Yaser Birjas – Being Proactive With Mujahadah

Yaser Birjas
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AI: Summary ©

The speakers discuss the importance of strong and confident oneself in life, finding opportunities to benefit others, creating a positive environment, and finding opportunities where one can benefit others without hoping for something. They stress the need for individuals to find opportunities where one can benefit others and pursue their interests, finding benefits such as labor, social media, camera, camera, internet, camera, camera, the camera, the camera, the camera, the camera, the camera, the camera, the camera, the camera, the camera, the camera, the camera, the camera, the camera, the camera, the camera, the camera, the camera, the camera, the camera, the camera, the camera, the camera, the camera, the camera, the camera, the camera, the camera, the camera, the camera, the camera, the camera, the camera, the camera, the camera, the camera, the camera, the camera, the camera, the camera, the camera, the camera, the camera

AI: Summary ©

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			The Prophet's Sermon on the Day of Judgment
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			The Prophet's Sermon on the Day of Judgment
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			Almost every statement by itself is a lesson.
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			So what is the Prophet salallahu alayhi wa
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			sallam telling us here and how is this
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			related to the subject of al-Mujahidah, struggling
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			and striving for the sake of Allah subhanahu
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			wa ta'ala, for an effort for the
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			sake of Allah azawajal.
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			So the hadith begins by the Prophet salallahu
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			alayhi wa sallam saying, Al-mu'min al-qawiyy
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			A strong believer, the Prophet salallahu alayhi wa
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			sallam is saying, A strong believer is better
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			and dearer to Allah than a weak believer.
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			And then he said, qal, and all are
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			good things still.
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			So here what he says, strong believer, weak
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			What are we talking about over here, jama
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			What kind of strength are we talking about
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			over here?
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			Physical, the muscles, right?
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			Is it the muscles?
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			Actually, all what you're trying to think about.
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			Overall, a strong believer is better.
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			However, most of the mufassir al-muhaddithin, when
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			they make the comment in the hadith, they
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			refer to strength in iman, more than the
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			strength in the physical power.
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			Otherwise, mashallah, nowadays, jama'at, I go sometimes,
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			well, I stopped doing that for a long
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			time, but when you go to the gym,
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			you see tons of brothers, tafarakallah, competing with
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			the machines even, right?
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			But then you don't see them at fajr
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			I was like, what's the point of these
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			muscles if they can't pull you out of
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			your bed, jama'at?
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			What's the point of going to the gym
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			if they cannot pull you out of your
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			bed to go and pray fajr on time?
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			Or pray isha?
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			Oh, it's too late, or this and that.
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			What's the point of all that physical strength
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			that you're building if it's not going to
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			be for the sake of Allah subhanahu wa
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			It's going to be disastrous.
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			So the hadith, when the Prophet says, al
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			-mu'min al-qawiyy, khayr wa ahabbil Allah mi'mun
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			The strong believer is dearer to Allah subhanahu
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			wa ta'ala than a weak one.
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			Although they all share what?
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			The same base, which is being believer.
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			Being believers.
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			What's the difference, jama'at?
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			Because a strong believer would do what?
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			We'll use that strength in iman, in being
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			We're going to be very energetic, so dynamic
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			that they're willing to do so many things,
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			so many things, for the sake of Allah
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			subhanahu wa ta'ala.
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			You'll find this person willing to go out
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			in the streets and give da'wah.
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			What about the people who are going to
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			curse at you or throw things at you?
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			I don't care.
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			I'm doing it for the sake of Allah
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			subhanahu wa ta'ala.
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			You'll find this person going out there and
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			lecture people, going there to help the poor,
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			or doing this or doing that, standing, you
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			know, for justice, and go and rally for
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			Dr. Hafez Siddiqi this Saturday, insha'Allah ta
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			All these things, right?
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			So, that's a strong believer.
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			A weak believer would have tons of excuses
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			not to do any of these things.
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			Tons of excuses.
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			Yeah, they believe it's good cause.
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			You know, I don't speak good English.
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			You know, I don't know the culture very
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			You know, tons of excuses not to do
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			the right thing.
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			Although they have the iman in their hearts.
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			May Allah bless them.
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			So, people need to understand, al-mu'min al
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			-qawiyy, in their faith, will probably have much
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			more drive to do things al-mu'min al
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			-da'if would not be able to do
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			And then he says, qal, sallallahu alayhi wa
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			sallam, guhris ala mayanfa'uk.
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			And that's where the mujahidah comes in over
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			Always beseech that which is beneficial to you.
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			Beneficial in what?
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			In the dunya and in the akhirah.
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			Umar ibn al-Khattab radiallahu ta'ala anhu
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			wa rida, he says, qal, the most distressing
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			thing for him, he says, is to see
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			a young person not busy in doing anything
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			beneficial to them in the dunya or in
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			the akhirah.
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			And nowadays we have so many of them,
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			What are they doing?
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			Grabbing their phones, on their iPads, recreational time,
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			you know, most of the evenings because they're
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			tired during the day.
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			A lot of things that will be just,
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			a lot of time goes wasted in Allah's
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			And here he says, qal, ihris ala mayanfa
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			Look for opportunities.
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			Don't wait for the opportunity to come.
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			Rather, what do you do?
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			You look for opportunities.
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			I have free time.
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			What do you do with it?
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			Look for opportunities where you can benefit for
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			other people at that time, mashallah.
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			I have a skill in IT, for example,
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			or in this field or that field.
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			You know what?
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			I like to do that.
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			Alhamdulillah, I'm good with labor.
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			I'm a handyman.
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			I can help with many things with my
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			Look for opportunities where you can benefit.
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			I'm good with the internet, with social media.
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			I'm good with the camera.
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			I'm good with this.
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			I'm good with that.
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			Look for opportunities to benefit, mashallah ta'ala,
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			in the dunya to benefit yourself and also
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			for the akhirah as well too.
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			Qal, wasta'an billah.
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			And then seek Allah's help.
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			Seek Allah's help in these matters.
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			Wa la ta'ajz.
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			La ta'ajz.
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			Don't claim ajz.
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			What does ajz mean, ajma'ah?
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			Ajz means to feel incapable.
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			Incapable of doing anything.
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			Not laziness.
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			So laziness usually is kind of like by
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			Ajz is by circumstances.
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			So don't say, well, I just kind of
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			like lose hope because I don't have anything
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			I can offer.
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			No, no, no.
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			Wa la ta'ajz.
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			Sharpen your skill.
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			Learn something new.
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			Do something good, inshallah ta'ala.
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			Wa la ta'ajz.
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			Wain asabaka shay.
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			And if something happens to you, and if
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			you miss something, you've had taken this, basically
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			it says, if something happens to you, wa
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			la ta'ajz.
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			Like if you miss something.
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			So man, I wish I've done so and
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			I wish I did this.
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			I wish I did that.
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			Don't wait for these opportunities, or these moments
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			to happen to you.
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			Like how many times you sat there, you
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			always had this idea, or create this business.
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			And then lo and behold, you see somebody
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			open that business in the community.
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			It's like, what?
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			I wish I spoke with someone about this.
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			How many times you wanted to do something
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			online, and then suddenly someone else catches that
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			Or even attending a program, or a class,
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			or meeting a shaykh, or tablet or conference.
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			Whatever that is.
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			From the matters of the dunya and the
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			And then you miss the opportunity, because you
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			felt lazy, you felt weak, you felt scared,
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			And you missed that.
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			Then you say, oh I wish I've done
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			this, I wish I've done that, I wish
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			I've done this.
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			If you're going to say anything, say that's
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			Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala, He determined something.
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			And Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala, that was
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			Allah's will.
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			It wasn't meant to be, for me, for
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			But don't you ever say that, unless you
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			put the effort first.
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			Because if you keep saying the word, if,
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			I wish, or if, it opens the door
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			of the shaytan.
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			Which means the shaytan is going to be
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			very clever, to test you with that, and
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			keep pushing you, and telling you, you see,
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			you see.
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			And keep telling you that you're a failure.
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			You should have done that.
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			You envy this person, because they took the
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			idea from you.
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			Don't let the shaytan get there.
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			Khalas, that's Allah's qadr.
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			Let me see what else I can do.
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			Move to the next phase, inshallah wa ta
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			So again, what we understand from this hadith,
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			is that for a true believer, has no
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			room for breaks in this dunya.
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			You're a constant state of mujahada.
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			Constantly doing mujahada in this life.
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			From one activity to the other, from one
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			activity to the other.
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			Alhamdulillah, you finished Salatul Isha right now.
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			You sat for those few minutes in mujahada
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			to leave quickly, to attend this khatira.
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			Once we're done, your nafs is now pushing
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			you to go out, to do this, to
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			do that.
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			No, let me go review my Quran.
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			Let me go home and be with my
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			family, inshallah.
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			I haven't actually spent time with my family.
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			Let me do this.
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			You're in a constant state of mujahada.
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			Make sure to keep that in mind, inshallah
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			wa ta'ala.
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			May Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala strengthen our
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			iman, Ya Rabb al-alameen.
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			And make us some of those who always
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			look for that which is beneficial for them
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			in the dunya and in the akhira.
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			We ask Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala to
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			give us the ability to accomplish and achieve
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			the good deeds, Ya Rabb al-alameen.
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			We ask Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala to
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			make us some of those who listen to
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			the speech and for the best of it,
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			Ya Rabb al-alameen.
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			Wallahu alaikum.
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			Any questions, jama'at?
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			So the hadith says, The strong believer is
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			better and dearer to Allah than the weak
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			But they're both good.
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			Good in the base.
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			They're still believers.
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			They believe in Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala.
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			They have maybe sincerity, good intentions.
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			But the one who's strong is better because
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			this person can accomplish a lot because of
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			the strength of their iman.
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			The weak one will keep it to themselves.
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			So they're good for themselves.
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			The other one is good for other people.
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			That's what it means.
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			Wallahu alaikum.
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			Subhanakallah wa bihamdik.
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			Ashra lan as-sabiraka wa tubarak.
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			Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh.