Wasim Kempson – Being Grateful For The Blessings Of Allah
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The importance of worship and the need for people to recognize and remember the blessings and opportunities comes with Islam, especially in public settings like the upcoming weekend. The speaker emphasizes the importance of avoiding fear and avoiding hunger in public settings. The speaker also discusses the benefits of ridiculing the Prophetipping of Islam and offering advice on managing it. The importance of gratitude and logical behavior is also emphasized.
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Inna alhamdulillahi nahmaduhu wa nastaa'eenuhu wa nastaghfiruhu
wa nastahadeeh wa na'udhu billahi min shururi
anfusina wa min sayyi'ati amalina man yahdihi
allahu fala mudhilla lah wa man yudhlil fala
hadia lah wa ashhadu an la ilaha illallah
wahdahu la sharika lah wa ashhadu anna sayyidina
wa nabiyyina muhammad abdullahi wa rasuluh Sallallahu alayhi
wa ala alihi al-tayyibin al-tahirin wa
man saara ala nahjihim ila yawm al-deen
Ya ayyuhal lazeena aamanu taqool laaha haqqa juqatihi
wa laa tamootunna illa wa antum muslimoon Ya
ayyuhal lazeena aamanu taqool laaha wa qoolu qawlan
sadeeda yuslih lakum a'malakum wa yawfir lakum zunubakum
wa man yut'i'illaha wa rasulahu faqada
faaza fawzan azeema amma ba'd fa inna astaqal
hadithi kitabullah wa khayru al-hadi hadya muhammadin
sallallahu alayhi wa sallam wa sharru al-amuri
muhdathatuha wa kulla muhdathatin bid'ah wa kullu
bid'atin dalala wa kulla dalalata finnaar Indeed,
all praise and thanks is due to Allah
subhanahu wa ta'ala the Lord of the
I bear witness that there is none worthy
of worship except Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala
and I bear witness that Muhammad sallallahu alayhi
wa alihi wa sallam is his final messenger.
Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala in al-Qur
'an and it is of course al-Qur
'an al-'Azeem it is a book it is
a great book it is the kalam of
Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala it is the
clarification for everything and it is a book
of guidance it is a khitab it is
an address to you and I remind us
of the many things that are required to
be remembered and from those things which we
must never ever forget is how merciful Allah
subhanahu wa ta'ala is and how Allah
jalla wa ala shows his mercy to his
creation and to the believers and even the
non-believers that they receive many blessings that
there is no creation except that they receive
blessings from Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala and
yes those who turn away from Allah subhanahu
wa ta'ala those who reject al-Qur
'an Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala is still
merciful to them and still gives them an
opportunity to recognize their many ni'm many blessings
that are given to them so no creation
lives breathes and walks on this earth except
that Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala gives them
a provision and a sustenance and if we
think about our own situation personally to enumerate
the many things that Allah subhanahu wa ta
'ala gives to us where do you start
the blessing of being able to speak the
blessing of being able to walk from your
home to come to the masjid the blessing
of being able to come to a masjid
the blessing of being able to and not
having any fear that when you are hungry
or when you are thirsty that you have
access to that which will remove your hunger
and remove your thirst from food and drink
or living a place of security and that
you feel safe and that your children are
being educated and that your wife she is
safe you have the ability to earn a
provision so the list it goes on and
as Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala he tells
us if you try to enumerate and count
the blessings of Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala
never would you be able to do that
but we must also realize and know that
we will be absolutely asked and questioned about
every single thing that Allah subhanahu wa ta
'ala gave to us you will be questioned
about your relationship with the book of Allah
subhanahu wa ta'ala you will be questioned
about your salah which is the first thing
that you will be questioned about you will
be questioned about the health that was given
to you the wealth that was given to
you the time that was given to you.
We will be questioned about absolutely everything.
فَوَرَبِّكَ لَنَسْأَلَنَّهُمْ أَجْمَعِينَ عَمَّا كَانُوا يَعْمَلُونَ Allah SWT
swears that so, by your Lord, our Muhammad
SAW, we shall certainly call all of them
to account for all that what they used
to do.
The Prophet SAW is in Medina.
And when we think about Medina, quite often
we think that the times were very good
for the Muslims.
The Prophet SAW, he left Mecca to make
And there you have the two tribes, Al
-Awsu and Al-Khazraj.
The Ansar, they became Muslim.
And they were there to support the Prophet
The Prophet SAW, he leaves his home.
And the reason he leaves his home is
that hunger has afflicted him so much that
he went out to search for something to
I'm sure that for the vast majority of
us, if not all of us, we never
left our homes in such a state, in
a state of hunger.
So the Prophet SAW, he leaves his home.
And when he leaves his home, he sees
two other companions, namely Abu Bakr and Umar
ibn al-Khattab.
And so the Prophet SAW asks them both
the reason why they have left their homes.
And so their reply, quite simply, is that
they have left their homes in search of
some food.
Now that alone deserves a time for you
to think and to ponder over.
Our Prophet SAW had to leave his home
due to intense hunger.
And the two greatest companions, radiyallahu anhuma, had
to leave their homes because they were also
Now hungry maybe doesn't quite put it in
the correct light.
They were starving.
To leave your home in search of food
is a very desperate situation.
So the Prophet SAW, with Abu Bakr and
with Umar, radiyallahu anhuma, they go to the
house of one of the Ansar.
And while they are looking for this individual,
they knock on the door, only to find
the wife of the Ansari who was there.
So the Prophet SAW says, where is so
and so?
And she replies that he has gone to
go and get some water for us.
So then the man, he returns from the
And he sees the Prophet SAW and Abu
Bakr and Umar, radiyallahu anhuma.
He says, marhaba, welcome to you both.
That nothing has visited the servants of Allah
SWT, namely himself, none better than a Prophet
who has visited me today.
He saw this is a great blessing to
have a visit from the Prophet SAW.
And so this man immediately, he climbs a
date tree.
And he brings down a cluster of dates.
And so then the Prophet SAW said, why
didn't you pick some of them?
And this is the ziyafah or the hospitality
that he wanted to give to the Prophet
He said, I wanted you to choose the
dates that were pleasing to your eye.
So I chose all of these for you.
And so then the Ansari did not stop
Then he took a blade to go and
slaughter a sheep for these blessed guests.
And so the Prophet SAW said, do not
slaughter a sheep that will give you milk.
Slaughter a sheep that is not from the
best of your sheep.
And so the man, he slaughters the sheep.
The sheep is prepared for the guests, the
blessed guests.
And they eat and they drink to what
satisfies and removes their hunger.
And so then the Prophet SAW sitting there
with Abu Bakr and with Umar, remembering what
caused them to leave their homes.
They all left their homes for the same
reason, because of hunger.
And quite easily we can forget when we
are granted or given something, the state that
we were previously in, when we didn't have
something, that we were in a very difficult
situation, very vulnerable.
And then suddenly you get something.
And at that moment, you will either choose
to be grateful, remember to be grateful, or
that you won't.
And so here the Prophet SAW says, لَتُسْأَلُونَ
عَنْ هَذَا يَوْمِ الْقِيَامَةِ You will be asked
about this on the Day of Judgment.
أَخْرَجَكُم مِّن بِيُوتِكُم بَالجُوعِ That hunger caused you
to leave your homes.
فَلَمْ تَرْجِعُوا حَتَّى أَصَبْتُمْ هَذَا فَهَذَا مِّن النَّعِيمِ
And that you did not return to your
homes until you came upon this.
This indeed is from blessings.
Just to be fed one meal of something
that you and I, maybe we have two
or three times a day.
But how many times that we have these
meals that you actually say to yourself, I
will be asked about how grateful and thankful
I was for this meal.
This companion didn't think twice about giving, providing
for somebody else.
Just as the Prophet ﷺ always gave in
a manner, a person who never feared poverty.
Did not fear that by giving that you
wouldn't have anything.
Never withholding anything from anybody.
And the Sahaba that they knew that.
That they would never ask from the Prophet
ﷺ, can we have this, can we have
Knowing that the Prophet ﷺ would give to
them without any hesitation.
But it is these things that we must
never forget.
The blessings of being able to give to
And if you ever receive anything, to be
thankful and grateful to Allah ﷻ.
So when the Prophet ﷺ further added, إِنَّ
أَوَّلُ مَا يُسْأَلُ عَنْهُ يَوْمَ الْقِيَامَةِ From the
first things that a person will be asked
about on the Day of Judgment.
When it is said to him, أَنْ يُقَالُ
لَهُ أَلَمْ نُرُسِحُ لَمْ لَكَ جِسْمَكَ Did we
not make your body healthy?
And we provided you from that water.
When Zubayr ibn Awam ﷺ asked the Prophet
ﷺ, that we will be questioned about these
small things that people see as insignificant on
the Day of Judgment.
Like what?
The Prophet ﷺ said, الأسودان The two black
things, water and dates.
You may question, how is water black?
When you look through it, it looks see
How is it black?
The water that was drawn and that they
drank from, wasn't like the kind maybe the
water that you and I see from our
taps and the bottle water which is crystal
There were times when they drew water from
wells and from other places, that at times
it wasn't as clear.
And so it's given that color, seen as
But the point is that these two things
that you and I will be questioned about
on the Day of Judgment.
And how grateful we are or how often
we thank Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala for
these things.
And the verse that I mentioned earlier, where
Allah jalla wa ala tells us, if you
try to enumerate the blessings of Allah subhanahu
wa ta'ala, you will never be able
to do that.
What does Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala?
He's mentioned two places in the Qur'an.
إِنَّ الْإِنسَانَ لَظُنُومٌ كَثَارٌ That insan, that he
is oppressive, and that he is ungrateful.
So Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala reminds us
that with this great blessing that Allah jalla
wa ala gives to you, many a time
that mankind, that they are oppressive and that
they are ungrateful.
أَقُولُ قَوْلِ هَذَا وَاسْتَغْفِرَ اللَّهَ لِي وَلَكُمْ مِنْ
كُلِّ ذَنْفَاسْتَغْفِرُوا إِنَّهُ هُوَ الْغَفُورُ الرَّحِيمُ بسم
الله الرحمن الرحيم الحمد لله رب العالمين الرحمن
الرحيم مالك يوم الدين والصلاة والسلام على رسوله
الكريم وعلى آله وصحبه أجمعين So being grateful
to Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala is something
that the believer is required to be in
a state of constantly because we are always
receiving the blessings of Allah subhanahu wa ta
'ala and I just mentioned some of them
to you but if you think about and
as I probably mentioned before in the minbar
the blessing of sight about that what you
see and how you utilize your sight your
hearing, what you listen to the ability to
hold to touch to carry to help, to
aid how do you utilize these blessings that
Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala gave to you
and when traveling here today to be honest
I was going to talk about a completely
different topic but maybe as you do there's
a couple of hours in the car what
do you want to do maybe you listen
to some benefit and as I was listening
to something a very short 12 minute reminder
this topic I listened to and I felt
more impacted than what I prepared prior to
what I'm delivering now because I thought it's
just so important and so pertinent in a
time where it is so easy for us
to fall into the state of being ungrateful
we see videos we see pictures of children
walking around with buckets not actors actresses real
life they walk around with buckets, they leave
their homes and when I say homes it's
a place where they sleep which could be
outside underneath the stars because they have no
home but they walk around and they don't
have anything they don't have anything what they
have is the clothes on their back and
maybe something on their feet maybe and they
walk around with buckets or bags they sent
out every morning just like, and it reminded
just like a bird leaves its nest when
the bird leaves its nest in the morning,
it doesn't know what it's going to get
that day, it goes away and it comes
back with whatever Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala
provides for that bird these children and I'm
not talking about one place, this happens all
around the world it's not necessarily children but
people are leaving their homes with bags and
whatever they can find to put in these
bags to take home so that they can
feed their own families some of the places
they go to rubbish tips they go to
the sides of the street and whatever they
find, whatever they're given you find them to
be so grateful and thankful and that this
is rizq this is what Allah subhanahu wa
ta'ala has provided for us, and who
are we to complain and they don't complain
because their affair and who they call upon
is who they call upon Allah subhanahu wa
ta'ala yes there are charities and people
who aid them, but ultimately when you speak
to these people you will see that they
are attached and linked firstly and lastly to
Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala and you think
that the relationship that they have how grateful
they are compared to my own self is
like the difference between the heavens and the
earth how grateful they are when in actual
fact they don't have anything and how much
I have and how life has become so
easy and that when I give I give
the surplus of my wealth, I give the
extra of my wealth let's not talk about
zakah people don't know how to give zakah
maybe don't give zakah and that's an obligation,
that wealth that you're carrying around is not
even yours I'm not even talking about that
I'm talking about when seeing people in desperate
situations how grateful you are to Allah subhanahu
wa ta'ala, how do you show your
gratefulness to give back to help others but
when we give we give from our surplus,
the extra that we have, that's what I'll
give but if you and I want to
attain true righteousness and righteousness of course is
a very wide broad inclusive word, al-birr
if you want to say so many, you
want to achieve this station or this level
of ibadah then you have to give from
that what you love from that what you
love not your surplus your surplus goes without
saying your extra has to go has to
help others we're talking about as Allah jalla
wa ala tells us that you have to
give because you will never ever attain righteousness
until you give from that what is beloved
to you and until you do that you'll
be living in a situation where you are
not achieving righteousness that level of ibadah that
you wish for it will remain wishing and
will not become a reality لَن تَنَالُوا الْبِرَّ
حَتَّى تُنفِقُوا مِمَّا تَنَالُوا لَن تَنَالُوا الْبِرَّ حَتَّى
تُنفِقُوا مِمَّا تَنَالُوا you will never attain this
righteousness until you give from that what you
love this is one of the ways that
you can show that you are grateful to
Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala we ask Allah
jalla wa ala to make us from the
grateful we ask Allah jalla wa ala to
allow us to be sincere in our giving
we ask Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala to
help the Muslims around the world اللهم صلي
على محمد وعلى آل محمد كما صليت على
إبراهيم وعلى آل إبراهيم إنك حميد مجيد اللهم
إنا نسألك الهدى والتقى والعفاف والغنى اللهم إنا
نسألك الهدى والسداد اللهم إنا نسألك الجنة وما
قرب إليها من قول وعمل وأقم الصلاة