Yahya Rhodus – Lesson – 7 His Blessed Names “Āqib – Last in Succession” and “Tāhā”

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The title of the Prophet Muhammad's book is supposed to relate to the last century, but some people claim it is the century before the death of Sayyid complain. The discussion touches on the meaning behind the name and its relation to the people of hellfire. The importance of Muhammad's guidance and guidance for good outcomes is highlighted, along with the history of his name and various names. The transcript describes various names of the Prophet Muhammad, including Salallahu alayhi wa sallam, Jibreel, and Jibreel, and their significance in various beliefs and events, including the birth of Islam, the birth of god, and the death of god.
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Bismillah wa salat wa salam ʿalá Rasooli Allah,
wa ala a'alihi wa sahbihi, wa man
So that we left off on the ninth
name in this blessed book Heavenly Guide to
the Beacon of Pure Light by translated by
our dear brother, Sayyid Idris Watts.
Hafidhullah wa ta'ala wa rafaʿa ala adh
The name of our Prophet ﷺ, Al-aqib,
as translated here as, Last in Succession.
And the Messenger of Allah ﷺ said, اَنَا
لَا عَاقِبُ الَّذِي لَيْسَ بَعْدُهِ النَّبِيِّ I am
the last in succession after whom no prophet
will come.
Allah created mankind for this world and sent
messengers to them to call them to a
good end.
عَاقِبَ So it relates to the word of
this name.
In all matters in this life and the
next, some of these messengers were unable to
save no one, others saved but a few.
As for those who saved a large number
of people, it was because of the era
of their mission was close to that of
the coming of the Prophet Muhammad ﷺ, who
was the last in succession and the final
bringer of good outcomes.
And again, we know this even without scientists
and other people saying that this is it
for humankind, the party is over, as some
of them call it.
And many people are talking about different end
-of-time scenarios.
These people might not even believe that this
might be the last century, whether it is
that an asteroid is going to hit us,
or whether it is the rising temperatures that's
going to get us, or that whether the
universe is going to collapse or whatever.
The whole point here is that we know
that our Prophet is the Prophet, between him
and the hour is only a short period
of time.
And no matter how long that that goes
on, it's short in relation to the duration
of the world.
So our Prophet is the last in succession,
and who was the last in succession and
the final bringer of good outcomes.
He came at a time when the need
for guidance had never been greater, which is
why he was chosen to be the last
No Prophet came after him because he was
the greatest of all possible conclusions.
What a beautiful meaning.
No Prophet came after him because he was
the greatest of all possible conclusions.
He was the crown of creation, salallahu alayhi
wa sallam.
He is the one who succeeded the other
Prophets, and there is no Prophet after him.
And in reality, according to some, the Prophets
who preceded him were actually representing him before
he came, because an oath was taken with
him that would he have come during their
time, they would have had to believed in
him, they would have to have given him
Although Isa, Jesus, alayhi salam, will descend again
at the end of time, he will follow
the law and guidance of Sayyidina Muhammad, salallahu
alayhi wa sallam.
Some authorities assert that this is the name
the people of the hellfire will know him
by, for he will intercede for the believers
in *, whose fires will be extinguished for
his sake.
It is related by Imam al-Zarqani, there
will be individuals who memorize the Quran, but
will enter hellfire.
Before they enter it, Allah will remove any
memory they had of our Prophet Muhammad, salallahu
alayhi wa sallam.
Then Jibreel, upon him be peace, will come
and remind them of his name.
And when they invoke it, the fire will
cease to touch them.
This is the blessing of our Prophet Muhammad,
salallahu alayhi wa sallam.
And another meaning that the scholars point to
here is this aqib, last in succession, similar
to what was there mentioned.
He was the greatest of all possible conclusions,
meaning that he brought the greatest good of
all to this world.
He gathered in himself the greatest of all
possible good.
And everything that was dispersed in all of
the other Prophets, and all of the other
righteous people, and even all of the other
angels, was gathered in him such that no
one surpassed him, salallahu alayhi wa sallam.
These and more are all included in this
blessed name of his, aqib, the last in
And then we have his blessed name, salallahu
alayhi wa sallam, Taha.
According to a questionable tradition cited by Mawardi,
with a chain of narration going back to
Sayyidina Ali, under the Prophet, salallahu alayhi wa
sallam, he reportedly said, Inna Allaha ta'ala
asmani fil quran sebat asman.
Allah Most High has given me seven names
in the Quran.
Muhammad, Ahmed, Taha, Yasin, Muzammar, Mudathir, and Abdullah.
Muhammad, Ahmed, Taha, Yasin, Muzammar, Mudathir, and Abdullah.
And so we know the 20th chapter of
the Quran is Surah Taha.
And according to this hadith, this is one
of the names of our Prophet, Muhammad, salallahu
alayhi wa sallam.
And then when these are known as the
haruf al muqatta'ah, the connected letters, disconnected
letters, and ultimately Allah only knows what they
But they offer, as he mentions here, a
number of potential meanings.
Others have said that it means, Ya Rajul,
O man, Ya Insan, O human, or Ya
Tahir, O pure one, or Ya Hadi, O
guide, glad tidings to him who guided, O
you whose intercession is hoped for by your
community, O guide for all creation to the
true religion.
So there's different meanings that they put forward.
The numerical values of Ta and Ha total
14, 9 and 5 respectively.
The number of the night when the moon
is full, so he is likened to the
full moon.
It is also related that this verse was
revealed, owing to the Prophet, salallahu alayhi wa
sallam, standing on one foot in his night
prayers, Allah ordered him to stand with both
feet on the ground with the word Ta,
from the verb Wata.
However, the most reliable position is that this
word is composed of letters, the meaning of
which is unclear and known only to Allah.
So Taha, it's one of the names of
our Prophet, salallahu alayhi wa sallam, that refers
to him.
What exactly are its meanings?
Allah, subhanahu wa ta'ala, only knows best,
but it's one of the ways that we
can refer to him, salallahu alayhi wa sallam.