Yahya Rhodus – Lesson – 1 Introduction to the Shamil – Prophetic Characteristics

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The shaping of Islam by the Prophet Muhammad and his followers has been shaping up to be a "blessed Muslim monk." Imams were born in a village in the Middle East and studied under their parents' guidance. They attended great events like the ShamaGeneration and were considered one of the greatest people in Islam. The Imams were also considered a "blessed Muslim monk." The speaker discusses various narratives and books that can be accessed through YouTube, and mentions a recommended place in Uzbekistan for visitors to visit. They also discuss various narratives and their features, including the physical and spiritual aspects of their Prophet, Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam, and their upcoming book.
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In the name of Allah, and peace and
blessings be upon the Messenger of Allah, and
upon his family, and his companions, and upon
men, and upon Allah.
The third part of this is, we're going
to be taking a look at the Shema
'il, and that we'll probably just introduce this
blessed book, that get into the Shema'il,
by the will of Allah, next week.
And, so this blessed book has been compiled
by the great Imam, Imam Abu Isa, Muhammad
Ibn Isa, Ibn Sawrat al-Tirmidhi.
And, of course, as I said, it's going
to begin with, Bismillah ar-Rahman ar-Rahim.
And then, Alhamdulillah, wasalamu ala ibadihi alladhina istafa'
And, all praise is due to Allah, and
may peace be upon the servants He has
So, in the previous class, we were talking
about Takhsees.
And, our Prophet ﷺ, as we will see,
his name is Mukhtar, his name is Mushtaba
ﷺ, and his name is Mustafa ﷺ.
He is the one who has been chosen.
And, he is the chosen one, ﷺ.
And, even though that there are others, Prophets
and righteous folk, who have also been chosen,
no one reached the degree of the best
of creation, ﷺ.
And, what a blessing, to be able to
read these books, that these great individuals preserve
for us.
And, Imam al-Tirmidhi is one of these
people that Allah ﷻ blessed and singled out,
to be from those who take part in
the preservation of the Deen of our Prophet
Muhammad ﷺ.
And, I highly encourage everybody to get the
copy of the Shamaya that we will be
reading, titled, Shamaya al-Muhammadiyah, that has been
so beautifully printed by the Imam Ghazali Institute.
And, the translation and commentary, which we will
be looking at very closely, by our dear
brother, Sheikh Abdul Aziz Suraka, and the co
-commentator and translator, Sheikh Muhammad Aslam.
That two very special people, that have studied
extensively, and have blessed hearts, and have made
major contributions to the Deen of our time.
And, may Allah ﷻ protect them, preserve them,
and bless us to love them.
And, bless us with real brotherhood, that benefits
us in the hereafter.
Ya Arham al-Rahimin.
And, Imam al-Tirmidhi, one of these great
Imams, is that he was born in the
month of Dhul Hijjah, in the year 209.
And, that he began seeking sacred knowledge in
his early 20s, in his home village.
And, eventually studied under scholars in many places
throughout the Muslim world, in Khorasan, Mecca, Medina,
Basra, Kufa, and others.
And, that he had a large number of
As it says here, a staggering number of
He studied both under Imam al-Bukhari, as
well as Imam Muslim.
And, that one of his great honors, is
that Imam al-Bukhari actually, outside of his
Sahih, quotes that Imam, and narrates a hadith
from Imam al-Tirmidhi, even though it's from
his shuyukh.
And, that indicates his great status, if Imam
al-Bukhari is going to narrate from you.
And, it's reported that Imam al-Bukhari said
to Imam al-Tirmidhi, I have benefited from
you more than you have benefited from me.
And so, he was held in universal esteem
by scholars about this hadith mastery, and his
personal piety, the great Imam al-Hakim said,
I heard Omar ibn al-Lak say, Imam
al-Bukhari died and left no one in
Khorasan like Abu Isa al-Tirmidhi, in knowledge,
memorization, piety, and worldly renunciation.
Notice he didn't just speak about the traits
of knowledge.
In knowledge, memorization, piety, and worldly renunciation.
He wept until he became blind, and remained
in that condition for years.
And, Imam al-Zahabi, recorded Imam al-Tirmidhi
said, I compiled this work, and his jami',
which is the Sunnah of Imam al-Tirmidhi,
his larger collection of hadith, and presented it
to the scholars of the Hijaz, Iraq, and
And, they were pleased with it.
And then he says, anyone who has this
book in his home, it is as if
he has the Prophet speaking in his home.
Sallallahu alayhi wa alayhi wasallam.
So, he has a number of books, the
most famous of his books is his larger
collection of hadith, and then the Shama'il
What a blessed book.
What a blessed book.
They still have this.
And, this book has been studied, and studied,
and studied, over and over again, over and
over again, throughout the centuries.
And, even though there's many other books in
Shama'il that came after him, there's something
very special about this book.
And, so, Imam al-Tirmidhi passed away on
a Monday, the 13th of Rajab, 279 of
the Hijrah, in his home village of Buh.
May Allah have mercy upon him, be pleased
with him, and admit him to the loftiest
gardens of paradise, in the intimate company of
the Prophet Muhammad, sallallahu alayhi wasallam.
And, alhamdulillah, that people are able to visit
him, is in modern-day Uzbekistan, in the
south, and that this is highly recommended, that
if someone has an ability to go visit
somewhere, Uzbekistan is a great place to go,
because you can also visit Imam Bukhari, you
can also visit Imam al-Darimi, you can
also visit many of the other great Imams
of this deen, Imam al-Maturidi, and a
long list of others.
And, among the ones that you want to
definitely visit is the great Imam al-Tirmidhi,
may Allah have mercy upon him, and benefit
us through him.
And so, he begins by saying, Bismillah ar
-Rahman ar-Rahim, alhamdulillah, And then it starts
by saying, So, the Shaykh, and what is
really meant here, by Shaykh is not in
its linguistic meaning here, is that, here, this
is reference to a great scholar.
The Shaykh, who is al-Hafiz.
When you say that word Hafiz, that should
move us.
Imam Bajori mentions here, he says, this is
one of the five degrees of the scholars
of Hadith.
The first degree is Atalim, someone who is
a student of Hadith.
Then, someone reaches a degree where they become
a Muhaddith.
So, it starts with, they are a student,
they are a beginner.
Then, when they learn enough, they become a
And, this is the one who, that both
knows how to understand the Hadith themselves, and
their chains of narrations.
And then, the third degree, is what is
called a Hafiz.
In order to be a Hafiz, you have
to have memorized 100,000 Hadith.
Not just the Metin, the wording of the
Hadith, but their Isnad, their chain of narration.
You are not considered to be a Hafiz,
unless you have memorized 100,000 Hadith.
So, when you say, Qala Shaykh al-Hafiz,
this has a meaning.
100,000 Hadith, with the wording, the Metin,
as well as the Isnad, the chain of
Then, there is what is called a Hujjah,
this is the fourth degree.
And, this is someone who has memorized 300
,000 Hadith.
And then, you have what is called a
Hakim, Al-Hakim, that someone who has, that
memorized the Hadith that are available.
So, Qala Shaykh al-Hafiz, Abu Isa.
This is his Kunya, Abu Isa, Muhammad, Ibn
Isa, Surat At-Tirmidhi.
And then, after this, that he gets into
Chapter 1, which is, Baabu Ma Ja'a
Fi Khalqi Rasulillahi, Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam.
What has been narrated, concerning the blessed physical
features of the Messenger of Allah, Sallallahu Alaihi
So, we will get right into that, bi
-idhnillah ta'ala, next week.
And, go through this.
And, we are going to be going into
a little bit of detail.
And, one of the things that we will
do, bi-idhnillah ta'ala, is that we
will look through the various narrations that Imam
At-Tirmidhi includes.
And, then we will try to summarize it,
at the end.
So, we can have a complete picture.
We talk about, for instance, the physical features
of our Prophet, Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam.
We also want to be able to imagine
him, Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam, from head to toe.
And, we want to listen to the narrations.
And, then we will include some of the
other narrations in other books, and in the
So, that we can have a description of
him, Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam, from that head to
toe, bi-idhnillah ta'ala.
And, that we will try to do that
to the extent possible with the other chapters
as well.
May Allah Subh'anaHu Wa Ta-A'la
give us Tawfiq.
Open up the doors for us to come
to know our Prophet, Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam.
Bless us in all our affairs.
Wa Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam Al Fatiha.