sallam, qaribu wasaddidu wa alamu, no voice
or no sound?
Can you guys check the speakers in the
women's section, Jazakallah khair.
So an abi hurairat radhiyallahu wa tar'anhu
wa arda, qala qala rasulullahi salallahu alaihi wa
sallam, qaribu wasaddidu wa alamu anahu lan yanjua
ahadun minkum bi'amalih, qalu wala anta ya
rasulullah, qala wala ana illa an yad ghamadilillahu
bi rahmatin minhu wa fadl.
In this hadith, the messenger of Allah, salallahu
alaihi wa sallam, he says, qaribu wasaddidu, he
follow the right path of faith and be
So qaribu wasaddidu, so the word saddidu means
To aim at the target, almuqaraba is when
you hit as close as possible to it.
So wasaddidu is basically when it comes to
perfection, like you need to hit the bull's
eye basically, but naturally, no matter how much
we try to be perfect, we will fall
So if you fall short, at least where
would you fall?
Close to it.
So always aim to do the best so
that if you fall short, you're not too
far away from it.
But if you make a threshold very low,
like many people, they tell me, sheikh, if
I cross the bridge over Jahannam, I'm happy.
La hawla wa la quwwata illa billah.
Why so low, Jamal?
Like what if you don't even get across
the bridge?
What happens to you then?
You're in Jahannam.
But aim higher.
Go to Firdaws al-A'la.
So if you fall short from Firdaws al
-A'la, where would you fall?
Degree 90, 85, still, mashallah, in the upper
level of Jannah, that's what you need to
focus on.
But just to say, let me just cross
the bridge and alhamdulillah, I'll be fine, at
least I'm in Jannah, inshallah wa ta'ala.
If you fall short, it's going to be
extremely dangerous.
So here the Prophet shallallahu alaihi wa sallam
said, saddidu.
No, no, no.
Hit the Firdaws al-A'la.
Aim at the Firdaws al-A'la.
If you don't, then at least you came
Then, qal, wa'lamu annahu lan yanjua ahadun
minkum bi amriha.
And have the knowledge and make sure to
understand and keep in mind that no person
can achieve salvation through his own good deeds.
Did you guys hear that?
The Prophet shallallahu alaihi wa sallam is telling
you, your good deeds are not enough to
give you salvation.
Wait a minute, what am I doing this
for then?
I'm waking up for Fajr, I'm doing tahajjud
and fasted Mondays and Thursdays.
I'm doing everything to get me where I
need to be.
So what does that even mean?
So the Prophet shallallahu alaihi wa sallam says,
when he said that, the Sahaba were surprised.
Qalu wala anta ya Rasulallah, how about you?
He goes, wala ana.
Not even me.
Illa anita ghamadeenallahu bi rahmati.
Unless Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala should cover
me with his mercy and his grace.
So what does that mean here?
Meaning, your good deeds are not the prize
for Jannah.
Do you understand that?
Your good deeds are not the prize for
What does that even mean here?
What does that mean, Jumma?
Al-Jannah is way more valuable than all
what you do.
Like you don't deserve al-Jannah because of
your good deeds.
So what is my good deeds then?
It's only the key.
That's it.
The key to earn Allah subhanahu wa ta
'ala grace and mercy.
So the true meaning of entering Jannah is
through his mercy subhanahu wa ta'ala.
And Allah's mercy.
But you're doing good deeds, it's for you
to earn that mercy of Allah subhanahu wa
That's what it is.
So don't you ever come on the Day
of Judgment and brag about what you've done.
Remember the hadith of the man from Bani
Israel, who would work for 70 years of
ibadah and ta'a and dedication, devotion.
He was a monk.
Dedicated his life of deprivation for the sake
of Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala for over
70 plus years.
When he died and then he met his
Lord, Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala tells the
angel, Let him get into al-Jannah with
my grace.
And the man says, What about my 70
years of hard work?
How come I'm just getting into Jannah because
of your grace?
What about what I've done?
And Allah says, Okay, sure.
How about, you know, just try to weigh
one of the bounties, the favors I bestowed
upon him.
The sight.
Just the blessing of sight.
Put it in one side of the scale.
And let's see if all his 70 years
of hard work is sufficient to cover this
one single favor.
And obviously the whole favor of one ni'mah,
the blessing of sight, outweighs all the 70
years of hard work.
So Allah said, Okay, Jahannam.
He goes, Ya Rabbi, birahmatik, birahmatik.
No, no, no.
I'll take your grace.
I'll take your grace.
I'm good.
And Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala admitted him
to al-Jannah birahmatihi.
So that's telling us that your hard work,
you have to keep in mind.
So that you would never feel that you're
doing a favor to your Lord subhanahu wa
You're not doing Allah any favor with your
good deeds.
I've done this.
I've done that.
Like many people, when Allah tests them, what
do they say?
Well, I'm the good guy.
I'm the one who always comes to the
I'm the one who's wearing hijab.
I'm this.
I'm that.
And start bragging with our good deeds as
if we earned it because of that.
No, you don't.
You don't.
So you need to humble yourself that I'm
doing this because this is my show of
appreciation, my show of servitude to Allah subhanahu
wa ta'ala.
Hopefully Allah azza wa jal will show me
with his mercy that will get me into
That's how it works here.
So from this hadith, what is this hadith
in relation to the subject of steadfastness?
Where is it coming from?
What does it mean?
Did you guys figure it out here?
First of all, from the very beginning of
the hadith, سَدِّدُوا وَقَارِبُوا That you, to me,
meaning being steadfast, means remain on the path
of what?
Try the path of excellence, hitting the target.
And now what does that mean for me,
O Jama'at?
It means a lot of discipline.
Lots of discipline.
I mean, those who train, mashallah, recently you've
seen that Turkish actually shooter who was just
coming as if he was coming casually and
started shooting, and he got the silver medal
for it.
But it wasn't just so casually.
He must have been training for tens of
thousands of hours before he was able to
hit that target so easily.
Which means it requires from you the same
thing too.
You want to hit al-Jannah.
You want to do daws al-a'la.
You're going to have to practice and practice
and practice and practice and stay disciplined until
you hit that target.
And if you fail to get the gold,
you get the silver.
But at least my aim is always to
the gold.
But if I fall short, I fall, of
course, in the silver.
That's the meaning of istiqamah over here.
The second thing, one of the major issues
that help us to remain steadfast is to
balance our life between what?
Hope in Allah's grace and mercy and fear
of missing out on it.
The two wings that your heart needs to
be flying with.
You need to be flying with hope in
Allah's reward and fear of Allah's punishment.
If you always think about Allah's grace, that
you feel that you don't deserve punishment, you
will misbehave.
I become so arrogant.
I'm bratty with your akhlaq and imad and
But if you also feel that, you know
I don't deserve Allah's mercy.
I'm doomed.
And you always have that doom and gloom
mindset when it comes to the ibadah.
What kind of ibadah is that going to
You're going to be torturing yourself.
Not enjoying it spiritually.
Or bring you what needs to be close
to Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala.
Until you balance it with love, with hope
and, of course, of fear.
So if you do that, it helps, inshallah,
straighten yourself and stay and remain on that
path to Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala.
May Allah azza wa jal give us the
ability to be on the path of istiqamah,
ya rabbal alameen.
We ask Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala to
give us as-sadad, ya rabbal alameen.
That we always hit the target to al
-firdaws al-ala.
Wallahu ta'ala ala.
Any questions?
The rule of shafa'ah, what's the meaning
of it?
I mean, what's the value of shafa'ah
in that time?
Is that what you're saying?
Oh, yeah.
Well, as-shafa'ah, which means intercession, meaning
when you intercede for somebody in regard to
certain outcome.
And here, exclusively as-shafa'ah, on the
Day of Judgment, to help people who are
in a situation, to improve their situation.
So there are different shafa'at on the
Day of Judgment.
The major shafa'ah, al-'ulamah they call it
shafa'at al-kubra, which was mentioned along
hadith with Prophet salallahu alayhi wa sallam, about
starting the account.
So when he proceeded before Allah subhanahu wa
ta'ala, ask Allah to start the account.
That's called shafa'at al-kubra.
And that is the one that Allah subhanahu
wa ta'ala, by His grace, will grant
to the Prophet Muhammad salallahu alayhi wa sallam.
Which is the one we keep asking, آتِ
مُحَمَّدِ الْوَسِيلَةِ وَالْفَضِيلَةِ Give him the shafa'ah,
give him the wasila, right?
But then there are other shafa'at.
From these shafa'at, you have the shafa
'ah of the believers getting some of the
sinners from Jahannam, give them out.
When the believers are overlooked into Jahannam, and
they see people, they say, يا ربي, some
people, we don't see them among us.
They used to pray with us, they used
to fast with us.
Where are they?
And Allah will protect the bodies of the
believers and say, go into Jahannam and get
them out.
So they recognize them by the trace of
wudu' and the trace of salah and sujood.
So they get them out.
That's shafa'ah as well too.
Some of the shafa'ah is to elevate
the people from lower grades in Jannah to
higher grades, like the Quran.
So the Prophet salallahu alayhi wa sallam mentioned
in the hadith that when you recite the
Quran, you start reciting and you start hovering
and elevating, ascending in the grades of Jannah.
So the Prophet salallahu alayhi wa sallam said,
اقرأ وارتقي, read and recite and ascend, because
your degree in Jannah will be at the
last ayah that you'll be able to recite.
So if you recite, قل والله وحد, you
get there.
If you recite al-Baqarah, you get there.
If you recite the whole Quran, mashallah.
So therefore, different shafa'ah, parents for their
children, children for their parents, as shaheed, for
the families, and angels even make shafa'ah
as well too, so different shafa'ah.
So how does shafa'ah help us over
Again, Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala, by His
grace, by His grace, He would grant these
people, He grants them the ability to do
shafa'ah, and Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala
is already pleased with the person they're seeking
shafa'ah for, so Allah subhanahu wa ta
'ala allows them to do that.
Wallahu a'lam.
May Allah give us all the shafa'ah
of the anbiya, Ya Rabb al-alameen.
So when you do sadat, which is basically
when you aim the target, is that with
the intention?
Not just the intention, the intention and the
amal as well too.
Ya'ni, sit down at home and sleep
says, Ya Allah, give me the reward for
Doesn't work like this.
No, you have to have the intention to
wake up for tahajjud, and make the effort.
Sleeping early, put a timer, this and that
and so on, and eventually, if it happens,
alhamdulillah you did your best.
But if I made the intention, and put
the preparation, but then I overslept, then alhamdulillah
I came close to it.
Wallahu a'lam.