Yahya Rhodus – The Enduring Legacy of Islamic Knowledge – Illuminating Hearts Across Generations

Yahya Rhodus
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AI: Summary ©

The conversation covers the blessed blessings of Islam, including a belief that everyone can see the light of Islam, a belief that everyone can see the light of Islam, and a belief that Islam is still alive and alive. The deification of Islam has been discussed, with a person named Shaykh Boabdala associated with India and serving in the Deen region. The importance of learning the religion correctly and finding one's own values in society is emphasized, along with the potential benefits of renewing spiritual aspiration and contributing to society.

AI: Summary ©

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			Alhamdulillah, what a blessing from Allah ﷻ to
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			be gifted the greatest gift of all which
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			is the gift of Iman, to have absolute
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			certainty that Allah ﷻ is real and that
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			He is our Khaliq, He is our Creator
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			ﷻ, He originated us, He brought us into
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			existence ﷻ and He blessed us to come
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			at the very end of time and to
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			be followers of the best of all creation,
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			Sayyidina Muhammad ﷺ, the Imam of the Anbiya
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			and the Mursaleen.
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			What a blessing from Him ﷻ, this is
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			a blessing no matter how much it is
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			that we give thanks for it, never ever
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			truly will we ever show the gratitude that
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			He deserves ﷻ for this great blessing.
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			And when someone is blessed to travel to
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			the lands where there are Muslims, whether it
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			is a Muslim country or whether there are
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			Muslims living as a minority in a predominantly
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			non-Muslim country, one starts to see the
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			traces of these blessed words that we've heard,
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			the spreading of the light of Sayyidina Muhammad
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			1400 years later and this light is still
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			as strong as it ever was from the
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			bounty of Allah ﷻ and it is widespread
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			and in fact everywhere it is that you
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			look that you see continual rebirth of this
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			blessed light of our Prophet ﷺ.
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			And our Lord ﷻ told us about this
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			in His book, no matter what it is
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			that people try to do, you can never
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			erase the light of Islam.
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			No matter how much people try, no matter
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			whatever it is that they say, no matter
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			whatever it is that they do, the reality
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			is as He Himself has stated ﷻ, that
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			they want to extinguish the light of Allah
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			with their mouths, with the things it is
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			that they say.
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			Allah ﷻ is going to complete His light.
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			And the Mufassirin say, what does it mean
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			for Allah ﷻ?
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			Allah ﷻ is going to manifest this light
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			as He wants to manifest it ﷻ spanning
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			different centuries and Alhamdulillah 1400 years later and
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			this light is still shining.
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			The Abdul Fakir was blessed to visit several
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			Muslim communities in the country of India and
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			you see it's an example of how strong
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			this light is.
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			Places that people might not know of, that
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			people that names that they might not have
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			heard of, but the light of Islam is
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			And in some of these places, they don't
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			just have 20 or 30 students like we
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			have here, they have thousands upon thousands of
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			Thousands upon thousands of students.
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			And on one occasion they gathered for us
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			about in this one place that only 2
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			% of their students and 2% of
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			their students was a gathering of about 1
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			,000 people.
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			And almost all of them were young.
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			And they had just as many girl students
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			who weren't present there, we were just addressing
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			the young boys and the young men.
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			And they only could bring what they could
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			from their 30,000 plus students that are
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			in their various schools on their seven campuses
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			and just, this is just one organization under
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			one particular teacher and there's many, many others.
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			And what came to this Abdul Fakir's heart
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			is, is that who would have thought that
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			400 plus years ago when that company was
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			established and really those political objectives behind it
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			to dominate those people and everything that led
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			to the * and ravaging of those lands,
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			who would have thought and certainly those who
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			colonized those countries did not think that 400
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			plus years later after everything had happened, is
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			that this is still very much alive in
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			this very moment.
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			Very much alive.
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			Thousands upon thousands of students studying the Deen
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			of Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala.
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			Still to this day, memorizing the Book of
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			Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala.
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			Memorizing the statements of our Prophet ﷺ.
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			Worshipping as our Prophet taught us to worship
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			and we know that we pray as he
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			taught us to pray.
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			When we follow the Sunnah it's as if
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			they were following the one who was right
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			before our eyes because of the blessing of
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			this transmission.
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			Who would have thought that this would have
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			remained after everything that happened and all of
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			the various attempts to quell this.
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			That Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala, this is
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			his Deen.
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			That this would still be present in this
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			But this does not come haphazardly.
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			This came at the hands of people who
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			worked extremely hard day in and day out.
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			And one of these blessed individuals by the
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			name of Shaykh Abu Bakr Ahmed, who is
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			the Mufti of India.
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			And he is the Grand Shaykh of this
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			particular region.
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			He is someone who has been serving this
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			Deen for decades.
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			He is someone that Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta
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			'ala has brought great Tejdid and amazing renewal
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			on his hands.
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			And several generations after him, still to this
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			day, he's affecting people.
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			And on one of our trips, we had
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			to travel from one place to another in
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			And it took us about four and a
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			half hours.
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			And some of these roads that weren't these
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			nice, comfortable highways and interstates that we have.
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			And oftentimes you're in small back roads and
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			people driving not like we're used to here.
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			And a lot of bumps in the roads
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			and roads weren't even in the best of
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			By the time that we were about to
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			arrive, that I looked at Marek and asked
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			him to look into, maybe we should just
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			take the train back.
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			And then once we got there, I asked
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			him, I said, Shaykh Abu Bakr Ahmed, who
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			they say is 90 years old, I said,
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			does he travel on these same roads?
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			And they said, all the time.
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			I said, he spends his life traveling on
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			these roads.
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			Five or six different gatherings to this day
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			in different areas, in different cities, sometimes two,
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			three, four, five hour drives.
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			And I said, la hawla wa la quwwata
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			li billah.
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			It's that one time going this distance that
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			you start to find other ways to have
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			more comfort.
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			These are people that have been doing it
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			for decades.
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			He's 90 years old and he's still active.
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			He needs people to help him stand up
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			and deliver speeches and to help him walk
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			up to the stage.
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			And he's still traveling hour-long distances in
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			service of this deen.
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			What a blessing to have people like this.
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			These are the people that our Prophet ﷺ
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			referred to when he said, is that, that
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			yahminu hadhil ilm min kulli khalafin idoolu, is
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			that this knowledge will be carried in every
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			generation after him ﷺ by the idool of
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			that generation.
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			The upright people who are completely devoted to
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			this deen.
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			They will always be there.
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			La tazal ta'ifatun min ummati.
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			There will always remain a group of my
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			ummah that are outwardly manifesting the truth.
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			These people will all be there.
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			And these are the people that have internalized
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			what it means to, that to understand the
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			book of Allah ﷻ and follow our Prophet
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			Muhammad ﷺ.
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			And if you look at the history of
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			this blessed place, it wasn't always like this.
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			And in fact, they trace it back to
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			this very special mosque which they call the
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			Ponani Mosque.
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			And in it you find right next to
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			it buried a very special person, the grandfather
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			of one of the great texts of the
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			Shafi'i school, Fath al-Mu'in, whose
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			name was Imam Zayn al-Din al-Ali
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			He's the grandfather of the author of the
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			text of Fath al-Mu'in.
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			And they say that he was one of
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			the first ones, he said he was actually
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			the first one in this region to go
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			study the deen of Allah ﷻ.
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			And he brought back these teachings and this
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			is now about 550 years ago that he
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			did this.
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			And he's the one who sent his grandson
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			to go study with Shaykh Ibn Hajar, the
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			famous Shaykh Ibn Hajar al-Haytami.
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			And he learned directly from him.
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			And they say, is that when, his grandson's
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			also name is Zayn al-Din, Imam Zayn
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			al-Din bin Abd al-Aziz bin Zayn
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			al-Din al-Ali al-Milyabari.
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			He was accompanied by his Shaykh after studying
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			him for an extensive period of time in
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			the blessed city of Mecca al-Mukarram.
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			And he came back with him all the
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			way to this blessed place and this mosque
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			still exists.
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			And in fact that they say that there's
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			a blessed rock that Shaykh Ibn Hajar himself
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			And this, in the middle of this mosque
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			where the graduations of the various schools take
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			place in this mosque to this day.
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			In 550 years past and from the blessing
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			of those first individuals who sought knowledge of
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			this religion is that you're seeing all of
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			these traces.
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			The results of the work that someone is
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			doing might not appear in the first two
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			or three years that they do the work.
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			Nor even the first five or maybe even
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			ten years.
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			It might even only really become clear long,
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			long after they return to Allah subhanahu wa
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			And this is why that we can't be
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			We have to be detached from the results
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			of our work.
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			Is that whether they were able to affect
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			one person or 1,000 people or 10
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			,000 people.
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			It's about being principled and being detached and
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			doing things because we know that our Lord
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			subhanahu wa ta'ala that he wants us
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			to do them.
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			But if you think about the blessing here
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			one of the meanings of this is that
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			this shows us the importance of ilm.
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			This shows us the importance of studying this
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			deen and learning our religion correctly.
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			These individuals learn from masters and they took
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			this knowledge back to the places that they
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			were from.
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			And then they spent their time teaching.
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			And they spent their time further studying.
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			And they spent their time going out to
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			the people to teach them the realities of
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			their deen.
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			And then look at the athar and the
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			traces and the effects that this happens that
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			has in the long term from the blessing
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			of what these blessed people did.
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			Such that you see this incredible manifestation of
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			the preservation of this deen.
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			And this is something that strengthens your iman
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			to see firsthand right before your eyes.
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			And this is just one of many places
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			in the Muslim world that is like this.
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			The vast majority of these places we're not
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			aware of.
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			You might hear a story here or there.
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			But if you would travel far and wide
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			is that this exists all throughout the Muslim
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			world and where you find Muslims living that
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			have traditions i.e. is that they have
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			a chain of transmission back to that early
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			generation from the great scholars.
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			From the great scholars who came before them
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			back to our Prophet himself ﷺ.
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			And then what this does is this renews
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			your himmah.
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			This renews your spiritual aspiration.
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			Because it becomes clear then what exactly that
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			it is that we have to do in
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			these lands in which we live.
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			And then even though we might think now
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			that Muslims are only a small percentage of
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			the overall population.
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			Maybe something like 3%.
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			Is that it's not going to be like
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			that forever.
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			We have to lay the foundations and do
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			what it is that we can.
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			But the key to all of that is
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			the light of knowledge that comes from studying
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			his book subhanahu wa ta'ala.
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			And from studying the sunnah of our messenger
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			And then all of the sciences that are
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			derived from the Qur'an and the sunnah.
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			This brings the heart to life and this
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			enables an individual to be able to make
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			a real long lasting contribution about which our
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			Lord says subhanahu wa ta'ala wa amma
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			mayanfa'an nas fa yamkuthu fil ard.
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			As for that which benefits people, it will
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			remain here on earth.
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			And nothing is more beneficial than what our
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			Lord and our Prophet ﷺ have told us
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			is beneficial.
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			This is the epitome of what it is.
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			Of anything that is beneficial.
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			Alhamdulillah that we are able to receive this
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			and it's accessible.
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			And we ask Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala
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			to give us tawfiq in this affair and
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			that may we live to see the day.
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			We hope that the fruits come that in
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			the short term before the long term.
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			Is where this deen is transmitted.
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			Not just in one or two locations or
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			three or four locations in these lands in
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			which we live.
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			But is that we want this to be
00:12:47 --> 00:12:50
			a place where there are hundreds and thousands
00:12:50 --> 00:12:53
			of scholars that have learned this deen and
00:12:53 --> 00:12:55
			that are imparting that knowledge just as we
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			see today in this blessed province and there's
00:12:57 --> 00:12:59
			other places in India it's the same.
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			Is that there are literally thousands upon thousands
00:13:02 --> 00:13:04
			of students of knowledge.
00:13:04 --> 00:13:07
			Almost to the extent where we're looking at
00:13:07 --> 00:13:09
			ourselves like do young people here do anything
00:13:09 --> 00:13:09
00:13:10 --> 00:13:12
			Because they wear certain types of clothing that
00:13:12 --> 00:13:14
			indicate that they're students of knowledge.
00:13:15 --> 00:13:17
			It's like do young people here do anything
00:13:17 --> 00:13:17
00:13:17 --> 00:13:19
			There were so many of these people and
00:13:19 --> 00:13:23
			thousands of ulama of scholars that have studied
00:13:23 --> 00:13:27
			this deen and are contributing to society and
00:13:27 --> 00:13:28
			this is one of the very blessed things
00:13:28 --> 00:13:30
			that you see there is that they are
00:13:30 --> 00:13:34
			integrated at every single level of society.
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			It's not that they're just studying in their
00:13:37 --> 00:13:39
			corners and in their silos.
00:13:40 --> 00:13:43
			They are integrated at every single level of
00:13:43 --> 00:13:44
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			They have water treatment facilities so they can
00:13:47 --> 00:13:49
			provide pure water to their neighbors.
00:13:49 --> 00:13:52
			They have entire buildings where they house 4
00:13:52 --> 00:13:54
			,000 plus orphans and this is just one
00:13:54 --> 00:13:55
			project that we saw.
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			They have schools where people learn different types
00:13:58 --> 00:14:00
			of vocations and technology, have law schools and
00:14:00 --> 00:14:03
			these are all under the banner of these
00:14:03 --> 00:14:05
			great shuyukh and a long list of other
00:14:05 --> 00:14:08
			things that well integrated every single level because
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			they're in the service of their people and
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			they're in the service of their people even
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			if they don't believe the same as them
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			and as a result that Allah subhanahu wa
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			ta'ala made them beacons of light and
00:14:19 --> 00:14:21
			people start to through them come to know
00:14:21 --> 00:14:23
			the realities of the deen of our Prophet
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			Muhammad ﷺ and may we be like that.
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			Where our being itself people come to know
00:14:29 --> 00:14:31
			the truth of this religion and then inshallah
00:14:31 --> 00:14:35
			ta'ala before we even say anything and
00:14:35 --> 00:14:38
			then that our words inshallah confirm what it
00:14:38 --> 00:14:39
			is that our state is already calling to.
00:14:39 --> 00:14:41
			Ya arham rahmeen wa sallallahu alayhi wa sallam
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			wa ala alihi wa sahbihi wa sallam wa
00:14:43 --> 00:14:45
			alhamdulillahi rabbil alamin.