Waseem Hendricks – The Heart Al Quraan Builds
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The transcript discusses various events occurring during the upcoming weekend, including virtual dinner, a Maghrib time, a Maghrib time, a Maghrib time, a Maghrib time, a Maghrib time, the birth of the first American woman, the birth of the first American woman, the birth of the first American woman, the birth of the first American woman, the birth of the first American woman, the birth of the first American woman, the birth of the first American woman, the birth of the first American woman, the birth of the first American woman, the birth of the first American woman, the birth of the first American woman, the birth of the first American woman, the birth of the first American woman, the birth of the first American woman, the birth of the first American woman, the birth of the first American woman, the birth of the first American woman, the birth of the first American woman, the birth of the first American woman, the birth of
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So the topic that I had shared as the topic that would feature is
surrounding the heart that Al Quran builds.
And whenever I have the opportunity like this and the
honor of sharing a Jumaa with a particular congregation for the
first time, then I choose to focus certain elements of that
discussion around certain unique, very well known, common traits of
the day of Juma, and particularly the occasion of Juma. So I want to
couch today's discussion Inshallah, around the two Sura of
Quran that are generally recited in the father of salatul Juma. Cuz
many a times, on a lighthearted note, as those who attend Juma,
you know, maybe you whisper to the brother next to you, does the Imam
not know any other suras because he recites the same Surat, same
two suras every week, but Subhanallah, this is a practice
that finds its origin in the teachings of none other than
habibu na Mustafa, Muhammad, sallAllahu, alayhi wa sallam.
So surah alah and Suratul rashiya. It's not because it's the only
Kara that the Imam practiced, you know, with Tajweed polished it so
he can recite it every week, so it's like the same and then, you
know, we go into this coming from work or coming from studies, we go
into this mode of where, all of a sudden, we in a trance, and we
almost fall asleep in Salah, because there's nothing new in the
KERA. So we hope today, Inshallah, we'll be able to unpack some of
these verses and then reference the two verses that I have shared
with you, subhanAllah at the beginning of this address, mela
Rahman Ibrahim in the first Raka, the Imam, generally practicing on
the Sunnah Muhammad Sallallahu, alayhi wa sallam,
would recite the opening verses of Suratul Allah, His reminding us
about the reason and the object for our creation.
Praise Allah, Subhanahu wa taala, the idea of tasbih sabih Isma,
Rabbi Kala, Allah, your Lord, who Allah, the Most High, Allahu,
Akbar. Now there's a unique nuance to these two Surahs in particular,
but also a unique nuance to the suar of Quran that are found in
the latter portion. And Inshallah, we'll explore that also in today's
discussion. So Allah subhanahu wa taala then speaks about who Allah
subhanahu wa taala is
a Levi Khala of asawa, the One who created everything, fasawa, and
then Allah subhanahu wa taala ordered it, made it equal in its
due proportion. So two very unique attributes of Allah subhanahu wa
taala, and if we had to unpack just these two, it's that reminder
on this occasion of Juma that is very unique and special, the Day
of Gathering for all the Minun and the mukminat, for all the
believers about who our Creator is, if we had to take from
elsewhere in Quran Wa ma khalaq, tuljin, Nawal in sa ilali, Ya Abu
Dun, Allah, Subhanahu wa taala, speaks to us that the reason for
our creation is nothing except exclusively for the worship of
Allah subhanahu wa taala, Allahi Hala
ka fahadah, and then Allah subhanahu wa taala says, and he is
the one who decreed everything fahadah, and Allah subhanahu wa
taala granted guidance. So now I want to reference the two verses
that I shared in the beginning.
When did this day of Jumaa start for each and every one of us?
Some would say at four in the morning. Any takers? Four in the
morning? Salatu, tahajjud, okay, a bit early in in Cape Town, right?
Maybe over later, 434, 45 still a good 45 minutes before the time of
Salah al Fajr, la Allah, no,
the day the 24 hours of Juma. As Allah speaks about and references
subtly in this verse commenced when
Mata Adan of Maghrib,
so Allah subhanahu wa in Quran says, Qul are a to mean ja Allahu
Alaikum. Layla sarma, then ILA Yom il Kiyama say, if you had to see,
and I'm paraphrasing the translation, because I know
there's many students and teachers of the Arabic language
in jaal, Allahu Alaikum, if Allah, Subhanahu wa Allah had to make the
entire 24 hours commencing with the night, such that the whole 24
hours was night, so there was no daylight hours. It was just night
hours. Man ilaholahim Belay,
who would.
A deity worthy of worship who would be able to bring you some
repose and some darkness and some cover taskun una fi where you
would be able to rest.
So Allah asked this question, if the entire 24 hours had to be
night, could there be any other one who would be able to bring you
and another ayah comes to mind, a falayata, the barunal Quran.
Do you not ponder on Quran? Walo Khan, I mean Indira, hilawa,
had it been from anyone other than Allah, Subhanahu wa taala, you
would have seen anarchy and turmoil Subhanallah in the world.
Now let's go back to the ayah. Allah says, then
afalam, will
you not listen attentively?
So when Allah speaks about night, Allah speaks about the sense of
hearing. Okay, let's explore the second eye, and we come back to
the first one. Then Allah says, Kula raitu, menjar, Allahu,
Alaikum, una harasser, Madan, ILAHA, mil Kiana, man Ilan Raul,
Lahiri kumbiriya.
Say, do you not see if Allah subhanahu wa had to make the
entire 24 hours day?
Who would they be? Who would be able to bring you some
Subhanallah, some repose? And when Allah subhanahu wa speaks about
day. Allah ends the ayah by saying, afala Will you
not. Then, see. So let's go with night. Allah speaks about night,
and Allah being the one who gives you some repose. And subhanAllah
at the end of the verse, Allah, SubhanAllah says, a falatamaun,
Will you not then listen,
if I had to ask the question,
is there some switch, lever, button
activator that you need to activate? Press engage on marim so
that automatically, your sense of hearing becomes more pronounced in
the evening. Hours. No but automatically, your sense of
hearing becomes more pronounced in the evening.
Now let's link that back to our topic, which is the heart that Al
Quran builds
when we look at the Sunnah of habibu, Namo, Safa, Muhammad,
sallAllahu, alayhi, wa sallam,
and we look at the teachings from the Sunnah surrounding which
verses of Quran we should give, give preference to reciting in
what we refer to as the jahari Salah, the salah where the Kira is
recited audibly, which would be what first one in the day,
not Fajr, Maghrib, Aisha, and Fajr,
then Subhanallah, we speak about from the latter portion of the
26th Jews of Quran.
And what's the unique features of these verses, they are short,
they are punchy and packed in meaning.
So let's take the first verse that we recite in Suratul,
glorify and praise Allah, the Most High so much of meaning in
Subhanallah, two words, sabhima, three words, four words, and this
is the unique feature of all of these verses. Okay, so we tying in
two things Muhammad SAW some encourage us. Encourages us read
from the portions of Quran in the latter portion of Quran during the
Salah, where the Kira is recited audibly, and the wisdom and the
hikma behind this is all the reminders of the entire subject
matter of Quran is packed Subhanallah in these Surah
anglicized plural, these Surahs that are found in the latter
portion of Quran, and then all of that from the latter portion of
Quran Subhanallah is condensed comprehensively in these two surah
of Quran that we recite in Jummah.
now the analytical mind in the audience should ask the question,
but you said, these are the salah that is recited audibly in the
Resha, Fajr, another unique anomaly, whether you live as a day
earner society where you conduct your business in the day and your
business doesn't just mean trade, right? And earning risk could be
studies, whatever you do.
Hustle in the day, or whether you live in a nocturnal society where
it's too hot to work and study in the day and you conduct your
affairs in the evening, there's a sense of calmness when it comes to
the dark hours. Hence, the sense of hearing becomes more
pronounced. So Allah has fashioned our anatomy to Subhanallah be in
consonance and synchrony with the teachings of habibuna, Mustafa,
Muhammad Sallallahu, alayhi wa sallam, so we can take out the
most physical, intellectual and spiritual benefit from plugging
into the Sunnah of Muhammad Sallallahu, alayhi wa sallam, but
we still haven't answered the question,
then, what about Juma? Because the KERA is the resulted recited
audibly. So this Subhanallah serves as a very
unique ibadah, the occasion of Juma. And similarly, the Sunnah
practice of reciting these two surah, Suratul Allah and Suratul
rashiya, extends to the salah of deed as well. Doesn't have to be
all the time, but it's something that's encouraged from the Sunnah.
So if your Imam doesn't read Suratul Allah and Surah Al rash,
you know, don't hold him to account, Imam, why didn't you
recite those two suvar?
So as we mentioned, the comprehensive nature of the entire
corpus of all the discussions found of Quran Subhanallah
contained in these two suar of Quran.
And by listening to this Qura audibly at the very unique
occasions, which is the Eid that we observe once a week, the read
of Juma, and naturally, then the more rare Eid, ridul fitr and Eid
Adha, we are reminded of the entire subject matter of the
Is this just about us and being from the ummah of habibu,
namustafa, Muhammad, sallAllahu, alayhi, wa sallam? No, we'll
answer that a little bit later when we come towards the end of
the surah. But we still have the second ayah that speaks about day,
right? If the entire 24 hours had to be day, then who would they be,
other than Allah subhanahu wa taala, who could grant you some
repose so that you may find rest. And in the ayah about day, ALLAH
SubhanA references the sense of sight.
So you would say, okay, in the day. Now we have what's called the
Siri salah, so the Kara is upsetted inaudibly. Duran asil,
what's then the benefit for us? We kind of answered the question
already. How did we answer the question? We said that the day
generally has more noise and more clutter and more hustle and
bustle, whether they earn a nocturnal society. So Allah
subhanahu wa, appreciating that the five, oh god of Salah, are a
chance and an opportunity for us to reconnect with Allah subhanahu
wa and reconnect with what we mentioned. WA, ma khalaqul, Jina
wa INSA ilali Ya abudun, that Allah has not created humankind in
Jinn Kain for nothing except the worship of Allah, Subhanahu wa
Allah. Subhanahu wa Allah wants us and presents us an opportunity in
our Salah to attain a sense of peace and tranquility and
Afala tub,
so yo, when Allah says, Do you not see? It's not only the literal
seeing, but generally we know, because the light is better in the
day hours, that the sense of sight is more pronounced in the day.
Yes, you can still see at night, but you rely more heavily on the
sense of hearing. Think about walking down a dark alley, okay?
The heart Al Quran builds. If we answered the question surrounding
when the hearts would be more attentive to Quran,
we said, in the evening or in the dark hours, magrib, Nisha, Fajr,
what does Allah subhanahu wa taala say towards the end of the third
quarter of the ages? Wa, Ida, Kuril, Quran situ. La, Allah, come
to ham and when Quran is recited, listen attentively.
La, Allah, come to hamun. You may be a recipient of the Mercy of
Allah subhanahu wa, how would you be a recipient of the Mercy of
Allah subhanahu wa, pondering and reflecting on these short, punchy
verses that come towards the latter portion of Quran from the
last quarter of the 26 Jews, all the way Subhanallah tal Suratul
NAS, which each and every One of us have memorized. So We answered
the question, knowing that we are coming to which month.
Don't say the name, but say how the month is described. We are
coming to the month of Quran. We answered the question concerning
when we are more attentive to Quran and then we look.
Look at the month of Ramadan and ask ourselves, what is the first
unique Ibadah that we conduct in the month of Ramadan?
What is the first unique Ibadah that we conduct in the month of
Salatu. Tarawih,
so before you passed your first fast. You observe Saratoga. If a
wants to hold conversation with Allah subhanahu wa, how would a
believer do this?
By making dua.
So conversation is two ways, right?
If a believer wants Allah to converse with them, him or her,
how would the believer do this
engagement with Quran? So change the mindset as we approach this
next Ramadan.
The Ramadan is synonymous with fasting, but the first unique
Ibadah that we embrace And subhanAllah partake in in the
month of Ramadan is an attachment to Al Quran.
What is unique about Ramadan? 1445,
I think I'll take the extra few minutes.
What is unique about Ramadan 1445,
particularly Subhanallah looking at our younger brothers and
I haven't scientifically checked the calendars and the almanacs of
most of the secondary and tertiary institutes, but when I spoke to
students at University last week, I told the young brothers and
sisters that this may be one of the very easy to grasp and attain
opportunities for brothers and sisters, either in school or
university, to observe what
because it falls smack bang
in the first quarter break.
What's the link with our discussion? So we observe salatu
torawi throughout the month of Ramadan. And Inshallah, one of the
goals that all of us set, young and old, studying or working
or retired,
is that this Ramadan, we will seek to day on day go through a
translation of the verses that will be recited in salatu, Torah,
your tilawa stays and must be there because of the reasons that
we've shared. But how can we go through a month of Ramadan, or our
entire lives when Allah has given us a living Constitution,
and we eventually return to Allah, Subhanahu wa without knowing what
that constitution contained. So let's set a goal for ourselves as
the take home action points today Subhanallah, that as we go through
the month of Ramadan, which each passing day, other than our
regular tilawa, will also read the translation in whichever language
Subhanallah we are most of a with, so that we understand a little bit
concerning what Allah subhanahu wa taala has kept in this
constitution, and Inshallah, Allah grant us a long life. With each
passing Ramadan, we understand more and more of what Allah
subhanahu wa has kept in Quran, coming back now to the young ones
and those of us who can free ourselves Subhanallah for this
month of Ramadan,
particularly for tikka,
what happens generally in our communities with regards to Quran
in the last 10 days of Ramadan? So
the whole Ramadan, there would maybe be a tarawih program, and in
the last 10 nights, there would maybe be a kya mule or Sabina
program. It's the idea of being able to ramp up that relationship
with Quran. What is the goal that we want to set for ourselves, in
terms of the heart that Al Quran builds in this conversation
between myself as mah Luke and creation and Allah, Subhanahu wa
Allah is creator al lahika fasawa, the second verse of Suratul Allah,
I want to be the one who, In this relationship of love
speaks the language of the one I love, Allah, Subhanahu wa taala. I
want my thoughts and my ideas and my discourse to be colored by the
verses of Quran. I want that when I have a conversation with my
friends and my family and my spouse and my children, there are
aspects and snippets of verses of Quran that I speak about, and that
can happen when we do what we set as a goal that we go through the
month of Ramadan reading a translation day on day of the
portion that will be recited in salatu, Torah. We, hey, the best
way is to read the translation before the Torah. We, right,
because you.
Human Nature, we fall behind. You won't get through the 30th juice,
because now, like on Reed day, you still have one juice to do. You
want to do it in Ramadan, so Inshallah, plan yourself properly
and Subhanallah, as we mentioned, for our young brothers and sisters
and those of us who can free ourselves towards the latter
portion of Ramadan, to observe Attika, if not sunnah, then to
observe nafale etikaf, so that we get this added connection with
Quran. Two or three minutes to round up is Ramadan, the
culmination of the period of spirituality in the history
calendar. Many of us think so. Why? Because of the DUA Muhammad
SAW some made at the beginning of Rajab, Allah, barren Afiya, Raja
Washa, Abba ir na Ramadan. Bless us in Rajab, in Shaaban, and grant
us deliverance unto the month of Ramadan. But actually Subhanallah,
it's more than that. Ramadan, as the month in which we condition
our hearts with Quran, is the springboard to another period of
added spirituality. When
we look at the verse of Quran that speaks about the number of the
months at 12, and the commentary on Subhanallah, these this
particular verse, and which are the months, and which are the
sacred months, minharba at home, then we come to a realization that
hold on Ramadan, it's not the climax of spirituality. It's a
springboard to an added period of spirituality, because immediately
after Ramadan, we come to what's regarded as the months of hajj,
shawl, Hijjah.
So many of us stop short at Ramadan,
and we lose the benefit of that being the springboard to an added
time and period of spirituality every year. When does the season
of added spirituality end?
Why is it that we count our months with Muharram being the first
month we go to a statement of Umar Radha Allah
when they were deciding on how we should sequence the telling of
time for Muslims. Then Umar radharan advanced the opinion that
we start the counting of the months from Muharram, because it
is the period when those who had been blessed with standing on
harapha would return home.
So Subhanallah, Raja Shah ban Ramadan Shawal, the Hijjah, and
then we kick off into a new year. Oh, my brothers and elders,
mothers and sisters with the time already I think over.
Let's encapsulate everything we spoke about in one verse of Quran,
which is part of the topic that Malala seem will be covering in
the high seminar this weekend,
the second verse of swatul and far
in Namal, minoona, Levina, either whom, or either to let him Aya To
who's a that whom, Imana wa Allah, be him. Yet our Kalu,
indeed, the believers are only those who, when mention is made of
Allah, Subhanahu wa taala, what happens to them?
The Heart Al Quran bills, what Jill at Kuru boom,
their hearts flutter,
or either to liat alayhim, Ayah, to whom zadat, whom Imana, and
when the verses of Allah subhanahu wa recited upon them, za that,
whom Imana, it grows their Imaan.
They have a sense of resolve and belief firmly that Allah is with
them in whichever condition they are made and subjected to,
WA Allah, Rabb, bihimya, Tawa Kalu, and they live as free
spirited human beings because they tawakkul and they ya clean, and
their conviction is on Allah subhanahu wa. We end with that
verse as a DUA and a well wish for each other, that may Allah
subhanahu wa make us those whose hearts flutter when mention is
made of Allah And subhanAllah, whose Iman grows when Quran is
recited, and we will grow our Imaan by subjecting ourselves to
as much Quran as possible in and out of the month of Ramadan. And
may Allah subhanahu wa taala grant us that the Wakulla keen and
conviction such that our reliance is only and solely on Allah
subhanahu wa taala. 28 seconds, a question not answered, is this
unique to the Sharia of Islam,
the last verses of Suratul Allah? It
connects us to the unbroken legacy of the galaxy of Ambia alahi
Am that these very comprehensive lessons that were found in Suratul
Allah and Suratul rashiya, and we didn't even touch on Suratul as
maybe another Jumah I'll be afforded, SubhanAllah suhai
Ibrahim or amusa, were found equally in the suhaf, in the books
and the scriptures of the great patriarch of tawhid, Ibrahim,
alaihi salam, as well as the one kalimullah Who spoke to Allah much
Musa alaihi salam, may Allah Subhanallah us to take out all the
gems from Quran so that our lives can be rich. May Quran become a
part of every day for each and every one of us, and may we be
fashioned nurtured Subhanallah by what Allah subhanahu wa taala has
kept in this strange trove, which we refer to as Quran Subhanallah,
Alaikum. Kumar,
Alhamdulillah, we say shukrandi to our honorable Malana, who is not a
stranger to us, as we know as you've listened to Malana. Now we
urge everyone Wallahi, this weekend is going to be a beautiful
weekend. We have a Hajj seminar, our annual Hajj seminar that, once
again, takes place here at Masjid tuba in sha Allah tal and if you
haven't registered to Allah, you're going to lose out. You've
heard Maulana speaking now, and we just want him to keep on speaking.
But unfortunately, you know, we are always
checking our time, because it's Jummah and everybody want to go
back to work, but not Allah, except inshallah. Everything that
Mala said, Malana is an alim, obviously, and also malas by
profession, a professional engineer, masha Allah. It shows us
what Islam does. Islam makes us flourish in different avenues. And
Malana beautifully used everything that he has in both, you know,
when he's conducts himself. Masha Allah, so well. And we've seen
now. And when Maulana is an engineer, somehow, you know, it
still comes out. So may Allah increase Mawlana, for his efforts
and his sacrifices in Mashallah. Mala really, you know, has
committed himself that he would come and he would do this,
workshops with us, the seminar with us, in order for us to to to
benefit much. And if I can tell you one thing, Malana is
exceptional when it comes to Hajj, and Malaya is a master, a mai you
know a Mahir
Salam, a master, right? He's an expert when it comes into the
field of of Hajj. Malana, every year encourage people to walk, do
the walking Hajj. So brothers, I know, you know SubhanAllah. Last
year. I know people that went they said, Yeah, Allah, Oh, Hajj. You
know, it was kilometers upon kilometers that they had to walk.
Manana will teach you how to walk SubhanAllah. May Allah preserve
him always Inshallah, and for the good work that he does, May He
keep on doing so in Allah, mean, so we have our Hajj seminar
weekends. This weekend. It starts tomorrow Inshallah, the second and
the third. You can still register. There is a few limited seeds
available inshallah. And then we have part two also, that will
happen on the 27th and the 28th of April, inshallah. For more
details, you can check the posters inshallah. And then secondly, we
have, this is actually Masha Allah. It's warm to my heart that
we have somebody from Germany, you know, masha Allah that is joining
us in Jumaa today. May Allah, bless him. Inshallah, as he has
family in Cape Town, he is just coming to observe our Jumaa today.
And this is what we need to encourage others. Juma is not a
place only for Muslims. Juma is for people to come observe, and
it's a means of Darwin. So Allah guides whose ever heart he does.
And we welcome our brother from Germany, and our elder from
Germany that came, masha Allah, and to observe our Jumah for
today, Allah, open the hearts. Amin ya RAla. Mean, then thirdly,
we have will to heal, raising funds of 1 million Rand for
completion of great and masjid, you know. So we have an amount of
20 cycles, cycles. Who would cycle, masha Allah, starting from
Masjid, lukuds up until great. And I think so they want to raise 1
million Rand. So if there's any way that we can support Inshallah,
this is for building a masjid. I don't need to say what the rewards
for that is. Inshallah, Allah builders or castles in Jannah, I
mean. But try to support there as well. Then we have our weekly
demonstration for Palestine immediately after Juma. I can't
stress enough that if we have, even if it is five minutes of your
time, even if it is 10 minutes or two minutes, go show that we
support we cannot stop this. We cannot stop talking about
Palestine. Inshallah, let us go out in the numbers just for five
minutes or 10 minutes, if we can inshaAllah to show our support for
Palestine and Allah grant victory to our brothers and sisters all
over the world who are in difficulty. Amin Alameen, and then
I went sister with that. You know, still we have 80 orphans, orphans.
Walayad. It saddens our heart when we speak about orphans. We must
rush. You know, I think it was 200 orphans. Alhamdulillah came down
now to 8080. Orphans.
No stationary. They are being still tormented and teased because
they don't have it's, you know, it, it saddens our heart who was
an orphan, Hamad Rasulullah, he loves the orphans. He wants to be
among the orphans. He wants to be resurrected amongst the orphans.
And we don't see to help and see to give aid, may Allah soften our
hearts that we can assist Inshallah, the banking details for
iWeb inshallah that is also available in Nila at the back. And
then we have our date sale here to support our masjid and our madrasa
inshallah that will be available immediately after Jumah. Please
support generously. Card payments are accepted inshallah. And then
exciting moments for tonight, we have hudamul Islam, the Kings, put
Damu Islam, machine group tonight at panorama. Maghrib time, if
you're anywhere else is a problem. Maghrib time, you must be it
Masjid. There's a dhikr that inshallah to Ramadan. It will
enhance our spirituality inshallah and our yearning for Ramadan to
come. So we urge everybody that's here come in the numbers
Inshallah, even if it means we must sit outside. We will sit
outside, but we will show and with one voice, we will do the Dhikr of
Allah, mentioning his name and sending the salutations on
Rasulullah, sallAllahu, sallam, may Allah accept Allah, if it's
Inshallah, Allah, bless You. Allah. Salaam, Alaikum,
ah Shang,
Namo hung Solar,
oh, You're an unfair
Ah Allah,
and cold for.
Allah, Muhammad, rasulallah,
Alhamdulillah, Alhamdulillah,
Allahu. Akbar, Allahu, Akbar, Allahu, Akbar,
Akbar, Allah
ah shadwan,
Namo Han mother, Rasulullah,
ashwan, namohan mother,
hayasana, hayana, SWANA,
hai alafana.
Ah Allah na
Alhamdulillah alhamdulillahi bin Abi irsal SallAllahu, alayhi
azalah tiba,
Washa Farah, whom in alibati, cool now arubila, him in A shantanur
rajim, fellow
King wa Inu la Quran
Kareem, fiki tabimak, noon, la Yama, suhu il mutahamun. A
Alhamdulillah, Alhamdulillah and fusina Maya dillahu, fala Mullah
wa maudul, falahadi, Allah wa shadu, Allah, ilaha illallahu, Wah
Shari, Kala wa shadu, anna muhammadan, abduhu wa Rasulullah.
Sayyida, Abu Asmaa, RadiAllahu, Allahu, anhuma wa Hamza, ashiwa,
asadur and humaj main Allahumma, filial, Abbas, oladihima, firatan
lo Hirota, Natalia, Zamba, Allah, Allah, hafiah, habi Lata, Kiana,
habaham, Fabbi Abu
Allah. Ramadan was Salim. Ramadan, Allana was Salim.
mutaka, Bala in Allah.
Allah Akbar,
Alhamdulillah mean or rahmanir, Rahim Maliki, umidin, Iya, Kana
bud iyaka, nareen, ihdina, surat al musta team, sir levinay,
La Levy. Hanakafa, one Levy. Order of ahada, one Levy. Allahu,
sanukri, OCA, fallaton sa
ILA, masha Allah
in jahara, ma yakhva,
Wanya, sirukali, Yusra, fadakil in fatika, Ra Sayed,
the karum ashkaa, a lady yaslan,
all in Allah suhof,
Allah Akbar, a
semi Allah.
Alhamdulillah, Rabbi Lamin, Rahmani, Rahim Mari Kiya, Medin,
ia ka Na budak Stein, mustaqim, surat al Lavin Ana,
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Wabu Ma,
in Allah, Sami, Allah,
man Hamida,
Allah A
as Alaikum, long
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has a
all masala, Muhammad wa ala Ali Al fala, Muhammad inabili UmI wa ala
Ali wa sallam. Tastima. Allah must merciful. We ask of you to accept
our observance of saratoma, make us conscientious on the observance
of each of the five, Sarawak, Ujamaa. Allah must merciful. Allow
us to use this month of Ramadan to be able to establish a firm
relationship with Quran. Allah must merciful. We ask of you to
condition our minds and our hearts by virtue of the recitation of
Quran and the listening to the recitation of Quran, Oh Allah,
with each passing day, allow us to understand more of what you have
kept in this treasure trove, which is Al Quran Allah must merciful.
We ask of you to grant us everything that habibu na Mustafa,
Muhammad, sallallahu alayhi wa sallam would have sought from you
on this occasion of Jummah and grant us protection and refuge in
all those aspects that habibu, namustafa, Muhammad, salallahu,
alayhi wa salamu sa sought protection in you from Allah must
merciful. We ask of you to grant us barakah and abundance in our
risk and sustenance, make it be halal and make it accrue to us
with ease, so that more of our time can be freed for your ibadah,
Is merciful. We ask of you to grant a shade on that day when
there will be no shade other than the shade of your throne, oh
Allah. And we ask of you to grant that our thirst be quenched from
the pond of quota, from the hands of habibu namustafa Muhammad
sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, on that day when there will be no
other source of quenching our thirst but from the pond of quota.
From the hands of habibu namustafa Muhammad Sallallahu sallam, Allah,
must merciful. We ask of you to make our last words be the
kalimala, ILAHA, illallah, Muhammad, Rasulullah, Oh Allah, we
ask of you to make it that we be granted admission into Jannatul
for those Oh Allah, so that we may be able to take benefit and bask
in all that you have prepared in store for us. Oh Allah, we know
that your promise is true, Oh Allah, and the promise of shaytaan
is false. Allow us to follow your way and the way, Oh Allah, that
will bring your pleasure. Allah, must merciful. We ask of you to
accept this dua of ours and every other dua that exists in the inner
recesses of our hearts. Allah, we ask of you to bless us with the
opportunity of being able to witness not just this Ramadan but
many more ramadans, Allah, and we ask of you to crown us with
acceptance in the month of Ramadan, Oh Allah, we ask of you
to envelop us in your special Rahma and mercy and keep us and
our loved ones in the entire ummah of habibu na Mustafa, Muhammad,
sallAllahu, alayhi wa sallam in the state of Afiya, Allah must
merciful. We would be doing a disservice to ourselves if we do
not remember our brothers and sisters who are oppressed and
disenfranchised in many parts of the world, Oh Allah, we ask of you
with the coming of Ramadan, Allah, you ease their conditions. Allah
must merciful. We ask of you to grant us the great victory that we
are looking forward to in the land of the ambiya, alayhi wa salam.
Oh. Many of us are the adherents of the madhhab of Imam Shafi,
Rahima, Allah, Oh Allah. This is the birthplace of our Imam, Allah,
must merciful, allow us to be those who serve as the vanguard of
raising the flag of masturbal Aksa, and allow us the opportunity
of being able to enter mast Al Aqsa in our lifetimes, when it is
free and it is in the cast in the custodianship of the ummah of
habibu, namustafa, Muhammad, sallAllahu, alayhi wa sallam.
Allah accept us to half hours and every other dua that we will make
in the dead of the night, Oh Allah, and at times of need, Allah
must merciful by virtue of the very old in our midst and our
Jamaican congregation, in the virtue of the young and sinless in
our congregation, look upon us with your special mercy and accept
us to half hours Subhana. Rabbika, Rabbi Amma sifuen, Alhamdulillah,