Wasim Kempson – Islami QA 21 (19092022)
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The importance of studying the Prophet Muhammad sallali wa sallam's life, as it provides insight into the spiritual aspect of his life, is emphasized. The speaker discusses the benefits of practicing Islam, including the increase in their love for Islam and the importance of their actions as Muslims. The importance of fasting during the pandemic and following strict rules is also emphasized, as it can affect one's health and personal life. The conversation also touches on the negative impact of social media on one's behavior and the importance of correcting mistakes in one's language.
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Yeah, you have
M remian
Bismillah R Rahman r Rahim Al hamdu Lillahi Rabbil Alameen wa Salatu was Salam ala Heidi hull kala Haiji Marina say you didn't want to be you know Muhammad. While early he was Herbie as you may know the praise belongs to Allah Jalla wa Ala
AMITA peace and blessings of Allah, Allah Allah be upon the final and the greatest of all messengers Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and upon all the messengers and prophets who preceded him or him salat wa salam Salam alaykum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh welcome by the sisters and viewers at home to another episode of Islamic where you are given the opportunity to have to learn to put your questions to us.
Whether it's to do with
Halal haram, filthy issues or something from the Sunnah of the Prophet Iressa to set or family issues or whatever matter that is that you find you the it is not quite clear to you, then you have the opportunity to contact us here at the channel, Charlotte, Allah to put it to us and we'll try our best to shed some light on that. In light of the Quran and Sunnah within an IRA.
There's a couple of ways that you can contact us and Sharlto there is the telephone number, which is appearing at the bottom of your screen, you can call us. And you can drop us the question that way. There is also the option via the WhatsApp, where the number is also appearing at the bottom of your screen where you can save the number to your phone. And then what's up is your question to that number.
And we'll try our very best to answer those later, either.
While we're waiting for you to
put your questions to us.
I wanted to remind us all about the importance of studying the life of the prophet muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam,
and how this impacts us in our understanding of Islam and how important it is for us to study this era or the life of the Prophet alayhi salatu salam, you know, many times, a person may read a biography of an individual
and be taken aback or amazed by one particular story, but you may read it once. And you may read it a second time if you'd liked it that much, maybe even a third time.
But the life of the prophet muhammad sallallahu alayhi salam differs on so many different levels,
that as a Muslim when we study his life, from the very, very beginning, in fact, when we say the beginning,
you will find that many books of Sierra, they talk about the contextual situation of the Arabs,
before the Prophet salallahu Alaihe Salam was even born.
And why this is important because it gives an understanding as to the
from a worship perspective, the turmoil that they were living in, and how Subhanallah What an effort and what an amazing effort it was, that the Prophet sallallahu ala said, By Allah general as help, that he was able to change
an entire nation in such a short space of time, where paganism polytheism was so deep rooted in their society as well as so many other vices which were present in their community. So studying the life of the Prophet alayhi salam gives us a good understanding as to how we can, of course in our lives, try to live Islam and implement Islam. But there are many books as well that have explained the benefits that we can take from studying the life of the Prophet alayhi salatu salam, it is not something you read once or twice, it is something that you keep reading time after time after time, even if it is a particular part of his life, sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, you will always find that
there are fewer and fewer benefits that you can take from that which may be applicable to your your life.
And this is, if you like the miraculous nature of the life of the Prophet alayhi salatu salam is that it is a life which we can always refer to, and take benefits from, because there's always an aspect of his life Salallahu Alaihe Salam, which we can relate to, whether it has to do with the loss of family members, or whether it has to do with traveling from one place to the next. Whether it has to do with victories and being in a state of some sort of prosperity and how to deal with that. The life of the Prophet alayhi salam really covers all of those aspects that and important aspects of one's life that many of us will will go through.
So increases our love. For first and foremost, for Allah Subhana Allah, because Allah Jalla Allah said the Prophet alayhi salatu salam has as a mercy to us all. So the fact that Allah Allah, Allah did that for us increases our love and submission and servitude to Allah subhanaw taala we thank God
Love for that. And we also increase our love for the Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, in that
we find so many things that occurred in his life. When he said that he is, as I mentioned, at the very beginning of the show, he is the greatest of all the messengers are human salatu salam, what makes him the greatest of all the messenger Salima salatu salam, while he had a responsibility, that is or has been placed upon a messenger that no other messenger had. And that is to deliver the message of Al Islam, to all of mankind which would remain amongst mankind until the Day of Judgment, no other messenger had that responsibility. So he SallAllahu ala Salam, of course, as we say, had that responsibility. Therefore, one of the many, many reasons that has gives him this great status
Elisa to Salam. So increase our love for the Prophet alayhi salam also gives us an understanding of
how to behave as Muslims.
And this is an I cannot emphasize the importance of this particular point, what I mean, how to behave as Muslims, meaning that in all situations that we may come across, in our lives when we are young, when we're in a middle aged or late latter age, there are different things, different challenges that we will face.
And so how do we as Muslims react to? And how do we as Muslims behave in those situations? What is the best way to deal with such a situation? And we find that the Prophet alayhi wa salam really is the best example in giving us an example of how to behave, and how to react what to say, so that we live SLM. And it is so important for us and the sisters that as Muslims, we live Islam, okay, as Muslims, we live Islam, this che out of your life, or this status, that we should put for ourselves is something we should ponder over and think about leaving Islam. When I say that I am a Muslim, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam declared himself as a Muslim, toward people, toward people,
Islam, and lived Islam. For us as Muslims in the year 2022. Now
we are Muslims will own hand, but how do I live my Islam? And how do I practice? My Islam? Is it something that is you know, I refer to it every now and again. Or does it kind of hurt me or go into all aspects of my life, not to control me. But to guide me. This is a very, very subtle difference between the two, not to control me but to guide me. Meaning that there is some flexibility, you remain your own self, you remain, you have your personality, you have your character. But Islam is there to refine the character that you have. Islam is there to guide us to refine the personality that you have, not to restrict it and not to control it. And for those who feel that Islam is there
to restrict them,
or those who feel that Islam is there to curb their personality to curb their behaviors.
This means that there was a battle, there was a battle between one Schauerte one's desires and the guidance of Allah subhanaw taala. And once you find somebody's, you know, show what their desires very strong within themselves, then they see Islam as something restrictive.
Because ultimately Islam and Allah subhanaw taala is not to restrict you. Understanding the guidance of Allah subhanaw taala is what is there to give you an understanding of the world that you are living in, to remind you the purpose of your life, to tell you about all those harmful things. This is as least restrictive as you can possibly find.
But a person who has very strong desires and their desires are opposing the message of Islam, they will find well Islam restricts me from doing what I want. And what I want is other than what Allah Jalla wa Ala wants. So the life of the Prophet alayhi salatu salam is the most beautiful example for us. And of course you see the lives of the companions Radi Allahu Anhu. In how to live Islam, how to practice Islam, okay, not compromising to an extent where you lose your identity, you lose yourself you lose Islam, Allah Hammerstein. So these are just some thoughts I had concerning
studying the life of the best of mankind, Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and I asked Allah Jalla to give us understanding and a love for the life of the prophet Elisa, salaam alaikum. I mean, we have a couple of questions that have come through on the WhatsApp. All they will do is faster Shara Taylor
so my question is that I gave birth last Ramadan.
She was about four or five months ago and I
I missed all the fasting, do I have to repay the fasting? Or can I feed a fasting person?
there are certain circumstances where a person is exempt from fasting during that time.
And Allah subhanaw taala mentions this in the Quran, somebody who is muddied or their suffer somebody who was sick, was unable to do to their health, or somebody who's a traveler, then what is the solution for this fare detriment I am and then they make the days up afterwards. So during that time where their health does not permit them to fast
or that they are traveler, they're not obliged to fast and that that they make the days up later. So the pregnant woman as you mentioned here, as you gave birth, I asked Allah azza wa jal to bless you and bless your your family,
you just simply just to make the days up later, okay, there's no payment for that. You just those days, they remain in your account if you'd like. And you make those days up when you are able to do that. So seeing that now the winter time is coming up with the last
the last Saturday, at every October every October the last Saturday, the hours change.
And then you find the days then after much much shorter. So it's an amazing opportunity for all of us actually, to fast many of the short days in the winter period. So in sha Allah to add if if you are able to to try to make those days up before next Ramadan so it's not just a mention of I'm just paying those days pay a fee to poor person and then I don't make the days up it doesn't work like this. Rather those days they remain in your account. And as for any sick person, okay, they're able to fast meaning that temporarily they were ill they couldn't fast. Those days they make up later insha Allah Allah
we have a caller on the line.
Salam aleikum wa rahmatullah. Wa alaykum wa Salam
wa barakaatuh.
I think you're one of the public
appropriate colors back to the
chest when
someone who mostly passes away could be somebody relative or it could be a
Muslim. Firstly, how do we pay our respects is really important. How do we pay our respects?
And secondly, what roles do I have to play because recently, a lot of brothers the concern about the masculine national anthem and sing to it?
So I'm trying to understand what is the Eastern perspective on all of it? Okay.
thank you.
We have another caller salam alaikum.
I didn't fill up your question, please.
And this means because
the reason I'm doing is because I've always had until I'm 6665 at the moment, but all my life I've had difficulties are fasting. I've always had health problems and not being able to eventually I've actually stopped giving them but I've been giving, I've been giving, you know, that fiscal whatever to pay for each of those. I haven't been able to keep it resettable okay.
So you cannot fast because of your health. Is that correct? I always find it very difficult and I also get a sick
Okay, okay, I'll give a give a general answer and you'll be able to apply that to yourself, inshallah. Tada, thank you for your question.
Okay, we have a couple of questions here.
How does the Muslim react? Or what does Islam give us guidance concerning situations where
a non Muslim dies
for the Muslim situations is very straightforward for us. As you will know, if we have a relative, if we have a beloved one to us, they die. We can do many things for them. The Prophet alayhi wa sallam taught us in Islam that we can make remember a hunch or Hajj for them. We can
make dua for them ask Allah Allah Allah to forgive them to have mercy upon them to widen their grave to give them Nora and light in their grave to make things easy for them in their grave because we believe that there is a life in the grave okay. So this subject for us as Muslims is very clear for us Alhamdulillah what we can do for Muslims.
Okay, what is the situation concerning non Muslims do we just do we perform hajj on Amara on behalf of non Muslims? Can we set up sadaqa jariya for them? Okay. So on this issue is very clear. There is consensus agreement with
by the Swedish scholars by the scholars that once a non Muslim passes away once they die, the Muslim is not permitted to offer any
form of supplication or to offer any forms of worship on their behalf, like perform Hajj and Umrah, okay, we can do this for the Muslim, but not for the non Muslim, okay?
The non Muslim will not benefit from any of those deeds that are done for them because they died upon other than Islam. That is the first thing
that deceased that non Muslim deceased has family members
and you may know them
and how do we react to them? Do we ignore them?
Absolutely not. You know, if you want to show some give them condolences and respect, you know, the situation and the sorrow that they are going through then yes, of course, you can show some
respect and love and mercy to them. This is a human kind of inclination to see when somebody that they are sad, you offer them condolences, you know, may you if they don't speak Arabic, and you start saying, May Allah grant you sabara What are you talking about? What is this? If you say May God give you patience? May God make it easy for you at this time and things like that, there's no problem in that okay. So those types of condolences is fine inshallah Tada.
This is,
in a fresh, or in the minds of Muslims at the moment, seeing that we'll be reminded and be reminded of the death of non Muslims which you know, happens quite regularly. But seeing that there was a head of state who has passed away and how does the Muslim interact with that there are many protocols to be followed with organizations which failed to kind of moving on to the second question here.
There lots of protocols to be fulfilled and followed. And how does the if the Muslims are invited, if the Muslims are engaged or asked to engage with a certain situation, then how do we do that? It is of the utmost importance that as Muslims, we do things together. And we have
a single kind of stance and approach on that we don't have individuals kind of doing their own thing.
And then that goes against the vast majority and then the person may claim you know, you know, I did this Okay, no problem, but it's good to seek sure to seek counsel on the matter to find out what is the best thing to do what is the Islamic appropriate thing to this at times? It isn't always about is this halal or haram? Okay, it is not always about halal and haram nuts not to dismiss halal and haram because the halal and haram if they are being if they are clear, we are required to follow that. But sometimes, which in essence may be permitted.
We have to look at what is the perspective that is given. Okay, what image am I projecting for Islam and the Muslims, this is very important for us. Now, the incident that occurred in one of the houses of Allah subhanaw taala. This particular week, I'm not privy to all the facts, I'm sure many of us, many of us have seen parts of what have happened as what has happened, they have seen maybe a two minute video, they have seen a 32nd video and the impression or that what is seen may not be
may not be in agreement with what we think is appropriate. And I can I can sympathize with that. However,
like all of these issues, and any Islamic issue, that we should if a if the situation needs to be dealt with, then you go to those who are responsible and find out what happened. It may be the case that it is not as it appears, it is not as it appears, I have seen if you like responses, about certain Imams and attacking certain Imams, and the our own, our own meaning, the average what does it average mean that the general Muslim, not to devalue them, but the average Muslim on the street, they want to get together and attack an Islamic personality.
And they have, we don't know how to name these individuals, they use unions, they use apple so and so on, I've also and so when they attack people,
and they call them it's to be honest with you, it is it is backbiting, calling them pathetic, calling them a disgrace and so on and so forth. Brothers and sisters, there was an approach and there is a way to deal with such situations. As for going out in public and then the person responsible they did it in public, so therefore I can do it in public. If they did what in public, if they did that in public and you see it as wrong. It doesn't mean that you can do things
which are also two wrongs don't make a right. Okay, so there was an approach and there was a way there's an etiquette of dealing with such situations, okay? And for every person who just sees it wants to put their own two pens or five pens into the situation, without any intention of really find out what happened, who gave permission? If it is the masjid, are they to blame? Or say to blame? Are they to be held accountable? Or if you see the children, for example, who seen beautifully well versed in the national anthem? And I'm sure they didn't learn it on the day, meaning that they were learning in the national anthem prior to that. Okay, is this an issue that if
you think this is an issue, you go deal with it, okay, you maybe speak to the school that's dealing with them. But the point is that for everybody, just throwing their own kind of statement into the situation without really knowing the full facts is not the correct way of dealing with it, okay, you may see something which on the apparent is wrong, but it is not the case and not everybody who is there is to be taken to account, maybe a sincere advice could be given, okay, so the lessons can be learned. But as you know, we are living in the time that we are living in social media, and things are not always seen in the reality as they are, then sometimes we can create more harm than good.
And especially when we are attacking good individuals. Prior to that is certain individuals, we only knew Good, good things about them. And if that person fell into one mistake, and all of us can make a mistake, if it is a mistake at all, if it pans out like that, but for everybody to react in such a manner to call them pathetic, and that they are disgrace.
This is not the correct way of dealing with such a situation, I can guarantee you that. This is not the way to, if you believe to chastise Muslims in a public forum like this and to give some form of justification to yourself, they done that in public. So therefore I can do this in public. As I mentioned to you, maybe what they did was wrong, Ill judged. But it doesn't give you the right to, to publicly speak in such a manner. And it goes to show the level of your understanding. And we ask Allah subhanaw taala to protect us from emotional responses. We ask Allah Allah to give us wisdom in dealing with such it's such situations, it is very easy for us to deal with. And see, you know, as I
mentioned, a two minute video, pass judgment on, okay. Go to the source, go to people or do not see, this is a religion of sincere advice. Okay, this is a religion of sincere advice, and be munsif be just in fear in the advice and that what you're talking about? Okay, necessarily a lot of Salama to interfere.
The next issue or question Baraka lofi is
nothing think I covered all of that. With regards to the Muslims, we are not permitted to ask for forgiveness for them, but you can send condolences to the family. Yeah, I mentioned. Okay. Next question concerning fasting, is that
an illness is of two types and illnesses of two types, there was a permanent illness, which doesn't enable that person to fast at all, they cannot fast. And when I say permanent illness, it means that it does not hope that they will recover or their situation is going to change. Therefore, they're exempt from fasting. And so they pay to feed a poor person each day for Ramadan.
Then there is a temporary illness, meaning that maybe during the time of Ramadan, they were ill they couldn't fast they were, you know, some food poisoning for about a week. They couldn't force that time. Those seven days they make them up afterwards. Because inshallah Tada that food poisoning, they will recover from that, and then they make the days up at another time. Okay, so the illnesses is of two types are permanent and temporary, the permanent, they're excused from fasting, temporary, meaning that sometimes they're ill sometimes they're not. If this is the case, during that temporary illness, okay, those days that they did not fast, they make them up later. So if there are times
when they can fast, okay, you don't pay to feed a poor person. You make those days up later on the year, maybe when the days are short. Okay. And that is a solution for you. Shana Taylor, if in the past you said I've been just paying to feed poor people,
well, may Allah reward you for that, but those days would need to be made up in Chinatown for the days that you did not fast. And we ask Allah subhanaw taala to accept to make it easy. I mean, so we've come to the end of the first part here was lawmaker, please stay with us in Charlottetown and the second part will continue taking your questions. Salam Alaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh Yeah. Are you ready?
M Remi.
Smilla Rahmanir Rahim Al hamdu lillah wa Salatu was Salam ala Rasulillah Salam Alaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh Welcome back brothers and sisters to the second part of Islam Mecca, where we are continuing to take your questions and I take it that there is a caller on the line. So please go ahead with your question as salaam alaikum
leaking swamps Yes brother. It's got two questions.
Question one is is there any benefit watching the Queen's funeral
second question is
in in the gym of football How are you allowed to sit against the wall
thank you for that Okay Thank you You're welcome
next class America
right. So, I have a few questions
first is in relation to what we are going to the if you're non Muslim
you know person
passes away and other respective Who are you okay to attend the funeral obviously you will be subjected to listen to about usara salaam which
in your heart was of course Muslim but out of respect Do you just sit and listen or not attend at home okay because this question one second is when you said a lot the slum should be guidance for guidance and not Kurvers not restrict us but at the same time are we living Islam but in German gathering of friends all that we slip into so much gossip and general vase full chitchat? Which my understanding is that he says a general overview My understanding is that you should avoid any love luxury art or nonsense thoughts. So in a way you just worry all the time you love Forgive me not only talking about being all the time you told me about world politics etc or anything but we do
slip into useless chitchat as well just for the amusement of it. So how do we control that Okay, number three is that when I am praying
ensued if I've done the basics six seven Arabic Do I know then when the salah finishes and then the standard from the book of Versailles etc. The other similar doors? Do I have to repeat them again? Or I can simply get into my own language
you know to go in my language was or whatever right. So very quickly, the Muslims are used to saying, especially subcontinent Allah Hafiz Union also say, Okay, what is are we allowed because since birth your train, and it's very difficult to get rid of this habit is Herati instead acceptable? Okay. Or we should generally pull away from this. exam questions just thank you. You're welcome.
Some insightful questions.
Okay, as always, mashallah, there's two particular coolers come with insightful and beneficial questions.
Is there any benefit in watching the janazah of a non Muslim?
Oh, Michelle, we have another caller.
Let's take the call in Charlotte Turner, Santa Monica Alikum slot slam? Yes.
Can I ask the shake? A few questions, please. Your live now you can go ahead your questions. I'm live okay. But let me just move away from my telly. Sorry.
So my question is,
is it a innovation?
Or is it just somebody's belief that at Maghrib time you put back or you put in or you like, stick in the house, is there any
is this in Islam or is this just a cultural disease? Okay, that's my first question. My second question is when do the two
have budget? So we say to sunlight to fo
do we do that? Once we have heard the Athan because I'm getting a bit confused when it says to
So now before and two first after and I had the same problem if I want to pay some extra at Zoho where it says for before and for after, okay. Could you clarify that for me please? Sure. And just one more question. So, we notice
it says that if you do read
such as you come under the protection of Allah,
what are the timings for your ADKAR so for example, if I want to do myself such as either good see free cool
Sajid Magoo McGriff
if I'm if I'm trying to maybe protect myself or maybe I've been affiliated once if I do my own route
Could you give me some advice
to South America, thanks. Thank you. You're welcome. Baraka
Okay, but the sisters Masha Allah some very good questions are for us to go through.
So is there any benefit in watching a Janessa have a non Muslim.
when somebody watches a janazah that's the death of somebody, whoever they are, at the death of any person is a reminder for us as Muslims, as a lot about ACOTA Allah tells us Kulu Noffsinger, Erica will note that every soul shall taste death. Okay,
just as the Prophet sallallahu Sallam told us that to visit the graveyards, because they are for us as a reminder of our ultimate destination, and where we will go and what we will face.
So watching a janazah of any individual is a reminder for us as Muslims that we will all die. So it's a time for us to reflect about our own selves. Okay, the Prophet sallallahu Sallam told us attending agendas for the Muslim has the reward of a PLR killer, as like the size of a giant mountain of reward
and helping participating or whatever Jenner is following the Janaza to its burial is also another Pirot in reward, okay, so, this is for the Muslim as for the non Muslim, there is not the reward for that. But as a reminder for us for death, inshallah Tada and allow for us to reflect and to ask Allah to forgive ourselves, forgive us, and that we make a greater effort in becoming better Muslims. And Allah subhanaw taala. And his best, okay, is it allowed to sit against the wall in Joomla.
So, the Prophet alayhi salatu salam told us that on the day, we'll do more, that the angels are at the doors of the masjid, and they marked down the names of the people in the first hour, they marked down the names of the people in the second hour, and so on and so forth. The earlier that you attend the jhamora
the greater reward for you.
Secondly, that the front lines of the men, the first line is better than the second line and the second line is better than the third line and so on. If you entered the masjid and this is not just Joomla actually. But in general you find people they enter the masjid in the sink at the sides of the masjid want to chill out against a wall and they miss out on the first row when the first row is empty. So a couple of things for Joomla. Number one is that you attend early Charlet. And if you can't, if time permits the as a greater reward for that, whether it's the reward equal to the sacrificing of a camel or a cow or a sheep or a chicken or an egg, okay, the Hadith mentions that
and secondly is to attend or to not rather to attend, but to sit and the first row, if not the first row, the second, like any row, there's two ends. There's two ends, okay, you don't have three ends in a row, you have two ends if you happen to be at the end and you want to lean on something labrets is not an issue in Charlotte and is not a problem. And in fact, now that there are certain little What do you call it a Sujatha, the prayer mat, which can pop up and you can relax back, you know, if you attend your mind, maybe two hours early. If you just sit cross legged for a couple of hours, maybe it's a bit difficult for you. So maybe you want to sit at the side limits, no problem I'm
trying to tell you but don't miss out on the reward. Okay, in trying to be in the the forward lines, okay? The profit. So some said that if people knew the reward in the first line, letter habla that they would come there, even if they were crawling Subhanallah so the reward in the first line is a great reward. As for those who come into the mustard early and sit right at the back, chilling against a wall that they're missing out.
They're missing out not because they sit against the wall, they're missing out because they're not filling the front rows. Okay, Tim will suffer Oh, well, if we load that you should complete the row.
was one by one starting from the front. Walter Allah Adam.
Next question is attending the janazah of a Catholic attending the
Janaza funeral of a non Muslim
if that and it is the case that there is a bad there is worship that is established is not permitted for the Muslim to engage in, as I mentioned before, either actively or passively meaning that I go there and I hate it in my heart.
So, then, you know, why are you attending? And the person says, Well, I'm there for respect, okay, well, if you're there for the point is if you want to show respect, you go to the family other than that time of worship, and you give them your condolences, you show them the respect, okay, then that is that is fine Inshallah, and as for attending the time of their worship, then we refrain from doing that respectively, in a respectful way that you do not attend that.
And Allah subhanaw taala is best.
There was also mentioned types of talk,
there is a talk, which is
of benefit, you remind each other of Allah subhanaw taala. You talk about Hadith who took it when we talked about something like that, but
are we required and that's the only talk that we can talk about is every other talk Other than that, maybe haram level, like Lu talk or false talk? No, it's not. No doubt there is low talk, there's low, which we absolutely have to avoid, and stay away from swearing, cursing, and so on and so forth. We're not allowed to talk like that. But then there's a middle if you like middle path, or middle type of chat, which is MOBA. It's just permitted. So I want to talk about the weather. Okay, it's gonna be cold, is it going to be you know, it could be talking about a sport, you know, local football team? Did they? When did they lose or something like that? Without getting involved in you
know, bad in backbiting, or getting involved in and swearing and cursing? It's just MOBA. It's just allowed for you. Okay? That's not a problem. The fact that it's MOBA mean that it is not, you know, you're not rewarded or punished for such a talk. It's just you're allowed to talk it, it's up to you, it's fine, no problem. But a person is always engaging in that and is far away from that beneficial talk, then this is where, you know, we
we should remind ourselves, at the end of each gathering all the time when we're sitting together, maybe sets you know, somebody said something not quite right. So when people leave Subhanak Allahumma Well, we have a shadow Allah, Allah, Allah interstellar Furukawa to be like, as the prophet Allah has taught us, but the end of every gathering, whatever given the purpose of it, that you say this phrase is, you know,
praising Allah subhanaw taala and seeking His forgiveness as you leave. Okay, so the three types of talk if you like, is that talk, which is of benefit talking about that, that raises your iman, the opposite of that, which may evolve in sin, okay, you have to stay away from that. And then there's that middle type, which if you like, MOBA is just allowed, not a problem Inshallah, but a person is always engaged that and doesn't remind themselves of Allah's point at all, then that could become an issue, because, you know, they're not raising that email and maybe they're not in company which you know, allows them to reflect on themselves okay. So, this is something we should ensure that we need
to remind ourselves of, and constantly take ourselves to account.
So next question was concerning the euro or the supplications that you make in your Salah? Maybe in the book that you are following there are certain Earth card or set I should say, do ours particularly that you say at the end of the prayer, okay. It could be you know, what I'm better at now for dunya has another fella here, it hasn't been nor will it could be alone in the house will be coming out, I will cover okay like this. Then as maybe, as the brother mentioned, maybe four or five or six that you have memorized. Okay, then is it better for you to say them again? Or can you then make dua
in your own language afterwards? Okay. So what we'll say here is that the ones that you've memorized in Arabic ones that you have memorized in Arabic, that you should say them if you have the time to do that in Sharla, Tyler, but there may be certain needs that you have certain things you want to ask Allah subhanaw taala for but you don't know how to say that in Arabic. So therefore, it's permitted for you to say that in your own language. Okay. So those are hours where you're seeking refuge and protection in the lives of jail from the punishment of the grave, or from the fitna of life and death, or the trials of the journal and so on. You say them in Arabic, because you've
memorized them but there may be certain things in your life which are ongoing right now. Maybe you need
you know, increase your Eman. You feeling a bit low or you know the loss of somebody you don't have to say that Arabic. Once you've said your Arabic Do as you can say that in your own language and our loss of hundreds best.
The prophets are
Hola Salam. Moreover, the Quran tells us about how to greet one another and how to say farewell to one another. And that is with a salaam WA.
Salam, O Allah, the Prophet is to let me in many Hadith official Salah Minako the spread salams amongst yourselves when you meet and greet and you say goodbye to one another, you say As salam o alaikum This is what the Muslim says, okay, and to forsake that with old offers or other phrases and things like that, then that's wrong.
That's wrong. That's not correct. We say As salam aleikum
wa salam aleikum. Okay, bye. Bye. Masekela there's not a problem as salam aleikum. That is what we say as Muslims Okay. As for
just focusing on what it is this phrase or other phrases and leaving out the salam then that's that's not quite correct. You should not do that. Okay as Muslims we have a Salam and that is what we spread amongst ourselves and yes, there may be some issues with some of the phrases that are used by people and that needs to be corrected. Okay. You should refrain from saying such things and focus on the teachings of the Prophet Isaiah such as when meeting a greeting and when saying goodbye now, you know, sometimes they meet each other say hello say hello. Welcome okay. It's not just you know, people from subcontinent Sona server. Sometimes you find Muslims from Arab countries that are say
salam, I say Anamosa Hola. Jamar hubba Welcome. Where's the salam you left out Salah and why why did you leave them well salaam soon Okay, so let me so no problem, but you replaced it with something which is Edna you replace it with something with less don't do that. We should as the Prophet saw some said official Salam Urbino spread salaams amongst yourselves and then you want to say something after that? No problem. Okay, sometimes they say with each other sub 100 Okay, you know, like a good morning.
A rough translation or in its meaning without saying Selim. No you say a Salam aleikum. Wa note if you wish, no problem, okay? But start with a Salam aleikum. And we say goodbye As Salam Alikum you have to respond to that as well.
Allah knows best. Okay, next question is just asked about
the lighting of the hole, or the incense sticks or the other ways that a person may burn incense, particularly at modern
there's nothing from Islam. To say that you burn incense at Maghrib it may be a person's preference to do the mock up and if they want to do that it's up to them without any belief concerning that.
So a bit there is when a person believes that this action is a form of riba which will bring you close to Allah subhanaw taala and that the Prophet isn't, did not teach us that, okay, you're adding something into the religion. So for example, a person says I'm burning Behold, because he keeps straightline away, and you do this market.
This is not from Islam. This is a false belief. But you know, a person just wants at any particular time just to burst and burn an incense stick or some behold because they like it, okay? And they just do it as a habit. That's not a problem. But the person then says, starts teaching it and start saying that this has a particular place in Islam when it does not, that's when we reject it. Okay, so it goes back to really why the person is doing that if it's just out of habit, it's not a problem. But if there's some form of a record or belief that this is from Islam to do then it is rejected because there's no no basis for that.
Well, the whole item okay, this just asked about the to sunnah before Salat al Fajr. And when is this offered? This kind of moves on to the other?
For the press, the other obligatory prayers when we pray for before when is this done? Is it before or after the event? So what we say concerning all the Sunnah prayers
is that the two sunnah, which is performed before
the four sunnah which is performed before the horse, this is after the load time or that prayer time has entered. Okay, so first your starts at let's say for example 530 Then goes at 530 simplify then after that time, whether you heard the event or not, thus the entering time for that obligatory prayer that's when you pray the two for sunnah for Fajr not before the time enters okay after the time has entered similarly for Salah to the whole once the time for Salah has entered let's just say it's one o'clock whether you hear that a done or not the time has entered that's when I can pray the for for Salah to Lahore not before the time has entered, okay.
Likewise the student the President may come after like Margarita they are to be they prayed in the time of that photo to pray. Okay, so therefore, it has a starting and ending time. The Sunnah prayers are
prayed within that fourth time. I hope that's clear in Charlottetown.
The next question concerning the outcome
out that a person wants to make the outcome or the supplication and euros in the morning in the evening to seek Allah's protection. When are they said so the earth card in the morning are set after the entering time of Fajr once the time of Fajr has entered let's again let's say 530 in the morning after 530 You can make the other car for the morning time before fajita that is considered the nighttime. Okay. And by definition of Karasawa it is called the cart or the supplications of the morning. For us as Muslims the morning is after Salat al Fajr otherwise we are inlaid. That's why you established the night prayer before Fajr Okay, so anything after fajr that's when you can make
your life card for the morning.
As for the earth card or Messiah as for this applications that are made in the latter part of the day, then that can be done once our Surah Salado Nasser has started solid colossal you don't have to wait to Margaret. The Earth card for my set in the latter part of the day is from Arthur onwards. Okay. So that makes that clear. I hope inshallah Tada
there's a couple more questions we have from the WhatsApp. May Allah bless all the callers who who gave their questions to us and Zuckerman O'Hara?
Is it permissible for me to write Allah's name on my arm as a tattoo?
I'm assuming that a person wants to do that, that of their love for Allah subhanaw taala However, my brother my sister, tattoos, tattoos, worship in any form is not permitted for Muslims. Okay, this permanent mark which you put on yourselves, it is haram, the Prophet salallahu alayhi salam prohibited tattoos. Okay, so it is not allowed for us to have tattoos. The best way for us to remember Allah subhanaw taala is mentioned him frequently on our tongues. The Prophet sallallahu Sallam mentioned in many generations, Do not allow your mouth to become dry without the remembrance of Allah subhanaw taala always mentioning Elijah Lila putting whiting Allah on your body is not
befitting is not correct. Okay. So remember Allah subhanaw taala frequently as the Prophet sallallahu Sallam taught us, that is what is beloved to Allah subhanaw taala and as for tattoos, then we do not have tattoos in Islam. Wala Jota Allah Allah, may Allah azza wa jal bless you
Is there anything permissible to inscribe on headstones for the deceased?
Yes, so to identify that particular district deceased with the name and if there's a date on it, Matthew muscular no problem shot at either if you put the name and the date and things like that, that there's not a problem on that because new later I'm going quite quickly with the questions because we're running short on time.
As for
wearing shorts for men in certain sports like football we're always exposed
okay, even if you're football, you need to cover your order. You can wear some tight leggings after under and then put the shorts on. That should be sufficient for you as we're exposing ourselves. We've come to the end brothers and sisters May Allah bless you all salamati Kumar Matala. Yeah, you have
LTE Oh Masuda M remian.
That is
vishay in do in a law he was already
told me
he was only a woman