Yaser Birjas – Being Patient In The Face Of Terminal Illness

Yaser Birjas
AI: Summary © The use of affirmations in the Quran is important to protect individuals from illness and avoid confusion. They can also be given to anyone, including women from the people of Jannah and Al Jannah. A woman from the same group is mentioned as an " Insha" satisfaction by the Prophet, and she advises people to be patient and make the necessary changes to be successful in life. People are also discussed who have terminal conditions and were able to get cured.
AI: Transcript ©
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May Allah

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protect you any kind of illness

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and keep your family safe all the time.

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But what if somebody was tested with a

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an illness?

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It could be terminal.

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It could be something permanent, something that is

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not gonna go anywhere anytime soon.

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Are you allowed to,

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ask Allah's panel to remove this?

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Like it's terminal.

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Are you allowed to re ask Allah to

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remove it? When it's not when you know

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that most likely,

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usually doesn't happen. It doesn't go away. Alright?

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So what's the ruling on these things?

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Here's hadith

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used to be the the mufti of Mecca

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back in the days, and he was a

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student of Ben Abbas, because Ben Abbas lived

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in Mecca for a while.

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So he learned from him a lot.

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He said one day I was with the

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Mecca near the near the Kaaba.

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So he asked him.

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He said,

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asked me. He said to him,

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whether he would like to see

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if he he should, show him a woman

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who is from the people of Jannah.

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Like he said, shall I show someone from

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the from the people of Jannah, a woman

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from the people of Jannah?

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I mean, first of all, Ajamal,

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does anyone can anyone guarantee Jannah to anybody?

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Yeah, Ajamal.

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Can you guarantee Jenna to anybody? No. So

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how come Ban Abbasi just like

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that woman from the people of the Jenna?

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How did he know that? So the they

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guaranteeing Jannah or speaking about some of the

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affirmation of Jannah for anybody

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comes in, in one of 2, ways.

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So there is the general affirmation of Jannah,

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and there's the exclusive.

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The general affirmation of Jannah is what Allah

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mentioned in the Quran.

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So when Allah said, the believers, they will

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be the people of Jannah. Al Muttaqeen, they're

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from the people of Jannah. Ashuaddah from the

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people of Al Jannah. So usually we say,

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yeah, in general. But we can't identify

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anyone in particular to be muttaqien, to be

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shahid, to be this, because God knows who

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the who the truthful person.

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So generally speaking, we say, may Allah make

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us from the muttaqien, make us from the

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people of Al Jannah. That's what we say.

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But to be to say specifically about somebody

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from the people of Al Jannah, those are

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the ones that have been identified by the

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Quran or the son

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of the Prophet So who are the people

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in the Quran that Allah identified as the

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people of Al Jannah? Like who?

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The wife of the frown.

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Then Allah says, Anur Allah sets an example

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of the people of Al Jannah, and he

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mentioned the wife of the frown. And Miriam.

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So they were mentioned by name.

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From the seer of the Prophet, sallallahu alaihi

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wa sallam, he said what?

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He said, sallallahu alaihi wa sallam says,

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Abu Bakr, Omar, Ali, Uthman, and he mentioned

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He fought him as well too. Khadija

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So by name. So if anyone was mentioned

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by name, we are allowed to say he

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is or she from the people of Jannah.

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So now that the prophet

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is no longer with us, can we specifically

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say this person from the people of Jannah,

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no matter how righteous this person is, at

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least in our eyes, the answer is

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no, because we can't. But we say what?

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Like we hope for them insha'Allah

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to be from the people of Jannah. But

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here, ibn Abbasi says, shall I show you

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someone, a lady who will be from the

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people of Jannah?

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And Apa is just like, she's intrigued

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now because if she's from the people of

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Al Jannah, I wanna know why.

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And if I could know why, what does

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that mean?

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Hey, I can do this.

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I would like to be like that.

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So do you guys wanna know who that

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woman is? She can see you can be

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from the people with gender.

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Do I hear yes? Yes. Yes. Why are

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you quiet?

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He's just like, first of all, let's see

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the bargain. What exactly she's offering?

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And then we can say, alright.

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May Allah protect us all

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of course, I

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That African woman over there, she said, and

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she was holding, but somebody said in the

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narration, she was holding to that,

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Al Kaaba.

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And somebody said she was just resting her

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back towards the Kaaba, which was something common

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then, back then, where the population wasn't as

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big as today. So people would do that.

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She said,

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that they do over there,

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which is basically what he's saying, what he's

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is that like people might not give her

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any special attention.

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No special regard. No one's paying attention to

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She's not that popular,

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so you don't see people around her. Oh,

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you're from the Puru Guljina. No one knows

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anything about her.

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But if Anghaz did

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and recognized who she was. It was that

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woman. And he mentioned her story.

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She came to the prophet

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one day.

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You Rasoolullah I suffer from epilepsy.

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I can get seizures frequently.

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when this happens to me, unfortunately, I get

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Like, I get exposed. My clothes, this, that.

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So it's in public. It doesn't add it

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happens anytime, anywhere.

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make dua for me.

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What was her request exactly? That that Allah

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subhanahu wa ta'ala cure her?

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That Allah just cure her from that.

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Because I have 2 things for you. You

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If you wish,

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be patient,

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I'll agree the agenda for you.

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Or if you wish, I can make dua

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for this to go away.

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Like I said, be patient, I'll I'll guarantee

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Jannah for you.

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I'll make dua and you'll be cured.

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What do you think she chose Ajima?

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She said, you know,

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I'd rather Jannah.

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If you can guarantee Jannah for me, I'll

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take it. I'll be patient with

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it. However, she asked,

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If you could just make dua that I

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don't get exposed.

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So the prophet made dua that if she

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gets that seizure, that she wouldn't be exposed.

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So what do we learn from this Ajima?

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This lady,

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she had a condition,

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and that condition

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sound at that time, of course, obviously is

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terminal. It's gonna all be with her forever.

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So she felt awkward. She's always in those

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and it's not pleasant.

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So she asked prophet sallallahu alaihi wasallam to

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help her with that. She could be cured,

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so she can be like as normal as

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everybody else.

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And the prophet told look, if you make

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dua for you, I can take this away

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from you. Or you'll be patient to give

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Al Jannah. So look how much she loved

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Al Jannah, that she was willing to endure

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the hardships of such an illness

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for the sake of Allah

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This is how much Sahaba

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they valued Jannah.

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They were able and they were actually willing

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to endure an illness that they got an

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opportunity to be cured from.

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She got a golden opportunity that moment to

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be cured,

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but she preferred what? Jannah.

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that does that mean that if some Allahuqaddar

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Allah were diagnosed,

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may Allah protect us of cancer for example

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or blood pressure, or heart something, or kidney

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failure, or this and that. Doesn't mean that,

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you know what, I'm not gonna ask Allah

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to help me. I gotta just gonna make

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dua, Allah to help give me patience so

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I can go through this and get into

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a jannah. Is that okay to do that?

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The answer is no.

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Ask Allah Subhanahu to cure you and be

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patient, endure while you go through the process.

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Because we don't know if Allah is going

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to answer your call to cure you, but

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He will answer your call for your dua

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to get you something better, inshallah, tabarakatuh wa

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So again, that doesn't mean I can't ask

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Allah to help me to, you know, to

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be cured.

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But even if you ask Allah to cure

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don't you ever think that you bargain with

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Allah and the answer is gonna be guaranteed

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in that fashion.

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The answer is guaranteed for sure, but not

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necessarily in the way that you ask for.

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But Allah answers your call whether by

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doing what you ask for, give you something

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better, removing something more harmful, or even at

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least at least at least He, Subhanahu wa

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ta'ala, will keep the reward for you. So

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you get for Aqir, inshallah, tawbarahu wa ta'ala.

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But be confident that Allah

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will reward you inshallah and will answer your

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call. May Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala

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protect us from any of these conditions You

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Rabbi Alamin and keep us all safe. Any

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