Yaser Birjas – Enduring Life At The End Of Time
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The segment discusses the origins and characteristics of the name sallama, the rise of war, and the loss of knowledge. The speakers emphasize the importance of learning and practicing to improve one's knowledge and success, as well as science and action in achieving success. The importance of history and deacytic knowledge is also emphasized. The segment ends with a brief advertisement for a book.
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الحمد لله رب العالمين صلى الله وسلم مبارك
على نبينا محمد وعلى آله وصحبه وسلم تسليمًا
كثيرًا ثم أمّا بعد Do you guys remember
which chapter we're reading from?
No, we're done with that.
يا جماعة It's been only 10 days.
Oh, no speakers?
Can you guys check the speakers on the
women's side?
So the chapter we're reading from is المبادرة
إلى الخيرات Rushing and hastening to do good
Like you do a lot of good deeds,
You know, give when you can, give when
you're الحمد لله healthy and so on.
So this hadith right now is hadith number
حَلِلْنَا بُنَارِتُونَ رِيَادُ الصَّالِحِينَ مَنْ نَوِيُ رَحِمَهُ اللَّهُ
تَعَالَى قَالَ عَنِ الزُّبَيْرِ بِالْعَدِيِ قَالَ أَتَيْنَا أَنَسَ
بْنِ مَالِكَ أَتَيْنَا أَنَسَ بْنِ مَالِكَ رَضِيَ اللَّهُ
عَنْهُ فَشَكَوْنَا إِلَيْهِمْ مَا نَلْقَى مِنَ الْحَجَّاجِ فَقَالَ
أَصْبِرُوا فَإِنَّهُ لَا يَأْتِي عَلَيْكُمْ زَمَان إِلَّا وَالَّذِي
بَعْدَهُ شَرٌّ مِّنْهُ حَتَّى تَلْقَوْا رَبَّكُمْ يَقُولُ سَمِعْتُهُ
مِنْ نَبِيِّكُمْ عيد الرواه البخاري So in this
hadith, al-Zubayr ibn Adi says we went
to Anas ibn Malik رضي الله عنه وارضاه
the companion and we complained to him of
suffering at the hands of al-Hajjaj So
who was al-Hajjaj?
Al-Hajjaj is ibn Yusuf al-Thaqafi He
is known to be a Mubir as the
Prophet ﷺ described قَالَ صَلَى اللهَ سَمْيَخْرَجْ مِنْ
تَقِيفِ كَذَّابٌ وَمُبِيرٌ The tribe of Taqif will
produce two people One is a liar, an
imposter and one is Mubir which means a
tyrant So the liar or the imposter happened
to be al-Muqtar ibn Ubaid al-Thaqafi
This man, he claimed prophethood at some point
So he claimed to be a messenger or
a prophet until he was done with The
other one is al-Hajjaj ibn Yusuf al
-Thaqafi He is known to be a Mubir
He was a tyrant and his sword was
easy to kill people unfortunately A lot of
innocent people died on his hand However, if
we look fairly on his biography and his
life On his hand as well, Allah subhanahu
wa ta'ala made so much conquest Like
many land was acquired into the Muslim possession
on the hand of this man The Umayyads,
they used him to suppress uprising against their
rule So he was the one who was
sent to Mecca to suppress the uprising of
Abdullah ibn Zubair And as a matter of
fact, unfortunately, he even bombarded Mecca with a
catapult until they were able to break in
and capturing Abdullah ibn Zubair and he was
killed So that's al-Hajjaj So when he
was in Iraq, Iraq was causing a lot
of problem to the Umayyads in Ash-Sham
So he was the man, he said, you
know what, just send them al-Hajjaj Go
send al-Hajjaj And at that time, in
Iraq, so many troubles happened There's a very
famous story about al-Hajjaj When he first
arrived into the city, or the major city
of the Umayyads I'm not sure if it
was Al-Kufa or Al-Basra He went
on the Minbar and he gave his very
famous speech When he stood on the Minbar,
first of all, the people kind of like
laughed at him Because he was a bit
short and chubby He's not the one that
you feel intimidated by So they started laughing
at him And even started looking at each
other Look who the Amir is sending to
you So they're kind of throwing pebbles at
him Like what are you going to say,
what are you going to say When he
opened his mouth, part of what he says,
very famous words he mentioned to them He
goes, you people of Iraq, people of hypocrisy
and troubles I see heads that are ribing
right now And I'm going to be plucking
them one at a time And then he
starts calling people by name Fulan, Fulan, Fulan,
Fulan They took them out and they just
finished them right on the spot And from
there, terror He ruled with terror basically, iron
fist Still though, there were some sahab around
that time Like Abdullah ibn Zubair, Hussain ibn
Ali, Abdullah ibn Umar And even Abdullah ibn
Umar, he prayed behind him He prayed behind
him Following the hadith of the Prophet, sallallahu
alayhi wa sallam You pray behind every righteous
or non-righteous So bringing that story here
Is that Al-Hajjaj caused the people of
Iraq so much trouble They went to Anas
ibn Malik Anas, the companion, radiallahu anhu wa
radha Was among the last of the sahaba
to die Among the last few, if not
even the last three they say Why did
he live so long?
When the Prophet, sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, passed
He was about close to 20 years old
The mother of Anas came to the Prophet,
sallallahu alayhi wa sallam She said, O Messenger
of Allah, Anas is your servant, pray for
him Anas is your servant, could you please
make dua for him So the Prophet, sallallahu
alayhi wa sallam, made a very special dua
for him He said, O Allah, give him
a long life And give him so many
children And to make barakah in his life
So the Prophet, sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, made
that dua for him They say he lived
long until he probably passed 100 And he
buried, during his lifetime He buried 100 of
his offspring Between children and grandchildren probably And
maybe great-grandchildren This is how extensive his
life was, radiallahu anhu wa radha So at
some point, the people of Iraq came Or
the people during that time came to him
They said, start complaining about al-Hajjaj Can
you make dua, can you do something about
this You are Sahabi, they probably will not
respect your word He said to his people,
the people there said, you need to be
patient He said, you need to endure Show
endurance, for no time will come Which will
not be followed by one worse Basically that
every time that comes Is going to be
worse than the one that passed So the
future will be worse than what you're going
through That's what he's saying to them He
said, until you meet your Lord This will
continue until you meet your Lord And then
he says I heard this from your Prophet,
sallallahu alayhi wa sallam How do you understand
this hadith?
That's the time of Anas, 1400 years ago
So what do we say about our time
If he's talking about his time And what's
coming next is going to be worse 1400
years later, today What are we going to
I mean, we say we have Trump, for
example, as the president And what are you
going to think about this right now?
What's going to happen then after this?
So ulama, they have different opinions in regards
to how to define The meaning of every
time that comes next Or generation that comes
next, worse than the one before So some,
they say, the Prophet, sallallahu alayhi wa sallam
Spoke about this in terms of the sahaba,
radiyallahu anhu How so?
Because the Prophet, sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, he
classified That the best generations were the generations
that he lived in And then the generation
after that, and then the one after that
Why is that?
Because most likely they were going farther and
farther away From the time of the sahaba,
radiyallahu anhu, right?
So the generation of the Prophet had a
lot of sahaba The next, they had less
sahaba The next has the young sahaba right
now become the elders And then after that,
no more sahaba So every generation that comes
after, you're going to be worse That's one
meaning The other meaning is in general Which
means, yeah, every generation that comes after Is
going to be worse than the one before
But then some ulama, they say, wait a
minute What about the goodness that happens in
the ummah?
What about the time of Umar ibn Abdulaziz,
radiyallahu anhu He still was in the Umayyad
era And some count him as the fifth
khalifa They say during his time, alhamdulillah Justice
prevailed so much so That no one accepted
zakah anymore Because everyone was satisfied, alhamdulillah Sometime
later, during the time of Banu al-Abbas
During the Abbasids era They found a surrah,
which means like a bag Belonged to the
time of the past, from the Umayyads time
And they opened that surrah They found there
were grains There were grains of wheat And
the size of that grain Was the size
of a date stone You know when you
eat the date and you have the pit?
This is how big was, a wheat grain
It's like massive And there was a note
written with it It says, We used to
have this, we used to grow this During
the time of justice Some refer to the
time of Umar ibn Abdulaziz So okay, then
that's better than the time before So what
does that mean?
They said that means probably in general In
general, life is going to be prevailing Worst
times, worst generations But in between, Allah SWT
gives people hope In between After every few
worst generations A generation comes to give people
hope And then goes back again to being
bad and so on So that's one definition
also of the meaning of the hadith But
the most popular one among the muhaddithin Was
an explanation given by Abdullah ibn Mas'ud
In which he explains the hadith by saying
This refers to the Prophet SAW Words about
the sign of the end of time When
he said, That
Allah SWT is not going to be removing
knowledge From the world, from the people By
taking that knowledge out of their hearts But
He takes that knowledge By taking the knowledgeable
one So
people start looking for somebody to ask And
they go, they ask ignorant ones People, maybe
their knowledge is also coming from AI Probably
right now And it says They lead people
astray And they also, you know, themselves, they
go astray So he says That perhaps that's
what it means Every generation that comes The
quality of knowledge is reduced The quality of
the knowledge is reduced Like, how much knowledge
In terms of written knowledge we have in
our time In comparison to the knowledge they
had before I just came back from Umrah,
Jama'ah I went to the bookstores around
Jama'ah Islamiyah And Madinah, subhanAllah We didn't
have that many bookstores back then But many
of them I entered a few of them
And the amount of books The names of
the authors I'm not even familiar with Whether
they're contemporary books Or discovered manuscripts That were
published again as books Like, the amount of
knowledge is massive It's unbelievable But the quality
of knowledge is going down Back in the
days People, they had only one or two
books That's it But the amount of knowledge
they had Was massive When it comes to
memorizing When it comes to carrying books They
didn't have the luxury of what we have
today Masha'Allah, if you have access to
the internet With a phone in your pocket
You have access to millions of books Not
even thousands Millions of books Just in your
pocket You walk around with that Does that
make you a knowledgeable person?
It doesn't Back then, they didn't have this
much You know, amount of books to carry
around So they had to memorize So they
had to memorize And as a result of
that The attachment to ilm and knowledge Was
stronger and bigger And as we move forward
into the future Masha'Allah Our ilm is
being reduced even more and more Like, I
remember in Madinah University SubhanAllah You go to
attend Some of the mashayikh halaqat In Masjid
al-Nabi salallahu alayhi wa sallam And you
have thousands of students This visit, I went
around there Hearing some mashayikh speak in the
haram I go, I check the halaqat It's
so sad What you see there How many
people sitting there in the halaqat Even our
time today How many people are even willing
to sit down To attend the halaqat for
an hour?
Forget about a whole day For an hour
How many?
Even with the Maghreb Institute, for example Remember
that When we first started More than two
decades ago The classes used to be double
weekends From Friday, Saturday, Sunday And people will
sit and listen And they enjoy it And
wait for the next weekend To start, subhanAllah
Today, if you have one weekend People will
say, can we skip Friday?
And even a full day is too much
For many people, subhanAllah So the quality of
knowledge is reduced So that's why probably he
says The next year it should be worse
And subhanAllah The more technology Because things become
more convenient for people The less and less
the quality will become When it comes to
knowledge Because I don't have to memorize I
don't even have to search anymore You simply
ask AI And that's it Just ask them
Ask that machine And it will give you
the entire research Ready for you just to
read So there is no need for you
To even go to the original scripts And
the books and so on So that's why
According to Abdullah bin Mas'ud It refers
to the quality of knowledge And obviously with
the quality of knowledge reduced And becoming less
and less The society, unfortunately Also becomes worse
and worse So if you would like to
be among those who are few Slowing down,
I would say That bad quality You make
sure to be part of those Who participate
in seeking knowledge Spreading knowledge And do whatever
you can To keep the ummah, inshallah Attached
to the subject of knowledge May Allah subhanahu
wa ta'ala Make us among those who
listen to the speech And for the rest
of it We ask Allah subhanahu wa ta
'ala To give us that knowledge That is
beneficial to us And make us benefit from
what we learn And we ask Allah subhanahu
wa ta'ala To be true for that
knowledge And we practice what we learn For
His sake and only for His sake Any
What do we do?
I mean, look, not everybody Not everybody is
designed to be a scholar, right?
However If you don't want to become a
scholar Then be a student of knowledge If
you cannot be either At least love them
And love what they do And participate in
whichever capacity that you can But The simple
message is Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala's first
word In the revelation was what?
Iqra' Iqra' We don't read anymore That's a
problem We don't read anymore Because if everything
comes packaged for you And even comes in
a 30-second TikTok, you know, real Why
bother, right?
So unfortunately Our ilm has become just Few
moments of information Or seconds of information No
more coherent knowledge, really So it's very important
that we put the effort In learning and
studying And alhamdulillah, I mean Don't get me
wrong, attending halaqat And sometimes, you know Sunday
program, it's nice, it's beautiful There's no doubt
about it But that doesn't build knowledge That
builds information You become informed You become an
educated person But to be a knowledgeable person
A student of knowledge That requires a lot
of effort To sit down and study and
read and write And then put together papers
That's what it means Wallahu anhu Sadaqallah Na
Then the solution was to Be less and
less knowledge So do sabr But then
what happens to the talent True Plus one
hadith How can we use it to address
To a talent is very praiseworthy Na Well
this hadith This hadith does not Necessarily speak
about Approving tyranny It speaks about the quality
of life, what happens to it And they
speak about their time Their time, there were
a lot of sahaba A lot of ulama
And they all agree that this man With
his tyranny, obviously People at that time, for
them, to be patient with him But were
there any people fighting Against him, yeah Like
Saidi bin Jabir He spoke against him, he
was killed Some ulama spoke Others they preferred
the other route But we cannot judge their
time We're not there We live in our
time What can we do to remove tyranny
in our societies For example What are we
going to do right now, living in this
society Doesn't even believe in what you believe
in To begin with So therefore how are
we going to make sure that justice prevails
How can we do that We have to
participate in whichever capacity that we can Their
time is for them to judge We cannot
judge their time True
If you cannot If you cannot make that
change possible Then don't cause that bloodshed So
it's not for me and you to judge
those historical accounts It's their ulama of their
time Wallahu anhu Nah
The bare minimum that you need to seek
knowledge Is the two areas Where your aqeedah
is sound And your practice of your deen
is sound So what you need to learn
is the basic about Believing in Allah subhanahu
wa ta'ala And the basics of faith
And number two, how to make your ibadah
sound Whether it's salah, fasting, zakah And the
basic ibadah That's the bare minimum of everybody
that needs to learn that So we know
that if you're not going to make If
you're going to make salah, that requires you
to learn about The basics of tahara as
well too So each one of them has
its own Connected knowledge inshallah wa ta'ala
This is the bare minimum Anything beyond that,
that's seeking knowledge right now That's different Wallahu
anhu It's
not just ikhlas Let's be more real Ikhlas,
there's no doubt, it's at the core of
everything But what made their ilm and knowledge
Quality, much more than that Like Abdullah bin
Abbas was asked How did you acquire all
this knowledge masha'allah He goes Inquisitive tongue
And comprehensive heart What does that mean, he
says I always ask I'm curious, I want
to know more There's always depth Into every
issue I ask So he always asks, always
asks He wants to learn more Number two,
what he learns It stays It's not like
many of us attend a halaq or a
program And all what you learn from it
is what That was awesome That's it, I
felt so great But in terms of How
does that translate into action How does that
translate into So what's the next level right
now for me on this matter How can
I now improve And add more That's when
you start seeking knowledge So yeah, they had
a few books back then But they were
able to Memorize, study Implement, and put into
action And dive more into it, obviously But
one thing For them back then, because they
didn't have What we have in terms of
the ability to save these books Alhamdulillah, on
shelves Or even put them in your pocket
So they had to memorize many of these
books So memorization was a Skill back then
Yeah So
that How can we combine Reconcile between this
hadith and the hadith of Mujadid Like we
said, some of the ulema They mentioned the
hadith that it's evil But every now and
then Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala Brings hope,
right So Mujadid could be one of those
moments of hope Mujadid means someone who renews
the ummah's Faith and ummah's practice Of the
deen, and the Prophet Mentioned that happens almost
every hundred years So perhaps as things Decline,
and everybody Starts saying, you know what, we're
doomed And then Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala
brings hope to the ummah Through some of
these ulema Some of these, mashallah, du'at
and so on Alhamdulillah, I think even In
my lifetime, I noticed that I mean, we
I grew up in a time you call
sahwa The revival, the awakening And it was,
mashallah, going at its height And then it
reached its pinnacle And then it dropped And
then, mashallah, it revived again And unfortunately, right
now, we see it's dropping Again, but once
it starts dropping Alhamdulillah, a positive A student
of knowledge will look Into it by saying,
okay, so when is the next Rise going
to happen?
I want to be part of this So
you put your effort in rising This, inshallah,
ilm up, inshallah azza wa jalla Wallahu a
'lam So
if we're Going to talk about What is
the priority in seeking knowledge right now There
is no doubt, the Quran The word of
Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala Has no parallel
to it So you need to study the
Quran But when you study the Quran right
now It requires a new word, studying the
Arabic language Studying Arabic literature sometimes Tafsir, many
other Aspects of ilm related to the Quran
But then, on top of all of this
Okay, that knowledge results in what?
Practice, it comes in the form of what?
The aqeedah practice, the fiqh practice The da
'wah practice, so it's so much Evolved around
the Subject of the Quran Alhamdulillah rabbil alameen
In the past, when the ulama, they kept
saying al-Quran al-Quran Because that was
the Focal point of their ilm And now
it's expanding So yeah, read the Quran, memorize
the Quran Study the Quran People have different
capacities Not everybody is capable to memorize the
Quran But you know what, some people Subhanallah,
Allah gave them ability to understand Better than
so many Huffad So in whichever capacity you
connect with the Quran That's great, inshallah It's
better to understand Of course, we don't say
that You don't understand, but again, we have
different capacities And people don't have the same
Wavelength like everybody else And the ulama, they
say, look, when they were asked How much
time should I spend On a specific discipline
He says, look, as much as you can
So that you don't Abandon one discipline For
the sake of one, like somebody Wants to
understand the Quran So they want to study
the Arabic language, right So they go, they
delve into the Arabic language So much, and
they get so much time Spending time on
it, that they don't even have time To
read the Quran anymore So you be careful
to balance it, right Wallaha, last question So
what's the relationship Between this hadith and the
title of the chapter To rush into doing
good deeds When Anas, he told them, qal
badiru Means, he says, endure Which means, you
have to make sure That as the time
Starts getting worse and worse You need to
rush into doing good deeds And stay in
doing good deeds Like when things decline Be
among the few Who always focus on doing
that which is right And mubadirul khairat Even
in bad times, even in times When they
become difficult Do not abandon doing good deeds
And focus on doing good deeds Wallaha, that's
what he means by that Being patient Part
of doing good deeds At least for them
in that time Wallaha