Yahya Rhodus – Knowledge & Wisdom Imam alHaddad #24
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Bismillah salatu salam ala Rasulillah while earlier he was
talking beheading woman, Wallah
the next Hadith in the collection of Kotova Faheem an MB
hereditarily Allahu Anhu and the Nabi sallallahu alayhi wa sallam
and who call in Allah to Allah Yahara Wahida to La he and yet to
me know Maha Ramallah whatever Karla.
So this translates as, or at least a partial translation, Allah.
Indeed Allah has a Hydra and I'm gonna leave that word untranslated
because we'll come back to its meaning, indeed that Allah has the
Veda in the hater of Allah relates to a believer doing something that
Allah has made unlawful for him.
And so this is a Hadith both in Makati and Muslim, the word hater
linguistically, is probably best translated as jealousy.
And that when we speak about being jealous here, it's not in the
negative sense that is most often referred to in our culture, in the
sense of having envy for someone because of something that they've
achieved or something like this. Well, Ada actually, that means and
this is even in an English dictionary, this idea of fierce
being fiercely protective or vigilant of one's rights or
possessions. And you also will find in the dictionary that it has
in parentheses of God demanding faithfulness and exclusive
worship. So even in English we have this sense of jealousy
relating to Allah subhanho wa Taala and that we were hesitant to
translate it as jealous as we'll come in we'll explain why
inshallah Tada. So that indeed Allah to Allah has the data. And
the hater of Allah to Adam, relates to a believer doing
something that Allah to Allah has made unlawful for him.
And another narration is that it says, The indeed that Allah has
IRA and the believer has IRA and that the Veda of Allah relates to
that a man doing what Allah Tana has prohibited for him. And yet
another narration, it states law had a Yoda woman Allah, no one has
more ADA than Allah, fully there for this reason, how Romans Allah
He shot that he has made all x indecent acts haram, unlawful
MALBA haram in HIM ON button, the outward manifestations of them in
the internal and so that we understand that the hater of Allah
relates to doing what he is prohibited subhanho wa taala. So
let's look a little bit deeper and seeing that how that there's a
connection between the way we understand the Haida in terms of
human beings and then how we understand that in relation to our
Lord subhanho wa taala. So that if you would say in the Arabic
language, a Hara Rasool, Allah, Allah He, you would translate this
roughly as is that a man showed jealousy? That that a man that
that was jealous in the sense of being fiercely protective that
over his family in relation to someone else. And someone else in
this sense, is someone that wanted to do something inappropriate, or
someone that wanted to harm them or something of this nature. And
that the Hydra that in its balanced form, is considered to be
a noble thing. And yes, there's two extremes. One is where it goes
too extreme in one direction, where someone ends up doing
something that is haram as a result of being too jealous, it's
imbalanced. And that a lack of jealousy. According to s&m is also
considered to be that something that is blameworthy what we want
is really that balance in the middle two that want to protect
your family, including your spouse, and your children, and
those that are beloved to you those that are close to you. This
is a noble trait, and that it also relates to you
that closely this idea of modesty and the importance of modesty, and
that, that knowing how to be in public and having proper
comportment in public and knowing how to be in private.
And so that really what later is that if we look what happens in
the human beam, is that you find that they are bothered by
something, and it causes them to change internally. And it leads
them to take outward action, that is preventative by nature. So it
really relates to what is called minute provision in the Arabic
language. And so insofar as it relates to the human being, this
process is taking place internally in the heart, and it leads to an
act that is done outwardly, some type of preventative measure is
taken. And that, obviously, this process that relates to human
beings is impossible. We don't attribute this to a lot to other.
It's similar to when we talk about a lot about mercy, mercy for human
beings. It's a process whereby which we have brittleness of heart
and you have empathy towards someone, and it leads you to do an
act of kindness outwardly, when we talk about mercy, that in relation
to our Lord, it relates to the end result of that which is a showing
of benevolence, that an act that is done that of goodness from our
Lord subhanho wa taala. And so similar to that, is that when we
talk about a Haida in relation to Allah subhanho wa taala. And if
we're going to use this word, jealousy, jealous or that
jealousy, we have to understand exactly what that means. It's not
anthropomorphic in any way. It's not related to how human beings
become jealous, as for Allah subhanho wa taala, that it relates
to that when someone does something that is unlawful, that
consequences that happen as a result. So some type of
punishment. Other scholars say that it relates to that Allah's a
hubbub His wrath to botica, to Allah. And so how do we understand
that the human dimension and how that relates to Allah to Allah and
what he's prohibited. So just as a human being that has the Hydra, he
has this jealousy that leads him to or her to fiercely protect
someone that is close to him or her, and that they end up taking
preventative measures as a result, likewise, is that Allah subhanaw
taala has made certain things unlawful.
And that if anyone crosses the goes beyond the bounds, and ends
up doing something that is unlawful, is that now they have
done something that is going to have a consequence with Allah
Jalla Jalla Allah. And so this is very helpful, because that we
realize is that what Allah Tala has forbade us to do is that we do
not want to go near that.
And there is that deep wisdom and Allah subhanaw taala, making
certain things permissible and certain things unlawful. And part
of that was done relates to what we discussed in the last.
That just That's it, oh, I've been setting the cognitive frame, if
you will, in relation to that acts of obedience and acts of
disobedience. The whole purpose of this ultimately is to refine the
self to draw near to Allah subhanho wa taala. But when you
bring this to mind, is it things that Allah to add it has deemed
unlawful? Is it to go near those things, yellow teeth, and that
could bring about the Wrath of Allah to Allah, if He doesn't
forgive you that that could have severe consequences, just as in
that the Human Sphere is that if you go near inappropriately, that
someone's family in a way that is that not proper, is that there
could be severe consequences, that in relation to the people that are
protecting that person. And this is further clarified by a hadith,
that side of an Obeida.
One of the unsought is that he said, in front of the Prophet
salallahu Salam is that, that were I to ever come upon my wife and
there to be a man with her. He says that I would have pulled out
my sword and that killed him and never pardoned him ever.
And that actually sorry, this was in front of the province I sent
him. This is what he said that were I to have come upon someone
and see them with my wife is that I will
pulled up my sword and I would have taken their life. This
reached the Prophet sallallahu sallam, and he says attack
Jerusalem and availity Sad. Are you amazed at the Raider of sad?
Right the jealousy of sod and he says will lie Ilana earlier. He
says by Allah I have more jealousy than he will allow of yo Mini.
Allah has more Hara than me. Woman educated de la Hui haram Alpha
Aisha Hamada Han, Mina Moulton, and because of the hater of Allah,
He has made all in decencies, acts of indecency, that unlawful, the
outward manifestations of the N word,
excuse me.
And so is that what we learned from this is, is that this was
from the height of sight.
And so height, again, in a balanced fashion, is something
that is good. And again, there are two extremes, one on one side on
the other, what we want is to have a balanced sense of it. And that
most cultures have this and one of the things that you could say
is that this is oftentimes not deemed to being a good trait in
the modern world,
in many circles, but even in the country in which we live at one
time, is that this was very much a part of how people were expected
to be and still in the Muslim world is that you find very
beautiful examples of this balance later. And how it is that we
should be in relation to that people that are close to us, our
families and so forth. Because again, is that this is considered
to be a good thing when it's balanced. It's this idea of
protections idea of that vigilantly looking over those that
are in one's care. And so that one final Hadith that we can that
understand that helps us understand the acts of
disobedience is when that our Prophet Salla Sam teaches us about
the reality of sin and what happens he says in MENA either as
another Nikita looked at him so that if you're called, indeed that
when a Muslim sins is that a black spot a rises on his heart for in
Tableau a stall for Sookie la Calvo is that if he repents and
seeks forgiveness, his heart will be polished, and learn your job.
But if he does not repent, that Hatta, Lulu Alba is that if he
does not repent, is that the blackness of his heart will
increase until the entire heart becomes black. So this is the
reality spiritually speaking, that it doesn't mean that it's like
when you smoke, and you're going to see like tar like substances, a
start like substance on your lungs. This is something in the
spiritual realm, this is real, it happens that when you sin, there's
consequences. And one of the greatest consequences is the
effect that it has upon your heart. This is something that
happens here in this world, let alone the consequences in the next
world. But there's a reality to this as your heart becomes
blackened. And the darker your heart becomes, the harder it
becomes, the harder your heart becomes, is that the less mercy
that it will receive and a long list of other things and the
easier that will be for someone to do further acts of disobedience.
And so that when the heart becomes that immersed in blackness, is
that this is the Ron the rust, if you will, that is referred to in
the words of a lot of adequate data and sorters animal
trafficking Kela Bell Ron Allah Kuru being no, they have rust upon
their hearts, that caliber Ron Allah Kurumi Magkano Yuxi boon
from that which they earned, so that because of the sins that they
committed, they've earned that's a part of their CASP is that the
consequences of that on their heart are severe, but the
beautiful thing is that Hampton Illa, we have Toba, we can repent
to Allah Jalla Jalla Allah, and that the purpose of this hadith
and all of the different warnings of our Prophet sallallahu sallam,
we should receive them even if they aren't Jalali and majestic.
Why is because he is warning us out of His mercy. Just as the
apparent that would warn their child about doing something that
could harm them. The Prophet warms his ummah about things that will
harm them in this world, and in the next. So being warned, even
though it is a majestic thing, it's under our under lies, it is
mercy so that we can avoid anything that will harm us in this
world and the next man lesson
Hello daddy give us Sophie.
So in sha Allah we will look at chapter 25 from knowledge and
wisdom by Imam Abdullah now that Smilla
Smilla Rahmanir Rahim Al hamdu Lillahi Rabbil Alameen wa sallahu
wa ala Sayyidina Muhammad in early he was somebody who was salam in
knowledge and wisdom but Imam I believe in Allah will her dad, may
Allah preserve him and benefit us through him and
chapter 25 rights of the house of prophecy. No person of any
consequence should revere or praise an ignorant man, even if he
is of noble birth and virtuous ancestry, for to respect and
praise such a person to his face may have been an adverse effect on
him, religiously speaking, by deceiving him as concerns God and
rendered him indifferent to good works, and oblivious of gathering
provisions for the hereafter.
The one who has revered and praise Him, will have been the cause of
this temptation and illusion. And it will be as if he was trying to
destroy him. Okay, so just very briefly before we read further,
chapter 25, that Dr. Mustafa offers the title, rights of the
house of prophecy, and he will eventually speak. He does
throughout the chapter speak about the family of the prophets, the
licen. But he also speaks about praising and praising people, and
that one of the things that we need to learn is that how to
understand praising people in relation to the dean.
And what he begins by saying is, we have to be very careful about
who it is that we praise. And there is no doubt that we certain
types of praise, if not outright, being amazing, outright unlawful
is that they could be on the verge of being sinful, as as a result of
that not doing so in the right way. And in general, the vast
majority of human means, are harmed by praise. Now, it's
important that we give a complete picture.
When it comes to that. On one hand, yes, you're supposed to
think people when they do good things. One On another hand, on
one hand, you're supposed to acknowledge people when is that
they do good, especially that when you raise children, is that you
correct them when they're wrong, and you acknowledge the good that
they've done when they do things correctly and right. However,
everything has to be balanced, is that we want to praise at the
right time, and we want to praise the right person, and to the right
amount, we want to put everything in its proper price. And just as
it's excessive, not to praise the right person at the right time, to
the right degree, that another degree of access is to that go to
extremes, and praising the wrong people at the wrong times for the
wrong reasons. And so some of those types of praise can
eventually be sinful. And our Prophet warned, that are taught
off he will do handmade Dehaene, throw dirt in the faces of those
who that praise too much. And what we want is a balanced amount of
praise. And what he begins this chapter by saying is,
if someone that is ignorant, and men, and what is understood here,
is is that they are not living up to a noble lineage that they hail
from, or a noble birth that they have received. Is that what it's
not just about their ignorance, but also the behavior that goes
along with it. And this idea is that we just praise people, for
certain reasons, is what Obama had that is really trying to correct
that our notion of is that we we need to praise for the right
reasons, not simply because that someone is of a noble birth, do we
necessarily praise them? And that one of the reasons is the adverse
effect that this has on them religiously speaking, and that it
is oftentimes leads to deception. And people are such that, even
though they might have absolute certainty that they don't have
certain traits. If enough people praise them for those traits, they
will become deluded thinking that they're actually in them. People
are amazing. That praise is actually very dangerous. And that,
especially if it's imbalanced, and if enough people praise you, then
you oftentimes internalize this sense of oh, I'm actually very
which is that contrary to the way that we should be on the spiritual
path is that we need to that constantly take ourselves to task
to progress in the spiritual path, not just think about how special
we are. And this is not just in the spiritual path is what they
tell us for mastering any craft.
The foundational principle is Adam Modan enough's, this is what they
say in the spiritual path. And this is also what they say is to
master any craft, that whatever it is that you want to master, if you
think that you've learned enough or done enough, how are you going
to get any better. It's only in not being content with what you've
attained, in putting in more effort to reach a higher degree of
mastery, that will you actually that move to the next level. And
that even if you've mastered some craft, you can always get better
at it. And also, this relates to self mastery, mastering the
spiritual path, there is no limit to the degree of mastery that you
can attain, you can always put more work in but the prerequisite
of that prerequisite of that is to not be content with yourself in
what you've achieved, you can always do better you can always
that put in more effort. And so if and when people praise others too
often, sometimes the result is for them to become complacent. And
then they put less energy in to doing acts of goodness and so
forth, which is needs to be done to draw nearer to Allah subhanho
wa taala. And so you can oftentimes really hurt people by
praising them too much.
It's me that
he made us deserve the wrath of God, His Messenger, sallallahu
alayhi salam and those virtuous ancestors of this ignorant man
from whom he derives his nobility. How can anyone be deceived by a
noble lineage in the absence of rest rectitude, or depend on it
when the messenger of God May blessings and peace be upon him
and his family has said, Oh, Fatima, daughter of Muhammad, I
can avail you not against God, as in the authentic hadith where he
calls all sons of the mortality, oh, so and so? Call on upon his
kinsmen in general, than in particular, so he includes the
entire Hadith, and the margin, the prophets I seldom addressed his
tribe thus, oh sons of Cobham in no way save yourselves from the
fire Oh, sons of Musa ibn Khattab save yourselves from the fire, oh,
sons of Abdus ships, save yourselves from the fire, oh, sons
of abdomen F save yourselves from the fire, oh sons of Hashem. Save
yourselves from the fire, oh, Fatima, save yourself from the
fire, for I can avail you not against God. However, there are
bonds of kinship between us which I shall uphold. And what is the
profit teaching here is that everyone despite their lineage,
that has to strive to have the proper belief and to have proper
action. And the prophet is setting a principle here even with his
close family members, he begins with his broader family and then
he hones in on the most beloved to him person to him, which is the
the faulty mobile tool is Zara. And by her mentioning her last
like that, it's similar to the other Hadith where the Prophet
wanted to also that state of principles that if this would
happen, even work to be the most beloved person to me, I would have
done it he mentioned say the fall tema, and how Shah had that she
would ever do something that was mentioned that particular Hadith,
this indicates her closest to him. She was the most beloved of people
to our Prophet salaallah it but it was Savio Salam. And so the point
here being is even in relation to his own family,
and we know that there were people from the family of the Prophet
that disbelieved in him, when he said Allah Tada, Osama what Alfia
the horror of of praising the ignorant is immense and so is the
temptation is subjects him to Allah man once looted another in
the presence of God's Messenger, salallahu Alaihe Salam, and was
told Woe to you, you have cut your brother's throat where he to hear
this, he would never succeed because of the way that he praised
him. And he said Salah lies, and he said salatu salam, it is better
for one of you to chase his brother with a sharp knife than to
praise him to his face. And actually this is not saying that
we should chase them with a sharp knife this is making a point is
that the danger of that improper praise?
praises and flattering remarks will harm the self deceiving
ignorant man who lacks religious priests capacity, knowledge and
certitude but not the scholar endowed with discernment and
knowledge of his Lord and of himself. And so he does
acknowledge is that there are certain people
Of course, that are that not harmed by other people's praise.
And we know that as the next sentence states is that our
Prophet Salah license and praise some of his companions, and that
there is a Hadith that states is that when the believer is praised
to his faith face, Faith blossoms in his heart. And what we
understand from that is, is that these are people of a higher
degree that know what to do when people praise them. And one of the
very helpful things that we can do if someone praises you, because
you have to be careful. If someone does praise you, there's an
etiquette that goes along with it. What are you supposed to do, if
indeed that that trait is in you, you have to immediately give show
gratitude to Allah to Allah. In that moment, when someone praises
you, you can go one of two ways, it could cause you to be impressed
with yourself, and have the trait of a job where that you have self
conceit, and think that you're special as a result of having that
particular trait. Or you could direct it, to showing gratitude to
Allah Subhanallah data, which is what we should do. However, if the
trait is not in us, as one of the Scholars has said, is that it is
sheer stupidity for us to leave the certainty that we have about
our own selves, for the good opinion of other people.
And so when people praise us, is that we need to really think we
know our own selves. We know our hearts, we know what we think
about we know what we do. We know how much we really concentrate in
prayer. We know what we do when we're alone. We all know our own
selves. We know our past, we know our struggles, we know the things
that need working on. And so just because one person praises us one
time, is that we're going to leave that certainty that we have about
ourself, for the praise of a particular individual that
stupidity to leave certainty for conjecture is a sign of
unintelligence is that we all know ourselves. So if it's really not
in us, we have to be honest. And what did that say? Know what kind
of Sadiq say, when people praise Him? That Oh, Allah do not take me
to account for what it is that they are saying.
Do not take me to account for what it is that they're saying.
And make me better than they think that I am.
Okay, and because is that if people say certain things about
you, and they're not true, how is that going to benefit us?
How is that going to benefit you if that's really not your state.
And so, these are things we have to think about. And this happens
regularly, sometimes it happens daily, it happens weekly, it
happens regularly in our lives. So we have to be very careful with
how we act and respond towards other people praising us. And one
of the helpful things that we can do, as you remember her dad said,
is that this was a technique that he used to use that if anyone ever
praised him,
he would say, all good traits, in anything that is worth being
praised, is ultimately that perfectly manifested in the
Prophet Muhammad Salah lie down.
So if indeed, they're praising me,
in something that I have for something that I have, is that in
reality, that it's from the blessing of the Prophet sallallahu
sallam, he said, so I take their praise, and I deflect it, and I
throw it into the ocean of praise of the Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu
sallam, because in reality, if they're praising anything that I
do have, it's from Allah, the means is Rasul Allah, so I sent
him and that it's imperfectly manifested in me perfectly
manifests in him. So it's as if that they're really praising
rasool Allah, that's a way to just think real quickly, deflect it, so
that it doesn't become lodged in yourself. And that one of the
things Subhanallah
that is really one of the most beautiful traits of the true
scholars of this deen the true people of Allah.
They have an incredible sense of humility. They are so humble,
incredibly humble.
And you could list a long you could give a long list of names of
people that are like this, but this is consistently what I've
always seen great scholars, some of the great scholars of our time,
and that when that you go and see them and you spend time with them,
and you're with them
Subhan Allah, that they don't see themselves as anything, that they
see themselves as just being a small fish in a big ocean,
even though for our time, they're great scholars, because they know,
the people that came before them.
They know the true people of knowledge.
If in that the examples that I'm thinking about right now, because
I just came back from Turkey, and Turkey happens to have a, that
large number of Syrian scholars that may Allah to add to that
great relief to the suffering of our brothers and sisters in Syria,
and all throughout the Muslim world.
And subhanAllah, there are so many great scholars there. And you see,
this person is like, subhanAllah, is anyone more knowledgeable than
this person, this person has amazing knowledge. But they in of
themselves, despite their great knowledge, know, where they really
are in the hierarchy. So it's not pretentious, it's real humility,
they really don't see themselves in comparison to those who came
before them. And even those in our time, as that being something that
is really great. They have deep humility. And that comes across
when you interact with them. And it comes across and how they dress
and how they speak. And the lack of expectations. And the danger,
though, with scholars that are very humble, is that you can get
yourself in trouble by stepping over the bounds. Because that,
even though that their humility is in its place, and they're doing
what is that they should do is that it's not a prerequisite for
someone to have more knowledge than the person that came before
them, for them to be beloved by Allah.
And so yes, they have their humility, but you have to be a
little bit careful. Because is that when the guard is down, which
oftentimes happens when people are very humble, is that you might do
something that you actually shouldn't do, we still have to
maintain a deep level of respect. But it's something that is just
beautiful humility. And if you compare that to the celebrity
culture in which we live, and that other manifestations of elitism,
when people rise to the top, whether it's a company, whether
it's in the that some type of academic department, or whether
it's in politics, or whether it's in Hollywood, and you compare it
most of the time, the way that people carry themselves, and how
they treat other people, and the sense of entitlement that they
have it, you know, you could write a book, if you travel a lot, seen
the difference on how people act based upon where they sit on the
and just the insensitive entitlement that they have.
Especially if, you know, they're on the top tier of their loyalty
program of their particular airline. And they're in first
class and not even even business class and the business class
people in relation to those flying economy or coach and those that
are like any economy plus compared to those who are just any economy.
And you have to be very careful. Because once that you're exposed
to privilege that you feel this sense of entitlement. And I think
I've mentioned this before, but it's worth mentioning again, I
remember one time when I was catching a flight out of New York,
and was a bit late at night so
that usually they have all these different lines. You know, they
have economy and then they have that I fly united and lots of them
economy and then they have Premier. And then they have that,
you know, United Polaris, and 1k and these types of things. And
then they have the
these all these different lines. And
so all of the lines were closed except economy.
And so all the people had to go through the economy line. Oh, my
goodness, you should have seen the reactions of the people. It was
unbelievable. Acting like they were having temper tantrums, like
babies, like little children that didn't get the toy that they
wanted, when they're two or three years old. And these poor ladies
who that were just that, that operating the lines and telling
people where to go, you should have seen the way they were
treating them. Oh my goodness gracious. Just the language that
they're using and
pacing back and forth and and then you know how people that work in
Beside the airport, they can go to the front of the line. Oh, when
some of them would like, cut in front of them and go to the front
of the line, people would become hysterical. And like someone would
start yelling, and everyone's on their phones calling united. This
is unbelievable. Right? Just like yell a thief, right? Is it that
big a deal to stand with people or in the economy, you're gonna get
through the line, just be a little bit patient. It isn't that big of
a deal.
But this, this is, you see what's in the knifes, it all comes out.
It all comes out. And so what a difference what a difference when
you've been around people that are genuinely humble, genuinely
humble. And
the across the board, from all the different places I've studied it
this is and I especially remember in Mauritania, how incredibly
humble, they were incredibly humble, they don't even want you
to call them shave.
They actually prefer that you just call them by their first name,
right? Not even use that word. And it's almost like odd if you get
super close to them. Because it's like, they don't do that. So when
you get really close to them, you kind of got to deal with them the
way they like, otherwise, you won't get close to them. Because
then that if they have to put on a persona, you know, around you,
they're not going to feel comfortable around you. And you'll
get the sense like, Okay, I don't really, you know, you get the
sense that he doesn't really want to spend time with me. Anyhow.
This is a very, very beautiful trait. And so we have to just know
where it is that we're at, we have to know our reality. And as it
said, in the land of the blind, the one eyed man rules, is that
really, we need to know ourselves is that we, I don't even think we
can really call ourselves students.
We're trying to be students. There's no claims here whatsoever.
A lot of these terms that they use to refer to people,
you know, it's a topic in and of itself, what should be used and so
forth. And arguments can be made on both sides, however, is that in
and of our own selves, is that I've never seen that my teachers
sign, share code, and they always signed by their first name. Oh, my
bin Muhammad and Salomon Hafeez even though when we speak of them,
we speak of Habib al Alam, El Morro Bay. Have you ever been
homeless, but they sign their names. Abdullah aka the least
servant could Dakka Dakka in their first name. They don't use all
these Appalachians and that's how they do it. Because this is the
way that we should be.
The Messenger of God sallallahu alayhi wa sallam prays some of his
companions and others also praised them in his presence. But this
only increased him in religious knowledge and discernment and
resolution and eagerness and obedience and worship.
A Hadith states that when the believer is praised to his face,
Faith blossoms in his heart, so that's on one side, but this is a
certain type of person. This is a believer that is mature
spiritually and religiously, and knows how to deal with that praise
and that can become diluted by it.
However, people have discernment and good counsel counsel to
themselves are few, especially these days, while people of
ignorance and delusion are many. So let believers be aware if they
are God fearing and wish to protect their religion from
anything damaging to themselves, or any of their brother Muslims.
Were told that such and such a person although from the house of
prophecy, debate, commits transgressions or mixes good with
evil. Some people answer that he is one of the people of the house
of the Messenger of God. So Allahu alayhi salam, and the Prophet as
well and the Prophet sallallahu Sallam will intercede for them,
and that perhaps their sins will cause them no harm.
This is an atrocious thing to say. And whoever utters such a thing
harms himself and other ignorant people. How can anyone say such a
thing when in the lofty book of God, there are sufficient
indications that if the people of the house are rewarded doubly for
their good works, they are also punished who for their sins, as in
God the Exalted, says, wives of the Prophet, whosoever among you
commits flagrant indecency for her chest for her the chastisement
shall be double.
So also the next verse his solo isn't wise are of his his wives
are from a debate. So his wives and his
whoever either claims or simply thinks that neglecting obedience
and committing sins are not damaging to people have noble
lineage and virtuous ancestry has slandered God and gone against the
Muslim consensus. However, those who belong to the house of the
Messenger of God so Allah Selim are nevertheless noble, and he
takes particularly good care of them. He repeatedly exalt exhorted
his community to look after them, and encourage it to love and
befriend them. So too does God in his book when he says, say, I
asked for no reward from you save the love for his kinfolks.
Therefore, all Muslims must have love, friendship, respect, and
reverence for them without extravagance, and avoiding
excesses. So he's giving us that the scale and how we understand to
do this, to say things like, oh, that acts of disobedience won't
harm someone and things like that. That's excessive, we don't do
that. And he made his case for that convincingly, and that is the
Adam that we have to have in relation to that. And at the same
time that we know that our Prophet sallallahu Sallam that asked us to
take care of his family, and so that it were encouraged to love
them and to befriend them. And he mentioned the verse in the Quran
called Local Mali, Algernon Ilyn what Dr. Phil Cordoba, I asked for
no reward from you save love for kinsfolk and so that loving a
helpmate, respecting them showing reverence to them without
extravagance and avoiding excesses. This is an obligation.
And this has come from the book of Allah and the sunnah of our
Prophet sallallahu CIBJO send them in so that the way that our
scholars always explained it, is that if you have someone from the
family of the profit center,
who does something wrong, and don't know that situation, can you
that say that that Wrong is Right, the wrong is wrong. But still, you
always respect the fact that they are from the family of the Prophet
Salah license. And if they do acts of goodness, is that your love and
respect for them is twofold. One because of their lineage and to
because of the good acts that it is that they do. And I know that
there are many people that brings up things like well, there are
people that claim that they're from the family, the prophesy SEM
and all of these types of things. And they're really not, we're not
going to really get into the discussion this requires they're
actually entire books written about love and respect of the
prophets family. One of the greatest is a shut off by Sheikh
Yusuf a number honey, but there's many, many books that were written
in the history of the OMA and that's a topic that needs to be
studied in and of itself. So what we're talking about is putting
everything in its proper place, and that families that are known
to be from the family of the Prophet, this is that how it is
that we should deal with them in this balanced fashion.
Those among
those among the people of the House who follow in the footsteps
of their virtuous ancestors, and keep to their well pleasing way,
are leaders and people should be guided by their lights and emulate
their conduct, as was done with their rightly guided forefathers.
Among the latter were the earliest leaders, such as the Commander of
the Faithful Imam Ali ibn Abi Tala, Al Hassan, and Al Hussein,
the two descendants of the Messenger of God so the lady
Salam, Jaffa altayyar, Hamza, the Lord of the martyrs of Dalit had
been the best the nation scholar, his father, Imam, Al Abbas, who
was the messenger of God's uncle, Imam Zainul, Aberdeen Ali, the son
of Al Hussein, Imam Al Bukhari and his son, Imam Al Jazeera Sadiq,
may peace be upon them, and those who resemble them among the early
and late members to this pure house.
Those who belong to this house, but do not follow the way of their
unblemished ancestors, and who because of their ignorance,
confuse things should still be respected and revered because of
their relation to the messenger.
However, those qualified to do so must never neglect to counsel them
appropriately and exhort them to follow their ancestors and their
knowledge, good works, gracious attributes and satisfactory
conduct. They must be told that they of all people are more worthy
of this. And that lineage on its own can be no benefit, nor can it
elevate in the absence of Taqwa and presents an eagerness for the
world, neglect of obedience, and allowing oneself to be sullied by
transgressions. Not only have religious leaders and scholars
understood this, but some poets also one of them said by your life
a man is but his religion son, so never neglect taqwa, and depend on
upon him and
his family he became his closest disciple of Imam Ali. May God be
pleased with him and I just go to that's the
so go on to the next point that's the the next line of the poem for
Islam exalted the Persian Salmaan, while idolatry of based in noble,
Abu Lahab
an element enemies said, if the soul of a noble man is not as
noble as his ancestry, what good will a distinguished position do
him? Another poet said, of what uses Hashemite lineage, if the
soul hails from by healer.
The same applies to the descendants of saintly people,
when they follow in their ancestors footsteps, they are
equally virtuous and deserve to be revered, and have their blessing
sought, when on the other hand, they are ignorant and heedless,
they must be canceled and guided to the right way. Nevertheless,
they should be given a certain amount of respect for their
ancestors sake, why should they not when God the Exalted says
about the two boys and the wall, and underneath, it was a treasure
belonging to them, and their father had been virtuous. So that
comes in sort of calf, what kind of womb slaley Ha, and the father
had been virtuous. And that, you know, my dad says it was said that
this refers to their seventh ancestor on their mother's side.
So it wasn't their direct father. It was their ancestor on their
mother's side, seven generations back. And then that Allah Tada
that honored them by virtue of that ancestor.
It was said that this refers to the seventh ancestor on their
mother's side, for his sake, they were protected in the worldly
affairs, let alone those of the hereafter. No this understand,
place everything in its place, give each his do seek God's help,
and you will be happy and rightly guided.
The matter is entirely God's.
So that I think that's very straightforward there after the
brief commentary in the beginning, and that is one of the things that
you'll find in the scholarship, if you remember, her dad, is an
incredible amount of balance. And he treats topics holistically from
all different perspectives so that we can put everything in its
proper place. And this is really what we want to do as believers is
that not to have any tough Freeter if wrought, we don't want to be
excessive in any way, nor do we want to be remiss. We don't want
to go to any extreme on either side, we want to remain right in
the middle. And that put everything in its proper place and
we a lot of other aquatic givers. Tofik opened up the doors for us
to benefit from these bloodwood words and to put it into practice,
and less about aquatera buses to receive the provision of Taqwa and
the provision of sacred knowledge beneficial knowledge that prepares
us for the meeting of Our Lord was sold a lot I seen him her maiden
ride it was 100