Yahya Rhodus – The Spheres of Islam, Iman, Ihsan & Irfan #6a
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Smilla Rahmanir Rahim Al hamdu lillah wa salatu salam ala
Rasulillah. By the end he was talking b He woman wa ala Nabina
to Allah moto name whenever we need to get to the goodwill tiff
Kia Califa data. varisty federate has an atomistic geeky tabula
Sinatra solo he Salalah it certainly won't do eyelid Hooda
what the lead up to what you like to add a multi record with a bobby
subhanho wa Taala animal alongside the honey Atlas or Allah and yet
you're either the man or woman I'm meaning that zine in McLean,
Virginia clean, green warriors Oakland Academy, whatever it
received no more setting.
So we left off in this great treaties of heavy abdomen, but a
little bit of looking
at his words, someone who performs a good deed without experiencing
an increase in his religion or uncertainty should know that this
is due to a deficiency in his D, his lack of effort, or lack of
sincerity and lack of truthfulness, in his intention.
And a question was posed towards the end of how we can understand
this. Because sometimes we hear it stated as well, that you might be
progressing and not actually realize you're progressing. So if
that's the case, and how do we understand the words of having
them adopted a bit foggy, and again, we still need to put
thought into into discuss it. But one criterion would be that the
word he used here was Dean, his religion. And that you could say
here, that if someone looks at their own self, and sees how they
relate to staying within the boundaries, that loss of habitat
is placed, so specifically, the halal and haram
if someone finds that, as they progress in their Deen, that they
that have less observance of those limits, this would definitely be a
criteria or criterion.
That would be in the negative even if someone's performing good deeds
that they didn't find themselves becoming more and more distant
from what a lot to add I had prohibited
that it very well could be that someone's progressing what they
don't realize it. But here is that an increase in the religion will
mean is that an increase in application of the sacred law?
I've seen in Muhammad Sallallahu others, have you seen them?
No, that is important to note here that we do have ups and downs, we
had to have times where we have more or less energy, we have times
where that we have more that vigor to pray. And sometimes we don't
feel that as much energy to do so.
This is probably not what he's referring to hear. These are some
of the normal ups and downs of the human experience, we all have ups
and downs, we have times we have more or less energy, and so forth
and so on.
But really, the secret lies one of the great criterion that helps us
to really understand this in in all of our discussions of culture,
is that we always have to consider in the beginning, the middle and
the end, the Sharia of our Prophet sallallahu sallam. And ultimately,
the more barriers that we set up between us, you know, that is
displeasing to Allah, the highest degree of Taqwa we would have and
the more pleasing that our state will be to Allah subhanho wa
taala. So this is very important that we always consider this
dimension of Sharia. And yes, of course, there is difference of
opinion on many matters in the sacred law. But what is important
is that we want to get closer and closer to that performing what is
agreed upon as an obligation and being distant from what is agreed
upon, is that something that is impermissible and then move it up
in degrees after that, trying to read the mcru Slowly, that which
is offensive from our lives, and then making sure that we that do
what is permissible with a righteous intention. And again,
this is very important because sometimes is that the whisperings
of shaytaan that seep in very gradually and very slowly. And so
we don't get diverted all at once. It's just
a small little diversions then that a week later a month later, a
year later, sometime later, that we find that we are away away from
the mark. And so, this is one of the one of the criterion and that
more could also be mentioned about that. So he says here, that if we
find here is that lamb aged litter that he experiences or he doesn't
find zyada increase in his deen
What are strength in his certainty? And there are that
direct repercussions of having certainty is it someone who has
certainty is going to worry less about their sustenance, someone
who was certainty is going to necessarily rely upon Allah
subhanaw taala more, someone who has certainty is going to readily
submit to the Divine Decree, especially if it is better. So
there are a number of signs that our certainty is increased. And
his whole point here is that
if we don't find this, and the same thing would apply, though,
even that, if possible, you are increasing, but you don't realize
you are the default state. And the better state to be in is to
question yourself, and to remain introspective. Because the three
things that he's going to mention here are all things that we can
work on to solve. And even if we are in a state of increase, is it
we're still going to, it's still going to help us to focus on these
things, ie the things that he says here, that it's a sign that
there's some type of deficiency, and what it is that we're doing.
And so he says here, that if you don't find this increase in your
dean out, or you don't experience this, increase in certainty, know
that this is due to a deficiency in his deed, something has gone
wrong, maybe we're not understanding it correctly, maybe
we're putting something in it's wrong place. Maybe there's
something that we've neglected, there's some type of knocks. In so
then we should think about, hmm, what's going on. And we think
about prayer, I'm not praying the way that I should, what's wrong.
And you start to think about it, have I studied the rules of the
prayer properly, that do have I memorized implications in the
prayer, or in the way that they should be memorized? Do I know the
meanings so that I can think about them, and so forth, and so on, we
should think. And we should go through our lives systematically,
especially the most important things, and to really, that tried
to do whatever it is that we're doing better.
So we do this for business, we do this when we work for that
organizations, is that we're always trying to better the
product that is that we are delivering whatever it is that we
are selling, is it think about the amount of money that goes into
research in this country, that much of that relates to that, like
being able to put a better product on the market. So why don't we
spend time and invest time that thinking about these most
important, the most important things about our spiritual life,
things like prayer, things like fasting things like study, and so
forth, and so on, and put in time to really take stock and to think
about ways that we can perform our prayer better. Maybe when we
really think about it that we find, oh,
I usually just pray right away, and I don't take time to really
focus right before I pray. It could be as something as simple as
they're doing. Like the tests we had that we do here, which is
taken directly from a hadith incidentally, that scene Subhan
Allah 10 times, let alone 10 times in that order Alhamdulillah 10
times Allahu Akbar 10 times, and then a stavola 10 times. And then
we say, based upon another Hadith it of course, you before and after
the prayer, and the only thing preventing us from entering the
Paradise is death.
And something little like that, that yet takes a little bit more
time. And maybe we're already rushed in our daily grind. But
maybe that's what it is, that helps us something small like
And so forth, and so on. So, but the point is here is that we do
this, and we take the time to do this, and we invest the time to do
And again, this is about you and your Lord, no one's gonna force
you to do this. You have to be proactive. You have to take the
initiative to do this, and then start it and then that get the
necessary tools that you need to do it properly. So he said it
couldn't be because of some type of deficiency in the act that
we're doing itself that could be related to knowledge or something
else, or killed it he had he could relate to that his lack of effort
he had is really struggle that you put in and striving so could be
real in relation to our heart in the moment. Are we do we have each
Jihad and again is to how could also come before the act? But in
the act itself? Are we really putting all of the energy in? Or
are we becoming complacent? And just we put a lot of energy into
other things and when it comes to religion we didn't we just coast.
No, you actively have to put energy in. When we start at night
and pray 20 of our crops or however no praying of Tada, we're
you get tired. Your mind wanders. You have to actively bring
yourself back multiple times. And sometimes you have more energy in
us but you have to actively bring yourself back and you have to just
bring about energy within
yourself, and that roll up your sleeves and force yourself to
constant to concentrate, and force yourself to focus on the meanings.
And when you put that energy in, it helps. So it could be that this
is part of the problem. Or it could be that he, as he says here,
that due to lack of sincerity or lack of truthfulness, in his
intention. So there's a difference between six and a half class.
All of a class is set, but not all of set is a class.
Okay, in other words, if a class is the
second degree of sip, but there's far more after it.
Whereas that said, is much more in so specific, in other words, is
much more expensive than a class. The first degree of sin is
truthfulness of tongue, that you speak the truth with your tongue.
The second degree of sin is truthfulness, of intention. And
here is the same as the Colosse, ie sincerity. The third is that
you have truthfulness,
to have what's called Azim
you ever resolve to carry out your intention.
And then even was that it adds another degree here that seems
closely related to one that comes before it is that you have
truthfulness in Wafaa, and fulfilling your resolve that you
had to carry out your intention.
And then the fifth degree of silk is that you have silk that Atmel
you have set and everything that is that you do ie that you give
100% of your effort, and every single act of obedience that you
do, and then the highest degree of silk, as well as called conflict.
That's where you are sincere in all of your different states in
here. Uh huh. Well, meaning that your religious states, so you're
truthful in your Toba, you're truthful in your Rajat. You're
truthful in your hope. You're truthful in your telecoil and all
of the degrees of religion. Okay.
Whereas said is sincerity is is that it gets back to what are you
intending? So if we're not receiving the fruit of our
actions, it could get back to one of these two things. And so we
need to look into our hearts. Am I sincere? Do I have ulterior
motives, what's happening? So he's given us a door, and a practical
way things to think about how we can remain introspective when it
seems that we're not getting the fruit of our actions. But the key
is, it doesn't mean that you stop acting. You have to keep moving
forward. You have to keep acting, you have to keep doing what it is
that you can do. And try to better yourself along the way.
And this is where shaitan will come to you and say, Look, you're
not getting the fruit for your action. So why are you doing it,
it tiring yourself out? You're doing it you're not getting the
fruit of it. And that is one of the big plots of shaitaan that you
doing and even that halfheartedly, even with that some degree of
insincerity is much better than you leaving it altogether. That's
much more dangerous. So we still that move forward. And this is the
meaning of the statement that we always call it one of the signs of
teen CRO it Allah origin, OMA Cassia traveled to Allah
paralyzed with broken bones, how fast can someone move, if they
have a broken leg? If someone is paralyzed in some way, they're not
going to be able to move and like other people, but you still have
to go, you still have to inch forward, you still have to do what
it is that you can.
And now he's going to go into something else, which is very
possible. And this is very, very important. Because this is now
this following paragraph is the window to teach us how to be
introspective, how we can start to see whether there's this relates
to some type of disease in the heart that we have. So he says
here, oh, I that this deficiency and this lack of receiving the
fruit from actions could be from something else Oh, Lee Ellington.
Ellerton manual ll vehicle being or maybe due to a disease in his
Feser to be held L F saddle Amman
which has corrupted it and corrupted the deed. So in ELA is
one of the words that can use for muddled and unrolled Latin meaning
eyelid your kalbi in his heart. First lesson is to become corrupt
and that F Sadat is to corrupt
and Allah to Allah says no Quran Allah how to the facade of
Bollywood, Bobby my castle but Eddie Ness, that corruption has
appeared on land and by sea, from that which hands have wrought
so that the facade that happens in the earth is comes from, right?
That which hands have earned things that they've done.
And so it may be due to a disease in his heart, which is corrupted
it and corrupted the deed. And so this is the thing is that the
outward affects the inward inward affects the outward, as he
previously mentioned, as if there's a disease and our heart is
that it's going to taint the outward act that we do. So again,
back to the same meaning of the primacy of the heart the
importance of focusing on it.
Well tell Kal el Karela, who NFCA so now he's going to start
mentioning some such diseases include him being pleased with
himself. Although Adolfo and Neff see him just being content with
themselves. I'm fine. I've arrived, I know what I need to
know. I do what it is that I need to do. Everything's fine. I'm just
content with myself. And it's always amazing to me how when you
speak about this in a spiritual context, people get really weird
sometimes about this. But if you speak about it, in a very
different context, like a worldly context, people are totally fine
with it. This is the same thing that they say that anything that
you read about mastery, this is what they say, is one of the
principles of mastery is that you're never content with what
you've reached. Whatever it is that you're doing, whether you're
a unicycle, or whether you're a stamp collector, or whether you
write or whatever, whatever it is that you do, is it any type of
mastery that you want to attain, it's a prerequisite that you're
not content with what you have, otherwise, how are you going to
get better.
If you no matter how good that you've become, you can still be
better. You can master your craft, or your trade, or a skill, or even
a sport or something, you can get better. And you start to really,
really, really, really fine tune it. You know, and that when you
really think about that, the it's these tiny little fine tunings
that really actually make all the difference in the world. And my
world of basketball, if you just think about
my world of basketball, what I enjoy that, you just think about
having like a quick release, how professionals that spend that an
enormous amount of time working, how just a fraction of a second
making all of the difference, and just being able to get the shot
off in the amount of time and the changes that they make the subtle
changes in their shot, just to get the shot off that much quicker.
And it makes all the difference.
And that's the difference between a great player and an elite player
is that and they actually spend time working on that, and doing
all different types of weight training and calisthenics and
different things to get their muscles in a certain way. And just
tiny little that differences in the way that they move so that
they can get the shot off a fraction of a second earlier.
And then that you see the results. And that's in something as
basketball, you're not gonna be asked when you die about why you
made that shot or not. Right, who cares? In the end, but what really
matters is that we do this in terms of Dean we fine tune our
dean. And so that cut it off enough see, what can what can one
another He Allah Amelie he or him being impressed by his own deeds.
So another era, and He literally says that he that regards his own
actions highly, is it he looks at him and notices them and thinks
that something is great about them, as we mentioned already, in
this series of classes, is that the righteous is that they do
great deeds, but they deem them to be insignificant and trivial. And
that they only make minor mistakes. And they deem them to be
grave, and very serious.
So then he says, with a jab behavior, or him being impressed
with his own disease deeds,
or what we'll call it an halco to aliqua him or being overly
concerned with what people think of him.
So it looks like this part was left out that so in the text, it
says we don't have enough see him being pleased with himself. Well,
now that Ada Amedy him noticing his own acts in regarding them
highly. And then we're a job D which is jobs is a technical order
that refers to IrDA which has been impressed with himself being
impressed with his own ds. So it seems like it was something was
missed there.
In the translations, you can add that and like him when other data
comedy him that noticing his acts are regarding his acts highly, and
it relates to a job, of course.
We'll call it did halco to allegory him
or being overly concerned with what people think of him
and being attached to them. That's a disease of the heart overly
concerned. Yes, there is a degree of high and modesty that we have
before people, of course, but that really worrying about this is not
something that a believer does. One will law that the law home and
Mooji but Ilaria, it will keep you to it has to do with this she
would record
this results and what that excessively caring about what they
think and excessive attachment to people. This results in aria,
Austin tation Kibber. Arrogance has said, jealousy or envy ilish
deceit hitted rancor. So to the extent that we have that what came
before, although it did Haluk, over years to literally it's to
see Europe, it's to see.
And you talked about the little little he lands in the crescent
But it did help what I like having your heart be attached to them. We
said previously, we want to have to look with the meanings of the
best manner. And then we want to have to have a look. And then we
want to have to hawk but your heart starts to have dialogue with
people, yellow teeth, the stronger that that's there, you're alone,
all of these diseases start to arise.
Sure, so the clarification is in terms of some people, as opposed
to others this is. So in general, what is referred to is is the vast
majority of people, there's definitely different people in our
lives. And that some of them, it's acceptable for us to care what
they think about us because it's an indication of our deen. And so
whenever that person is in a place where that their opinion of us is
an indication of something that raised our deen, then it's
perfectly fine to want to be held in high regard by them, and to
care what they think because it's a religious care, it's a religious
concern that's going to help you and your dean, right. And that's
there to help us that get along. And this is how we feel about our
teachers, we want to be in good standing with our teachers that we
want them to think of us highly. And when they do and they say nice
things about us. It's a sign that we're doing something right. So
yes, it's definitely different with anyone who's in a position of
Dean. And sometimes that could be it's also related to our parents
in certain circumstances, and our mother or father and other people
in these positions. But the criterion is that that person,
we're really worried what we really want is the how it relates
to Dean dunya. When it comes to the world, that's when it becomes
So unfortunately, is that the more touches we have to creation, the
more susceptible that we are, we are to these major diseases of the
heart. In this lesson I'm gonna ask you, these are what are called
multi cat, destructive ISIS. And again, once you start to realize,
and you read about these things, as we did in RAM de la, we're now
in the retreats on the moon's yet, the seven virtues, we spent quite
a bit of time talking about the destructive ISIS, and you start to
read about them in like yellow teeth, you start to realize how
prevalent they are in the hearts of many of the children, Adam, and
how that we just like, didn't know this, and didn't study this. And
that didn't even follow up with the door that was open to us to
have a more in depth knowledge of it. You things are very real, as
well, the scholars of the science have said, as anyone who does not
study the science of the heart will die persisting in major sins
and not even know
if you don't ever study Quebec, and the causes of Quebec, and the
symptoms of Quebec,
of arrogance, little teeth, that could be ingrained in someone's
heart and we not even realize. So again, this doesn't mean that we
give up, we keep traveling the path, and we try to detach
ourselves from people. But we're aware that the more attachment we
have to people, the more that we will be exposed to these diseases
now just think about social media and the role that it plays in
How that it makes so many of these things worse. And the thing is, is
that when you're looking at pictures on Instagram and people's
posts and so forth, if it's
or fails, we're here to learn. But if you're just if you're concerned
about how people look and what they are wearing, and how they
dress and all these types of things, when you look at someone
with a jab and you're impressed by them, the more that you're
impressed by something, the more that these attachments start to
happen at the heart level. Be very careful who you let your eye look
at. Right? We should be impressed with religious people and people
that are going to take us to Allah Jalla gelada but if we look at
that people that are full suck, right that are people that are
corrupt people and we're impressed with them and it can be by
something that they're wearing or type of car that they're driving
or the house that they live in or something associated with them
these attachments start to develop and so we need to be very very
careful this and then he says it gives another example we'll cut
the solid enough said I'm out of a suit with steel I did call me we
have a T shirt in most immunity Lucas wha
or it may be that he is overpowered by his lower self
enough set amount of a su which commenced to evil in his overcome
by his base desires is Stila is to the process of overcoming the
heart is overcome by these base desires that what that result in
hardness of heart. Okay, so that the more that the knifes that
amount of a suit, the knifes that commence to evil, this is the
lowest level of the three levels or you could even maybe expand it
to seven it's the lowest level unless at a moderate result is
that to the extent that we let let give it free rein and to the
extent that the desires that overcome our heart is to the
extent is that we will fall short in our actions and it will lead to
hardness of heart and then we'll admit hopefully within HemoCue
Finn Milesi and if it is
this results in hardness of the heart or he may have no fear of a
lot and being engrossed in disobedience woke up hope that
we're what I'm not going to share Tanya was supposed to do a horror
or that he may have a filthy mind and is the seized by the devil in
his whisperings in deceit so is the point when we hear this is
like oh my god, this is how I am I'm doomed. I'm terrible. I'm
gonna give up no, if that's the response, that's the response from
the knifes
are a response from the heart is the heart. This is my state
I want closest to you. I'm reading this book to become purified I'm
fasting in Ramadan because I want to draw nearer to you. And I'm not
going to let shell Bong or my own knifes get the best of me. I'm
going to strive until the day that I die. And even if I don't attain
what it is I'm seeking I'm gonna die trying. I'm not giving up this
is a response that has to be our response is that reading this is
not here to make us despair On the contrary, these are books of
purification. And this is why that he says here that fairly edge
towheaded ABD and more fuck we thought here he called me him and
her the head Keba l movie caught. Therefore, then let a servant who
has been granted Tofik divine success from Allah subhanho wa
data that strive to purify his heart from these destructive major
sins and fatal diseases.
This has to be our attitude
will be looked at him in the house when I'm Rod Mahalik. At will you
shum Murphy Elijah he was so lucky with his creativity
and that he should expend his efforts in treating rectifying and
purifying himself,
improving his conduct and attaining success for any club
either SATA. Sata had just said I'm going to Kulu with a facet
faceted OMO Kulu This is based upon a hadith of the prophesy
Center. For indeed if his heart is sound, his body and his entire
affair will be sound if it is corrupt, however, his entire life
is corrupt, not just as a heart because your heart affects
everything that is that we do. Everything that is that we do has
the thumbprint of the heart. Everything ultimately gets back to
the heart, in the state of our heart, and the intention and our
heart and the traits of a heart. Everything in the hand gets back
to our heart. Everything. All actions stem from the heart
follow Oh ALLAH will Inaya team and Umbra they just said Wolbachia
to Allah.
And he says that
diseases of the heart others more deserving of attention than
physical ailments.
For agile called Agile
to it is that absolutely amazing, unbelievable. Me money that tell
that you are ready to buy
God Elijah we quickly watch with tele Kalba home mama Rita Lobo,
liat have a curfew, Elijah, you Alliander have heated being, well,
you haven't had to move to Colorado, you're moved to
Colorado, follow your evidence, which I'll always have Dino for
the youth cinema.
He says it is unbelievable. It's absolutely amazing that when a
person has an ailment in his hand or leg, he expends his efforts in
treating it in every way possible. Yet, if his heart becomes ill, he
takes no care to treat it, and does not bother with its cure, he
neglects the matter until his heart dies, after which it will
never live again, it will be sealed, his religion will be gone,
and he will never attain Felicity. And we live in a time, the closer
and closer we get to the end of time, there's a whole system, and
a long list of things that that's the sole function of what these
things do is just destroy your heart. The vast majority of things
when you turn on the television,
and off the vast majority of programs, the vast majority of
what your watch on the screen will do nothing other than destroy your
heart. This is the reality.
And the amazing thing is that we happily let it into our heart. And
we buy tickets for these things. And we go out of our way to let it
into my heart, air come on in the hole.
We sign up online to these services, right where we people
gonna watch movies, and that we have these the cable subscriptions
and whoever else dish and Medrash all these other things and so that
we can just open up our hearts to receive filth.
The other thing, we're measuring what my journey, we're insane.
We're totally insane.
It's completely insane.
Now, I'm not saying you go home and break it tonight, right? If
you've already had it in your house for some time.
But my point is Yanni, we should slowly find replacements,
replacements once you taste the sweetness of deem and you taste
the sweetness of learning, there's nothing that any movie or any
program, or anything that you can watch on any screen that can bring
about a greater sense of joy than that. And if you start tasting the
sweetness of the code, and the sweetness of solitude, you're not
gonna want to be around people, let alone that let that garbage
and filth into your heart. It's unbelievable. It's ugly, and we
call ourselves leads. And Salix Latif, we're not we're not
Moody's, we're Mulder, you. Right. We're not aspirants, we're sick,
we're sick. Let's just admit we're there for the Bhadrak. And we're
not serious in the spiritual path. We're there for the blessing of a
we're not serious. We're not serious. If we really were
serious, we'll be doing things a lot differently. If we were really
serious, we're not serious, anywhere, still traveling to a lot
paralyzed with broken bones. And I'm not saying this to make us
despair. It's just a reality check, though, let's realize where
we are. Because if we live in the world of illusion and delusion, we
think something that really is how are we going to that help
We really need to think about these things very carefully. And,
again, the difficulty of it is that it's so pervasive in our
societies. And many of us have children that we're trying to
raise them in a responsible way. And we're trying to protect them
from a lot of this stuff. In sometimes you got to expose them a
little bit to certain things responsibly, so there's not a
greater backlash later. But that's very different than just letting
the floodgates open and giving people unmitigated access.
And, anyhow,
that's the law sound if you love forgiveness and mercy on us, and
bless the love of God, I will intercede for Seattle, so lunch
all the intercedes for us as well. This is a difficult time. This is
a difficult time, our Prophet told us that time was coming, were
holding on to the dean, would that hold me onto a hot coal Mesonet
someone threw your hot cold, like whatever you do, don't drop it.
Your Dean, you can't drop it. But imagine that, look at the
Look at the metaphor. If you know if you let that cold it was in the
metadata that burn the carpet, we're all gonna die because the
house is gonna burn down. Okay, just hold it in your hand.
And just imagine in your hand is
right, he's got to, nonetheless you can do can't let go.
You're holding on. Right? That's how it is to hold on to our deen
and this time, like that. That feeling of that excruciating pain
of a hot cold burning your flesh right to the bone if you hold it
long enough, and if it's hot and
and you can't let go, if you let go, you lose it everyone else's.
And that's how it is. And so a lot of these things are, you know, we
don't like to make things difficult on people. But, you
know, that's why we're here. We didn't come here. It wasn't a
prerequisite for the place we moved, right to have a nice
shopping mall, or to have a lot of restaurants, or to have a lot of
stores, we can buy clothes, or whatever else. That's not why we
moved here. Right, we moved here. I said, we could focus on our
deen, we moved here. So we could free ourselves up from
preoccupations of the dunya to focus upon Deen. So we can study
together so that we can worship together so that we can be
together. And let's take advantage of it. Let's be serious in our
deen. And there's something about serious people you respect them.
And honestly, I would probably and again, with a caveat
in some ways, that in some ways, not always, in some ways, I would
rather be around someone who's serious about their dunya
than someone who just doesn't really care about their deen the
kind of into the demon that really,
if I put it in the context of him, I would probably rather be around
someone who has high him in dunya, than low him spiritual aspiration
religion, because you can still benefit from that it can still
inspire you to channel that into religion, someone that's at least
into something. They're not in a state of batalla, where they're
just idle. They're not in every situation that doesn't always
apply. So don't quote me on that. But the point, I think is made
This results in hardness of the heart, or he may have no fear of
Allah and be engrossed in disobedience or he may have a
filthy mind and as the seized by the devil in his whisperings and
deceit therefore, a slave shoe has been granted devices I should
strive to purify start from these destructive medicines and fatal
diseases. He should expend his efforts in treating rectifying in
purifying himself,
improving his conduct in attaining success.
It is amazing that when a person has an ailment, his hand or leg he
does this. But
yet if his heart becomes ill, he neglects the matter until his
heart dies, after which it will never live again, it will be
sealed his religion will be gone, and he will never attain Felicity.
Now this is Huck, what are you saying is truth? Whether or not we
act upon it or not, that's something else entirely. And I'm
not out to give us your feet to act upon this in a responsible way
in a way that is pleasing to Him. Subhan who want to Allah, and then
he quotes that from the Quran kettlebell Rhonda Anna KHUDOBIN
Meccano, Yuxi womb, that Allah says, No, indeed, what they have
done is become like rust upon the hearts Kela in a rubbing Yomi the
never had you bone? No, indeed, Assuredly, they will on that day
be veiled from their Lord.
So meaning is that the Quran that is in the heart is that it
prevents us the rust that comes to the heart from sin
that prevents us from that being in the presence of our Lord from
witnessing our Lord and this is mustard Koran. That Matthew boon,
that they will be veiled as a result.
And then Allah to unassessed Nestle law ha for INCEL and for so
whom they forgot Allah so Allah causes them to forget their own
souls who the ecoman fasciae cone, they are the rebellious ones for
Bhima Napoli meetup en la COVID Maybe it la he will continue on
with me Yeah, it'd be at hockey Nicola Makoto, Bunnell of Belle
taba Allahu Allah, we call for him that you know in Illa kalila. Due
to the breaking of the covenant of their covenant, we cursed them and
made that hard their hearts. Allah has set a seal on their hearts
because of their disbelief. So they believe not, except a few.
For K for a young fella often an ugly workability meme Taza Allah
Haiwan elder. So how can someone who possesses intellect be
neglectful of his intellect in his heart? When these are the only
things which distinguish him from animals?
When did he enter the MA for de la Cova Illa visa? And
how can you be neglectful of his religion? When it is only it is
the only thing which distinguishes him from the disbelievers? Allah
says to learn NuCalm
Leo varanda common higher dunya Where are you Hernando de la hora
road. Lots of Aranda.
Woman hired a junior widow Rando calm. We live in a row. There's a
laminate missing in my copy here.
Yeah, so that's okay you have the right Falador Randall Coleman
hired the junior when I run the Kamala Hill Road. And there's a
fella Messina my competition here. So Allah says, so do not let this
worldly life delude you, or or is delusion and do not let the arch
deceiver delude you about Allah calling us into equity mode. What
number two a phone or Romeo McCamley for men zoafia. And in
neighborhood agenda agenda for converse, woman higher dunya
ilimitado or every soul shit will taste death and you'll be paid in
full only on the Day of Resurrection, whoever is kept away
from the fire and admitted to the garden will be will have
triumphed. The present world is only an illusory pleasure.
So we'll start with their shadow data.
sometimes when we hear these verses, that growing up especially
as Muslim minorities and lands, which we live
in is that it's, we wonder about what about all the people around
us and and that what we should really be doing is saying it
humbly Allah, Allah subhanaw taala made us aware of this reality.
That 100 ila, ALLAH SubhanA wa data made us aware of this truth,
because these are truths. And we don't know what's going to be the
state of other people and how they're going to be judged before
Allah subhana wa Tada. There will be people that didn't reach on the
Dow, they'll be people who the Dow will reach them and a distorted
fashion. That's not our concern, except to the extent that we can
do something to help them other than that, that's between them in
a larger legendado we want to be concerned about is our own selves,
and our state before our Lord and to thank him for making us aware
of these realities. Because the afterlife is real, the hereafter
is real. And we know that Jana is Huck and not as Huck. And we know
that the hour is Huck, and that the resurrection resurrection is
Huck. And our Prophet informed us of these things and they are going
to happen and that we don't want to be like the vast majority of
creation where we're in heedless, this about these matters. Rather,
that we want to prepare for them. We want to live lives that we're
about which is that we seek the provision of Taqwa so that when we
meet our Lord Subhanallah data is that our souls are taken easy, and
that we long for his meeting. We long for his presence, we long for
reward that comes directly from him Subhana wa Tada. And this is
why that we fast this is why that we do everything that is that we
do so that when we take our last breath that we can receive the
bounty of Allah, Allah Jalaja may not have adequate data, give us
Tawfeeq and bless us and all of our different affairs forgive us
of all of our sins all of our shortcomings out Hamid Amin and
everything that we know about in those things we don't know about
Allah whom we asked you to villas into completely forgive us
inwardly and outwardly. Yeah, I mean, it was all with a
Coronavirus Nakajima will solve a lot I seen in Cambodia what I do
is I'll be sending visitors that are gonna have that attend to me
you're gonna learn
I mean. Robin and Hannah Bhima Island Tana Robben Island and the
and I'm gonna be forgetting
what got up I didn't enough Ed Nina I let go down the lava Cara.
Robbie, we're gonna welcome Nima Tada de golden with it and in
Qatar. What is the good girl Khaled and
Robin I was learning coalition.
Rock Deanna Robina Khalid dunya goblins Deanna Rosa and mono walk
for us Commons. Masala Tala induction Mustafa Menil haggadah
and Viki tab and V healing nurses Shiva while al khair Amit Shah
Rafa Wada, Salafi Masabi Hello Lord, Allah and we had the Navajo
doc was the Andaman USADA if you're a dog what I do I lean over
leniency work well and human heart of America as long as we're
husband on love when you're working in when a holder with a
Godzilla Hera euroline was a lover as Eden and Muhammad and he was