Wasim Kempson – Engaging In Al-Istighfar

Wasim Kempson
AI: Summary ©
The importance of remembering Allah Subhanahu wa indexala's teachings for happiness is highlighted, along with forgiveness and a spirit of humility. The church's desire to praise and glorify individuals and their families is emphasized, along with forgiveness in a spirit of humility and caution. The importance of seeking forgiveness in a spirit of humility and caution is also emphasized, along with the need to turn back to Allah in revision and be humble and sincere. The series on timeless stories is also mentioned, along with attendees being encouraged to attend.
AI: Transcript ©
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Yeah. Anil

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Indeed, all praise and thanks is due to

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Allah, subhanahu wa ta'ala, the lord of the

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I bear witness that there is none worthy

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of worship except Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala alone.

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And I bear witness that Muhammad sallallahu

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alaihi wa ahi wasallam

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is his final messenger.

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The people of Jannah, the people of paradise,

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When they are entered into a place

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where they will have anything that they wish.

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That Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala at this time

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will have removed from them

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any responsibility

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in terms of a tiklief.

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That they will not be commanded like they

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were commanded in this worldly life.

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At certain times you are commanded to make

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At certain times of the year to fast

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and to give zakah.

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Jannah, you'll not have that.

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But in the paradise, what you will be,

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you will be required to make the zikr

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and the remembrance

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of Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala.

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And imagine that the people of Jannah,

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the one thing that they will remind themselves

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of in this world day life,

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if you like some form of If you

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want to call it regret

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or something to think over,

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is the amount of times

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that they did not remember Allah subhanahu wa

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That if only we could have remembered Allah

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subhanahu wa ta'ala

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more frequently.

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But that is that time has not come

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yet for us.

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We are of course now living our lives,

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a specific

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which is being decreed to us by Allah

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Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala.

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But as a reminder,

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the importance of reminding ourselves

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about what it is

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to remember Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala.

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How great it is

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to remember Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala.

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That only through and by the remembrance of

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Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala

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will our hearts

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any tranquility.

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If you try to find that tranquility somewhere

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you will be looking for a lifetime and

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But it is only through the remembrance of

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Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala.

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And when I say the remembrance of Allah

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Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala,

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it is not just something that your

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tongue is just moving and that there is

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no attention paid to what you are saying.

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But rather when you say

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and mention Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala frequently,

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that it keeps you in line.

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And it brings about happiness, a

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and a sakinah within your life.

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In the sound hadith

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That the prophet sallallahu alaihi wa sallam said

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That Allah

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has angels.

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And that these angels, what are they commanded

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to do?

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They're commanded to go out in caravans, in

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out into the roads and streets.

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Looking for the people of remembrance.

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So some angels,

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they are.

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They are given responsibility

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to bring the rain.

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The of the jibal,

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the angel of death.

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These angels,

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they're looking for the people of remembrance.

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So as you leave this Masjid today

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and that you may be in the continue

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the continued remembrance of Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala,

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that you are mentioned in this Hadith.

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You are mentioned in this hadith by description.

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Not by name but by description.

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mala'ika, they find a people.

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They find a people who are remembering Allah

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Come to that what you are asking for.

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And then these

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they place their wings upon these people of

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And that they raise their wings up until.

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And Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala, their lord asks

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What are my servants? What are they saying?

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And Allah he already knows.

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And they respond to the man

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They glorify you.

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They praise you. They glorify you.

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Have they ever seen me? Allah says.

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They have never seen you, oh my lord.

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And how would it be Allah

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says how would it be if they ever

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saw me?

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And then the malaika, they reply,

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They would be more intense in their worship.

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That they would increase their praise and glorifying

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of you, oh lord.

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And what are they asking for?

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These dhikr, these people of dhikr, what are

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they asking for?

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Allah asks the ancients and he already knows.

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And the they say, yes,

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They are asking

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for the paradise.

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Have they seen it?

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If these people of dhikr, these people of

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had ever seen the paradise?

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The malaikr, they reply

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that they would be more

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intense in their request.

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In their request of asking

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for the paradise.

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Their desire of the paradise would be even

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And what do they seek refuge from? Allah

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And then the, the malaika, they say.

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They seek refuge and protection from the hellfire.

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And have they ever seen this? Allah jalu'ala

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They have never seen the hellfire.

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And how would it be

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if they had ever seen the hellfire?

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That they would be even more intense in

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their fleeing from the hellfire.

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And that their fear would be even more.

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I testify, Allah jalu'ala says,

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that I have forgiven these people.

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These people,

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we have never seen Allah

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This is for the people of Jannah.

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We have never seen the hellfire. We have

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never seen the paradise,

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but we ask for it.

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We seek protection from the hellfire,

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and we have never seen it.

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And how would it be in each situation

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if we had, subhanAllah?

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We have never seen Al Nabi alaihis salatu

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but we give everything to be like him.

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So the prophet so Allah

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tells us that these people who ask for

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that they are forgiven.

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And then the with

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an inquisitive question.

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They say,

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there's an individual.

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There's a person with them

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who wasn't actually from the people of Dhikr,

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but he happens to be with their their

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with them.

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So what's his situation?

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It's a good question.

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So Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala says,

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That I will also grant in the meaning,

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I will also grant pardon

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to that person who happens to be with

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the people of Dhikr.

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That whoever sits and is in the company

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of these people of Dhikr,

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they will never suffer misery.

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So a person who is in the constant

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remembrance of Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala

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will never suffer a misery.

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Now dhikr is, of course, many types.

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So many types of dhikr

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praising and glorifying Allah

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That we ask Allah

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to make us those who frequently remember Allah

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Even when Allah

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commanded An Nabi alaihisattusallam

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And know

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that there is no one worthy of worship

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except Allah.

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And seek forgiveness

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of your sins.

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We take great benefit.

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That from the greatest of zikr,

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from the greatest of remembrance

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is to seek Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala's forgiveness.

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And what does it mean to say

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How heavy that word

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how heavy it is in the heart of

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the true believer.

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Grants sincerely

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to say,

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Oh Allah,

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I seek your forgiveness.

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An acceptance

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of your weakness,

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of your shortcomings,

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of your need of Allah

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No arrogance,

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full humbleness,

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only to ask Allah

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to forgive you of your sins.

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You may have noticed and continue to notice

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that if you've ever performed Hajj or seen

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people making Hajj,

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how many

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old older people we say this with

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respect. Older people in age make the Hajj.

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And, of course, the encouragement is that if

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you are young, you have the strength, don't

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delay your Hajj.

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But nonetheless,

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people for whatever reason at times have to

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save their money,

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have to save a lifetime's worth of savings

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to before they die

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to go and perform Hajj.

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And then in their mind

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that a person who performs hajj

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doesn't get involved in arguing and swearing and

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abstains from his relationship with his spouse, if

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that's applicable.

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That he or she will return like the

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day that they were born from their own

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even though that they had years

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of sins.

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The sins that you and I, we repeat

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time after time after time. The same sin.

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You keep committing it.

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But it's delaying your salah, delaying your Zakah,

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or bad language, or particular habit that you

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have. You keep doing it.

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But yet, SubhanAllah,

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if a person turns back to Allah sincerely,

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That they will find that Allah

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is the off receiving of one's repentance, the

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most merciful.

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How great Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala is that

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every night,

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in the last 3rd of the night,

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the one that you are transgressing

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against, the one that you are or have

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shortcomings against,

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you're Nadiq. That he is calling you, he

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is calling I.

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Is there anyone seeking my forgiveness that I

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can forgive him, forgive her

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every single night.

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But yet sleep sleep sleep sleep past Fajr

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sleep past Fajr.

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What excuses do we have?

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And this may go on for years.

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The person being neglectful of their prayers for

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But yet when the time comes, when the

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crunch comes, when they know that they need

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to turn back to Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala,

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they have no other choice but they turn

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back in humility.

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Lowering their heads

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Sincerely to Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala. Allahummaqfidli.

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Oh Allah forgive me.

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I am one who has many shortcomings.

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Even after all of that transgression,

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still forgives them.

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Allah will still forgive you if you turn

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back to him in repentance sincerely.

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We ask Allah

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to make us

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The topic of alistikhar,

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of course, that special type

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of remembrance

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is and will never be sufficient for us

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to talk in just a few minutes on

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this member.

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But if it serves as a reminder for

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all of us

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to engage in alistighfar

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just as our beloved Nabi sallallahu alaihi wa

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sallam, he taught us to do. Abdullah ibn

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Umar radhiallahu anhu

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In a sitting in one sitting throughout the

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would see the prophet

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70 times, a 100 times, that they would

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go away, and he would come back and

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they would see him. They would go away,

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and they would come back and see him.

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They would go away in their business each

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time that they would see him between the

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salah. At the time of salah,

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they would find him seeking

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And when Aisha

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saw the prophet

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standing in prayer, swollen feet,

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should not the beast, alaihis salami, he said,

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should I not be a thankful servant?

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Educating us

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to be grateful,

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to be humble, to be sincere to Allah,

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to barakatahu ta'ala. It's very easy for us

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to be busy with our lives in this

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I can assure

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you, not because it's me, anyone can assure

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you your time here in this dunya is

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very short. You have an ajal. You have

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a time.

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It will not be delayed. It will not

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be brought forward. There's a particular time will

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come to us, take our souls,

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and we will have to face Allah

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what we've done in this dunya.

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Don't waste your time

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in this dunya with things

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which will take you away from Allah subhanahu

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wa ta'ala.

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And from the best things which can bring

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you close to Allah, jaluwala,

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is seeking Allah's

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After your salah,

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during your salah,

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between salah,

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you ask Allah to

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forgive you.

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And if I refer you to have time

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to mention it, to the or when Al

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Hasan al Basri, rahamaha, was asked about

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things that people were missing in their lives,

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he mentioned the ayat from Surat An Nuh.

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When Nuhari Salam told his people simply to

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seek forgiveness

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from Allah and

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that Allah

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would grant you the bounties

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that they were looking for.

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That Allah

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will protect you from punishment

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as long as you are seeking forgiveness

00:19:31 --> 00:19:32

from Allah

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That whoever adheres to istighfar

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Allah will open a way for you.

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Any stress and anxiety you have, there'll be

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a way out for that.

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But Allah

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will provide from you from where you never

00:19:51 --> 00:19:53

thought just because of your

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Straighten the lines.

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I I believe there's a janaza. So if

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you could remind, remain behind to pray the

00:26:57 --> 00:26:58

funeral prayer.

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prayer, Janaza, for our sister.

00:28:01 --> 00:28:03

Be sincere in your dua for her.

00:30:13 --> 00:30:14

First of all, we ask Allah

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to bless the deceased and to send

00:30:17 --> 00:30:19

his peace and blessings upon them and pour

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patience and perseverance upon the family.

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Just a quick announcement from the masjid

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that tomorrow after Maghreb, Sheikh Kareem Abu Zaid

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will be continuing the new series on timeless

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This lecture will be covering the story of

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3 men and an angel, which we invite

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all of you to attend.

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