Yahya Rhodus – Lesson – 7 Al-Shama’il Al-Muhammadiyya Chapter 1 – Hadith 8 – Part 2

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The study on the Prophet's beautiful sh centered face focuses on the sh centered face, and focuses on the sh centered face. The speaker describes the physical appearance of the Prophet's blessed body, including his hair, eyes, and neck, as well as his body's shiny and black hair and skin. The speaker describes the details of his body, including his skin, and how he would walk with vigor. The study explains the meaning of the Prophet's hair, including his stance, weight, and stance, and discusses the way he would turn people on at the end.
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Bismillah wa salatu wa salam ala rasulillah wa
ala alihi wa sahbihi wa man wala.
So we will continue our study, bismillah, of
the shamal of Sayyidina Muhammad ﷺ.
We left off in the middle of hadith
number eight.
And so we will continue our study, insha
'Allah ta'ala, and hopefully finish number eight
by the end of this session, bismillah.
Now, so again this is the hadith narrated
by Sayyidina Hasan bin Ali that he asked
his maternal uncle Hind ibn Ali Hala.
And I believe that we read towards the
latter part of what would be page nine
of the book.
So his complexion was fair and luminous.
And so he, this is the meaning of
azhar al-laum, there was a luminosity to
his blessed skin ﷺ that gave him this
otherworldly sense.
His blessed forehead, jabeen, was wide, salallahu alihi
wa alihi wa sahbihi wa salam.
And we will also read the notes that
we have here.
Oh, that's actually where we left off was
His blessed eyebrows were arched, thin, long, and
full, perfectly shaped without connecting.
And so in other narrations it seems like
when people looked that he would have had
a connecting eyebrow ﷺ, but there actually was
a thin space between them.
The one who came close and looked closely
found that they were not connecting, but he
had the most beautiful of eyebrows on his
most beautiful forehead, salallahu alihi wa alihi wa
sahbihi wa salam.
They were slightly arched and they were arched
and they were thin.
They were long and full, perfectly shaped without
And now, then he goes on to say,
between them there was a vein that anger
would cause to pulsate.
So our Prophet ﷺ is that when he
would become angry, and of course that his
anger was only for the sake of Allah
subhanahu wa ta'ala, he had a blessed
vein of his that would protrude, that they
would see when our Prophet was angry.
And we always have to remember is that
it's important that we be balanced in terms
of our anger.
And our Prophet taught us how it is
that we should be angry, never for the
sake of our own selves, but for just
causes, of course.
To protect people and to be protected, to
ward off harm from evildoers.
Anger has its place, and if we don't
have a sense of righteous indignation when there's
wrong, there's something wrong with us.
So when the Prophet was angry, they would
see this blessed vein between his two blessed
eyebrows, salallahu alihi wa alihi wa sahbihi wa
And then he moves to a description of
his nose.
His blessed nose was prominent, long with a
thin tip and a slight curvature in the
It was aquiline.
You can go online and look what that
Just type aquiline nose of a male so
you can be spared pictures.
His blessed nose was prominent, long with a
thin tip and a slight curvature in the
It was aquiline.
A light rose from it.
One who did not look closely at him
would think that it was raised high and
straight, with the tip of the nose slightly
And because of the light emanating from the
Prophet's blessed nose, those who did not look
closely would initially think that it was straight,
but up close, they would see that it
was slightly curved in the most beautiful way.
And then he says his blessed beard was
full and dense.
And we know that this is a sunnah
of our Prophet Muhammad, salallahu alihi wa sallam,
to grow the beard, and that if we
are unable to grow the beard like some
of us, inshallah ta'ala we least do
so with the right intention.
And one of the blessed moments of my
life, when you learn from the real great
scholars of this ummah, I remember alhamdulillah I
was able to study the Shammah with the
Mara Abdu'l-Hajj and he was someone
who embodied it.
He was so merciful, so gentle, so caring
for his students.
And I remember on one occasion, I was
very young when I first went there, I
was only 20 years old.
And sometime after that, when I was studying
with Mara Abdu'l-Hajj, I came to
read my lawh with him, and on this
occasion there wasn't anyone else around.
And so he looked both ways, he looked
to the right, and he looked to the
left, and he got really close to me,
and he kind of leaned forward, and just
had this beautiful, gentle, fatherly, lovingly look on
his face.
And he says to me, shaving your beard
is haram.
And I said to him, I said, Seyidi,
it doesn't grow.
And he said, khalas, lamas, then don't worry
about it.
But it's like, if you would have asked
me to fly to the moon, even though
I can't fly or run to the furthest
extent of the world, what an amazing, like
that's how you give people advice.
And it was just his concern, his care,
he didn't want anyone else to know.
He could have just said it, and no
one would have heard, no one was around.
But he even moved physically closer, and it
was like such a merciful way that he
was looking at me.
And then, it's like, you just accept advice
like that.
And then when I said, you know, that
it doesn't grow, he said, khalas, lamas, lamas.
So our Prophet had the most beautiful of
all beards, sallallahu alayhi wa alayhi wasallam.
His blessed beard was full and dense, and
his cheeks were smooth, and that they were
neither high upon his blessed face, nor protruding.
A thin line of hair, his mouth was
wide, and between his blessed front teeth was
a slight space.
And so this is a literal description of
his blessed wide mouth, that of course was
proportionate to the remaining part of his blessed
face, sallallahu alayhi wasallam, but it also is
an indication of his eloquence.
And between his blessed front teeth was a
slight space, so that he'd have a slight
little space between his two front teeth, and
when he would speak, that a light would
be seen emanating from them.
Everything about our Prophet, sallallahu alayhi wasallam, was
nurani, was luminous.
A thin line of hair ran from his
blessed chest to his navel, so we've taken
that before, we know that, that from here,
from his chest to his navel, there was
a thin line of hair.
His blessed neck was like that of an
ivory statue, as resplendent as silver.
And here, that they even mention in the
commentaries, that there are different types of metals
and things that you could have used to,
that are sparkling or shiny more, but they
say that the one who is narrating this
is doing the very best that they can,
given what it is that they knew, and
when it's about ivory, ivory in its smoothness,
and in terms of that when it's polished,
how shiny it is, not in terms of
its color.
This is why that what came after that
was that referring to it being like silver,
we've already spoken about his color, sallallahu alayhi
wasallam, so we don't liken his color to
ivory, he was rather fair-skinned and with
luminous skin that had a tint of redness
to it.
So, as resplendent as silver, and I'm just
going to read this note, number 53, Imam
Bajoi notes that there are minerals in gems
which are more radiant than ivory, such as
So why did Hind describe the Prophet's blessed
neck as being like ivory?
He suggests that Hind used the word ivory
because it was familiar imagery to the people
of that time, as opposed to other precious
metals, Hind also intended to go to the
greatest things possible in describing the Prophet's dazzling
beauty in sublime form, based upon what it
is that they knew.
His physique was evenly proportioned, sallallahu alayhi wasallam,
and here that Imam Bajoi says refers to
everything that preceded and everything that will come
after it in terms of its description.
His whole physique and all of his body
parts were evenly proportioned.
He was well-built and firm, and so
that he was strong and to maintain his
strength even to his latter days, and there's
a note here, we just took this recently
in the Ihya, towards the end of his
days his blessed body became heavier, so he
was more full, but his flesh was almost
as firm as it was in his early
years, unharmed by age, sallallahu alayhi wasallam.
His blessed chest and stomach were even with
each other.
His blessed chest and shoulders were broad, and
his blessed joints were proportionately large.
His blessed limbs that were unclothed shone brightly.
And you could also translate this, his blessed
limbs that were without hair shone brightly.
Besides the thin line of hair that ran
from his blessed upper chest to his navel,
neither his breast nor his stomach had hair.
His blessed arms, shoulders, and upper chest, however,
had hair.
So the Prophet had hair on his upper
chest, he had hair that from here going
down, then he had hair, sallallahu alayhi wasallam,
on his blessed arms and his shoulders.
He had long forearms and wide palms, and
full flesh, sturdy hands and feet.
His blessed fingers and toes were long and
Or you could translate this, or he said
his blessed fingers and toes were not crooked
or bulging, based upon the different way that
the word that the narrator here used.
The sa'il al-atrafa, sha'il al
-atraf, it would be translated in those two
different ways.
And he had a slight arch in the
soles of his blessed feet, sallallahu alayhi wasallam.
So that his feet weren't completely flat, nor
did they have high arches.
He had a slight arch to his feet,
sallallahu alayhi wasallam.
His blessed feet were smooth, such that water
could run right off them if poured.
So now we've made our way down to
the description of his blessed feet, which are
the greatest feet in existence, sallallahu alayhi wasallam.
And so the Prophet had nice, smooth, beautiful
And oftentimes people's feet, from walking, it's very
common to have that broken toenails and that
cracks in the feet and all these different
types of things.
But our Prophet's feet, despite walking on them,
were extremely smooth and very beautiful.
And to the extent that they were so
smooth that water could run off them if
This is also the description in general of
his skin.
His skin was very silky.
So you know how some of us, if
we take showers, and here you see these
signs even around here, if there's hard water,
they want you to buy a water softener
to make your water softer.
That hard water, especially if you put soap
on and wash it off, it doesn't flow
over your body very easily.
Whereas the Prophet's skin, it was like silky
smooth water, flowed over it very easily.
And then we have a description of his
blessed walk.
When he walked, he would lift his blessed
feet with a vigor.
And he would lean forward slightly and would
tread lightly.
So the first part of this is, he,
sallallahu alayhi wasallam, itha zala zala qala'an.
Meaning that there was a determination when our
Prophet, sallallahu alayhi wasallam, walked, he would walk
with vigor.
And he would direct himself to where it
is that he was going.
Now, when we say walking with vigor, in
order to balance that out, we have these
other descriptions.
And here, this was how he would put
his blessed foot on the ground, sallallahu alayhi
wasallam, in a very determined fashion as he's
walking forward.
And he's slightly leaning forward, not moving side
to side.
So when he walked, he would lift his
blessed feet with vigor, would lean forward slightly,
and would tread lightly.
So the Arabic there is, wa yamshi honan.
So he didn't look like he was walking
But because it was as if the earth
itself was folding up underneath him when he
was walking.
And so just think about if someone is
walking and the earth itself is kind of
folding up underneath you, that you're going to
be taking a step.
And he naturally, as we said here, that
he had a naturally long stride.
So he wasn't trying to overexert himself.
He had a naturally long stride.
He's putting his feet down with vigor, but
he is walking in the most beautiful and
graceful way of all.
And the earth is being folded up underneath
And that you see him in this perfect
harmony with everything that was around him, sallallahu
alayhi wasallam.
And he was also describing him when walking,
it was as if he was descending from
a height.
And so this word that was used, wa
yamshi honan.
We know that Allah Subh'anaHu Wa Ta
-A'la mentions in the Quran, wa ibadah
rahman li yamshoona ala al-ardi honan.
Allah speaks of the servants of the All
-Merciful Who that tread lightly on the earth
and that no one walked on the earth
like the best of creation, sallallahu alayhi wasallam.
Then look at these beautiful descriptions.
When he would turn to look at someone
or something, he would turn with his whole
So he was determined, he was walking straight.
And we know that he would lower his
gaze, he would look at the ground more
than he would look at the sky.
But despite that, if someone called him or
someone needed him, he would turn completely to
To give them his full blessed attention, sallallahu
alayhi wasallam.
He would lower his gaze, he would look
at the ground more than he would look
at the sky.
And there are many different meanings to this.
And as Imam Bajroudi points out here, is
that this is better for us to maintain
a heart that is gathered upon reflection.
And to protect the heart from anything that
will distract it.
And he says here as well, this is
also because he was sent to give tarbiyah,
nurture the people on earth, not those in
And then we learn about his blessed glance.
Most of his looking was from the corner
of his blessed eye.
Meaning the Prophet Sallallahu alayhi wasallam would occasionally
look at people and things, and would not
stare at them directly.
This also means that most of his looking
was thoughtful, reflective, and full of contemplation.
It is also reported that the Prophet Sallallahu
alayhi wasallam would see things at a vast
distance, as he would see them that were
He would see behind him in the same
way that he would see in front of
And he would see in the night in
the same way that he would see in
the day, Sallallahu alayhi wasallam.
Imagine that if he just looked at you,
Sallallahu alayhi wasallam, out of the corner of
his eye, let alone if he gave you
his full attention, and that in and of
itself, and that as I heard one of
them say, that yes be, he would captivate
the heart.
If anyone that was ever glanced at by
the Prophet Sallallahu alayhi wasallam, received that blessed
divine gaze, that even from the corner of
his eye, let alone that directly placing his
blessed eyes in their direction, it would completely
captivate their hearts.
May Allah Ta'ala bless us to see
the blessed eyes of Sayyidina Muhammad Sallallahu alayhi
wasallam in a way that he is pleased
with us, inshallah ta'ala, and with complete
following of him.
He would have his companions walk in front
of him.
It would initiate greetings of peace with whomever
he met.
So, he wasn't someone who wanted to be
at the front, and wanted to have people
behind him as a way of boasting.
On the contrary, is that our Prophet Sallallahu
alayhi wasallam, that he would walk behind them,
and that he would also say, walk in
front of me, and leave my back for
the angels.
And that on the occasions when some of
the companions would walk behind him, during journeys
around Medina, he would have them walk on
his right and left side.
Sallallahu alayhi wa alayhi wa sahbihi wasallam.
Allah, mashallah ta'ala.
There's a beautiful note there that I encourage
everyone to read, note number 67, which has
a number of other beautiful benefits in relation
to this.
And it says also that from his humility,
Sallallahu alayhi wa alayhi wa sahbihi wasallam, just
as it was also so he could look
after them.
If you're behind your companions, that you can
look after them and tend to their needs.
And he, Sallallahu alayhi wasallam, whether someone was
young, whether someone was old, he would begin
people with salams, and not expect people to
be the first ones to greet him, even
though he's the best of creation, teaching us
this is how it is that we should
be, and to show this humility, and to
resemble him, and to follow him.
May Allah ta'ala bring our hearts to
life with these blessed meanings, with these blessed
descriptions, and to bless us, may we know
them, attach our hearts to them, and may
they be a means to open up the
doors for every single one of us to
attain the highest degrees of closeness to him,
Sallallahu alayhi wa alayhi wa sahbihi wasallam, and
then prepare ourselves to attain high degrees of
closeness to Allah.
May Allah ta'ala give us tawfiq in
all of our affairs.
Wa sallallahu ala sayyidina Muhammadin wa ala alihi
wasallam wa alhamdulillahi rabbil alamin