Wasim Kempson – The Deception of Shaytaan

Wasim Kempson
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The shay fort of Islam is designed to disabuse people and bring them back to their former ways, but may not be the way of Islam. The plan includes deception, deception of shayurts, and the use of shayurts to avoid false accusations. The shay fort aims to disabuse people and bring them back to their former ways, but may not be the way of Islam. The segment touches on the importance of shaping one's perception of Islam, including being mindful of what one thinks and what they feel. aging and shaping one's perception of Islam are also discussed.

AI: Summary ©

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			Salam alaykum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh
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			Allahu Akbar on Long Horn boy
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			a lot
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			going to burn in love
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			I Edwin Isla
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			wrestle Oh Love
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			yeah I'm fine
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			yeah fine
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			yeah fine
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			In Alhamdulillah Hina Hemudu who want to start a you know who wanna start off hero
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			one hour we love him in short all the phocoena woman CEO to Marlena
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			Mejia Hilah who further mobila woman you will follow her deola
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			What a shadow Allah Allah illallah wa Tada hula Sharika wash had to under Mohammed and Abu rasuluh
yeah you have Latina mental capital la haka Ducati. He was moved on
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			to mostly moon
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			yeah, you have multiple Lucha Kulu colons studied your Saleh Hola Hola. Hola como la fille la come
fonua come while many alto la la hora water cooler who felt as opposed to now Vemma and bad
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			for in stock on Hadith he Kitab Allah will hate on her de Hadiya Mohammed in sallallahu alayhi wa
sallam was shall rule Imodium to her Wakulla Mahabharata timbi They will call him Bala will call a
Bala to Vinod.
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			Indeed or praise and thanks is due to Allah Who SubhanaHu wata either.
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			I bear witness that there was none worthy of worship except Allah subhana wa Tada
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			and I bear witness that Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam is his final messenger.
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			My dear brothers and sisters on this blessed day of Al Juma.
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			I would like to leave with you and deliver to you a very important message.
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			Moreover, it is an understanding that we will have an understanding of our environment of where we
are, and where we are going, how we interact with our fellow Muslims. How we understand Allah
subhanho wa taala.
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			For many of us, when we attend the masjid, we see people we see our brothers, we see our work
colleagues. When we're at home, we see our children,
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			when we go to work, when you own your money, all of these are tangible things, things you can touch,
things you can hold, things you can grasp, things you can see.
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			And this is
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			a reality that you can see a certainty that you have, because you can see it.
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			But then there are things which we cannot see
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			that you cannot touch or grasp.
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			But we have Iman in that.
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			And in fact Allah subhanaw taala mentions right at the beginning of Surah Al Baqarah. Allah Athena,
you know, and I believe those who believe in the unseen
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			now the unseen doesn't necessarily an only mean agenda to were not the hellfire and the paradise.
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			But the unseen for us are many things.
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			There are many things that we do not understand or comprehend fully. But we believe in that.
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			However, there are certain things that it is very easy for us to, to lose contact with.
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			And because you lose contact with that, it doesn't mean that it doesn't exist anymore.
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			Now, I don't want to sound very philosophical, what am I talking about?
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			More specifically, I'm talking about the plans and the plots and deception of shaytaan.
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			This isn't something necessarily that you can see or you can touch.
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			For no doubt, we can say that in theory, we are the most knowledgeable people, we should be the most
knowledgeable people in how to deal with this enemy.
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			That from the beginning of time
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			IBLEES refused the Command of Allah subhanaw taala. to bow down to Adam Alehissalaam.
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			And what he believes took an oath
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			and he swore by the might of Allah subhanaw taala law who we are no whom are germane,
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			I will do my very best to misguide them all
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			except the sincere servants.
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			As you sleep, as you are busy in your day with your work and your family and your children, shape on
is busy in how trying to think how to harm you to plot and to plan.
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			This plot, this plan may not occur and happen tomorrow.
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			It may not happen next week, or in a month time.
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			But Share Plan is patient with you.
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			And his goal is maybe long term.
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			And an example of this is if not averse Radi Allahu Anhu mana rates,
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			that that the people after Adam Alehissalaam were upon to heat limit that he or she had karoun for
10 generations or 10 centuries, they will upon the worship of Allah subhanaw taala there was no ship
upon Earth. And that then there were a number of people, righteous people within their own selves,
which is alluded to, in Surah. To Know
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			Allah subhanaw taala mentions the names of five individuals, those individuals, our word sewer, your
roof, your oak, and NASA. These were the names of five righteous people.
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			And within the space of a short time,
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			they all died.
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			When they died, it was said to the people, why don't you
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			these whispers and in fact it is narrated, that the bliss came in the form of a person said to the
people, why don't you erect statues of these people,
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			they will give you energy, they will remind you of how to be pious, they will remind you and give
you some energy to worship Allah subhanaw taala not to worship them, not to worship them now.
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			But the plan or Shaytaan, The plan of a bliss it is that the generations to come that they would
then fall by the wayside.
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			So they erected these statues, images of these righteous people,
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			and that they would go there and they would remember, these people were righteous people.
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			The correct understanding concerning these individuals was not passed on to the next generation.
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			So when that generation who erected the statues and pictures of them, they died, the next generation
came through and it was said to them that your forefathers used to go to these people and asked for
rain. When there was no rain, they used to ask them for rain. So then the people would go to these
idols and statues. And they began worshipping them.
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			This was the plan of shaytaan from the very beginning
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			to harm and to pull people away from the worship of Allah subhanho wa taala.
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			Now in this story, there are many for many benefits and maybe an
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			another occasion you can look at the story. But the point I want to mention is that shaitan will
have patience with you.
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			But even though you do not see him,
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			he sees you. And He knows your weaknesses. And he knows the points that you will possibly fall into
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			some people who have
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			strong Eman in fasting or sadaqa or Salah, the focus is not on them. But your focus may be is that
you're weak in backbiting
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			spreading false tales, sharing false information, but you're a person of apparent Salah steadfast
and upright, but you have a weakness and we all have weaknesses. And it is here that the shaytaan
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			he will focus on just like salt will slowly wear away at the meet that it is on.
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			The shaytaan will focus on these weaknesses that you have.
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			So shaytans plan for us is very clear even though we don't see it.
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			And we live in a world where we are told to believe only that what you can see and touch.
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			But the book of Allah subhanaw taala tells us that we have Eman and that what we cannot see what we
have been informed about.
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			And that this I do is I do and move in is a clear and open enemy to use or take him as an enemy. The
greatest and the ultimate goal for shaytaan for mankind is for them to disbelieve and rejecting
Allah subhanaw taala.
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			To say that, that there is no ILA
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			or that Islam is not the truth
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			or bring me proof
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			that the origin is that there is no Eman, no belief, you have to prove it to me
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			or to direct worship to other than Allah subhanaw taala to commit should
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			or to give attributes of Allah subhanaw taala to the creation.
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			These are the main goals of shaytaan with every single one of us long term goals for you to reject
Allah subhanaw taala to reject Islam.
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			But you may say I'm very strong, there's no way I'm going to disbelieve. I know Islam is the hawk.
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			But remember, the plan of shaitan is a long term plan.
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			He looks way into the future. You may not say that now.
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			But when you go to university,
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			or when you go to college, or the companions that you have the friends that you have, who think
completely different.
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			Can you guarantee that you will not be influenced by that way of thinking, philosophy, Greek
philosophy, Egyptian philosophy, all of these ideas, the things that you will look at continuously
on your devices, how that will impact you in the way that you think that you may not say that now
but maybe one day who knows
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			every Salah you say it Dean austere autonomous docking, oh Allah guide me to the straight path
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			that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam frequently would say in sujood yarmulke liberal Kurobe
forbids will be honored in it, the turn of the hearts allow my heart to be remained steadfast upon
this deep
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			atheism is becoming widespread.
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			This is one of the main goals of shaytaan to draw people away from the worship of Allah subhanaw
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			So, we need to be aware of this.
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			If that person doesn't fall into four, major disbelief, then what will they fall into after that,
but the chevron will then try to push you in another direction.
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			For you to fall into those matters, which are newly invented into the religion is
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			something that is frequently said
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			every Juma.
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			The Prophet salallahu Alaihe Salam said he couldn't
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			be aware of the newly invented martyrs. For in Hakuna Matata timbira For every newly invented math
is an innovation.
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			We'll call a Bala and that every innovation is a misguidance.
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			To finance and that every misguidance is in the fire.
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			Nearly every hope you hear that.
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			So the shepherd will try to push you into albida immediately after. If you can if you don't fall
into Cofer, but why Peter? Why
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			Because the shaitan knows
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			that a person who is practicing without will not ask Allah subhanaw taala to forgive him.
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			And this is one of the biggest traps of the innovation, that the person believes that doing the
right thing.
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			And just because the person believes they're doing the right thing, that doesn't give them an excuse
that I didn't know. We were warned about Buddha. We were warned about taking paths other than the
Quran and Sunnah. But a person who's practicing Buddha, the slave will not say, Oh ALLAH forgive me
for my Buddha. For this reason, the shaitaan is very happy to push you into innovation.
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			This is why the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam so frequently warned us of the dangers of
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			Maybe some of us saying you're talking about without too much. You know, we need to focus on test
gear. We need to focus on purification of the soul, which of course has his or her me has its
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			The element of the past from Imam Malik Rahim Allah and Mr. Musharraf, Allah didn't say for example,
that the hadith of Aisha Radi Allahu Anhu that whoever invents a matter into this Deen that it is
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			Man I had other family her mother, bless them in for horrid, didn't say that this hadith represents
a third or a quarter of the religion for no reason.
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			The statements wasn't made lightly. The statements were made because these Hadith are of the utmost
importance. That servant involved in Buddha will not ask Allah subhanaw taala for forgiveness.
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			And one of the punishments that the Prophet Alice's have informed us of the in the hereafter when
the people will given be given the blessing to drink from the number of Alcocer
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			there'll be certain people who turned away they will approach and they will be set to go back. And
they will question Why am I being turned away? And we said to them, that you involve yourselves in
matters that were not revealed to you. You practice Islam in a way that our beloved in the bass
Allah Salam did not teach you. And these are the innovations
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			so maybe the person doesn't fall into innovation.
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			So the shaytan will push you into al Qaeda it the major sins, Xena, shootable, Hama, drinking
alcohol or Reba interest taking alone.
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			Stealing sadaqa
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			you justify these because I'm weak and I'm askin I will make Toba later on.
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			These are the plans of shaytaan he'll justify the Moncure for you.
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			And this is what Allah subhanaw taala tells us the shavasana that he is the one who he will beautify
the deeds for you. I'm doing this because I have family. I'm doing this because I don't want to fall
into a greater haram so fall into this haram and there's so many excuses and justifications for you
to fall into that haram
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			the staying away from home or alcohol and gambling. Why do we why are we prohibited from the or from
the reasons? Allah general Allah tells us?
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			The Allah Subhana Allah Allah, Allah shaytaan he wants to place between you hatred,
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			enmity, and to take you away from the remembrance of Allah subhanaw taala.
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			So the knowledge is there, you stay away from these major sins.
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			Because Allah subhanaw taala tells you about the consequences of them.
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			In fact, Allah subhanaw taala tells us about the for what
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			and for every plot and plan of shape on Allah subhanaw taala has given us something superior
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			every way that the shaytaan will try to come to you, Allah subhanaw taala has given us a way that is
far superior to preserve and protect us from that plot and plan. And secondly, that the plaatsen
plans are shaytaan they are weak.
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			All the shepherds will do to you is to call you
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			won't physically grab you and drag you to commit to the action.
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			You will be just merely cold.
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			And you will answer the call. For this reason. You will be blamed worthy Yeoman pm
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			on Yeoman pm the shaytaan will say nobody Oh, mink. I'm free from you. I just called you and you
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			So Allah subhanaw taala throughout the Quran has told us what happens as we are living and what
happens when we stand in front of Allah subhanaw taala
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			the excuses that we will give
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			you will stand on Yama pm and you say he told me to do it.
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			And shaytaan was saved I'm away from you. I just called you you answered Don't blame me blame
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			so maybe you don't fall into al Qaeda is
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			and you feel proud you feel happy. The fact that you don't fall into al Qaeda if I only commit major
minor sins suppliers
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			LED turn Votto ale several Katya
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			wala keen on zero LM on our site. Do not look at the smallness of your sins, but rather look at whom
you have disobeyed.
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			So a person can feel the shutdown will say to you, you're good person. You don't steal. You don't
take out rubber. You don't drink come out. You stay away from all the Cabal.
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			But you fall into the Sahara.
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			And a person who is persistent in the survivor in the small sins
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			they just become normal to them. These minor sins can become a major sin to that person.
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			The minor sins may not always remain small to you.
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			So the shaytaan if it's not Cofer, it's better. If it's not innovations, that is major sins. If it's
not major sins, then it's the minor sins.
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			And if it's not that, then the person will be made to feel that Allah guided me. I feel saved.
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			This was a thinking of a people in the past.
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			That the nod will never touch us. NanoFab Hola. Hola. Rockstar. We are the chosen people of Allah
subhanho wa Taala you become satisfied with what you offer to Allah subhanaw taala.
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			Again, this is another of deception of a shaytaan We ask Allah Allah Allah to protect us from the
kind of shape or Nakula cola there was no fear Allah he will come and call you them for stock of
euro in who who will perform.
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			Bismillah Alhamdulillah wa salatu salam ala Rasulillah while early he was a big Marine.
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			Allah subhanaw taala tells us
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			what Shavonne will try to put in the hearts of the believers.
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			So Allah subhanaw taala says a che fine or your idol monofocal
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			Wyatt Moroccan Bill fascia, but the shaytaan will try to place in your heart the fear of poverty and
he will command you with fascia open wrongdoing evil or pressure.
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			And if you look carefully,
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			that Allah subhanaw taala says the shelter I know yeah Docomo focal, he promises you. He says to
you, you're going to be poor. If you give that charity, how are you going to feed your children? If
you help that person, how are you going to pay the rent and if a person has a fear of poverty, in
turn, they will become more attached to the dunya. This is the cycle
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			in which Allah subhanaw taala told us to be aware of the dunya be careful of the dunya it will suck
you in.
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			It will consume you how will you be consumed because you may think the dollars are going to consume
me but the shaitaan will come to you say
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			poverty poverty poor put it between your eyes chasing money taking out things which you don't need.
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			But Allah subhanaw taala says Wallah who your ideal Kumar Virata min. But Allah subhanaw taala
promises you Mo Farah forgiveness will follow and that Allah subhanaw taala he promises you bounties
and blessings are the complete opposite of what shaitan was promising.
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			The ayah mentioned two things from shaitan and two promises from Allah subhanaw taala. The promises
from Shaytaan are false poverty and to command you with evil.
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			Allah subhanaw taala promises you His bounties, his blessings, his sustenance and provisions, and
promises you microphylla which overcome the two that were mentioned by Chef and as I mentioned
earlier, anything the shaytaan gives you the Allah subhanaw taala has given you something so far
superior than that
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			final thing I want to mention a shout out to IRA
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			is something which is so simple to fall into you don't even blink an eye
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			and that is when Allah subhanaw taala warns us about an tokoto at Allah He Marilla Tada, Moon
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			that you say something about Allah subhanaw taala by which you have
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			no knowledge,
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			no knowledge about
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			and how easy it is or that split second when somebody is having a conversation about something
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			or there's something online
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			and the vast majority of Shabaab use or not invested or things that happen online.
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			Conversations nucar shirt, discussions, debates, so easy to write something
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			to brothers that are talking about an element of the Sunnah, or two sisters are talking about
something from the Quran.
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			somebody hears something, and they suddenly say,
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			I don't think is correct to do that. I think you should let people let people as they want. Let them
love what they want to love.
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			Let people be who they want to be, let them express themselves.
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			Who told us to think like that.
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			Allah subhanaw taala tells us what he loves. Allah subhanaw taala tells us what he dislikes. We love
what Allah loves. We love what His Messenger SallAllahu wasallam loves and we dislike what Allah
dislikes and we dislike what His Messenger is not to salaam disliked.
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			This is part of our belief.
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			But a person who don't understand that will say things about Islam.
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			They have no Arsenal have no basis
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			Rebo there's it's a broader now, said Laura. It's a necessity. You have no choice. You have to take
out the labor.
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			Okay, the person was born like that you can't help them.
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			Allah subhanaw taala either didn't make anyone have been broken from the start.
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			Every mo lewd everyone is born in a state of fitrah in a pure state.
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			So a person who has no knowledge will say things directly against what Allah's Messenger Elisa to
Salam said, and Allah subhanaw taala our statement should be on any matter what I think
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			what you think, if it is a matter of Deen, call Allah will call Allah rasool
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			Allah said, or his messenger RNA so some said or you say, Allahu Allah, I don't know.
00:27:58 --> 00:28:12
			Even if you're, you think, say Allahu Allah, I don't know. You would have fear to pass on
information that you are not sure of. But how easy it is at that split second for you to say
something because you feel you you have to
00:28:13 --> 00:28:32
			May Allah subhanaw taala protect us from alcohol Allahumma Salli ala Muhammad Anwar early Mohammed
cameras are later Allah Brahim or other early Ibrahim in hamidou Majeed Allah whom is Islam are well
Muslim in Allahumma Islam are well Muslim in Allah homak Milena then Obama era but I mean
00:28:34 --> 00:28:39
			what better earth you know if it dunya Hassan Warfield ferati has no mocking either Banagher como la
serata Camille Hama Kamala?
00:29:15 --> 00:29:25
			Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar a shed 111 Allah and shed when I'm done Rasul Allah Jana swear to
00:29:27 --> 00:29:34
			God to God to send out to God the karma Sana Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar
00:29:35 --> 00:29:37
			in a highly long long
00:29:41 --> 00:29:47
			still stuck in for us also that has strayed in the lines from the camps brothers.
00:29:57 --> 00:29:58
			Hola Hola como
00:30:13 --> 00:30:37
			Alhamdulillah your beloved me in other words, the other walhi Jean Marie Kia will need the pain the
yuck and I would want to yak and a stallion clean did not see all coiling was stepping so you're all
polythene untidy
00:30:38 --> 00:30:46
			way in in mock Bo era in one on clean
00:30:48 --> 00:30:49
00:30:57 --> 00:31:19
			what Tina was a to work toward is eating waha Bella Mia Nakoda Hola kornell in Santa Fe, Santa Anita
Wien phone Narada Dinah who as well as Fili in Illinois levena
00:31:20 --> 00:31:35
			saw the Hertie fellow whom do run by human noon farmer you can the book cover Adobe the rain Elisa
la Hui me Gamitin herkie me in
00:31:37 --> 00:31:38
00:31:53 --> 00:31:55
			may Allah What do you mean Hamidah
00:32:01 --> 00:32:03
			Allah what love
00:32:13 --> 00:32:14
00:32:21 --> 00:32:22
00:32:35 --> 00:32:37
			hola como
00:32:41 --> 00:32:57
			Alhamdulillah Europe Bilad me in Ottawa and you're watching Maria Kenya only the queen, the Yak and
Yak and a stallion clean
00:32:58 --> 00:33:14
			then I'll see you all when was stepping Sirocco Latina anti aging weighing in multiple BRT who want
to be on lean
00:33:24 --> 00:33:44
			Alright, another you can be will be Dean for the medical levy at Walla Walla or Amin miskeen. For ya
know, little mousseline and Davina who miles Allah to himself
00:33:46 --> 00:33:48
			a Lavina whom Euro
00:33:50 --> 00:33:52
			zone where I am now
00:33:56 --> 00:33:57
			law follow
00:34:09 --> 00:34:12
			me along with iman Hamidah.
00:34:18 --> 00:34:19
00:34:32 --> 00:34:33
00:34:39 --> 00:34:40
00:34:49 --> 00:34:51
			Hola walkabout
00:35:22 --> 00:35:29
			Salam aleikum, WA from more, said Mr. equal more often more.
00:35:40 --> 00:35:53
			Salam Alaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh. Brothers and sisters, the deadline for signing up to the
Greenland measured Umrah tour is in three weeks time. Please contact the mission office for more
information community