Yaser Birjas – Giving to Those in Need

Yaser Birjas

Jummah Khutbah

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The speakers discuss political and social issues in the region, including the forwarding of operations and recent terrorist attacks in Syria. They stress the importance of helping those in need and providing aid, particularly those who need to be heard and heard in order to achieve their goals. The speakers also emphasize the need for unity and helping those in need, particularly those who need help. The importance of belief in the afterlife and helping people in need is emphasized, along with the need for attention to it. The speakers emphasize the importance of rewarding people for their actions and helping those in need.

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			deja vu colavita tala wakulla de la infinity mama bada bada la MADI brothers and sisters, as I was
trying to prepare for introduction for the topic I would like to share with you today, kind of
wondering how can I make it so easy? How can I make it so simple? How can I make it appealing but
will lie, there is nothing so pleasing about dealing with the wounds of the Muslim Ummah, and
particularly what's happening as we speak today in the eastern hota in Syria. So how are thinking
about which wound to begin to speak about which one of them earlier we talked about the Rohingya,
what's happening for the Muslims in Myanmar, it's Paula and Burma. And the the cleansing, whether
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			it's actually racial, or religious, or whatever, you name it, of an entire minority, just because
they're Muslims. That itself is an unbelievable things power law. I mean, Alhamdulillah for the
blessings of the Internet, and social media, and the ability for people to see firsthand, you know,
what's going on there, it was brought attention to their to their plight under under genocide. But
then we thought we're done with that, only to start hearing about what's going on right now in Sri
Lanka. And now it's like a repetition of the thing that is happening, you know, to Muslims in
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			And then Panama, as everybody's busy with other things in the world, there has to be some sort of
like political agreement that was done between the superpowers in the Middle East, that they gave up
on the Muslims and the civilians in Syria. And now a systematic bombing and shelling and killing to
over 400,000 people who stays there underwater. In just indiscriminate bombing, and shelling and so
forth. These people will just whether you leave, or you die, all of this for some political game
that needs to be done and Givens parallel by one superpower to the other one hour. So, so sad. And
so problematic is when you look at who's who's gonna stand for the rights of these people, who's
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			supposed to be the one standing for the hukou, and help and give and just give a hand and helping
helping hand to these people who's going to do that. You think that those who are nearest to them
supposed to be the people to support and help and bring their their case to the international world
and bring the attention to the peoples of how do you think that that would be the case. But we see
that the Muslim countries and societies around them, instead of standing for their values, and for
the, for the brothers and sisters in that region, they themselves are given up on it and changing
their own values
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			is like saying, We have nothing to do with this, thinking that they're going to be saved from this
fitna. But when it happens, it's going to take probably everybody May Allah protect us from this
horrible I mean, so people, and truly specifically the situation, and then a lot of people are
looking now for the Muslims who live in the West, they looking at us the saying, you know what,
we'll give up on these people who are they're supposed to be our nearest neighbors to help us and
support us. So the liquid at us, what can we do? And how can we bring hope to the people in that
region? I can't even give you the statistics, partly because we lost track of how many people are
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			dying on daily basis, how many houses being destroyed territories, you know, being completely wiped
out of the earth. Why? Because it's a deliberate and systematic way of cleaning that region
completely from the civilians living in that area.
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			And the international world is just watching. Paula, I don't like to talk politics on the member
agenda. But when you things like this kind of injustice, and no one is doing anything, including the
so called, you know, the Security Council that's supposed to be helping and supporting the civilians
in times of war. And when you have one of those people and one of those countries in that Council
and, and Subhanallah coming to claim that they're now trying like Russia, for example, that they're
deliberately and openly saying, they've been trying all kinds of modern, you know, weapons, they're
developing, you know, in Syria, like they're preparing for the next war by destroying Syria and the
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			people of Syria.
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			That's what they're telling us. They've been trying everything. They'd be putting everything on
hold, and that's an opportunity for them to try everything. And who's paying for this alarm, Stan?
The civilians, the individuals who are dying in daily basis, the brothers and sisters in the water
and in Syria and elsewhere, they keep looking at us the Muslims what can we do for them and that's
when the subject of being for people and being there for their needs and helping and given people
who are in need. It comes to us as Muslims as a priority in timeline this, what is it that we can do
for them the first thing I want you to understand that being there for those who are in need, giving
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			those who are in need and helping those who are in need is a great principle a great a novel trait
of the Muslim standard of character. Allah subhanho wa Taala says at the beginning of Surah tilma
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			Wollaton or less moderate one, that you assist each other you assist and help each other for taqwa
for righteousness, better and taqwa so that you become more righteous and helping assist each other
in reforming that which is good. While at our no one don't help and assist each other in committing
the sin and the Haram anti transgression. And what we see over there, there is a huge amount of
injustice, oppression, indiscriminate again, killing of civilians, men, women, children, how many
orphans along with Stan became, you know, orphans because of what's going on over there? Who was
there to stand for the rights? One day they are living in their house with their families, all of a
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			sudden the house is gone, parents are gone. And they left on their own right now to try to figure
out what's happening and why is this happening to us? What crime did they commit? What country did
we commit to become, you know, victims of this situation. And then some people they have their own
agendas they would like to establish in the region, and civilians pay the price unfortunately, as
Muslim oma, when it comes to helping those who are in need, and giving those who are in need, I
don't want you to think of just money. I don't want you to think of this money. No, helping those
who are in need can go beyond just giving your cash and your money. Maybe some of us don't have that
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			much to give in terms of financial support, but you still have to rely. You have your mind you have
your words, you have your connections, you have your social media, you have the people that you work
with, you can write you can speak you can bring you know some there cause to other people who maybe
you can't give yourself, but probably you could reach out to somebody who has very big heart and
compassionate heart and nature, who can be given to other people in Sharla hota Baraka Allah, you
see the Muslim Ummah from the very beginning, the very famous for this and he thought altruism may
prefer and those are need over their own needs when Allah Subhana what Allah spoke of the early
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			generation of the Muslims, Al Mahajan will answer when the Maha jurien Mahajan is the immigrants and
there are so many of these refugees considered immigrants from their hometown somewhere else in the
world. Many of these people when they left and that some of the Prophet sallallahu Sallam they knew
that their only destination where they can find peace and tranquility is with their brothers and
sisters in Medina and OnSong. The supporters so when they left mango they left Mecca they left Mecca
with nothing some of them they left with a shirt on their back That's it. They just wanted to
survive. And they did and when they arrived into Medina, the answer or the love to run home or the
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			home they took them in. And Allah subhana wa tada praise him for this and similar to the spirit of
Hashem, Allah azza wa jal says Lil fukada l Mahajan, Latino human Dr. m.
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			Luna phenomena Allah for those for Korra of the Mahajan, the poor immigrants who left their
hometowns in Mecca. They went out and they left traveling in the desert going to Medina for what
they're seeking the pleasure of Allah subhanho wa Taala and for the boundaries and blessings of
Allah azza wa jal when surah la hora Sula and they will go on there to support their faith and their
dinner dinner of Allah subhanho wa Taala hola como sada Hoon Allah testified that these people were
the solid one truthful about their faith and their Eman. And then he spoke about those who received
them, while Athena turbo dharawal, Eman koblin, and those who resided in Medina and that home and
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			they had their faith in their hearts and the land that they lived in. You have buena Manhattan or
Elysium. They love those who came to them. They didn't call them refugees. They call them the
brothers and their sisters. They took them in right away. You have boredom and Hydra elation. And
the loss of hunter says about them. While I urge you do not use sodium hajima. They don't put
anything in their hearts in regard to what they're given to these people. Like when they don't do
them any favors. They don't consider this a favor. When they help them out with food with shelter
when they give them place. They don't even think that I'm doing them any favors. No. There is
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			nothing in their hearts when it comes to giving people because they know they don't do anybody a
favor but themselves. Why so because when you give you get the benefit and before anybody else from
Allah subhanho wa Taala and Allah says about them. Well, you know, Allah unfussy him well, Canada
kasasa they don't just give. They give that thing that they love.
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			They give the thing that they prefer. So they don't look for the whatever is left over to give it
away. Now they make something fresh. They go and they give them the best of what they own. Why?
Because they're looking for the reward from Allah soprano that even if they their eyes and their
hearts pursued that what they have, they will still give it for the sake of Allah azza wa jal
because they know their brothers and sisters, they're more in need of this.
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			When it comes to helping people, again, it's not just about money as your man even with your
knowledge, in your power, what do you name with your fame with the endorsement whatever caused that
you can do? And Hadith unofficial Allah sallallahu Sallam said
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			Saudi Arabia Allahu wa in Sudan have been major Rasulullah sallallahu Sallam says, In the end the
law has no halal shop that Allah subhanho wa Taala has the Hazara and overheid was shot with a hand
in the hands of Allah azza wa jal. These are the vaults of good and the vaults of evil.
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			Everything is stored there with the last surgeon, because he's the one who rules its pinata as part
of the test. And then he said, Carlos, Allah wa salam, Maserati who had originally
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			the keys to this to these vaults are people he said the region means men but it means people what
does that exactly mean? He said Salalah Sal and for tuba lemon Jalla hula home of the handle higher
muscle as Alicia said for tuba which means may Jenna be for the person may that tree in agenda
before the person whom Allah subhana wa Taala blessed to be keys for goodness locks against all
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			And that's the meaning of be the key for goodness mytho handle higher whenever there is a door for
higher you open it when it is somebody that they need something you don't close you open a gate for
this. You don't stand against anything that might lead to harm to anybody instead, you open venues
and places for people and the prophets Allah Sam says, Well, why alone means major Hannon before
somebody who would be mythological a little higher, Mr. Sharp, we'd be locked against good and, and
the open keys for for the for the, for the evil. So when it comes to helping people again, I don't
want you to think of just giving money. It's much more than that, with all kinds of assistance and
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			Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam Allah, He gave us the best example in this field. In the
hadith of Anasazi allowed Ron Paul didn't say Muslim, that the prophet SAW he said there was a lady
in Medina, an old lady in Medina, and one of Atlanta Jews in Medina, kind of a cliche, which means
she has actually some mental challenge. So she wasn't she wasn't always there. But then when she
says the Prophet sallahu, wa salam, Fatah cool Yasuda, la la la la hija. Every time she she's a
professor, so I want you to help me.
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			Like I need you for something.
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			So the prophets Allah said Anna says the prophets Allah said and he would actually stop everything
he's doing.
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			Well, taffy to Allah and he looks at her. Paloma Fulani
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			also also only Isla De Sica kill Medina to shitty model to market. Whatever you need is you tell me
I'll go the
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			color photo, the beard interview, sola salam, she grabs the professor Sam, she takes him water and
the problem will go there.
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			And he helped her whatever she wanted from him, even if it was something considered trivial for us,
even if it's trivial, but for the Prophet sallallahu wasallam it's Pamela. She's a believer, she is
a member of the oma of the community, he will help and assist the Lord to allow ceremony. For then
when he is done, he comes back Salalah Hollywood sell them to the to the people and to the
community. Now that's the son of the Prophet sallallahu Sallam and he was always consistent in that
will lie Rasulullah sallallahu Sallam because again, when it comes to being a true believer and
faithful to your faith and your deen it's when you are there for the needs of others when you when
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			you give attention to the needs of others, not just about you know follow to fulfilling certain
rituals and that it's much more than that's one of the best divided Rasulullah sallallahu wasallam
according to Hadith
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			and assadullah Houghton wardha in Muslim Imam Ahmed he said Carla for an abuse also cannot do como
Salam sometimes the iqama will be called for Salah Khan in Canada Salah to to come. So you call him
a Nabi sallallahu alayhi wa sallam or Raja
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			Raja Ravi hydatid. So someone grabs the Prophet sallallahu Sallam as his government at the salon. As
he's going to lead salon Rasulullah sallallahu sallam, someone grabs a profit salon for something,
you're a solo quickly. I want you for something goodly for your good Anasazi lavon Anna says after
that, for Kobe Nahuatl Qibla. The Prophet salla said we'll be standing between the people and the
Qibla which means in front of the the front line, not even starting solaia talking to the person
listening to him from Isaiah Luca limoux. Call him in and he will still be standing for him. Listen
to this person, Your Holiness or the law of the land. It seems that it was historical about the
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			night person miserable Russia call for Obama to call me Leanna zoom in to the ATM in Abuja salallahu
alayhi wa sallam Allah. He said sometimes I see some people start kind of like dozing off, which
means getting sleepy. From the length of how long the professor was standing for this man. Before
starting a salon.
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			What does that mean? It's one of the greatest a buy that that you help other people and also realize
sallallahu wasallam
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			In the Hadith, he says Khalid Abu Nazir, ilaha illallah wa Taala and found him leanness that the
most beloved people to Allah azza wa jal, the most beloved people to Allah subhanho wa Taala are
those who are most beneficial to others. And that's what it means to be a true believer. What does
it mean if you if you really believe in the afterlife, you believe in the reward from Allah subhanho
wa Taala you believe that Allah Subhana is the one who gives back whatever that you spend you
believe that Allah Subhana will take your charity, and he will grow it for you until we meet you
lots of hands on water and get all the maximum reward. What does it mean if you have all this that
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			you believe in your heart? But what comes to take an action? We fall so much we fall short, from
fulfilling that obligation? What does it mean? What does it mean? If Allah blessed and hamdulillah?
with physical strength and power? hamdulillah you're healthy, you're strong, you can help other
people what does it mean? If you don't go and lend a hand and help other people when they are in
need? What does it mean? When also la de la Sam was talking about a sadhaka? What does it what are
the different kind of the doors to do hire in Hollywood Rasulullah sallallahu Sallam that everyday
in the morning, use behala kusudama honeycomb sadhaka that you're responsible to give charity
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			everyday in the morning. Every day you need to give charity on behalf of every single joint that you
have in your body. And the prophets Allah somos asked Yasser Allah, what if someone didn't have
money to give charity? So Rasulullah sallallahu Sallam he said, Carla in the endowment and Baba sada
because some of the gates to charity or the means of charities, it's a lesson could be what lean
what the mean, which means saying Allahu Akbar saying Al Hamdulillah sainshand Allah saying La ilaha
illallah wa salam ala, and what he mentioned Salawat de la he was Salaam Ali called what a doula Mr.
della Allah Hagerty, and you guide people to where they want to go. Even if someone asks you for
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			directions. That's an act of charity. People ask them for direction for help. That's an act of
charity. Rasulullah sallallahu wasallam. He said, What does I be sure that is our take, and you use
your strong feet, because a lot less than handler to be able to stand and walk? And what does she
that is aka you go use the strength of your feet to help and walk with people in a phantom mystery
to somebody who's destitute somebody in need, in dire necessity, dire need. So you run basically, to
help other people what that's what it means you run physically, to go on heart and help other
people. Why? Because you truly believe that is my duty as a Muslim. It is my responsibility to help
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			and assist people who are in need. The situation today, as I'm speaking to you will lie cannot be
described by anybody anything other than just the entire world, the entire world, just kind of like
let go of all their guards and allowed all this aggression to happen against the civilians. And the
need is in Syria. So how it seems that people when they are flooded with with all the news, when you
keep watching things over and over again, over and over again, you get to synthesize and you think
that you know, what is the new norm now
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			it's becoming the new the new norm watching this destruction, and watching bloodshed. And people
flooding out of their hometowns living in the desert, it's becoming a new norm.
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			We could use this,
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			we could use this so much so that we reach in comfort zone with looking at it or not even actually
flinching even thinking that it requires taking action from you.
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			And I know, a lot of branding people they've done a lot before. And I'm sure that each and every one
of us have handled given their share in helping and assisting other people and rewarded for what
you've done before. But this is a time requires that you do all your attention to it, whether it's
financial, whether it's political power that you own, and you have or influence in the circles of
friends and organizations and whatever that is bring awareness to the situation that is there right
now. These people have been in such power such a terrible situation for years now. Four years, six
years and going into seventh year right now as Paula and no one is realizing it has been that long.
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			And it becomes normal that some of the children I don't know if you know that some of these children
that we're trying to help today and we'd like to ask you to help them today. They were born in these
conditions. In what does that mean? That means the reality of the world is nothing but war.
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			They know nothing about the beauty of this world. They know nothing about playing. They know nothing
about being peaceful. They know nothing about sleeping without having to fear and hear the bombing
and so on. They know nothing about living you know just a normal life because they always live
between being somewhere there and dungeons and tunnels and and hiding power and the darkness of the
night that becomes the norm for them. And I'm sure many of you have watched
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			These images in this picture in this video is coming from out from Syria, men, women, children that
are in shelters underground for 18 days, 15 days, Paula will lie one of the images broke my heart
because it was just a group of children, just a group of children and they're just paying attention
to the sounds of bombing and shelling. And I was looking at them, I could see that they really did.
It did not even
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			they're not even afraid anymore.
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			It's they got to this level, that it just becomes the norm to them, like whatever is going to happen
is going to happen anyway. So they're just waiting for the moment. And one of them had an as an a
gallon of water does maybe have one inch left of water for them
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			and was holding in his hand. dissuading you know, if they're going to use their nuts Paula, looking
at this situation with the grid Nam and the blessing that Allah subhana wa has put in our hand makes
it a huge amount of ally. It's a mana it's a trust that we have in our hands right now. Our
influence, our knowledge, our political power, our ability to bring awareness to their cause. It's a
huge amount on our hand. I asked him each and every one of you to take responsibility today
ventilator Baraka wadala aku cola was tough for me to welcome what is MC universal through in
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			Al hamdu Lillahi Rabbil alameen wa sallahu wa salam o Barak, Anna Vienna Mohammed, while early
wasabia selama Sleeman kathira some
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			mighty brothers and sisters when it comes to helping those who are in need, and given to those who
are in need, even in our ibaadat in our in our worship, there is a salon called Salatu Hajj I'm not
sure how many of you are aware of it. And the Hadith and Sunnah telemedia the prophets of Allah,
Allah and even imagine the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam Allah, He said men cannot luchador if
anyone has any special need, you need something from Allah Xhosa. He said so Allah Selim, whether
that need is to Allah azza wa jal or you need something from other people. Rasul Allah has Salah
Samson folia tomato that this person make will do. What you saw the rakata and you pray to Raka and
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			then ask Allah Subhana Allah then a special you ask Allah azza wa jal that to US, Europe, fulfill my
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			Nada and the book of sunon but just the fact that we have a better Will you approach Allah subhana
wa Do you need that tells you how much helping other peoples upon a need is amazing. Why? Because
when it comes to helping those who need we know that Allah Subhana Allah is the one who gives a
loved one who protects a loved one who provides Hannah with Allah. But how is this going to happen
as your man? It happens through us people?
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			Those people somewhere are asking Allah Subhana Allah to fulfill their needs.
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			They're making the law as we now present Salatu Juma they're making that Allah Zahra help us Yala.
provide for us, yeah, Allah take care of our needs. How do you think a lot of Hannah's gonna answer
their da through people like me and you?
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			Because they're not going to happen, unless Alaska use us as means to provide that NEMA. And that
blessings as hon hopped over the last run, when he wrote to Abu Musa Shari, and
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			how to deal with the people there. And he asked he told him that Allah subhanho wa Taala has
designated people, Allah designated people for cada Hauer edginess, he selected people to fulfill
the needs of others. They've been selected as a blessing.
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			Why Because Allah the prophet SAW some says woman cannot be the kind of love if you fulfill someone
else's need Allah will take care of your needs for you. And if you alleviate the suffering of other
people, Allah subhana wa tada on the most important day on the day of judgment will help you to
remove some of the hardships you might other people might go through on a day of judgment. This is
the time in Charlotte about a thought Allah to give our support or brothers and sisters didn't show
Eliza gel and I asked you all to stay for a few more minutes after Juma inshallah, to hear about the
situation and so forth inshallah the cause that they will call them for ventilator Baraka, Donna
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			along molybdenum and Phantom, when finally my alum Tina in the cantle alleman Hakeem Allah Martin
fusina taqwa was Jackie anti-romantic Antonio Mola about the law in the law maloca to saloon Allenby
yeah you alladhina amanu sallu alayhi wa sallam Otis Lima Allahumma salli wa sallim wa barik ala
nabina Muhammad Ali was a big marine or de la Mancha. Raja Deena BBQ, mamajuana Valley, Kwanzaa,
Sahaba. Jasmine woman who, sadly oma Dean, welcome, Salam