Wasim Kempson – Annual Eid Bbq – Reminder
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A group of brothers gathered for a dinner and discussed manners during the dinner. They recited the Quran and fasted, while also reciting the loss of pinata and their brother's manners. The speakers emphasized the importance of meeting with their brother's manners, respecting oneself in the correct way, being an individual who understands others, and treating oneself well. The advice provided includes avoiding accidents, following rules, and being aware of past actions.
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Bismillah Alhamdulillah wa salatu salam ala Rasulillah Salam aleikum, have to love others.
Praise due to Allah subhanaw taala. Firstly and lastly and second, I'd like to thank the brothers who have gone too much on a long way to ensure that we are
comfortable here. The brothers from Royston all the other brothers that helping out cooking So may Allah reward all of them.
Occasion occasions like this are very important for us as Muslims.
At least this is something a rarity for me in South London.
We don't have you know, gatherings like this so it's good to see that the brothers here Mashallah. MashAllah who have come up together?
I guess, you know, the incentive was good is food, it's free food. But nonetheless, you will come and I hope that this isn't, you know, just once a year, or something that happens, it's so infrequent, but it's very important for the, you know, the brothers and Muslims to come together to, to feel the importance of brotherhood.
Especially when we may feel
you know, the links between our brothers are weak or the situation or personal situations are difficult, coming together like this is, I think, is very important. So I asked Allah subhanaw taala, to allow many more gatherings together, whether its food or not, so that we can benefit from
our company together.
So, just really quickly,
I want to mention one Hadith.
Which really encompasses was, in one way an explanation of another Hadith.
Now as you know, our beloved Nabi sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, he came and he informed us in Namibia or if Doolittle tamiment macadam, Allah Haluk, that I was only sent to come to perfect the manners of people.
Or just perfect the manners not people perfect the manners.
Now when we talk about manners were manners we're talking about, number one, there was the manners that we have with Allah subhanaw taala number two, there was the manners that we have with our own selves.
And thirdly, there are the manners that we have with our fellow creation.
Now the most important of those relationships that we have is with Allah subhanaw taala
how do we worship Allah subhanaw taala and we've just come off the back of the blessed month of Ramadan. And it was an opportunity, an opportunity for us to really look at ourselves and see what type of relationship we have with Allah subhanaw taala whether that Muslim recognizes the importance of it or not,
it is an opportunity for them to see themselves and where they are with Elijah Luana. So they took that opportunity with both hands the fasted every day, they attended the masjid whenever they had that opportunity, that they enjoyed fasting, they enjoyed the recitation of the Quran, this is a good sign insalata that they have a good relationship with Allah subhanaw taala but If, however, that the month of Ramadan came and went, and they didn't really think about it too much, then that's an indication that they're quite far away from Allah subhanaw taala. Again, whether they recognize it, whether they know that or not, that person is far away from Allah subhanaw taala and as we know,
that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, that may that person's face or nose be rubbed in dust. Why for the one that when Ramadan comes to them, and that they are not forgiven? So it's a great opportunity for us to really look at ourselves and what we're going to be doing in the future. So our relationship with the loss of pinata and is the most important relationship that we will have.
The second
type of manners or relationship that we have is with our own selves. And that is,
how do I treat myself? Well, you may ask, well, what does that mean? How do I treat myself? Well, you can do good for yourself and you can run yourself how would you do good for yourself, in doing things which will benefit you in this life and then hereafter, and things that will harm you are like mousey since this is something that a person will oppress themselves, they will wrong themselves, if they commit sins of the if they turn away from Allah subhanaw taala. So you treating yourself well, respecting yourself in the correct way is also a very important relationship that you need to know. And thirdly, is your relationship with your fellow Christian, your brothers, your
sisters, your family, whoever that you come in contact with? And that you see the example of our beloved Nabi sallallahu alayhi wa sallam and how he would interact with absolutely everybody. And the more you know about him, Elisa to salon you, the more you will recognize the importance of being a special person. The importance of
of being an individual who respects and understands other people. So these three relationships, the rights of Allah subhanaw taala, the manners that you have with Allah, with yourself and with others are encompassed in that one Hadith that I was going to mention in the beginning, which I will mention to you now. And that hadith is an advice that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam gave to my husband who Jebel and also narrated by a Buddha Radi Allahu Anhu that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, it took Allah hyphema Conte, they should fear Allah subhanaw taala wherever you are, and that is your relationship with Allah subhanaw taala your manners with Allah, that
whether with your family, or whether you're on your own, or whether you're in your workplace, that you fear Allah subhanaw taala at all times, that you will place between yourself and the punishment of Allah subhanaw taala barriers, you will place gaps between yourself from the punishment of Allah, Allah, Allah. And what is that? That is establishing, establishing Tao establishing worship in your life.
The second advice in that hadith
is to what we say, tell us a little Hasina.
That you should, if you commit a bad sin, if you commit any sin or you do wrongdoing, that you follow that up
with a good deed, and that imbiah By Allah's permission, by Allah's mercy, will erase that bad deed that you did. That is the relationship you have with your own self. But if you do a wrong deed you do something and as a slip or as a misfortune that you come in contact with that immediately that you will follow that with with a good deed. And thirdly, the final part of the hadith is wahala kanessa Harlequin Hassan is that you treat people with a good manner
that you display to people that Muslims have the best manners, whoever you come in contact with, with the Muslims themselves are non Muslims, that you have the best of attitudes you have the best of character.
So these three rights these three types of manners is something that we all need to focus on our mana with Allah subhanaw taala with ourselves and with our brothers and whoever we come in contact with. So may Allah subhanaw taala increase us in our relationship and improve our relationship with our without Rob May Allah subhanaw taala allow us to be from those that when we commit sins that we immediately returned to him in repentance. May Allah subhanaw taala increase us in our good manners to others, which is like a metalhead or Salaam Alaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh