Yahya Rhodus – Knowledge & Wisdom Imam alHaddad #9

AI: Summary ©
The presence of d union in Islam is recognized as a symbol of acceptance and healthy eating, while the presence of d union is seen as a period of time. The speakers discuss the importance of practicality and transformation, citing examples of d forth, including a teacher's statement about a shelter and a family's struggles over a piece of land. The presence of d union is seen as a symbol of a return to the prophesy centum, and the presence of Baraka is seen as a symbol of a return to the prophesy.
AI: Summary ©
Smilla Rahmanir Rahim Al hamdu lillahi rabbil aalameen of Dr.
sadati moto moto sitting at ICU dinner. Omona Anam Ramadan, while
the King of Saudi Arabia use an image Marine, so hi Nicola in
banana dilemma Island Tana in the content Eileen would Hakeem Wallah
Hola Hola, Quwata illa biLlah Hey Eileen are being
sold hunted Allah as we have now transitioned out of Ramadan. We're
going to continue on business data with our weekly Raha and for those
that were following previously,
although there was it was interrupted for several months, we
have been looking at the book knowledge and wisdom and the
Arabic tunnels under full solar elmia will also hit Kamiya Imam
Abdullah bin Ali and her dad, and almost on the previous lessons are
available for those that want to catch up, I think all except one,
and that we have reached chapter 10.
And it is highly recommended that everyone gets a copy, not just of
knowledge and wisdom, but the entire system. The entire series
of books of Imam Abdullah been honored her dad. And this one was
republished recently. And so it's readily available. And so we are
on chapter 10. And I'm going to now read the Arabic which helps
that me understand it better and then we'll read the translation
and comment on it little by little. And also in these classes
that we've been taking short excerpts from men in the universe
by Dr. Mustafa, by the way.
So he says Radi Allahu Anhu one of our interview Lumi for dareen LM
and Aquila che and yeah Sonam Taqwa with so many men who are in
Look daddy Fatima and Mota RP but he added in Sani miserable fuckery
will also hurt you in modern day D will is the will will will humbly
will surety whenever that ICA
know that different conditions which occur in succession, such as
poverty in wealth, health in sickness, imminence and
loneliness, obscurity and renown are all considered good when in
the presence of Taqwa and excellence or sin
or collusion? Yuck people will use them or mad for God when he sat at
him and heard in a while
but ugly and odious in the presence of depravity and
wickedness. The explanation of this is as follows will began with
that account. So this is the way that he begins. And he is clearly
setting it up to discuss taqwa and son.
These two ever so important words of the son of our prophesy
sentiment of our deen and that the author the translator leaves Taqwa
untranslated. And perhaps it's best to do so because is that
there are so many different ways of translating taqwa, all of
which, that's restrict the meaning when we put it in rendered in that
way into English. But Taqwa is a very comprehensive word that has
so many different dimensions. And it's such an integral part of this
deem is that it's actually better to leave the term on translated
and that to speak of it as Taqwa. And so that it becomes a word in
the English language. And then we can define it as we choose to
define it. And this is the case not with just a word like Taqwa
there are many other words, that it's probably best just to leave
it in its Arabic original, let it become a part of the thing which
as has happened in so many other languages that were influenced by
Islam in the Arabic language is that these words became a part of
the vocabulary of that language. And so he says here, speaking of
taqwa, and excellence, or sin, maybe sound is also another one of
those words. He's recognizing here that we as human beings, we go
through different states.
And what's really important when we go through those different
states is that we have taqwa and we have our son. And what he's
saying is,
is that all these differences that we go through, is that the states
will be good if they are accompanied by tuck one person,
and that when there is a lack of it, when there's the opposite of
your Sanders food drawer, there's depravity in wickedness and ESA is
it none of those states are good. And so what we recognize then is
the defining criterion whether or not a state is good or not, in
relation to that particular individual is the
The state of our own heart in that particular situation.
And so intrinsically, is that poor people are not better than wealthy
people and wealthy are not better than poor people, healthy people
are not better than sick people and sick people are not better
than healthy people, and so forth and so on, even though in the
dunya is that people might think one of the other, usually it's
thinking, Oh, because we have wealth that we have been favored,
and there's something special about us, because we have health,
there's something special about us and that we've been favored, and
so forth and so on. But this is not the case at all, in fact, that
sometimes it's actually it's the opposite.
And so what b&o vedika, he says the explanation of this is as
follows. He's going to go into a detailed explanation. And then in
Santa Matakana Tati and Marcin Finn osobowych uma Danika, folk
rune kind of Harlem or Lajitas bar will come out was somebody would
work what is sticking out and in nurse Ilahi, there can be no one
is shooting
when a man of Taqwa and good conduct, okay, so again, this is
how it turns out our son is stricken with poverty. His state
with Allah, the Exalted will be one of and he's going to listen to
him if traits, right first is Karna is that he will be content
and the In addition, excuse me read off. And then Allah
acceptance suburb patients, what are he translated here? Sir
circumspection scrupulousness. And instead randomness, independence
of others and many other noble attributes.
And so in other words, that he is teaching us how to be that in the
state of poverty, these are the traits that we want to accompany
that straightened circumstances where that we don't have the
wealth that we need to get by that we fell short on page 32.
Okay, so redraw your being content, and that relates to the
Divine Decree, Allah put you in that state. Now, it doesn't mean
that you just say Allah put me in a cinema kind of try to get out of
it doesn't mean that you don't try to that establish a livelihood and
to conduct your affairs. So that you know, it doesn't mean that
what it means is, is that from the standpoint of the Divine Decree,
that ultimately, Allah put you in that situation, and you have to
have contentment. But then you also have to have Cola, which is
also sometimes translated as contentment, but it's a different
type of contentment. It is being satisfied with a, your portion. So
it's acceptance, this is my portion. And so let's say we have
a livelihood and we earn a certain amount of money, and is enough for
us to get by, is that acceptance really is is that when you think
about your friend, or your next door neighbor, they might make
twice as much as you two or three times as much as you do. But Allah
is accepting that this is the provision that Allah Allah gave
me. So it relates in a sense to contentment, but it's slightly
different in that your content just with your portion, and that
outward. From the outward standpoint, you're satisfied with
what you have, and what suffices you but then also, is that sub of
being patient is that when you are in straightened circumstances, and
you are poor, there are certain things that you want or need,
that you won't be able to have, or you won't be able to have right
away. It might take you longer to save, and so forth and so on, that
you might not have the type of food that it is that you really
want. So it requires patience. And the amazing thing here is he
includes as well, water,
which is scrupulousness circumspection because it's very
easy that when that someone is going through difficult
circumstances, just to find any way to make money, because they
don't have enough, so they'll do anything. So it's amazing. You
mentioned what to keep in mind. He's talking about the person of
Taqwa and the person of your son.
And this is the way that they will be. And then a very important
trait is still Hana and in NASS is that independence of others.
So in general, is that it is a good thing not to rely upon
others, and not to desire what's in the hands of others. And that
goes for that A, that goes for that even children in relation to
their parents, to having that desire to want to support your
parents to want to take care of your parents, and to take care of
family members and so forth. And in the narcissistic world in which
we live, that's not something it's very common. If you go to a
traditional society, it's amazing to see how certain people is that
have feel so
have a deep sense of responsibility upon your shoulders
to take care of others, and especially family members, is that
if they're working abroad is that they feel the need to send money
back home. And you'd be surprised how many people even here in the
United States of America, have family back home wherever back
home is and send money to them and to take care of them so forth. So
that is an amazing that feeling. And that is a beautiful thing.
But that from the person who's in those difficult circumstances,
such as their poor, is it from their perspective, is that they
don't want to rely upon people still. And that they rely upon a
lot of articles and they have a stake in it and in us, and they
that are in a state where by which they strive for independence from
others. So he says that these and many other note, noble attributes
are again, the sign that someone has Tukwila and son in that
particular situation.
And the beautiful thing is, is that if that someone does have
these traits, what kind of how the whole little light on other the
world record will end at the summer on my own in a very
delicate minute, it'll blow off at ILA here.
And he says here, what he will be met with from a lot Exalted will
be His good pleasure, nearness, reinforcement with patience and
assistance and other divine graces.
So by having those traits in your own heart, this is what you will
receive from Allah Tada. And so this is why the Imam was it
teaches us the importance of good character, because you can't
really become one of the odia without having good character.
Because every good character trait is a means for you to that draw
near to a lot of medical data, the more good traits that you have in
your heart, the more that you receive from all that data. So
only in when your character becomes complete. And all of us
different dimensions, will you be open yourself up to receive the
bounty of Allah to Allah in the way that he gives it to the
righteous whose hearts are completely pure. So every disease
of the heart will block you from receiving light and from receiving
good and receiving blessing and so forth and so on. Every good
character trait you have opened up a door for you to receive those
great blessings. And that, that here revolt, you receive the
contentment of Allah woodcore proximity with him dad, and he
translates him dead here as reinforcement. Support from Allah
to Allah, meaning Allah to Allah will help you be patient. Because
we cannot be patient, if a lot to add a doesn't help us to be
patient. If he doesn't give us two feet to be patient, there's no way
for you to be patient.
And, my honor, there'll be divine assistance either very dark and he
just mentioned these as examples. And he said there will be other
divine Grace's own cloth. Isla here, what kind of hollow female
baignoire been a nurse and then there'll be his state insofar as
it relates to people in his dealings with others. That what
will be his state, but a sitter what to Gemma when tilaka Elson
Mithuna Allah if you fuck it when Allah Tada sadaqa be mosaddek
Nakoda Broadman area it was in his dealings with others you will be
kept in a situation he will keep his situation concealed in
appeared to be fine, they will praise him in his poverty and say
that Allah exalted is taking him along the same route as the best
and most loyal his friends and chosen ones. And even though that
we mentioned this as something that is good, this is not
something that we seek is that we don't seek praise from other
people because of something that we do not as a result of doing
these great things, you will see blessings that come directly from
Allah to Allah and then some of those blessings will relate to
people. There'll be sitop Allah to Allah will value
and Subhanallah that a lot to add to that refers to people in the
Quran. Is that because of that their state of restraint is that
people think that they're wealthy and there's actually a mate it's
amazing to meet people like that these people are so generous and
that they are that they they are that
they the the restrain themselves such that they don't speak to
people about their circumstances. They don't let other people know
what the difficulties that they're going through, is that other
people think that they're actually wealthy
or not. Right, it's from their to off of from their restraint. And
it's from their clemency.
And that is a very lofty session with Allah to Allah and to Jamal
and then people also speak highly of them because that
This is if there's going to be the any sign even though that we said
intrinsically, that wealth and poverty are not that
necessarily signs that someone is righteous or not righteous, that,
generally speaking, is that most of the righteous people in human
history have been poor.
Most of them, and this is why they were in poverty used to come in
this is, you think about this, the implications of this. And this is
a classic example of how our deen really is the solution to much of
the nonsense of the modern world, they actually used to say Madhuban
be shadowside him when poverty would come to them. Welcome to the
slogan of the righteous. In other words, the sign that someone is
truly righteous. There's a lot I don't put them through the
circumstances, even though there's been a lot of righteous people as
well also have a lot of wealth. But this is the way of his Olia
and this is the way of his or sphere, his friends and his chosen
ones subhanho data.
And then what has in fact also, this set that same poverty low,
I'll solve about for joining, we'll see in that kind of holiday
just that was sought, will it be falls and Ill behaved and crop men
will result in a number of bad traits. And it just was solid,
will talk about fineness with the adequate Murphy ad him which are
the opposite of the virtues, is that will result in anguish and
anger and desire and envy for others possess.
And so this is why is that the poor are a test for the wealthy
and the wealthier test for the poor.
Because when someone is poor, there's a lot of things that could
potentially happen that in their heart, and that he's mentioned,
these is just examples. In jazz up is the opposite of subpar. He
translates it hears anguish, but it's like panic Enos. Whereas it
you don't have the ability to be patient is that you just let go.
And you just unwind as a result, and then suck it translates it
here's anger, but really socket is that
having displeasure with the Divine decree is the opposite of real
law. In a hadith as I promised, I said juxtapose one to another, in
relation to the way we respond to the Divine Decree from Monrovia
follow the Ballman socket of Allah who sought whoever is content will
receive contentment from Allah and whoever it is, discontent will
receive the displeasure of a lot. So that they go hand in hand.
And then is that what Tama feeding fineness and desire in envy for
what others possess. So this is that something that happens to
people that see other people that have other things, they have a
color that someone can't afford, or a house, or they live in a
neighborhood that someone else can't afford, or live in, and all
of these other things. And as a result, that's they desire what
other people have is that if we ever see that coming into our
hearts, when we're invited over to someone's house over in their car,
is that you cut that off immediately.
And you remind yourself of the blessings of Allah Tada. And what
you do is, you think about all of the people in the world that have
not just less than you, much less than you.
Just remind yourself, of instance, in our time there, Rohingya
Muslims, everything that they're going through right now,
remind yourself
that I've been to South Africa and seen that a shanty town in walk
through a shanty town, and the condition of a people
that living in that, that, that 10 That dwellings where there's, you
know, they don't have bathrooms, and rain seeps in. And you remind
yourself of these situations and think about the blessings that you
have, that were but oftentimes in the societies in which we live, or
that some of us live in. Even the very poor people are actually very
well off compared to other people in other places. When you think
about all the people that I think this statistic last time I heard
was something like 100 million, if not more, for that people that
live off $1 A day in Asia alone. Like $1 a day, imagine that, well,
how much we spend money and just imagine our coffee, that tab at
the end of the month, and how much that would be, I remember and one
of the places that I studied as a good salary was like $150 a month.
Like the more items like
The the builders, the Masons, is like, like the lead one who was
kind of the head of the other group that may just, you know,
about 25 or $50 more than the others did. And that was
considered to be a really good salary.
And these people were living off this. And, you know, and in many
ways Subhanallah there's always other ways of looking at it. If
you look at the end of these people, and how oftentimes
peacefully they go when they have Dean is it who really should be
envying who we shouldn't be envying anyone, when there is a
positive envy though, is that where you want what other people
have without them losing it? But you have a very different
perspective. You know, and then you see people with wealth suffer
because they feel so lonely because they don't have some of
those things that really fulfill us as human beings.
So that
then in relation to others, we're Kenda have the home in Allah hi to
Allah saw what a mofo Adam and Deb is somebody and Marina
and the result of this person, what will happen with this person,
he will be met with Allah the Exalted by he will be met with
from Allah the Exalted, where he will be met with his his wrath and
aversion and he will be reinforced with neither patients nor
assistants, what kind of huddle and then NASCI at Islamic
earlybird faculty will filler candidates indwelling montado them
if you know Larson as well as alpha alpha, we will keep it when
the law data couple who will fuckery the penalty being he will
hate it.
And then the more people he'll be despised for his poverty in
neediness in censored for making the wrong decisions and not
striving to cater for himself so as to be beholden to others. They
will say that Allah the Exalted has punished him with poverty
because of his poor religion and virtue. So it's the opposite when
it comes to people. And again, is it usually people are more
concerned with the people on our real concern should be with what
we receive from a lot on what we're met with from a lot of
political data.
And then he says that,
mccannon in Santa Tolkien Marcin for the other night hello to Adam
medallic. Also only a man of Taqwa. And if sin to Allah, the
Exalted gives wealth and influence will be thankful and appreciative
of his band, a bounty. So now he's going to talk about someone who's
in the opposite state, they have wealth, as opposed to being poor,
is a what are the traits that they will have is that the first thing
you mentioned is a shocker is it he will be thankful to Allah to
Allah will tell them in namah.
And that He will exalt the blessing he's been given.
And this is why it's so important. When you have blessings. You think
Allah for those blessings, it's actually very dangerous to have
something, you have a car, but it's not as good as someone else's
cars expensive, someone else's car, usually, this is the only car
half. That's a very dangerous thing. The very fact that we even
have a car, we should think a lot about aquatera. in Tallinn minyama
means is that you exalt the blessing. But most importantly,
the giver of the blessing, in other words, is that you see it as
something great from Allah to Allah, whatever it is that you
have, even if you only have two shirts, you give thanks to a
Latina for having those shirts. And really, if you look at our
that especially of those people, even though people might be
listening from different places in the world, but addressing this to
people that live in Western countries, primarily, that most of
us are very well off. And we have to give thanks to Allah, our path
is really a path of giving things. That's really we need to structure
our mind that our path is really a path of sugar. Because we have so
much we have so much food in our cabinets, we have so many clothes
in our closet, we have so many of the gifts, that from the divine
gifts from a lot of adequate data. We have to give thanks in
structure online accordingly. And that part of giving things is we
absolutely avoid complaining.
We do not complain. We make a pact between ourselves and Elijah
Gerardo, that we're not going to complain. We're not going to
And every time we complain, we catch ourselves and we replace it
with sugar.
No, what is the honor of you? Ha, ha. You can see how the each
paragraph here could turn into an entire hotbar or an entire dose.
Packing this with meaning. He's just he's listing the etiquettes
so the net
x one is that what is that? We use it, that in obedience. So that
blessing part of etiquette what that blessing is that you use it
to be in a state of obedience to Allah to go to Qatar. Well Bethel
is Malfi would you had heard but also is that we spend it in good
ways and that help those near and far
was the net amount off to the Caribbean by eat okay which is
that extension of what was just said
what kind of have the home in Allah to Allah and Allah will
humbled him dad witness evening yes sir Messiah, well he'll be met
with from Allah the Exalted is good pleasure and love and be
reinforced with further influence in ease. So when you've been given
something, and then you give out from your wealth, and you help
other people and you have these other etiquettes Allah that'll
make things even easier for you. And he will make things even more
expensive for you. Generally speaking, the opposite could
happen. You could be wealthy at one time of your life and to be
very poor to another, but that this is generally speaking what
happens and then in relation to other people. Others will praise
him for his good works and pray for him to be increased increased
in the Fluence and an ease. As for the people that don't have arson,
and the people who don't have Taqwa is that what kind of
Mathematica that matter we'll see after dunya and they have money
and they have a fluence. So they have a lot of flexibility when it
comes to worldly things. Is that kind of hollow agenda when it was
sure what what color to what it was shifted to host Illa
rededicate minion acaba there is that he will be engaged in
accumulating and keeping his wealth ever Resusci to himself
will be lucky, no scruples and exhibiting extreme greed in
similar ugly attributes, all of these attributes are ugly, and we
should see them as ugly. Whether they take the form of a human
being, or they take the form of a multinational corporation, where
that if you really look closely, that you will see these various
traits manifested, especially insofar as it relates to
oftentimes the * of other countries of their natural
resources, and all of the other that
issues that underlie that. We don't have to read much to that
really come to understand the devastation that has taken place
in the past 50 to 75 years especially. And you could even
take it back further to look on your period. All of the the
devastation that has happened at the hand of countries and the
previous period, but now at the land on the hand of multinational
corporations, and others, and sometimes individuals.
Whether it manifests like that, or in the hands of with specific
individuals, is that it must be rejected and hated. Because those
traits are reprehensible and that displeasing to Allah Jalla Jalla.
And so that Gemma, these, a person who doesn't have Taqwa is just
going to accumulate. He wants more and more and more, nothing's
enough. I've made $100,000 here and I need to know I need 500 Now
I need a million. I'm a millionaire. Now I need to be a
multi millionaire. If I'm a realtor, I need more and more and
more. When is ever enough Gemma and men at the words rhyme Gemma
is to accumulate. And that minute is to that prevent, when you don't
give your wealth out. You don't give you as a cat that you don't
give charity ensure which relates to this minute, which is that
avarice stinginess, not wanting to let go of your wealth, knowing
that the more you let go, the more comes the more you let go, the
more comes into you reach a point where you keep letting go keep
anywho and more and more and more comes as well above it sworn oath
by Allah by Allah. Charity does not diminish wealth. It does not
diminish wealth. And in fact, the best way to preserve your wealth
is not to save it in a bank account.
That first of all, we shouldn't be taking having that interest
savings accounts anyway.
It's not worth it. all you're really doing is combating
inflation anyway. But most importantly, that we shouldn't be
accepting riba we shouldn't be that having anything to do with
interest and we should find other ways of investing our money in
Halal fashion, that so that we can prepare for the future. There's
nothing wrong with trying to grow your wealth, but it has to be done
in that lawful in a lawful way. So Gemma and minute, and then also is
that sure would welcome letter one.
Iraq, is that that sometimes it's that the people that actually have
wealth are not the scrupulous ones that have wealth or not the
scrupulous ones, because they just spend their money in luxurious
ways and don't think twice about it. Oh, it doesn't matter. I'm
just going to do his own he's going to do that. So it really
depends on the state of an individual it could be that when
they don't have money or they have money that this reprehensible
trait manifests. And then
that below that is Eddie come into the club or there are the other
similar ugly attributes well Rama Well can I have them in a like a
soccer lotto candidate and senators will tentatively then
maybe call it a fair amount of when that he will be what he will
be met with from Allah the Exalted is His wrath and aversion others
will censor him for abstaining from good works and benevolence
and lacking loyalty, justice, generosity, and other such good
will not count of how to incent men under attack. What accent uh,
so how Osama? So now he's going to talk about health
and what are the traits that come from good health? So a man of top
corner when healthy in whole what are the traits that he will have
was some kind of shutting there was a chakra Lila, rigid female
body light Tara was several for Sati were coated with it later is
that he will be thankful and eager to please Allah the Exalted and
use his health and strength in obeying him.
Okay, so listen, a few etiquettes. The first is, is a shocker, the
law that we should give thanks every morning that we wake up for
the hip for health. Health is one of the greatest blessings of all.
And that they are, these are one of the buttons that we forget very
quickly that we have, because you get so used to it. And you don't
know that it's a blessing until you lose it.
And that I promised I said I said is that there are two blessings,
that many people are cheated out of a substitute for all net return
mobilen FEMA, Kathy Roman and NAS is that they're cheated out of
them. Because they don't recognize that how great of bussines they
really are a salad for All right, good health, and having time, free
time having free time.
And that way they have to be used accordingly. So the first thing
was to vie to give thanks. And as we mentioned before, but to remind
ourselves that we should all give sugar to a lot out of everyday
even as for a few minutes, just before you go to bed or just
before you wake up in the morning.
And that to help yourself to how to do that. The two major
categories are blessings of the deen and blessings of the dunya.
So in terms of blessings of the deen, the fact that you have Iman,
and all of the other things that you can think about that Allah
Allah has blessed you with ammunition to the deen the people
that you've met, the places that you've been, and so forth and so
on. And then in relation to the dunya, you start thinking about
the blessings of your physical body, and your food and your
drink, and your family and all these other types of things. And
you give thanks for those. And then, but you could start thinking
about other categories of blessings, to give thanks for but
those are two ways to stimulate in your mind, the process of chakra
and then with gentle female body light Allah is that you be
serious, literally. And that taking the religious life
seriously, to do what brings about the pleasure of Allah to have
adequate data?
what sort of suitable quality of what it is that you use that
energy that you have for the obedience of Allah? Allah gave you
that energy? What are we using our energy for?
If you think about your MO camera, all of the energy that you have,
imagine like a gas in a tank. Right? Where did you drive your
car to? On one tank of gas? Where's everywhere you went? How
much of that gas was used for what was permissible, how much it was
used for what was an obligation how much was used for what was
impermissible, your energy that you have? What did we use our
energy for? If you think about it like that, but everything that we
spent our time doing.
And part of it is is that a person of tuck corner son will use it for
what brings about that the contentment of Allah will use it
in the obedience of Allah to Allah and that the result of this person
is that he will receive good pleasure and honor of Allah and
Kurama others will praise him for his good work, determination,
earnestness and obedience. No should sickness in it
Health we follow Him He will accept be patient submit to God's
will find his sufficiency in him and refrain from impatience,
annoyance and complaining to others.
So this individual who was a person of Taqwa and our son, when
they actually become ill, but what is their state? First and
foremost, remember, the reminded as is the case and believe that
it's from Allah. And this is one of the greatest things that we can
do when we are with other people that become sick, is to help them
submit to the Divine Decree. Now, oftentimes, the best way of doing
it is not telling them Oh, you have to submit to the Divine
Decree, because they know that it's been there for them and
showing them empathy. And by being extra Otherside by calling them
texting them, staying in touch with him, being for there for
them, is that that's the greatest way of all that we can in the
human way. That be a means for them to accept the divine decree.
And sometimes we have to actually remind someone, people of that,
but then serve our patients with this leanly Moradi law, these all
go together, and that we submit to Allah as well. But part of it is
is that
we have to prepare
for these moments by strengthening our Eman. This is why we should be
praying our five daily prayers preferably in congregation at
least Fajr and Isha it least Fajr and Isha.
And even better yet, in a masjid, or in a masala.
And then we have a process whereby which we are constantly learning
is that we are attending gatherings of remembrance, all of
these things that we do are like zatt, that like provision that
help us when we actually go through those moments of
difficulty. And the greater that we have that built up our
reservoir of a man is the greater that we will then respond in those
particular moments. But that's what we want. We want in the most
difficult moments of our life, to respond with inner. That's what we
And that, yes, that's times where we that? Yeah, we always only seek
the help of Allah, but sometimes people are means to help us with
that. But this blessing dua that we always say one of the great
DOS, that is one of the most oft recited to us, right? Well, many a
teeny man to her wiener be he eylea Messiah dunya. And then oh,
Allah blessed me with certainty, whereby which is that you make it
easy for me to respond to the tribulations of this world?
That's what we want. Because the more European that we have
certainty is that the more that all of the Messiah, that all of
the tribulations that we go through, will be to whom it will
be easy for us. For one person, it's easy for someone else is
extremely difficult.
What is your story, this person, that person, nothing else other
than Eman and your pain?
Man in Ukraine? Yes, there's the temperament that we have for some
people that
easy to think certain things are easier than others, but a man
transcends all of that.
And in a certain sense, also underlies all of that. In when
there is a man, nothing is difficult. Nothing is difficult.
That is what makes things easy for us to bear. And there's no claims
being made. These are reminders for all of us, that this is the
way that we want to be.
No, and so
is that he will be met with Allah, the Exalted by His good pleasure,
solicitude, assistance and reinforcement with relief,
tranquillity and more, others will praise Him and said that Allah the
Exalted allow this illness to be fallen to remit his sins in purify
and increase his good deeds, and raise his rank. And when we
respond, like was mentioned, that's the greatest sign is that
it was actually for that reason. And there are many people that go
through very difficult things right before they die. And that's
actually a good sign. Because that should be seen as far as an
And this is part of the prophets, Allah being an ummah that is
Martoma. And even though it's difficult to swallow, and very
easy for people in luxury to say this, but it is the truth
nevertheless, is that this is an Allah Mahoma and Allah to add, it
brings forth for the Ummah, that out of mercy for it, that
tribulation, that is an atonement, that so that there's no punishment
in the next world
that many people that go through very difficult states before they
die. But this is contrary to what people think that actually a sign
of a good seal is that they go through difficulties. And then
that they say like Allah Muhammad Rasul Allah just before passing.
And then he says here
Roma can handle in Madrid rather missa Khanna handling order that
was sub rotor Sydney Marilla with actief Abby will teleca desert the
bottom Masha coil Hulk industry is similar to the opposite state that
was previously mentioned. But
as for that
seems like here that he
So then he says that others will praise Him and say they got to
know an ill behaved corrupt man.
When healthy and whole is ungrateful, transgresses, neglects
obedience and is eager to use his strength and energy in rebellious
and sinful acts. He will be met by a lot by his wrath and expulsion.
Others will censor him for overstepping the limits and for
his eagerness to attract God's wrath. When he becomes ill or any
other way afflicted, he will be angry, anxious and impatient. He
will be alone with Allah's decrees and exhibit other culpable traits
he'll be met with from a lot exalted in bias, aversion and
expulsion. As for people that will criticize them and say that Allah
the Exalted has punished him with illness and afflictions for his
rebellion iniquity in numerous sins. So we get the idea is that
it's the opposite of the former. And then in our head that says,
and according to this pattern, it is according to this pattern that
you must observe, reflect in think about such things as honor in
debasement, obscurity, and renown, distress and influence in all
other conditions, which may alternate in people's lives. So
that he wants us now to really think carefully about the states,
that folder, the white duck, is that reflect that think, observe,
there's all these different states that people go in, is that is
invalid honor in the basement, sometimes people are very popular,
sometimes they're very unpopular. But again, that popularity or
being popular or unpopular, intrinsically does not mean that
that person is close or far from Allah, tada, you could have an
extremely unpopular person who's very close to Allah, you can have
a very popular person who's very distant or very close to Allah,
you don't know. There's nothing intrinsic in those states. It
depends on their luck. The traits of their heart,
is what really determines that whether they're close to Allah or
not, this is a precious gem. If we looked at the world like this, we
would not be deluded, we'll be able to see through people, no
matter how famous someone is, no matter how beautiful they are, no
matter how much wealth they have, how are they? What is the state of
their heart.
And if there be ruffed of these great traits of character, you
cannot love them as a believer. If you do, you're doing something
wrong, and you need to protect your heart. Because when you love
people, for the wrong reasons, that love will draw you towards
And you will plunge into an abyss that will bring about great
difficulties in your life. As a result of your love and attraction
towards these people. When you love people for the right reasons,
the opposite thing happens. It catapults you towards that the
stations that bring you nearer to a lot of other CO data, so wants
us to reflect upon this, that whether you're known whether
you're unknown in times of difficulty and ease, the key is
you respond to were allowed to displace you. So if Allah has
given you ease, what's important is you respond in a way that he
never had had mentioned. If he's giving you difficulty, you respond
in the way that him or her dimensions?
And so he says,
that you will know that tequila and sun render them beautiful what
all these conditions the ultimate in people's lives. What renders
them beautiful, is taqwa and SN
good illustrate whereas corruption and evil conduct, which is for
George and Isa, render the ugly and degrading and expose such
people to
censure from others and wrath and aversion from Allah meditate on
this chapter. Well, if you remember that is saying that that
is for a reason, an Arabic word to unmask other fossil Gendun. What
the unmold how that fossil jin jin jin here is emphasizing this.
Meditate on this chapter well 40 includes subtle knowledge and
answers to problematic situations. They're human.
There's, there's subtle knowledge is or what we don't say that in
English, it's or no, not just not. In the plural. Definitely, there's
a lot of subtle knowledge here, we have a moon which Kira things that
people find problematic, or they don't know how to reconcile in
their mind, the solution isn't understanding this. But we have to
reflect upon in think about these different states.
And then to think about the traits that we need to have in them.
And that you could see how this could turn into an entire book is
if we would just list all of the different conditions that we could
possibly be in. In, there's a lot of modern research that will help
us in this, it wouldn't be take that much time to exhaustively
that list all of the different conditions. And then we could see
the examples in the room that that gave us and apply it to those
various conditions. And then we develop a checklist for ourselves,
where are we in relation to that? How do we respond in these various
situations, and then we can see where we need work. But the first
stage is to be aware of it, and then we can put in the work that
we need. He says we could have elaborated length, however, bring
it to notice the little that we have a sufficient for he is who is
intelligent, and perceptive. And God possesses knowledge, of all
things, a ton of benefit us through these great works of Imam
Abdullah, an avid dad
bless us and all of our different states inshallah Tana, usually in
the raw, we read a little bit from men in the universe. And so we'll
stay consistent with that, and shanaka. And just read a short
section from that as well. So this is from men in the universe by Dr.
Mustafa vendoring. And we are now on the bottom of page 20. Where he
says, and that's how to preserve him. And he's speaking now in the
chapter on time, he previously said that time expands and
contracts, becoming lighter in the first instance and denser in the
second, the lighter it is, the more Baraka there is in it, and
that the more that can be achieved in it, whereas the denser it
becomes, the less Baraka contains and the more obstructive to
achievement, it becomes very deep. So, he then says, There is no
difficulty conceiving of variations and inward and subject
in inward subjective time, from dreams and other inner
experiences, one may travel vast distances and do a great number of
things, only to find that these experiences took minutes of
outward time. So if you could actually calculate Calgon, they've
done a lot of research on this, how much time actually expires,
but outwardly in your dream, but your dream could go on for long
periods of time you travel, that vast difference distances, and all
these different things happen. And then it actually only a very short
period of time that transpired outwardly.
No, as we have shown outward time is also not uniform, since it
contracts in it expands, thickens and thins and revolves in cycles.
What is it then, which indicates these changes? Surely it is not
the clock that keeps ticking regularly. But the content of the
minutes and hours that is the number and size of events
occurring within the same objective time, the less
obstructive the quality of time, the more one is allowed to do.
And so keep in mind, that we had previously discussed this very
modern idea of the mechanization of time, is it 60 seconds is 60
seconds, you have the same 60 seconds that I have, it's no
different from person A to person B, it passes in the same way. We
do not believe that. The way that one person experiences 60 seconds
as you be timed on a watch is very different than someone else. And
by overly focusing that on time in this way, which is really that
part of the world in which we live. And this is referred to as
what is referred to as the mechanization of time is that one
traps himself in time and it becomes obstructive
to what it is that they could actually accomplish in time.
And yes, there is this sense of that being very careful with your
time planning your day out and so forth. But the most important
factor is the quality of your heart. And that the state of your
heart and to the degree that you rely upon Allah to add it in live
in the moment, the more you rely upon Allah, the more you live in
the moment, the more blessing you have in time, the more than that
your time for you will expand, and you'll be very different. And what
you get out of that time is which is really time keep in mind is our
rights and man it is our capital. With our tiada with a larger
agenda, Angela, it is our capital. All we really have is time famous
statement of housing mystery, that you have no Adam in Newcomb, a
Oh, son of Adam, you are days, every time that a day passes, part
of us gone. That's all we were days. Every time a day passes,
part of us is gone. We'll have a limited amount of days at the end
of our life. And if you think about it, however, whatever number
that is, every time a day goes, God, God, God, God until we meet a
legit legit Allah. And so what we want is for time to expand and to
So he says time is manipulated by the Divine power for various
purposes, as demonstrated, for instance, in the story of is there
may peace be upon him in the Quran. And in the story of the
sleepers in the cave, sort of Gath and a story of his heirs and sort
of Makara it was there died and was revived 100 years later to
find that whereas time and not in its normal effect on his animal,
which nothing but bones remained. It had been suspended for both
himself and his food, neither of which showed the slightest sign of
decomposition. As for the sleepers in the cave, they were made to
sleep for 309 years.
Their vital functions preserved but their consciousness electively
selectively suspended. There are many more examples found in
Hadith, and the lives of the companions of the Prophet
Mohammed, their followers and other men of God,
of how time expense. What we learned from that is, is that
Allah has called it a cliche.
He does what he wants subhanho wa taala. And just think about the
busted lady Asami Racz everything that happened, traveling to
Jerusalem, ascending into the heavens, going into the first,
second third, all the way to the seventh that beyond the seventh
heaven, everything that happened, just in the one narration of going
back and forth to Allah to Allah from finally went from 50 prayers
to five
and then he returns back home and his bed is still warm. So you can
imagine you're sleeping in your bed, it's gonna be naturally warm,
if your body heat has has wandered up, and then you leave and you go
to freshen up that depending on how quick you get back, he might
be going the bed of the prophesy centum was still warm, all of
those experiences in that short amount of time.
And we have incredible examples of amongst the odia. But as he says
here, even amongst the Companions themselves and the tabby.
Apart from such extraordinary events, certain times are said to
be more charged with Baraka such for example, on the Day of Arafah
each year during the Hajj pilgrimage Friday each week in the
last third of the night.
The times between the dawn prayer and sunrise in between the
afternoon prayer and sunset each day, as the last day draws nearer
time contracts, thickens and becomes less conducive to good
works. Baraka diminishes by the day until none shall remain in the
last man of God dies leaving no successor. This will herald the
end of terrestrial time and the advent of the hour. He states
explicitly that our will not arrive until time contracts lead
to cool Messiah had the Takata BISM. And,
and so literally, to Honda was to come close. And this is translated
beautifully. Here's contracts, that's what's happening. It's
coming closer to other words, it's contracting,
the Hour will not arrive until time contracts so that a year
becomes a month, a month as a week, a week as a day, a day as an
hour and an hour as a fairy flare called Dharma tea and not a fiery
flare, just a flicker. Right.
And so time is going to contract then so if we are wondering that
where time goes in our particular time, and that you know why it is
that we can't do everything that is that we want to do this
is part and parcel of the time in which we live. But we also have to
recognize from the bounty of Allah to Allah as that in difficult
times, a little goes a long way.
So doing little things, just preserving the five daily prayers
in our time just taking your prayer seriously, in making your
day revolve around the prayer, that is one of the greatest ways
in a very innate with your lived reality through the practice of
your deen is that you can combat the mechanization of time is that
by making your world the life revolve around prayer,
who should really strive to do this, and try to pray towards the
beginning of the times, and so that we can get the blessing
of the prayer which will affect every other aspect of our life.
Another Hadith indicates that time should not be conceived of as
linear, as most people tend to think, but rather as circular or
more accurately as spiral. Time has turned full circle and return
to what it was when God created the heavens and earth. Thus spoke
the Prophet salallahu idea to 77 on the Farewell Pilgrimage is the
Hadith embody the meaning of this hadith is that the configuration
of the physical heavens of our world had returned to what it was
at the beginning of creation that time had therefore turned full
circle, and at the end was imminent.
And so when you understand this, about the dunya, you just think
about what everyone's chasing
is thinking about how ridiculous it is, and how you and I fall into
it even knowing it.
Located to dunya tattooed on Allah, Jana Baroda Massa car
caffeine and then had a shot but the map or the dunya to equal in
the sight of Allah, a not swing key will not given have given a
disbeliever a sip of water.
So think about the entire dunya This is our teacher said he used
to say this is imagined and that's when and imagine two people that
coming in and finding a net swing on the ground. And another person
comes in be like, no, let me have it. There was no, I'm gonna have
it. And they start fighting as a result, literally, they start
fighting and arguing over who's going to keep the net swing. If
you told any person that had was saying that they were fighting
over who's going to get the next swing. You think these people are
miserable? They're completely crazy. So imagine wars happen.
family feuds happen, all of these things happen that over something
that does not equal a nursery.
one time one of our teachers teachers have you ever had
middlemen when he was studying team is that there was someone who
that misappropriated a piece of land that he owned. And they that
claim that they owned it, and he wanted to prove is that it was
actually his land. And so he had the papers within and this is the
importance of the people of Toby is his teacher. Have you ever told
them and Omar that a shelter a father heavy house, unsheltered
Have you seen in the shelter it is it was made aware of this? And
when he saw how beaver him? He said, Yeah.
He said, man, now Zach feeding Nick finanzielle. If anyone is
going to try to argue with you in relation to the dean, he said,
Stand firm and explain to them the truth. Idiotic, idiomatic way of
translating. He says, Oh, my nose actually doing yak LTF in his, if
anyone's trying to vie with you over the dunya are arguing over
something worldly. He said, Just take the papers and throw it in
their face. Right? Doesn't mean literally throw it in their face,
but it means is harmless.
You're gonna fight over that.
And remember, there was a point where that certain people would
come to me with that hash, about some type of dispute that they
had, like over a piece of land. Now, of course, we have parties
that are there to settle disputes, but we're talking about a
different meaning here. And he's just said, take it to someone
Just don't talk to me about dunya Please don't talk to me about
and what a lovely state do or you don't you don't want to hear about
dunya you'll want to hear it. Just leave it
and people will hear what I just said and twist it and turn it in
in think that I mean what I don't mean by it.
So it doesn't mean that we just let people trample on us and
there's a lot of things that when I just said don't doesn't mean but
there's no doubt of the virtue when it's implemented in the
appropriate way of what it actually truly does mean.
Okay, and Anyhow, this is how these two
People are and this is who that we want to be like metal autonomous
has to live into upon these meetings, these meetings become a
reality within us, the books in your head that are not difficult
to understand, right it's not a complicated metaphysical type of
the soul of
that sometimes people like to learn these books are very
practical as practical as they can get. But these books if you put
them into practice is that you will see unbelievable results you
will truly be a transformed human being and that you will be exposed
to be able to receive in the greatest of the manifestations of
Allah's mercy and bounty subhanaw taala is that these books are just
as relevant for our time as they were at the time they were written
and they're easily accessible there's low hanging fruit and
things we can actually bring into our lives on daily basis not to
make them a reality or solid Lourdes Mohammed in my notes every
senator suicide fad you heard how there tend to be
say the DUA inshallah
Ramona and vana Bhima Lambton
owner of effect
V Dini in
Stockholm Lima tanto de
Kado was no clinical No, Harlan and
Muhammad Haiti will look for a coalition around Berners Lee Hello
coalition work and
do your work the Canadian government dnn also in Milan,
Rome, for instance. Arcanum and Saddam was a lot of noise and most
of them and then Harghita and wikitolearn via message Shiva a
lot a lot of economic shorter via rather sloppy Mossad. We have the
word Hola mi de Navajo Dogg. When I let me when you sort of hit a
dog, when I totally know what NCOIC are allowed to do under
memento. Homina Homina Homina croissant, we'll send in more of
what is eating and we're hungry didn't run out he was
turned off and knocked out of the water. Shut off and
shut off in a bad job. Eileen Thompson local Mahoba will stall
out it was
it was a fairly windy day. Robbie Romolo. Early on, he said
he woke the MaHA
Sahaba when Muslimeen asthma I mean Robbia smack for Brandwatch
Jordan Min navic T SAP and most of our Rosaleen Hello amico nice
early when will stop orders early in the lobby coolness early there
will stop on Ross wall Nicholas early Salah will sell the highly
under heavy or early or so heavy that touches so heavy while
handling Ealer he felt when he would turn