Yahya Rhodus – Futuwwa Having Fear of Allah

Yahya Rhodus
AI: Summary ©
The speakers discuss the cultural and spiritual practices of Islam, including the importance of being a means for others to experience their experiences and avoid fear and hope. They stress the need for actual knowledge and practice to achieve success in life and discuss the fear of death and the negative consequences of fear. The importance of fearing and hoping for a positive state is emphasized, as well as the need for actual knowledge and practice to achieve success in life. The segment ends with a discussion of the importance of bringing information and being a partner in one's life.
AI: Transcript ©
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salam ala like as ain LM via

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Salah more

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Rahman and Rahim Al hamdu Lillahi Rabbil Alameen of Lada surah. To

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attend moto Salim. So you didn't know Maulana Muhammad and while

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early he also hobby he was sending me and said hi Nicola elmen Anna

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Ilana ILM Tana in akintunde, ali Moroccan water Hola, wala Quwata

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illa Billahi al earlier Adim.

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In these gatherings of Iman and Hamdulillah, Allah subhanho wa

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Taala has exposed us to a discourse that we asked him to

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make it transformative Subhan Allah to Allah, and to make it a

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means for us to implement these meanings and bring them into our

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lives in the light to Allah. And then as a result, to be a means

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for other people to also experience this beauty. And when

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our teachers were fairly recently asked about what people should be

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doing in the question or asked about a particular continent,

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which people should be doing in this particular continent, which

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is primarily a place where Muslims are minorities. And our teacher

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responded very simply, very clearly, and the true inheritors

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of the Prophet sallallahu Sallam understand this meaning, he said,

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be people of good character, and interact with everybody around

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you, in the very best of ways, and focus on raising your children.

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It's that simple. IE, learn your deen put it into practice, and

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those that are under your influence that you have an ability

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to affect, especially your children, raise them in the best

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of ways. Because think about if we raise our children, well, then

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they're going to outlive us, they're going to be able to

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transfer those meanings, through that upbringing to people that

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they're going to be exposed to then. And think about the people

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that you know, in your life that impacted you. Oftentimes, it gets

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back to the way that their parents were, how it is that they were

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raised, how many people that are like that, how many people that

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are like that, that you find that there's some type of secret in

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that person from the way that they were raised. And this is the way

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that Allah subhanaw taala has made this affair everyone has an

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opportunity to draw near to Allah. But there are certain people that

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have special blessings that come to them as a result of their

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father, their grandfather, their great grandfather or whatever it

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might be. And when Allah to Allah mentions in the Quran, what kind

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of whoo hoo, Masada Ha, their father is, which is the literal

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translation was righteous, referring to the two orphans, that

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in the story of Musa alayhis salaam, and some of the

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commentators say that it was their grandfather on their mother's

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side, seven generations back their seventh grandfather. And as a

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result, Allah subhanaw taala caused that special thing to

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happen. So we should never neglect this and to understand that this

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affair Ultem is about living the realities of this Deen. And this

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is the single most important thing of all, that should preoccupy us.

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And as those that had mentioned, we should be concerned about all

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people. And we should see people in this country as our people, as

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our brothers and sisters in humanity, that we are required

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before Allah subhana wa Tada to reach out to them, and to help

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them and to be means for their guidance, even if they don't want

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it. Even if they don't respond to the call. Even if they mistreat

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us, even if they say bad things about us, we are required to do

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what it is that we're supposed to do. And we should see these types

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of things happening as a result of our shortcomings are result of

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that us being unable to really reach people in a way that is

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pleasing to Allah subhana wa Tada, we should have this him in his

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concern that should move us in our days and to move us throughout our

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nights. And various things that are happening in the time which we

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live, that are sources of fear for a lot of people. There is that

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widespread fear for a number of different things, and fear that

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we're going to become physically ill fear that something's going to

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happen by way of losing a job or something of that nature, fear of

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a lack of fear of different sorts. And I want to approach this next

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great trait of chivalry from this particular perspective, and how

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every time that you and I have fear due to the uncertainties

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around us, in terms of our own health, in terms of our

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circumstances, in terms of the state of the country in which we

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live and so forth and so on. This is

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A that great opportunity for us to replace that fear with the fear of

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the one who we really should be fearing, which is a lot.

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And every time that you and I fear something worldly, we should be

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reminded of the fact that ultimately our fear should only be

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of Allah. Allah gave us fear as a means to protect us. If we didn't

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have fear and hope as human beings, we wouldn't be able to

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live. Both fear and hope, motivate us. And both fear and hope prevent

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us from doing certain things. Normally, you only think that fear

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prevents and hope motivates. But both fear and hope, motivate and

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prevent, there's certain things you don't end up doing because you

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have hope. And there's certain things that you do end up doing

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because you actually fear and fear and hope are very much a part of

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our lives as human beings. But what we are taught is to then

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understand these human instincts, if you will, human emotions,

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oftentimes how they're referred to, in the modern world, these

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feelings that we have, and then to be able to have them to become

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virtues, muntjac saving virtues that can help us in this world and

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in the next world. And so what the scholars of this science say is

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that when we look at our state, and we understand everything that

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we've done in the past, every single one of us knows the

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thoughts that we've had, and the things that we've done, we can

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hide it, from even our spouse, maybe we can hide it from certain

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things from even our closest friends. But every single one of

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us knows what we've done. We've all known the things that we all

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know what has happened in the past. And this is why the Scholars

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have this sign say is that you always have to keep this as part

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of your spiritual practice ie fear. Fearing that had Allah we

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don't know what's going to happen in the next world. If Allah to

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Allah takes us to account ahead, Allah Menorca shall he Sabbath.

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Whoever is asked details about their reckoning will be punished.

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And he said then you'll see the light reckoning is Mujaddid

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autodidact, Matt, where actions are just shown but we're not asked

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in detail. If we're asked in detail, which one of us is gonna

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be able to respond before a lot about what we all know that we've

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done and I'm speaking about my own sinful soul. First and foremost,

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no claims are being made and we're in this together. But in the end,

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we will stand before Allah alone.

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Lisa beno vain who told you man, there will be no interpreter

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between us and Allah, we will be asked directly in the earth that

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we did certain things on will testify against us, our limbs, our

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tongues won't be able to speak in our limbs, our own limbs will

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testify against us. There's nothing we have nowhere else to

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go. But from the beauty of Allah subhanaw taala is that everything

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else in creation that you fear you run away from?

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But Allah, you flee to him.

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You flee to him. I who become Minka I seek refuge in You from

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you. I seek refuge in Your contentment from your wrath, I

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seek refuge in that the well being you grant your servants, right

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from the from punishment, we seek refuge and Allah subhanaw taala

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law Melda wala Minja Illa Illich there is no refuge and there's no

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safety, that from you except with you. There's nowhere to flee

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except to Allah for federal illa Allah. And that's the beauty. And

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you and I have to have fear has to be a part of our spiritual life.

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And when the scholars sometimes present it, they talk about in

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Amman, class water and then fear. Because if you have to you first

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and foremost have to have knowledge behind everything that

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you do. But knowledge isn't enough because you have to put that

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knowledge into practice. But that's not enough. You have to

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have knowledge, put that into practice and you have to be

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sincere. You can't do your put your knowledge and practice

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insincerely. So you have to have knowledge behind everything that

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you do and know what you're doing. You have to put that knowledge

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into practice and you have to be sincere. And then after that, we

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should move up towards what I scrupulousness Where we're careful

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about what it is that we do is not just anything that we do. And then

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even they say at the very end still, you have fear because you

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don't know the outcome. And the beautiful thing about this type of

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fear. When we fear worldly things, Allah subjugates us to our fear.

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But when you fear the one who deserves to be feared he protects

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you. From what it is that you fear. The only safety from

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hypocrisy is fearing hypocrisy. The only safety

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Have that having a bad ending this lesson I want to offer is fear of

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having a sweetheart or having a bad ending. And so the more that

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we have fear of what we're supposed to have feared, the more

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that Allah protects us subhanho wa taala. So this is a part of the

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spiritual life. And in this context of this word said, they

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actually mentioned in them in short, the sit the pain melasma

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did have the highest saints, the elect of the righteous, those who

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are truly close to Allah and nearer to him, one of the

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conditions is that they always are in states of fear of Allah. And of

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course, they're balancing fear and hope. But it's there, you don't

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reach this degree of piety where it's like, oh, there's no more

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fear. And they have a fear because they don't know they're Indian.

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And they don't know if shaytaan is going to lead them astray in the

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last moments, and because their fear is only of Allah, they don't

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fear shaytaan intrinsically, their fear is, is that Allah will

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subjugate them to shape on.

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So the only protection from shaitan because shaytaan is like a

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dog. And if you try to find a dog, and if it's a strong dog, Yanni,

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it might not go so well. But if you just simply call the owner,

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the owner can just whistle or just say something, and then the dog

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just obeys.

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And so chiffon doesn't have any power and of himself. In Nikita,

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shaytani, Canada, if ultimately his plot is weak, all he can do is

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Whisper. But we don't know if we're going to fall victim to that

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whispering or not. So our fear is Allah subjugating us to shaitana,

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Salah cinema, with Afia, especially in the last moments.

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And there's a story that even Josie mentions in his book, see

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for the software. The title of his book is about the description of

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the elect. And this is a story of the great Imam, Imam Ahmed had

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been humbled. And his son narrates this story, his son Abdullah, and

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how, when his death approached, he was there with him. He was right

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by his side. And he describes in detail that he had that a that

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piece of cloth that getting ready for his death to do what you're

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supposed to do. Should the left Yeah, he as such with a piece of

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cloth. And he said when he's witnessing this, he said he would

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see him profusely sweat, and he would lose consciousness, and then

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he would regain consciousness. And then he would see him say and move

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with his hand lab that not yet. No, not yet. And he's wondering

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why he did this one time, and then two times. And then the third time

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when his father began consciousness, he said to him,

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that you know, what is happening? He says that we that think in a

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time like this, that you start sweating, and you're going to go

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and then that he described to him what he heard him saying, and so

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the event is an imam. I met him in Hamburg. What did he say? Yeah.

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Bonet Oh, son of mine. He says, You haven't understood. He says

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that it believes LA and Hola. The Iblees where la cursor is that

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came to me biting on my finger saying to me, I met foot Danny,

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Ahmed, that I can't get you anymore, or that you've escaped

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And then I was responding to at least a lab that had to admit not

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yet until I day. She Aton is trying to get him in the last

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moments. Like yeah, I got you. And Imam Ahmed understood. No, I can't

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say that until my soul is taken. So shaytaan was trying to get him

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in that last moment and trick him in st and foot turn us down and

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foot Tony and he witnessed this is that you've escaped me. I can't

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get you anymore. And then my mom was in law that he wasn't denying

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the shot. He wasn't doing no he said love but I haven't escaped

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you yet. And then Allah to Allah blessed him with a personal

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Katima. And this teaches us is that what we want is test beat

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from Allah. Allah to make us firm in that moment. And fearing a

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super hot mess from a man we should fear having a bad seal. And

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this as we fear we should also as some of our teachers have said

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that ask Allah Tala for a personal Hatim a good seal in every dua

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that we make. Because asking Allah for a good seal breaks the back of

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shit on they say, it breaks the back of shitload. And so, thinking

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about this is from a man now

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This fear, of course has to be balanced with hope. But I also

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want to present that a verse and so that our man What does Allah to

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Allah say, when that we have fear here in this world, Allah to Allah

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will not join for a servant between two fears.

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The more we have true fear of him here in this world, the more

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safety and protection we'll have in the next world.

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So we have a choice. And fear is an uncomfortable thing to talk

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about, especially in the modern world. But it's important because

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there's a lot of us fear a lot of different things. And that's

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harmful for spiritually. And there's an opportunity especially

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in times like now that are uncertain, that there is

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widespread fear, let's trance let's change that fear into fear

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that's actually helpful for us. And then it will make us feel

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better here in this world. It will lessen the negative type of

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anxiety that one has about worldly matters, because you'll constantly

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be reminded about your mortality and returning to Allah subhanaw

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taala which is very spiritually healthy for you. But Allah tomato

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data says, What am I in half Mr. camara be Jana tan, the one who

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fears the MACOM of his Lord. And that this can be translated as the

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standing before his Lord, He will have to gardens to gentleness. And

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the bit I made dunya that mentions the only authority of Allah in his

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center that goes back to all thought the suburban Masood

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occasion a revelation of this particular verse. And

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incidentally, tonight has been about Sid. And the story is about

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St. humbucker. So deep. And on one day, he started to think about the

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piano. And he started to think about everything that was going to

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happen on the pm and the scales, Jana and not the angels lining up

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the folding up of the heavens, and that the mountains being

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pulverized and all of the other that phenomena they're going to

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happen on Yom Okayama. And then, when he was reflecting upon this

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reality, what did he say? He says that I wish, I wish that I was

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hooded. Hodor is like herbage it's like greenery like grass, that

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things that are eaten that by animals. He said that I wish that

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I was grass literally like herb edge on the earth that is eaten by

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a behemoth that is eaten by an animal. And I wish that I was

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never created.

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Because he was reflecting so deeply on these realities. It led

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him to say that Vanessa tallied is another result Allah river

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revealed this verse, What do you mean half a mahkamah, Robbie,

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And as for the one who fears the standing before his Lord, He will

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have to gardens fearing the Reckoning and that the that he

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Allah to add a will honor this person by giving him two gardens.

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And they say that this could literally be two Gardens in

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Paradise will stand on because agenda is a booster that are that

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filled with red rubies in green gems of different sorts, Messina

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at Cooley Bustan me at center, the breadth of each one of these

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gardens is the distance that it would take for you to travel in

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100 years. This is a reward that Allah tomato Tata will give you in

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the next world, or as some of them have said that like him and who

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shady. He says the first gen is here in this world is that Allah

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Subhana Allah data will allow you to experience the halau with the

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TA, the sweetness of obedience to Allah to Allah, while Ro hilcorp.

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And that the beautiful nature of proximity to Allah,

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here in this world. And so this is the amazing thing is that if you

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fear the one, you're supposed to fear Allah that protects you. And

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he allows you to experience these beautiful things here in this

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world, and then that he blesses you as well with paradise in the

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next. And as they refer to his agenda 10 more out of that the

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paradoxical states that are left out or brings to the hearts from

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those who know Allah subhanho wa taala. So when we do this, Allah

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blesses us in this world, and in the next world subhanho wa taala.

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And one of the ways that we can train ourselves to do this is that

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every time that we have any type of

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of fear over a worldly thing, pause and put in place of that

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fear of standing before Allah, fear of what is going to be our

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state. When we take our last breath, fear of what it is that

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we're supposed to fear, and then that Allah to Allah will move from

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states of fear to hope, fear and hope, fear and hope. And when our

00:20:23 --> 00:20:28

fear and hope is motivated by love, it will cause us to reach

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the highest degrees of fear and hope. Because when you love Allah

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and want to meet Allah and be close to Allah, and to attain the

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contentment of Allah, your fear will be in being distant from him.

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Subhan Allah data, your hope will be in attaining a gaze upon his

00:20:44 --> 00:20:48

noble countenance Subhan Allah Tada. And this is why we always

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have to have a good opinion of Allah. Never forget that,

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especially as we transition into the new year of the Gregorian

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calendar. And that even though we're in 1442, and Jumada, oh, one

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of the Islamic calendar of the history of the calendar, we should

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always have a good opinion of Allah subhanaw taala. And that in

00:21:09 --> 00:21:13

sha Allah, no matter what happens to us here in this world, even if

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it's a tribulation, may Allah to Allah protect us and ward off

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tribulations from us, we should see that there's a divine wisdom

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in that and there's a hidden blessing in it. And there's

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something that oftentimes we can't attain except through that. And

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there's a maturity that will develop and atonement for sins and

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blessings behind all of that, if we see it as such, and have a good

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opinion of Allah to Allah. And when I said Hassan was talking

00:21:36 --> 00:21:40

about these words, it just crossed my mind this poem that we recite

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so often, called companion Morumbi. And in the fourth stanza

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is that Imam Abdullah bin added her dad, as he says, limb as well,

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Bobby Walker, that I am still I continue to stand at your door,

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and you knock on the door of Allah by constantly supplicating him

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relying upon him and all of your different states in turning to him

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for a demo, Robbie, Goofy, and then he makes the photo Hammurabi

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will goofy, that have mercy on my standing before you through my

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prayers and supplications, and so forth, while we waited for the RPF

00:22:19 --> 00:22:26

that I am that I continue to remain in the valley of your

00:22:26 --> 00:22:31

bounty for a demo, rabbit goofy, is that make that this permanent

00:22:31 --> 00:22:38

for me? And then he says, Well, he has no one who has them. And that

00:22:38 --> 00:22:45

I adhere to having a good opinion of you at all times, to the Layli.

00:22:46 --> 00:22:51

For our Kili. We're Halle fee. It is my intimate friend, and my

00:22:51 --> 00:22:56

ally. So three of the degrees of sadhaka as a new member, how does

00:22:56 --> 00:22:59

going dimension between this line and the next line, what I need see

00:22:59 --> 00:23:05

what jealousy to the lady want to hurry, and it is my niece and my

00:23:05 --> 00:23:09

Julius which is one of these degrees. So it's his Hill and his

00:23:09 --> 00:23:13

Khalifa and his knees and his jellies. And so meaning is that

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this applies to our brotherhood, and that we want this between one

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person and another. But also to is that taking companionship of

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personal and biller of having a good opinion of Allah and all of

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our states, such as it's our hill, it's our intimate friend. It's our

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belief. And this comes from a health which is to swear an oath,

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and your ally is the one who swore an oath to stand by your side. So

00:23:40 --> 00:23:44

it's your heartleaf it's that that person that will be down for you

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and be there at all times for you ie your good opinion of Allah in

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it, you're a nice, the one who brings intimacy to your heart, by

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being close to you and your police, your sitting partner, the

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one that you spend time with and associate with to the lady on the

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hottie that all day and all night God companion Robbie means so

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early with the formula to how to bring these that realities into

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our lives or hamara. Amin and to bless us to have that removed from

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our hearts completely the fear of anything other than him subhanaw

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taala Oh, how we're in need of this. I mean, a lot of adequate

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data out of is as a result, plus us to move up into the degree of

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those who fear Him solely for the for because he deserves to be

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feared Subhan Allah to Allah, and may we have our hopes in him

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because he deserves to have us place our hopes in him subhanho wa

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Taala and may Allah Tada buses to have a good opinion of him in all

00:24:36 --> 00:24:39

of our different states, despite what happens to us and protect us

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and preserve us and ward off all tribulations from us and from the

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Ummah of our Prophet Muhammad salallahu Salam wa Salatu was in

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Mohammed Al, Salam hamdulillahi rabbil aalameen

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