Yaser Birjas – Do Not Get Angry

Yaser Birjas
AI: Summary ©
The importance of not getting angry in the context of advice given by the prophet sallali Alaihi wa Sallam is discussed. The speaker emphasizes that anger is a choice made by the individual and can lead to behavior and behavior patterns. The advice should be used for individuals, not for everyone, and should be used as a har laundry act. The speaker advises the audience to let go of anger and control oneself, and to be angry as a natural reaction to certain triggers and events and act angrily as a behavior.
AI: Transcript ©
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Hadith tonight is a very short hadith,

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very powerful in its meaning,

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and we need it a lot these days.

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Hadeah number

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48. In the other side, in the book

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of the chapter of patience.

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A man came to the prophet sallallahu alaihi

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wa sallam and he asked him for an

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He said, you Rasool Allah, give me an

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So what did the prophet choose to give

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him? Out of all

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the the advices you can give, out of

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all the statements, all

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the the, I could say,

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the most important valuable thing you can give

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anybody. He said to him,

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He said, don't get angry.

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And the man asked again,

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give me advice.

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The prophet says don't get angry.

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And the man asked again,

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advise, please.

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He goes, don't

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get angry. No matter how many times the

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man asked the prophet, sallallahu alaihi wa sallam,

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again, the prophet kept telling him what?

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Do not get angry.

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What does that mean Ajamal?

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I mean, here the prophet, sallallahu alaihi wasallam,

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is telling the man don't get angry. Right?

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But the man, he felt that that was

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very short. Imagine

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you have someone that you admire so much,

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and you come to them for advice. What

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do you expect they're gonna give you?

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A manifesto, masha'Allah.

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Don't do this, do this, don't do this,

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do this. Like, you give them a long,

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long advice. You cherish, and you see, alhamdulillah,

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I get so much value from my visit

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to this measure of this sheikh. So you

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expect something big. This man is the same

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thing. He came to the prophet, he said,

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can I have an advice from you?

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Like he has seen probably many people asking

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for the prophet, for special advice. So now

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he's coming to him. He said, give me

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an advice. And the prophet said, don't get

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And the man is probably waiting and just

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advice, please.

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Can I have something else? Like, can you

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make it longer? And the prophet said, don't

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get angry.

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Again, the man just like,

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oh, okay. I got that one. And

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the prophet said, don't get angry.

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Probably by now the man is getting angry.

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Because he wants something different. And the prophet

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keeps saying, don't get angry, don't get angry,

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don't get angry.

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What does that mean to us, Ajamal, when

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the prophet starts insisting and saying, do not

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get angry? What does that mean?

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What do you understand from this Ajamal?

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Don't get angry.

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It's one of the most valuable advice that

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someone can give you today. Why is that?

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How many people lost their marriages because of

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their anger?

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They broke their family and their kids because

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of their anger.

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They lost privileges at work because of their

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They lost these because of their anger.

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They lost their lives because of their anger,

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and maybe hurt somebody else because of their

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anger. Can you imagine the dangers?

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The dangers are just associated with just being

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How many people come and they say, well,

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you know, I got angry and I said

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this, I got angry, did that.

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We need to differentiate between 2 things. Because

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when it comes to being angry, we have

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to understand

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being angry is natural thing. It's an instinct.

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which means

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if someone provokes you or if you see

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something that really is upsetting,

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like what happened to the people of Gaza

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make it easier for them.

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If you see something like this and you

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don't get angry, there is something wrong with

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There's really something wrong with you. You see

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the bloodshed. You see the genocide. You see

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all this,

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the behavior of these

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all that stuff. And you don't get angry,

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there's something wrong with you.

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So why the prophet said I'm telling this

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man don't get angry?

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Well, he's there are 2 different things over

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Number 1, being angry as an emotion,

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that's natural.

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But acting angrily as a behavior, that's a

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choice you make, a decision you take. And

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you're gonna be held accountable for what you

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say and what you do, not what you

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Where do we learn that from? Because even

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the man who's telling this man,

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don't get angry, sallallahu alaihi wa sallam, he

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himself got angry.

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The Umani al hadith describing the prophet being

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angry. His first ten read and the prophet

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salallahu alaihi wa sallam, he would be actually

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very upset. You can tell in his face

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that he's getting angry salallahu alaihi wa sallam.

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So there's many hadith.

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So he gets angry himself salallahu alaihi wa

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sallam. But find me one hadith.

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Find me one hadith where he misspoke,

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where he said something bad. We did something

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bad because he was angry.

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You won't see that.

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Ibn Aisha, they

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reported the prophet, salallahu alayhi

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wa sallam,

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The prophet never got upset for something personal.

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Allah and taka ma haramullah.

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Unless the limits of Allah, subhanahu wa ta'ala,

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have been violated.

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Like his anger is legit.

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He gets angry because

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something is wrong is happening and he cannot

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stand just sat standing there without, you know,

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being angry about it, salallahu alayhi wa sallam.

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But when he when he gets angry,

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he waits to cool down

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and then he takes the action.

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And then he says what he wanted to

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say. So, yeah,

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you have to differentiate between being angry as

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a natural reaction to certain triggers and events

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that happens around you and as a natural

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reaction to certain triggers and events that happens

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around you and acting angrily as a behavior.

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2 separate things,

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2 different things.

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You need to make sure that you understand

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this harit from that perspective. When the prophet

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said to him, don't get angry, don't get

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angry, don't get angry.

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That's basically that's what it means. Now

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why did the prophet

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insist on repeating this advice for this particular

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man? Because we have seen the prophet being

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asked different times by other sahaba, and he

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would give them something different.

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Why? How come he's insistent telling this man?

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So some of the Ulema they say, perhaps

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it's an inspiration from Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala

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to the prophet sallallahu alaihi wa sallam. That

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this man is always angry. That's his biggest

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problem. So advise him not to be angry.

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That's why. That's one interpretation.

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The other interpretation, the prophet himself, he had

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Rasam, he had insight,

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He could see and he could interpret people.

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He'd read people

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perhaps when this man came asking him,

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this man, he had the sign of God

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already on him. Like, you can tell. He's

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upset. He's angry. He wanted to do something.

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And the prophet he read that on him,

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and he realized, okay. This man has asked

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for advice because probably he's gonna go kill

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somebody right now.

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So the prophet

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said, calm down. Don't get angry.

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Okay. I get it also. Give me something

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else. Like, he wants some he want an

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advice that would make him maybe cool down

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And the prophet kept insisting, saying to him,

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don't get angry. Don't don't look angry. So

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the erelema they say that the prophet sallallahu

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alaihi wa sallam, he had Joab al Hakim

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usually, which is a wise answer. How so?

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He knows what people really need.

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He doesn't just give them what they want.

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He gives them what they need. So this

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man, maybe he wanted an advice like, you

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know, if you make wudu, pray to rak'ah,

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that would become nice for you. Maybe that's

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what he wanted to hear from the prophet,

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sallallahu alaihi wa sallam. But instead, the prophet,

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sallallahu alaihi wa sallam, gave him what he

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And what he needed in this moment is

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to understand you shouldn't get angry.

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Control yourself.

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So you need to separate between being angry

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as an emotion

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and how you act how you react to

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that. It's an energy.

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You can choose to channel this energy in

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a positive way. That'll be constructive and productive

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in your life and the life of other

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people around you.

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Or you could just let it go and

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release it

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and becomes a, an unfortunate animalistic

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behavior that leads to destruction of yourself

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and the people around you. So choose for

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yourself. If the prophet said,

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then it's a very important advice. Now does

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that apply to all of us

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or just for this manager? What do you

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guys think?

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All of us. He might say just for

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him. Right?

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For me, that's different. Right? All of us.

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All of us. We all get angry one

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way or another.

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Some of us, their anger

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is shoots to the stars.

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Others, you know, a little bit. But no

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matter what the prophet says, do not get

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May Allah give us that peace and tranquility

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in our hearts and our lives.

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Any questions,

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