Wasim Kempson – The Importance of the Qur’an
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The title of the Quran is a guide for everyone, and it is important to pray and be informed of its implications. The importance of guidance is emphasized, and individuals should avoid distraction and avoid false assumptions. The guidance provides guidance on handling behavior, including avoiding offense towards parents and not reciting a man or woman who didn't the idea of a woman or man. The importance of learning about the history of the flu and the flu's impact on people's behavior is also discussed.
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Bismillah R Rahman r Rahim al hamdu Lillahi Rabbil alameen wa Salatu was Salam. ala l mursaleen. wa ala alihi wa sahbihi adjumani as Salam alaykum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh, my dear brothers and sisters,
indeed will praise you to Allah subhana wa tada I made the Peace and blessings of Allah subhanaw taala be upon his final messenger Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam upon all the prophets and messengers who preceded him, or that he must Allah to set them.
Now in the very short time that we have together,
I was asked to really discuss or talk about the importance
of the Quran, the Book of Allah subhanaw taala.
Now, the Quran is a very special
book for all Muslims. But I wanted to talk about this particular topic with or from a particular angle.
And that says Muslims, how do we recognize or how do we know the Quran? To be a book of guidance?
And in fact, is it correct to call it a book of guidance? Can we give it another name?
Can we call it an encyclopedia? Can we call it a dictionary? What title Shall we give it?
Now, we will look at the Quran to see how it describes itself.
And the Quran describes it. You don't have to go and read half of the Quran to find out what this book is for who it is for.
Sometimes you you go to a book and you finding what is the purpose of this book? Or you know, what is this? What is the purpose of it?
In the second chapter,
the first chapter of course, being certified.
And there's only seven is immediately then you have sort of terracotta
and the loss of penalty, Allah tells us that he can kita lava, Buffy that this is a book, which has no doubt.
There's no doubt about it. But Who is it for? And what is it for?
It is for who doesn't live within that it is this book. It is a guidance for the 13
it is a guidance for a special type of people. Not a special type of people either takuan Who are they and how do you attempt to become one of these people? Well, that's another lecture. That's not what we're here to talk about. But what we're here to talk about is and Qur'an that is a book of hedaya it's a book of guidance.
And as a Muslim when we say a book of guidance, it is literally a guide a matter of guidance in every single matter.
Every matter that you can think of Allah subhana wa tada has given you guidance and shown you what to do and why to do it.
Because Allah subhanaw taala tells us it is a TBR and liquid cliche, it is a clarification for everything
for wattana fill kita the ministry, Allah subhanaw taala also says that we did not leave anything out in this book.
We didn't leave anything out everything that you need in terms of guidance, what to do, and how to do it, you will be able to find it in the Quran.
Al Quran is a book of guidance from every single matter.
And when somebody says that to you
that this is a book of guidance.
And it is important for you as a Muslim, to refer to the Quran.
Maybe for the majority of the beginning part of your life. Maybe the Quran wasn't a source of guidance for you. But you were told, when you go to the masjid, follow the Quran, read the Quran, memorize the Quran, but you were never brought up on it. You never found the moment that you opened your eyes and the moment you can start speaking and understanding things that the Quran was the very center of everything that you did. Maybe the vast majority of us certainly myself, that was not the case.
And for many years, or at least the beginning years of my Islam. People were telling me that the Quran is so important.
And it's only after a while as to Panama that I realized how important the Quran is
Somebody's recognizing and saying, You know what? You're right. This may not come to everybody.
You're told you're told you're told to pray. It is important to pray. But do you know why and the importance of prayer? Maybe you don't know. But still you do it because, you know, your father told you to do your mother has told you to do. But do you really understand and know why you should pray?
Or is it because you are told? Likewise, the Quran, you are told that the Quran is a book of guidance, it is important, you need to read it, you need to understand it, you need to follow it, you're told this many times told, but really, is it in your heart for you to understand that? Do you really know that?
Do we take that serious or not?
The United States of America
their laws or the way that they live is based upon a constitution.
Okay, they have an American Constitution that was written down about let's say, what, 300 years ago needed.
Okay? The forefathers, that's what they call them. Okay, those people who came and established a law for the country. This is how they were going to go to the future. And this is something very important to them, even to this very day now.
They have new presidents, they have a new Senate, they have a new house of representatives, and this changes Congress, okay. They have different people in it. But all of it goes back to and being based upon the Constitution of the United States of America is extremely important to their way of life.
How they live, how they deal with one another, the freedoms that they have the understandings of life, it's extremely important to them, extremely important.
Other systems that exist, some European countries who have systems, they're very much attached to their way of life with their constitution or their law.
Once upon a time,
the Muslims they had
I will know, Quran came and was revealed to the Prophet salallahu alayhi wasallam.
The Muslims lived by the Quran for Sahaba radiolarian. And those who followed them with righteousness with the sun knew and understood that elk earn was their constitution,
and that they wouldn't compromise. It wouldn't even to their minds that they would live another way
that the countries or the areas they lived on, or they they lived in, it was all based upon the Quran, and the authentic student of Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam
This was or is the Islamic constitution.
Now throughout a number of centuries and changes and adaptations or whatever, the Muslims of course, spread out through the lands, okay, and living in different places, some of those places, you know, still Muslim countries and other living in non Muslim countries. What are we supposed to do with regards to the Quran being a book of guidance for us? How much of it can we implement? How much can we follow?
What is acquisition? What does that understanding concerning this?
So when looking closely at more details about what I mean, in terms of the Quran being a book of hedaya book of guidance, guidance in what
is it just a book that tells you worship Allah, go to the masjid and pray your five daily prayers for last perform Hajj? Is there any form of guidance other than that in the Quran? Is there anything else?
Let us go to the Quran. Look at the Quran. Look at some of the examples.
The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam could you can break it down for us? The Prophet alayhi salatu salam told us that the recitation of one particular surah in the Quran to idealo sort of fell for an is equal to one third of the Quran. Does anybody know what a surah is? Which Surah Surah ikhlas? Yes, the recitation of Allah who Allahu Ahad, this surah
is equal to one third of the Quran. Does that mean if you read it three times that is like you've read the Quran?
Is that what it means? Maybe the scholars they say no, that's not what it means.
But rather and there are different interpretations as to really What does
sort of that clause What does it mean or represent a third of the Quran they can they say the scholars they say the Imam Allah, that the Quran can be classified or categorized into three different categories in terms of the information or guidance that it gives us.
Category number one, is guidance and information concerning a loss of Hannah Montana,
who Allah is subpoena with his name
His attributes his actions, okay and how to worship him. That's category number one, that's one third. The second third are rulings, what is Hillel and what is wrong, what is prohibited and what is commanded. This is the second category. The third category, if you want to say about information, information about previous nations,
and food, and other nations,
stories about profits, or the profits that are mentioned in the Quran,
and Allah Jenna, and not the paradise and the Hellfire, this all comes under Akbar, information for us. So if you look at the whole of the Quran, it will talk about one of these three things.
It will be talking about Allah penalty Adam, it will be talking about rulings more if you like, or Thirdly, it would be talking about inflammation.
So when the Prophet sallallahu either sent him that sort of an EClass is equal to one third of the Quran, it means is talking about one of those three,
it is solely and only talking about and praising a loss of penalty and a description of who Allah subhanho wa Taala is.
This is no doubt a form of guidance for us, every single Muslim, every single Muslim,
recite Surah Al Fatiha every day, at least 17 times a day. If they are, you know, establishing their five prayers.
They say it had been of zero almost nothing. You ask Allah to guide you to the straight path.
The path which he said penalty Allah blessed
and to take you away protect you from the path of who the must obey Him. Those whom Eliza is angry with one of barley and also the misguided
everyday you're asking for guidance. Imagine that. Oh Allah guide me, oh, Allah guide me you ask that 17 times a day. And you're going to detail what kind of guidance you want the straight path,
not the path that will take you to the help file or a path that will take you in a in a way of misguidance. So if you ask yourself, this guidance that I'm asking Allah subhanaw taala for
what is it really I'm asking for what is it?
What is the reality of this guidance?
we know the Quran,
in every respect, from every single way, will guide us to that what is best.
Allah subhanaw taala created us all. We didn't come from nowhere. We didn't come from animals, or lots of penalty either created men, the mother, he said them, and then made from him, his wife Hawa, and then from them all creation came.
And then through time, Allah subhanaw taala chose messengers and chose prophets
chose messengers and prophets to deliver the message.
The way to be given to people.
We weren't just put here to walk around and find out, you know, what do we do with this? Imagine you're given something and you're not told what to do with it. What would we do with this? You'd be given a manual. This is how you're supposed to live your life.
Allah subhanaw taala chose messengers and prophets. This is how you're to live your life. This is the guidance that you are to follow.
The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam being the final messenger received Al Quran as a book of guidance with all matters.
And you can ask any matter anything that comes in your mind that I need guidance on this show me or tell me what to do. I can assure you that the Quran has guidance in that
even a woman she came to one of the companions of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam
and she said that I look in the Quran and I do not find guidance or anything talking about the issue of trimming the eyebrows.
It's not in the Quran. I don't find it.
Okay, I don't find it.
There's nothing in the Quran that talks about the prohibition that a woman okay shouldn't take anything from her eyebrows. Where do you find it in the Quran? I looked from the very beginning to the very end.
companion unbelievers a bit Mr. odilon.
He said it isn't there. It's in there.
You just have to look very carefully. She looks couldn't find it.
She was then told, do you not read the verse where Allah subhanaw taala tells you?
Well, my attire, Kumar Rasool who do that what the messenger has told you to do is you need to take it. Woman at her command, center who, and that what he prohibited you from doing that you have to stay away from it. The Prophet sallallahu Sallam told you not to do that told me not to do that. This verse in the Quran tells you about that issue. So regardless of what issue or matter that comes in your life, when he learned
that the loss of penalty had has given us guidance on the further we are away from the book of Allah subhanaw taala, the less likely we will know what to do.
We just won't know what to do, and therefore what's going to happen. We don't know what to do, we'll have to end up doing our own thing. And how many times do you find Muslims? They're making their own decisions on Islamic issues?
What should we do in this situation? What should we do in that situation? The person doesn't have any knowledge. But they say, yeah, this is what we should do. This is what we do we do this and we don't do that. You don't do this, you don't do that. Establish this, leave that out. You cut this out, that's not even relevant anymore. doesn't mean anything, okay. And they've they've made a new religion.
They've made a new religion.
And now if you compare now,
the year 2016, to maybe the year, let's say 60, or 70, of the the 6070 years after the death of Rasulullah sallallahu wasallam.
Which time do you think has more scholars?
Which time has more scholars, the time of Sahaba or 2016?
The untrained eye? The person who doesn't really know would say 100%. There are more scholars now
than ever before.
Islam, we have more scholars than we have ever had in the history of Islam.
What makes you say that? What makes you say that we have more scholars than ever before?
Because once upon a time, the companions or people at that time, sometimes they would refrain they wouldn't answer. You ask them a question. I'll give you an example. In my Malik Rahim, Allah, a great scholar of Islam.
People traveled from very far to visit Imam Malik, who was the Imam of Medina, the city of the Prophet sallallahu wasallam. They asked him 44, zero questions. 36.
He said, I don't know. I don't know. He answered only four of them.
Only four out of 36 questions.
Four out of 40 questions. So he failed six. He said he didn't know. And the people said, Well, wait a minute, you Mr. Malik. You Mr. Malik. And people say that you are so knowledgeable. He said, Listen, go back to your people. And go and tell the people that Mr. Malik says that he does not know. Tell them I don't know.
So there was a time when people looking at now, when people they didn't have much knowledge, you know, they didn't really know. They would always say go and ask somebody else. Now, I just need to go to Facebook, or go to Twitter and put a question. And I will have hundreds of answers from hundreds of people within about half an hour. So we have more scholars now than ever before.
Okay, there are some people who believe this. Okay, that we have more scholars now than we ever had before. I say without any doubt, absolutely. That we do not
have the scholars that we used to have.
But rather what we have now
are young individuals.
ignorant people who think they are who believe they are scholars.
They believe they are scholars.
Just like a small fishbowl in a fishbowl and you put a few small goldfish in there.
And there's one big goldfish on the other small goldfish and the goldfish he's he's the toughest fish. He's the biggest fish. Nobody's going to mess with that fish. So he goes around bullying all the other fish eating the food first. Okay, if anyone else
needs, the small fish are going to ask the big fish. Okay? The big the big goldfish What to do? He thinks he's big. When you look at them, he's only that big. If you put that fish in the sea, really what is his size? It's nothing
flashy, it's nothing. But he doesn't know anything outside that fishbowl. Some people are like this. Some people have the fishbowl syndrome,
you know, fishbowl said, you know different people have different diseases, and they could syndrome. This is called the fishbowl syndrome, where they live in this fishbowl, and this is their Islamic world, whatever knowledge they have exists within this fishbowl, and they think they know it all. Because they can see the edges of the ball, and they can see all the knowledge they have in Islam is there. That's the beginning. And that's the end.
The reality is that the more that you know, the more you know, the really the less you actually know,
the realization comes to you.
Actually, I don't know very much at all.
This is one of the benefits of guidance.
How strange. One of the benefits of guidance is what is the more you know, the more you realize that you don't know anything.
But there was a benefit in that
there was a benefit there was a third and not far either, is that you will never become arrogant.
You'll never become arrogant. You will always Charlottetown to remain humble.
And you will always be a humble person.
And you always try to seek knowledge. You will never get to a stage where you think you know it all.
No doubt the greatest form of guidance that any one of us can receive is to know their Lord to know Allah subhana wa tada
to know Allah subhanaw taala
you read sort of a floss,
you read sort of 30
these short surah or the short sewer, you find that also panatela explains himself who is
at the time of the crush, the machete cone of the parish had forgotten completely.
Allah subhanaw taala and his rear end who he who he is, and what he deserves. They believed it was acceptable to go through dead people.
You could ask dead people to reach Allah subhanaw taala they believe that they believed you could ask stones and trees.
That's what they believed. But the Quran came to correct that. The Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu wasallam came to teach them that Illa hokum ILA, who said that your God is one God, not many gods, but one God.
This is the greatest form of guidance you can receive
in being guided to know that your Lord is one, and to worship Allah subhanaw taala as one
because there's no point saying that Allah is one of God is one.
And then you go and worship the creation. That doesn't make any sense. So I believe in one God, the person says, I believe in one God, but then I'm going to ask a prophet, or God became a prophet. And so then I worship the Prophet because the Prophet is God, and the God is profit.
So there was a statement, there was a claim. And then there was the practice, do they go together? The claim is, there is only one God, and we worship only one God. And then you see the practice, that it is not the same.
Only Islam what Allah
has the claim, and has the action, which is exactly the same.
There is only one God who is deserving of worship. And then every single act of worship that you do, must be directed to Allah subhanaw taala. You're not allowed to go to the people in the grave. You cannot worship stones or trees or believe anything from the creation that they can help you in any way.
So Allah penultimate Quran guides you how to worship Him, how to know him, how to be an obedient servant, to Allah subhana wa Tada.
What other guidance do you have?
You have guidance about buying and selling.
Not just worship, but you go outside, there's a market today isn't this Saturday, isn't it? Somebody told me here there's a market and then they're selling. used, used kind of a secondhand market. It's very busy. We need to have guidance in that matter.
Hello, Hola. Hola, Bayer
Merida, Allah so panel to elevate Hello, buying and selling, but the labor is how long that's it
type of transaction.
Riba is a type of transaction with money and buying something or money and money.
However there are conditions.
River and the types of Riba and definition of Riba or interest has its own discussion. That's how long
but a loss of penalty Allah gave us guidance concerning
buying and selling, for you to earn a sustenance and provisions for your own family. Allah subhanaw taala gave gave us guidance on that.
Likewise, in family issues,
Allah subhanaw taala gave us guidance in family issues, when you want to go marry somebody, or when you're outside and maybe you want to get married and how to behave.
But a lot of panatela addresses the believing men correlate meaning
and in the next minute, save say to the believing women, how should they behave?
How should they behave? How do they carry themselves? You hold the woman above sorry him that they should lower their gaze. Okay, when the men are outside, they lower their gaze. You protect yourself.
I don't know why. I don't know if you've experienced the same thing.
But somehow it's like the men have to lower their gaze but the women don't. You've heard that before.
I have for some reason I don't have is a UK thing. But they say that the men they raise they have to lower their gaze but women don't. I think Did you not read the next
gen read the next verse, where lots of panel data speaks to the believing men, poorly meaning and then the next verse told me not
to lower their lower their gazes not to be looking around searching and maybe harming they're
harming their hearts.
So Allah subhanaw taala gives us guidance and how to carry and behave ourselves outside.
But also penalty Allah tells us funky Houma La Bella camino Nisa, he must know what you will law that Allah subhanaw taala says, marry from those whom are pleasing to you. Two, three, and four. Does that mean you can marry nine?
You added them together, two and then three and then four. You can marry nine women like this? Is that Islam for you? And I know it's not it doesn't mean that of course.
But if you feel that you cannot be just in marrying that, of course, cannot do that in this country you not allowed. You can only marry one woman by law, just as a disclaimer.
But Allah subhanaw taala gives us guidance on marriage issues about being fair and being just when you marry somebody, you have to be fair with them.
It's not about just marrying and marrying again and behaving like this. No, Allah subhanaw taala gave us guidance in these matters as well.
Also, we have guidance in Islam from the Quran
as defining and understanding what is good,
what's moral and what is good, what's bad.
Because we know that Allah, Allah created us
and that Allah so panel to Allah will guide us to that what is best and
the chef at the beginning
recited a beautiful Ayah
while also panel dialysis in her they'll pour An then the this could earn Yeah, the lady here
guides to that what is best in every single matter.
Every single thing that you can think of Allah Quran guides you to the very best in that.
So when the revelation came to the Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam more than 1400 years ago, 1500 years
that what is considered good and then
is considered maruf and good now. That was that won't change.
Being good to your mother, being respectful to your mother, making sure there is the institution of marriage.
Okay, making out on fornication
and adultery. That's Haram. That was haram then. And it's Haram. Now.
That won't change.
Just because the Shahadat or the desires of people change. So therefore, we're going to change everything because the people want this. Sometimes you want people want things for themselves. And it is only to harm them.
They harm themselves by doing that.
We make decisions if we are left to our own devices, we make our own choices. If we were just left to do that we would harm ourselves.
We would make many
Many, many wrong decisions.
Who makes wrong decisions, I make wrong decisions many times. If I'm given a choice of doing two things, sometimes I make the, you know, I make a wrong decision as much as I can, I will try to refer to the guidance that Allah subhanaw taala has given me. So I follow that, so that I don't fall in any mistakes.
If I can remember this, I will go through life.
And I will be following that what Allah subhanaw taala wants from me.
And on top of that, I know inshallah, without any doubt, that this is the best possible way to live.
It's the best possible way, if I want to be happy, and I want to make the right decisions, following the guidance of that what i what i find in the Quran is a must for me, if I want to be truly happy,
if I want to be sad, then I will turn away
away from the guidance of Allah subhanaw taala.
Allah Subhana Allah tells us, woman, Allah and Vickery, whoever turns away from my remembrance, whoever turns away from the guidance of a loss penalty either for in a shutdown bunker, that person will have very sad life.
Whoever turns away from the guidance of a loss penalty either they will have a sad life Why? Because they are rejecting a lot as a surgeon
or a biller, and they are choosing their own decisions is my decision, this is what I want to do, or they will follow another person
who will also make many mistakes.
Who is there better in speech?
Who is better and when they speak?
And that they call in the path of a lawsuit penalty either and that they say, I am one who submits to Allah subhanaw taala.
There is no one better than the one who obeys Allah subhanaw taala there is no one better than the one who follows the guidance of Allah subhanaw taala.
So we have guidance concerning marriage. We have guidance concerning buying and selling, we have guidance concerning a loss of penalty. Most importantly, we have guidance when dealing with our parents. How do I speak to them? How do I address them?
What does Allah subhanaw taala say to me, and say to you, when speaking to them further Taku lahoma off.
Do not say to them, you know doesn't say don't speak back to them, don't swear them, don't curse them.
Do not even say
when your parents asked you to do something, you don't even make that sound towards them
where they're at and how well it turned out. And don't turn them away. Don't be rude to them. But put lahoma colon Kereama and say to them a good word, a nice word.
So Allah subhanaw taala addresses the Muslims.
How you should even speak to your own parents.
Allah subhana wa tada also, and the you know, the list, my dear brothers and sisters is so long about the guidance, but also penalties is given to us really a lot gelada has honored you and honored me.
The fact he guided us
to know to understand that the bulk of our last panel data, we cannot live without it.
That the one who does not live with the plan lives an empty life
has shortcomings, many things which are missing in their life.
For example,
and this is very important, and I want to deal with this issue
dealings in war, warfare,
dare I say the word jihad.
Allah gives us guidance in this. And this is mentioned in Surah tabaka. It is mentioned in sort of third and third, it is mentioned in sort of the job site as mentioned in many places.
So it is only fair. It's only fair that as we look at the guidance concerning worshiping Allah subhanaw taala and we bring them all together. And we come to a conclusion This is what Allah azza wa jal wants from us concerning worship.
Concerning Hajj, we get all the verses from or talking about performing hajj. How do I What do I do performing hajj, let's get the verses together. This is what you're supposed to do. Get all of them.
Okay, concerning the verses of marriage. We bring them together.
The verses concerning Pollock. We bring all the verses together, shorter Baqarah supaloc. You bring them all together.
Right. These are the guidance, the guidance from this.
But for some reason, for some reason,
people when talking about jihad in the Quran, they have amnesia.
amnesia is that they start forgetting. They say, No, no, we don't need to get all the verses, we'll just choose one. And I like this one. Because this one's really rough and talks about killing everybody.
All the other verses which talk about, you know, don't stop going over the boundaries and be fair and be just don't worry about that. I like this one. Okay, I'm going to use this one. And then they go around, let's give him
a lecture on one or two verses.
Wait a minute, what about the same principle we did with all the verses of divorce, or the verses of Hajj or the verses of Salah, okay, of the Masada to establish the prayer, okay, when you are traveler,
you can shorten the prayer. When is you in fear, you're scared, you can pray the prayer in a particular way. We brought all those verses of Salah together. But for some reason, when it came to the matter of jihad, for example, we didn't want to bring all the verses together.
But we looked at all the verses that maybe spoke about one way without looking at the other side. It is very important
that on every single issue, that the last panel, Allah mentions, that we mentioned, every we look at all the verses concerning that and we come to a conclusion.
Is it possible?
Or do you think it is correct even
that a loss of penalty either
in His revelation in the book that is sent to mankind?
which Allah azza wa jal addresses mankind
to worship Him?
Yeah. Are you her nurse, boo, boo Rebecca, all mankind, worship your Lord, mankind, every single one of them, they are required to worship their Lord.
Then in other verses, Allah subhanaw taala addresses those who believed to remove the earth to remove everybody on earth who doesn't believe get rid of them,
destroy them, finish them.
The message is that Allah subhanaw taala said, mankind worship me alone. And then you find other verses that are Lost Planet Allah says okay, but those of you who do believe read the earth of this.
But are they required to believe they are required to believe but don't matter when you find them kill them.
This is a person who is taken from the Quran and left others
it is very important in terms of looking at these issues and wanting to be fair and just that you take everything into consideration and look at the picture holding all of it.
Just as Allah so panel to Allah spoke to us and addressed us about al Hajj and had you ash huruma admit that the Hajj is to be performed in particular months, at a particular time.
Furman photography him that the person who intends goes obligate obligates upon himself or herself to make 100 this time for the officer whether for sure whether the data will hatch that there's no relations there's no arguing there's no evilness in Hutch. What matter for Adam in Hayden. Yeah, Allahu Allah. There's no good that you do, except that Allah subhanaw taala knows about it. What does the word do and gather lots of provisions because you're going on a journey. bring lots of things with you.
Friend, Hi Rosie taqwa. But the best thing that you can take with you when going Hajj is the taqwa of Allah subhanaw taala.
While Tim will have Jawad Rahmatullah in other verses, that I complete my Hajj I complete my oma for a loss of penalty.
And then all the other verses that come after that talking about the rulings of how to perform hajj, Allah would have gave us guidance in
our last panel gave us guidance and how to
support Allah, even the woman
that she has a month recycle
that the men are told to not have relationship with them at that time, something very private, very private.
But yet Allah subhanaw taala gives us guidance on that matter. This is what you should not do at this time.
So is it possible for us as a Muslim who claims to say, oh, La ilaha illAllah Muhammad Rasul Allah, that I can then not have a relationship with the book of Allah subhanaw taala
I don't know what Allah is telling me.
Somebody recites an ayah to us like I never heard it before. What is that?
Where did you get that from? Well, it's in the Quran. I can't be in the Quran. No, it's in the Quran. Go read it. And then they read it. It's a soprano law, the verses in the Quran.
We have people, unfortunately,
you show them a verse is that well, I never knew that verse was in the Quran.
No one is expected to memorize every single thing in the Quran.
But let's talk about something quite fundamental important. Talking about worshiping Allah are one of the stories of the prophets. And they say some something to somebody and the person says, I didn't know that.
I didn't know that.
I'm talking about a new Muslim, maybe a new Muslim doesn't know. As somebody who's a born Muslim, was when a moron wouldn't born a Muslim many, many years.
When he said we believe in Ibrahim alayhis salam, who,
who do we believe in?
Ibrahim alayhis salam Abraham,
we believe in Abraham as well. I think we believed in Mohammed sallallahu wasallam Yes, we do. But we also believe believe in Ibrahim Alayhi Salam
that's in the Quran. Yes, progressive, no Quran. Really? There was a person like that. Yes, there was a person like that, who didn't know for whatever reason that we didn't know that we do believe Ibrahim Ali Salim The Great Prophet.
So as a Muslim, is it fair? Is it correct? Is it right? For us to claim La ilaha illAllah Muhammad Rasul Allah, and then the guidance that was given to us that we don't know what it is about.
And that all that emptiness. And when I say emptiness, I mean that there's no knowledge there.
When you ask that person about the guidance that you find in Islam, the person has Mashallah answers for everything.
He is maybe one of those or she is maybe one of those people who believes that we have more scholars now than we ever had. Okay, don't be like that. Alhamdulillah that there are scholars around there are very knowledgeable people.
But it seems to me at least my my view, that the distinction or the difference between the person who does know, and the doesn't the person who doesn't know, most people can't see that.
Is that point clear?
A lot of people are unable to know who are knowledgeable people, and who are ignorant people. Because the knowledgeable people are speaking, and the ignorant people they are speaking as well. So everybody's speaking.
And the person is an individual says, I don't know who to listen to.
This person who's ignorant, by the way, doesn't stop talking. It's got 100,000 followers on their Facebook. Surely there can't be that wrong. 100,000 people are following him or following her. Maybe even 200, maybe even a million followers.
All of these people will be following that person. Do not be deceived by that. Do not be deceived by that. Because the Prophet sallallaahu Edison told us that he was shown the nations on the Day of Judgment. There were some prophets who had two or three followers. There was one prophet Lisa, who
had no followers. Nobody followed him. Nobody believed in him, he's alone.
So it is not about how many people you have. I've got 50,000 followers or 20,000 followers, it is about the heart It is about the truth. It is about that what is correct and what is right.
And if people are talking, talking, talking, talking, talking, talking, and they are not referring things back to Allah Subhana Allah and His Messenger sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, then avoid that person. As a general advice if the person is not quoting Allah and the messenger sallallahu wasallam advise you don't listen to that person.
In general, in general, I don't mean that you see in a lesson Okay, one more and you say how many times that that person said bla bla bla bla cada una they don't hit a certain Mark then they're struck off No, I don't mean it like that. Okay, but in general that the person is always talking from themselves. They do not quote from a lot and they do not quote unquote an awesome okay. These people are using a lot of their own HD hideout and are and are willing to cut and paste the religion okay? These people are very dangerous.
Okay, because they essentially, if you like making their own religion,
okay? familias penalty Allah to guide us males will guide us to that what is best? May Allah subhanaw taala protect us and our families and our children as well, as well, from all forms of misguidance. I asked the last panel to add that he allows us all to be a good example for Muslims and non Muslims alike.
That's extremely important. Don't be a bad example. Don't be a bad example of what a Muslim is supposed to be, be a good example. Okay? If the action of one person, imagine the actions of one or two or even three people will affect millions of people.
They done something wrong, and they affect millions of people. So panela that means that we need to work harder, in terms of showing other people what it means to be a good Muslim.
We have a great a large job in front of us a great challenge in front of us to ensure that when people think about Muslims, or think about Islam, that they think about you, that neighbor who's truthful and honest and is caring and compassionate and merciful, and just and fair.
So my last panel that allows to be those people, just like the Malala Hara, or sallallahu wasallam Avada Nabina Muhammad wa ala he was off the edge of mine