Yahya Rhodus – Futuwwa The Blessing of Islam and Its Light
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Sir Lemoore Allah hi guys Aina via
Salah more Allah, Allah Allah Rahman and Rahim Al hamdu lillah
wa salatu salam ala Rasulillah. While earlier he was like a biggie
Woman, why Allah.
One of the beautiful poems that we read a little bit earlier, was a
poem by Sheikh Mohammed bin and Hubby,
the great scholars and righteous folk, the western part of the
Muslim world, in Morocco. And in this poem, he is we're counting
the blessings of Allah subhanaw taala upon him, Kim, like a
minion, mutton Alia how many blessings you have upon me,
indicating that blessing after blessing so many blessings. Allah
subhanaw taala has showered us with so so so many blessings upon
us. And what I'm done, Marcin in a layup. And you still show me a
certain you still show me this benevolence? In this goodness. And
I experienced all of these favors that you give me day in and day
out. And then to remind us that we had nothing to do with us. He
reminds us from the very beginning of the 25th Harsha Janina, you
have nourished me in the womb, as an embryo? Did we choose to be
created that we asked to be created? Did we have anything to
do with how we were cared for when we were in the womb of our
mothers? From the time that we were young walk on telly Pablo
holiday? Yeah, you were there for me even before my parents,
Allah subhanho wa Taala was there for us, even before our own
parents. And this is something that we all know.
But we were reading recently, in book 39 of the union with Dean
Kitab at Epcot on the book of reflection, about how one of the
great aspects of reflection, it's a component of it. And then
there's other components that this leads to is to that, quote,
reminding ourselves of certain meanings, and allowing those
meanings to settle deep within our being.
And every time that we are reminded of those meanings, and we
allow them to settle, and we allow them to impact our hearts, then
there is a deep secret in this insofar as it leads to the
realization of what it is whatever it is that we are remembering in
that particular moment. In this case, we all know that Allah was
there for us, before our parents, but when you really think about
that, that strengthens you.
And that allows you to approach life and to approach the world of
means in a very different way.
And then he recognizes that helot 30 Muslim man, well, I will follow
calamari if in the BIA, You created me as a Muslim, even those
of us who became Muslim, the reality is, it's all from Allah,
whether you were born Muslim, or whether you became Muslim. All
gifts even though outwardly we define them as you have certain
gifts that are Wahabi and you have certain gifts that are QSB certain
gifts that are divinely given and other gifts that are quote,
unquote, acquired. But the reality is even the gifts that are
acquired, ie that you put a little bit of effort in to attain that
gift. It's really from Allah Tada because Where did you get
everything that you needed to even
move outwardly to acquire that gift is from Allah Tada. So the
convert and the one who was born in Assam ultimately is the same.
Ultimately, they're in the same position.
So you create him as a Muslim and we're not to be for your bounty. I
would never know have known the prophets Allah Allahu Allah the
I would never have known the Prophet sallallahu the center. Do
you realize the Shaka and the ANA
and terrible state that we would be or we never have to unknown say
dinner, Mohammed Abdullah
as people that entered into this Deen about non Muslim friends that
they know from the past, many of those Muslims who went to school
with people who are not Muslim, where are they what are they
doing? What's their lives? What are their lives like?
What kind of state is that to be in where you're chained by the
constructiveness of
of cover of disbelief. Imagine never ever knowing the Prophet
Muhammad Salah license. That is scary. That is really scary.
It's from the father of Allah subhanho data that we know, our
Prophet sallallahu sent him. So what then should we be doing? This
is what he says next is Judo Hakan, Allah giovine That I
prostrate truly on my forehead. As Judo hack and other giovine We
should be in a state of frustration. And when we stand up
to pray, it shouldn't be a burden upon us.
We shouldn't pray like chickens,
no, prostrate even those young folks that have started to pray.
You've reached the age of seven. You've reached the age of 10. Even
before you become legally responsible, do not pray like a
Do not pick the ground with sujood. Train yourself from now to
give parents hack in when you are in prostration.
Realize your utter humility before Allah glorify Allah and show
gratitude to Allah that He gave you Tofik to prostrate before him
Subhana wa Tada. There was a beautiful experience. I had one
time in the main method in Liverpool, England.
And there was a very blessed scholar there who live close to
the masjid and used to go there and teach. And in this particular
masjid, as is the case and so many of our massage in the West, which
it's only fairly recently common in the East,
where now a lot of people pray on chairs.
It wasn't really common in East because actually, you can't at
least in some schools, you can't sit on a chair, if you can
actually sit on the ground. If you can't, for some reason prostrate
before you can sit on a chair you have to sit on the ground.
And he was bothered by the fact that so many people felt with the
slightest bit of difficulty. They started praying on chairs, and
from him for him. He was troubled by the fact that people weren't
prostrating. And he was just imagine how horrible that would
be, not to be able to prostrate.
And then we went back to his house after that he started he commented
on this. And obviously he has mercy of the hearts if someone
really can't sit, because they have bad knees and they can't sit
on the ground. So then you sit in a chair, then there's a
dispensation. But if you cannot stand you hunched over, if you
cannot hunched over, then you sit on the ground, and you still
prostrate. And then if you can't do that, you move to what comes
after him. But his whole point was, they're being prevented from
sujood. This is a person of a man of faith. We don't want anything
ever to prevent us from pseudo we should actually make that dua.
There were people who loved personal much one of them said,
Oh, Lord, you know how much I love prayer. If you permit anyone to
pray in the bazaar, after you die and you go to the intermediate
intermediary realm, permit me to pray.
He loves prayer so much even wanting to pray in the bazaar.
And this is something Allah does grant people, our province sizes
and Mr. Hadith in Sahih Muslim, he said that I passed by the grave of
Moses on the night of the later to Israel and Mirage, and he was
alive in his grave praying. He witnessed this all Allah Allah,
but it was obvious Saddam. And why because the pleasure that these
folks experienced from prayer, spiritual pleasure is greater than
any physical pleasure. It is much stronger and more powerful, and
more pure and more angelic and more celestial than any other type
of pleasure. If you eat too much, you get indigestion, you don't
want to eat anything else, that if you sleep too much, you have body
aches, and you feel weird, and the nature of the things of this world
anything in too much. You don't want to see that thing for a long
time. Sometimes he will eat so much of one type of food, they
might Acoma Kamala gets sick, they don't touch that food for 10
years, or whatever, Yanni. That's the nature of this world. That's
not how it is with spiritual pleasure. It takes a long time to
receive it because you have to work hard, but then when you
receive it a lot. Nothing is more blessed than that.
And we had an experience earlier,
where we went to a place to record something for someone.
And subhanAllah this place was not the very best of places you could
tell that it was a little bit dark and that the
Different things that they had
as decoration in the house, the state of the house, you could tell
it wasn't a good place.
while we're there you were We were constricted.
And leaving both of us felt the same thing like something's wrong.
It's something's not right in that place. And so Hamdulillah we did
the router with a mom and her dad after that, and it helped. And
then Subhanallah some of the traces still remain when you're in
a dark place, it affects you, it affects you. And then you come to
the moland which is filled with light. And you sings the praises
of the Prophet Muhammad, Salah, liason and you start to realize
how insignificant darkness is in front of light.
You start to realize how when you're flooded with light,
darkness doesn't remain in your heart gets flushed out. But then
it really made me think about that very blessed line. It's one of the
most famous lines of poetry of Imam Abdullah bin Ali with her
dad. Now, no Pharaoh in Raha were her Warden was Tara nettement. It
is Sara, Allen, Yama, Khaled visa, is that these words are very
closely related, even semantically three of them. But now no fear or
aura, we are in a state of ease, and repose, enjoy, and calmness
and relaxation. The blessing of Islam is the very blessed greatest
blessing of all that can be received.
And if you look at the root meaning of this word, Raha
Raha as a verb, it can mean both a violent wind and a gentle wind.
And some of them point to the different meanings between react
in React, and react, usually having the more connotation of
being a violent wind. And the linguists speak about these
nuances. But even so the word roar and Raha are both related to each
other and also astera.
But one of the meanings that we can take there is, in relation to
the winds of tribulation of this world, everyone's going to sail
through the dunya.
But for some people, it will, that
they won't be in a good state when they do so. And for others,
there'll be raised, some people are lower than some people raised,
Allah Zarafa. And he's the Harford and he's the Nafa. And he's the
Dar subhanho wa Tada. And two people could go through the same
exact situation, one person less than the other person that it
lowers them this Allah to Allah subhana wa avea. But if you really
think about that, in reality, from the blessing of faith in the light
of faith, do we even realize what we have? We are enrolled in in LA.
And we are in a state of Abode West era.
What do we not have as believers? And as we exited, and we started
talking about the darkness of that place, we quickly were reminded
like, no, no, don't talk about it anymore. Just make the could of
Allah Tada. And this is important.
Because there's no doubt there's darkness in the world. There's no
doubt there's darkness in certain people. There's no doubt when you
go to certain places, there's darkness. Because when evil has
been done in a place, it's a place where there's a lot of shayateen.
And there's a reality to the unseen.
And you have to protect yourself when you go into those places. But
you're reminded of the blessing of Allah Tada upon you when you go
into another sacred space that is filled with light, and is filled
with blessing and how easy it is to dispel that darkness. But we
have to be careful. Yes, we should critique darkness. Yes, we need to
be aware of the time in which we live, but only to the extent that
we need to avoid that evil, but we should be focusing on the light.
And sometimes we get dragged into that, where we complain too much.
Where if you talk too much about evil, when was the last time when
you really started talking about the end of the time and all of the
terrible things that are happening in the world and all of the
darkness and all of the evil that's there. When was the last
time that you left feeling good about that?
You don't leave feeling good when that happens. Yes, you can talk
about it to assess it to understand it so that you can
avoid it but after that best leave it in focus on the light. Do what
it is that you can do to draw nearer to your Lord subhanho wa
Taala and do acts of goodness and
Salawat make dua pray all of these different beautiful forms of
worship that we have, that will fill the heart with light. And
that will dispel all of that darkness. And this is ultimately
what we want because the reality of our faith is a light that ALLAH
SubhanA wa Tada has placed in our heart. And the greatest way to
strengthen that light is to do what pleases Him subhanho wa Taala
and to recite his book to recite the buzzard words of our profits
on the licen and then to recite the blessing words of the
inheritors of the Prophet sallallahu sunnah who put the
Quran and the Sunnah into practice, and therefore what it is
that they said and what it is that they were inspired to say, has a
very strong impact on our hearts because of the light that is
embedded in those blessings words. May Allah have adequate to add a
fill our hearts with light buses to be able to travel upon the
street path in a lot of time to make a strong and protect us from
being negatively impacted by what is happening around us and bless
us to be means for other people to experience the light of la ilaha
illAllah Muhammad Allah rasool Allah, may our faith grow strong
and by means of us may people experienced the realities in the
blessings in the war in Raha in the harbor in the Sierra of the
nettement Islam, the hydro for Alfia or Salah as you know
Mohammed and Whitehead, you sabia Salam when hamdulillahi rabbil