Yahya Rhodus – Knowledge & Wisdom Imam alHaddad #16 Shaykh Umer Mian
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Aloha Mala Salah Ilana jeraldo salah or enter yeah how you yeah
clean water journal has now either shutter silence ALLAH SubhanA
Ghana in Malena Illuma I limped in in the current analemma Hakeem
Allahumma aluminum and fauna on fire Namibia. I lived in a was in
there Elmo Ramona, you call reunited Kabira medica Yama Raha
mean you have a deputy Alim have done enough for 10 Kariba. You
have done enough a Tuncurry ABA, you have a w if to have enough or
10 kaliba novena Italian matale Whenever warrantyfor when we're
there kind of with good qualified or when is the further Well, I
thought it was a retailer or somebody you know, sort of that
sort of lottery system without Hoda or delay because you're low
on what he will call with will be Subhana Amin Mirotic era hamara I
so Inshallah, we will be continuing our roja lessons
inshallah with the reading of knowledge and wisdom by Satan,
Imam of the Lagna. Allah had dad wrote the Allah to Allah and
so we have reached to chapter number 19, the pursuit of worldly
to follow
the pursuit of worldly pleasures. In this world, those who possess
the utmost in comfort, enjoyed the greatest pleasures, and are most
intent on pursuing and are also also the weariest most fatigued,
endangered, worried, stressed and aggrieved of all, such as the
plight of the kings and the rich. On the other hand, those who
possess the fewest comforts and pleasures, and are the least
desirous of them are the least worried fatigue, endangered,
worried and stressed? Such are the poor and the indignant, indigent.
The reason behind this is that the delights comforts and passions of
the world are in their very essence troubling, disturbing and
stressful. Also, those who jostle compete, and envy others for them
are quite numerous. This is why it is extremely exhausting,
hazardous, and grieving to pursue, enjoy, protect and multiply these
things. The more one takes from the world and its pleasures, the
more one pursues and craves for them. The more ones problems,
dangers, worries, and sorrows multiply. On the other hand, the
less one desires and pursues the world's pleasures, the less ones
exhaustion, dangers, worries and sorrows become, one can observe
how kings and wealthy people are among the most tired, worried
aggrieved and endangered of all people. Some of them hazard their
very souls and endanger their hearts and pursuing their desires
and passions, or in protecting and multiplying them. This is quite
evident to any intelligent observer. As for the poor and the
indigent, they are the least worried and aggrieved of all for
they demand but little of the pleasures of the world and its
passions, either by choice, as do the annainsea enunciates or, by
necessity as those people who are weak and do not entertain such
ideas, let alone actively pursue them. Both have fewer worries and
fewer sorrows. Know that those who demand from the world the need
sufficient for only one day are less stress and worried than those
who demand the need sufficient for a week. Those who seek a week's
need are less worried than those who seek a month's and those who
seek a month's need are less worried than those who seek a
years. Those whose desire
are confined to themselves are less stress and worried than those
who desire for themselves and for others. As demands grow, so do
troubles, worries and sorrows as though the pleasures and comforts
that a man finds in the world on one side of the scales, while the
hardship danger and grief they endure on the other, usually
balancing each other. There are individual differences and one
side may outweigh the other a little but never very much. This
is what happens to two different groups in this world, what they
endure in their lifetime. As for the hereafter, it would take too
long to discuss or even simply to enumerate the well known, well
known Hadith, and
and long to discuss or even, and other saints describing what those
run, those who run after pleasures and appetites in this world will
undergo. They will be called to account and will meet with
chastisement, hardship and great terror.
On the other hand, the poor and the indigent hope and expect
happiness, honor success and repose.
As is well known from much textual texts, textual
evidence. Therefore, if you desire rests in this world, relinquish
your quest for rest in it. A Wiseman once asked to whom does
the hereafter belong? He replied to those who seek it. Then he was
asked and to whom does this world belong? He replied to those who
forsake it. When Ibrahim had been a then saw a sorrowful Sufi, he
said to him, worry not nor grief, were kings to know what tranquil
tranquility is ours they would fight us for it with their swords,
the cause of his
eye Ibrahim's abandon his worldly position. And
you femoral, you femoral kingship is that he wants slipped out of
his palace window at midday and so poor men taking refuge in the
shade of the palace. The man took out a flat loaf of bread, ate it,
drink some water, and then lay down in the shade and went to
sleep. Ibrahim liked what he saw in VN, the man's in VN envying the
man's peace of mind. So he sent someone with orders to fetch and
as soon as he woke up, when the man was brought to Abraham, he
said to him, you ate your loaf when you were hungry, and we're
The man said, Yes, he said, then you slept and we're rested. Again,
the man answered, Yes. So Ibrahim said to himself, If the soul can
be satisfied with as little of the world as that, what have I to do
with this world. At nightfall, he left the palace and all that it
contained and devoted himself entirely to God, God the Exalted,
what became of him as well known, you know now from what has just
been said, that the comforts of this world its pleasures, and its
passions are weary, some perilous, alarming, grievious and painful,
their increase always comes with an increase in these accompanying
things and great vulnerability to them, when pleasures, comforts and
passions diminish, so to do weariness, pero worry and grief,
and then one is more at ease. This is in addition to the sorry
consequences awaiting the pleasure seekers in the Hereafter, and the
honors awaiting those who forsake their pleasure those pleasures,
who left them either by choice or by force of circumstance, this is
clear to anyone who reflects on it impartially,
no matter whom so say nanny, mom and dad will be aloha and who in
this chapter is describing for us a system, a way of existence that
Allah subhanaw taala has set up in this world which Allah subhanaw
taala speaks about in the Quran when Allah subhanaw taala says
after saying I will be leaving the shade lon and regime has been
there or her manner or him. Let or Cosimo be handled balut will enter
hilum behind al Balad Well, while he didn't want my wallet lcada
halacha null in Santa Fe cupboard, sorted but in the last 30 years,
the Quran which ALLAH SubhanA wa Tada says that I swear by the city
of the city, of course, referring to Mecca. And thou art indweller
of the city. Oh, you Oh bless the prophet Sallallahu Sallam you are
from those who inhabit the city and Allah is swearing by the city
and its greatness. And Allah says, I swear by the begetter and that
which he begat you and he said to Adam, alayhis, salam, and all of
the children of Adam, so the scholars have to explain that
Allah to Allah, as you see in these, you know, these last
pseudos of the Quran towards the last part of the Quran, Allah
makes a lot of Assam a lot of oats and Allah Tada swears by anything,
it's for Allah to Allah can swear by anything of his creation. But
the believers, the Muslims, we don't swear by anyone other than
Allah. So you'll see Allah never it's a principle of tafseer that
allah does never swears by anything except by it's an
indication of its greatness. Allah only swears by things of his
creation which are great and exalted. And so here Allah
subhanaw taala has, has sworn oath by the great and blessed city of
Mecca. And it is the city in which he is blessed Prophet sallallaahu
Selim was born it was from and by the Prophet saying to Adam, the
world, the forefather of all mankind, and all of that which is
begotten, meaning all of the children of Adam, including all of
the prophets, of them, and all of the righteous. So Allah swears by
all of that, to give the answer or to give this the statement, what
is the the emphasize statement of that oath? Verily, We have created
man in toil and struggle, Lakota Halacha, in Santa Fe cupboard. So
Allah to Allah explains here in this verse, and this is getting to
the heart of what you want. Imam Al Haddad Rahim Allah Tala is
saying in this chapter is that from the essence of the creation
of the human being, and our existence is that Allah has
created us in this toil and struggle by our very nature. That
the other man explained that Allah Tada made us think about this,
Allah made us the weakest of his creation will holy call insanity
Arisa man has been made so weak to you. But despite that he has given
the mankind the greatest of burdens, the burdens which the
mountains were unable to bear that, that that Benny Adam took
this burden this Amana, this Yanni, this distrust of carrying
Jonnie the, the, the burden of actions and deeds on this earth.
Right Benny Adam has taken this upon themselves despite that we
are the weakest of His creation. So Allah subhanho wa Taala has
created our existence in this by our very essence of our existence
is hardship is struggle. And so if you just, let's just reflect about
our lives, where we start from each and every one of us, coming
out of the wombs of our mothers, and what a trial and tribulation
that is, for the mother, for the family, but lest we forget, for
that newborn child as well, it's perhaps the greatest tribulation
for that child, that newborn coming out of its mother, and all
of the the tribulations that comes out, and the very first thing it
does is it starts crying, and it has to have its umbilical cord
cut, and all of the pain and it's in this new world after being so
peaceful in the womb of its mother, it's coming to this world.
And that's how each and every one of us starts our life. And then
after that, what do we face we face all those trials and
tribulations of being an infant, of having to Yanni having to uni,
be accustomed to life in this world now of eating and sleeping
and taking from our mothers our nourishment, right. And then after
that Yanni having to be weaned off of off of the feeding of our
mothers, and what a trial that is for the child, right, and then
having their teeth come in what another pain and trial that is for
them, and then they get a little bigger. And then Jani they have
to. They're now like, they're now like a toddler. And now they're
only a small child. And everywhere they go. They're being Jani
reprimanded, and they're being Jani, they're being corrected, and
they're being told you can't do this now. And you can't do this
now. And you can't play with that. And so they're constantly in this
yummy struggle. And so it continues, the young person, and
then Jani They, after Jani, being a young person, then they get a
little bit older. And they have to face Jani adolescence, and all the
trials and tribulations of adolescence of their their body
changing in so many ways and responsibilities upon them
increasing, right? And then it continues, and then they reach
adulthood. And what happens only more concerns, more worries, more
griefs, right, you need that you have to, you have to study and you
have to go into the working world. And you have to face all the
challenges of what they call, you know, the real world. And then
Yanni, it continues like this until the person then they have to
be then they get married eventually. And they have to face
the trials and tribulations of marriage with a new partner in
their life. Right, and all of that. And then eventually they
have children. And now with all of those trials and tribulations of
raising those children having patience on the on all of the
challenges that comes with with parenthood, right, and it
continues like that, until the person Jonnie and all of the
trials and tribulations of earning their living and raising their
household. Right. And then what eventually they get to where where
do they get to in the end, they get to their old age, and in their
old age? Yeah. And what do they have? This body part is starting
to hurt, they're getting weak, they can't sleep. And it just
continues all of this toil and struggle the more we reflect on
our life in this world, it is a toil and struggle and a hardship
from the moment we entered this world, all the way right up until
the last moments when we leave this world where the messenger of
allah sallallahu Sallam described it in a little Mattila.
saccharides, that death has these Yanni. It has these intoxication,
you the pain of death, the pain of that soul being pulled out of the
body, and the hardships and challenges that come from that,
that depth that we really will not know what it is until we
experience it. We ask Allah to Allah for us Nakajima so
reflecting upon this verse, Allah to Allah. Yeah, and he created the
human being by his essence in toil and struggle and hardship. So you
so Yanni,
the one who seeks a mom and her dad in this chapter, is Yanni
reminding us that the one who seeks to escape, escape the
hardship and the toil and the struggle of this life, they would
never be able to attain it. Yanni, the human being becomes diluted
and feels like you know, my troubles and my hardships that I'm
facing in life. It's because, you know, I'm poor. I don't have the
wealth to fulfill the needs of myself and my family.
Only if only I was wealthy like so and so then I would be able to
afford this and that. And then I wouldn't be able to Yanni I would
have this burden relieved of all this that these challenges that
I'm facing. And so everyone, the only the deluded ones in this
world, they're constantly looking to those who have more than them.
And they're they have this sense of this feeling that if only they
could just reach that point, then all then then these these these
troubles would be lessened, they would be relieved. And what the
mom and dad is directing us to understand is that no, it's not
because Allah has put you at a certain level in this world, in
your risk in your wealth and your status. And because you didn't get
to some higher level that you you it's because of that, that your
problems are coming but rather this is the very essence and
nature of Allah's creation of you. This is the nature of the human
being the Messenger of Allah subtle I sent him in this idea
thin body Muslim, he says, which we all heard the Hadith LOLcat and
even the ad why the anti men Malin love to Hawthorn Ethan if Benny
Adam, the children of Adam, again connecting it now to Adam just
like the verse in Santa in that Allah Tala the verse that we
recited, that will occur the halal canal in Santa Fe cupboard, right
connected to Benny Adam, because this is by the very nature of the
human being, that Allah created them in this toilet struggle and
the Messenger of Allah so some emphasizing it in this hadith,
that if the child of Adam, the son of Adam, meaning all of mankind,
if they were to if one of them wants to have to Valley's full of
wealth, full of riches and gold and jewels and everything that
they could desire, they only wish for a third one.
What are you I'm left with Joe Fabien the Adam inlet to rob
nothing will feel this feel the stomach of the son of Adam except
the dirt of his grave. In this hadith the messenger of allah
sallallahu Sallam is indicating again emphasizing that nature of
the human being that the way Allah subhana wa Tada created this human
being is with a certain here's a certain Yanni deep desire of this
world and its wealth and its pleasures, and its ajeeb how its
wonderous. How Allah has created this world, and its and its its
wealth and its pleasures, the more a person attains them, the more a
person wants them.
It's like an intoxication. It's like that wine, that the more you
that one sip leads to another, and one glass leads to another until
the person is so intoxicated, they don't know up from down or left
from right. And this is the nature of the world. And it's
intoxication. Right that the more that a person attains it, the more
that they would wish that they had it. This is Yanni the state of the
majority of the children of Adam, but the Messenger of Allah says
something the same Hadith indicates
saying well your tube Allahu Allah and tap, that Allah would forgive
the ones who turns to him in forgiveness, indicating to us
indicating to us that there is a way out for this. There is a way
out from this way that Allah has created the human being, of
desiring this world and then attaining something of it through
all of that Harm's hard struggle, and then only desiring more The
way out is to turn back to Allah subhanho wa taala. It's as if it's
as if you're hitting your desire of this world. And constantly
wanting more of it is a type of sin. It's a type of sin because
the messenger loves us and says, Well YouTube Allah, Allah, I'm on
tap, the one who repent to Allah to Allah for the sin, the sin of
constantly desiring more of this world, right? It's as if it's the
Messenger of Allah so somebody's telling you it's a sin.
And the way out is also being mentioned that Yanni extracting
this desire extracting this Yanni, this intoxication, of love of this
world and its wealth and his pleasures, is something Yanni. So
impossible, so difficult, because it's Allah has put it into the
very essence of the creation of many Adam, but it is easy for the
one that Allah makes it easy for and so the Messenger of Allah
Salah Sam says The way out is to turn to Allah Subhana Allah to
Allah in sincerely repenting to him for the love and the the
desire of this world. And Allah Tala would open up one's hearts,
to have this desire removed from them
and say, so
the majority of Benny Adam, not necessarily all of Benny Adam,
Allah has made it from the essence of the creation of Benny Adam to
be this way to have this desire for this world. Right? And the
more that someone gets of it, the more they wish of it, but it's not
necessarily all of them, that there is a way out that the way is
to turn back to Allah subhanaw taala and ask and turn to him
Subhan Allah to Allah to to relieve one from this Yanni from
this disease of loving of this world and that Allah to Allah
would make it easy for the one
Who turns to him? subhanho wa taala. So this is the nature of
the world, the nature of this world and the way Allah created it
is that the more of it you acquire, speaking of things like
wealth, speak of things like pleasures and luxuries, speaking
of things as well, like fame, and status amongst people, right?
Because there gets a point where a person acquires Jonnie things of
this world of wealth and things, and it's no longer that wealth
that they seek, it's rather its power, its authority, its status.
In fact, this power and authority and status amongst people, is even
more intoxicating than wealth itself. And this is why the people
of Allah, they say, the very last thing, the very last thing to be
removed from the hearts of the people, Allah is hobo Reesa love
of leadership. The very last thing they work hard all their lives,
worshipping Allah to Allah and struggling to eliminate from their
heart these diseases. And the very last thing they're able to free
themselves off is this love of leadership. Right so this this
love of fame and status and authority and rank amongst people
is even more difficult to remove than love of wealth itself. But
all of them together, they are Jonnie, the love of this world.
This world encompasses all of those things and the Messenger of
Allah Azza wa sallam in the other. In another narration, Imam told me
the narrates in dunya Morona Malarone and mafia Illa the
Corolla who am Allah Allah, why only one woman to only one, pay
attention at that time be Allah in dunya maluna Verily, this world is
This world is cursed. You know, there's a story. It's interesting.
There's a short there's a story a British author authored back in
the early part of the 20th century.
JJ WW Jacobs, his name is called the monkey's paw. It's a short
story is interesting in this story, a person gets Yanni from
some like some like shaman or some like wizard type person, he
acquires this monkey's paw, which has like three fingers. And this
monkey's paw, he's told, will grant you a wish of anything you
desire for each of those three fingers, right? But the thing
about the monkey's paw, it's actually a horror story. Because
that that monkey's paw is cursed. Whatever the person wishes for,
they get it, whatever they desire, they get from those wishes from
that, Paul. But then in the End of the Affair, those wishes and those
things that were fulfilled for them turn out to be a curse upon
them. And in the end, they wish that they had never they had never
acquired this in the beginning. So you see, Jani? How it's amazing
how when you
so much of fiction that we have, both in the Western tradition and
in other traditions, has many origins that you'll find in our in
our deen in our Quran and Sunnah. So here you see the Messenger of
Allah some saying about this dunya in the Hadith Imam told me the
narrates, in the dunya, Milan, Milan mafia, this world is cursed
and everything is cursed. Okay, which is maybe a very strong and
powerful and Yanni shocking statement, but this is the reality
by the nature of this world. It's a curse. It's like that monkey's
paw you desire. It'll give you what you want, and you seek after
this dunya you may get some of it, you may get some of what's your
desire, but it's a curse upon the person who seeks it, because then
they'll seek it and they won't be satisfied with it. They'll only
wish for more. And then they'll get that and they'll only wish for
more and it will continue to pull them like this until it completely
destroys them. And this is why the Messenger of Allah so some in
another sahih Hadith in Sahih, Bukhari Muslim, he said to the
Sahaba, or the Allah one day when he saw them, a great amount of
wealth had been collected from the lands of Bahrain and brought to
Medina to be distributed in the masjid and the messenger of a loss
of life to them saw a huge group of companions gathered in the
masjid, the likes of which you knew they had come from far and
wide, when they heard that this great wealth was going to be
distributed which the Muslims had come into, that people had come
from far and wide to the masjid for this after sosaku Fajr to be
there for the distribution of this wealth and the messenger of allah
sallallahu Sallam he says, A Yanni will lie, money.
Medina Jonnie dunya, axon Aiko malefactor aka Alikum I swear by
Allah it's not poverty that I fear for you in the Moksha Alikum a
and tubeset Alikum come embassy that Allah mankind a couple of
them. I swear by Allah I don't fear for you poverty. And speaking
to this OMA I only fear for you, Yanni this world that it would be
opened up for you like it was opened up for the people before
you and then photographers who have come out and alpha Suha that
you would vie and compete in seeking this world the way the
previous peoples did. For for toliko Kham Kham Allah
Allah Capcom, it will destroy you just as it destroyed the people
before you as the Hadith sahih Hadith al Bukhari and Muslim you
see this this world
was cursed, and everything in it is cursed. Why? Because it's like
that monkey's paw whenever you wish for something and you wish
more for this dunya seeking, seeking this dunya and its
pleasures and its desires, it may be that Allah will give it to you
what you're seeking.
And then, but it will not, it will not give you Sakina it will not
give you any tranquility of the heart, you would only wish for
more as the messenger of Allah says, that's the curse. The curse
of this dunya is that the more you you acquire of it,
the more that you would wish for more of it, like the Messenger of
Allah Psalm says, if the child of Adam had the two valleys full of
gold and wealth and jewels, he would only wish for the third.
That's the curse of this world. The Curse of this world when it's
sought, not for the sake of Allah and earning his pleasure and
reward, as we'll speak about towards the end is that the curse
of it is that it only increases the person in further desire of
it. And so it drags that person further and further into delusion,
until it completely destroys them with the diseases that come Yanni
they in another narration, it's been reported in in, in a hadith
on the messenger of a messenger of Allah, Allah some dunya so called
Licata love of this world, it is the head of every wrong act, it is
the head of every sin, Jonnie the sin of hustle jealousy, where does
it come from? Where and why do people become jealous of another?
They see them having something of this world that they want. And
they feel in their heart that like, why did that person get it?
And why don't I have it? I deserve it more. Why do they have that
house? That car? Why are they living that life? Or why did they
have that status? Why did they have that rank? Why did they have
that position? I should have it more. That's the essence of
jealousy, seeing a blessing Allah has given someone else in the
creation and believing in your heart that you deserve it more
than them. That's the essence of jealousy, you see how it's, it's a
branch from the branches of love of this dunya if the person didn't
have such a severe love and desire for this world, they wouldn't have
that the jealousy engendered in them. Right? And so jealousy and
arrogance, that the person is so absorbed in this world, that the
standard of of the way they judge mankind is the standard of this
world. So they see themselves having more wealth, more status,
more authority, more position. And so they begin to look down on
others, right? This is the nature this is the state of so many of
mankind today, right? So do you see how so many of these diseases
they have as their source, their essence, Hubbard dunya love of
this world and this is where the narration comes, that love of this
world is the source of all of all of the every type of wrongdoing,
every type of Jonnie sin every type of disease of the heart, all
of it, Jonnie
its essence springs from Yanni love of this world. So the
messenger Allah says and says, This world is cursed, and all its
is cursed, except for the Dhikr of Allah. were mentioning mentioning
of Allah, which encompasses all types of goodness, all types of
you an actual worship, prayer and actual making Vica have to be
Hunter Hamid and to Helene and then all types of beneficial
knowledge, all types of beneficial counsel and everything, which
Yanni calls to Allah subhana wa Tada, well, Mao, Mao, Allahu
Yanni, everything that Allah loves, everything that this
religion has come to tell and teach is praiseworthy.
Then, then that is excluded from this curse, then that gets
excluded from the curse. Why lemon water, lemon. And so then the
Messenger of Allah says it makes it explicit, even though it could
be included in the vicar of Allah when he one of the greatest forms
of the vicar of Allah is seeking sacred knowledge of this religion,
teaching it and learning it as we are, we ask Allah to give us Tofik
in this right now that we are engaged in Yanni that this right
now is been explicitly excluded from that curse. Everything in
this world is cursed except for the vicar of Allah, the
remembrance of Allah. Well, now what are those things that Allah
loves? That this that the Quran sunnah has indicated are
praiseworthy, and beloved to Allah, why they will know more to
animals and seeking an a scholar of teaching sacred knowledge and a
secret of sacred knowledge, those are excluded from the curse. And
those things Yanni would not have in them, Yanni this, this terrible
outcome, right, but Allah would put blessing in them, right, so
that when one goes out to seek their livelihood, right, one goes
out to seek their livelihood to earn a halal income for themselves
in their family, that this doesn't and in doing so, they have to do
all types of hard struggle in seeking their education, their
worldly secular education, they have to go out and find a job they
have to go out and work hard and struggle hard to establish
themselves. All of that they do with an intention for earning the
halal spending on themselves. This also gets excluded from that
curse. The Messenger of Allah analyzed them in this hadith.
Having said in Sahil Behati McCullough hadn't Armand cut to
hide I mean, and yeah Colombian army
God, no, nobody ever ate any food more better, more virtuous than
what their own hands had earned.
No one eats any food in meaning a metaphorically anything of income,
anything of risk, anything earning, no one takes any of
anything of earning of this world
makes better than that which their own hands had earned. Well in the
nebula Derwood county Aqua luminometer your day and the
prophet of God that I would use to earn from what his excuse to eat
from what his own hands that are in the Messenger of Allah says
many other narrations informed not a prophet of God came, except that
they practice different professions from amongst them,
shepherding that they practiced professions that they had Yeni
they had livelihoods that they earned for themselves with So
yeah, if the most beloved people to to Allah, prophets and
messengers, not a single one of them came except that they had a
livelihood that they earn for themselves. So you understand then
that this is this gets excluded when it's done from the right and
right intention. So we should not be misunderstand what's being said
here, right? To be Yeni accursed necessarily, for the affairs of
all of this dunya because the Messenger of Allah so I sent
accepted whatever Allah loves, and Allah loves for the believer that
they struggle hard in this world to earn for themselves in their
families, so that they can avoid the Haram so that they can avoid
asking people and being dependent upon people, right. And in another
narration from the Messenger of Allah Salah someone Baca, Catalan
maintainable, halaal battle for Allah who, whoever goes to sleep
at night from exhausted whoever goes to sleep at night exhausted
in seeking a halal livelihood for themselves a permissible
livelihood for themselves, they go to sleep forgiven, they go to
sleep forgiven, it's been narrated from the Messenger of Allah so So,
so want to make that very clear. Any all of this you need these
strong words of that this world is cursed, that love of this world is
the source of every every wrongdoing in every sin.
It means loving of this world seeking of this world to Yani that
which needs one to delusion, and forgetfulness, and he lists us of
ALLAH SubhanA wa Tada and not included in that is Yanni a person
going into this world to seek the permissible that Allah has made
permissible for themselves in their families, as Allah has
commanded, but rather, when that is done for with a righteous
intention, Jonnie then that becomes from the greatest deeds
that one can do under the greatest of worship, right. So that becomes
from the accepted, and it gets excluded from that curse. So, so
but the messenger will also ask him, he explains, what am I what.
So you see how a mom and her dad is explaining to us that the
people who seek this world, Yanni, and remain under that curse, that
the Messenger of Allah Azza lies has explained. It doesn't. They
never acquire what they what they desire, they never get satisfied
with with the amount of this world that they acquire, but rather it
the more they attain of it, the more that they wish to seek it
even further. And it keeps pulling him like this. Right? They say
that one of the root meanings of the word dunya in Arabic, is to
reach out for grapes that you cannot reach. You reach out for
grapes that you cannot acquire. And that's the nature of this
dunya is that the more that you try to get you try to get it,
grasp it and pull it, Yani, the more that you it's it just gets
farther from you that you'll never actually be able, it's like any
reaching out for something that you will never be able to get to.
Right. And so the Messenger of Allah subtle ISON he says he Jani
ties and connects this, this desire and the seeking of this
world in with with heedlessness with forgetting the forgetfulness
of Allah subhanho wa Taala he ties it symbolized in his in his Hadith
to these Yanni
to these stress and anxiety and worries that he had died is
speaking to you about in this chapter. And he says hello, I said
I'm on Kenneth Alpha humble who won keratin Athleta humble jawed
hola hola now he called me while Gemma Allahu Shimla who? Well I
touched her dunya we're here Akima woman carry to dunya Hama who
Giada lo fucka who beignet well Farah Kali Shimla, who while I'm
yet to him in a dunya dilemma could the Rolla Whoa. So Hadith
narrated insulin in terms of the Imam honestly Malik narrates that
the Messenger of Allah says some says, he describes in this
narration, the two sides, the two sides, the one who's seeking the
pleasures and the wealth and the and seeking this dunya
solely for the dunya, Yanni solely and becoming heedlessness of a
hedonist level of Allah right. And he the messenger Alesund describes
him and the messenger of awesome also describes the one who seeks
this dunya from the permissible of it for the sake of Allah for the
sake of their Athleta in fulfillment of Allah subhanho wa
Taala is command and he says the one who Yani
No one who makes his Athleta the next life he's concerned
Allah would make
his would put into his heart Lena, Yanni wealth, Independence Allah
would give him the independence of heart the Lena Lena Lena enough's
as the messenger of Allah sai Sam says Allah would make him feel
satisfied in his heart
what Gemma Allah will Shimla who and he would organize his affairs
he would make easy his affairs while in touch with dunya we're
here all human and the dunya would come to him, even if it even if it
Jani, it doesn't want even if it doesn't want to Yanni the dunya
will be pulled to him against its own wishes, the one who makes his
concern, the concern of the next life and seeking Allah's pleasure
and reward. Allah would give them a satisfaction, Alina and
independence, yen the wealth, the true wealth of the heart, that
Allah would eliminate from them that curse and allow them to
actually achieve what the people of this world are all trying to
achieve that satisfaction of the heart that everyone's chasing
after Allah would give it and put it into the heart because only he
can do it. As we heard, that this is innate in the human being Allah
created the human being with this desire of dunya the more they
desire it, the more they wish of it. And so Allah was the only one
who would remove it, who would have it removed, the one who makes
their concern the concern of the next life, Allah and His pleasure
and for obeying His commands and abstaining from his prohibitions,
Allah would put that that wealth into the heart and organize their
affairs and bring the dunya to them, even if it doesn't, even if
it disobeyed, even if it doesn't wish to. And one, whoever makes
this world their goal and makes this world their concern, the life
of this world, they're concerned that person who makes their
pursuit of this world for the sake of this world, for the pleasures
of this world, in a state of heedlessness of Allah and and his
commands, then Allah subhanho wa Taala would make fucker would make
poverty written between his eyes, Allah would put poverty written
between his eyes, which is a Yanni. It is a rhetorical way of
saying, Jani that no matter how far no matter how hard they
struggle, no matter how much effort they put in, in seeking
this world, that that poverty would continue to be written right
across their forehead, they'd never be able to get free from it.
Right? What federal Kalisha who and Allah would cause his affairs
to be Yanni scattered. They would never have their life in this
world to be Yanni settled, to be peaceful, to be fulfilled, while
I'm yet to him in a dunya, Illa, Macedonia, and even with all that
struggle they're doing and all of that hardship, they're still never
going to get in the end except what ALLAH had decreed for them,
that Allah had decreed and written for each one of us before we were
born out or is in this world, what we would attain of the wealth of
this world, and no one would get except what they attained. So the
one who gives all of that struggle, struggle and effort and
all of that destruction in the end, they're not going to gain
anything that except that which all was written for them. So this
is how you see how the Messenger of Allah says I'm this, connecting
this Yanni. This heedlessness seeking seeking of this world with
heedlessness and forgetting the bliss of Allah subhanaw taala and
his command, how it is connected there with Yanni poverty, and it's
connected there with anxiety and stress and concern and Jani so
this is Jani, there is a connection between them because
that is the way Allah subhanaw taala has created the human being
and it would not be removed except for the one who Allah subhanho wa
Taala removes it for so the people of Allah they say
they say the love the one who loves this world. Yeah, in this
state of heedlessness will never be free from three things. How
melasma? What time on day one? Well, Hassan Latin kadhi, the one
who loves this world with in the state of heedlessness, they would
have persistent anxiety, they will never be free of their anxiety.
Right? Why? Because you see the people of this world the way they
are, how much wealth they have, the more wealth they acquire, all
it does is increase them and anxiety. Is my account going to
end? Am I going to lose tomorrow? Is the market gonna go down
tomorrow? My holdings? How are they doing? You find the people
that have so much wealth, right? And they're constantly in this
state having to check their accounts having to check their
balances, right? Because they want to maintain it and increase it.
Right. So it all all it does in the end it creates for the more
and more anxiety the more wealth they attain, the more anxious and
stressful they get out over trying to keep that wealth and trying to
increase that wealth and trying to protect that wealth from all of
the jealous and all of the competitors and all the other
people who are who are seeking to get it from them. Right. So the
one who loves this world with this heedlessness, they'd never be free
from persistent anxiety. What I bought
Daemen constant fatigue, constant fatigue, because, as you know, in
this world, Yanni, the overwhelming majority, the default
state of Benny Adam, the people of this world, whether Muslim or non
Muslim, is that they are in pursuit of this world, they are in
severe competition for this world. So no one's going to acquire it,
except with immense fatigue, and they're going to be tired, they're
going to be worn out all the time. Right? Well, hustler to Latin
cutting, and never ending regrets, never ending regrets. If only I
had made that investment at that time, if only I had Yonni been in
that position. In that time, if only I had gotten into that
position, if I only had made that purchase, if I only had done this
or done that, look at where I could have been, right? Even if
they had acquired the dunya. all they get is that regrets about
what they could have had to achieve more. Right? So this is
the state of the people who seek this dunya and they never free
from they never free themselves from that curse that Allah
subhanaw taala has placed on this dunya right, they would be in this
state, and they would continue in this state until it destroys them
until it destroys them. And so if you reflect, reflect upon this
fact, that Abuja had figure out how the Roma, the pharaoh of this
OMA Abuja Hall, right, who had the greatest enemy of Islam in the
time of the messenger of allah sallallahu sallam, did he deny the
religion of Islam deny the messenger of the Messenger of
Allah civili some because he did not believe in him.
No, it comes clearly in the Sierra and in the books of Sierra and
that and the books of Hadith, that when they asked about Jehovah,
what do you say about this man Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa
sallam Do you? Do you see him as a liar? And he and I would y'all
replies Mack has a bucket will continue tsunami hit I mean, he
has never lied in his life. This is a joke saying the greatest
enemy of Islam. Right. And the one to his last breath was Yanni Yanni
carrying the banner of animosity to Allah and His messenger. He
says about this prophets on ally Sam, he never lied in his life.
And before we used to, we used to call him I mean, the trustworthy.
But then what is what answered this a gift that you know him to
be true? You know him to be a truthful man? What is the barrier?
What's preventing you from accepting his message and you
know, he's a truthful man. Right? He says it again if he banished
Hashem, a psychiatry father, from Matakohe Rafi him and Naboo au che
and leave any Muslim. This is what comes in the box of Sera, Yanni.
This Abuja Hall was from a clan of Quraysh known as many MK zoom,
okay, and that that clan was in constant competition with Benny
Hashem, the prophet civilize sons clan.
They were constantly competition for because you know, the Quraysh
were the caretakers of Mecca and the Kaaba of Mecca, which was the
center of the Arabian peninsula that the Arab tribes would all
come there for their Hajj even before Islam, and Quraysh had the
honor of receiving those Hajaj even before Islam and Christ, the
clans of Christ us divide over serving the Hajaj in different
ways, because that was a great honor. I'm in front of all of the
Arabs. So Benny Hashim was given a psychiatry father the honor of
giving the judge water to drink and giving them food to eat
throughout their hudge to serve them with food and drink
throughout their hudge that honor was in Beni Hashem. And it was an
incredible honor they had in the eyes of all of the people of the
peninsula, and Benny Mizzou had this hasit over it, they were in
competition with Benny Hashem over it. So this is the answer, think
about it and reflect upon the fact what prevented the greatest what,
what was the core cause for the greatest enemy of Islam to that
day that existed and who is known as Pharaoh out of this OMA the
pharaoh of this ummah. It was not some lack of Yani, he didn't
believe in the message. He didn't believe in the Prophet saw some he
didn't see in him the signs of prophecy. He didn't see in this,
this religion, the truth, all of that he saw, but ultimately, the
barrier that was placed on his heart was a barrier, springing
forth and coming from love of this world. This competition that they
had with Benny Hashem and Benny McCool, Yanni, that they could
simply cannot accept that prophecy as well. They already have all of
these honors amongst the Arabs. And now we're going to, we're
going to submit to them having a profit amongst them as well. We
could never submit to that. You see, you see what the how the love
of this world where it leads to how ultimately, you end it leads
to a person desiring more and they get more and then they want more
and they get more, and it continues like that, pulling them
in heedlessness, until they reach a point where they have a biller,
their heart becomes completely sealed. And even to the point
where the truth is manifest in front of their eyes, and they can
acknowledge it as truth. They still can't accept it. The seal
becomes so severe. What is what causes it to that extent? It's
it's held by dunya. It's the love of this world. Right? And so yeah.
He gives to you saying, hey mom and her dad, this reminder in this
section and he gives to you the story of St. Ibrahim in autumn and
how he saw that man. Yeah, and how Ibrahim made an item was Yanni a
king and was from a family of nobles, and how Yanni he
reflecting upon the life of this world, and how all of this palace
and all of this wealth did not achieve for him that tranquility
that he's seeking and seeing this familiar seeing this, Yanni this,
this, this poor Jonnie, bereft, Yanni, Sufi person, Zahid person
turning away from the world, and the tranquility and peace that he
saw on that person, how that opened his heart, how that opened
his heart. So reflect upon this reflect upon us, because we here
in this country, have to acknowledge and recognize we're
living in one of the wealthiest societies on Earth. Right there is
poverty here and there. But that's true. But compared to the vast
majority of people on Earth, we live a life of absolute luxury and
comfort the majority of us here in this in this world, here in this
country, right? And so we should reflect upon the fact about how
much does that wealth and comfort and luxuries that we experienced
here in this in our lives here in this country? How much does it
bring to people have tranquility? Do we find those around us from
Muslims or non Muslims? Do we find them in their lives in their
household amongst their families, in their jobs in their schools in
wherever they are? Do we find them in a state of tranquility and a
state of peace? Or do we find them in the state like that curse?
Right? Right, like the curse, the wish, the wish of the monkey's paw
that only brings Yanni in the end, despite you getting that wish of
those of those luxuries that it only brings to the heart, Yanni
sorrow, and grief and anxiety and depression, right, and jealousy
and disputes and breaking up of families, right? And all of these
things, which which of the two do we see manifest more in the
society in which we live? We should reflect upon that, on that
fact. Day in and day out, because you see how it is to become a
means for the opening of hearts, how it opened up the hearts of one
of the greatest people of Allah subhanho wa Taala say No, ma'am.
Ibrahim emit item. So we ask Allah Subhana Allah to Allah, to allow
us to have this dunya in our hands, but not in our hearts, that
we control it that we seek it only for his pleasure, that we ask
Allah subhana wa taala, to Yanni to allow us to Yanni to be saved
from the from the curse of this dunya to allow us to achieve what
we need of this dunya. For the sake of our Accra, we ask Allah
subhanho wa Taala to Yanni to allow us to see the truth as truth
and have the success to follow it and see falsehood as falsehood and
to be saved from it and to be saved from it. We ask Allah
Subhana Allah to Allah to reward St. Ali Mohammed had done the best
of rewards and all of the rightly guided scholars of Islam and all
of our teachers and machinists, the best rewards we asked Allah
subhanaw taala to raise up the ranks in Jannah. We ask Allah
subhana wa Taala to return upon us from their knowledge and their
blessings and their wisdoms and their light. And we ask Allah
Subhana Allah to Allah to give us beneficial knowledge and righteous
action upon that knowledge we ask Allah subhana wa Tada to give us
long life in the worship of Him in the service of this religion. We
ask Allah subhana wa Taala to dispel from us and all of the
believers all types of tribulations, hardships,
calamities and illnesses and allow us to leave this world on the
column of Ilaha illa Allah Muhammad Rasul allah sallallahu
Sallam he played in wolfenden last year with 100 immune Mohamed
salah, Lysa and fat house