Yaser Birjas – Fasting On 10Th Of Muharram

Yaser Birjas
AI: Summary ©
The speaker discusses the eighth of Al conferndal, the 10th of Al conferndal, and the importance of fasting on Ashura, the day after the ninth of Al conferndal. The speaker explains that fasting on Ashura means obtaining victory and gaining a place in history, and that major sins require specificles. The speaker also advises parents to encourage their children to fast on Tuesday and to invite neighbors to join the community.
AI: Transcript ©
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So today is the 8th of Al Muharram,

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Today is the 8th of the Muharram. What

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does that mean?

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What is so special about that?

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Tomorrow is 9th. Tomorrow is 9th. Very good.

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So so what does that mean?

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Well, in Hadith,

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Hayd Katad Radiallahu

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Alaihi Wasallam,

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he was asked about the virtue of fasting

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10th of Al Muharram.

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That the day we called Ashura, 3 10th.

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So the prophet was asked about the virtue

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of fasting on Ashura, 10th of Al Muharram.

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Fakal sallallahu sallam, you kept your sun at

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al Madia.

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Fasting that day

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will expedite the sins committed in the previous

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Don't tell me, mashaAllah, your past year was

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Because if you are, you'll be in jinn

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already. You must be an angel, mashaAllah.

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We have our own shortcomings,

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our mistakes, our faults, our errors, our regrets

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at least.

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Things that we'd like to not to see

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on the day of judgment, we want them

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to see we want to see them to

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being wiped out completely from our record.

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And subhanAllah, the fasting of one day, which

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is Ashura, that's gonna be Tuesday, insha'Allah,

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is equivalent to that.

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I haven't seen the prophet

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so eager

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of maintaining the fasting of a special day.

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Besides the month of Ramadan, he says,

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like an Ashraf Muharram. The day he was,

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he would do it salawatulaywassawoon.

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Haydun salbuqarim.

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Also, it was reported the prophet

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in Mecca.

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He saw the people of Mecca,

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observing the fast on that day, and he

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was fasting with them.

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Prophet that's from the legacy of Ibrahim alayhi

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or before that.

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Then when the Prophet sallallahu alaihi wasalam, he

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moved to Medina, when Magat to Medina,

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he also saw the Jewish community fasting that

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And you know that they also follow that,

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the Lord's calendar like we do. So the

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Prophet sallallahu alaihi wa sallam inquired about

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This is the day when Allah

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gave victory and saved Musa from Firaun, from

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the pharaoh.

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And the prophet says, you

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I have more right in Musa than you.

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So he ordered the people to fast today,

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and he himself, salallahu alaihi wa sama, was

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planning to fast that day as well too.

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So he made an obligation. But then he

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If Allah

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give me life until next year,

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I will fast the 9th

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So he would differentiate himself from the fasting

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of the people of the book in Madinah.

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So he said I will fast the 9th

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But then through the year or that during

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that year, Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala revealed the

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obligation of the fasting of the month of

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So when Ramadan became obligatory,

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Allah, subhanahu wa ta'ala, the prophet, he removed

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the obligation

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of fasting the the,

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the 10th of Ashura,

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and he made it,

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or as a recommendation.

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Still, the virtues is there. Meaning, if you

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fast the day of Ashura,

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you will get, inshallah,

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the reward, the experience of a situation of

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the sins of 1 year.

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Now what kind of sins are we talking

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about? What kind of sin are we talking

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about? We talk about the minor sins.

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Major sins require specific tawba.

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Does that also include premeditated

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sins since I still have 2 more days,

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inshallah, tala bismillah?

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Alright? Let me plan a few crimes. And

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then I will say, how fast? Tuesday will

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be fine inshallah. Does that work? Is it

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my like this?

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That's just

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They're ridiculed in faith. They're ridiculed in trying

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to fool Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala.

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You can do this. But we're talking about

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innocent mistakes, faults, and errors that you didn't

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really have an intention. Or maybe sometimes, yeah.

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What intention? I did something wrong, but I'm

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I don't feel I don't feel good about

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what I've done.

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So those are the type of sins that

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fasting that they're like Ashura. Allah

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will expect the sins that protect that they've

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committed. But once again, if there was a

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major sin or sins that is, involving the

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right and the hukuk of other people, then

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you owe it to them before anything else.

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You need to amend those situation with them.

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Ask Allah

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then to forgive you for those mistakes and

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those errors and those sins. So the days,

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inshallah, to the upcoming day, Monday Tuesday. So

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tomorrow is 9th

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and Tuesday is 10th.

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If you can fast both days,

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And don't tell me you cannot do Jema'ah.

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2 days.

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You can

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But if you say, well, tomorrow, I don't

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know, man. Tomorrow, I have exam. I have

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this or whatever that is. Do not miss

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the opportunity of fasting on Tuesday.

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And if you do, I hope that you

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guys, you're all well doing

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Make sure to encourage your family members. Encourage

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your spouse, your children to fast with you,

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and have a beautiful Ramadan like iftar.

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And I'm no. I'm sure that the guys

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are gonna say, okay, alhamdulillah. That means we're

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gonna have all the goodies of Ramadan right

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now. The samusas and then the gulab jam

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and and the biryani and easy as jama'.

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It's not really about feasting after fasting.

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It's about just, you know, worshiping Allah subhanahu

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that day and being grateful for the blessing

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and the niam that we do. So make

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sure to do that. And also if you

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would like to make it insha'Allah

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as a as a family thing, invite your

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neighbors, other people. Remember those maybe in the

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community, their family are traveling maybe or single

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brothers or single even, mothers and so on.

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Invite them over. Join and shout together with

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the with the goodness of that day of

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Ben Nelayah Zozel. Last thing,

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is there any connection or any correlation for

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us when it comes to fasting 10th of

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with the, the murder of Al Hussein

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ibn Ali

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The answer is absolutely not.

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It always happened that the death of Al

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Hussein radhiallahu ta'ala

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happened on that day. Definitely,

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it's a it's a sad

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part and dark spot in our history as

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an ummah,

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unfortunately, that the the grandson of the Prophet

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sallallahu alaihi wa sallam

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being murdered in a political strife that was

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happened in the ummah, in the community.

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But our fasting

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has nothing to do with that. And when

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we fast, we don't fast out of grief

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or out of,

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any aza or anything like that. No. We're

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fasting it because the prophet

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did. He recommend that we do that, and

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there is so much reward in doing it.

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So please do so and keep that in

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your mind.

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