Yahya Rhodus – Lesson – 6 His Blessed Names “Māḥin – Effacer” and “Ḥāshir – Gatherer”

Yahya Rhodus
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The speaker discusses the name of their Prophet Muhammad and how it relates to the end of time and the resurrection. They also mention the importance of being a member of Al-Mahhi's elite group and the significance of his light continuing to shine. The speaker also mentions the importance of being a member of Al-Mahhi's elite group and the significance of his light.

AI: Summary ©

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			Bismillah wa salatu wa salam ala Rasulillah wa
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			ala alihi wa sahbihi wa man wa ala.
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			We'll now get back to our study of
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			the blessed names of our Prophet Muhammad ﷺ.
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			So we have reached the seventh name for
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			those that are following along in the book
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			on page number 77.
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			The name of our Prophet ﷺ, or you
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			could say Al-Mahhi, the effacer or the
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			So he quotes the hadith of our Prophet
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			ﷺ, it says, وَأَنَا الْمَٰهِ الَّذِي يَمْهَى اللَّهُ
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			بِيَ الْكُفَرِ This translates, I am the effacer,
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			through whom Allah effaces disbelief.
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			And so his commentary on this is, the
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			Prophet ﷺ entirely removed disbelief from the lands
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			of the Arabs in his lifetime.
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			And after his passing, his light remained amongst
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			his companions, and endures amongst his nation even
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			today as they continue his mission throughout the
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			lands, dispelling disbelief in action, word, and spirit.
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			His light will continue to shine and dispel
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			the mission of shaitan until it becomes triumphant
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			at the end of time when no ideology
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			will remain on the earth.
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			And so this is how they explain this
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			The Prophet ﷺ is Al-Mahhi.
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			And that through him ﷺ, Allah has erased
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			the traces of disbelief and continues to do
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			And of course, throughout the centuries there have
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			been people that have still disbelieved and died
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			in the state of disbelief as there are
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			many people who disbelieve and continue the disbelief
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			But this light still remains for those that
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			have been decreed and pre-eternally that they
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			will be people of faith that continues to
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			touch them.
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			And some of them say the greatest manifestation
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			of this name as was indicated in that
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			last sentence about his light continuing to shine
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			will manifest as Allah says, لِيُظْهِرُ عَلَى الدِّينِ
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			كُلَّهِ in order that he may manifest it
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			over all other religions.
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			In other words, it's that there's going to
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			be a time where the mentioning of Islam
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			is in that every household on earth and
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			this especially relates to the end of time
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			scenarios with the coming of, the second coming
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			of the Prophet Isa ﷺ.
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			So one of the names of our Prophet
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			ﷺ is Al-Mahhi.
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			And then we have as well Al-Hashr,
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			we would say, translate that here as the
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			And the Prophet ﷺ said, وَنَا الْحَاشِرُ الَّذِي
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			يُحْشَرَ النَّاسُ عَلَى قَدَمِي I am Hashr, the
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			gatherer, at whose feet mankind will be mustered.
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			That's how they will be assembled.
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			And one of the primary meanings of Al
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			-Hashr and it is a valid narration to
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			say عَلَى قَدَمِي or عَلَى قَدَمَيَّ Both of
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			those are correct enunciations.
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			And meaning here عَلَى قَدَمِي, the first meaning
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			is اَيْ عَلَى اَثَرِي يعني after me, meaning
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			he will be the first one to be
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			And we know that, that he's, as he
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			said اَنَا أَوُّلَ مَن تَنْشَقْ عَنْهَا الْأَرْضِ I
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			am the first one that the earth will
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			cleave for, the earth will open up for
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			and then he will come out and then
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			those buried in Baqiyah.
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			The blessed graveyard, very close to him where
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			his blessed daughters are married and nine of
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			his blessed wives ﷺ and many of his
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			family and companions and many of the righteous
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			of this ummah.
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			And وَهَا كَذَا And so he is Al
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			-Hashr, that at whose feet mankind will be
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			And that others that point to a second
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			meaning of this which says اَيْ وَقْتْ قِيَامِي
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			عَلَى الْقَدَمِي بِذُورْ عَلَمَاتِ الْحَشْرِ إِشَارَى إِلَى أَنُوا
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			لَا نَبِي بَعْدُ وَلَا شَرِيَعَ And so that
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			meaning is that his coming is a sign
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			that the resurrection is not far off.
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			In other words, this points to him that
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			being that the last prophet and that there
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			will be no sacred law after his.
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			So his name is Al-Hashr.
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			The next is Al-Aqib.
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			I was initially going to take that this
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			session but we will leave that because it's
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			a little bit longer to explain.