Waseem Hendricks – JumuAh Khutbah 20 December 2024

AI: Summary ©
The transcript describes a woman named Callie who found a treasure in a hot spring and eventually paved a way for a woman to live in a hot spring. The segment discusses the importance of staying relaxed and not giving up on one's beliefs, the endurance pain of death, and the importance of practicing the Mahabharata and not judge anyone who dies. The segment ends with a brief advertisement for a holiday promotion.
AI: Summary ©
I seek refuge with Allah from the accursed
In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious,
the Most Merciful.
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don't know, I don So they refused to
add water to it, so he found in
it rocks that he wanted to dig up
and he built it.
He said, if you will, we will take
a reward for it.
He said, this is a partnership between me
and you.
I will inform you of the completion of
what you could not be patient with me.
As for the ship, it was for poor
people who worked in the sea, so I
wanted to spoil it.
And there was a king behind them, who
took every ship by force.
And as for the boy, his father was
a believer, so we feared that he would
bring them together in transgression and disbelief.
So we desired that their Lord should replace
him with someone better than him, quiet and
closer to mercy.
And as for the dispute, it was for
two orphans in Medina.
And under them was a treasure for them,
and their father was righteous.
So your Lord said, let him reach maturity
and take out a treasure of mercy from
his Lord.
And I did not do it on my
That is the completion of what you could
not be patient with me.
And they ask you about Dhul-Qarnayn.
Say, I will recite to you from him
a dhikr.
Indeed, We established for him on the earth,
and We gave him a means of everything.
So he paved a way.
Until, when he reached the sunset, he found
his home in a hot spring, and he
found with it a people.
Say, O Dhul-Qarnayn, either punish them or
do good to them.
He said, as for the wrongdoer, we will
punish him, then he will be returned to
his Lord.
He said, as for the wrongdoer, we will
punish him, then he will be returned to
his Lord.
* will be their reward of their disbelief.
And they took My verses and My messengers
as a mockery.
And they took My verses and My messengers
as a mockery.
Those who followed and worked good deeds will
have Gardens of Paradise for accommodation They will
live in it, without fear of being transformed.
Say, if the sea were a Chunk of
My Lord's Words Shall we leave before My
Words leave?
wa laa yushriq bimithlihi madadah kul innamaa ana
basharun mithlukum yuhaa ilayya anamaa ilawukum ilahu wahidaa
fa man kaana yarjuu niqaa rabbihi fal ya'mal
a'malan saalihaa fal ya'mal a'malan saalihaa wa laa
yushriq bimithlihi madadah Bismillah ar-Rahman ar-Raheem
yusabbihu lillahi maa fi al-samawati wa maa
fi al-ardi al-maliki al-quddusi al
-Aziz al-Hakeem huwa alladhi ba'atha fil
-ummiyyina rasoolan minhum yasluu alayhim aayatihi wa yuzakkihim
wa yu'allimuhum al-kitabu la hikmata wa
in kanu min qablu la fi dalalim mubeen
wa akhadeena minhum lammaa yalhaku bihim wa huwa
al-Aziz al-Hakeem thalika fadlullahi yu'ti man
yashaa wa allahu dhul fadlil azeem mathalu alladhina
hummilu al-tawrata thumma lam yahmiluhaa kamathali al
-himari yahmilu asfaraa bi'sa mathalu al-qawmi alladhina
kadhdabu bi-aayati Allah wa allahu la yahdi
al-qawmi al-dhalimeen qul ya ayyuhalladhina hadu
in sa'amtum annakum awliya ulillahi min doonin
nasi fatamannahu al-mawta in kuntum sadiqeen wa
la yatamannahu abadan bimaa qaddamat aydihim wa allahu
alimum bil-dhalimeen qul inna al-mawta alladhi
tafirruna minhu fa innahu mulaqeekum thumma turadduna ila
alim al-ghaybi wa al-shahadati fa inabbiukum
bimaa kuntum ta'amalun ya ayyuhalladhina amanu idha
noodiya lil-salati mi yawmi l-jum'ati
fas'au ila dhikri Allahi wadharu al-bay'
thalikum khayrun lakum in kuntum ta'alamun fa
idha qudyati as-salatu fantashiru fil-ard wa
abdaghu min fadli Allahi wadhkuru Allahi kathiran la
'allakum tuflihun wa idha ra'u tijaratan au
lahwanin faddu ilaiha wa taraku ka qa'ima
kul maa inda Allahi khayrun min al-lahwi
wa min al-tijarah wa Allahu khayrun raziqeen
sadaqallahul azeem ya
rabbi salli alayhi wa sallim Allah salli ala
muhammad ya rabbi salli alayhi wa sallim Allah
salli ala muhammad ya rabbi salli alayhi wa
sallim Allah salli ala muhammad ya rabbi salli
alayhi wa sallim Allah salli alayhi wa sallim
Allah ya rabbi ballighul wasila Allahumma salli ala
muhammad ya rabbi aati al-fadila Allahumma salli
ala muhammad ya rabbi warada alihi sahaba Allahumma
salli ala muhammad ya rabbi warada alihi al
-qaraba Allahumma salli ala muhammad ya rabbi warada
alihi sulala Allahumma salli ala muhammad ya rabbi
warada alihi al-imma Allahumma salli ala muhammad
ya rabbi warada alihi al-mashayikh Allahumma salli
ala muhammad ya rabbi salli alayhi wa sallim
Allahumma salli ala muhammad ya rabbi salli alayhi
wa sallim Allahumma salli ala muhammad ya rabbi
salli alayhi wa sallim Allahumma salli ala muhammad
ya rabbi salli alayhi wa sallim Allahumma salli
wa sallim wa barik alayhi wa ala alihi
sallallahu alayhi wa ala alihi alhamdulillah alhamdulillahi nahmaduhu
wa nastaeenuhu wa nastahdeeh wa nu'minu bihi wa
natawakkalu alayhi wa na'udhu billahi min shururi
anfusina wa min sayyi'ati a'malina man yahdihi
allahu fala mudhilla lah wa man yudlilhu fala
haadiya lah wa nashahadu an la ilaha illallah
wahdahu la sharika lah wa nashahadu anna sayyidana
wa nabiyana wa habibana wa shafi'ana wa
sanadina wa maulana muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa ala
alihi wa sahbihi ajma'een amma ba'ad
rabbi shrahli sadri wa yassir li amri wahlul
uqdatan min lisani yafqahu qawli subhanaka la ilma
lana illa ma'allamtana innaka anta al'alimul
hakeem I greet everyone with the most beautiful
greeting the greeting of Islam as well as
the greeting of Jannah assalamu alaykum wa rahmatullahi
ta'ala wa barakatuh alhamdulillah thumma alhamdulillah all
thanks and praises are due to the almighty
Allah ta'ala the lord of the worlds
the lord of all creation what we are
aware about and what we are unaware about
Allah ta'ala is the one that is
the most exalted and the most praised and
we acknowledge that we are the weaklings we
are just but the creation of Allah ta
'ala who tries to strive in order to
inshallah ta'ala live according to what Allah
ta'ala desires from us we are that
creation that has been favoured and we send
our choices and salutations upon our illustrious master
Sayyiduna wa Mawlana Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa ala
alihi wa sahbihi wa sallim one that has
been sent as Allah ta'ala testifying and
alert us in the holy Quran that wa
ma arsalnaka illa rahmatan lil'alameen that he
sallallahu alayhi wa sallam indeed he was sent
as a mercy to the worlds and this
once again prove to us not only us
as the human race but mercy to the
worlds it goes beyond our understanding and Allah
ta'ala mentions also in the Quran that
we might think that we praise Allah ta
'ala and that exalts him and it venerates
him jalla jalalu fi'ula but Allah ta
'ala clearly mentions to us that they are
those who make the adhkar and glorifying the
great being jalla jalalu fi'ula but we
cannot fathom and understand an example for us
is every leaf on every tree makes the
dhikr of Allah every sand grain in the
huge deserts that we find makes the dhikr
of Allah every plant every droplet of water
do we still think Allah needs our praise?
we are but as Allah ta'ala reminds
us that I've created you only to worship
me but how did I create you?
I've created you weak but through that weakness
Allah ta'ala mentioned to us that he
loves his creation jalla jalalu fi'ula Allah
ta'ala loves us why does Allah love
what is the testimony for that?
that Allah sends anbiya to come and teach
us about his greatness jalla jalalu fi'ula
and that is why we follow him sallallahu
alayhi wasallam we try to emulate him Allah
ta'ala says that if you love Allah
ta'ala then follow Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wasallam
follow him in every aspect whatever he sallallahu
alayhi wasallam came with and he brought forth
take it make it your own own it
live according to it who is he?
he is Habibul Mustafa sallallahu alayhi wasallam he
is the beloved of Allah he is the
chosen one al-Mujtaba he is the one
that Allah ta'ala handpicked and Allah made
him the greatest of Allah's creation jalla jalalu
fi'ula there is no one that can
claim that they are more pious than Rasulullah
sallallahu alayhi wasallam subhanallah we don't understand what
gift Allah has gifted us us sitting here
today can proudly say that we are among
the Ummah of Muhammadur Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wasallam
what a gift that is Anbiya that came
prior to him sallallahu alayhi wasallam Anbiya as
great as Musa alayhi sallallahu alayhi wasallam as
great as Abul Bashar the father of creation
requested and begged Allah ta'ala to be
a part of this Ummah Allah did not
afford them that but Allah gave it to
us we are carrying that heavy title on
our shoulders that responsibility of being an Ummati
of Muhammadur Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wasallam how are
we presenting him sallallahu alayhi wasallam are we
the Rasul min Rasulillah are we the messenger
of the messenger of Allah do we have
the same Raghbah the same eagerness that he
had do we have the same concern the
same Himmah we show importance the way he
showed importance he wanted every single human being
to be successful sallallahu alayhi wasallam he slept
at night his wife explains his sleep that
when he sallallahu alayhi wasallam slept his chest
will go up and it will go down
and it will sound like a boiling kettle
out of concern for his Ummah how do
we sleep our sleep became a luxury where
the sleep of a believer should be energizing
him to worship his Lord Allah but we
sleep and it's competition who can sleep the
longest Allah forgive us sleep is to energize
us waking up fresh we had sufficient sleep
now I can worship Allah greater that is
sleep how do we eat Allahumma salli alayhi
wa sallim Cape Town known for their Gatsby's
nobody says don't eat a Gatsby but Ya
Rabb I've got 7 people in my family
7 Gatsby's Allahu Akbar this is not why
we eat we eat to give nutrients and
nutrition to the body so that we can
be focused more to worship our Lord Allah
better Ramadan is coming Buka time Allah scanning
the table and showing with the eyes to
the others that one is mine Allahu Akbar
but not the one when I say one
I mean the entire platter is mine the
samosa one is mine you can have the
pies and the pancakes Subhanallah Jamaatul Muslimin we
eat to energize that's why our taraweeh is
very difficult the brothers come and stand and
then we moan the hufadh read too long
but they still read a quarter one and
a quarter the night but because my belly
Subhanallah was full of samosas and I had
a few pies also after that and then
I stand so I'm not energized I'm over
energized, so energized that it makes me weak
and tired that I want to sleep and
then the imam get hiding ayy hufadh read
too long Subhanallah no but that would take
five days to finish it the 16th night
is only one juice tonight Allahu Akbar Allah
grant us understanding Jamaatul Muslimin and that is
why we come at this time of the
year, every year and we need to Subhanallah
take stock how was this year is it
just another ending of another Gregorian year and
we're just going to go with the flow
why now, it's festive it's relaxation you know
we need to calm our minds and well
deserved well deserved, rest but are we going
to rest the way that the kuffar rest
those who are not aware of Allah Ta
'ala, who doesn't possess taqwa whole year we
build up to this striving to live a
righteous life challenges came, but we stood we
strived or we strove and we achieved, mashallah
and now Allahu Akbar and you see if
you overwork, then what happens I'm done I'm
done but a believer just becomes stronger a
believer strove and wajada now he finds that
Allahu Akbar, I'm looking at this ni'mah, this
bounty of Allah that gave us utlah, he
gives us a vacation, a holiday now now,
I don't have the stresses of work I
don't have the stresses of finance I don't
have the stresses of seeing that the books
need to, you know, nothing like that I'm
taking a break, what does it mean, taking
a break for myself first, why?
just that the haqq, the Prophet shallallahu alaihi
wasallam said that your body has a haqq
over you so relax, but how do we
relax now when I sit in salah I
don't need to think about my work I
don't need to think about finance, I don't
need to think about nothing I'm spending time
with my loved ones, they are around me
our talks is going to become talks of
reality look at the gifts that Allah has
gifted us look how we are sitting around
the table and mashallah we have food are
we not going to be grateful ayy alaa,
irabbikum matu kadhiban, ya ahli al habiba oh
my beloved family look at this bounties Allah
has gifted us, what does that mean we
are remembering Allah reminding ourselves constantly of Allah
more why?
we realize who we are this is the
life of a believer we should always be
relaxed even under the stresses of the wealth
and under the stresses of the work now
Allah gives us an opportunity to unwind and
make ourselves realize that whether I'm in this
state or whether I'm in that state at
work where things are going crazy Allah is
always with us Allah is never ever away
from us Allah will never forsake us Allah
will never forsake you Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wasallam
Allah will never forsake our nabi Allah will
never forsake us as his ummah realization upon
realization it's a time when we are going
to take stock of ourselves before it's going
to be taken for us Allahu Akbar, what
a year 2024, what a year and they
say look at this we're living in a
world where there's predictions they predict 2025 is
going to be even worse they predict subhanallah
that it's going to be so bad that
they advise all of us that we must
have a beautiful holiday and relax relax so
much because you're going to need that energy
next year Allahu Akbar maada, what is this
what is this jamaatul muslim and now we're
going to relax why, because we heard those
forecasts of those who don't know us and
we don't know them but we want to
follow them and then we're going to relax
so much that our taqwa goes out of
the window I need to relax so Fajr
is very early so early now I think
I'm going to make Fajr when I wake
up I'm on holiday, relax guys family, don't
worry when we wake up inshallah even if
the sun is up, Allah is ghafoorur raheem
we love that word, ghafoorur raheem Allah, Allah,
Allah Allah Ta'ala gives us a command
you are instructed, it's been instructed for you,
decreed that you must make your salah on
time leave alone when you're on holiday in
a relaxed mode, even when you work, you
must make it on time ajeeb and we
are going to let this go, inshallah whole
year shame, my son is learning to become
a hafidh of the Quran whole year he
bachat so right my boy, one month of
holiday means just don't bachat you can bachat
when you go back to school ya, Allah
min maulana said next year I say what
because now that child's door is finished no
more door, now he must start all over
now the family say, what is maulana doing
he's not teaching our child properly Allahu Akbar
may Allah Ta'ala grant us understanding this
is a time that we increase, we, a
Muslim don't decrease say yo man, two days
in a believer's life can never be the
same, if so for whom, a boon he
will be a loser Rasulullah Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam
says, that if two days of a believer
is the same, then he's a loser at
least one thing everyday we need to increase
upon and that's why we say, take it
in your stride don't now, after this Jummah
say, ey maulana ta'ala said with Quran
bachat I'm bachat 10 juz a day the
first three days, Allahu Akbar mannit khatam kha
bachat after the three days he said khatam
kha bachat, inshallah it's done Rasulullah Sallallahu Alaihi
Wasallam says even if it's a small little,
don't overburden yourself Allah takes note of everything
that we do this is the end of
the year the beginning of the year what
did we say so every action of a
believer will be judged according to their intention
we made intention upon intention and may Allah
allow us that we fulfill those intentions and
accept it from us and grant us the
reward and the ajr for that inshallah but
we are coming to the end, you know
how beautiful in the Quran Allah says, khitamuhu
misk that the ending is the most fragrance
for a believer what is our ending our
ending is la ilaha illallah muhammad rasulullah and
if that ending is la ilaha illallah muhammad
rasulullah then we are jannatis you start smelling
the fragrance of jannah that makes everything easy
the last words on your lips jamaatul muslimeen
ashraful makhluqat gives us example even up until
the moment of death wallahi just by reading
and studying the death of muhammad sallallahu alayhi
wa sallam you will not be able to
keep your emotions but to cry imagine at
that moment coming to sakarat at the time
of sakarat he asked Allah, ya rab is
this the pain that my ummah must endure
at the time of death how Allah take
it away from them and give all of
the pain that me endured for them, i
don't want them to endure this burden and
this heavy pangs of death is it so
much our nabi was ma'sum he had no
sin Allah forgave him for his previous sins
and Allah forgave him for any future errors
that may occur in his life, he is
ma'sum but he felt the pangs of death
and he felt it appropriate to think about
you and I who today discard him we
don't listen to his sunnah we don't follow
his sunnah leave alone him, he is calling
us to Allah we breaking the laws of
Allah and we think nothing of it, he
thinks of us who think like that and
say oh Allah don't punish them don't give
them pains like this let me endure it
on their behalf is this not someone that
loves you he loves you so much that
he wants to endure all your pain all
the pain of every human being because everyone
from when the time that he was sinned
is of his ummah he wants to endure
that pain, Allah did not accept that كل
نفس ذائقة الموت every soul will taste death
Ya Rabb how much sins do we have
to be ma'sum and to go through that
pangs where he could not bear it we
heard about his perspiration, Aisha r.a explained
so beautifully the death of our Nabi, our
beloved and at such a time he reminds
us about his lifestyle she looked at him
and what did he gaze upon his eyes
fell on something very small that we take
it today we take it very small, what
is this a miswak his eyes fell onto
the miswak and his wife Aisha his beloved
wife Aisha she looked at him and she
asked him are you yearning to make siwak
and he nodded his head and he said
in the affirmative yes, what did she do,
she took an opportunity she took his siwak
and she first did her mouth mixing her
saliva with this is love love for her
husband and love for Rasulullah and then she
puts it in his mouth and then she
made siwak for him sallallahu alayhi wa sallam
and he was extremely happy a sunnah that
we are discarding today a sunnah that he
sallallahu alayhi wa sallam says that if you
make salah your salah will be multiplied by
70 times making the siwak before making salah,
we don't make siwak we don't use the
siwak wudu your ajr will be multiplied every
action, Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam never started
speaking before making siwak he did not enter
his house before making siwak the miswak which
he sallallahu alayhi wa sallam spoke about and
he said, he became scared of using the
siwak so much because he has seen Jibreel
coming to him often and he actually stopped
doing it for a while and then started
doing it again, why?
because he was scared that the ummah will
be burdened with a fard he loved siwak
so much but he understood that Jibreel is
coming so much to me, I'm scared that
if I'm going to continue with this it's
going to be made fard on my ummah
to do this then he rather stopped with
it and today it's a proof such a
great sunnah how many of us use siwak?
Allahu Akbar some people will say, this is
outdated we don't need to use a miswak
anymore we use toothbrush Allahumma salli alayh anything
that our Nabi did, how can we even
think that that is outdated that is divine
inspiration from Allah and today strangely they find
the one using the siwak there are so
many benefits in the siwak it's healing purposes
eyesight, intelligence increase, they only find this out
now 1446 years ago our Nabi used the
siwak and what did the Rasul say?
be careful for the intelligence of a believer
siwak battles were stopped because of a miswak
it's just a sunnah, isn't it?
that's how we speak today, sahaba died for
that sunnah Allahu Akbar it's the end of
the year, jamaatul muslimeen our actions, yes it's
judged according to our intentions but he sallallahu
alayhi wa sallam emphasised also by saying very
and surely your actions will be judged according
to how you end it this is the
end of 2024 we can still do and
we can still achieve and strive to achieve
what we needed if we don't, alhamdulillah we
tried there's misk there's a beautiful fragrance in
this ending the sahaba understood this Allahu Akbar
jamaatul muslimeen we are the ummah of the
greatest of mankind up until his last like
I said we will cry when we hear
about the ending of Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa
sallam first of all his worry and concern
was his ummah the pains of his ummah
he shout ummati, ummati, ummati worried
and concerned about you and I he asked
about Usama bin Zaid who was a young
man mandated by Ashraful Makhluqat sallallahu alayhi wa
sallam to go to Al-Aqsa Rasul sallallahu
alayhi wa sallam was conscious and he would
ask about Usama, where is the army of
Usama did they leave Madina and he would
go unconscious and he would become conscious again
he would say where is the army of
Usama did they deploy already did they leave
for Al-Aqsa concerned for our brothers and
sisters in Al-Aqsa how many of us
daily think about our brothers and sisters of
Al-Aqsa, now expanded to Syria, expanded to
Lebanon, la ilaha illallah the Muslim ummah is
undergoing so much battle now Alhamdulillah Alhamdulillah a
sunnah of our Nabi once again in our
life it's here what are we doing our
Nabi stood up at night and cried are
we energized enough through our eating and through
our sleeping that we can stand up early
in the mornings and cry like Rasul sallallahu
alayhi wa sallam cried but his concern was
just you and I, all of us he
asked Allah very nicely Allah should not punish
us, but we are subhanallah in a state
of slumber that we cannot get ourselves out
of what is in front of us gharar,
deceit deceiving the dunya is here and they're
giving us the dunya on a silver golden
platter mashallah if you do this for me
mashallah, we're selling our souls we don't care
what happens to our brothers and our sisters
Allah forgive us we're intoxicated by dunya that
we forget about akhira walal akhira tu khairul
laka minal ula the akhira is better for
us there's nothing better for a believer than
the akhira who are we going to meet?
rabbul izzati wal jalal our lord Allah the
most exalted, the most great Allah we are
striving to be in the presence of our
lord is that the major intention still in
our lives?
and man ahabba liqaa Allah whoever loves to
meet Allah ahabballahu liqaa Allah loves to meet
that person are we ready?
who is ready to say la ilaha illallah
muhammad rasulallah salallahu alayhi wa sallam and close
their eyes and meet their lord Allah that
is what we must strive for ruh al
ruhi the one that's granddaughter was martyred in
al aqsa he was martyred a few days
ago la ilaha illallah look at the man's
face they bombed him but the smile on
the man's face allahu akbar how many people
did you see dying with a smile on
their face wallahi look at it they captured
the moment the man is so happy to
meet his rab Allah how are you and
what is our connection with Allah what is
our connection with our nabi are we ready
this is the end of the year they
call it the crazy season festive season look
after your families, look after your wives wives
look after your husbands, look after your children,
especially our daughters don't sell them, don't sell
their souls for the gharrar out there tell
them cover yourself be a muslim and a
mu'min present yourself well you present Allah and
his messengers you present your father and your
teachers don't be a disgrace out there don't
bring disgrace on the doors of Muhammad sallallahu
alayhi wa sallam don't bring disgrace to your
parents don't bring disgrace to your teachers do
the right thing wallahi our children are facing
and they call it today peer pressure subhanallah
we, we are the ones that must embark
on the journey with peer pressure, they must
feel out if they see us covered properly
today our children feel out because they are
covered properly, what is this la ilaha illallah
Muhammad rasulullah, that's sufficient for us, sallallahu alayhi
wa sallam says la ilaha illallah if you
say la ilaha illallah you will be successful
what are we teaching us, what is our
children today, what is success the accolades the
accolades come from a being that has granted
you the opportunity to gain the accolade, that
is Allah who gave you that make shukr
to your Rabb Allah for that, and use
that accolade for the benefit of humanity teach
our children this concept everything you do is
for the sake of Allah la ilaha illallah
that's why Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam gave
us advice, he said constantly renew your faith
with la ilaha illallah and Allah says la
ilaha illallah la ilaha illallah the best dhikr
for us to make the most virtuous of
dhikr is the dhikr of la ilaha illallah
which today it's very difficult for the ummah
to even read la ilaha illallah how easy
Allah makes it for the ummah that evens
when the person lays on his deathbed the
only clause that you say that mouth and
tongue doesn't need to move is what nobody
can see you can try it they say
la ilaha illallah, mouth, your lips don't need
to move your lips can be dead still
la ilaha illallah, that's why Allah tells us
don't judge anyone who dies because he might
have said la ilaha illallah, and now today
we can practice it, it's proven you say
la ilaha illallah, your lips didn't move that
doesn't mean I didn't say la ilaha illallah,
you don't know I don't know, Allah knows
alone, so don't judge no one but today
we are judges we don't even have the
accolades of a judge Allah is the judge,
the ultimate judge let Allah be the judge
of who's going to jannah and jahannam don't
ask be the one sending people off to
jannah and jahannam, let us be people who
will call people to jannah call people to
the path of jannah by living a righteous
life inshallah, so this is the time of
taking stock, and inshallah have new aspirations for
the new year to come it's not our
new year, but we're living in a western
country January to December is our life although
we understand Ramadan is around the corner we
understand that our Islamic calendar holds much more
value to us than this Gregorian calendar but
we live and we don't want to live
like the kuffar, so we use these dates
to remind us this is not our festive,
our festive is when we say Allahu Akbar
Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar la ilaha illallah la
ilaha illallah Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar wa lillahi
alhamd that is our festive that is the
day that Allah gives us the day of
Eid al-Fitr and Eid al-Adha there
we are going go boss who's got boss
of Eid who's trek was the best and
clear and we spend, we don't care although
in the boundaries of Sharia we do that
it's a cheat day Eid day both and
Eid al-Adha subhanallah it's our day of
celebration but after that mashallah, now we're ready
rejuvenated, Allah has gifted us let us give
back inshallah may Allah accept and protect us
through these crazy times Allah allow us to
be the people of Iman, the true people
of Iman true followers of Muhammad sallallahu alaihi
wa sallam we make intention, ya Allah we're
going to change our lives for the better
inshallah Allah will grant us to become the
greatest of our time why?
because we are striving ya Rabb, for Your
pleasure and may Allah allow us to be
the same as Allah calls the Sahaba radiyallahu
anhum inshallah, we will also receive the title
from Allah may Allah bless inshallah this one
dua we have today is almost the entire
panorama is in Mecca mashallah Allah really blessed
and many of the people of Cape Town
is in Mecca and they are still living,
there are few families the Parker family, specifically
Salim Parker, his wife Bilqis and his children
they are leaving, his father-in-law Qayyum
is already gone, many of our family members
some has returned already, Farukh Shakilbhai, mashallah we
ask Allah to grant them umrah magbul and
mabroorah Allah is so merciful to us Allah
still take us to His holy lands you
know we go fetch that nur and they
bring that nur back to us mashallah may
Allah grant those who are leaving soon inshallah
may Allah grant them salamat jali to the
holy lands, forgive them all their sins, ya
Allah, accept their umrah why some of them
are going for the second time you are
the one that explains that between the two
umrahs there is kaffaratun lahum, ya Allah forgive
them all their shortcomings increase them in their
taqwa and their iman ya Allah, every dua
that they make, accept it from them and
inshallah some of us, we have intention for
hajj may Allah allow us soon to stand
in front of baytullah for hajj for those
who have been, may Allah take them again
and for those, inshallah, who yearns, may Allah
take them soon ameen, barakallahu feekum, may Allah
bless you all inshallah, have a beautiful, beautiful
and I say, not holy days holy days
we make our holy days, holy days we
are always different than the kuffar, we are
different than them we are on another level
and we must acknowledge that we are on
another level, we have iman we cannot be
the same like that can we be the
same like the person that don't have iman,
impossible so we don't have holy days, a
muslim don't have holy days we have holy
days, in those holy days mashallah, we improve
ourselves we become better slaves of Allah jazakumullahu
khairan wa aakhiru da'wana wumla alhamdulillahi rabbil
a'lam wa salamu alaikum wa rahmatullahi ta
'ala wa barakatuh immediately after juma inshallah palestine
still on the card, we will never stop
speaking about gaza, palestine, syria inshallah, may Allah
allow us 5 minutes of our time, 2
minutes of our time let us join inshallah,
immediately after juma on the corner of platter
clove jazakumullahu khairan wa salam wa rahmatullahi wa
barakatuh Allah
is the Greatest, Allah is the Greatest.
There is no god but Allah.
is the Greatest, Allah is the Greatest.
Indeed Allah and the angels send blessings upon
the Prophet.
O you who have believed, send blessings upon
him and send peace upon him.
Allah is the Greatest, Allah is the Greatest.
I bear witness that there is no god
but Allah.
I bear witness that Muhammad is the Messenger
of Allah.
I bear witness that Muhammad is the Messenger
of Allah.
Allah is the Greatest, Allah is the Greatest.
There is no god but Allah.
I bear witness that there is no god
but Allah.
In the name of Allah, the Beneficent, the
By the morning and by the night, when
it is quiet.
Your Lord has not left you, nor has
He said, And the Hereafter is better for
you than the first.
Allah is the Greatest, Allah is the Greatest.
He said, peace and blessings be upon him,
witness that there is no god but Allah.
Allahumma a'izz al-Islam wa'l-Muslimin.
Allahumma a'izz al-Islam wa'l-Muslimin.
Allahumma ansur man nasra dina Muhammadin salallahu alayhi
wa sallam wa ja'alna minhum wa khthulman
khadhala dina Muhammadin salallahu alayhi wa sallam wa
la taj'alna minhum wa la ma'ahum.
Rabbana zalamna anfusana wa in lam taghfir lana
wa tarhamna lanakunanna minal khasireen.
Rabbana afriq alayna sabaran wa thabbit aqadamana wa
ansurna ala alqawmi alkafireen.
Allahumma munzil al-kitab.
Sari' al-hisab.
Ihzim al-ahzab.
Allahumma arzuqana salatan fil masjid al-aqsa wa
huwa hurrun aziz.
Allahumma ja'al umratahum umratan maqboola.
Wa sa'yahum sa'yan mashkoora.
Wa dhanbahum dhanban maghfoora.
Wa amalahum amalan salihan maqboola.
Wa tijaratan tijaratan lantaboor.
Ya noor al-noor.
Ya alim ma fi al-sudoor.
Akhrijna ya Allah.
Wa iyahum minal zulumati ilal noor.
Rabbana atina fil dunya hasana.
Wa fil akhira hasana.
Tawqina azab al-naar.
Inna Allah ya'muru bil-adli wal-ikhsan.
Wa ita'idhi al-qurba.
Wa yanha'a al-fahsha'i wal-munkari
Ya'idhukum la'allakum tazakkarun.
Fazkuruni adhkurkum.
Washkuruli wa la takfurun.
Qumu ila salatikum rahimakumullah.
La ilaha
illa Allah.
Allahu Akbar.
Allahu Akbar.
Allahu Akbar.
As-salamu alaykum wa rahmatullah.
Astaghfirullah al-Azeem.
At-tawabur raheem.
Alladhi la ilaha illa huwa alhayru qayyum.
Wa natubu ilayh.
Nas'aluka tawbata wa maghfira wa hidayata lana.
Inna huwa at-tawabur raheem.